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Your English in the interview help you helpful


He's tired of this argument.


She in university is professional physical, but now she is in a middle school teaching computer.


I, in the company three years when the general manager.

I hold in the company three years general manager position (正式)


Last month the school asked me to a physical examination.


He's been busy attend student in the examination.

He's been busy with one's deceased father grind.


You even the basic rules and discipline of the company can keep. You can't abide by the basic rules and company discipline.(正式)


In the army is also contribute to national military service.

Military service is also contribute for the country 。


Lei feng set us a good example.


The latest law in 2013 will be effective January 1,.


I got a higher wage work and promotion opportunity.


Will we work overtime without overtime, this is no sense

Will we work overtime without overtime, this is not reasonable. (正式)3、对于这个工作岗位,我认为小张比别人更具竞争力。

For this job, I think xiao zhang is more competitive than others.


Hello, I am here for registration of the work.


I will study hard for all of this position

I will study hard and his own work related knowledge



His age children read university physics are difficult.


I guess, there must be something is burning.


You're lucky, the three branch manager position for your choice.


My laptop stolen just now, I only left two minutes.


I have in hand I now some useful book.


Visit the scenic area will need at least three days.


1、I am considering changing ma job,for I don’t like hunting the same old coon.


2、To the moment,our company is recruiting new employees.


3、I’m heading for the recruitment fair in the new gym.



4、My duty is to work out sales plans for the sales department


5、I’m also in charge of the daily affairs of the office.


6、To get a job close to my major is most important to me


7、It’s a pity that you are not selected by the university.


8、Every interviewee should sell themselves all-around



9、I’m wondering why we get so little bonus this month.


10、Please come with all your certificates,your ID,and your diplomas,so we can go through some formalities


1、Y ou are against the law if you dismiss me like this.


2、He is appointed take charge of the chemistry teaching at this school


3、Mary is engaged in the Chinese training in Beijing.


4、I prefer to work hard during office hours rather than overtime


5、I like my previous job,but I also preferred a more challenging one


6、I can’t give you any chance,and now you have no choice but to ship out.


7、A train passed by just a moment ago


8、Can you tell me if I should bring my publications tomorrow?


9、Can we meet at the airport at 10 0’clock sharp?

我们可以在机场见面在10 0点锋利的吗?

10、Though every boss is seeking maximal benefit from his business,our boss is in substance a good sort.



职业英语技能大赛模拟题4 第一部分能力测试 Part I Listening 听力 Section 1 Directions: In this section, you will hear five short sentences and questions. There are three pictures marked A, B, and C for each question. Choose the picture that best matches the question. Each sentence and question will be read twice. You will have 10 seconds for each question. (图片判断。在本节中,你将听到5个句子和相应的问题,每道题配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。每道题读两遍。每题你将有10秒钟的作答时间。) 1. W: Bruce is sitting at the table, while the waiter is taking his order. M: Where is Bruce? A) B)C) 2. W: Lily is an accountant. M: Who do you think is she? A) B)C) 3. W: Miss. Wang wants to go to work in a more environmentally friendly way. M: Which way will Miss Wang choose? A)B)C) 4. W: Xiao Li is a stamp lover. M: What would Xiao Li most probably choose to do?


建筑与工程行业求职简历【篇一】 姓名:xxx 年龄:xxx 户口所在:xx 省国籍:xx 婚姻状况:xx 民族:xx 身高:xxcm 体重:xxkg 求职意向 人才类型: 应聘职位: 求职类型: 实习可到职日期:xx 月薪要求:xxx元 工作经历 xxxx有限公司 起止年月:20xx~20xx 公司性质:xxx 所属行业:建筑与工程 担任职位:建筑工程管理 工作描述:

1.参与了该公司在xxx的监理工作,我主要负责该项目6号楼装修和小区园林绿化的检查验收工作,还有监督5号楼主体的施工并跟进,做好安全与现场管理工作,协助工程量和进度款的复核,编写监理日记。 2.对施工安全规范和质量验收规范有一定的掌握,及时发现施工过程中存在的质量问题和安全隐患,协助施工员处理和改正,避免不必要的损失。 3.在职期间也独立负责过项目套价工作 总结:学会工程量审核和工程费用的核算,对施工安全规范和质量验收规范有一定的`掌握,可以及时发现施工过程中存在的质量问题和安全隐患,协助施工员处理和改正,避免不必要的损失 其它外语能力: 国语水平:精通 工作能力及其他专长 1.对事物有敏锐的洞察力。 2.能很好得与人沟通,具有团队合作精神。 3.对负责的工作会付出全部精力和热情,制定缜密计划,力争在最短时间内将目标达成。 4.喜欢挑战,能在较短时间内适应高压力的工作。 【篇二】建筑与工程行业求职简历 户口所在:广东省国籍:中国 婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族 身高:160cm体重:50kg 求职意向 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:建筑工程 求职类型:实习可到职日期:随时

月薪要求:1499元以下希望工作地区:广州 毕业院校:广东工程职业技术学院 学历:大专获得学位:毕业日期:2016-07 专业:造价 起始年月终止年月学校(机构)所学专业获得证书证书编号 2013-092016-07广东工程职业技术学院造价 语言能力 外语:英语一般粤语水平:一般 其它外语能力: 国语水平:一般 工作能力及其他专长 1、高级职业英语能力认证证书 2、计算机一级证书 3、AutoCAD中级证 4、学位英语证 5、资料员证 个人自传 本人做事情谨慎细心,具有高度的`责任感,善于处理人际关系,为人和睦,专业知识扎实,性格开朗,积极向上,能吃苦耐劳,顾全大局,具备团队合作精神。认真仔细的对待自己做的每一件事,努力做得更好,更虚心接受别人的意见,善于学习各项技能,接受能力较强。 熟练运用CAD绘图软件、广联达算量软件、计价软件等。


2016年职业生涯规划考试试题及答案 一、单选题(共50题,每题1分,说明:选择一项正确的答案) 小计:50.00分已经批改 1、下列情况中,单位可以随时解除聘用合同的是 A、工作人员年度考核不合格,不同意单位合理调整其工作岗位 B、受聘人员患病的医疗期葙后,不能从事原工作,也不服从其他台理工作安排 C、受聘人员被人民法院判处拘役、有期徒刑缓刑 D、工作人员连续两年年度考核不合格 参考答案:C 2、传统的组织生涯路径倾向于行政金字塔的攀登,限制了一些人的成长,其改进方法是 A、增加员工晋升的难度 B、减小金字塔的高度和层级,让更多的人处于金字塔顶端 C、做好员工思想工作,使其能够安然的面对现状 D、根据雷要与可能打开多条上升通道,并形成阶梯 参考答案:D 3、职业生涯成功方向具有多样性,其中攀登型的特点是 A、最高地位 B、不被控制 C、追求认可、追求稳宝 D、挑战、冒险 参考答案:D 4、如果一个人踏实肯干,有明确的发展目标并且能为之够奋力向前,那么他适合下列哪种类型的企业文化 A、使命型文化 B、企业家精神文化 C、小团体文化 D、官僚制文化 参考答案:A 5、对于高中生的职业生涯设计,下列说法错误的是 A、注意自己的职业兴趣 B、高三之前,以全面发展为基础 C、形成自己的爱好和优势学科 D、尽早确定自己的职业生涯发展规划 参考答案:D 6、从组织类型上讲,研究所、咨询公司等属于下列哪种组织类型 A、创业型 B、制度型 C、灵活型 D、小生意型 参考答案:C 7、人生价值有三部分组成,其中居于核心地位的是 A、自我价值 B、人格价值 C、社会价值 D、社会价值和自我价值 参考答案:B 8、马斯洛需求层次理论中位于最底层的需求是 A、友爱和归属的需求 B、自我实现 C、生理的需求 D、安全的需求 参考答案:C 9、下列气质类型与职业选择的匹配中,不恰当的是 A、抑郁质-----作家 B、多血质-----律师 C、粘液质-----教师 D、胆汁质-----画家 参考答案:D


Part I Cloze Test Directions: This part, numbered 1 to 15, is to test your grammar and vocabulary ability. Each of the blanks (N0.1 to No.15) is followed by four choices of suggested choices marked A), B), C) and D). Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. A "dark horse "is one that shows unexpected racing speed and comes in first, 1 the experts said he had little chance of winning. In politics, an 2 candidate (候选人) for office who 3 a nomination(提名)or election is called a "dark horse". British Prime Minister Benjamin Disrael is believed to 4 the first to use the phrase. In his novel, "The Young Duke ", published in 1831, Disrael described a horse race and told how the two top choices fell 5 ,while "a dark horse "which had never been thought of rushing past the grandstand (看台)in a sweeping triumph. From racing to politics was a short step. As a political phrase, “dark horse ” 6 for the first time in the national Democratic Party congress of 1844. The "dark horse" was James Knox Polk who became the llth President of the United States. Polk had been the leader of the House of Representatives from 1835 to 1839. He had 7 been Governor of the state of Tennessee. But as a national leader, he was considered a political 8 . Nevertheless, he 9 won the Democratic nomination and was elected 10 .Martin Van Buren of New York, A former President, seemed sure of getting the nomination. But he opposed making the territory of Texas part of the United States as mother state. He was 11 it because there was slavery in Texas. Van Buren did not want another slave state in the Union. As a result, he 12 support among those Democrats who supported slavery. At the 1884 congress, Van Buren could not get enough votes to win the nomination. The congress got into 13 . Therefore, the Democratic leaders decided that the only wise thing would be to run a "dark horse ", 14 who could unite the party. And so, one of the party leaders, George Bancroft, proposed the name of James Knox Polk. He won, and the party 15 behind him, And he defeated his opponent , Henry Clay of the Whig Party. After the 1844 congress, the "dark horse "candidates became an established fact of national political life. One historian said, "The invention of the dark horse was in itself a remarkable product of our professional politics. "This made it possible for party leaders to choose candidates who were not tied to certain ideas. Therefore, they represented nothing and had developed few enemies. 1. A. so B. even though C. so that D. as if 2. A. unknown B. famous C. popular D. known 3. A. accepts B. looks forward to C. refuses D. wins 4. A. be B. being C. been D. have been

最新职业中专英语试题 及答案

2018—2019学年度第二学期期末考试英语试题 班级姓名成绩 一、英语知识运用(本题30个小题,每个小题1分,共30分。在每个小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,填涂在答题卡上) 1.Jack ________ worried about his weight from last weekend. A. become B. became C. is D. were 2. Last weekend, a young man ___ to visit Xiaoming . A. com B. to come C. came D. coming 3. ______he make an apology to his mother?. A. Did B. Do C. Were D. Was 4. Did they have a chat with old man? ______. A. Yes they did B. No, they did C. Yes, they didn’t D. No, they didn’t 5.How _____ your trip to London last month? -It’s wonderful. A. is B. are C. was D. were 6. I am sorry ,I didn’t call you up. ______. A. That’s all right B. I am very sorry C. I am glad to hear that D. Oh, terrible 7. I called you last night, but no reply._______? Sorry, I went to see a film with parents. A. What do you do B. What did you do C. What were you do D. What were you did 8.My sister______ playing the piano last night. A. practice B. piacticed C. piactices D. is practicing 9.Yesterday,about 20 thousand visitors _______ to the beach. A. go B. goes C. went D. going 10.We _______ together yesterday. Lili went to the seaside with her parents. A. don’t B. didn’t C. weren’t D. wasn’t 11.On the Spring Festival, people have a family get-together _______eat dumplings.. A. and B. but C. or D. as 12. The Christmas tree is so beautiful ________I like it very much. A .but B. or C. and D. for 13.We can make a card ________buy a card for him. A. as B. but C. or D. for 14. Will you stay at home _______ travel around with your mother. A. but B. or C. and D. to 15.I want to go swimming________ my mum will not allow me. A. and B. but C .or D. as 16.I’m going _______ Now Year’s Day with my classmates. A. to celebrate B. celebrate C. celebrating D. celebrated 17.Dumplings are the ________ in China. A. tradition food B. traditional food C. traditional foods D. tradition foods 18. Our family will hold a party________ Christmas Eve. A. at B. in C. on D. to 19. Who ________the Christmas tree last night? A. decorates B. decorated C. decorating D. decorate 20.I_______a gift on my birthday, but I didn't ________ it. A. received; accept B. accepted; receive C. receive; accepted D. accept; received 21-What's the matter with you? -I caught ______ bad cold and had to stay in ______ bed. A. a:/ B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the 22.—I'd like to invite you to have dinner this afternoon, Mr. Smith. A. Oh, no. Let's not B. I'd rather stay at home C. I'd love to, but I have other plans D. Oh, no. That'll be too much trouble 23.What shall we do to celebrate Teacher's Day? -We can make a card ______buy a card for Miss Wang. A. but B. and C. or D. then 24.一I'm going to Dalian to spend the holiday tomorrow. ---___________ A. Congratulations B. That's true C. Have a good time D. That's nothing 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


附件5 嵌入式技术与应用专业(物联网技术与应用方向)人才培养方案 一、招生对象及学习年限 (一)招生对象:全日制普通中学高中毕业生,招生方式为普通高考招生。 (二)学习年限:基本学制三年,实行弹性学制,学生在校时间原则上不能少于两年,总在校时间(含休学)不得超过五年。 二、培养目标 本专业培养面向中国特色社会主义建设,对接广州及珠三角地区战略性主导产业和战略性新兴产业中消费电子、工业应用、网络应用等嵌入式与物联网技术应用重点领域的人才需求,具有良好的职业道德和职业精神,掌握消费类电子产品开发、物联网系统应用开发、无线传感器网络技术及RFID技术应用项目开发等新技术,提升学生嵌入式产品设计与物联网项目开发、实施、管理、维护能力,具备“一技之长+综合素质”的德、智、体、美等方面全面发展的高素质的技术应用性人才。 三、就业岗位与就业范围 四、人才培养规格 (一)综合素质 1. 思想政治素质:掌握马克思主义科学的世界观、人生观和价值观。有坚定跟着共产党走中国特色社会主义道路的信心和决心,有热爱祖国、服务人民的理想信念。具有社会责任感,能积极践行社会主义核心价值观,拥有能够支撑职业和人生发展的思想政治素质。 2.职业素质:具有良好的职业态度和职业道德修养,具有正确的择业观和创业观。坚持职业操守,爱岗敬业、诚实守信、办事公道、服务群众、奉献社会;具备从事职业活动所必需的基本能

力和管理素质;脚踏实地、严谨求实、勇于创新。 3.人文素养与科学素质:具有融合传统文化精华、当代中西文化潮流的宽阔视野;文理交融的科学思维能力和科学精神;具有健康、高雅、勤勉的生活工作情趣;具有适应社会核心价值体系的审美立场和方法能力;奠定个性鲜明、善于合作的个人成长成才的素质基础。 4.身心素质:具有一定的体育运动和生理卫生知识,养成良好的锻炼身体、讲究卫生的习惯,掌握一定的运动技能,达到国家规定的体育健康标准;具有坚韧不拔的毅力、积极乐观的态度、良好的人际关系、健全的人格品质。 (二)职业能力 本专业主要学习微型计算机系统的软硬件基础知识、嵌入式操作系统基础知识、嵌入式系统的硬件和软件技术应用、无线传感器网络应用系统的开发、集成与维护;掌握物联网终端产品的开发与制作方法;具有的嵌入式系统设计、物联网系统设计与物联网工程施工、物联网系统的管理;具有嵌入式应用系统和物联网应用系统的开发能力、具备较强的实际工作能力,具有创新意识及进一步发展专业技能的良好基础。 本专业毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和技能: 1. 具有比较扎实的物联网感知与标识的基本理论与技术、物联网信息处理技术; 2. 掌握物联网体系结构、数据传输与安全技术; 3. 掌握物联网系统的硬件、软件设计和开发能力; 4.具备物联网应用系统的开发和集成的能力; 5.具备无线传感器网络应用系统开发和集成的能力; 6.具备物联网系统、无线传感器网络应用系统的管理与维护的知识和技能; (三)职业拓展能力 1.掌握相关的技术标准,具备进行物联网系统及装置研发、设计、制造、运行与管理的能力; 2.具备较强的创新意识和从事物联网领域科学研究的基本能力; 3.拓展监控和安防的基本知识,掌握监控和安防技术和技能。 五、毕业标准 学生按专业人才培养方案要求修完规定的课程,考核合格,达到毕业最低总学分和《国家学生体质健康标准》相关要求,获得本专业要求的证书,准予毕业,颁发毕业证书。 (一)学分要求 本专业按学年学分制安排课程,学生最低要求修满总学分130学分。 必修课要求修满106学分,占总学分的%。 其中:基本素质课要求修满24学分,占总学分的%; 职业能力课要求修满84学分,占总学分的%。 选修课要求修满22学分,占总学分的%。 其中:基本素质课要求修满12学分,占总学分的%;


《职业生涯规划》期末考试试卷 一、名词解释(3×2′=6′) 1、职业理想 2、职业生涯 3、职业生涯规划管理 二、填空题(25×1′=25′) 1、职业是一个人和的基础,而是成才的重要途径。 2、职业内涵的四个要点:、、 是实现人生价值和进行自我完善的途径、是个人与社会相互联结的纽带。 3、职业资格证书在一定程度上标志着,在、转岗、晋升以及中有重要作用。 4、职业素质是一个统一整体。其中,是灵魂,是基础, 是重点,是载体。 5 6、实现目标的措施有三个要素:标准 和 7、职业生涯发展措施的制定要领有三点:措施必须 、、针对性强的。

8、实现制定措施的思路:(1);(2) 针对“三个方面”的思路;(3 9、角色转换的四个重点:第一,成长导向向责任导向的转变。第 。第三,思维导向向行为导向转变。第 。 10、发展目标的实现,需要的保证。 11、在外部条件变化导致职业生涯发展目标难以实现时,必须及时调整和 ,甚至调整。 三、判断题(15×1′=15′) 1、适合中职生横向发展的职业群主要体现为技术等级和职务的提升,是中职生职业生涯发展潜在的岗位。() 2、只要有报酬有收入的劳动就是职业。() 3、在人生道路上,人们通过职业活动改善物质条件,实现自我价值,得到社会对自己的认同。() 4、职业生涯规划有明确的方向和可操作性,要求目标要明确,阶段要清晰,至于措施则不必要太具体。() 5、中职生在学生时代,应把每一项实验、实训当做真正的职业活动来完成,尽量少参加社会实践活动,而班级、学校交给的任务,可以放在一边,有精力的可以去完成。() 6、职业资格证书是专业技能素质的凭证,是求职的“敲门砖”。() 7、一个人的兴趣可以培养,但性格是不能改变的。() 8、方法能力是指从业者对从事职业活动所需要的专业知识、技能的


最新英语应用能力考试(A级)模拟试题(1)listening comprehension(15minutes) 请根据以下内容回答1-36题 1、 A.At a bank. B.At a restaurant. C.At a friend' s house. D.At a hotel. 2、 A.Get some changes fromJane. B.Go to look for a payphone. C.Use the woman' sphone, D.Pay for the phone call. 3、 A.Five. B.Four. C.Six. D.Seven. 4、 A.10: 30,B.10: 00. C.10: 50. D.10: 40. 5、 A.Because Henry has no time. B.Because someone else decorated the house.C.Because there was no instruments in thehouse.D.Because Henry decorated the house himself.6、 A.Classical group. B.Pop group. C.Jazz group. D.Rock group. 7、 A.The man will goalone. B.The woman will go alone. C.They will go together. D.They won' t go together. 8、 A.She has caught acold. B.She has a headache.

Unit2翻译 高级职业英语读写教程3

UNIT TWO成功演讲之道 (Translated by zhongalan_lht) 不断有研究表明,人们比死都害怕当众公开发言。但是,众多的学术和公司活动都少不了要公开演讲,以至于当众发言成为不可避免。本文就如何成功地公开演讲提出一些建议。 心中牢记目标在你开始演讲之前,先坐下来好好地想一想。演讲的真正目的是什么?听众的期望是什么?在你看来,听众从你的演示主题中能得到的最大的收获是什么?记住:即使人们要求你分享信息,但仅仅传递信息几乎是难以令听众满意的。 尽可能了解听众在你开始构思你的演讲内容之前,你有必要问自己许多基本问题,以期望成为那些听你演讲的听众心目中最好的演讲者。最起码,你要回答一些最基本要素的问题(“W”的问题),如听众是谁?演讲活动的目的是什么?演讲在什么时间、什么地点进行? 内容,内容,内容!不管你演讲发挥得多么好,也不管你有多专业和精美的视觉辅助手段,如果你的演讲没有实实在在的内容为依据,演讲照样不会成功。然而,内容一定要简洁。这就需要你事前的策划和安排,你要考虑清楚什么要讲,什么不要讲,你的演讲的核心内容是什么。恰当的彩色图表也许有助于你做到这点,这些颜色有益于说服听众,激发他们的兴趣。常用图表如下: 饼形图用于表示百分比。饼块要限制在4-6块之内,并把最重要的一块用颜色标注或把它凸显出来。 柱形图用于表现数量随着时间而发生的变化。柱条最好要限制在4-8条之内。 线形图用于显示趋势。例如,以下就是一个显示我们的销售逐年上升,呈现好的发展趋势的简单的线形图。图中后面出现了一个箭头以强调这一点:我们的前途光明! 讲故事的艺术好的演讲必然有故事。好的演讲者用故事,常常是亲身体验的故事,来阐述他们的观点。对观众而言,故事容易记住。如果你希望你的听众记得你的演讲内容,那么设法使你的故事与听众有关且难忘。此外,好的故事开头有趣而明晰,中间富含发人深省而趣味浓厚的内容,结论清晰而有逻辑。我曾见过一些演讲。这些演讲讲得一般般、图表也一般般,但还算是成功的演讲,因为演讲者以一种简明而清晰的方式讲述相关的故事来支持他的观点。 自信怎样才能获得自信呢?你对你的演讲材料越熟悉,你就越不会紧张。我们害怕我们所未知的事物。当你没有了未知的东西,减少了焦虑和紧张,自信自然而然就取代了你的焦虑了。 April. 13, 2013


高级职业英语能力认证作文练习 1. Direction:In this part you are requested to write a letter of complaint with the information given below. You should writr about 100 words. A Complaint Letter Outlines: 写信日期:November 30.2011 写信人:Felicity Robinson 收件人:Mr. Silverstone 投诉事件:delay in delivery of our order for office equipment 投诉意愿:delivery the items within two days 警告内容:cancel the order,pay for the extra charge A letter of Complaint November 30, 2011 Dear Mr. Silverstone,

I am writing to complain about the delay in delivery of our order for office equipment. The equipment we purchased from your company should be delivered three days ago. But now we haven’t yet received them, and neither have we received any notification regarding the cause of the delay from you. If you couldn’t deliver our order within two days on receiving this letter, we will be canceling our order and purchasing the items from another supplier. If any extra charge occurs due to the delay in delivery, it will be for your account. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Yours sincerely


长科2016—2017学年度第一学期 《职业生涯规划》期中考试试题 考试班级:一年级考试形式:(开卷) 班级:姓名: 注意事项:本套试题共六道大题,满分120分,考试时间90分钟 一、名词解释(5×2′=10′) 1、职业理想 2、职业生涯 二、填空题(15×2′=30′) 1、职业是一个人和的基础,而是成才的重要途径。 2、职业内涵的四个要点:、、是实现人生价值和进行自我完善的途径、是个人与社会相互联结的纽带。 3、职业资格证书在一定程度上标志着,在、转岗、晋升以及中有重要作用。 4、职业素质是一个统一整体。其中, 是灵魂,是基础,是重点,是载体。 5 三、判断题(5×2′=10′) 1、适合中职生横向发展的职业群主要体现为技术等级和职务的提升,是中职生职业生涯发展潜在的岗位。() 2、在人生道路上,人们通过职业活动改善物质条件,实现自我价值,得到社会对自己的认同。() 3、中职生在学生时代,应把每一项实验、实训当作真正的职业活动来完成,尽量少参加社会实践活动,而班级、学校交给的任务,可以放在一边,有精力的可以去完成。() 4、职业资格证书是专业技能素质的凭证,是求职的“敲门砖”。() 5、一个人的兴趣可以培养,但性格是不能改变的。() 四、单项选择题(10×2′=20′) 1、如果一个人喜欢具体的任务,喜欢与物打交道,喜欢做体力工作,并且其机械和动手能力较强,你觉得下列哪个职业比较适合他?( ) A. 工程师 B. 会展设计师 C. 作家 D. 会计 2、价值拍卖活动的目的是澄清个人的( )。 A. 能力 B. 价值观 C. 兴趣 D. 性格 3、如果一个人喜欢帮助别人解决问题,喜欢服务他人,且具有良好的人际交往能力,你认为下列哪个职业比较适合他?( )


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5a11373288.html, 基于职教云平台的高职英语对分课堂教学模式初探 作者:曾峥 来源:《新教育时代·学生版》2019年第41期 摘要:本文根据对分课堂的教学理念,依托职教云平台,探索高职对分课堂教学模式的实施思路,通过开展“职教云+对分课堂”的高职英语教学实践,发现这种创新教学模式能激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的自主学习能力,提高课堂教学质量。 关键词:职教云高职英语对分课堂 作为高职院校一门重要的公共课程,高职英语教学秉承着“实用为主、够用为度”的教学理念,承载着把学生培养成具有一定语言交流技能和应用实践能力的重要任务。但一直以来,由于高职学生英语基础参差不齐,普遍基础薄弱;教学模式又趋于传统单一,无法有效激发学生的英语学习动机和提高学生的自主学习能力,影响了学生英语水平和综合能力的全面提升。因此,为了深化教学改革,实现教学目标,在学生能力培养方面获得更好的效果,复旦大学的张学新教授积极探索、大胆尝试了一种国内新形式的课堂讨论模式,他将传统的直接讲授式课堂与国外流行的讨论式课堂相结合,创造了对分课堂教学新模式。 一、对分课堂(PAD) 2014年复旦大学张学新教授在《对分课堂:大学课堂教学改革的新探索》一文中首次提 出了对分课堂教学模式的概念[1],其核心理念是把一半课堂时间分配给教师进行讲授,另一 半时间分配给学生以讨论的形式进行;在时间上分为三个过程,讲授(Presentation)、内化吸 收(Assimilation)和讨论(Discussion),因此对分课堂也可简称为PAD课堂。其显著特点是在强化学生个性化吸收基础上,采用“隔堂或当堂讨论”的方式,让学生自觉接受和内化知识。杨淑萍[2]等在《对分课堂教学模式及其师生角色分析》中提出,对分课堂教学模式是以学生 为中心,以师生之间、生生之间交互式学习为主要课堂形式的新型教学模式。国内课程与教学论著名学者田慧生院长在《对分课堂之大学英语》[4]后序中指出,对分课堂是通过对教与学 核心关系的巧妙调整,使课堂实现“以教为主” 向“以学为主”的系统性转变。这一新颖的方法,提高了学生学习的积极性和参与度,减轻了教师的教学负担,为推进课堂教学改革开辟了新的路径。 二、职教云平台 随着信息技术的发展,“互联网+”时代的到来,网络在线教学平台和教学资源极大地改变着我们的课堂教学模式。近两年来,许多研究和实施对分课堂的教育工作者也将研究方向倾向


试卷总分:100分通过分数:60分考试时长:100分钟 客观题(每小题:1分) 1,关于外职业生涯,下面表述哪项正确: A. 外职业生涯即职业生涯的外在表现 B. 外职业生涯即职业生涯的外部行动 C. 外职业生涯即从事职业时的工作单位、工作地点、工作内容、工作职务、工作环境、工资待遇等因素的组合及其变化过程 D. 外职业生涯即职业生涯发展的外显层面 正确答案:C 2,对于大学生来说,大学期间学业是最重要的储备,如果因追求爱情而荒废了学业,既减少了职业选择的机会和事业成功的条件,爱情的美好也会大打折扣。对于这种说法,你认为: A. 正确 B. 错误 正确答案:A 3,前程无忧网对大学生暑期兼职实习的调查结果显示,大学生兼职实习的机会日益增多,企业满意率较往年有所提高,但是不少大学生却对暑期实习的意义打上了问号。针对这种现象,下列哪项表述是错误的? A. 社会为大学生提供了广阔的实习兼职空间,大学生应该充分利用各种资源,寻找实习机会

B. 实习兼职应避免盲目,要与自身的职业发展规划联系起来,为就业做好实践上的准备 C. 大学生应该有合理的实习兼职期望,明确意图,在实践中有针对性地提高自身素质和能力 D. 实习兼职只是为企业廉价甚至是免费打工,还浪费了大量时间 正确答案:D 4,我们最好在什么时候开始考虑个人的职业生涯发展问题? A. 大学毕业前 B. 刚进大学时 C. 上大学之前 D. 尽早 正确答案:D 5,第一印象往往会对一个人的整体评价起到决定性的作用。第一印象一旦形成,就不易改变,并且会一直影响着双方以后的交往过程。即使后来的印象与第一印象之间不甚吻合,我们仍然习惯于服从最初的印象。这种现象称为( )。 A. 群体效应 B. 破窗效应 C. 马太效应 D. 首因效应 正确答案:D


全国高等学校英语应用能力考试试题(A级) PRACTICAL ENGLISH TEST FOR COLLEGES PRETCO (Level A) ............................ 2006年12月............................ Time Limit: 120 Min. Part ⅠListening Comprehension ( 15 minutes) Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) He does not have a phone. C) The woman can use his phone. B) He will make the call for her. D) The phone is out of order. 2. A) It was boring. C) It was interesting. B) It was quite long. D) It was easy to understand. 3. A) It is seriously polluted. C) There are few cars and factories. B) The air is very clear. D) It remains what it was ten years ago. 4. A) It will be revised. C) It has been canceled. B) It will be approved. D) It is under discussion. 5. A) Having a race in the snow. C) Visiting a friend in the Northeast. B) Traveling in the Northeast. D) Booking tickets for the winter holiday. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 6. A) Its size. C) Its delivery. B) Its price. D) Its code number. 7. A) The goods were lost. C) The delivery will be delayed. B) They have been sent. D) They will soon be returned. Conversation 2 8. A) Interviewer and interviewee. C) Manager and secretary. B) Employer and employee. D) Seller and buyer. 9. A) He has got the required knowledge. B) He is satisfied with the salary offered. C) He thought he could be hired by the company. D) He wanted to have better chances for development. 10. A) Because he has no work experience. B) Because it's the easiest way to get the job. C) Because he doesn't meet the job requirement. D) Because every newcomer starts with a trainee salary. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When

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