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IELTS Lesson 2

IELTS Lesson 2
IELTS Lesson 2






1.最常考的问题(The most common questions):

What subject(s)are you studying?

Why did you choose to study that subject?

Is that a popular subject(to study)in your country?

Where do you live at the moment?

How long have you been living there/here?


How do people in China celebrate birthdays?

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

What did you do on your last birthday?.



Describe an important aspect of your personal character.

You should say:

what it is

what this part of your personal character is like

how it affects your life or work

and explain why you think it is important.


What would you say are the most distinct personality/character traits of the people in your country?

What would you say are the most interesting personality/character traits of the people in your country?

Do you think that people from different countries have"national"personality traits?


Describe a Broken Thing.

You should say:

what it is

what it looks like

why it is broken

and explain how you would like to repair it.


what is the most easiest thing to break in your family?

Is it easy to be repaired?

do people like to throw things away when it is broken?

do u think the quality of goods is better today?


How do people in China celebrate birthdays?

Throw a party,have birthday gatherings,most people acknowledge their birthday,but they don't actually celebrate it.(Banners,balloons,cakes,candles...)

中国人怎么过生日?有些人开生日聚会birthday gatherings,邀请很多人来庆祝,有些人则不庆祝don't celebrate it

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

I'd like to...get some gifts and have cake and stuff.Or make a long trip toEurope with my girlfriend.

Leap year,once every four years I'm able to celebrate my birthday on the29th Feb.

你想怎么过生日?这个问题太好回答了,可以自由发挥想象力。可以吃蛋糕、开聚会或者到欧洲去旅游。如果有人是闰年的二月二十九日leap year出生的就比较有趣了,生日每四年过一次once every four years。

What did you do on your last birthday?

Went out and got drunk,got showered with gifts,went shopping...went to Beijingnew oriental school to improve mylanguage ability.

Are birthdays more important for children or for adults?Children.You enjoy growing upas a child,but despise aging as an adult.

小孩过生日可以享受成长的乐趣:enjoy growing up

For children and for older people it's important,for middle aged guys I think it's not that important,coz generally they are too busy with work or being a parent....but in retirement it's important again because that is a chance they get to see family.....

老人对生日也比较看重,因为他们可以借这个机会见到全家人:get to see family

Do you like to celebrate your birthday with your family or your friends?

Friends,because you can be yourself anddo crazy things together.

和朋友们一起庆生要比和父母一起约束少一些,因为可以做自己be yourself,同时还能借机疯狂一下:do crazy things

Well...it's difficult to choose ONE answer...but honestly,I like celebrating with both of them.


1.Describe an important aspect of your personal character.

You should say:

what it is

what this part of your personal character is like

how it affects your life or work

and explain why you think it is important.

An important aspect of my personal character is that I’m a responsible person.I think the definition of responsibility is how you keep to your words and never let go of your duties

I remember when I was in University,I had to take care of my little brother,when I was taking care of him,I never let him out of my sight,another instance is my responsibility at work,I always fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities and always take extra precautions to ensure everything is done well.I think this character has a major influence on my life,it allows me to perform very well in everything I do and I am trusted by others,others view me as a person that’s really dependable.

The main reason I think responsibility is quite important is because it’s the most basic thing for a successful person,success comes from your attitude towards your work,in addition it shows that I’m a disciplined person and I have my rulebook.

2.Describe a Broken Thing.

You should say:

what it is

what it looks like

why it is broken

and explain how you would like to repair it.

When I was a child,I’m too curious about the washing machine in my home,especially when it was working.

Well,it was an old-fashioned yellow machine shaped like a rectangular block and my mom usually used a cloth to cover it.

On day,my mom went out after running the washing machine and told me not to touch it. There was no doubt that the curiosity led me to open the bottom of it quickly after my mom’s leaving.Surprisingly,a scream created by the machine scared me and then it shivered seriously for a while.At last,it stopped.

Since my mom would return soon,I was really afraid about being punished.I tried to repair it by pressing the different buttons on it randomly.I restarted it,removed the powerand connected it again.I was about to try everything I could,but it still didn’t work.The lucky thing was that my mom didn’t punish me but just tell me the rule of never open the bottom when it was on work.




rectangular block长方体

There was no doubt that…毫无疑问的……


shivered seriously剧烈抖动



remove the power拔去电源


a ceramic toy(陶瓷玩具)

I got a ceramic panda from my father on my10th birthday party as the gift.陶瓷熊猫是我爸爸送给我的十岁生日礼物

The ceramic panda has an adorable appearance,black and white body with black eye patches.陶瓷熊猫有可爱的外表,黑白相间的身体,黑色的眼圈。

So,I put it on the bedside table,beside the lamp.But,unfortunately,it broke a few days ago. During the National holiday,my aunt visited my family and slept in my bed at night.One night,she wanted to go to the bathroom.To begin with,she just intended to(打算做……)turn on the lamp,but she touched the panda in the dark,and it fell to the floor and broke into pieces(破成了碎片).

I was so surprised and despondent(沮丧的)when I heard this message.But,thanks God, when I came back home I found it was just broken into several big pieces,so I decided to paste(糊,粘)them together again with glue.

Then I would find some friends who are good at the ceramics to embellish(装饰)it.I must fix it in any case,because it’s one of my fondest possessions(最钟爱的物品).I don't want to lose it.

Some words to describe



Pentagon(五边形)hexagon(六边形)sphere(球体)rectangular prism(棱镜)cylinder(圆柱体)cube(立方体)




wood plastic pottery(陶瓷)paper

natural(天然的)man made(人工的)hi-tech(高科技的)artificial(人工的)


Usual problems

system halted run to crash死机

short circuit短路


Not agitating,or agitating weakly不搅拌,搅拌减弱

The cell phone charger dropped into a bowl of water and it didn’t work any longer.电话充电器掉到水里,不能用了。


Turn power off and wait about20minutes.Safety device will reset,and machine will be ready to operate.关闭电源二十分钟,安全装置将抚慰,机器重新就绪。

Check motors,lights,controls and wiring for various problems.发动机,灯具,控制系统和各种接线问题。

purchase wholesale parts购买零部件

If the cell phone is under warranty(在保修期内),report it to the manufacturer(制造商)for them to repair the fault(故障).

My dad was competent(能胜任的)at laptop

It may just require a new wire(电线)that is connected to the motherboard(母版).

It may be soldered(被焊接)to the motherboard which is trickier(更精妙)to do via a wire inside which is quite easy to repair.


intended to打算做……

broke into pieces破成了碎片




fondest possessions最钟爱的物品





雅思写作Task2范文:老人养老 在英国,一些老人会到养老院和其他老人住在一起,并有专门的呼市照顾他们。有时候政府会为这种服务买单。你认为谁该对这些老人负责。本文是关于这一论题的雅思范文。如果你不熟悉如何完成这样的文章,请参照本文。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 Write about the following topic: In Britain, when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old peoples where there are nurses to look after them. Sometimes the government has to pay for this care. Who should be responsible for our old people? Model Answer: Many old people in Britain, after a lifetime of hard work and the toil of bringing up children, are put into homes for the elderly by their families. There, they are looked after by professional nurses, and this is sometimes at the expense of the government. However, this situation has raised controversy about whether we extend to our elders the care and respect they deserve. The critics of this system say that it is the duty of the family to look after its senior members in the years when they are no longer able to work. They point out that in retirement homes old people tend to feel useless and unwanted by their family members, who seldom come to see them. In addition, there is evidence that younger people benefit from the experience and wisdom of older people who live with them on a daily basis.


历年雅思A类TASK2作文真题 Task1: Graph about fossil fuels worldwide, coal, oil and natural gas. Task2: Some people said should not encourage sport at school because it will cause competition rather that co-operation. To what extend you agree with it? Version 88 2002.7.24 英国阿伯丁2002.8.3 中国 TASK1 说澳大利亚1991 年男女分别获得证书的比例有SKILLEDUNDERGRADUATEPOSTGRADUATE..... TASK2 说政府是否应该限制艺术家门的IDEAS Creative artists always want to express their idea in what they own ways freely, if the government needs no restriction on what they want? Version 89 2002.7.20 新加坡2002.8.10 中国2002.8.24 新西兰的奥克兰6 一个pie 图2. about 世界能源分类**比solid fuels 44%,nuclear power20%, gas, water, other renewable 另一个柱图3. 不4. 是水平的5. 是由上至下6. about in 1997, European 8 个countries production of nuclear

雅思写作例文 Task 2 09

You should spend about40minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Many people believe that the high levels of violence in films today are causing serious social problems. What are these problems and how could they be reduced? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least250words. Answer: The increasing amount of violence that is shown regularly in films has been a cause of concern for some time.Such films make violence appear entertaining,exciting and even something to be copied.However,it seems to be increasingly clear that this development is causing problems in our society. First of all,those who enjoy such films eventually stop associating the violence with any real consequences.They therefore lose their sense of reality and no longer take violence seriously or have any sympathy with the victims.This is bad for both individuals and for our whole society.Another worrying trend is that in these films the heroes are shown as people to be admired,even though they are very violent characters.This leads impressionable people to believe that they can gain respect and admiration by copying this aggressive behaviour,and so the levels of violence increase, especially in major cities throughout the world. What is needed to combat these problems is definite action.The government should regulate the film industry on the one hand,and provide better education on the other.Producers must be prevented from showing meaningless violence as'fun'in their films.Instead,films could emphasise the tragic consequences of violent acts and this would educate people, especially young people,to realise that violence is real.


2017 年雅思写作真经(1-10 月) 2017年1月7日写作真题 Task 1流程图 Task 2教育类 Art classes,like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be compulsory subject in high school. To what exta nt do you agree or disagree? 卯

2017年1月12日写作真题 Task 1柱状图 The chart shows the number of international applications from four different countries to a Europea n coun try. Task 2环境类 Vehicle free day means the private cars, trucks and motocycles are banned in city cen tres. Only the bus, bicycles and taxis are permitted in the city cen ter. Do you thi nk the ben efits outweigh the disadva ntages?

2017年1月12日写作真题 Task 1表格题 The Table bekw shows the income 日n亡expenditure of Harckley Hafl r a pubic place fcr hirng over the period of three years. Task 2社会类 Somebody thinks job satisfact ion is more importa nt tha n job security, while others hold the opposite


雅思写作Task2范文:家庭成员之间的关系雅思写作Task2范文:家庭成员之间的关系 现在家庭成员之间的关系已经不像过去那样紧密了,那么原因是什么?你有什么好的 建议么?本文是关于此论题的一篇雅思范文。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮 助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations. Model Answer: There is much discussion nowadays as to whether or not the relation-ship between family members is as close as before. Diverse contributing factors can be identified. In the following, I would like to present my point of view. Great changes have taken place in family life along with the development of society. One of them is that the once-extended family tends to become smaller and smaller. Many children have to leave their parents at an early age to study or work elsewhere. As time passes, children become emotionally estranged from their parents. Compared with the past, social competition is becoming increasingly fierce. People are urged to concentrate their efforts upon work, so that they can achieve success, or at least a good standard of living. As a result, they can’t afford to spend their leisure hours with their families. The importance of bonds of kinship is gradually fading from their minds. In addition, the availability of various kinds of recreational facilities also diverts people from enjoying chats with the members of their families. Their free time is mostly occupied by watching TV, surfing the Internet or playing video games. They come to lose interest in communicating with the other members of their families. In view of such alienation within families, urgent steps must be taken, in my opinion. For members of families who live away from one another, regular contact on the phone can bring them the care that they need. Family reunions on holidays or other important occasions can make a difference as well. For those living together, it is a good idea to take some time off work or recreation periods to spend more

汇总推荐:2008年雅思写作Task 2真题

汇总推荐:2008年雅思写作Task 2真题 (1)2008.01.10 Some people think children’s spending time on TV, video and PC games is good, while others think it is bad. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2)2008.01.12 Some people think that criminals should be given longer terms in prison, so as to reduce crime rate. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (3)2008.01.19 Some think the traditional thoughts of old people are out of date. Some believe they are still of some value. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinions? (4)2008.01.26 Unemployment is getting increasingly serious in many countries. Some people think students only need to get primary education, while others think secondary education is necessary. What’s your opinion? (5)2008.02.02 Some people think people can exploit animals for any purpose they need, while others do not think so. What is your opinion? (6)2008.02.14 An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities. What problems will this bring about? Should the government encourage people to live in small towns? (7)2008.02.16 An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.” Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree or disagree?

雅思写作Task 2 范文

一.Some people contend(认为)that advertising has positive impact on society while others think it also has negative influence. Discuss. 开头段 ⑴Advertising has become prevalent in the contemporary society and vast billboards, TV commercials and leaflets(传单)are all exerting profound impact on modern life. ⑵In the meantime, whether advertising is a blessing or a curse has sparked spirited (激烈的)debate. ⑶Some people argu e (认为)that advertising has only beneficial influence on our lives while many others contend that it has detrimental (有害的)effect as well. (改写原题观点,如果原题中只有一个观点,最好把相反的观点写出来。)⑷Personally, I am in favor of the former (latter) view. (表示自己的观点) 表示利与弊的英文:advantages and disadvantages strengths and weaknesses the upside and the downside / pros and cons / boons and banes 主体段1 Admittedly, advertising may also carry considerable potential drawbacks. ⑴To begin with, a vast number o f online advertisements may harm the Internet users’ lives. ⑵To illustrate, email spamming (群发)may fill up one’s email box with junk emails and worse yet, (递进)many of these junk emails could destroy PCs with viruses or Trojan horses. ⑶Moreover, a high percentage of advertisements in the media are misleading ones. ⑷Today, it seems that many drug companies give false information about their products, which has rendered (让……变成什么状态)a host of customers afraid to buy medicine. 主体段2 Despite this, advertising has brought numerous benefits. ⑴In the first place, advertisements inform us about the latest products on the market. ⑵In general, with the help of ads, customers can make shopping more economical and less time-consuming.⑶In the second place, elaborate (包含了很多劳动,变成了精心制作)advertisements can be a genuine art form. ⑷Indeed, instead of wasting our time, creative ads can afford us diverse amusements, thereby (后面是动名词)immensely brightening up our lives. ⑸Last but not least, some advertising in the media can motivate people to contribute to charities. ⑹As a matter of fact, I would be hard-pressed to imagine how charities can get enough funds without the help of non-profit ads. (我很难想象相反的事情发生) 结尾段 ⑴In the final analysis, I concede that the proliferation (扩散)of the advertising industry does not come without any adverse effects. (概括让步段的观点)⑵However, the benefits created by advertising far outweigh the disadvantages. (说清楚自己更倾向的观点)⑶Overall, I am convinced that we should further promote the development of advertising and meanwhile get this industry better-regulated. 二.Today PC games are very popular among teenagers. But some parents consider that these games are not instructive and that teenagers should be kept away from them. What do you think?

2019--2020疫情开始前雅思写作Task Two真题汇总

2020.1.11some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think that it provides more business opportunities. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2020114In some countries, some criminal trials are shown on television and the general public can watch them. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 2019年12月14日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Today in many countries people are living in a “throwaway” society, where things are used for a short time and then thrown away. What do you think are the causes and what problems will it lead to? 2019年12月12日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Many young people in the workforce today change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons? Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages? 2019年12月7日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Nowadays some older people choose to live in the retirement communities with other people, rather than living with their adult children. Is it a positive or negative development? 2019年11月30日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年11月23日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 In modern age, some people think it is unnecessary to teach children the skill of handwriting, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年11月16日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Although the family have a powerful influence on children 's life,the influence outside from home is a bigger part for his/her development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年11月7日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 In some cultures old age is highly valued, while in other cultures youth is highly valued. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2019年11月2日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the same as before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Discuss the possible causes for this change and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future? 2019年10月26日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Some people think that private companies and individuals, not the government, should pay to clear up the pollution they produced. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年10月19日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2


英语考试作文 26日雅思写作task2真题范文 雅思写作话题Full-time university students should spend a lot of time in studying, but it is essential to be involved in other activities.To what extend do you agree or disagree? 参考范文: Students are facing more pressure than before. They are expected to devote more time to study and to show better professional competence after they graduate.Some cannot help wondering whether they should spend less time on otheractivities. Good academic performance, one of the criteria for measuring one’s competence in career, is the result of years of unremitting effort. Given the fierce competitions that students will face as job seekers and the importance of academic knowledge,students ought to give priority to study. Only when managers are good at economics can they interpret

雅思作文写作Task 2 第四课时—观点类

IELTS大作文讲解:agree & disagree/what's your opinion 类作文学生面授老师 时间本次课时IELTS写作第四课时 教学思路1.作文简介、写作技巧 2.实例分析 3.课后作业 教学目标1. 观点类作文理论分析 2. 掌握此类作文基本特征和写作方法 3. 学习写作思路,掌握写作套路 讲解重点题目特点 解题思路 写作技巧以及范文分析 备考资料剑桥真题、《雅思写作套路剖析与范例大全》 教学详细内容: 一、分析雅思写作——观点类理论 1.题目特点及解题思路 题目特点: Express your opinion about… (To what extent)do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion about…? How do you think about…? 解题思路: 这种题的写法较灵活,考生的回答可以是正面的也可以是反面的,还可以从正、反两个方面论述。 2.写作技巧及知识点

1)开头段 S entence 1 :background(general statement) 第一句话:文章的背景(一般的介绍) 如何写背景句? 首先,确定题目讨论哪个方面的问题,然后以这个问题为中心,写一句介绍性的话。 例:Some people who have been successful in the society don’t attribute their success to the theoretical knowledge they learned from their university. Do you agree or disagree? 这个题目讨论的是个人成功或者理论知识,那么就围绕这几个单词写一个陈述句: 开头句一: People have long been interested in identifying the forces that contribute to personal achievement. 开头句二: The importance of theoretical knowledge to one’s success is a matter for debate. 考生可以记住一些开头句的句型,比如the importance of…to…is a matter for debate等,并将此运用在不同的题目练习中,这样就可以在考场上迅速写出开头段了。


Task2 真题列表 C5T1 Universities should accept equal number of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree? C5T2 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. C5T3 Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. C5T4 Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. Which d o you consider to be the major influence? C6T1 Today, high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


雅思写作Task2范文:家长是最好的老师家长是最好的老师,你认同吗?请看雅思写作范文是如何表达自己的观点的。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 Parents are the best teachers. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Model Answer 1: Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They teach their children values. They share their interests with them. They develop close emotional ties with them. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt.


001 Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 001 People have differing views with regard to the question of how to make our roads safer. In my view, both punishments and a range of other measures can be used together to promote better driving habits. On the one hand, strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to drive more safely. Penalties for dangerous drivers can act as a deterrent, meaning that people avoid repeating the same offence. There are various types of driving penalty, such as small fines, licence suspension, driver awareness courses, and even prison sentences. The aim of these punishments is to show dangerous drivers that their actions have negative consequences. As a result, we would hope that drivers become more disciplined and alert, and that they follow the rules more carefully. On the other hand, I believe that safe driving can be promoted in several different ways that do not punish drivers. Firstly, it is vitally important to educate people properly before they start to drive, and this could be done in schools or even as part of an extended or more difficult driving test. Secondly, more attention could be paid to safe road design. For example, signs can be used to warn people, speed bumps and road bends can be added to calm traffic, and speed cameras can help to deter people from driving too quickly. Finally, governments or local councils could reduce road accidents by investing in better public transport, which would mean that fewer people would need to travel by car. In conclusion, while punishments can help to prevent bad driving, I believe that other road safety measures should also be introduced. 002 Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 002 Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with this point of view. In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in the 21st century. I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans, and there is nothing special about this particular century that means that we suddenly have the right to allow or encourage the extinction of any species. Furthermore, there is no compelling reason why we should let animals die out. We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to feed or accommodate the world?s population. There is plenty of room for us to exist side by side with wild animals, and this should be our aim.

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