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1.Literary Glossary

Question: What is the definition of each literary term below? Heroic couplet Byronic hero stream-of-consciousness Metaphysical poetry/poet Romance comedy tragedy soliloquy Sentimentalism/Sentimental novel Gothic novel foil

Romanticism/Romantic era sonnet blank verse stanza

Iambic pentameter Aestheticism888888888888888888888888

2.Selected reading.

(1). The first twelve lines in the General Prologue in Canterbury Tale.

(2). Shakespeare: sonnet 18(The main theme of this poem.)

Act3 scene3, Hamlet’s monologue (main idea, major themes, meter and rhyme)

(3). Milton, Paradise Lost Book 1, excerpt, lines describing Satan’s unyielding spirit (line50--75) (Satan’s character)

(4). Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal (For whom was this essay written?) Gulliver’s travels (the name of each place Gulliver visits)

(5). William Blake: Tyger (central image, main theme)

(6). Robert Burns: My heart’s in the highlands (theme, does the speaker love the highlands? How does he show his love in the poem?)

(7). William Wordsworth: I wondered lonely as a cloud (the central image, rhyme scheme, main idea of each stanza)

(8). Shelley: Ode to the west wind. First stanza. (why is the west wind both destroyer and preserver?)

(9). Jane Austen: chapter 1, first and second paragraph: “It is truly universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of life” (Is there any irony? What does this sentence imply?)

(10). Jane Eyre: Chapter 5 and chapter 4 (Jane Eyre’s personality and Mr Rochester’s character)

(11). Hardy: Tess of the D’Urbervilles (subtitle of the novel, Tess’character)

3.Key characters.

Hamlet, Shylock, Satan, Robinson Crusoe, Jane Eyre…

4.Literary stages

What are the main themes and dominating literary genres(文学体裁) in each of the following historical periods?

Medieval age, the Renaissance, the Restoration and Revolution, The age of Enlightenment, Romantic era, the Victorian age (the age of realist critical realism, modernism.

英国文学选读一考试大题必备 重点题目分析(人物分析 诗歌分析 三大主义)

Hamlet is the first work of literature to look squarely at the stupidity, falsity and sham of everyday life, without laughing and without easy answers. In a world where things are not as they seem, Hamlet…s genuineness, thoughtfulness, and sincerity make him special. Hamlet is no saint. But unlike most of the other characters (and most people today), Hamlet chooses not to compromise with evil. Dying, Hamlet reaffirms the tragic dignity of a basically decent person in a bad world Hamlet is the first work of literature to show an ordinary person looking at the futility and wrongs in life, asking the toughest questions and coming up with honest semi-answers like most people do today. Unlike so much of popular culture today, "Hamlet" leaves us with the message that life is indeed worth living, even by imperfect people in an imperfect world. 犹豫scholars have debated for centuries about Hamlet's hesitation in killing his uncle. Some see it as a plot device to prolong the action, and others see it as the result of pressure exerted by the complex philosophical and ethical issues that surround cold-blooded murder, calculated revenge and thwarted desire. More recently, psychoanalytic critics have examined Hamlet's unconscious desires (Freud concludes that Hamlet has an "Oedipal desire for his mother and the subsequent guilt [is] preventing him from murdering the man [Claudius] who has done what he unconsciously wanted to do". Robinson Crusoe is a grand hero in westerners? eyes. He survived in the deserted island and lived a meaningful life. He almost has everything needed for becoming a successful man, such as his excellent creativity, great working capacity, courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles. But he has shortcomings, too. Sometimes he was irresolute; he was not confident; he was fetishistic, although his belief had done him much good. He serves somehow as a lighthouse for the ambitious people. It?s also instructive for average people. Robinson was the representative of the bourgeois of the 18th C. It was the time when bourgeois grew stronger and stronger. The author Defoe paid a tribute to bourgeois by creating such a rational, powerful, clever, and successful man. 【Themes of Robinson Crusoe】 1. The ambivalence of mastery In short, while Crusoe seems praiseworthy in mastering his fate by overcoming his obstacles, and controlling his environment, the praiseworthiness of his mastery over his fellow human Friday is more doubtful. Defoe explores the link between the two in his depiction of the colonial mind. 2. The necessity of Repentance Crusoe?s experiences constitute not simply an adventure story in which thrilling things happen, but also a moral tale illustrating the right and wrong ways to live one?s life. Crusoe?s story instruct s others in God?s wisdom, and one vital part of this wisdom is the importance of repenting one?s sins. 3. The Importance of Self-Awareness Crusoe?s arrival on the island does not make him revert to a brute existence and he remains conscious of himself at all times. His island existence actually deepens his self-awareness as he withdraws from the external society and turns inward. The idea that the individual must keep a careful reckoning of the state of his own soul is a key point in the Presbyterian doctrine that the aothor took seriously all his life. ·Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte The protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby. She is a plain-featured, small and reserved but talented, sympathetic, hard-working, honest and passionate girl. Skilled at studying, drawing, and teaching, she works as a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with her wealthy employer, Edward Rochester. But her strong sense of conscience does not permit her to become his mistress, and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has come into an inheritance. 【Themes of Jane Eyre】 1. Gender relations A particularly important theme in the novel is patriarchalism and Jane…s efforts to assert her own identity within male-dominated society. Among the three of the main male characters,


必读英美文学经典作品20本 American Literature 1、The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Howthorne《红字》霍桑著 小说惯用象征手法,人物、情节和语言都颇具主观想象色彩,在描写中又常把人的心理活

动和直觉放在首位。因此,它不仅是美利坚合众国浪漫主义小说的代表作,同时也被称作 是美利坚合众国心理分析小说的开创篇。 2、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 《哈克贝利.芬历险记》 简称《赫克》是美国文学中的珍品,也是美国文化中的珍品。十六年前【1984】 ,美国文坛为《赫克》出版一百周年举行了广泛的庆祝活动和学术讨论,也出版了一些研究马克吐温,特别是他的《赫克》的专著。专门为一位大作家的一本名著而举行如此广泛的纪念和专门的研究,这在世界文坛上也是少有的盛事。这是因为《赫克》的意义不一般. 美国著名作家海明威说, "一切现代美国文学来自一本书, 即马克吐温的《赫克尔贝里芬历险记》……这是我们所有书中最好的。一切美国文学都来自这本书,在它之前,或在它之后,都不曾有

过能与之媲美的作品。 3、The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James 《贵妇画像》 亨利.詹姆斯著】 美国小说家亨利·詹姆斯的《贵妇画像》自问世以来一直受到文学评论界的关注,专家学者已从各个不同角度对女主人伊莎贝尔·阿切尔作了深入细致的研究。本文试图从一个全新的视角,即跨文化交际角度,剖析伊莎贝尔在婚姻方面所作的选择。文章指出她是该小说中跨文化交际的最大失败者,并对其失败原因作了分析。希望在跨文化交际日益频繁的今天我们都能从伊莎贝尔的生活经历中得到某种启发。


英国文学作品与作家 一、Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里?乔叟1343~1400 (首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。) The father of English poetry. Writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity. 作品: ① 坎特伯雷故事集: first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(双韵 体) by middle English ②特罗勒斯与克丽西德 ③ 声誉之堂 ④公爵夫人之书 ⑤百鸟议会 二、William Shakespeare威廉?莎士比亚 1564~1616l playwright,poet 评价comments: Widely regarded as the greatest writer in English literatur e

莎士比亚同时代戏剧家本·琼森(Ben Johnson)--他不属于一个时代,而是属于。(He was not of an age, but for all time.) 作品: ①Historical plays: Henry VI ; Henry IV : Richard III ; He nry V ;Richard II;Henry VIII ②Four Comedies: 皆大欢喜; 第十二夜; 仲夏夜之 梦; 威尼斯商人 ③Four Tragedies: 哈姆莱特; 奥赛 罗; 李尔王; 麦克白 ④Shakespeare Sonnet :154 Three quatrain and one couplet, ababcdcdefefgg 三、Francis l Bacon弗兰西斯?培根1561~1626 Bacon’s quote 1、 knowledge is power 知识就是力量。 2、 Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to cor rupt, and cannot last; and for the most part it makes a dissolute youth, and an age a little out of countenance 美犹如盛夏的水果,是容易腐烂而难保持的,世上有许多美人,她们有过放荡的青春,却迎受着愧悔的晚年。 3、 Natural abilities are like natural plants, that n eed pruning by study; and studies themselves do give for

幼儿文学作品赏析 (4)

天津广播电视大学13秋学前教育专科课程作业 幼儿文学作品赏析 学校:津南分校 姓名: 学号:131200145 任课:吴学清

幼儿文学作品赏析 长期以来,我国儿童文学创作大多以知识性、教育性为主,忽视了儿童的纯真天性。这既和我们长期形成的教育体制有关,也暴露了我们的作者常常以成人的视角来观察儿童的内心世界,致使优秀的儿童文学作品缺失。一部优秀的儿童文学作品应该以儿童本位思想作为创作宗旨,题材应具有多元化和多元故事结构,而且应勾勒符合儿童价值取向的典型人物和群体肖像。下面选取一些具有代表性的儿童文学作品,以了解我国儿童文学的发展状况。 1.儿歌《小小的船》 我国著名的教育家叶圣陶(1894~1968),原名叶绍钧,江苏苏州人,著名作家、教育家,其所著儿歌《小小的船》:“弯弯的月儿小小的船,小小的船儿两头尖,我在小小的船里坐,只看见闪闪的星星蓝蓝的天。”这是一首非常优美的儿歌,儿歌的语言清新优美,其意境也很美,它为我们描绘了一个神话般的仙境,在这个仙境里有“弯弯的月儿”,有“闪闪的星星”,有“蓝蓝的天”,这些事物组成了一幅优美的图画,让人陶醉其间。 2.童话《大林与小林》 《大林与小林》是中国著名的现代小说家和作家、儿童文学家张天翼所著。是20世纪中国最优秀的民族童话精品,奇特的构思,夸张的手法,大胆的想象,曲折的情节,让人爱不释手,很容易被它深深

吸引。 大林和小林是一对双胞胎。大林好吃懒做,变成了一个寄生虫,最后饿死在金子堆里。小林勇敢正直,成长为一个有出息的好孩子。这个故事揭露了旧社会统治阶级的昏庸无耻和他们对劳动人民的残酷压迫;同时写了劳动人民为了追求光明而顽强不屈的斗争。虽然这是一个写在新中国成立前的童话,但是现在的孩子读来,却一点都不感到有距离,书中的各种人物,大林、小林、鳄鱼小姐、狐狸平平、绅士狗皮皮、蔷薇公主、四四格等形象呼之欲出,是一本值得每个孩子放进书架的书。这部童话主要说明两点,即知足者常乐和金钱不是万能的思想。 3.严文井的《严文井童话》 创作了《南南和胡子伯伯》《唐小西在“下次开船港”》《小溪流的歌》等著名童话的严文井,与陈伯吹并称为我国两大儿童文学界泰斗级人物,他第一次写童话是1938年到达延安两年后,觉得“我们现在的斗争和工作正是为着未来的孩子们”,便用童话记下了自己“朦胧而幼稚的幻想和爱憎”,一口气写成9篇,后集成《南南和胡子伯伯》一书。他在延安时期还写了《大雁和鸭子》《皇帝说的话》《希望和奴隶们》等童话。1949年创作的《丁丁的一次奇怪的旅行》以及1950年出版的《蚯蚓和蜜蜂的故事》,向孩子们讲述劳动在生命形成和进化中的重要作用,获得全国少年儿童文艺创作奖。1957年出版的中篇童话《唐小西在“下次开船港”》影响广泛,译本曾在英、苏、朝鲜等国出版,并被拍摄成电影。这一时期,严文井还陆续发表


Review 1.Literary Glossary Question: What is the definition of each literary term below? Heroic couplet Byronic hero stream-of-consciousness Metaphysical poetry/poet Romance comedy tragedy soliloquy Sentimentalism/Sentimental novel Gothic novel foil Romanticism/Romantic era sonnet blank verse stanza Iambic pentameter Aestheticism 2.Selected reading. (1). The first twelve lines in the General Prologue in Canterbury Tale. (2). Shakespeare: sonnet 18(The main theme of this poem.) Act3 scene3, Hamlet’s monologue (main idea, major themes, meter and rhyme) (3). Milton, Paradise Lost Book 1, excerpt, lines describing Satan’s unyielding spirit (line50--75) (Satan’s character) (4). Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal (For whom was this essay written?) Gulliver’s travels (the name of each place Gulliver visits) (5). William Blake: Tyger (central image, main theme) (6). Robert Burns: My heart’s in the highlands (theme, does the speaker love the highlands? How does he show his love in the poem?) (7). William Wordsworth: I wondered lonely as a cloud (the central image, rhyme scheme, main idea of each stanza) (8). Shelley: Ode to the west wind. First stanza. (why is the west wind both destroyer and preserver?) (9). Jane Austen: chapter 1, first and second paragraph: “It is truly universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of life” (Is there any irony? What does this sentence imply?) (10). Jane Eyre: Chapter 5 and chapter 4 (Jane Eyre’s personality and Mr Rochester’s character) (11). Hardy: Tess of the D’Urbervilles (subtitle of the novel, Tess’ character) 3.Key characters. Hamlet, Shylock, Satan, Robinson Crusoe, Jane Eyre… 4.Literary stages What are the main themes and dominating literary genres(文学体裁) in each of the following historical periods? Medieval age, the Renaissance, the Restoration and Revolution, The age of Enlightenment, Romantic era, the Victorian age (the age of realist critical realism, modernism.


The Disillusion of American Dream in Death of a Salesman 英语112 冯文娟 11425203 Franklin showed the people by aphorism and even his experiences,the myth that as long as you hard work,it is possible to achieve the American dream of fame and fortune. And his 13 virtues,which brought him great success,has made many ambitious young men regard it as the motto, they are doing Cinderella-like dream, a dream to one day become a prince. Later,American Dream becomes one of the most important themes in American literature,it convinces people that if they work hard, everyone can get rich.However, the harsh reality broke many people's American Dream into pieces, resulting in a series of tragedy.Many writers in American literature attempt to reveal the illusion of American Dream through their works, to explore the conflict between the reality and the American Dream.Among them, Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman reveals the illusory American dream by analyzing the reasons of the character,Willy Loman’s death.It has exposed some of the ills of American society, crushing the myth that "everyone can be successful." When I read the brief introduction of this book,there is a question constantly around me.Why Willy chose to commit suicide finally?But when I finished this book,I find the answer.Perhaps because of the sever reality,Perhaps when hopes dashed , Willy’s heart can no longer afford.Willy Loman is the play's tragic figure. His tragedy is to own his wrong values tightly, and can not face the reality. His whole lifetime is spent in the whole dream , as well died resulting from the wrong dream . As far as I am concerned,Willy represents his class, so he's tragedy is also the unfortune of a group of people who are holding the successful dream.As his name, Lowman ,implies that he belongs to the low-rise character of society.He has nothing.As a salesman,he has no pay, only led commission.He just sells other people's stuff and he convinces that as long as likable, charming,the door of the world is open to him. His life is built on such dreams.He admires David Sigelman very much because David sells products successfully and he does not have to leave the hotel, only a phone call can bring him a successful deal.When he died at the 84-year-old age, there are so many consumers and companions take part in his funeral procession.So Willy always lives in a world of his own imagination,considering the fantasy as the reality,and often boasts. As he said “I’m the New England man.I’m vital in New England.”Regardless of the fact that his products are unwelcomed,he boasts how important he is in New England and how high his sales volume is.Consequently,he falls into his own lie and can never escape. What’s more,to his son,Biff Loman,he also tries his best to instill the thinking:As


一、荷马史诗《伊里亚特》 (公元前九世纪行吟诗人,成文于-6世纪,记载-12世纪的事,-3世纪定稿 1、史诗分为《伊里亚特》《奥德塞》两部分 2、两个主要英雄人物:阿基琉斯(英俊骁勇,感情强烈、但过于自尊,盛怒之下不免残忍赫克托尔(遇事冷静,比较内向,性格稳重,有人情味 3、人神双线推进,多用善用比喻 二、索福克勒斯《俄狄浦斯王》 (公元前 5世纪 1、俄狄蒲斯形象分析:正直、诚实,为了躲避杀父娶母的厄运而四走奔走,力图自己掌握自己的命运,说明其有独立意志和坚强毅力,遵循高尚的道德准则,敢于反抗神喻 2、作者的命运观:肯定独立意志和高尚品质,但命运使一个优秀人物成为罪人,命运的正义性和合理性就值得怀疑。但作者没有否定命运, 主人公也未能逃出命运的劫数, 存在历史局限性。 3、结构和艺术手法:歌队的穿插;临近高潮落笔的“回顾式”结构;不断“发现” “突变”推动剧情。 4、 130个剧本, 7个流传至今。 三、但丁《神曲? 地狱篇》 (13-14世纪 1、恩格斯对但丁的评价:中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时也是新时代的最初一位诗人 2、神曲的三部分篇名:《地狱篇》《炼狱篇》《天堂篇》。拦路的三头野兽:豹、狮、虎。 3、两个形象:维吉尔――理性的指引,经过各种苦难的考验,涤除各种罪恶,在道德上得到净化;贝雅特里奇――信仰的引导,走出迷惘,到达理想的境界。

4、神曲的两重性:虚构的情节与场景源自中世纪宗教思想。运用宗教文学中常用梦幻故事的写法,以前隐喻、象征等手法,具有一部宗教文学作品的特征;素材取自现实生活, 从现实出发评价人物、表示态度,富有现实感,使虚幻的的地狱具有可感性。塑造出有立体感的人物, 主观抒情色彩强烈。用意大利文写成; 兼有中世纪文学的一般特征,也表现出新文学的特征。 5、象征意像: 黑暗的森林 ---意大利现实 三头猛兽 ---阻碍人类达到光明世界的邪恶力量 但丁在森林中迷路 ---人类的迷惘 但丁游历 ---追随理性与信仰 6、第五歌、第十九歌的内容: 第五歌:地狱第二圈。凡生前淫荡的亡魂之所在。弗兰采斯加与保禄的故事。 第十九歌:第八圈第三层。惩罚神职人员。教皇尼古拉三世,菩尼腓斯八世。 7、神曲表现手法: A 、既有中世纪文学的一般特征,又具有新文学特征。 (梦幻故事,但取材于现实,从现实出发来评价人物 B 、善于运用丰富的想象和大量取自现实的比喻。 C 、注意用人物自己的语言来叙述人物特定的处境和特定的心情。 D 、不是纯客观描写,爱憎分明、感情充沛、直抒胸臆,有鲜明的抒情性。 四、薄伽丘《十日谈》 (14世纪


“英美文学作品赏析”课程简介 一、课程简介 “英美文学作品赏析”(“Appreciation of British and American Literary Works”)是依据教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》中的较高要求,为非英语专业大学生开设的“语言文化”类课程。课程以阅读名家名作精彩片段为主,以欣赏相关作品音频、视频片段为辅,通过阅读、讲授、讨论、表演、诵读、赏析等生动活泼的形式,使学生了解英美两国文学简史,理解经典作品的主要艺术特色。本课程从考勤、学习过程、期末开卷考试三方面评估学生的学习情况。通过听、读、说、写、译的综合训练,致力于培养学生运用英语学科基础知识、运用文学常识鉴赏评析作品的能力。在轻松愉快的氛围中,提高学生的团队合作、创造性思维、跨文化交际能力,增强学生对英美文学、文化的兴趣与感悟力,促进学生语言基本功和人文修养的提高。 二、课程内容 课程共48学时,主要内容为:

三、课程考核 本课程的考查方式为:过程管理评估+期末考试评估 过程管理部分的考核构成学生平时成绩,占期末总成绩的40%;期末考试卷面成绩占期末总成绩的60%,即: 学生学期成绩=平时成绩40%+期末考试成绩60% 平时成绩=出勤40%+课堂表现20%+作业40% (作业包括翻译、课堂陈述、课堂表演、写作等灵活多样的形式) 期末考试方式:开卷考试(内容:英美文学常识,作品选段理解,作品选段分析等)四、选课指南 “英美文学作品赏析”是一门文化素养课。课程信息量大、文化内涵丰富,意图拓宽学生知识面,加深其英美国家文化底蕴,提高其人文修养。课程组在教学中力图做到精选作家、作品选段,精心选择相应的音频、视频选段,自制优美的PPP课件,精心组织教学活动,力争通过诵读、观赏、跟读、翻译、表演、陈述等丰富多彩的活动调动同学们的积极性,使其积极参与课堂活动。不少同学反映该课程对他们的英语学习和知识扩展有很大帮助,对英美作家的心路历程和写作历程感受颇深,自己“受益匪浅”。摘录同学评价如下: *“我学习到了很多,更收获到了自己心里憧憬已久的东西,感觉很是幸福。” “该课给了我接触文学,了解文学的机会。在现在这个物欲横流的社会,……我们需要一


Alexander Pope An Essay on Man (know then thyself) The poem is written in iambic tetrameter, every two line have the same thyme at the last word. The poem is important in the sense that it embodies the 18th century concepts of the universe and man’s place in it, that is man is made in the shape of God, and occupies a middle position in the Great Chain of Being. As the poet says sometimes we have too much knowledge and feel suspect about everything, but sometimes we have too much weakness and can not be as pride as Stotic, sometimes we seem to have the power to rule all things but sometimes we seem prey to all. We are in the middle place and sometimes we are confused about whether to act or rest. The poet perfectly describes man’s feeling about ourselves and about the world. Although Pope is never profound in thought but he is very adapt in voicing the idea of his contemporaries in a beautiful and clever way. Robert Burns A Red, Red, Rose The metrical pattern of the poem is basically in the ballad form, i.e. each stanza consisting of four lines, with four stressed syllables in the odd-numbered lines and three stressed syllables in the even-numbered lines, and with rhymes occurring on the even-numbered lines. The image of rose evokes traditional associations of beauty, love and romance. Its simple lyrics and straight form and expression of feeling make it a favorite choice for poetry anthologies and a most appreciated poem for readers. Incorporating various elements from folk songs, the poem is supposed to be a song sung by an Irish sailor to his sweet heart before his ship sailed off to sea, the exaggerated declaration of love “till the


外国文学名著赏析 ——对《哈姆雷特》与《堂吉诃德》人物形象及其现实意义的 分析 班级:学号:姓名: 摘要:《哈姆雷特》和《堂吉诃德》是文艺复兴时期涌现出来的一批比较先进的文学作品,通过对两部文学作品的阅读,我们不难发现两部作品所展现出来的人物形象都反映出了当时不同的社会现实,而且两部文学作品都表现出了浓厚的人文主义色彩,并且在当时也带来了不同的社会作用。堂吉诃德是塞万提斯塑造的一个为了打击骑士文学的文学形象,作者通过对堂吉诃德的描写,生动的说明了骑士文学给世人带来的负面影响,从而给骑士文学以致命的打击。莎士比亚笔下的哈姆雷特则是一个孤独的人文主义者,他以失败告终,哈姆雷特的失败向人们揭示了人文主义时代的悲剧。 Abstract: Hamlet a nd Don Quixote were the advanced literary in the Renaissance Period .After read the two novels, it is not difficult to find that different characters in these novels reflected different social problems. And they all expressed the ideas of humanism. These two images also brought different social functions at that time .Don Quixote is one of which Cervantes’s molds in order to attack the knight literature .According to the description of Don Quixote, vivid explain ed that knight literature brought a serious of bad influence to the human beings, thus gives the knight literature by the fatal attack. Hamlet is a lonely humanism, he is end in failure .His failure has indicated the tragedy which in the Humanism Era. 关键词:人文主义、哈姆雷特、人物形象、艺术特色、堂吉诃德、现实意义、悲剧 Key words:humanism; Hamlet; characters; art features; Don Quixote; realistic significance; tragedy 前言: 莎士比亚和塞万提斯都是文艺复兴时期伟大的戏剧家,作为戏剧艺术的大师,他们的作品都达到了世界文学的巅峰。《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚最著名的悲剧之一,代表了莎士比亚的艺术成就,剧中莎士比亚塑造的著名人物哈姆雷特也被列入了世界文学的艺术画廊。塞万提斯是文艺复兴时期西班牙伟大的作家,在他创作的作品中,以《堂吉诃德》最为著名,影响也最大,是文艺


1、堂吉诃德人物形象分析: 一、堂吉诃德是一个脱离现实、耽于幻想、行动盲目的这样一个人。他因读骑士小说入了迷而想入非非,丧失了基本的理性。他把骑士小说的描写当成现实生活,无视已经发生了变化的时代。 二、堂吉诃德是一个纯粹的理想主义者。他痛恨专制残暴,同情被压迫的劳苦大众,向往自由,把保护人的正当权利与尊严,锄强扶弱,清除人世间的不平作为自己的人生理想。或许这就是他那理想化的骑士道,但他对此是如此的迷恋和执着,如此的不可思议,已完全变成偏执。 三、堂吉诃德是一个永不妥协的斗士,他为实现理想而奋不顾身的精神令我们折服。堂吉诃德敢于为主持正义、清除罪恶而忘我斗争,不管碰到什么样的敌人,他都毫不怯懦,永不退缩。他把磨坊的风车当作巨人,毫不犹豫地挺枪拍马冲过去。 总结以上几点分析,我们可以看到堂吉诃德是一个性格复杂而矛盾的人物。他身上既有滑稽可笑的特点,又有严肃认真的思考; 既荒谬绝伦,又崇高伟大; 既有喜剧性,又有悲剧性,是一个可笑又可悲、可乐又可敬的具有双重性格组合的人物形象。堂吉诃德敢用自己的行动、甚至生命来捍卫道德、正义和信仰,即使大多数情况下都以失败而告终,但他这种不屈不挠、勇于自我牺牲的精神,实在是足可令人敬佩的。 2、哈姆雷特人物形象分析: 哈姆雷特形象分析:人文主义者。复杂的性格,有崇高的理想,和人类与世界新颖的看法。目光敏锐,思考深刻,又有高度的社会责任感。但过于内向,过于审慎,加上势单力薄的处境,造成行动上的延宕。有行动的决心,而且不断督促自己,但最后只能与敌人同归于尽。 哈姆雷特是个具有先进理想并勤于思索的人文主义者。他的理想和严酷的现实发生尖锐的矛盾。精神的危机,理想的破灭,使他悲郁愤懑,痛苦异常,也促使他不断思索,加深对社会的认识。他从家庭的变故看到宫墙外的社会问题,有强烈的责任感,然而只相信个人的作用,强调思想的力量,因而矛盾重重,思考多于行动,时时感到忧郁、茫然,行动犹豫、延宕。生活在英国新兴势力还处于幼稚阶段的哈姆雷特,找不到也不可能找到正确的途径,最后他虽然奋然一击,与敌人同归于尽,但忧郁始终伴随着他,伟大的理想并未实现,莎士比亚在哈姆雷特身上寄托了人文主义的美好理想,哈姆雷特的性格特征和悲剧结局也反映了人文主义的思想危机和致命弱点。 3、唐璜人物形象分析 《唐璜》中的主人公唐璜源自西班牙传说中的人物,多次成为文学作品的题材。传统的唐璜形象是个玩弄女性,没有道德观念的花花公子。但在拜伦笔下,这个人物在多数情况下却以被勾引的角色出现。他的被迫出走,就是因为他或多或少地是那个有夫之妇的牺牲品。唐璜不同于拜伦其他诗歌中的英雄人物,作者无意将他塑造成“拜伦式的英雄”,其中却不乏诗人自传的成分。唐璜热情、勇敢、拒绝虚伪的道德信条。在面临饿死的危险时,他拒绝吃被打死的人,其中不乏象征的意义。在士兵中间,只有他表现出对一个土耳其小姑娘的命运真正的关心。他没有忧郁绝望的天性,但也没有掌握自己命运的能力。他的爱情故事大多是对上流社会虚伪道德的讽刺,而他和海盗女儿海蒂的经历,更多的是体现一种充满诗意的理想。 4、于连人物形象分析

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