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U7 the healing power of belief

U7 the healing power of belief
U7 the healing power of belief

The Healing power of Belief

For the past two years,I have been studying cancer survivors at UGLA,trying to find out why it is t hat some people respond much better to their treatment than do others.At first I though that so me patients did well because their illnesses were not as severe as the illnesses of others.On close

r scrutiny,however,I discovered that severity of the illness was only one of a number of factors tha t accounted for the difference between those who get well and those who don’t .The patients i a

m talking about here received upon diagnosis whatever therapy medication,radiation,surgery-the ir individual cases demanded.Yet the response to such treatments was hardly uniform.Some patie nts fared much better in their therapies than others.


What was it,then,that was different?Was there any one thing that all survivors had in common?Y es.I have found that the major characteristics of these survivors were very similar.Among the simi larities are:

They all had a strong will to live

They were not panicky about their illness

They had confidence in their ability to persevere

Despite all the forecasts to the contrary,they believed they could make it They were capable of jo yous response

They were convinced that their treatment would work.




One woman with whom I worked closely is perhaps symbolic of the entire group.Let’s call her An nie.Her illness was diagnosed as cancer of the liver.An exploratory operation convinced the surge ons that the disease was too far along to be treated by any known means.But Annie,far from bein g discouraged or depressed by this verdict,was absolutely determined to overcome her illness.Sh

e decided to fight with all o

f her powers of mind and body.Her family physician was so impressed with her spirit that he felt the dismal prediction of the specialists ought not to preclude further ef forts.Very supportive,he encouraged Annie to see a surgeon in Houston who had a high record of success with patients who had a stron

g will to live and a confident attitude.The surgeon’s name w as John Stehlin.



Annie went to Houston and was interviewed by Dr.Stehlin.She visited the floor in St.Josephs Hosp ital where Dr.S’s patients were cared for.Instead of a gloom white hospital setting,she found a che erful,animated,attractive series of rooms,the largest of which was called the Living Room.It was e quipped with easy chairs,reading corners,and alcoves for audio video machines,containing a large array of tape cassettes of some of the funniest motion pictures ever produced.Dr. S installed the sets and obtained the cassettes after reading article I wrote for the New England Journal of Medi cine on the therapeutic valued of laughter.He had always believed that hopefulness and laughter go together.People who are capable of experiencing joy,he discovered,were much better candidat es for successful surgery and therapy than those who were morbid and apprehensive. 安妮到休斯顿后与s医生进行了面谈。她圣约瑟芬医院餐馆了s医生的病人被照看的那个楼层。取代了阴暗的白色的医院陈设,她发现的是一个振奋人心,很有生气并且很吸引人的一套房间,其中最大的那个是起居室。起居室里装了舒服的椅子,读书角,还有一个放音响设备的壁橱,里面有一大批一些最有趣的动画片的录像带。S医生在读了我写给英国药物期刊的有关笑声对治疗的作用的文章之后,安装了这些设备,购买了这些录像带。他一直相信希望和笑声是互相协调的。他发现能够体验快乐的人比那些恐惧和忧虑的人治愈的机会要大得多。

After spending only 15 minutes with Dr.s.Annie felt uplifted and thrilled by the atmosphere of the place.She met with patients who had come through even greater ordeals than her own.Dr.s exa mined Annie and studied her medical record.Then he told her he would be willing to operate and give her the best possible-but only if she had complete confidence in herself,in him,and in the op eration.He suggested that she return home to think about it.


Annie did,but there wasn’t much to think about.She was eager to proceed.When she returned to Houston,it was obvious to Dr.s that she was strongly motivated.He operated and removed 70% of her liver.Nevertheless,Annie’s,convalescence at St.Joseph’s was rapid.She was caught up in a pow erful.affirmative atmosphere.today,three years later,she is active and free of symptoms.Annie an d Dr.s know the odds of that there are probably other pockets of cancer throughout her body.But her condition has stabilized.She is a happy,functioning human being.


At the school of medicine of the university of California,Los Angeles,I have been trying to find out if emotions affect the chemistry of the human body.for several decades,the term “psychosomatic ” has been in general use.It means mind body relationship.But the precise way the mind affects t he body has not been clearly defined.As the result of recent research,however,it is possible to say that specific changes take place throughout the body as the result of human



Indeed,Dr. Richard Bergland,a brain researcher at the Harvard Medical School,has written a paper suggesting that the human brain is basically a gland.Building on this view,Dr.Carmine Clemente,di rector of the Brain Research Institute at UGLA,has been looking into the secretions of the brain.H e has estimated that there may be thousands of such secretions-all of which play a part in the fun ctioning of the body.


What to me is most fascinating of all about these secretions is that they are not locked away or c ompletely removed from the conscious intelligence.It is true that the mind has no ongoing aware ness of the numberless functions generated by te brain-the beating of the heart,the actions of th e nerve cells,the functions of all the glands.But the fact that we have no direct knowledge of thes e functions as they occur does not mean that we are barred from any supervision over them.The significance of biofeedback-a term used to describe the ability of the mind to enter into the worki ngs of the body-is that human beings may actually be able to exert increasing control over thems elves and may be able to play an important role in overcoming illness. 对我来说,所有这些分泌物最吸引人的地方在于他们并不是被锁起来或者和主观意识完全分离开来的。主观意识的确没有觉察到由大脑正在产生的不计其数活动-心脏的跳动,神经细胞的活动,以及所有腺体的运作。但是我们并不直接的知道这些运作并不代表我们不能够管理他们。生物反馈这一术语用来被形容意识参与身体运作的能力,它的重要性在于它使人类可能对他们自己有着越来越多的控制并且可能能够在克服疾病的过程中扮演重要的角色。 Numerous medical reports now cite instances in which individuals have been able to direct t heir bodies in ways generally believed to be beyond the reach of the conscious intelligence.At the UGLA school of medicine,I witnessed a demonstration in which a man controlled his own heartb eat.He could speed it up or slow it almost to a stop merely by concentrating.Such a performance i s not unknown in Eastern cultures,but it was startling,to say the least,to see much a demonstratio n in an American medical school,with a dozen or more physicians as fascinated observers of this u se of biofeedback.Patients are using biofeedback techniques at the Menninger Foundation in Top eka,Kansas and at other medical centers as a means of relieving their migraine headaches or low ering their blood pressure.The evidence is incontrovertible that chemical changes take place in th e body as a result of mental functions or moods. 现在不计其数的医学报告举出了这种例子,个人能够通过通常所认为的主观意识达不到的方式指挥自己的身体。在UGLA医学院,我见证了一个男人证明了自己可以控制自己的心跳。他可以仅仅通过集中注意力加速心跳或者减慢到几乎停止的程度。这种表演在东方文明并不陌生,但是和十二位甚至更多的对生物反馈这种用法非常着迷的医师共同在一个美国的医学院观看这个证明,至少说明它的确非常令人惊愕,

This mind-body effect should not be surprising in view of the experience over the years with plac ebos.The term “placebo” is used to describe a “pill” that contains no medical ingredients but that often produces the same effect as genuine medication.Placebos provide ample proof that expect ations can have an effect on body chemistry.According to a recent article on placebos in Medical Word News,studies conducted over the past 25 years shown that placebos satisfactorily relieved s ymptoms in an average of 35 percent of patients tested.These symptoms include:fever,severe pos toperative pain,anginal pain headache,and anxiety,among other complaints.The explanation for t his strange phenomenon is that the human mind can create actual changes in body chemistry as a result of what is believes.If,for example,a person believes that a certain medication contains a s ubstance that can accomplish a specific need,the body tends to move in that direction.


An increasing number of scientists now contend that the body’s healing system and its belief syst em are closely related.That is why hope,faith,and the will to live can be vital factors in the war ag ainst disease.the belief system are closely related.That is why hope,faith,and the will to live can b e vital factors in war against disease.The belief system converts positive expectations into plus fac tors in any contest against illness.


Another crucial factor that influences the system of belief and healing is the attitude of the physic ian.One of a doctor’s main functions is to engage to the fullest the patient’s own ability to mobiliz e the forces of mind and body in turning back disease.The patient’s belief in the judgment and he aling power of the physician is often more important than the treatment itself in reversing the co urse of the illness.Dr.Herbert Benson,an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical Scho ol and author of The Mind-Body Effect,believes that a doctor’s“caring” about his or her patient c auses specific physiological improvement.In Annie’s case,for example,she had a very supportive f amily physician plus the enlightened Dr.s,who was very aware that encouragement and a positive attitude can be all-important.


People who are seriously ill need to believe that they have a chance.They respond not just to the doctor’s attitude but to the mood of the people very close to them.If hope is missing from the ey es and from the voices of their families,the absence will be felt.I feel that in the future there will be more and more programs in which caring professionals will help patients and their families to

cope and to support the ill person each other. 病的非常严重的病人需要相信他们仍有机会。他们不仅仅会回应医生的态度,也会回应与自己非常亲近的人的情绪。如果希望从他们家人的眼中和声音中消失了,他们会感受到这种缺失。我感到未来会有越来越多的项目出现让专业看护人员帮助病人和他们的家人解决问题以及帮助病人和家人互相支持。

It makes no sense to believe that only the negative emotions have an effect on the body’s chemis try.Every emotion,negative or positive,makes its registration on the body’s systems.When I was ill, I read every humorous book I could get my hands on.My goal was to be uplifted and relieved of w orry and panic through laugher.That’s why Dr.s uses comic films as part of his therapy.Illness is no

t a laughing matter,but perhaps it ought to https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5410377557.html,ughter is a form of internal jogging.It moves to th e organs around.It enhances respiration.It is an igniter of great expectations. 仅仅相信负面情绪会对人体产生化学影响毫无意义。每一种情绪,无论是积极的还是消极的,都在身体的系统中留下了印记。当我生病了,我会阅读所有我可以得到的幽默的书籍。我的目标就是变得兴奋并通过笑来缓解焦虑和恐慌。这就是为什么s医生把喜剧电影作为他治疗的一部分。生病不是一件可笑的事情,但是也许它应该是可笑的。笑是一种体内慢跑。它会活动周围的器官。它能加强呼吸。它能够点燃巨大的希望。

Through my studies at the medical school and from my own experience,I have learned that one o

f the prime elements of human uniqueness is the ability to create and exercise new options.What an individual decides to do with his or her life;what a person believes or doesn’t believe about th

e great mysteries o

f life;how people go about fulfillin

g their individual and collective needs and d esires-all these involve options.Protecting and cherishing our right to exercise these options may well represent the finest example of true human freedom. 根据我在医学院的研究和我自己的经验,我知道导致人类唯一性的一个主要因素就是人们制定和运用新选项的能力。一个人决定如何过自己的生活,一个是否相信生命的巨大秘密;人们符合去满足个人和群体的需求和欲望-这一切都设计到选项。保护和珍惜我们运用这些选项的权利可能能为真正的人类的自由提供了一个最好的例子。

We must learn never to underestimate the capacity of the human mind and body to regenerate-e ven when the prospects seem most wretched.The life-force may be the least understood force on earth.The eminent psychologist and philosopher William James said that human beings tend to li ve too much within self-imposed limits.It is possible that these limits will recede when we respect more fully the natural drive of the human mind and body toward perfectibility and regeneration. 我们一定要学会从来不要过低估计人们生理和心理的再生能力-即使当前途似乎已经破碎了。这种生命的力量可能是地球上最不被理解的能力了。杰出的心理学家哲学家威廉吉姆说,人类往往会过多的活在自己自己强加的限制里。当我们更充分的相信人的身心的自然驱动力会朝着完美和重生的方向发展,这种限制就可能会减弱。

The most important thing I have learned about the power of belief is that an individual patie nt’s a ttitude toward serious illness can be as important as medical help.It would be a serious mistake t

o bypass or minimize the need for scientific treatment,but that treatment will be far more effecti ve if people put their creative hopes,their faith,and their confidence fully to work in behalf of thei r recovery.

