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Unit 2-1 listening退休和投资

Walter wants to retire within the next few years. He has been working at the same company for over 15 years as an accountant. During that time, he’s been saving his money and paying off that debt. However, even with his savings and investments, he isn’t sure that he will have enough money for retirement. If it doesn’t, he will have to keep on working, which depends on the company. For now, the company is ok. But it’s no longer growing as fast as it used to. Whether or not he can keep on his working will also depend on his health. Fortunately, he is in good health. But he knows that that could change in any time. If he fell down or had a stroke, it could force him to stop working. If that happened, he would have to rely on his savings and other assets to survive. Soon or later, he knows his health will decline and he will have to stop working. So he needs to prepare. Most of his wealth is in the form of company stock and the value of his home. Both of these are at risk. The company stock may go down and the value of his home may also fall. The company he works for is a pharmaceutical(制药的) company. It develops new drugs which is risky business and sells them worldwide. It’s expensive to develop new drugs and it can take a very long time to get a new drug approved. Without government approval, it can’t be sold, which can result in a huge loss.Another threat the company comes from foreign competition, which is getting stronger. The company has also started to move some of its researches and production facilities oversees. Salary level is lower there, and the quality of the foreign workers is getting better. As a result, the company has to reduce its local hiring and it’s no longer giving large bonuses.

One thing he is considering, is to sell his share in the company. He could begin to sell a little at a time and reinvest the money in somewhere else. But where would he invest? He doesn’t know much about investing and several of his friend have lost a lot by making a bad investment. Investing in real restate or the stock market could be very risky. In the best case, he will make a lot of money. If that happened, he could finally retire and enjoy a comfortable life. On the other hand, in the worst case, his investments could result in a huge loss. If that happened, he wouldn’t be able to enjoy his retirement. He wouldn’t be able to travel or do any of things that he’s dreamed about doing. So now he has to decide what he should do. Should he begin to sell his stock in the company or should he wait until he actually needs the money. If he sold now, he will have to decide what to do with the money. His investment could turn out well or it could turn out to be a disaster. On the other hand, if you decide to wait, anything will depend on his company. The one advantage he has with this options is he’s being on the inside of the company. With his insider information, he can predict the company’s shot-term future. This is especially true because as an account, he has an access to the company’s financial data. If things start to go badly, he can begin to sell his stock and avoid a big loss. Otherwise, it’s probably safer to keep the stock and hope that the company does well even if its growth rate declines. So for now, that is probably what he should do. If you were he, what would you do?

Unit 2-1 dialogue非洲和巴黎旅行

So, where should we go on our vacation. What about Africa?

Africa, no, that’s not for me. Why do you want to go the Africa?

I’d like to get out and see the wildlife, the drama of nature! We could see some of the great migrations.

Wow, you are adventurer. What about food and diseases? What about terrorism.

Sure something that could happen. But if we never take any risks, we won’t have an interesting life. I don’t want to have a boring life.

So, you think I’m boring then, r ight.

Well, you’re certainly not the most exciting person. What plays thing safe and secure. Idon’t mind take a few risks but it’s got to be worth it. Watching animals migrate is something I could see in a documentary. And I don’t like the idea of being ar ound predators(肉食动物), like lions and hyenas(鬣狗).

Ok, my brave man. What would you like to do?

Well, I’ve been thinking about it. I think it’s nice to go to Paris in the fall and visit some museums. We can go to a concert and go to see a ballet.

Ah, we’ve been to Paris before. That’s exciting about it and I’m tired of museums. Any other ideas?

One place that might be interesting is in South America, Machu Picchu. It’s an abandoned city way up in the mountain Peru.

Yes, I’ve heard of it. that might be inte resting.

Should we look into it?

Sure, you look into it and I’ll get some information about trips to Africa.

So your heart is ready set on Africa, isn’t it?

Yes, it really is. I need something exciting in my life now. all I do work and be with you. I need a change. Don’t you ever feel that way?

OK, I hear you. Let’s go to Africa. And don’t blame me if you get sick along the way. Great, you are not so bad after all. I can always depend on you.

Be careful. Maybe one of these days I will surprise you.

Unit 2-1 reading在线相亲和运动受伤

Is online dating killing love

A fair maiden is guarded by a dragon. A handsome prince must slay(杀) the dragon to save her. Then, magically, they fall in love and live happily ever after.

Traditional stories tend to emphasize the fantastic, magical side of love. Fate plays matchmaker(媒人). Strangers see each other from across a room and instantly know that they are destined to be together.

It isn’t difficult to imagine two strangers coming together and falling in love despite their differences. It suggests that love is challenging, uncertain and incomprehensible.

But with more people using online dating services, a very different kind of love has emerged: one that is scientific, convenient, and self-directed. It minimizes risk and provides a choice, like on a menu. There is anonymity and avoidance(逃避) of immediate rejection. Meeting terms are negotiated online.

Online dating also allows the setting of preconditions. Computer algorithms(程序) exclude undesirable traits(个性/特征) such as the wrong hair color, race or age. But they also exclude randomness. They reduce the chances of meeting someone different, or someone who could challenge one’s romantic ideals. Instead, they find the partner we think we want and exclude everyone else. As a result, we could be missing the opportunity of a lifetime, to meet someone we would never have expected to fall in love with. Perhaps this new way represents a more efficient form of romance. Traditional ideas of love may be enchanting(迷人的) – but are they useful? Loneliness and boredom are less

exciting than chance encounters, but they represent the more realistic side of love. All too often people have suffered through had dates and humiliations(羞辱).

If they could just choose what they wanted. Wouldn’t it save time and reduce suffering?However, by choosing partners based on our preconceived ideas, we may be indulging in our illusions. Instead of letting ourselves grow with someone, love becomes more about looking for ourselves in the other. What if we don’t know ourselves as well as we think? Perhaps love isn’t about knowing what we want. Perhaps it’s about being open to unimagined possibilities.

Sport injuries

Sport injuries are injuries that happen to athletes participating in sporting events. In many cases, these types of injuries are due to overuse of a part of the body. For example, runner’s knee is a painful condition associated with running, while tenni s elbow is a form of repetitive stress injury at the elbow. Other types of injuries, such as a broken bone, can be caused by hard contact with something. Injuries are a common occurrence in professional sports, and most teams have a staff of trainers and close connections to the medical community. Controversy has arisen at times when teams have made decisions that could threaten a player’s long-term health for short-team gain.

Sport injuries can be classified as either traumatic(外伤的) or overuse injuries. Traumatic injuries account for most injuries in contact sports such as soccer, rugby(英式橄榄球), and American football. This is of course due to the dynamic and high collision nature of these

games. These injuries range from bruises and muscle strains to fractures and head injuries.

A bruise is damage to small blood vessels which causes bleeding within the tissues. A muscle strain is a small tear of muscle fibers and a ligament sprain(韧带拉伤) is a small tear of ligament tissue. The body’s response to these injuries is the same in the initial

five-day period immediately following the incident – inflammation(发炎). Inflammation is characterized by pain, localized swelling, heat, redness and a loss of function. Inflammation is the first phase of healing, and typically lasts for around five days. However, too much of an inflammatory response can mean that the healing process will take longer, and a return to activity is delayed. Sports injury treatments are intended to minimize the inflammatory phase of an injury so that the overall healing process is accelerated.

Runner’s knee is a painful injury that’s due to overuse.

Inflammation is the first phase of healing and typically lasts for around 5 days.

Unit 2-2 listening情态动词

Now that you have studied in English at a high lever, let’s get a better understanding of the models. By now, you should already have a good understanding of what they meant. There are the models which are used to express the degree of certainty.

Will shall may can

These models are used to make predictions, judgements and speculations. They indicate how much a speaker knows about the likelihood of an event.

First, the model will express certainty as in if you heat water, it will boil. Based on what is known, the speaker is certain it would happen.

The model may express possibility, as in it may rain this evening, but I’m not sure. Based on what is known, the speaker asserts that event is possible rather than certain or impossible.

The model can express the potentiality or ability, as in he can afford it, but he may decide not to buy.

The model “shall” is a bit different from others. Tina shall be there means the speaker is determined that Tina will be there. In other words, the speaker is determined to get her to come and would try to influence events to make it happen. We would never say it shall rain. Nobody can make it rain so whether it rain or not is beyond one’s control. If some were to say that, it would seem as they were claiming the power to control or influence nature. Know that the question shall I open the door invites the person who is asked to make a decision. Whether or not the door is open depends on the person’s answer. In contrast, will I open the door ask for a prediction rather a decision.

Know what these models can be weakened or removed or by some of these pass time form.

Would should might could

We would go if we had more money but we don’t. this sentence expresses the speaker’s certainty of going if they had more money, which they don’t. so the certain prediction exists but in an imaginary or unreal situation. The model might express less possibility than may so might go is less likely than may go. The models could express less potentiality than can and it’s often used in conditiona ls(从句). If he could come expresses less potential than if he can come. If he could come, we would all be happier expresses the feeling that in fact he can’t come.

Here are the second sets of model.

Must, should, had, better ought

These models express degree of logical force or social expectations. Know that none of them has a past time or weakened form.

The first one must indicates logical or social necessity. It expresses the strongest logical or social force.

The model should and ought to assert that something is probably or expected but not necessary.

The model had better expresses advice or ability. In other words, if someone had better do something, they should do it or there may be negative consequences. Therefore, had better has a feeling of t hreat, as in you had better be there. This isn’t the same as you

should do it, which means you are expected to do it but without an applied threat if you don’t.

One interesting rule is that no more than one model can be used with any verb. There are no exceptions to this rule. Therefore, it’s incorrect to say “he will must be there”. To avoid breaking this rule, there are other words that have the same meaning but are not models. The case of must, for example, we use have to, as in we will have to be there. Similarly, we cannot say he may can come. Instead, we say he may be able to come. One last thing to know about models. We use the same form regardless of what the subject is. If the subject is I, it, we or they, we use the same form will. We would never say “we wills be there”. But with non-model form, such as have to, we must change the form to match the subject. He has to be there and I have to be there.

We shall overcome all obstacles express determination to make it happen.

We don’t know for sure b ut there is still a possibility that they can leave on Friday.

Unit 2-2 dialogue感情和分手

What’s wrong? You look awful.

My boyfriend and I had just had another fight. I think I’m going to break up with him. Hey, you’ve said that before. Calm down. Is that really what you want to do?

Yeah, I think so. I don’t see any future in our relationship.

Is that anyone else you’re interested in?

No, but there are some guys on the internet who have sent my messages.

What? You’ve been online.

Sure, just for fun.

It’s nice to know that I can meet people if I want to.

Does your boyfriend know about it?

No, if he knew, he would be furious. He can be very jealous and he has a violent temper. Anyway, what was your fight about?

It’s just the way he talked to me. He never shows any interested in what I’m doing or in what I’m feeling. if I had a bad headache or anything he says nothing.

So who started the fight?

He came over and wanted to kiss me and I turned away. I told him I didn’t feel anything for him right then. So then he got angry and we both blew up. Now we are not talking to each other.

Oh is that all? That kind of thing is normal. Maybe you’re overreacting.

No, it’s just that I’m beginning to realize that I don’t feel anything for him anymore.

Our relationsh ip is getting cold. We don’t feel appreciated.

Well then maybe you should break up for a while and start seeing other men. But be careful. If I were you, I wouldn’t start seeing anyone else until I break up first.

What do you think so?

If he sees that yo u’re serious about breaking up, he may change.

Maybe, but I doubt it.

It could be that he feels the same way about you. Maybe he has lost interest. So it’s best to find out. You need to have a serious conversation with him.

You’re right. Maybe it’s time to really find out.

Unit 2-2 reading爱情和旅游胜地马丘比丘

The love lab

How we communicate with our romantic partners can have a strong impact on the quality of our relationships. Psychologists John and Julie Gottman run the “Love Lab”, where thousands of couples have been studied over the last 30 years. The purpose of their research is to determine the factors that lead to happy and unhappy relationships. From their data, they have concluded that contempt(轻蔑), criticism, defensiveness, and stonewalling are the most significant factors that can hurt a marriage or relationship. Among these, contempt is the biggest predictor of divorce. People who feel contempt for their partner often convey disapproval without addressing the issue. They sometimes label their partner with insulting words such as “lazy”, “stupid” or “emotional” which is particularly damaging.

Many couples try to address issues by criticizing their partner’s flaws or mistakes directly. Being too direct with criticism can hurt your partner’s self-esteem. Some people may react to criticism by stonewalling, where they refuse to acknowledge and respond to their partner for a period of time. Unfortunately, fighting back or ignoring your partner can make it difficult to determine the root of your probl ems. If your partner feels that they aren’t valued, it may lead to increased dissatisfaction with the relationship. The Gottmans maintain that being aware of these factors in communication is the first step to improving a relationship. It is important to acknowledge that all relationships have issues. The goal shouldn’t be to avoid these issues, but to learn to resolve them. In particular, we should

avoid communication in ways that hurt our partner’s self-esteem. It is better to discuss problems in a way that is less confrontational and can better help your partner sympathize with your perspective. For example, rather than saying why are you ignoring me. It’s rude! One could say I feel hurt and undervalued when I don’t get a response from you. By being conscious of how we communicate with our partner, we can begin to build a healthier relationship.

Their research has given us insight into how to make our relationships better.

The lost city of the Incas

Machu Picchu is one of the world’s most impressive h istorical sites. It was built around 1450 by the Incas, who ruled most of south America at that time. They called themselves children of the Sun, the powerful god they worshipped as the source of light and life. Located in the Andes Mountains of Peru, at 8000 feet above sea level, the “City of the Incas” was mysteriously abandoned just 100 years after its construction. This was when the Spanish were beginning their conquest of the Inca Empire, in the 1530’s. there is no evidence that the Spanish invaders ever attacked or even reached the mountaintop city, so many believe that the city’s inhabitants deserted(抛弃) the site because of a small pow epidemic.

The city was almost forgotten until 1911 when it was discovered by an American historian, Hiram Bingham, after he heard rumors of its existence. Bingham was led to the site by

local farmers and was amazed by what he saw, which seemed like an unbelievable dream. He wondered if anyone would believe what he had found.

Though the surrounding jungle had overgrown the site, what remained was impressive. The city had been built on a remote and nearly inaccessible mountaintop, often shrouded in clouds. Forty rows of farming terraces(梯田) hued the steep mountainside, each over 10 feet high and liked together by over 3000 stone steps. Among the city were what appeared to be neighborhoods of homes and exquisite(精致的) stone buildings that are thought to be temples. Even today, the mystery remains as to the purpose of these temples, how the city was used and what its citizens did.

Despite its remote location, Machu Picchu has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Every year, thousands of people travel to Peru to admire its magnificent stonework and breathtaking design. What they see is a wonderful harmony between the city and the landscape around it that is captivating.

Unit 2-3 listening凯撒和肯尼迪之死

In this course we have tried to prepare you to understand and discuss important topics that are often in the news. Sometimes the news is good news, but all too often we learn of problems and crises.Once in a while, an event is extraordinary and will change the word. In this lesson, we focus on 2 events that changed history forever.

One of the most famous assassinations in history was the assassination ofJulius Caesar. At the time of his death in 44 DC, he was the leader of Roman empire. His title was Dictator for life, which meant he had absolute authority for as long as he lived. He had gain this power through his successes as a military commander. In fact, historian considered him to be one of greatest military commanders in history. Once gaining in power and fought against the corruption and began to restructure the government. For example, he increased the number of senator and changed how they were chosen. Instead of being elected, they could be appointed, even if they are not from Rome. This action reduced the power of individual senators and shifted it to Caesar himself. In doing so, he created several of enemies, especially the aristocracy. However, he also had many admirers, who supported his efforts to end the corruptions. Caesar was s to death by a group of Roman senators, at March 15, 44 BC. He was scheduled to lead Rome, 3 years later, to fight in another war. He had appointed members of his enemies to rule the empire while he was away. This action angered many of Roman senators, who didn’t want to take orders from Caesar’s subord inates. He should have been aware that many of the senators hated him, but he dismissed the security force not long before his assassination. If he hadn’t dismissed it, the assassination attempt might not have succeed. On the day of

his assassination, it is reported that Caesar may have been handed a warning notes as he entered in senate. If he did receive such a note, he didn’t read it. it seems that he was at the state of denials and refused to recognize the danger that was facing him. Once he had entered the senate, he was surrounded by senators holding daggers or knives. The first blow hit Caesar in his neck and drew blood. Then and other senators joined in and stabbed him repeatedly, until he fl to the floor and died. In total, he suffered 23 knife wounds. with his death, power shifted to his adopted son Octavian, who vowed revenge against the event of assassins. Eventually, several of the leading assassins were either killed or committed suicide. After a power struggle, Octavian strengthened his position as leader and ruled the empire for years. In the end, Caesar’s attempts to end corruption failed.

Another event that shocked the world, was the assassination of the U.S president, JackKennedy. He was shot while riding in a motorway in a city of Dallas tax. Kennedy and his wife was sitting in an open car, waving to a large crowd of people when he was shot. They were sitting in an open car with no protect because the sky was clear. It had rained until about 10 am but then the sun came out. If the sky hadn’t cleared, they would have been a bubble car or clear roof, on the car. This would have prevented the assassination. Kennedy wanted it down so that he could be closer to the crow through they agree him. Another factor that contributed to his assassination was the round of motorcade through the city. The round was published several days earlier in the local newspapers. The motorcade was passing through the downtown Dallas and round the shot corner near the

building where the assassin worked.

From that buil ding, there was a clear view of president’s car. If the round had been different,

the assassination probably wouldn’t have taken place. The president was struck by 2 bullets but it was the second one that probably killed him. That was the fatal shot. It opened a massive of room in this head. Sitting beside him, his wife’s last words to his husband were, Jack, Jack, can you hear me, I love you Jack. The assassin’s quick shots were incredibly accurate. If the fatal shot had been off by just a little, Kennedy might have survived. So if any of these factors had been different, history would have changed. Kennedy’s death disillusioned Americans who have been inspired by his vision for the future. With his death, a whole generation of Americans woke up to a reality where their dreams for a brighter future had been shattered.

He might have been overconfident and unaware of the magnitude of the dangerous facing him.

Unit 2-3 Dialogue亲人去世

I’m sorry to hear about your father. I hope he died peacefully.

Emm. He knew it was coming and he had a good life. He’d been sick for about for about a year. Luckily, there wasn’t much pain.

So how is your mother?

She hasn’t taken it well. Even know she knew it was coming, she has a hard time without him. She just the house seemed so empty and she felt she’s useless.

I can imagine. Does she have many friends?

She has a few but she has never been very social. Maybe she’ll get out a bit more now but I don’t think that’s very likely. She’s also beginning to lose her memo ry.

Oh, that’s too bad. My mother is losing her memory too. Sometime she doesn’t know who I am. She mixed me up with my sister.

Does she live by herself?

She did until about a year ago. Then we had her come and stay with us.

How is that working out.

It was ok at first but now with her memory problems, it isn’t working. We are thinking about putting her into a senior living community. It was expensive but they can provide her with spon.

You may have to do that too. My husband and my mother don’t get along at all. You can’t relax when she’s around. When I mentioned it to him, he said he would consider it but only ifit were for a very short time.

Well, I’m sorry you have to deal with it. it doesn’t seem that there are any good choices.

Emm, I’m afraid that’s right. We are getting older too. This is another reminder of our mortality. You are no longer children so now it’s our turn to take care of our parents.

The way I see is a reminder for us to enjoy life while we can. If you like, I can send you information about some senior communities.

Please do. We need to start to making plans.

There are waiting list to get into some of senior community.


Enterprises 1.in recent years,foreign companies have been buying best-selling brands from their locally listed subsidiaries and moving them to entities that are 100%-owned by the far-off parent. 近年来,外国企业一直从它们本地的上市子公司手中买入畅销品牌,并将这些畅销品牌并入由于母公司100%控股的实体企业中。 2.so they have set up wholly-owned,unlisted subsidiaries,or increaseed their stakes in existing affiliates,to gain total operating control。 所以,他们要么设立了不上市的全资子公司,要么增持现有关联方的股份,以获得总运营控制权。 3.not only was the Acer group to be flat,rather than pyramidal,but the holding company would own no more than 30% of each subsidiary,and Mr.Shih himself would control no more than 5%of the holding company. 鸿基集团采用平行的金字塔结构,而且控股公司在每个子公司的股权比例不超过30%,施先生在控股公司中的持股也不超过5%。 4.Loans to related companies are rarely made on an arm's length basis,and tend to be granted at below-market rates,with scant credit vetting. 放给关联公司的贷款基本都不按市场条件的正常交易,收取的利率往往低于市场水平,并很少进行认真的资信调查。


L4-U1-P2 英语流利说 4-1-2 懂你英语 Level4 Unit1 Part2 L4-U1-P2-1 Listening : A Trip to Yosemite Park 1 Today Christina and her friend are enjoying themselves. This morning they got up very early and drove out of San Francisco. They crossed the Bay Bridge before the early morning commute and drove south. Because it was so early, there were almost no cars. Why was there much traffic-It was so early. How heavy was the traffic- Because it was so early, there were almost no cars. After driving for an hour and a half, they stopped and had breakfast. They ordered pancakes and coffee. They also had some fresh fruits. When they finished eating, it was 7 o’clock. Then they got back into the car and drove south. Christina wanted to listen to music, so they turned on the radio. An hour later they stopped for gas. They noticed that there was also a charging station for electric cars. What time was it when they finished eating-they finished eating at 7 o’clock. They noticed that there was also a charging station for electric cars. Because it was so early, there were almost no cars.

懂你英语Level 3 unit 1

懂你英语L e v e l3 u n i t1

Level 3 unit 1 part1 Listening Kathy usually gets up at 6:30, but th is morning, she didn’t hear her alarm. As a result, she overslept. She didn’t get up until 7:00, 30 minutes later than usual. As a result, she didn’t have time to c ook breakfast for her children. -Why did she oversleep? –She didn’t hear her alarm. -Why didn’t she cook breakfast? –She didn’t have time. Today Kathy and her kids left home early. They usually leave home at 7:30, but today they left at 7:15. They left early because they had to buy breakfast on their way to school. -Why did they leave home early? –They had to buy breakfast on their way to school. -What did they have to buy on their way to school? –their breakfast. It usually takes 45 minutes to drive her kids to school, but today it took longer. It took them longer because they stopped for breakfast along the way. It took 15 minutes for them to have breakfast. They ate at a little coffee shop along the side of the road. -How long does it usually take to drive her kids to school? –It usually takes 45 minutes. -How long did it take them to have breakfast? –It took 15 minutes. After eating breakfast, they got back into their car. On most days the traffic isn’t too bad in the morning.

八年级上册英语翻译 完整

第一单元话题1 A .迈克尔:你好,康康。 2.康康:你好,迈克尔。你要去干什么? 3.我要去打篮球的。 4.你喜欢打篮球对吗?我暑假期间经 常看见你打篮球。 5.迈克尔:对啊。你知道的,我们这个星期天和三班将有一场篮球赛。 6.我希望我们队会赢。 7.我也是,你愿意来为我们加油吗? 8.当然我很乐意去。(1) 第一单元话题1 2A P2 A:游泳和划船,你更喜欢哪一种运动呢? B:我更喜欢划船。 A:你常常划船吗? B:是的,我经常划船。/不,很少。A:你要参加学校的划船队吗? B:是的,我会参加。/不,我不会参加。我打算去…… 运动溜冰滑雪划船 乒乓球排球骑脚踏车 网球 (2) 第一单元话题1 B B部分2 p3 迈克尔:玛利亚,你最喜欢什么运动? 玛利亚:我当然最喜欢篮球啊。 迈克尔:我也是的。那你最喜欢的球员 是谁? 玛利亚:勒布朗。詹姆斯。你呢? 迈克尔:我最喜欢姚明。 玛利亚:你了解他吗? 迈克尔:知道。他身高2.26米。他曾 效力于NBA休斯敦火箭队。我要成为像 他一样的一个篮球运动员。那是我的梦 想。你长大以后想做什么呢? 玛利亚:我要成为一名科学家。 (3) 第一单元话题1 C 安非常喜欢运动,她每周骑两次自行车 并且在周日登山。她每天花半小时在体 育馆锻炼。她周六学习打棒球,现在她 已经打得很好了。她还擅长跳跃。下周 末将举行跳高和跳远比赛。她的同学将 会为她加油。他们确信她会赢。 C1d p6 1.你最喜欢哪项运动,为什么? 2.你通常什么时候,在哪里做运动? 3.你多长时间做一次? 4.你每次做多久? 5.它对你的健康有益吗? (4) C2a p6 A:你今天下午要干什么? B:他要踢足球。他非常喜欢足球。 A:为什么? B:因为踢足球使他身体健壮。而且这项 运动在全世界都很流行。 第一单元话题1 D 在过去的二十年中。大卫贝克汉姆是一 位十分著名的足球运动员。他曾效力于 英格兰,西班牙,美国和意大利。他和 他的队友昨天抵达北京。他们将要同中 国国家队比赛。球迷们很兴奋。但遗憾 的是队员们不会久留。他们将与后天动 身前往日本。与日本国家队进行一场比 赛。(5) 第一单元话题2 A 1a 康康:迈克尔,请你帮个忙好吗? 迈克尔:当然。什么事? 康康:我们班这周六将和五班进行一场 足球比赛。但是我的一个队员病了。你 愿意加入我们吗? 迈克尔:我很乐意。但是我不太擅长踢 足球。请你教我,好吗? 康康:没问题。你可以的!我们去练习 吧。 (6) 第一单元话题2 B 康康:迈克尔,我们输了是因为你没有 传球。 迈克尔:你是什么意思?不要对我那样 大喊大叫。我也不想我们队输。 康康:但是我们输了。 玛利亚:康康,迈克尔,请不要吵了。 迈克尔踢得不好,但是他尽力了。 简:迈克尔,你应该学习一下团队精神。 多把球传给队友,你要知道,一名队员 不能组成一支队伍,我们应该学会团队 合作。(7) 第一单元话题2 B 玛利亚:康康,迈克尔不要再生对方的 气了,你们两个在比赛之前应该多谈论 下比赛,康康,你向迈克尔道个歉怎么 样呢? 康康:迈克尔,我为我所说的话感到抱 歉。 迈克尔:没关系。 简:迈克尔,多加练习,下一次你会做 得更好! 玛利亚:好!继续努力!你们一定会玩 的跟高兴。 (8) 第一单元话题2 C

英语流利说(懂你英语)Level2 Unit 3 Part4

Level2-Unit3-Part4 Listening: Height & Weight Here are four people. Two of them are tall. The man on the top left is very tall. He is 6 feet 3 inches tall, which is about 1.9 meters. The woman on the top right is 5 feet 11 inches tall (1英尺(ft)=12英寸(in)). She is tall but not as tall as the man on the left. The girl on the bottom left is short. She is less than 5 feet tall. She is 4 feet 10 inches, which is about 147 centimeters. The boy on the bottom right is taller than the girl. He is 5 feet 1 inch tall, which is about 155 centimeters. He is 3 inches taller than she is. Now let’s look at their weight. The man on the top left is the heaviest. He weighs 220 pounds, which is 100 kilograms. The woman weighs less than he does. She weighs 130 pounds, which is 59 kilograms. The man on the top left weighs the most. The girl on the left is very thin. She doesn’t weigh very much. Her weight is just 70 pounds. The boy is much heavier. He weighs 90 pounds, which is about 41 kilograms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listening: Kathy’s Yesterday This is what Kathy did yesterday. She got up at 6:30 and cooked breakfast for her family. At 7:30 she drove her children to school. It took about 45 minutes to take them to school. After driving them to school she returned home. For the next hour, she cleaned the house. The she talked to a friend on the phone. They decided to meet at a shopping mall. She arrived at the mall at 11:45. She met her friend in a coffee shop. They ate lunch together and then they went shopping. There was a big sale at one of the stores. There were discounts of up to 50% so they bought clothes for their kids. At 1:30 her friend wanted to go to a fitness center. They usually worked out (work out 锻炼) 3 times a week. 1

英语流利说懂你英语Level4- Unit3教学内容

英语流利说懂你英语L e v e l4-U n i t3

懂你英语Level4 Unit 3 Part1 it 3-1 listening时间花费 Look at these 2 pie graphs. They show how these 2 people spend their days, not including weekends. The one on the top shows how Emma divides up her days. She is a designer who works for a company. As Emma’s graph shows, the biggest portion部分 of her day is spent working. She works an average of 8 hours a day, which is one third of her day. She gets an average of 6 hours to sleep which is 25% of her day. That’s less sleep than Marti n gets. According to his graph, he gets an average of 7 hours to sleep which is about 29% of his day. On the other hand, Martine who is engineer, works more hours than Emma does. Martine average 9 hours a day at work co mpare to Emma’s 8. That’s 37.5% compare to 33%. Other factors shown in the graph included time for meals and commuting to work. Other activities include getting dress and doing household chores such as doing laundry and paying bills. As you can see, for Martin, commuting is taking a large amount of his time. If he could reduce his commute time, he will have more time for other things. And it isn’t just the time. When the traffic is really heavy his commute is stressful. It will be great if he can work from home one or two days a week. He life will be more enjoyable. And we look at Emma’s graph, we see she probably needs more sleep. Perhaps, she should spend a bit less time socializing with her friends. On the other hand, socializing with her friend is something she really values. As for putting on makeup, she isn’t willing to change that. For her, exercising, socializing and staying beautiful help her deal with the stressful work. In conclusion, Emma and Martin both wish there were more hours in a day. This next graph shows how various factors compare important to 1350 jobs applicants. Applicants were between 20 to 25 years ago. They were asked to list which factors were most important for a good job. As the graph shows, money was the most important factor for 25% of the applicants. However, other factors are also important. The second most important factor was the work environment. In other words, for many, money is everything. People want to like where they work. In fact, if we combine working environment and co-workers, the total is 35%. This is well above the 25% for salary and benefits. Taking together, they are more important than salary and benefits. Career path is also important especially for younger applicants. They want to see that their job helps to build a successful career. For older workers, this may not be as important.


英语翻译练习150句 1.这次演出使得他想成为影星的梦想得以实现。(make it possible) 2.在详细地研究这个问题后,我们终于找到了解决它的方法。(solution to ) 3.你能不能告诉我,你们中有多少人将参加运动会?(take part in) 4.我第一次来上海就喜欢这个美丽的城市。(the first time) 5.越来越多的医生赞成使用心理疗法治疗生理疾病。(in favor of) 6.我们祝贺他被共青团所接受。(congratulate) 7.我们现在所学的东西,无论校内校外的,都将对我们的将来产生很大的影响。(effect) 8.地球为人类提供了各种生存的条件。(provide) 9.如果你现在放弃的话,很可能你再也不会有机会了。(the chances are that) 10.他一看见地上躺着一个伤得很重的男子,就立刻打电话叫救护车。(right off) 11.你打电话来时如果我不在,可叫我兄弟代接。(available) 12.由于他对公众的杰出服务,她奖到了一枚金牌。(award) 13.上海市近年内交通工具发生了较大变化。(in the means of) 14.人们相信每年种树对改善环境有好处。(believe) 15.过了许多年他才知道谁在她困难的时候帮助了他。(before)

16.他从未想到题目越容易就应该越仔细。(occur) 17.问题的另一方面是如何最充分地利用在校时间。(make the best use of) 18.众所周知,Tony是个很难取悦的艺术家。(known to) 19.一些世界名著的简写本(version)对学生有益。(simplified) 20.虽然我们很少察觉到,但语言随着时代而变化。(aware, change) 21.我们送他们一件礼物,表示感谢他们为我们所做的一切。(show one’s appreciation for) 22.没有必要再与他多谈,因为他主意已定,决定好好学习。(no need) 23.我们都非常尊敬那位在生物学研究方面做出重要发现的科学家。(discovery) 24.他听不懂老师用法语上的数学课。(difficulty in) 25.这位作家因他那部优秀的小说而被授予诺贝尔文学奖。(awarded) 26.据说他们已解决了资金缺少的问题。(be believed to) 27.那位校长在这次访问中的所见所闻给他留下了深刻的印象。(impression) 28.如果你想保持健康,你应该每天喝几杯水。(remain) 29.最使他妈生气的不是他的无知而是他的懒散。(not…but) 30.是你的有效建议是我们能在周末来学校进行体育运动。(make…possible)


懂你英语Level4 Unit 3 Part1 it 3-1 listening时间花费 Look at these 2 pie graphs. They show how these 2 people spend their days, not including weekends. The one on the top shows how Emma divides up her days. She is a designer who works for a company. As Emma’s graph shows, the biggest portion部分of her day is spent working. She works an average of 8 hours a day, which is one third of her day. She gets an average of 6 hours to sleep which is 25% of her day. That’s less sleep than Martin gets. According to his graph, he gets an average of 7 hours to sleep which is about 29% of his day. On the other hand, Martine who is engineer, works more hours than Emma does. Martine average 9 hours a day at work co mpare to Emma’s 8. That’s 37.5% compare to 33%. Other factors shown in the graph included time for meals and commuting to work. Other activities include getting dress and doing household chores such as doing laundry and paying bills. As you can see, for Martin, commuting is taking a large amount of his time. If he could reduce his commute time, he will have more time for other things. And it isn’t just the time. When the traffic is really heavy his commute is stressful. It will be great if he can work from home one or two days a week. He life will be more enjoyable. And we look at Emma’s graph, we see she probably needs more sleep. Perhaps, she should spend a bit less time socializing with her friends. On the other hand, socializing with her friend is something she really values. As for putting on makeup, she isn’t willing to change that. For her, exercising, socializing and staying beautiful help her deal with the stressful work. In conclusion, Emma and Martin both wish there were more hours in a day. This next graph shows how various factors compare important to 1350 jobs applicants. Applicants were between 20 to 25 years ago. They were asked to list which factors were most important for a good job. As the graph shows, money was the most important factor for 25% of the applicants. However, other factors are also important. The second most important factor was the work environment. In other words, for many, money is everything. People want to like where they work. In fact, if we combine working environment and co-workers, the total is 35%. This is well above the 25% for salary and benefits. Taking together, they are more important than salary and benefits. Career path is also important especially for younger applicants. They want to see that their job helps to build a successful career. For older workers, this may not be as important. Older workers often put the higher value on the balance between life and work. What do you think. it 3-1 vocabulary领土、军事、政治、政权状态 The government of a country is a control system. Governments make laws and provide services to their citizens. The land over which a government has controlled, is its territory /'t?r?t?ri/领土. A country’s territory has boundaries/'ba?ndri/ or borders.


Registration of Residence Basic Information of Household Issuing Date: xx/xx/20xx Page 1

Register of Residence Change住址变动登记 Page 2 Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡1) Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口 Registration date : 20xx-xx-xx

Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载 Page 4 Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡2) Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口Registration date : 20xx-xx-xx Page 5 Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载

Page 6 Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡3) Registration date : 20xx-xx-xx Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口 ---------------------------------------------- End of Records --------------------------------------------------


Level3-Unit1-Part1 Listening: An Unusual Day Kathy usually gets up at 6:30, but this morning she didn’t hear her alarm. As a result, she overslept. She didn’t get up until 7:00, 30 minutes later than usual. As a result, she didn’t have time to cook breakfast for her children. Today Kathy and her kids left home early. They usually leave home at 7:30, but today they left at7:15. They left early because they had to buy breakfast on their way to school. It usually takes 45 minutes to drive her kids to school, but today it took longer. It took them longer because they stopped for breakfast along the way. It took 15 minutes for them to have breakfast. They ate at a little coffee shop along the side of the road. After eating breakfast, they got back into their car. On most days, the traffic isn’t too bad in the morning. But this morning, it was much worse than usual. The cars were moving very slowly. As a result, it took them longer than usual to get to school. One of her children got to school on time, but the other two were late. They were late because their schools are farther away. They were both about 10 minutes late to school. When Kathy finally got home, she cleaned her house as usual. She vacuumed (/'v?kj??m/用真空吸尘器清扫) the living room and cleaned the bathroom. Then she talked with her friend on the phone as usual. When she finished talking with her friend, she got into her car. She put the key into the ignition (/?ɡ'n???n/发火装置) and tried to start the engine. But her car’s engine didn’t start. Her car battery was dead, so she had to call for help. After getting a new battery for her car, the engine started. Then Kathy drove to the mall to meet her friend. She arrived at the mall an hour late, but her friend was waiting for her. They had lunch together, and then they went shopping. They both bought new shoes and some things for their kids. Kathy bought a new tie for her husband. It’s now 3 o’clock, and everything is going as usual. Kathy doesn’t want anything else to go wrong. She wants the rest of the day to go as usual. She doesn’t want any more surprises. And tomorrow, she won’t oversleep. She never wants to oversleep again. Listening: Bus Schedule Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop. On most days, the buses come on schedule, but sometimes they don’t.

懂你英语level 3 unit

L e v e l3u n i t1p a r t1 Listening Kathy usually gets up at 6:30, but th is morning, she didn’t hear heralarm. As a result, she overslept. She didn’t get up until 7:00, 30 minutes later than usual. As a result, she didn’t have time to cook breakfast for her children. -Why did she oversleep? –She didn’t hear her alarm. -Why didn’t she cook breakfast? –She didn’t have time. Today Kathy and her kids left home early. They usually leave home at 7:30, but today they left at 7:15. They left early because they had to buy breakfast on their way to school. -Why did they leave home early? –They had to buy breakfast on their way to school. -What did they have to buy on their way to school? –their breakfast. It usually takes 45 minutes to drive her kids to school, but today it took longer. It took them longer because they stopped for breakfast along the way. It took 15 minutes for them to have breakfast. They ate at a little coffee shop along the side of the road. -How long does it usually take to drive her kids to school? –It usually takes 45 minutes. -How long did it take them to have breakfast?


户口本英文翻译(超级完整版)Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. Note I. The residence booklet serves as a legal document to certify citizenship status and relationship of the family members and for the registration authority to investigate or check household register. The householder or member of the household is required to show the booklet when workers from its residence registration authority come to investigate or check it. II. The booklet should be properly kept. No personal change, transfer or lending of the booklet is allowed. The loss of the booklet requires an immediate report to it residence registration authority. III. No organization or individual but the residence registration authority has the right to record on the residence booklet. IV. In case of any increase or decrease in family members of the household or any

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