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Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America?Indeed.It is big enough to have a bit of everything.But particularly when viewed against America’s turbulent past,today’s social indices hardly suggest

a dark and deteriorating social environment.

21.The word“homogenizing”(Line2,Paragraph1)most probably means________.





22.According to the author,the department stores of the19th century________.

[A]played a role in the spread of popular culture

[B]became intimate shops for common consumers

[C]satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite

[D]owed its emergence to the culture of consumption

23.The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S.________.

[A]are resistant to homogenization

[B]exert a great influence on American culture

[C]are hardly a threat to the common culture

[D]constitute the majority of the population

24.Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph5?

[A]To prove their popularity around the world.

[B]To reveal the public’s fear of immigrants.

[C]To give examples of successful immigrants.

[D]To show the powerful influence of American culture.

25.In the author’s opinion,the absorption of immigrants into American society is_______.






Stratford-on-Avon,as we all know,has only one industry—William Shakespeare—but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches.There is the Royal Shakespeare Company(RSC),which presents superb productions of the plays at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre on the Avon.And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come,not to see the plays,but to look at Anne Hathaway’s Cottage, Shakespeare’s birthplace and the other sights.

The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny totheir revenue.They frankly dislike the RSC’s actors,them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness.It’s all deliciously ironic when you

consider that Shakespeare,who earns their living,was himself an actor(with a beard)and did his share of noise-making.

The tourist streams are not entirely separate.The sightseers who come by bus—and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side—don’t usually see the plays,and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.However,the playgoers do manage a little sight-seeing along with their playgoing.It is the playgoers,the RSC contends,who bring in much of the town’s revenue because they spend the night(some of them four or five nights)pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants.The sightseers can take in everything and get out of town by nightfall.

The townsfolk don’t see it this way and the local council does not contribute directly to the subsidy of the Royal Shakespeare Company.Stratford cries poor traditionally.Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge.Hilton is building its own hotel there,which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars,the Lear Lounge,the Banquo Banqueting Room,and so forth,and will be very expensive.

Anyway,the townsfolk can’t understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs a subsidy.(The theatre has broken attendance records for three years in a https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5316165683.html,st year its1,431seats were94per cent occupied all year long and this year they’ll do better.)The reason,of course,is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have stayed low.

It would be a shame to raise prices too much because it would drive away the young people who are Stratford’s most attractive clientele.They come entirely for the plays,not the sights.They all seem to look alike(though they come from all over)—lean,pointed,dedicated faces,wearing jeans and sandals,eating their buns and bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the20seats and80standing-room tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box office opens at10:30a.m.

26.From the first two paragraphs,we learn that________.

[A]the townsfolk deny the RSC’s contribution to the town’s revenue

[B]the actors of the RSC imitate Shakespeare on and off stage

[C]the two branches of the RSC are not on good terms

[D]the townsfolk earn little from tourism

27.It can be inferred from Paragraph3that________.

[A]the sightseers cannot visit the Castle and the Palace separately

[B]the playgoers spend more money than the sightseers

[C]the sightseers do more shopping than the playgoers

[D]the playgoers go to no other places in town than the theater

28.By saying“Stratford cries poor traditionally”(Line2,Paragraph4),the author implies that______.

[A]Stratford cannot afford the expansion projects

[B]Stratford has long been in financial difficulties

[C]the town is not really short of money

[D]the townsfolk used to be poorly paid

29.According to the townsfolk,the RSC deserves no subsidy because________.

[A]ticket prices can be raised to cover the spending

[B]the company is financially ill-managed

[C]the behavior of the actors is not socially acceptable

[D]the theatre attendance is on the rise

30.From the text we can conclude that the author________.

[A]is supportive of both sides

[B]favors the townsfolk’s view

[C]takes a detached attitude

[D]is sympathetic to the RSC


When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world,something strange happened to the large animals:they suddenly became extinct.Smaller species survived.The large,slow-growing animals were easy game,and were quickly hunted to extinction.Now something similar could be happening in the oceans.

That the seas are being overfished has been known for years.Whatresearchers such as Ransom Myers and Boris Worm have shown is just how fast things are changing.They have looked at half a century of data from fisheries around the world.Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass(the amount of living biological matter)of fish species in particular parts of the ocean,but rather changes in that biomass over time.According to their latest paper published in Nature,the biomass of large predators(animals that kill and eat other animals)in a new fishery is reduced on average by80%within15years of the start of exploitation.In some long-fished areas, it has halved again since then.

Dr.Worm acknowledges that these figures are conservative.One reason for this is that fishing technology has improved.Today’s vessels can find their prey using satellites and sonar,which were not available50years ago. That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught,so the real difference between present and past is likely to be worse than the one recorded by changes in catch sizes.In the early days,too,longlines would have been more saturated with fish.Some individuals would therefore not have been caught,since no baited hooks would have been available to trap them,leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past.Furthermore, in the early days of longline fishing,a lot of fish were lost to sharks after they had been hooked.That is no longer a problem,because there are fewer sharks around now.

Dr.Myers and Dr.Worm argue that their work gives a correct baseline,which future management efforts must take into account.They believe the data support an idea current among marine biologists,that of the“shifting baseline”.The notion is that people have failed to detect the massive changes which have happened in the ocean because they have been looking back only a relatively short time into the past.That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about50%of its original levels.Most fisheries are well below that,which is a bad way to do business.

31.The extinction of large prehistoric animals is noted to suggest that________.

[A]large animals were vulnerable to the changing environment

[B]small species survived as large animals disappeared

[C]large sea animals may face the same threat today

[D]slow-growing fish outlive fast-growing ones

32.We can infer from Dr.Myers and Dr.Worm’s paper that________.

[A]the stock of large predators in some old fisheries has reduced by90%

[B]there are only half as many fisheries as there were15years ago

[C]the catch sizes in new fisheries are only20%of the original amount

[D]the number of large predators dropped faster in new fisheries than in the old

33.By saying“these figures are conservative”(Line1,paragraph3),Dr.Worm means that________.

[A]fishing technology has improved rapidly

[B]then catch-sizes are actually smaller than recorded

[C]the marine biomass has suffered a greater loss

[D]the data collected so far are out of date

34.Dr.Myers and other researchers hold that________.

[A]people should look for a baseline that can work for a longer time

[B]fisheries should keep their yields below50%of the biomass

[C]the ocean biomass should be restored to its original level

[D]people should adjust the fishing baseline to the changing situation

35.The author seems to be mainly concerned with most fisheries’________.

[A]management efficiency

[B]biomass level

[C]catch-size limits

[D]technological application


Many things make people think artists are weird.But the weirdest may be this:artists’only job is to explore emotions,and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.

This wasn’t always so.The earliest forms of art,like painting and music,are those best suited for expressing joy. But somewhere from the19th century onward,more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless,phony or, worst of all,boring,as we went from Wordsworth’sdaffodils to Baudelaire’s flowers of evil.

You could argue that art became more skeptical of happiness because modern times have seen so much misery. But it’s not as if earlier times didn’t know perpetual war,disaster and the massacre of innocents.The reason,in fact,may be just the opposite:there is too much damn happiness in the world today.

After all,what is the one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness? Advertising.The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass media,and with it,a commercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.

[D]Mass media are inclined to cover disasters and deaths.

Part B


In the following article,some sentences have been removed.For Questions41-45,choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of numbered gaps.There are two extra choices,which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.(10points)On the north bank of the Ohio river sits Evansville,Ind., home of David Williams,52,and of a riverboat casino(a place where gambling games are played).During several years of gambling in that casino,Williams,a state auditor earning$35,000a year,lost approximately $175,000.He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for$20worth of gambling.

He visited the casino,lost the$20and left.On his second visit he lost$800.The casino issued to him,as a good customer,a“Fun Card”,which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks,and enables the casino to track the user’s gambling activities.For Williams,these activities become what he calls“electronic heroin”.

(41)________.In1997he lost$21,000to one slot machine in two days.In March1997he lost$72,186.He sometimes played two slot machines at a time,all night,until the boat docked at5a.m.,then went back aboard when the casino opened at9a.m.Now he is suing the casino,charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted.It did know he had a problem.

In March1998a friend of Williams’s got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions,and wrote to inform the casino of Williams’s gambling problem.The casino included a photo of Williams among those of banned gamblers,and wrote to him a“cease admissions”letter.Noting the“medical/psychological”nature of problem gambling behavior,the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his safety or well-being.


The Wall Street Journal reports that the casino has24signs warning:“Enjoy the fun...and always bet with your head,not over it.”Every entrance ticket lists a toll-free number for counseling from the Indiana Department of Mental Health.Nevertheless,Williams’s suit charges that the casino,knowing he was“helplessly addicted to gambling,”intentionally worked to“lure”him to“engage in conduct against his will.”Well.


The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says“pathological gambling”involves persistent,recurring and uncontrollable pursuit less of money than of the thrill of taking risks in quest of

a windfall.

(44)________.Pushed by science,or what claims to be science,society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.


Forty-four states have lotteries,29have casinos,and most of these states are to varying degrees dependent on—you might say addicted to—revenues from wagering.And since the first Internet gambling site was created in 1995,competition for gamblers’dollars has become intense.The Oct.28issue of Newsweek reported that2

160-200words neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20points)


Section I Use of English






























【解析】从空所在的位置可以判断出本题考查的是help后面的介词搭配的用法。help sb.in doing sth.,表示“帮助某人做什么事”,in后面接动名词(固定用法)。help sb.with sth.意为“通过做某件事帮助别人完成这件事”,两者代入文中,语意上讲不通。for表示目的,帮助某人,前面不定式已经表示了目的,“为了帮助无家可归的人为了独立”语意也不通。toward表示“趋向,接近”,后面常接抽象名词,符合文意。故正确答案为D。


















【解析】空所在的句子显然是表达人们对无家可归者的数量看法,后面谈到人们的看法从600,000到3 million不等,这说明人们在这一数量上没有达成一致,因此这个空只能填入一个否定词,C和D比较,显然D代入句中句意更加通顺,故答案为D。









[A]Now that既然,由于



[D]Except that除……外






























































































【解析】从句子结构可以看出,填入的是修饰program的,这是怎么样的一个program呢?后面的定语从句有说明,这个program可以解决无家可归者许多需求,那么四个选项当中能满足这一要求的只有B 项,故答案为B。









【解析】这个空要结合其后面的内容,上句谈到是comprehensive program,后面一句谈到的是a package deal,两者显然是指差不多的内容,两者相当的内容,只能是并列结构,只有C是表示这种关系的连词,故答案为C。如果考生平时应注意积累一些常用的固定短语的话,本题可以与19题连起来考虑,as…put it是一个固定表达,意为“正如……所说的那样”。同样可以得出答案为C。























Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A
































【解析】文章从第二段开始正式开始讨论美国的移民文化问题,文章对移民的到来是这样描述的“may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous(可能没有起到提升美国的作用,但也并非有害社会)”,而且移民进入美国“is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation(速度并不是很快,同时他们也不排斥社会化的同化作用)”。由此我们可以推断出答案为C。



















【解析】本文中心探讨的是国外移民融入美国社会的问题。从文章作者对这一事件评论的语句“may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous”可以看出作者对这一事件是持正面态度的,故排除CD两项。从文章讨论的中心分析,移民在进入美国后能很快的融入美国文化,说明融入是成功的,故答案为B。


1.There is“the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse,and the casualness and absence of deference”characteristic of popular culture.

【解析】本句是一个存在句,主干是there is...,and...(存在……与……),表示存在两种现象:一种是“衣着和话语民主统一”(the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse),另一种是“人们随意而不拘礼节”(and the casualness and absence of deference),它们都是大众文化的特征(characteristic of popular culture)。注意:引号中的内容是作者引用他人的话。

【译文】在美国,大众文化的特点就是“在服饰和谈吐方面大众化的一致性、漫不经心和不拘礼节”。2.Rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks,yet“some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation’s assimilative power.”

【解析】本句的主干是Rodriguez notes that...,that引导的宾语从句中又含有一个由yet连接的并列句,前面一句的主干是:children...are fans of...,后面一句的主干是:“some Americans fear that…”,that引导宾语从句immigrants...remain somehow immune to...作fear的宾语。



1.homogenize vt.均质化,使均匀

2.assimilation n.同化,同化作用,消化

3.democratize vt.使民主化

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5316165683.html,unch n.发起;使运动

5.intimate a.亲密的,私人的

6.cater v.备办食物或服务;迎合

7.fit in/into可容纳,装进

8.indices n.index的复数形式,标志,指标

9.census n.人口调(普)查v.调查人口数字

10.bilingual adj.(能说)两种语言的

11.graveyard n.墓地,坟场

12.divisive adj.区分的,不和的

13.pocket n.口袋;小组织

14.seethe v.非常气愤、激动;充满

15.remote adj.遥远的,偏僻的

16.immune adj.免疫的

17.deteriorate v.(使)恶化







