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1.Beijing Trading Campany.May I help you?


2.We have two Zhongs.


3.Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong?


4.I'm sorry,he's not in the office now.


5.Do you have any idea when he'll be back?


6.I have no idea(when he'll be back.)


7.Can you ask him to call me when he comes back?他回来时请告诉他打电话给我好吗?

8.It's urgent.


9.I'm sorry but he's in Shanghai on business.


10.Probably sometime tomorrow.


11.Is there anyone else who can help me?


12.OK.I'll just put you through.


13.Just a moment,please…


14.You're welcome.


15.Is Mary there?


16.Mary is out right now.


17.Why don't you call back later this afternoon?


18.When will she be back?


19.Will it be too late if I call around 10∶00 this evening?


Dialogue A

(A:Receiver B:Smith)

A:Good morning.Beijing Trading Company.May I help you?

B:Good morning.This is Mr.Smith of King Electronics Compa-ny.I'd like to speak to Mr.Zhong,p lease.

A:We have two Zhongs here.Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong?


A:Mr.Bob Zhong in the Overseas Sales Division?


A:I'm sorry,he's not in the office now.

B:Do you have any idea when he'll be back?

A:I'm sorry,I have no idea.

B:Can you ask him to call me when he cames back?It's urgent.

A:Yes,I will,Mr.Smith.

B:Thank you.

A:You're welcome.

Dialogue B

(A:Receiver B:George Richter C:White)

A:Hello.ABC Gompany.May I help you?

B:Hello.This is George Richter.May I speak to Mr.Davis?

A:I'm sorry but he's in Shanghai on business.

B:Do you have any idea when he'll be back?

A:Probably sometime tomorrow.

B:I have a question abut the E-4800 computer.Is there any oneelse who can help me?A:Of course.Miss White is the export manager.Would you like tospeak to her?


A:OK.I'll just put you through.

B:Hello.This is White speaking.Can I help you?

A:Hello.This is George Richter of Beijing Trading Company.Is itpossible to make a change in our or der?The order number is1518.

C:And what kind of change did you want to make,sir?

B:Well,we ordered twenty E-4800s,but we want to change themto P-6800s.

L:Just a moment,please…Oh,I'm sorry,but they have alreadybeen sent.

Dialogue C

(A:Mary's father B:Jane)


B:Hi.This is Jane.Is Mary there?

A:I'm sorry.Mary is out right now.She went shopping with her Mom.

B:When will she be back?

A:I'm not sure.Why don't you call back later this afternoon?

B:Will it be too late if I call around 10∶00 this evening?

A:That's all right.We don't go to bed early.

B:Thank you.Bye!


Words and Expressions

trade vi.做生意;交易

company n.公司;商号

electronics n.电子学


sale n.出售,出卖

division n.分,分割,分裂

urgent a.紧迫的,催促的

business n.商业;营业;商店

probably ad.很可能;或许,大概

export /vt.输出,把……出口

order n.等级,序次,秩序

send vt.送,寄

around prep.在……周围,环绕


加入收藏【大中小】 [ 2010-5-29 ] Key Sentences(重点句子)

79.Yes.I'll go to get him.


80.I'm so glad I've got hold of you at last.


81.Were you trying to get in touch with me,Peter?


82.I'm off today.


83.Listen,Mike,I've got news for you.


84.You don't know me,but this is Garl Mattews.


85.I'm calling on behalf of Dave Kennedy.


86.So he gave me your telephone number and let me give you acall.


87.And what time would suit you best?


88.You can call us from the lobby and we'll come down.


89.Please say hello to Dave for me and thank you so much forcalling me.


90.She asked me to ask you if you would be able to meet here to-day at 3∶30 p.m.


91.But you can page her.


92.What is the number of her beeper?


93.Fine.Thanks for the message.


商务英语对话:与老外打电话完整对话(一)来源:考试大 2007/5/23 【考试大:中国教育考试第一门户】模拟考场视频课程字号:T T

A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary speaking. 隐四通公司, 您好,我是Mary。

B: Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Hunter, please. 你好,我想找Hunter先生。

A: May I ask who is calling, please? 请问您是哪位?

B: My name is Herbert Wood of IBM Computer Company. 我是IBM电脑公司的Herbert Woo d.

A: Thank you, Mr. Wood. One moment, please… (into PBX) Mr. Hunter, Mr. Wood of IBM Com puter Company is on the line. 谢谢,Wood先生,请稍等。(打内线电话)Hunter先生,IBM 电脑公司的Wood先生找您。

C: Can you find out what he wants? 你可以问他有什么事吗?

A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (to caller) Im sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Wood. Mr. Hunter is rathe r busy right now and would like to know what you wish to speak to him about. 好的,Hunter先生。(对来电者说)对不起Wood先生,让您久等了。Hunter先生现在非常忙,他想知道你有什么事对他说。

B: Yes, I want to buy some computer software and talk about developing some other software. I d on’t know whether he is interested in that or not? 是的,我想买一些计算机软件,另外再谈一谈开发一些其它的软件。我不知道他是否有兴趣。

A: I see. Thank you very much, Mr. Wood. Would you wait a moment, please? (to PBX) Mr Hunt er, Mr. Wood wants to buy some computer software. 我明白了,非常感谢,Wood先生。请你等一下好吗?(打内线电话)Hunter先生,Wood先生想买一些计算机软件。

C: I see. Put him on line two.好的,请转到2号线。

A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (To caller) Mr. Wood, I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting. I’ll put you th rough to Mr. Hunter.

好的,Hunter先生。(对来电者)Wood先生,不好意思让你久等了,我把你的电话接给H unter先生。

A: Good afternoon, Sales Department. May I help you? 下午好,销售部,我能帮你什么忙吗?B: Could I speak to Mr. Bush, please? 可以和Bush先生说话吗?

A: I’ll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please? 我要看一看他是否在。请问我得告诉他谁打来的?

B: John Smith.

A: Hold the line, please. Mr. Bush is in a meeting with the Managing Director at the moment, I’

m afraid. Can I help you?


B: Well, I want to discuss with him the new contract we signed last week. 好的,我想跟他讨论一下我们上星期签订的合同。

A: I don’t think the meeting will go on much longer. Shall I ask him to call you when he is fre

e? 我想会议不会开得太久,我让他有空给你打电话,好吗?

B: Yes, that would be easiest. 是的,那样最好了。

Could I have your name again, please? 请再一次告诉我你的姓名,好吗?

B: Yes. It’s John Smith.好的,我叫John Smith。


简单的英语情景对话 C:l'm walking that way. Let me lead you the way.C:我正朝那边去。 让我给你带路吧!A:Thank you very much.A:非常感谢。 C:You're welcome.C:不用谢简单的英语情景对话2:A:Excuse me. I'm afraid I got lost. Where am I on this map?A:对不起,我恐怕是迷路了,请问我在地图上的什么位置?B:We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。 A:Oh! Can I go from here to the Zhongshan Park?A:哦!我能否从这里到中山公园呢?B:Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn right.B:顺着这条街一直走过两个街区,然后向右转。 简单的英语情景对话3:A:Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. l'm looking for the Oriental Pearl Theater.A:对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮我,我在找东方之珠剧院。 B:Boy, you are lost. lt's across town.B:哦,你迷路了。 它在城市的那头。 A:Oh! What bad luck! How can I get to the Theater?A:哦!太糟糕了!那我怎么去剧院呢?B:You can take a No. 12 bus here and then transfer to a No. 23 bus to get there.B:您可以在此乘坐12路公共汽车,然后换乘23路公共汽车到那里。 简单的英语情景对话4:A:l'm sorry, but I didn't catch what you said.A:对不起,我没听清你说的话。


商场购物英语情景对话大全 即使没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天学习啦小编在这里为 大家分享一些商场购物英语情景对话,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助! 商场购物英语情景对话一A:C a n I h e l p y o u? 我可以帮你吗? B:Y e s, I n e e d t o b u y a c o m p u t e r f o r t h i s s e m e s t e r. I w a s t o l d i t i s c h e a p e r t o b u y c o m p u t e r s h e r e. 是的,这学期我需要买一台电脑,人家告诉我这里 的电脑比较便宜。 A:W e l l,y o u h e a r d r i g h t.Y o u c a n g e t a n e x c e l l e n t d e a l o n a n e w c o m p u t e r h e r e. W e h a v e g r e a t d i s c o u n t s f o r s t u d e n t s. 的确,你听说的没错。在这儿买新电脑你可以拿到 很不错的价格,我们给学生很大的折扣。 B:I d o n t k n o w m u c h a b o u t c o m p u t e r s. B u t I k n o w I w a n t a d e s k t o p c o m p u t e r w i t h a l o t o f m e m o r y. A n d I n e e d a p r i n t e r.


AB------------interviewer C D E-------------------candidate C: 敲门 C : Can I come in? E : Ok. please come in C : Hello, nice to meet you. 你好,很高兴见到你们。 A : nice to meet you. Too 我也很高兴见到你。 A: Your name is liumiaomiao? Really nice name! 你叫XX吗?蛮好听的名字哦 C: thank you 谢谢 B. I've seen your resume,I would like to learn more about your situation.First, you can simply talk about yourself?我看过你的简历,我想更多了解你的情况。首先你能简单谈一下你自己吗? C: Thank you for your concern for me, I am 20 years old,

Wuhan Engineering Institute graduates.I majored in computer networks.I want to apply for your flange, water treatment equipment co., LTD., the job of a network engineer谢谢你对我的关注,我今年20岁,是武汉工程职业技术学院的毕业生。我的专业是计算机网络。我想应聘的是你们法兰尼净水器设备有限公司网络工程师这一职位 E: Do you think you are qualified for this job 你觉得你能胜任这工作吗 C: Of course, I believe that with my efforts and enthusiasm for work will do it best 当然,我相信凭借我的努力和对工作的热情一定会将它做到最好 A : In college you attended any events yet? What did you learn? 在大学里你参加了什么活动了吗?从中到了什么呢? C :At the school.I attended the English Association and the Students' Union.Also a class group secretary.In them.I


英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.


英语情景对话大全 篇一:英语情景对话大全 美国英语情景对话大全 (1).Introductios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白 People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands. 1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David. B; I'm very glad to meet you. C: It's a pleasure to meet you. B: How do you like Texas so far? C: It's really different from what I expected. B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time. 2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois. B: How do you do? C: Hello. B: What's your impression of the United States? C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here. B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon! 3.A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam. B: Hi. C: Nice to meet you. B: What do you think of Dallas? C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me. B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess. 4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown. B: Pleased to meet you. C: How do you do? B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here. C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much. B: It always takes time to get used to a new place. (2).Special Greetings 节假日的问候 There are eight national holidays celebrated in the United States: New Year's Day(Jan.), Washington's Birthday (Feb.), Memorial Day(May), the Fourth of July, Labor Day(Sep.),Veteran's Day(Nav.),Thanksgiving(Nov.) and Christmas(Dec.), In addition, there are many state and local holidays. 1. A: Merry Christmas! B: The same to you! A: Are you doing anyting special?



关于购物对话用语 一、问好 hello/hi 你好 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you too. 见到你很高兴。 How are you? 你好吗 I am fine, thank you, and you? 我很好,你呢? I am fine too. 我也很好。 How do you do? 你好。(初次见面问候语) How do you do? 你好。 二、迎宾 Welcome to Prada! 欢迎来到普拉达专卖! 三、打招呼 Good morning, sir/ madam早上好,先生/女士 afternoon下 午 evening晚上What can I do for you?/ May I help you? 您需要什么 I am looking for/ need/ want to buy a... 我需要买...... Do you have any ...? 你们有...... I'm just looking/ browsing.我只是随便看看。 四、询问衣服 How are these? 这些怎么样 This one is great. May I try this on?这款很不错。我可以试试吗 Sure, the fitting/dressing room is there.当然可以,试衣间在那边。 What's your size/ What size do you want?你穿多大号的 Size (S, M, L, XL, XXL...)/数字

英语情景对话 小组面试 样例

Hello, everybody. I am a manager of a company, and we want to employ several new employees. Today there is a group discussion for three interviewers. It is the way for us to examine qualities of interviewers. Ok, let's start. Interviewer:Good morning, Miss Li, Miss Liu and Miss Zhong. Welcome to this interview in the form of group discussion. You will have 3 min’s to discuss a given question. After 3 min’s discussion, please elect a person to give your conclusion. The time for conclusion is 1 minute. Now listen to the question: As a leader, you will get a bonus at the end of one year. However, there are 4 subordinate departments which believe that they deserve bonus. Please discuss and figure out how to distribute this bonus. Now begin the discussion. A:First ,I think the bonus is a kind of material rewards, it means appreciate the employees’ work of this year, Besides, it can also play an encouraging role.So it's very important to distribute it reasonably, I think the efficiency of the year’s work could be the standard to measure. B:I agree with your views on the bonus, but I don’t think simply use efficiency as the standard is a good idea. I suggest that we can use department performance to evaluate each one's contribution to the company. C:But each departments have different computing functions, such as publicity [p?b'l?s?t?] department is special. A:I suggest maybe the total amount of the bonus shouldn’t be open to public. we could take the way of opaque. B: Just the other way around, I prefer to take a transparent and open way to, everyone should be aware of how it being distributed. C:Notice the time. Our biggest problem is how to set the assessment standards ['st?nd?d]. A:Well, Maybe we should build a competitive mode. We can let the employees vote for the four departments, with the total number of tickets to decide. C:I agree, people can vote in a sequential[s?'kwen?(?)l] manner, according to each department’s comprehensive assessment. B:Yeah, that’s could be a wise idea. We can also make an assessment based on the voting results, for example, the first department get 4 points,and the second get 3, in this way, the differences of bonuses for each department can be impartially determined according to the proportion of score . Interviewer: Ok, time is up. One person for conculusion. C:OK, let me illustrate ['?l?stre?t] out result. Hello everyone, we consider the following points. The first, the purpose to distribute in a reasonable way is to stimulate the excellent department so the assessment standards is necessary. At first, we think of efficiency as the standard which cause a divergence[da?'v??d?(?)ns]. And then we come up with the performance, but it may lead to the imbalance too. So at last, we decide to use the method that every staff sort the four departments according to their comprehensive assessment. The first one to the fourth one get 4,3,2,1 points respectively. In addition, as the superior [su?'p??r??; sju?-], we take part in it as well, and our


英语口语情景对话 一、祝愿、祝贺和应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses) 1.- Well done and congratulations to you. - Thanks very much. 2.- I hope you‘ll succeed in everything. - So do I. 3.- I wish you success. - Thank you. 4.- We send you our best wishes. - Thank you very much. 5.- Happy new year ! - Happy new year! (The same to you.) 6.- A merry Christmas to you. - Thank you. 7.- I hope you‘ll have a good time. - Thank you. 8.- Happy birthday! - Thank you. 二、邀请和应答(Invitations and responses) 1.- Would you like to come to the party? - Oh yes, thank you. 2.- I hope you can come to the dance next Saturday. - I‘m sorry, but I can‘t. 3.- Will you go dancing with us? - Of course. I‘ll be glad to. 4.- Will you come to our English Evening? - Yes, thank you. 5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning? - OK. When? 6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes. - OK. Thank you very much. 三、表示同意和不同意(Expressing agreement and disagreement) 1.- I think the shop is closed at this time of day. - No, I think it‘s open. 2.- I think foreign languages are more interesting than science. - I really can‘t agree with you. I prefer science. 3.- I think I shall read a book instead. - Good idea. That‘s much better than watching a bad TV Programme. 4.- I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories. - I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not.


5.16情景会话之买东西 Mary:Hello, would you like to buy a digital camera? Take a look at Olympus's products. 您好,买数码相机吗?看看奥林巴斯的产品吧。 John:What do you recommend? 嗯,你能给我推荐几款吗? Mary:Is it for home use? Which kind of price are you looking for? 您是家庭用吗?大概想要什么价位的?John:Yes, it is for home use. And two to three thousand yuan would be OK. 是家庭用,两三千的就行。 Mary:Please look at these models. I think the performances to price ratios of these cameras are comparatively higher. 那您看一下这几款,我觉得性价比比较高。 John:I like this one. Can you show it to me? 我喜欢这一款,能给我看一下吗? Mary:OK. This camera has 7 million pixels, a 2.5-inch LCD screen, and short-term video recording. 好的,这款是七百万像素,二点五寸液晶屏,还有短时摄像功能。 New words: recommend\ rek?'mend \ vt. 推荐, 建议ratio\'rei?i?u\ n. 比率, 比例 Pixel\ piks?l \n. 像素 5.17 情景会话之打电话篇 Jack:Hello? Can I speak to Mr. Smith? 喂?能请史密斯先生听电话吗? Gina:I'm sorry, but he's out now. May I take a message? 抱歉,他现在不在。要我传话吗? Jack:Yes. This is John Brown. I'd like to meet him next Monday morning around 10 o'clock. 好的。我是约翰布朗。下星期一早上十点左右我想跟他见个面。 Gina:Let me check his schedule... Yes, I think he can see you. But could you call again around five to make sure?我来查查他的日程表... 可以,我想他可以见你。不过,五点左右你可以再打电话来确定一下吗? Jack:OK,thank you very much 好的,非常感谢你。 Gina:You are welcome 不客气 5.18&5.19 情景会话之京剧表演 Larry:The performance is amazing. I'm curious about how they did it. I mean the way they sing 演出太精彩了。我很好奇他们是怎么做到的。我是指他们演唱的方式。 Shirley:They must have practiced a lot. The perseverance has made them they are today. 他们一定进行了很多练习。是毅力让他们达到今天这样的地步。 Larry:So cool. Someone gave me this flier at the exit. What's it about? 真酷。在出口处有人给我发了这张传单。它上面说的什么啊? Shirley:Let me have a look. Well, it lists some shows that will be on next week 让我看看。哦,它列出了下周要上演的一些剧目. Larry:Oh, tell me about it. Anything interesting哦,快给我讲讲。有什么有趣的吗? Shirley:Hmm…Oh, this one, "The Drunken Beauty". This is a real classic 嗯……哦,这场不错,"贵妃醉酒"。这是一场经典剧目。

英语情景对话 购物篇

英语情景对话购物篇 Reception 接待 1. What can I do for you? 你要些什么? 2. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?) 3.Do you find anything you like? 你找到你喜欢的吗? 4. Are you being helped?/Are you being served?你需要帮忙吗? Is there anybody waiting on you?有人招呼你吗? Choosing and buying选择与购买 Choosing 选择 1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket. 我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。 2. I’d like to see some towels.我想看看毛巾。 3. Show me that one, please.请把那个给我看看。 4. Let me have a look at this watch. 把这只表让我看看。 5. I’m just looking, thanks.我只是看看,谢谢。 6.Would you show me this cup?你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗? 7.I’m interested in this new type of car. 我对这款新车很有兴趣。 8.I’d like to have a look if you don’t mind.如果不介意,我想看一下。 Size and color 尺寸和颜色 1. The fit isn’t good. 尺寸不太合适。

2. It’s too big. 太大了。 3. Too small. 太小。 4. How about this blue one? 这个蓝色的怎样? 5. This color is very pupular. 这个颜色很流行。 6. It seems to fit well. 好像蛮合身的。 7. Can I have a size larger?可以给我一个大一点儿的吗? 8. They punch my toes.把我脚趾夹疼了。 9. This blue color goes well with the light blue dots on the dress. 这种蓝色和衣服上的淡蓝色小点很配。 An attempt 试穿 1. I like this one. May I try it on? 我喜欢这一种。我能试穿吗? 2.Could you try it on please? How is it?请试穿看看好吗?如何? Inquiry 询问 1. Do you have any on sale?你们有什么特卖品吗? 2. Do you carry hundred percent cotton pants?你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗? 3. If I orded a suit now, how long could it take before I got delivery? 如果我现在订一件西装,要多久才能接到货? 4. Can you get me one?你们能补货吗? Price 价格


关于面试的英语情景对话带翻译 在英语面试的时候我们总是考虑:如何回答面试官的问题,如何才能作出得体的回答。下面是学习啦小编整理的一些关于英语面试的情景对话,希望对大家有帮助。 关于面试的英语情景对话篇一A D i d y o u h a v e a n y w o r k i n g e x p e r i e n c e d u r i n g c o l l e g e? 大学时你有什么工作经验吗? B Y e s, I d i d s o m e p a r t-t i m e j o b s s u c h a s E n g l i s h t u t o r,s a l e s m a n,a n d m o d e l. 有,我做过一些兼职工作,比如当英语家教老师、营销员和模特。 A W h a t d i d y o u l e a r n f r o m y o u r p a r t-t i m e j o b s? 你从兼职工作中收获了什么? B I l e a r n e d t o b e p a t i e n t,p r o f e s s i o n a l a n d g a i n e d a l o l o f e x p e r i e n c e o f d i r e c t s a l e s. 我学会了做事要耐心、专业,也积累了很多直销经验。 关于面试的英语情景对话篇二A H a v e y o u f o u n d a n o t h e r

j o b y e t,S a l l y? 萨利,你找到另一份工作没有? B N o, I h a v e n t, b u t I v e s e e n s e v e r a l i n t e r e s t i n g a d v e r t i s e m e n t s i n t h e p a p e r. 不,还没有,但是我在报纸上看到几个令人感兴趣的广告。 A W h a t k i n d o f j o b a r e y o u l o o k i n g f o r? 你在找什么工作? B E i t h e r s o m e t h i n g i n t h e h o t e l b u s i n e s s o r s o m e t h i n g t o d o w i t h t r a v e l. 或者是酒店行业或者是和旅游相关的工作。 A Y o u h a v e n t h a d a n y e x p e r i e n c e i n e i t h e r o f t h o s e f i e l d s. 你在这些领域里都没有任何经验。 B I k n o w. B u t I d l i k e t o t r y. L o o k, h e r e a r e s o m e a d v e r t i s e m e n t s t h a t I v e c u t o u t. 我知道。但是我想试试。看,这是我剪下来的一些广告。 关于面试的英语情景对话篇三A I v e j u s t l o o k e d o v e r y o u r r e s u m e a n d I m u s t a d m i t I a m q u i t e i m p r e s s e d.


口语对话 1 赶时髦(go after fashion) A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B: Are there any good!这有什么好的! A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B: It was dumb. I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that. 这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 仁者见仁,智者见智。B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth. 是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B: Well. I still think they're dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice! 如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!


面试英语情景对话大全 Why are you interested in working for our company? 为什么有兴趣在我们公司工作? Because your company has a good sales record. 因为你们公司有良好的销售记录。 Because your operations are global, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of environment. 因为你们公司的运作是全球化的,我觉得可以在这样一个环境中工作会有最大的收获。 Because I think my major is suitable for this position. 因为我认为我的专业适合这个职位。

Because I can learn new things in your company, at the same time I can offer my services to you. 因为我可以在贵公司学到新的东西, 同时能为你们提供服务。 Because I'm very interested in your company's training program. 因为我对你们公司的培训计划很感兴趣。 Why did you leave your former company? 为什么离开以前的公司? Because I'm working in a small company where a further promotion is impossible. 因为我在一家小公司工作,升职的希望很小。 Because I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.


百货商店实用购物英语情景对话 篇一 A:Can I help you, madam B:Yes,may I see these ties A:Certainly, madam. Heres a nice-looking one. B:Yes, its nice. But my friend wants a silk tie with a Chinese pattern. A:All right. Please e over this side, madam. These are silk ties embroidered with dragons,pandas or goldfishes. B:They are beautiful. Ill take these two. How much A:Only twenty yuan each. Will there be anything else,madam B:No, thank you. Heres the money. Oh, could you tell mew here the ladies department is A:Yes. It is on the ne_t floor up. (In the ladies department) B:Will you show me some pure silk blouses A:Sure. What size do you want B:Large,please. A:Heres yellow one and its large.

B: Good. Can I try it on A:Yes, the fitting room is right over there. B:(Ten minutes later) E_cuse me. This is too large. Have you got any medium size A:Let me check for you. Yes, we do, but only in scarlet. Would you like to try it on anyway B:No,its a little too loud, but thank you just the same. A:Youre wele. 篇二 A:Good afternoon, sir. May I help you B:Yes. Id like to buy a white shirt. A:Yes,sir. Id be glad to show you some. What size,please B:Large. A:Heres one in your size. This is a very fine shirt. B:How much is it A:These are fifty-nine each. B:Thats a little more than I want to pay. Dont you have any less e_pensive shirts

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