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The Economist-2014-8-23-What China wants-中英对译



What China wants


After a bad couple of centuries, China is itching to regain its place in the world. How should America respond?


Aug 23rd 2014 | From the print edition

1 AN ALARMING assumption is taking hold in some quarters of both Beijing and Washington, DC. Within a few years, China’s economy will overtake America’s in size (on a purchasing-power basis, it is already on the cusp of doing so). Its armed forces, though still dwarfed by those of the United States, are growing fast in strength; in any war in East Asia, they would have the home advantage. Thus, some people have concluded, rivalry between China and America has become inevitable and will be followed by confrontation—even conflict.


2Diplomacy’s task in the coming decades will be to ensure that such a catastrophe never take s place. The

question is how?


Primacy inter pares


3Some Western hawks see a China threat wherever they look: China’s state-owned businesses stealing a march in Africa; its government covering for autocrats in UN votes; its insatiable appetite for resources plundering the environment. Fortunately, there is scant evidence to support the idea of a global Chinese effort to upend the international order. China’s desires have an historical, even emotional, dimension. B ut in much of the world China seeks to work within existing norms, not to overturn them.


4 In Africa its business dealings are transactional and more often led by entrepreneurs than by the state. Elsewhere, a once-reactive diplomacy is growing more sophisticated—and helpful. China is the biggest contributor to peacekeeping missions among the UN Security Council’s permanent five, and it takes part in anti-piracy patrols off the Horn of Africa . In some areas China is working hard to lessen its environmental footprint, for instance through vast afforestation schemes and clean-coal technologies.


5 The big exception is in East and North-East Asia—one of the greatest concentrations of people, dynamism and wealth on Earth. There, both its rhetoric and its actions suggest that China is unhappy with Pax Americana . For centuries China lay at the centre of things, the sun around which other Asian kingdoms turned. First Western ravages in the middle of the 19th century and then Chi na’s defeat by Japan at the end of it put paid to Chinese centrality. Today an American-led order in the western Pacific perpetuates the humiliation, in the eyes of Chinese leaders. Soon, they believe, their country will be rich and powerful enough to seize back primacy in East Asia.


6China’s sense of histo rical grievance explains a spate of recent belligerence. China has deployed ships and planes to contest Japan’s control of islands in the East China Sea, grabbed reefs claimed by the Philippines in the South China Sea and moved an oil rig into Vietnam’s cl aimed exclusive economic zone. All this has created alarm in the region. Some strategists say America can keep the peace only if it is firm in the face of Chinese expansionism. Others urge America to share power in East Asia before rivalries lead to a disaster.


7 America cannot walk away without grave consequences for the region and its own standing. Since the end of the second world war, American security has been the basis of Asian prosperity and an increasingly liberal order. It enabled Japan to rise from the ashes without alarming its neighbours. Indeed, China’s race to modernity could not have happened wit hout it. Even Vietnam, America’s old foe, is clearer than ever that it wants America’s stabilising, reassuring presence.


8Yet, if the liberal order is to survive, it must evolve. Denying the reality of China’s growing power would only encourage China to reject the world as it is. By contrast, if China can prosper within the system, it will reinforce it. That is why the United States needs to acknowledge one increasingly awkward aspect of its leadership: American advantage is hard-wired into the system in ways that a rising power might justifiably resent.


9 For a great power to find a new equilibrium with an emerging one is hard—because every adaptation looks like a retreat. Three principles should guide America.


10First, it should only make promises that it is prepared to keep. On the one hand, America would be foolish to draw red lines around specks of reef in the South China Sea. On the other, if America is to count fo r anything, its allies need to know that they can depend on it. Although Taiwan is central to China’s sense of its own honour, America should leave Beijing in no doubt that it would come to the island’s defence.


11 Second, even in security, America must make room. China’s participation in America’s recent RIMPAC naval exercises off Hawaii was a start. China could be invited to join Asian exercises, including for disaster relief. And America should avoid a cold-war battle for the loyalty of regional powers.


12 Lastly, America will find it easier to include China in new projects than to give ground on old ones—and should make more effort to do so. It is nonsensical that America should be leading the formation of the region’s biggest free-trade area, the Trans-Pacific Partnership , without the inclusion of the region’s largest economy. And there is no reason to exclude China from co-operation in space. Even during the cold war American and Soviet astronauts worked together.


Let the dragon in


13 Why should China be satisfied with a bit more engagement when primacy is what it seeks? There is no guarantee that it will be. Just now the rhetoric coming out of Beijing is full of cold-war, Manichean imagery. Yet sensible Chinese understand that their country faces constraints—China needs Western markets, its neighbours are unwilling to accept its regional writ and for many more years the United States will be strong enough militarily and diplomatically to block it. And in the longer run, the hope is that the Chinese system will of itself adapt from one-party rule to some more liberal polity that, by its nature, is more comfortable with the world as it now is.


14 Drawing China into a strengthened regional framework would not be to cede primacy to it. Nor would it be to abandon a liberal order that has served Asia—and America—so well. It may, in the end, not work. But

given the huge dangers of rivalry, it is essential now to try.


From the print edition: Leaders



1 Primacy inter pares拉丁语,英语中即first among equals

2 非洲之角,有时按照其地理位置,又称东北非洲。非洲之角位于非洲东北部,是东非的一个半岛,在亚丁湾南岸,向东伸入阿拉伯海数百公里。它是非洲大陆最东的地区,非洲大陆最东端的哈丰角也位于这个地区。作为一个更大的地区概念,非洲之角包括了吉布提、埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚和索马里等国家。非洲之角面积约2,000,000平方公里,人口约9020万(埃塞俄比亚7500万,索马里1000万,厄立特里亚450万,吉布提70万)。

3 “美式和平”这一说法泛指美国在二战结束后取得的全球霸主地位,它是从“罗马和平”一词派生出来的。在长达200年的“罗马和平”时期,罗马帝国停止了扩张。

4 环太平洋军事演习(Rim of the Pacific,简称RIMPAC),是美国第三舰队倡议的国际上规模最大的多国海上联合军演,从1971年开始。苏联解体前每年举行一次,苏联解体后每两年进行一次。目的在于保障太平洋沿岸国家海上通道的安全以及联合反恐。2012年6月29日-8月3日,“环太平洋-2012”多国联合军事演习在夏威夷海域举行。2012年9月18日,美防长帕内塔邀请中国参加2014年环太平洋军演。2014年6月9日,中国海军海口号导弹驱逐舰?岳阳号护卫舰?千岛湖号补给舰?和平方舟号医院船共计四艘海军舰艇从三亚起航,并在14日抵达关岛与美国?新加坡等国舰艇组成特混编队向夏威夷航渡参加2014环太平洋军演。这是中国海军首次参加环太平洋军事演习。

5 跨太平洋伙伴关系(英语:The Trans-Pacific Partnership,缩写:TPP),全称跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协议(英语:Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement),亦译泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定,是由亚太经济合作会议成员国发起,从2002年开始酝酿的一组多边关系的自由贸易协定,旨在促进亚太区的贸易自由化[7][8]。
