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外研版小学新标准英语(三年级起)第三册 全册 教案

外研版小学新标准英语(三年级起)第三册 全册 教案
外研版小学新标准英语(三年级起)第三册 全册 教案





T: We you see?

T: Now,who can guess what cards I say “Have you got…?”

S1: Have you got a monkey?

T: Yes, I get 2… points.

…(Review the words of animals:monkey lion elephant tiger cat…)

Step 2 Leading in and presentation

1. (show PPt.)——twenty birds .

⑴.T: Look at these birds. How many birds can you see? Let’s count.

S: One, two…twenty.

T: Right!(add a bird )But now between twenty and one. Don’t forget it.

⑵.T: (回到20只小鸟的图片,再增加两只小鸟)

Now, answer it.)

20 + 2 = 22

Twenty and two is twenty-two (T teaches it.)

2、Practice : Do sums

T:Let’s do sums.(一手拿着数字20的卡片)Twenty and three(另一手拿着数字3的卡片)is twenty-three(将两张卡片靠近).

⑴、Group work



20+4 20+5 20+6 20+7 20+8 20+9 T: Who wants to try? If you do right, you will get 2 points.

3.Practice: Rush-to-answer(快答环节)

T: I’ll show some numbers, please say the numbers quickly and loudly.


T:(将卡片面向Sam group)Sam…

Sam: …(快速读出数字)

Step 3 New lesson

1. T: We usually play poker. And in America, the children play game with animal cards. Do you want to know the animal card. One side is the number, the other side is the animal. I need someone to I get 5 cards, and point

T: Open the book, turn to page 4, listen and point.

⑵. T: Listen again, and think about three questions:

1、Weiwei explain the questions:

T: Who can answer the first question?

S1: His friend get 2 points.

T: The second question?

⑶. Read the text after T.

⑷. Read the text after the tape.

(5)Listen and point,and then write the numbers. Step 4 Consolidation

1.Game:Play cards

T: Let’s play cards like Weiwei and …(用动作示范两副卡片混合在一起),I get 1、2、3、4、5 cards,╳╳ also gets five cards. If I .

╳╳: Have you got a …? T: No, I ’t. (示意╳╳将卡片放在一桌上)

T: I’ve got …points.

╳╳: I’ve got …points.

╳╳T: I’m the winner.

T: Understand?

S: Yes.

T: OK, let’s start. Go…


T: Every group chooses one to and read the text.

3. Copy the words twice:21-29.

Step 6 Summing up

1. Make the survey : Which group is the winner?



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