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A Computational and Engineering View on Open Distributed Real-time Multimedia exchange

A Computational and Engineering View on Open Distributed Real-time Multimedia exchange
A Computational and Engineering View on Open Distributed Real-time Multimedia exchange

A Computational and Engineering View


Open Distributed Real-Time Multimedia Exchange Peter Leydekkers1,3,Valérie Gay2 and Leonard Franken3

1TINA - Core Team, 331, Newman Spring Rd, Bellcore, Red bank, NJ 07701, USA

2Université Paris VI, Laboratoire MASI, 4, place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05 - France 3PTT Research, P.O. Box 15000, 9700 CD Groningen - The Netherlands

A b s t r a c t. An important requirement for distributed multimedia

applications is the support of real-time communication and the means to

specify real-time aspects. The aim of this paper is to extend RM-ODP and

TINA-C computational and engineering views on distributed systems for the

specification and support of real-time communication. It is expected that

these bodies have a major impact in the area of distributed processing.

However, concepts and mechanisms to support real-time communication are

not yet fully included or detailed in these standards. In particular this paper

addresses Quality of Service (QoS) specifications for continuous dataflows.

These QoS specifications are described from the ODP computational and

engineering viewpoint and the repercussions of these QoS specifications

for functions located in both the computing and telecommunications

environment are discussed.

Keywords. Distributed Multimedia Architectures, QoS, ODP, TINA-DPE


In the near future, distributed multimedia applications such as video-on-demand and multimedia conferencing services will operate in a Distributed Processing Environment (DPE). The DPE is a distributed platform that offers important properties such as heterogeneity and distribution transparency. In a distributed environment heterogeneity may include: equipment heterogeneity due to a multi-vendor environment, operating system heterogeneity due to different operational contexts (office, factory), and authority heterogeneity (e.g. co-operation between separate network providers).

In a distributed multimedia context, an important requirement for the DPE is the provision of real-time communication and the means to specify real-time aspects for distributed applications. This paper addresses this real-time communication aspect from both the ODP computational and engineering viewpoint. It is closely aligned to RM-ODP, TINA and OMG since it is expected that these ‘standardisation’ bodies will have a major impact in the area of distributed processing. However, in the area of multimedia communication these ‘standardisation’ bodies have some weak points:

?They do not specify a complete language to specify real-time interaction at the computational level. OMG defines a language which is used as a basis by TINA-

C and RM-ODP but it does not incorporate the streams concept that is used to

model continuous dataflows which is essential for real-time multimedia

communication. They also do not provide a language to specify the non-functional properties of objects. In particular QoS specifications are required for stream interfaces to guarantee real-time multimedia communication.

?They do not provide (complete) mapping rules to relate a computational real-time specification to an engineering configuration which can be executed.

?Concerning the engineering configuration, even if their architecture is flexible enough to integrate the functionalities required by the real-time application, there is still the need for further research to define and design the functions required for an open real-time platform.

This paper addresses these issues using the TINA DPE platform as a basis and proposes solutions for real-time multimedia communication based on concepts defined in RM-ODP.


The Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture Consortium (TINA-C) is a world-wide initiative that consists of members from the computer industry, telecommunication network operators and telecommunication vendors. TINA-C is defining an open architecture which will enable the rapid deployment of telecommunication services. The TINA-architecture is based on techniques such as object-orientation and distributed computing and it uses as much as possible concepts and standards from both the telecommunication and computing area. One of the main goals of TINA-C is to define a platform that supports the execution of distributed telecommunication applications. This platform is called the TINA Distributed Processing Environment (TINA-DPE).

In this paper we present two views on the TINA-DPE as shown in Figure 1, i.e. a computational view and engineering view. These viewpoints are derived from RM-ODP [1] and adopted by TINA. RM-ODP identifies five viewpoints from which a distributed system can be described. However, the computational, engineering and technology viewpoint are of primary interest for the specification of real-time multimedia exchange in a distributed environment.

The ODP computational view on the TINA-DPE (upper plane in Figure 1) specifies a distributed application in terms of computational objects that interact with each other in a distribution transparent way. A computational object provides a set of services that can be used by other objects. To enable other objects to access a service, an object offers a computational interface which is the only means by which other objects can use the service thereby providing data encapsulation. Complexities introduced by the distribution can be hidden from applications in this view on the TINA-DPE. This can be done using transparencies which are used to hide aspects of systems that arise through their distribution. The applications using the DPE platform may select those transparencies they need and handle other aspects of distribution characteristics as they want. The DPE platform supports, for instance, location transparency which implies that applications are not concerned with communication aspects and on which nodes the (computational) objects are located. This implies for example that applications that interact with each other do not need to be aware of the physical locations of each other.

Fig.1. TINA Distributed Processing Environment

For computational objects to interact in a meaningful way the specification of well-defined interfaces in TINA and contracts are important. A contract can be specified between objects describing the agreed non-functional properties which should be observed in order for the application to operate properly. Several contract classes exist addressing different issues (e.g. security or accounting) but in this paper we focus on the QoS contract in relation with real-time interaction for continuous flows such as audio and video. A QoS contract provides a specification of the service provided and ‘level of service’ agreed between the involved computational objects.

The ODP engineering view and corresponding engineering language describe the mechanisms and functions required to support distributed execution and interaction between (computational) objects. The ODP engineering view on the TINA-DPE (middle plane in Figure 1) shows a collection of DPE nodes, a user node, service provider node and a network provider node each having different characteristics. A DPE node provides the mechanisms to support distribution transparency as assumed in the computational view and hides the native computing and communication environment from the application designer. For applications to be capable of interoperating with applications on the other DPE nodes there should be a (minimum) agreed set of functionality that is available on each DPE node.

A DPE node is composed of three parts, i.e. the DPE kernel, the Native Computing and Communications Environment (NCCE) and Hardware. The DPE kernel is a software layer that is available on each DPE node. It is a software layer between the local operating system and application components. It provides a set of basic

functions such as communication, storage and processing capabilities. The NCCE describes the local operating system and basic communication functions that are used by the DPE kernel. The Hardware describes the devices and hardware resources available on a DPE node. The description of the hardware and NCCE is part of the ODP technology view on a system and is often vendor specific.

The network provider provides communication services (bottom plane in Figure 1) to interconnect the user and service providers that are geographically distributed. The network provider has access to and controls the network elements for the purpose of set-up, release and maintenance of network connections. Network elements represent the resources in the telecommunication network and consist of elements such as switches, cross-connects and video-bridges.

It is worth noting that the elements in the DPE platform plane and DPE node plane in Figure 1 need not to have a one-to-one relation. Computational objects in the DPE platform plane may correspond to one or multiple (engineering) objects in the DPE node plane and may also be distributed over multiple DPE nodes.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5b3934791.html,putational view on real-time exchange Focusing on the computational view on the DPE (upper plane of Figure 1) real-time aspects are mainly reflected in the ODP computational concepts of stream interface, explicit binding object and environment contract [1]. Stream interfaces are used for objects to exchange real-time continuous data (e.g. voice, video). For real-time exchange it is important to be able to specify QoS as part of the binding between computational objects (interfaces). QoS properties can be specified in a static way by means of declarations attached to the object and its stream interfaces (expressed in an environment contract).

(e.g. Control_Interface)


Fig. 2. Object environment contract, stream interface and binding object

In a dynamic way QoS properties are handled by the explicit stream binding process. Figure 2 highlights and relates the computational concepts of concern for real-time specifications.

3.1 Static specification of real-time exchange

The stream interface concept in RM-ODP can be used to describe continuous flows that have tight real-time constraints. Stream interfaces represent a communication end-point that may be a source or sink of continuous flows. Stream interfaces are described in detail in [9] using the TINA-ODL (Object Definition Language) specification language. TINA-ODL is an extension of OMG-IDL (Interface Definition Language) [11] that enables to express telecommunication and multimedia oriented computational specifications. Based on the syntax template for stream interfaces as proposed in [9], a simplified TINA-ODL specification for a multimedia computational object is shown in Table 1 and the related stream interface specification in Table 2.

A computational object template [1] comprises a set of computational interface templates which the object can instantiate, a behaviour specification and an environment contract specification.

The QoS specification is inspired on [4] which allows the separate specification of the guarantee level required for each QoS parameter. In general, three classes of guarantee level are identified, i.e., deterministic, statistical reliable and best effort. For each guarantee level this results in different commitment specification of the QoS parameter.

object template Computational_MultiMedia_Object;

typedef enum guarantee { Deterministic, StatisticalReliable, BestEffort};

supported interfaces /* interfaces that are offered by the object. */



/* Describes non-functional aspects that apply to the whole object inclusive interfaces. */ environment contract

struct QoSContract {

union Performance switch (guarantee) {/*expressed in response time in seconds*/ case Deterministic:real Peak;

case StatisticalReliable:real Mean;

case BestEffort:struct interval {real min, max;} Bound;


union Availability switch(guarantee){/*expressed in mean time between failure*/ case Deterministic:real Peak;

case StatisticalReliable:real Mean;


/* similar descriptions can be made for Reliability, Consistency, Security etc. */


behaviour /* describes the behaviour of the object */

Table 1. TINA-ODL specification of a MultiMedia terminal object template

A computational stream interface template consists of a finite set of action templates, one for each flowtype in the stream interface. Each action template for a flow contains the name of the flow, the information type of the flow and an indication of causality for the flow since flows are unidirectional (producer or consumer but not both), a behaviour specification and an environment contract specification.

interface template AudioVideoStreamInterface;

typedef struct VideoFlowType {...}; /*A VideoFlowType describes the characteristics of video and attributes are e.g. codingtype, resolution, colordepth. */

typedef struct AudioFlowType {...};/*AudioFlowType characteristics are e.g

compressiontype, samples/s. See [9] for details. */ typedef enum guarantee { Deterministic, StatisticalReliable, BestEffort}; environment contract

struct StreamQoS {

union Throughput switch (guarantee) /* expressed in samples/s or frames/s */ case Deterministic:real Peak;

case StatisticalReliable:real Mean;

case BestEffort:struct interval {real min, max;} Bound;


union Jitter switch (guarantee) /* expressed in samples/s or frames/s */ case Deterministic:real Peak;

case StatisticalReliable:real Mean;


/* similar definitions for Delay and Errorrate */

} requiredVideoQoS, requiredAudioQoS, offeredVideoQoS, offeredAudioQoS;

sink display VideoFlowType with requiredVideoQoS;

sink speaker AudioFlowType with requiredAudioQoS;

source camera VideoFlowType with offeredVideoQoS;

source microphone AudioFlowType with offeredAudioQoS;

behaviour /* This part describes the behaviour of this AudioVideoStreamInterface */ Table 2. TINA-ODL specification of a Audio video stream interface template

In RM-ODP the environment contract concept can be used to specify the QoS attributes of a computational object and its interfaces (Table 1, 2). The values in an environment contract are specified between a set of objects which are possibly located in different domains (Figure 1). Such a contract provides a specification of the service provided and of the ‘level of service’ agreed between the involved objects. It expresses the requirements and obligations which have to be fulfilled and it addresses issues such as the performance, availability, and security aspects of the objects and indications of behaviour which invalidates the contract (e.g. severe QoS-degradation). An environment contract between computational objects is determined during the set-up phase. QoS negotiation is possible during this phase and once agreement is achieved the QoS values can be monitored by a QoS manager.

Based on this contract, specific object environment contracts can be determined for each involved computational object (Figure 2). For each interface a contract is specified. We distinguish between offeredQoS contract (i.e. for outgoing flows) and

requiredQoS contract (i.e. for incoming flows) for stream interfaces since the QoS requirements may be different for each flow [13].

The offeredQoS specifies the values by which the stream interface will transfer its output to other objects. These parameters are described in the QoScontract of the AudioVideoStreamInterface (Stream_QoS in Table 2). The requiredQoS specification is similar to the offeredQoS specification and represents how the object expects frames or packets to be delivered at its input.

The guarantee level agreed should be obeyed by the object. Three classes of service commitment are distinguished, deterministic, statistical and best effort. If the object can not maintain the agreed service commitment the involved objects should be informed.

3.2 Dynamic specification of real-time exchange

In addition to the specification of stream interfaces and QoS contracts, it is important to check the compatibility of stream interfaces prior to data exchange and the ability to express some real-time control on the set of stream interfaces that are bound.

The binding object is a suitable ODP concept to describe these aspects of real-time exchange. It represents an end-to-end association between two or more computational objects. The binding object is used to abstract over end-to-end connections and is responsible for compatibility checks between the stream interfaces (in particular the non-functional aspects such as QoS). It provides several operational control interfaces for monitor and control purposes during the exchange of continuous media. These control interfaces may be used by other computational objects such as the QoS manager (Figure 3).

A binding object is of a certain type that defines its configuration possibilities and its characteristics. Its type influences the engineering configuration and in [2] an example is described of a ‘multiparty’ binding object. In this paper, we consider a real-time stream binding object.

Figure 3 shows an example of an explicit binding action to create a real-time binding between three computational objects similar to the configuration shown in Figure 1. In our example, the server object interacts with the binding factory object. It asks for the creation of a binding object of type ‘real-time’ to link and control three stream interfaces, each of them having non-functional parameters specified. The binding factory creates the real-time stream binding object to enable the data exchange necessary for the binding. The binding object is an abstraction of the connection(s) set-up in the telecommunication network (lowest plane in Figure 1). The binding factory functionalities are compatible with those supported by Communication Session Manager as described in TINA and Eurescom P.103 [12].

Fig. 3. Binding process

Client and server stream interfaces are linked and controlled by a real-time stream binding object and exchange of data is now possible. The binding object has several control interfaces used by the application server (CS), the application clients (CC) and other computational objects (CO). The CO interface will be used for example by the QoS manager (owned by a network provider) to monitor the network QoS and to initiate operations (e.g. QoS-renegotiation) in case of QoS contract violations. The binding object may also invoke signal operations on the clients and servers to notify particular events (e.g. synchronisation events). The binding object should provide the QoS guarantees between the interacting interfaces as described in the QoS environment contract.

4.Engineering view on real-time exchange

In the engineering view (Figure 1 middle plane) functions and mechanisms are identified which are required to support real-time stream communication. Many functions of a DPE node are derived from RM-ODP. RM-ODP contains general descriptions of functions fundamental to the construction of ODP systems (like the TINA DPE), but it does not define detailed mechanisms for these functions. The functions defined in RM-ODP are management, co-ordination, repository and security functions [1].

In general, each DPE node contains a nucleus that co-ordinates processing, storage and communication functions for use by other engineering objects within the node to which it belongs (Figure 4). Engineering objects (e.g. Video object, QoS manager) are grouped into a capsule which is a configuration of objects forming a single unit for processing and storage. Functionalities such as capsule creation, deletion and

checkpointing are supported by the capsule manager. The ODP channel concept [1] provides engineering mechanisms that enable communication between engineering objects that are either located in the same DPE node or on a remote DPE node.

Fig. 4. RM-ODP engineering view on a DPE node

For the support of real-time multimedia exchange, specialisation is required (e.g. thread manager) and additional functions are needed to be included such as QoS management and resource management (section 4.2).

4.1 Computational QoS contract related to engineering QoS labels The computational QoS specification provides an abstract expression of QoS which does not make any reference to engineering or technology mechanisms. A translation has to be made onto the engineering configuration that realises the QoS aspects as specified in the (computational) contracts. A computational QoS specification covers both the end-to-end aspects as well as the QoS aspects of the end systems DPE node. To check if the suitable amount of resources from the nucleus are allocated to the capsules we introduce QoS labels to guide the allocation process. The labels describe the QoS aspects of the engineering components. The values of the QoS labels specify the available capacity of the nucleus, and the required capacity by the capsules. The QoS labels associated to the channel objects guide the allocation of communication resources in order to realise the required throughput, delay and jitter [6].

For example, the specification of throughput expressed by the number of frames/sec in the computational QoS contract will be translated to throughput in Mbit/s for the protocol object and compression/decompression speed of the stub object in the engineering viewpoint. Furthermore, the video engineering object needs per invocation (for the processing of a frame) a number of milliseconds on a certain CPU type located in the nucleus. It is important to realise that a computational QoS

parameter may influence several QoS parameters in the engineering viewpoint. The computational throughput can be derived from the combination of engineering objects using queuing theory or operations research [7], [8].

The check if the engineering objects can fulfil the required throughput depends on the capacities available of the hardware components such as CPU, memory, storage and communications. These descriptions should be expressed in a technology viewpoint description of the system.

The approach described above is in its initial stage and subject to future work in TINA-C.

4.2 Functions required for real-time support

The DPE node that deals with real-time dataflows accounts for several functions that can monitor and control the resources available on a DPE node.

The resource manager should be available on each DPE node and has a view of the available resources on a particular DPE node (CPU, memory, etc.). In case of a network provider DPE node it has an overview of the network resources available that are located in his domain. Resource allocation is based on special mechanisms which might be different for each DPE node. In general resource allocation for the object is based on the object’s QoS labels and the computational QoS contract. Especially for real-time services it is important to have strict resource management policies so that real-time QoS contracts can be not only met at service instantiation but also during the life-time of the service.

The QoS manager checks if the DPE node can and, will fulfil the computational contracts as agreed. The QoS manager uses monitoring and control functions to perform its task. It requests the resource manager for certain resources (e.g. buffer, CPU-time, Audio-device etc.) that can be allocated to a particular application. The QoS manager in the DPE node uses the QoS labels to check if the specified contract can be realised. Global QoS managers have the task to check if the computational contracts between user and service provider can be met in relation to the network provider.

The Node management function manages the threads in a DPE node.Several threads will be active to deal with real-time flows on a DPE node. (In general for each flow a separate thread will be running since the devices are located in different capsules [9]). Due to the timeliness of these flows, threads have to be scheduled in some manner to satisfy the timeliness constraint. Customised thread scheduling algorithms can be used for real-time exchange. Pre-emptive scheduling is most appropriate for real-time flows, where a running thread can be stopped and another thread allowed to run. Different pre-emptive policies can be applied such as First In First Out, Round Robin or Time-sharing [14].

Admission control functions are needed to decide whether new (engineering) objects can be executed without offending the existing QoS contracts that are already established for other objects running on the DPE node. The admission control

functions have a different scope for each type of DPE Node. In case of an end-user DPE node the admission control checks the CPU, memory and devices that are in use and makes decisions upon this workload. For a network provider DPE node the admission control function checks the workload of the network elements, available bandwidth etc. The allocation policy of network resources should be in accordance to the guarantee level that is requested for the binding (i.e. statistical, best effort or deterministic).

As indicated above different engineering configurations will exist depending on the concerned operating environment. For instance, the DPE kernel of an end-user DPE node will have different mechanisms described for its QoS managers than the network provider DPE node.


From the computational viewpoint, this paper describes how the RM-ODP concept of environment contract can be used to specify real-time requirements for objects and interfaces. It also shows how real-time requirements are handled by a real-time stream binding object. The approach described in this paper to assign an environment contract to each flow can also be applied to operational interfaces. We suggest to extend OMG-IDL with the concept of stream interface and environment contract since they are important for the specification of applications operating in a telecommunications environment. An outline is given of QoS specifications using the computational environment contracts. Further work is needed to complete the specifications and to provide ‘standard’ contract environment descriptions which can then be used to specify the non-functional aspects of distributed applications.

A lot of open issues still remain and future work is needed how to make the appropriate QoS translation from a computational to an engineering specification. This translation is very complex since it also depends on the engineering configuration of objects that represent a computational object. With respect to QoS this paper presents the first ideas of relating computational QoS specifications to engineering objects and associated engineering QoS labels. In order to enable the mapping, QoS labels have to be refined for all engineering objects and functions.

In the engineering view, we added several engineering functions necessary for DPE nodes that need to deal with real-time multimedia applications. It shows how they fit in the RM-ODP and TINA-C engineering view on distributed systems. Future work remains to be done to describe the functions in the context of ODP standardisation. This paper may serve as an input for the RM-ODP standardisation group on the work item ‘QoS in Open Distributed Processing’.


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Specification)’, TINA document TR_KMK.001_1.1_94, restricted distribution, November 1994.


旅游销售计划书 如果心在远方,只需勇敢前行,梦想自会引路,旅游的销售计划是怎样的呢?下面是关于旅游销售计划的资料以供大家参考学习,希望大家喜欢。 旅游销售计划篇一 旅游业是创汇创收的外向型综合性很强的新兴产业。加大宣传力度,开拓旅游市场,是加快旅游业发展头等重要的问题;开发市场的广度和深度,是宣传成效的具体标志。旅游现在已经成为人们生活中必不可缺少的一项活动。成立石家庄办事处,做好市场和景区之间的衔接工作,从而达到旅游企业(景区)和旅游者的"双赢"目的。 一、推广目的: 1、一年时间推出景区,让石家庄70%旅游爱好者认知养子沟风景区; 2、让石家庄旅行社对景区有深入的了解,充分推广景区优势资源; 3、拓展至石家庄户外旅游俱乐部、4S店车行、自驾俱乐部等合作方,达到战略合作同盟; 二、推广范围: 石家庄、邯郸 注:推广方向以石家庄为中心点,以地接方式扩廷周边市场 三、市场分析 1、石家庄市场概况 (1)、地理位置,人口:石家庄市地处华北平原腹地,北靠京津,东临渤海,西倚太行山,是首都的南大门。现辖6个区、12个县、5个县级市和1个国家级的高新技术开发区,总面积1.58万平方公里,全市常住人口约1000万人,市区300多万人。 (2)、交通情况:铁路—京广、京山、津浦、石太、石德、京包、京秦、京原等13条铁路干线及只线、地方铁路行程了石家庄为枢纽的铁路网。石家庄火车站位于市区中心地带,铁路—石家庄公路如网,通车里程达4万多里。石家庄有多个长途汽车客运站。 (3)、经济发展:石家庄市是河北省省会,全省的政治、经济、科技、文化和信息中心。改革开放以来,石家庄人民焕发出加快发展、富民强市的勃勃生机和活力,在参与全球经济竞争的大潮中,不断创造出优良业绩。目前石家庄已成为经济特色明显、主导产业突出、人民生活丰富、发展前景广阔的中国北方重要城市之一。石家庄市一个具有发展潜力的城市,自然资源丰富,交通通讯便利,基础设施配套,工商业发达,市场前景广阔,投资环境较为优越,是国内外客商投资兴业的理想之处。 综上所述:石家庄近几年经济发展迅速,人们平均发展水平有了明显提高,对生活品质的需求也越来越高,相对就刺激了旅游业在石家庄的发展. 2、竞争对手分析 本地旅游资源丰富。有国家级名胜风景区5处(苍岩山、嶂石岩、清西陵、野三坡、白洋淀),省级风景区名胜区2处(封龙山、天桂山);还拥有国家历史文化名城—正定,省历史文化名县—赵县;以及省级旅游度假村(蟠龙湖、苍岩山、温塘、嶂石岩),国家级森林公园1处(五岳寨),以及省级森林公园7处(仙台山、驼梁(野河漂流)、南寺章、赤支、九州湖、西柏坡等),邢台天河山漂流,北京(白


旅游计划书范文 旅游计划书范文(一) 一、活动名称:梦想征途&青春起航——xxxxx班毕业阳朔之行 二、活动时间: **年x月 x日至x月x日 三、活动地点:广西桂林阳朔 四、参加人数: x人 五、经费预算:旅游费用308元/每人 (按x人计算) 六、活动负责人: (班长) (组织委员) 七、工作小组职责分配:(粗体为组长,组长要负责上下车人数的清点) 第一组(11人): 第二组(5人) 第三组(6人): 第四组(5人): 第五组(5人): 第六组(4人): 附:【各组长联系方式】 第一组组长: 第二组组长: 第三组组长: 第四组组长:

第五组组长: 第六组组长: 八、温馨小tips: 【建议个人自备】 洗漱类:牙刷牙膏,洁面乳,毛巾,梳子,头绳。(酒店有提供,但只是提供一晚的,我们一去到就要刷牙洗脸了,所以。。。 日常类:双肩或单肩小包包(出去玩方便带上贵重物品),纸巾(卫生纸等),拖鞋,风油精等驱蚊水。 遮阳类:雨伞(必带),防晒乳,太阳镜,帽子。 衣服类:,内衣,睡衣,防雨外衣,厚外衣,被罩或小毛毯。 v 重要物品:身份证(必带),学生证,相机,充电电池和充电器,通讯簿。 v 其他物品:干粮零食,足够现金/信用卡(现金要整零搭配),扑克等棋牌 类,自身常用药品,n个袋子(方便装湿衣物)或环保袋。 【班级旅游必备】 药类: (自备) 内服:晕车药,发烧药,感冒药,胃药,腹泻药(正露丸)。 外用:绷带,止血贴,消毒水,万花油,驱风油。 九、活动特色跟内容: 【活动特色】 所有的时间都花在游玩上,全程无任何购物安排。 带你游览最经典的漓江及遇龙河风光,走传统旅行社无法行走的线路,给你全新而特别的旅行体验。


全域旅游设施建设五大提升路径(上) 北京绿维创景规划设计院 绿维文旅深耕全域旅游方法论和技术工具研究,率先提出全域旅游“325”的架构,指出旅游公共服务设施网的重要性。林峰博士认为,在全域旅游的背景下,游客对旅游体验的要求越来越高,旅游提档升级对旅游基础设施和公共服务提出了更高要求,旅游交通网络、夜间娱乐环境设施等公共服务设施在服务游客的同时,也可以承载更多功能。绿维规划设计的泾源县泾华路二十公里生态长廊以及黄果树度假小镇的苗头宴舞项目,作为旅游设施,很好的承担了一部分休闲产品功能,是旅游设施提升的典范。 图片来自网络 绿维解读全域旅游设施概念及体系架构 旅游基础设施与旅游公共服务设施是一个问题的两个方面,从服务属性层面比较:旅游基础设施是指为旅游者提供公共服务的物质工程设施,是用于保证旅游活动正常进行的公共服务系统;旅游公共服务是指由政府和其他社会组织、经济组织为满足游客的共同需求,而提供的不以盈利为目的、具有明显公共性、基础性的旅游产品与服务的统称,是提供社会性结构的设施。 旅游基础设施具有功能复合性、设施景观化、服务多群体、承载弹性化的特征,包括能源供应系统、供水排水系统、交通运输系统、邮电通讯系统、环保环卫系统、防卫防灾安全系统六大体系。

旅游基础设施体系架构 旅游公共服务以增强游客体验感、满足游客公共需求为核心;以整合资源、配置产业要素平衡、突破薄弱环节为导向,以旅游产业发展及旅游目的地的快速打造,以及全域旅游的夯实发展为目标。其体系架构包括硬件服务设施(公共服务中心、交通服务设施、医疗保障设施等)与软件服务(公共信息服务、安全服务、行政管理)两大类。 旅游公共服务体系架构 全域旅游设施建设五大提升路径之旅游交通体系、夜间娱乐设施 绿维文旅通过对旅游基础设施与公共服务设施的建设要点进行解读,基于全域旅游发展的新需求,结合绿维多年实践,从旅游交通体系、夜间娱乐设施、卫生设施体系、信息化设施建设体系、旅游公共服务中心等五方面总结提出全域旅游设施建设的五大提升路径。本


“穷游”泰国曼谷 策划人:刘婷婷 学号:2011211050 旅游地点:泰国曼谷 时间:9月上旬(泰国旅游淡季) 旅游必备:地图,防晒霜,墨镜,遮阳帽,日常用品,雨具等。 旅游着装——最好是T恤,牛仔裤。 旅游饮食——以当地食物为主。 旅游住宿——带上牙刷和梳子。 旅游天数:5天。 预备旅游景点有:大王宫—曼谷玉佛寺—金福寺—曼谷卧佛寺—王家田广场—泰国国家博物馆—云石寺—湄南河—绿山国家公园。 沟通语言:泰语及英语。 钱币使用:以泰铢为主。 行动预知经济费用为:3000元。 曼谷原意“天使之城”,是泰国首都,是东南亚第二大城市,有“佛庙之都”之誉,为黄袍佛国之泰国首都,是泰国,经济,文化和交通中心。曼谷位于湄南河畔,全市面积1568公里,人口600余万。市内河道纵横,货运频繁,有“东威尼斯”之称。这里的城市气息不浓,多是低矮的民居和商店。这个城市有四百多座佛教寺庙,其中最

有名的是大皇宫内的玉佛寺和在其河斜对面的黎明寺。其他景点有沙法里野生动物园等,另外曼谷亦是购的好地方之一,价廉物美且购物设施充足,所以购物亦是重点活动之一。 旅行预备工作: 其一:签证办理 办理签证的方法有:1:自己去泰国驻华使馆或领馆申请;2:通过旅行社代办签证,交一些手续费。泰国签证一般在一周之内,填写个人资料表、户口本、身份证、照片即可。 其二:机票预定: 由于是选在九月份去泰国旅游,机票比较宽松,不用提前预定就能买到。,方便实惠。由于没有通往泰国的火车,汽车又比较麻烦,费用高,且花费时间较长。所以,在选择交通工具上,只好选择飞机。 其三:钱币兑换:

泰国货币叫铢(泰国货币代码:THB),辅助货币还有撒旦和撒郎,两者的区别类似于1分币和25美分之间的区别。比如,100个撒丹等于1铢,这正如100个1分币等于1美元一样;而1个撒郎等于25个撒丹,正如25美分与25个分币一样。 注意事项: 1:去泰国旅游,吸汗的T恤和不短于七分的牛仔裤,外加一双透气的旅游鞋是首选。而且泰国的建筑大多富丽堂皇,如果穿得太花哨,相片出来后反而效果不好。此外,泰国的寺庙不允许穿无袖、露膝的衣服和凉拖入内,许多穿吊带短裙的女士因此被拦截在外,因此保守穿着仍是上选。 2:吃泰国菜时,首先如果不喜欢辣,在点菜时可向服务员说不要辣。其次不必花费钱财在酒水上,因为泰餐本身味道较重,通常是

商业计划书 亲子游 旅游 度假 周末游

商业计划书 公司名称:重庆泰兰科技有限公司公司主营:27度亲子旅行网 负责人:罗孟奇 2016年5月

目录 一、项目摘要 (3) 二、公司介绍 (3) 三、战略规划 (4) 四、管理组织结构 (5) 五、产品服务 (6) 六、市场预测分析 (7) 七、营销计划 (8) 八、发展计划及进度 (8) 九、财务分析 (8) 十、风险与退出 (11)

一、项目摘要 近年类似《爸爸去哪儿》亲子旅游视频节目的热播,以80后父母为主力拉动,亲子旅游正在成为当下的市场热点,这样一个拥有清晰的目标人群定位,以及强有力的消费能力支撑的旅游细分市场,正在迅速成为“互联网+旅游”主题模式的生力军,成为“旅游O2O”领域大家争相进入的热门市场。 重庆泰兰科技有限公司是一家旅游互联网行业连续创业公司,之前拥有运营泰爱玩旅行网的经验和用户,本次作为公司第二次创业,推出了27度旅行网,27度旅行网是专注5—10岁孩子及其家长为服务对象的新型、正规化的亲子游网站。我们的亲子游项目出发点是注重父母与小孩在旅游中获得的情感融合,亲子互动体验性强,寓教于乐,同时也发掘了家长以旅游形式促进亲子关系的新需求。公司亲子游路线主打重庆周边,报名以家庭为单位,时间在周末及节假日,为期1-2天,最大化的使家长和小孩在工作和学习之余,能够合理利用周末,达到放松和亲子的目的。 公司有专门的团队进行路线规划,找到合适的周边游目的地,再根据目的地的特点,设计亲子相关的互动体验活动,形成亲子游产品。家长以家庭为单位购买亲子游产品,由我们招募的亲子游达人带团,前往目的地进行体验。我们的亲子游产品价格控制在每人500-1500元,必须以家庭为单位(至少一个家长和一个小孩)报名, 8-15个家庭为一个团,每周发团,预计年营业额200万左右。 我们目前预计出让股权25%,融资50万元。我们希望投资人在重庆本土特色旅游及旅行O2O领域,和相关公共机构、企业合作有一定的资源或者经验,能够给我对接更多资源,并且对于公司的日常运作不要有太多束缚。 预计3年内市值达到1000万元,给投资人5倍的回报率。 二、公司介绍 重庆泰兰科技有限公司简介 重庆泰兰科技有限公司成立于2013年5月,其前身为2012年12月建立的专注于


全域旅游发展研究 本文首先对国内全域旅游研究成果进行了综述,然后对全域旅游发展机制和面临的挑战进行了探讨。最后,提出了全域旅游协调发展的三大策略。 标签:全域旅游;发展策略;挑战 一、引言 随着我国市场经济体制的不断深化,城乡二元经济结构弊端日益凸显。旅游业是解决我国城乡差距的重要途径,也是城乡产业结构优化和协同发展的抓手。然而随着社会经济的发展,我国旅游发展的城乡差异越发明显。呈现出乡村旅游地基础设施不完善、信息服务之后、统筹管理机制缺失等一系列问题。 二、文献综述 近年来,全域旅游发展已成为国内学术研究热点。诸多学者就移动互联网背景下全域旅游发展进行了深入探讨。基于系统发展理论,刘兰和郑雅慧就影响全域旅游发展的主要因素和功能机理进行了探索,成功构建了一个全域旅游优势互补发展模型,并对这个模型进行了实践检验。姜松、曹峥林,在对国外学者的研究进行了文献综述的基础上,提出了以城市为核心的全域旅游发展路径。黄震方、陆林等学者首先对区域旅游协调发展进行了界定,提出了以地方利益相关者为核心、以统筹协调发展为目标、以市场为导向的全域旅游发展模型并进行了实证案例研究。在以上研究成果基础上,本文深入分析了全域旅游统筹发展特点,探讨了全域旅游发展面临的挑战,提出了我国全域旅游协调发展策略。 三、全域旅游概念、特点界定 全域旅游是指在一定区域内,以旅游业为优势产业,通过对区域内经济社会资源尤其是旅游资源、相关产业、生态环境、公共服务、体制机制、政策法规、文明素质等进行全方位、系统化的优化提升。实现区域资源有机整合、产业融合发展、社会共建共享,以旅游业带动和促进经济社会协调发展的一种新的区域协调发展理念和模式。在全域旅游中,各行业积极融入其中,各部门齐抓共管,全城居民共同参与,充分利用目的地全部的吸引物要素,为前来旅游的游客提供全过程、全时空的体验产品,满足游客全方位体验需求。 四、全域旅游发展面临的挑战 (一)管理机制不完善 我国全域旅游发展缺乏完善的行政管理機制。全域旅游发展顶层设计缺失,政出多头各自为政,政府各部门间的协调机制缺乏并存。作为行业主管部门的地方旅游局因没有执法权,陷入“管得了正规军,管不了游击队”的尴尬局面。旅游


【全域旅游专题】全域旅游的发展历程及创建标准 2016-06-06 21:05奇创旅游规划推荐574次 上期回顾上期我们探讨了全域旅游的背景:为什么?时代在召唤、产业在期待、业界在探讨是什么?全域旅游是指导旅游产业结构转变的战略理念,其核心理念是旅游业不能单一发展或孤立发展,一个旅游目的地应充分合理规划利用本地旅游资源,并有效的和其他产业融合,建设一个可吸引旅游者逗留时间长,消费高,并能提高当地居民生活质量的旅游城市或县镇。 本期:我们来认识一下全域旅游的动态,包括:发展历程、空间分布以及创建标准。 发展历程概念提出阶段2008浙江绍兴市委市政府提出“全城旅游”发展战略,启动全城旅游区总体规划招标,上海奇创旅游咨询运营机构中标。2009江苏《昆山市旅游发展总体规划修编》提出“全域旅游,全景昆山”。2010四川大邑县发展全域旅游的高端形态,启动全域旅游休闲度假战略规划。2011在《杭州市“十二五”旅游休闲业发展规划》中,创新性地提出了旅游全域化战略;浙江桐庐提出全域旅游的全新理念;四川甘孜州提出了全域旅游概念。2012四川甘孜州委明确提出,实施全域旅游发展战略;山东一些县域将“全域旅游”确立为发展方向,如蓬莱、日照五莲县等,山东沂水县确立“建设全景沂水发展全域旅游”发展战略;湖南资兴市推进旅游业由“区域旅游”向“全域旅游”转变。 地方试点探索阶段2013宁夏回族自治区明确提出要“发展全域旅游,创建全域旅游示范区(省),把全区作为一个旅游目的地打造”;桐庐成为浙江省全域旅游专项改革试点县,诸城市列为山东省全域旅游试点市;重庆渝中区启动《全域旅游规划》。2014五莲县、临沂市、莱芜市、滕州市、沂水县成为山东省全域化旅游改革试点;河南郑州市人民政府关于发布《关于加快全域旅游发展的意见》。


xx县全域旅游发展总体策划及概念规划 目录 第一章总则....................................................... 1.1 规划性质.................................................... 1.2 规划范围.................................................... 1.3 规划目标.................................................... 1.4 规划期限.................................................... 1.5 规划依据.................................................... 第二章发展背景分析................................................. 2.1 宏观背景分析................................................ 2.2 旅游业发展态势.............................................. 2.3 xx旅游发展现状.............................................. 第三章旅游市场分析................................................. 3.1 客源市场现状................................................ 3.2 旅游消费特征................................................ 3.3 旅游消费趋势................................................ 3.4 目标市场定位................................................ 3.5 游客接待量预测.............................................. 第四章旅游资源评价................................................. 4.1 旅游资源分类................................................ 4.2 旅游资源评价................................................ 第五章总体发展定位................................................. 5.1 发展契机.................................................... 5.2 发展战略.................................................... 5.3 总体定位.................................................... 5.4 形象定位.................................................... 5.5 功能定位.................................................... 5.6 发展方向.................................................... 5.7 发展目标.................................................... 5.8 空间战略.................................................... 第六章全域旅游产品与项目策划....................................... 6.1 全域旅游产品策划............................................ 6.2 全域旅游项目策划............................................ 6.3 道路与游线规划.............................................. 第七章全域旅游专项规划............................................. 7.1 旅游城镇体系规划............................................ 7.2 旅游交通体系规划............................................ 7.3 服务支撑体系规划............................................


赴泰国旅行计划书 姓名:刘润楠系别:会计学院专业:会计学年级:13级本科五班学号:20130091525 科目:出国留学与旅游详解 本学期我很荣幸的选到了出国留学与旅游详解的课程,在老师的带领下,我学到了很多关于出国的知识!其实我一直对泰国很感兴趣,如果有机会的话很想去看看,老师的课程中也涉及到了泰国相关知识,这对我计划出游泰国有很大的帮助。 泰国位于亚洲中南半岛中部,南临泰国湾和安达曼海,东部和东北部分别与柬埔寨和老挝接壤,南邻马来西亚,西部及西北部与缅甸交界。泰国人将国家的疆域比作大象的头部,北部代表“象冠”、东北代表“象耳”、暹罗湾则是“象口”,而长条状的南方代表的就是“象鼻”。所以人们称泰国为“白象王国”。 一、出游前的准备 1、旅行证件:护照及签证、电子机票只都是出游前必须携带的,出门前也应认真检查。 2、现金/卡类:现金(泰铢和人民币)、信用卡、银联卡。 3、旅行指南:行程计划、地图、我认为还应下载个翻译器,万一语言不通又遇到困难,可以求助当地居民。 4、手机充电器及备用电池,出游的话会照一些照片最为纪念,还有在国外作为联系的工具手机最好时刻保持有电。 5、洗漱用品:毛巾、拖鞋、沐浴露、洗发水/护发素、洗面奶、牙膏、牙刷等。听说泰国有些酒店不提供牙刷牙膏,所以最好带上

以防万一。 6、还有女生需要的护肤品:面霜、眼霜、面膜、防晒霜等,泰国部分位于热带地区,防晒霜最好要隔离好一点的。花露水一定要准备,泰国蚊子很毒的,每天出门都需要喷一喷。 7、生活用品:湿巾、纸巾、太阳眼镜、雨伞,资料显示泰国天气很多变,最还随身携带雨伞才不会被突如其来的大雨淋坏心情。 8、药品清单:准备日用药,比如说止泻药,创口贴等,以备不时之需。 二、日程安排 在去之前,我查了一下泰国有名的观光景点,真的很有意思,所以我打算花大概一周的时间来游泰国! 第一天: 上午从石家庄坐火车去北京,下午到北京机场后,再坐傍晚的飞机从北京机场出发直飞泰国普吉岛国际机场,大概在当天22点之前达普吉岛国际机场,入住普吉岛景区的已经订好的酒店,进行休息,为第二天储存体力。 第二天: 从酒店乘车约2个小时到普吉岛码头,乘坐游船前往素有“小桂林”之称的攀牙湾。是普吉岛的最北部,路程约1:30小时,沿途可欣赏二岸成片的红树林,观看由石灰岩组成大小不同形状不一的各种岛屿,岛屿是纯原生态无污染的岛屿,有好多自然的鸟类和洞吊而下的钟乳石。乘坐游船会经过割喉群岛,割喉岛是美国电影《海盗船》


全域旅游视角下的乡村旅游发展路径引言 苏州乡村自然资源丰富,水乡风情地域特色鲜明,江南民俗、农耕文明、戏曲艺术、历史古迹等文化遗产保护传承良好,乡村文化旅游资源优势明显。在全域旅游发展战略背景下,对苏州乡村文化旅游资源进行整合,打造富有创意的体验性乡村文化旅游项目,优化社区参与机制,努力提升苏州乡村文化旅游的品质,能够有力推动苏州全域旅游发展。同时,全域旅游示范区建设,也为苏州乡村文化旅游注入新活力。 1苏州乡村文化旅游发展现状 1.1苏州乡村文化旅游资源丰富 苏州乡村文化旅游资源分为物质文化旅游资源和非物质文化旅游资源两大类(详见表1)。这些旅游资源通过合理的开发利用可以转化为丰富的旅游产品,发挥乡村文化旅游资源的文化价值和经济价值,成为苏州乡村文化旅游产品的重要来源。 1.2苏州乡村文化旅游发展基础良好 苏州地区经济发达,有着深厚的文化底蕴,乡村文化旅游发展有着良好的基础,一方面,苏州市政F大力支持乡村建设,美丽乡村建设和乡村振兴战略的推动,使得苏州乡村的基础设施进一步完备,一、二、三产业在农村实现了较好的融合,为乡村文化旅游提供了坚强的后盾。另一方面,苏州乡村文化资源禀赋好,吴文化内涵丰富,以蒋巷村、永联小镇、镇湖刺绣等为代表的民俗风情游和以陆巷村、明月

湾古村、杨湾村等为代表的古村文化游在国内知名度较高。可见,苏州乡村文化旅游基础良好。 1.3苏州乡村文化旅游发展空间广阔 乡村文化旅游是全域旅游的重要组成部分。20XX年2月,苏州入选全国首批全域旅游示范区创建单位,为带动苏州旅游产业二次转型带来了新的契机。苏州乡村的吴文化底蕴深厚,文化旅游资源丰富,对旅游者有着极大的吸引力。同时,随着城市化进程的加快,压力、浮躁、冷漠、拥挤、污染让很多城市居民身心俱疲,原始、宁静、闲适的乡村成了他们的向往,城市居民亲近自然、走进田园生活的强烈需求。因此,苏州乡村文化旅游发展空间广阔。 2苏州乡村文化旅游存在的问题 2.1乡村文化旅游资源的有效整合不足,乡土特色不明显 苏州的乡村文化旅游资源十分丰富,有沈厅、张厅、雕花楼等乡村建筑文化,有稻作、蚕桑、农具制作与展览、采茶摘果等农耕文化,有太湖三白、阳澄湖蟹、碧螺春茶等饮食文化,有昆曲、评弹、吴歌、宋锦、缂丝、香山帮建筑技艺、刺绣、苏扇制作、古琴制作、角直水乡妇女服饰等乡村艺术文化。然而,这些传统的乡村文化大多散落在各个古镇和村落,没有得到整合开发,苏州现有的乡村旅游产品以湖景风光、休闲观光农业为主,忽视了乡土文化内涵的挖掘和乡村意象空间的打造,对乡村民俗、农耕、艺术等文化资源的整合不足,没有充分体现吴文化的精髓和“小桥、流水、人家”江南乡土特色。 2.2乡村文化旅游项目缺乏创意,体验性项目不多


旅游计划书范文 旅游计划书 一、出发地:甘肃兰州 二、目的地:山东济南 三、旅游人数:2 四、计划旅游景点:大明湖、趵突泉、千佛山、泰山 五、门票:大明湖:30元/人趵突泉:40元/人 千佛山:30元/人泰山:60元/人(学生票) 六、旅游时间:暑假 七、交通工具:长途工具:火车短途工具:公交车、步行 八、旅游目的

出去走走,放松心情,游荡祖国大好河山。趁此空暇机会一饱眼福。虽然只是冰山一角,毕竟是大好河山的一点反映。正所谓一叶知秋。此外旅游的最大好处就是可以开拓视野、增长见识、锻炼身体观看美景,了解一些地方的风土人情。总之,还是让心灵去旅行吧。 九、出发前准备 ①证件:包括 __和学生证必不可少 ②通讯:手机(充电器和电池);数码相机 ③食品:泡面;少量干粮和饮用水(山上吃的很贵) ④衣物:山上天气比较冷,注意带外套或者毛衣还有两套换洗衣服⑤生活必需用品:旅行背包、腰包;毛巾或湿巾及纸巾墨镜手电筒(看日出日落)⑥爬山用品:地图;手套;遮阳帽,一次性雨披(山脚有卖);登山鞋或者旅游鞋,鞋底不要太硬,一定要防滑 ⑦应急医药用品:红花油和骨贴膏(防止腿病和跌打损伤)红花油和骨贴膏(防止腿病和跌打损伤)以及一些常用感冒药⑧其它:东西能带轻的就带轻的,对爬山有利。晚上可租一顶帐篷休息,较便宜。

十、具体行程安排及景点介绍 第一天大明湖 大明湖景色优美秀丽,湖上鸢飞鱼跃,荷花满塘,画舫穿行,岸边杨柳荫浓,繁花似锦,游人如织,其间又点缀着各色亭、台、楼、阁,远山近水与晴空融为一色,犹如一幅巨大的彩色画卷。大明湖一年四季美景纷呈,尤以天高气爽的秋天最为宜人。春日,湖上暖风吹拂,柳丝轻摇,微波荡漾;夏日,湖中荷浪迷人,葱绿片片,嫣红点点;秋日,湖中芦花飞舞,水鸟翱翔;冬日,湖面虽暂失碧波,但银装素裹,分外妖娆。大明湖一带历代建筑甚多,素有“一阁、三园、三楼、四祠、六岛、七桥、十亭”之说,所有建筑均建造精美,各具特色。 第一天的白天主要以游览大明湖为主,慢慢品味大明湖的美丽,并拍照留念。游完大明湖后,可以在大明湖周围品尝山东的特色吃食。晚上的时候可以观赏济南的夜景。 第二天千佛山

全域旅游系列解读之一 如何认识与理解全域旅游

【全域旅游系列解读之一】如何认识与理解全域旅游 2016-02-04??????信息来源:中国旅游报 □石培华 2016年全国旅游工作会议上,国家旅游局局长李金早做了《从景点旅游走向全域旅游,努力开创我国“十三五”旅游发展新局面》的工作报告,提出将全域旅游作为新时期的旅游发展战略。何谓全域旅游?为何要发展全域旅游?如何推进全域旅游?笔者从理论技术层面和具体推进落实层面对全域旅游发展问题进行分析解读。 全域旅游的五个“新” 李金早局长指出,全域旅游是指一定区域内,以旅游业为优势产业,以旅游业带动促进经济社会发展的一种新的区域发展理念和模式。全域旅游是把一个区域整体当作旅游景区,是空间全景化的系统旅游,是跳出传统旅游谋划现代旅游、跳出小旅游谋划大旅游,是旅游发展理念、发展模式上的根本性变革。 实践中如何理解全域旅游?主要体现在五个“新”: 全域旅游是一种发展新模式新战略。全域旅游是我国新阶段旅游发展方式和发展战略的一场变革。推进全域旅游就是跳出旅游抓旅游,抓旅游就是抓全面创新发展。全域旅游是旅游行业全面贯彻落实五大发展理念的战略载体,将成为中国优秀旅游城市之后,综合统筹推动旅游目的地建设极佳载体。我国旅游发展的初级阶段,抓旅游主要是建景区景点、饭店宾馆,现在要从过去的点线到面的飞跃,要从全局出发,系统全面推进旅游。通俗说,全域旅游就是全域按照景区理念、标准进行建设、管理和服务。发展全域旅游,就

是按照五大发展理念,从战略全局推进旅游发展,要与五位一体建设、五化同步发展等重大战略结合,综合立体推进发展,抓旅游就是抓新型城镇化,就是抓美丽乡村建设,就是抓生态文明建设,就是抓民生,抓特色产业培育。全域旅游不仅是一种新的旅游发展模式,更是一种新的区域发展模式,是县域经济、市域经济在新常态下的一种创新形态和模式。全域旅游要从战略全局谋划推动,作为党委、政府的重点工作,全方位整体推进,使旅游工作从局部工作变为全局工作,变成重点发展战略,从旅游部门抓旅游变成举当地之合力抓旅游。 全域旅游是一种旅游目的地新形态新品牌。发展全域旅游是用新的思维方式谋划新的发展方式,贡献新的生活方式,培育一种优秀旅游目的地品牌。对于游客而言,全域旅游是一种新的目的地形态,是一种新的旅游生活方式。全域旅游形成新型的目的地,形成一个旅游相关要素配置完备、能够全面满足游客体验需求的综合性旅游目的地、开放式旅游目的地,能够全面动员、全面创新、全面满足需求的旅游目的地。全域旅游注重公共服务系统配套,注重生态环境和社会文化环境整体优化,旅游要素配置全域化,统筹建设旅游目的地。以游客体验为中心,以提高游客满意度为目标,整体优化旅游服务全过程,提供全过程体验产品,全面满足游客体验需求,围绕市场构建主打旅游产品,形成全域化旅游产品业态,是公共服务便捷、旅游产品丰富、处处是风景、环境优美、便于自驾自助旅游的优秀旅游目的地。 全域旅游是一种新的综合改革平台和载体。全域旅游也是推进旅游综合改革和创新发展的平台和载体,推进全域旅游就是要构建大旅游综合管理体制机制,整个区域的管理体制机制都应有旅游理念和标准,围绕旅游来统筹经济社会各方面发展,推动新型城镇化发展、美丽乡村建设,推动相关产业调整发展,推动基础设施建设,探索发展新模式、新路


一、行程安排表 二、参加人员名单共计()人 三、酒店住宿安排 此次旅游共人+司机人,预定房间数间。房间分配如下: 四、行车路线 (1)、10月1日郑州——德州: 郑州出发,沿柳林立交桥行驶,进入g30行驶约92公里,朝菏泽/g1511/s83/南阳方向行驶约220米,朝兰考/菏泽方向行驶约公里,直行进入s83行驶约60米直行进入g1511,行驶约公里,朝东平/济南/g35方向进入g35,行驶约公里,朝齐河/北京方向进入g3,行驶约公里,从德州/陵县出口离开德州立交,沿德州立交行驶约公里,朝德州市区方向行驶。 全程约公里/6小时54分钟。(2)、10月2日德州——天津: 进入津沧高速,直行进入复康路下高速,人员接待。 (从德州立交入口进入g3行驶约152公里,朝天津中心城区/天津滨海新区/唐山/s6方向进入s6,行驶约公里,直行进入复康路,行驶约公里,朝八里台桥方向右转行驶。)全程约公里/3小时27分钟。(3)、10月3日天津——葫芦岛: 从入口进入京津塘高速公路,行驶约公里,朝唐山/静海/开发区西区方向,进入京津塘立交桥,行驶约410米,朝唐山/静海方向右转,继续沿京津塘立交桥行驶约570米从入口进入g25,行驶约公里,直行进入唐津高速公路行驶约公里,朝沈阳方向,稍向右转,行驶约公里,从入口进入g1,行驶约公里,从葫芦岛出口离开,行驶约6公里,直行进入海辰路。 全程约公里/5小时52分钟。 (4)、10月日葫芦岛——郑州: 葫芦岛市行驶约1公里从入口进入g1,行驶约公里,朝唐山西/天津/遵化/g25方向,稍向右转行驶约760米,左前方转弯行驶约140米,朝唐山机场/唐山西/天津/曹妃甸方向行驶640米,进入g25,行驶约公里,朝咸水沽/临港经济区/s50方向,右转进入葛沽互通立交桥行驶约公里,在葛沽互通立交桥朝咸水沽方向,稍向右转,继续沿葛沽互通立交桥行驶约630米,进入s50行驶约公里,朝北京/保定/霸州方向,稍向右转进入g18行驶约公里,朝霸州/保定/外环西路/津保桥方向,稍向右转,继续沿g18行驶约公里,在京同立交桥朝霸州/保定/g18方向,稍向右转,继续沿g18行驶约公里,朝石家庄方向,行驶约公里,从入口进入g4行驶约公里,朝保沧高速/保定/沧州方向,行驶约2公里,从入口进入g4行驶约公里,朝西安/洛阳/柳林站/惠济站方向行驶约公里从入口进入g30行驶。 全程约公里/14小时51分钟。五、景点介绍吴桥杂技: 提到“杂技之乡”人们多以河北省吴桥县素称。据有关史料记载,吴桥杂技历史最悠久。相传,吴桥是孙武后代的封地。吴桥姓孙的人也确实不少,以孙姓命名的村就有前孙、后孙、牌坊村等不下十多个村。吴桥古城东南面是一群土丘传说是孙膑与庞涓打仗时摆“迷魂阵”的遗址。土丘南面十里处有个孙公庙村,村东有座孙公庙,庙里供奉的塑像就是孙膑。吴桥人习武练杂技之所以早,据说与此有关。篇二:旅游详细计划表 重庆旅游详细计划表 目的地:重庆 目的地介绍:重庆,夜景、火锅、美女,是重庆的三大名片重庆市简称渝,位于我国西南地区东部,长江上游。重庆有三大美称:雾都重庆,活力重庆,山城重庆。拥有 aaaaa景区(4个):武隆喀斯特旅游区、巫山小三峡、大足石刻、酉阳桃花源风景区. 巫山小三峡,是大宁河下游流经巫山境内的龙门峡、巴雾峡、滴翠峡的总称;这三段峡谷全长60公里;小三峡与长江大三峡毗邻,林木翠竹20000多亩。1991年评为“中国旅游胜地四十佳”、2004年11月评为“国家aaaa级旅游景区”,2006年12月评为“国家aaaaa级旅游景区”,还评为“中国国家级风景名胜区”,“重庆文明景区”,“重庆安全景区”,被名人誉为“中华奇观”,“天下绝景”。


旅游计划书模板 旅游打算书模板(一) 主办单位: 活动地方: 活动时刻:3月—4月某日 一、活动对象 本次活动对象是全校师生,在这春暖花开之时,正是全校师生放松游玩的好时机,并可达到增进师生感情的目的。 二、活动目的及意义 1、丰富全校师生的课余日子,全校师生的日常工作学习比较紧张,本次活动能够达到娱乐放松的目的,以便于全校师生以更大的热情投入到工作和学习中去。长期的工作学习将逐渐落低工作和学习的效率,而适当的放松关于提高工作学习效率有着重要的帮助。 2、陶冶学生热爱大自然及我国传统文化的情操,这对学生身心健康进展有着重要的帮助。沉闷的学习别利于学生心理健康进展,必要的活动关于学生心理的健康进展有着重要的引导作用。有研究表明大自然的和谐关于人类心理健康进展有着积极的作用,经常接触大自然关于人类培养一颗平和的心有很大的帮助。 3、增强师生间的感情,增强同学间的友谊团结及凝结力。在游玩的过程中,可不能产生师生间的距离感和陌生感,可增强师生间的互信程度。对未来学生工作的开展有着重要的帮助。 4、培养学生环保及爱护我国传统文化的意识。 三、活动执行 1、为了便于活动的开展,应提早做好一切的预备工作。在出游人数的统计方面,我们本着自愿的原则。由各班对参加的人员进行登记报名。再汇总,统一安排。 2、提早做好天气预报工作,出游应选在风和日丽的生活,因而要对天气的变化进行关注,依照天气变化随时对活动日程进行调整。 3、在人员的编制方面我们以各班为标准,由各班主任或班长带队。各班依照实际事情分为若干小队(以每小队10人为宜),每小队设一领队,以便于人员的治理和秩序的维护。并且各小队领队应记下学生的电话号码,防止人员的走失,以便于在走失的事情下联系。 4、在交通工具方面,能够挑选从公交公司租赁,依照实际人数进行安排。 5、提早安排好吃饭咨询题,若挑选紫蓬山或大蜀山能够由个人自备食物。并在活动结束时将垃圾带走,以免对环境造成妨碍。若挑选古三河镇需提早预订饭店。 6、出游的费用由各班统一收取,统一安排用于汽车租赁、门票的购买及吃饭的费用。若去紫蓬山或大蜀山吃饭费用将别收取,由学生自行解决。 7、至于出游时的照相咨询题可由学生自己解决。 8、本次活动的费用将由出游人员个人出资,稍后我将把个人所需费用计算出来。 四、活动宣传 1、由各班班主任或班长在班级内进行宣传,并安排参加人员的报名工作。 2、在校内公告栏上张贴海报。 五活动所需工具 本次活动须校旗一面(上印锐羽学校字样)。 在有条件的事情下能够统一为每人预备帽子一顶(别预备也可)。 六、活动预算 本次活动以个人出资为主,学校只需负责组织等事宜。下面我将以个人为单位对所需费用进行计算。


旅游项目计划书 旅游项目计划书(一) 一、项目背景分析 湄州岛位于湄州湾口,东隔台湾海峡,与潮湖列岛遥遥相对.岛上绿荫蔽日,景色迷人.尤其以天后宫,俗称“妈祖庙”而着名. 相传湄州岛是海妃“天上圣母”故乡.妈祖,原名林默,是宋代巡检林愿的第六女儿,由于她心地善良,常助渔民,救人性命,一生中救 了许多渔船和渔民,故渔民感其恩德,尊其为海神、神姑.宋时封圣妃、天妃,各地立庙奉祀.明三保太监郑和七下西洋,回来后奏请,称“妈 祖显圣海上”,并两次奉旨到湄州岛主持御祭仪式.清朝靖海将军施 琅进军台湾,亦奏称“海上获神助”.作为中国的女海神,妈祖有大海般的东方神秘性和强大的民族凝聚力. 妈祖庙后侧,有峰叠起,峭壁之上,书有“观澜”二字,苍劲有力.妈祖庙前临大海,岩岸受潮汐波浪长期侵蚀,已形成海蚀洞突,潮起潮落,波长波消,回音不绝,宛若天乐,故称“湄屿潮音”,为莆田二十四景之一.远望外海,山海相连,山外有山,海外有海,苍茫之间,神秘莫测.全岛林木蓊郁,港湾众多,岸线曲折,沙滩连绵,风景秀丽.环岛优 质沙滩长达20多公里,可建海滨浴场;还有6千余亩防风林带,是理想的度假胜地.岛域盛产石斑鱼,乃鱼中之珍品,远销港澳.庙后岩石上,有“升天古迹”、“观澜”等石刻.庙前岩岸海床有大片辉绿岩,

受风涛冲蚀,形成天然凹槽,潮汐吞吐之声,由远而近,初似管弦细响,继如钟鼓齐鸣,再若龙吟虎啸,终则象巨雷震天,骤雨泻地.扣人心弦 的“湄屿潮音”因而弛名. 旅游产业的发展必须依赖于一定的旅游资源.旅游资源虽包罗万象,但无外乎自然资源和人文资源两类.我国众多的旅游胜地中,有的以自然资源突出为特色,有的以人文资源突出为特色.旅游资源中的 人文资源是指一个国家,一个地区独特的历史文化、民族地域文化资源,其凝聚着极为丰富的文化内涵,而其中有着浓郁民族风情,地方特色和悠远的文物古迹的人文资源,其蕴藏着独特的、深厚的文化内涵,反映着一个民族的文化水准,思维方式和审美情趣.. 二、(一)国家对旅游产业开发的政策形势 当前国家正在大力提倡发展旅游产业,争取把中国发展成为旅游强国,目前我国旅游产业的规模位居世界第7位,但与世界旅游强国 还有很大差距,发展旅游业已经成为我国一项基本产业政策. 为适应加入世贸组织的要求,中国旅游业将尽快改变政府的主导地位,变政策调节为市场调节,以加速与国际旅游市场的接轨步伐. (二)国际国内旅游业发展的趋势 1、21世纪世界旅游的发展对景区内涵提出了新的要求.众多旅游专家一致认为,生态、绿色、极限、人与自然、度假、文化、体育等将是未来旅游业的主题. 2、中国旅游景点的开发将从以政府为主导转变为以市场为主导. 3、旅游市场越来越呈现出细分化的特点.


随着港城人民收入提高,人们对物质生活要求提高,特别是大部分年轻人,隔三差五请朋友聚会已经成为一种时尚,而特色菜馆是首选的聚会去处。本计划书主要是围绕如何创建一个港城泰式餐馆而展开的调查分析和计划,也可以考虑东南亚风味菜馆,属创业计划类。 一、思路来源:开特色菜馆的灵感来自两个方面:一是两年前热播的电视剧《奋斗》里“华子”和“猪头”在北京开的泰国菜馆,非常红火;二是港城新开的几家特色菜馆生意都挺红火,例如海连西路新开的一家蘑菇组,以涮蘑菇和其他菌类为主要特色的火锅,据消息,蘑菇组每天利润1万元。 二、泰国菜简介:泰国风味,以酸、辣、甜为代表,也叫做泰国料理(Thai Food)。泰式料理用料主要以海鲜、水果、蔬菜为主。泰国的饮食深受中国、印度、印尼、马来西亚甚至葡萄牙的影响,但又掺杂着奇怪的风格,独树一帜,吃起来别有风味。它的做法主要有以下几种: 1、中国炒锅大火快炒,这是一种近似广东菜的做法,新鲜的蔬菜,佐以泰式调料,可以炒出一道道口感极其新鲜的菜。主要代表作有:米粉(用虾,猪肉,鸡蛋及甜酸酱合炒的米粉)、泰国咖哩鸡、椰汁鸡(鸡汁加柠檬加椰奶)与牛肉沙拉。 2、YAM,目前尚且找不到可替代的中文。其做法有点像做汤与做凉拌菜的综合。泰国地处热带,因此孕育了许多有名的YAM,比较著名的有一种叫做“SOMTAM”的木瓜沙拉,这种

沙拉以木瓜丝、虾米、柠檬汁为主,再伴以鱼酱、大蒜和杂的碎辣椒,口感辛辣。 3、炖,亚热带的气候炎热,孕育了丰富的汤文化。汤对于泰国人来说是维持家庭和睦,增进夫妻感情的润滑剂,因此,到泰国要多喝汤、喝靓汤。泰国的柠檬虾汤口味非同一般,一般人可能难以接受,首先是汤味极辣,而且其中又放有大量的咖哩,因此,只有口味非主流的人才能喜欢。 泰国人吃饭方法:早期的泰国人的传统用餐方式自由随兴,是以芭蕉叶盛饭,再以手取饭菜进食。而今日的泰国餐具也十分简单,基本餐具为一只汤匙和一双筷子,以及一个圆盘。进餐时将饭盛进圆盘中,并用汤匙取有汤的菜肴吃饭,而筷子则是用来夹菜。 三、餐厅定位:由于泰国菜口味独特,吃法特殊,不加以修改很难满足港城人的口味。故本店档次定位在中端,计划以泰国风格装修店铺,以符合中国人口味的冷菜、炒菜、烧菜、汤、点心、水果为主菜,配合特色泰国风味菜为辅菜,以中国人习惯的筷子、勺子作为餐具,重点吸引25-35岁的客源,开一家中泰结合的泰式菜馆。 四、运行规模:参考“民以食为天”规模,初期规划两层门面房。一层放置2-6人餐桌20张,二层放置12人包间5间,约计140座,面积300平方左右。 五、餐馆选址:餐馆的成败关键是在地段,最好选在沿河路、


页眉 北京旅游计划书 8月15日18:40 开T64 合肥-天津西14车厢10号中铺硬卧223元 8月16日补去北京车票硬座23.5 元 8 月16 日行程办入住—护国寺小吃—天坛—前门大街—王府井门票:55 元(途牛加讲解)已定 6:00-6:30火车站步行420m地铁二号线7站鼓楼大街(G出口)720m鼓韵国际青旅 8:30-9:10 步行360 米鼓楼桥南站—13站法华寺站步行230 米护国寺小吃(红桥店) 10:40-12:40 游览天坛东门进西门出步行240m 天坛西站 2 路、93、69 大栅栏下车520m - 宏源涮肉城(天坛店)(备选) 8 月17 号行程颐和园——圆明园——清华大学——北京大学门票:60+25+15(观光车)共100 元 8:00-9:00 地铁八号线(朱辛庄方向)鼓楼大街3站北土城站—地铁十号线8站巴沟站—74 路柳村-颐和园新建东门 游园路线: 方案一:仁寿殿—文昌阁—德和园—扮戏楼—颐乐殿—宜芸馆—乐寿堂—惠山园—谐趣园—景福阁—智慧海—佛香阁—排云殿—长廊—石舫(坐船到苏州街)北宫门出 方案二:仁寿殿—文昌阁—德和园—扮戏楼—颐乐殿—宜芸馆—乐寿堂—惠山园—谐趣园—景福阁—长廊—石舫—排云殿—佛香阁—智慧海—苏州街—北宫门出 3:20-4:00北宫门步行430米地铁4号线大兴线(天宫院方向)2站圆明园(c出口)430售票处(打的13元) 圆明园已开通15 元观光车,省时省力。 5:00—8:00 吃东西北大清华随便逛 8月18号行程天安门—毛主席纪念堂—人民英雄纪念碑—故宫—景山公园—紫禁城角楼

门票:天安门15+故宫80 (包含两个馆) 旅游小贴士: 故宫,又称紫禁城,明清两代的皇宫,建议穿运动鞋等平底鞋,故宫地面石路比较不平坦,要好好注意哦 所以最好带足早饭、午饭的量的食物哦 ? 从故宫北门岀来,过了马路就是景山公园,可看到紫禁城的全貌。 从景山公园下来后,如果时间充裕,去紫禁城角楼的位置拍落日余晖,那真真儿的是极美的 ? 晚上任意选择地点吃饭 8月19号行程 慕田峪长城一明十三陵定陵一鸟巢水立方(跟团) 跟团花费219元 慕田峪是没有直达车的,这也是为什么人相对少的原因,但是在国际上享誉甚高。选择慕田峪因为人相对少,风景 优美,还有好玩的滑索,旁边有著名的野长城箭扣长城,天晴可以直接看到。 晚上:南锣鼓巷后海、什刹海、 傃可泰泰国餐厅 (备选) 8月20号行程 恭王府一北海公园一南锣鼓巷一首都国际机场 门票恭王府40元北海公园 10元 共50元 步行400m 地铁八号线鼓楼大街一南锣鼓巷( 2站)站内换乘一地铁六号线(海淀五路居方向) 北海北( b 出口) 670m 恭王府入口(旅游景点备选:世界公园:浓缩的世界 门票100元) 6点半前往机场 地铁八号线鼓楼大街(朱辛庄方向) 3站一北土城下车一地铁十号线(内环) 5站 三元桥下车一 步行180m 三元桥 机场线T3航站楼20:55-22:55北京首都机场 T2东方航空 MU5172 (注:范文素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。只是收取少量整理收集费用,请预览后才下载,期待 你的好评与关注) 页眉 ?因为故宫里面没有卖饭,
