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One important outcome of the work on the expression of genes in developing embryos is sure to be knowledge that can help preventing birth defects. Just as promising (26)

is the possibility of unraveling the complicated writing (27)

of the brain. A mechanic gets valuable insight how an (28)

automobile works by rebuilding car engines; similarly, neuroscientists can learn how the brain functions from (29)

the way it is put together. The next step pursuing the (30)

goal is to find out how the blueprint genes, the home box genes, control the expression of other genes that create the valves and piston of the working cerebral engine. The protein encoded by the latter genes could change the (31)

stickiness of the cell surface, the shape of the cell or its metabolism to create the characteristic peculiar to, say, neurons or neural-crest cell. Surface proteins may be the (32)

mechanism, whereby similar programmed cells stick together

to form specific structures; they might also sense (33)

the local environment to help the cell decide what is to do. Clarifying those mechanisms will engage the best talents in (34)

embryology and molecular biology for some times to come. (35)

What is perhaps the most intriguing question of all is if

the brain is powerful enough to solve the puzzle of its own creation.





29.neuroscientist改为a neuroscientist








《会计专业英语》模拟试题及答案 一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1. Which of the following statements about accounting concepts or assumptions are correct? 1)The money measurement assumption is that items in accounts are initially measured at their historical cost. 2)In order to achieve comparability it may sometimes be necessary to override the prudence concept. 3)To facilitate comparisons between different entities it is helpful if accounting policies and changes in them are disclosed. 4)To comply with the law, the legal form of a transaction must always be reflected in financial statements. A 1 and 3 B 1 and 4 C 3 only D 2 and 3 Johnny had receivables of $5 500 at the start of 2010. During the year to 31 Dec 2010 he makes credit sales of $55 000 and receives cash of $46 500 from credit customers. What is the balance on the accounts receivables at 31 Dec 2010? $8 500 Dr $8 500 Cr $14 000 Dr $14 000 Cr Should dividends paid appear on the face of a company’s cash flow statement? Yes No Not sure Either Which of the following inventory valuation methods is likely to lead to the highest figure for closing inventory at a time when prices are dropping? Weighted Average cost First in first out (FIFO) Last in first out (LIFO) Unit cost 5. Which of following items may appear as non-current assets in a company’s the statement of financial position? (1) plant, equipment, and property (2) company car (3) €4000 cash (4) €1000 cheque A. (1), (3) B. (1), (2) C. (2), (3)


英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析 About half of the infant and maternal deaths in developing countries could be avoided if women had used family planning methods to prevent high risk ____1____ pregnancies, according to a report publishing recently by the Johns Hopking ____2____ University. The report indicates that 5.6 million infant deaths and 2,000,000 maternal Deaths could be prevented this year if women chose to have theirs children ____3____ within the safest years with adequate intervals among births and limited their ____4____ families to moderate size. This amounts to about half of the 9.8 million infant and 370.000 maternal deaths in developing countries, excluded China, estimated for this year by ____5____ the United Nation’s Children’s Fund and the US Centers for Disease Control respectably. China was excluded because very few births occur in the high ____6____


专业英语八级改错练习题及答案解析(30) Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world? Surely because progress of particular kind is actually taking place around us and is more and more manifesting. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge. Knowledge begins to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by mean of speech. With the invention of writing, knowledge could be communicated and stored. Libraries made education possible, and education in turn added libraries: the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound-interest law, which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing. All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo was suddenly risen. Then knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan.However, as soon as new knowledge is acquired, it is now turned to practical account. What is called “modern civilization” is not the result of a balanced development of all man’s nature, but not of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life. The problem now facing humanity is: What is going to be done with all this knowledge? Like is often pointed out, knowledge is a two edged weapon which could be used equally for good or evil. It is now being frequently used indifferently for both. Could any spectacle, for instance, be more grimly whimsical than that gunners using science to shatter men’s bodies while, clo se at hand, surgeons use it to restore them. 1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 ________ 5 ________ 6 ________ 7 ________ 8 ________ 9 ________ 10 _______


广东纺织职业技术学院2010~2011学年第一学期 《专业英语》期中考试参考答案 一、单词翻译(英译汉) titrimetric 滴定的analysis 分析 reagent 试剂titrant 滴定剂 flask 烧瓶oxidation 氧化 precision 精密度standard solution 标准溶液sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠Equilibrium constant 平衡常数equilibrium. 平衡manifest 出现,表明equilibrium concentration 平衡浓度frictional flow 有摩擦的流动ionization constant 电离常数correct for 做……的修正molarity 物质的量浓度compressed gas 压缩气体neutralization 中和device 装置,设备plus 正的,加的elevation 海拔,地理高度neutral 中性的positive-displacement 正位移 meter 米,公尺,计, 表,仪表 reciprocating 往复的,来回的sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠piston 活塞 external 外部的(常与to 搭配) centrifugal pump 离心泵,离心抽 机 in the absence of 缺乏……时, 当……不在时 rotational 转动的,轮流的 at the expense of 归……付费,在 损害……的情况 下 rotational velocity 旋转速度 compensation 补偿,赔偿stream 溪,川,流,一 股,一串,河流 specific 特定的upstream station 上游截面 streamline .流线downstream station 下游截面 二、单词翻译(汉译英) normal to surface 垂直于传热面discharge 滤饼卸料 correspondence 符合,一致ceramic 陶器的 momentum 动量,动力,要素filtrate 滤液 momentum transfer 动量传递opening 孔 random motion 随机运动,无规则 运动 colloidal particle 胶体微粒 diffused 扩散的configuration 构造,配置 adjacent .邻近的,接近的fluctuation . 波动,起伏 vibrating 振动的,振荡的atm(atmosphere) 大气压(1atm= 101. 3 kPa) bulk temperature (远离表面的)流vane (风车、螺旋桨等


2017年英语专业八级考试改错模拟测试 题及答案5 I think it is true to saying that, in general, language teachers (26) have paid little attention to the way sentences are used in combination to form stretches of disconnected discourse. They have tended to take (27) their cue from the grammarian and have concentrated to the teaching (28) of sentences as self-contained units. It is true that these are often represented in "contexts" and strung together in dialogues and (29) reading passages, but these are essentially setting to make the formal properties of the sentences stand out more clearly, properties which are then established in the learners brain(30) by means of practice drill and exercises. Basically, the language teaching unit is the (31)


三基训练及答案 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. 下列哪项不符合书写病历的基本基本要求: A. 内容要全面真实 B. 描述要精炼 C. 字迹要清楚 D. 有错时可粘贴后重写 E. 签全名 正确答案:D 2. 关于心脏瓣膜听诊区的部位,下列哪项是正确的? A. 三尖瓣区位于胸骨体下端右缘 B. 主动脉瓣第二听诊区位于胸骨左缘第 4 肋间 C. 二尖瓣区位于心尖部 D. 主动脉瓣区位于胸骨右缘第 3 肋间 E. 肺动脉瓣区位于胸骨右缘第 2 肋间 正确答案:C 3. 腹部的浅部触诊法有利于检查下列各项,除外: A. 有无压痛 B. 抵抗感 C. 搏动 D. 某些肿大的肿瘤 E. 阑尾压痛点 正确答案:E 4. 鉴别上下尿路感染的可靠指标是: A. 红细胞 B. 白细胞 C. 脓细胞 D. β 2-微球蛋白 E. 尿蛋白定量 正确答案:D 5. 区别腹部肿块来自腹腔或腹壁最简易的检查方法: A. 超声检查 B. 钡餐检查 C. 腹部体格检查 D. 腹部 X 线检查 E. 胃肠镜检查 正确答案:C 6. 下列哪种情况胸骨左缘第 2 肋间见异常搏动 A. 右心室肥大 B. 肺动脉高压 C. 升主动脉瘤 D. 主动脉弓瘤 E. 大动脉炎 正确答案:A 7. 腹部移动性浊音阳性,游离腹水量至少达: A. 300mL B. 500mL C. 800mL D. 1000mL E. 1500Ml 正确答案:D 8. 男,55 岁,腹部体查:肝剑突下 5cm,边缘不整,坚硬,有压痛,表面有结

节感,可闻及血管杂音。该患者最可能拟诊为: A. 肝左叶癌 B. 肝血管瘤 C. 肝血吸虫病 D. 腹主动脉瘤 E. 胰腺囊肿 正确答案:A 9. 循环系统疾病引起咯血的常见原因是: A. 心包炎 B. 肺梗塞 C. 风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄 D. 房间隔缺损 E. 右心衰竭 正确答案:C 10. 评估肾脏疾病最常见的不可取代的首选检查是: A. 尿常规 B. 血尿素氮、肌酐、尿酸 C. 血尿素氮 D. 24 小时尿蛋白定量测定 E. 尿沉渣镜检 正确答案:A 11. 咯血在临床上最常见于: A. 肺脓肿 B. 风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄 C. 肺结核 D. 肺癌 E. 支气管扩张 正确答案:C 12. 鉴别右心衰与肝硬化的主要点是: A. 有无腹水 B. 有无肝功能损害 C. 肝脏是否肿大 D. 颈静脉是否充盈 E. 脾脏是否肿大 正确答案:D 13. 护理记录内容不应包括: A. 情绪 B. 血压 C. 呼吸 D. 进食量 E. 家属的行为 正确答案:E 14. 有关窦性 P 波的描述,下列哪项是错的: A. 在大部分导联呈钝圆形,可有轻度切迹 B. P 波方向在Ⅱ导联可向下 C. P 波时限小于 0.12s D. 心率在正常范围时,成人 P-R 间期为 0.12~0.20s E. P 波方向在 aVR 导联向下 正确答案:B 15. 关于杂音的形成机制,下列哪种是正确的?


一、Give out the full names for the following abbreviations(写出下列缩写词的全称)(15%) WAN__________________________________________________ HTTP__________________________________________________ NT____________________________________________________ CEO__________________________________________________ DBMS________________________________________________ ISP___________________________________________________ XML__________________________________________________ BIOS_________________________________________________ IT____________________________________________________ WWW_______________________________________________ 二、Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right )(10%) 1. output devices a. 操作系统 2. silicon b. 扩展存储器 3. expanded memory c. 硅 4. database administrator d. 输出设备 5. operating system e. 汇编语言 6. assembly language f. 数据库管理员 7. gateway g. 数字图像处理 8. laser technology h. 网关 9. digital image processing i. 制造过程 10.manufacturing process j. 激光技术 1. ( ) 6. ( ) 2. ( ) 7. ( ) 3. ( ) 8. ( )


英语专业八级改错(1) It is difficult to think of a nation as an abstract collection of people living on a patch of territory. It is easier to think of as a person. This is why we sometimes call Great Britain __1__ "Britannia" and the United States "Columbia", and think of it as stately women. We also use masculine symbols in our __2__ personification of nations. In 1712 John Arbuthont, a Scot,wrote a political satire in that the characters were supposed __3__ to be typical members of different nationalities. The Englishman was John Bull. This name, which was sufficient flattering to be __4__ adopted generally, combined the most common English first name with a last name indicated strength. John Bull is usually __5__ pictured as a partly businessman with a Union Jack on his hatband. After the American War of Independence began in 1783, the United __6__States was knownfor "Brother Jonathan". Jonathan was a biblical __7__ name associated with simple people from rural areas, and it seemed fitting since the United States is rural and unsophiscated, and since __8__American considered their type of simplicity a virtue compared to __9__ the wickedness of European cities. It is possible, however, that the name was originated with President George Washington,


放射科三基训练试题及答案 来源:作者:发布时间:?点击:1276 自测试题 一、填空题 1.影响X线对胶片感光的因素是____、____、____和焦-片距。 2.物-片距越____,产生影像的半影就越____,影响也就越清晰。 3.显影液的主要成分是____;定影液的主要成分是____。? 4.X线用的感光物质是____;荧光物质是____。 5.脐上2cm相当于____椎体水平。 6.心脏后前位投照,要求焦-片距为____,中心线对准____平面垂直射入胶片。 7.心脏右前斜位投照的旋转角度是____;左前斜位为____。 8.腰椎斜位投照,主要是观察腰椎的____和____。 9.乳突轴位(Mayer位)投照,是使头部矢状面与暗盒成____角度,中心线向足端倾斜____角度,经乳突尖射入暗盒中点。 10.口服胆囊造影法,造影剂需经过____、____和____等三个主要环节,才能使胆囊显影。 11.与临床应用有关的X线特性是____、____、____和电离作用。 12.现代医学影像学除了传统放射学外,尚包含DSA、CT、____、____和____等新一代影像技术在内。 13.血管介入性放射学的主要内容是____、____、____和____。 14.儿童长骨骨折的特殊类型是____和____。 15.儿童后囟正常应于出生后____内闭合,前囟在____内闭合。 16.正常成人颅板以____部最厚,____最薄。 17.舟状颅是由于____早闭所引起的颅骨畸形;短颅畸形责是由于____和____早闭引起的。 18.乳突侧位片上,乙状窦前壁至外耳孔后缘间的垂直距离,如果小于____提示乙状窦前移;鼓室盖至外耳孔上缘之间的距离,如果小于____提示鼓室盖低位。 19.关节结核X线上分为两型,即____和____,后者继发于骨干或干骺端结核。 20.肺叶由叶间裂分隔。____和____将右肺分为上、中和下三个肺叶;左肺只有____,分为上、下两叶。 21.正位上、右肺门上、下部以钝角相交,称为____,左肺门由左肺动脉弯曲成弓形,称为____。 22.正常膈肌圆顶在正位上靠近____,侧位上偏____。 23.肺部基本X线病变有渗出、增殖____、____、____和____。 24.肺结核分为五型,即____、____、____、____和胸膜结核。 25.正常成人的心胸比值不应大于____,右下肺动脉干宽径不应大于____。 26.气钡双重造影上,胃表面涂有薄层钡剂,显示出粗细均匀,宽度约1mm的纤细沟纹,称之为____,并勾画出许多多边形、圆形或椭圆形稍隆凸区,其大小不超过3mm,此即为____。 27.正常肾脏的轮廓光滑,其长径大约是____,宽径为____。 28.椎管碘油造影上,髓外硬膜内肿瘤的阻塞面形态为偏侧性____,硬膜外肿瘤为____。 29.脑动-静脉畸形是由____、____和____所构成。 30.表示密度的CT值单位为H,水的CT值是0,软组织的CT值范围是____,脂肪为____。 二、是非题. 1.X线管发射的X线量,其阳极端恒大于阴极端,此即为阳极效应。()


英语专业八级改错模拟练习及解析1 英语专业八级改错模拟练习及解析1英语专业八级改错模拟练习及解析1it can be tempt to hide from the people, places and tasks (1) which make life stressful. by removing you from the situa- (2) tion, it' s possible to find immediate relief-- and these sources (3) of stress will never go away unless we confront against them (4) being haunted by these stressors means that we can' t be re- laxed in the case the sources of stress return. (5) if avoiding stress triggers isn't such a good technique of dealing with stress, then what is? life experience teaches us (6) that whenever we need to master a new skill-- learning to swim, giving a public presentation, taking risks in front of others--it pays to take a deep breath, perhaps grit our teeth,


英语专业八级改错练习题 Humankind’s future safety and longevity of life on Earth largely depend on the environment which we live.Keeping the air we __1__breathe free of pollution is a major priority towards making this earth a safe place.Other areas of concern are water,land,the ozone layer,and the preservation of flora and fauna of the planet. Every country has ecological issues to deal.In South America,__2__the rain forests are rapidly disappearing as people burn and cut down trees to make for farmland.Many Middle-Eastern and Asian countries __3__have a battle to fight with air,water,and land https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5a7098825.html,kes and swamps are spread with debris.__4__Mass chemical spraying is used to kill pests on trees and plants.Abundant __5__use of water in countries as China has caused major water shortage.__6__Rivers be polluted by factories and the populations that live on their banks.Global warming is considered a major factor caused __7__the droughts in eastern China,the Sudan,Ethiopia,and northern Kenya. The reduction of the ozone layer is blamed for the global warming trends in variant countries of this globe,and


1.Why are cast metal sheet ingots hot-rolled first instead of being cold-rolled? Because of cold rolling is to use hot rolled steel coils as the raw material, after acid pickling to remove oxide skin for cold rolling, the finished product is hard roll, because of cold work hardening caused by deformation of continuous cold rolling hard roll strength, increase hardness, toughness and plastic index decreased, so the stamping performance will deteriorate, can only be used for simple deformation of the parts 2.What type of heat treatment is given to the rolled metal sheet after hot and “warm” rolling? What is its purpose? 轧钢的热处理的类型?轧钢热处理的目的? Heat treatment of the main types are annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering, solution treatment and aging treatment, cold treatment, chemical treatment, etc. Annealing: The steel is heated to a certain temperature and heat preservation for a period of time, and then make it slowly cooling, called annealing. Steel annealing is a heat the steel to the phase change or part of the phase change temperature, slow cooling after heat preservation heat treatment method. The purpose of annealing is to eliminate tissue defects, improve the organization make composition uniformity and fine grains, increase mechanical properties of the steel, reduce residual stress; Can decrease the hardness at the same time, improve the plasticity and toughness, improve machinability. So before annealing in order to eliminate and improve both the legacy of tissue defects and internal stress, and to prepare for the follow-up process, so the annealing is belong to the intermediate heat treatment, also called heat treatment in advance Normalizing: Normalizing is heated to above the critical temperature of steel, to all into homogeneous austenitic steel, heat treatment and natural cooling in air. It can eliminate hypereutectoid steel mesh cementite, for hyposteel normalizing can refine crystal lattice, improve comprehensive mechanical properties, low requirements for the parts use the normalized instead of the annealing process is more economic. Quenching: Quenching is the steel is heated to above the critical temperature, heat preservation for a period of time, then quickly into the quenching medium, the temperature plummeted, rapid cooling at greater than the critical cooling rate of speed, which is mainly composed of martensite and unbalanced heat treatment method of the organization. Can increase strength and hardness of the steel quenching, but to reduce its plasticity. That is commonly used in quenching hardening agent are: water, oil, caustic soda, and salt solution, etc

2017-1995年英语专业八级改错真题及答案 持续更新(部分详解)文字答案校对版

1995-2017年英语专业八级改错真题及答案 (文字/答案校对版) 2017年改错真题 The ability to communicate is the primary factor that distinguishes human beings from animals. And it is the ability to communicate well which 1.________ distinguishes one individual from another. The fact is that apart from the basic necessities, one needs to be equipped with habits for good communication skills, thus this is 2.________ what will make one a happy and successful social being. In order to develop these habits, one needs to first acknowledge the fact that they need to improve communication skills from time to time. They need to take stock of the way how they interact and the direction 3.________ in which their work and personal relations are going. The only constant in life is change, th e more one accepts one’s strengths and works 4._______ towards dealing with their shortcomings, specially in the area of 5.________ communication skills, the better will be their interactions and the more their social popularity. The dominated question that comes here is: How to improve 6.________ communication skills? The answer is simple. One can find plenty of literature on this. There are also experts, who conduct workshops and seminars based on communication skills of men and women. In fact, a large number of companies are bringing in trainers to regularly make sessions on the subject, in order to 7.________ help their work force maintain better interpersonal work relations. Today effective communication skills have become a predominant factor even while recruiting employees. While interviewing candidates, most interviewers judge them on the basis of the skills they communicate with. They believe that some skills can be improvised on the job; but ability to 8.________ communicate well is important, as every employee becomes the representing face of the company. There are trainers, who specialized in delivering custom-made 9._______ programs on the subject. Through the sessions they not only facilitate better communication skills in the workplace, but also look into the problems in the manner of being able to convey messages effectively. 10._______ 2016年改错真题 All social units develop a culture. Even in two-person relationships, a culture develops in time. In friendship and romantic relationships, 1._________ for example, partners develop their own history, shared experiences, language patterns, habits, and customs give that relationship a special 2._________ character—a character that differs it in various ways from 3._________ other relationships. Examples might include special dates, places,


药学三基训练试题及答案 三基药学训练试题及答案 一、A型选择题 1.比较两种数据之间变异水平时,应用指标是,E) A. 全距 B. 离均差平方和 C. 方差 D. 标准差 E. 相对标准偏差 2.药物的首过效应是(B) A.药物于血浆蛋白结合 B.肝脏对药物的转化 C.口服药物后对胃的刺激 D.肌注药物后对组织的刺激 E. 皮肤给药后药物的吸收作用 3.中毒量的强心甙所产生的室性心律失常主要是由于(D) A.抑制窦房结 B.兴奋心房肌 C.抑制房室结 D.使蒲氏纤维自律性增高 E.兴奋心室肌 4.氧氟沙星与左氧氟沙星的性质比较,那一点是错误的(E) A.两者均为氟喹诺酮类药物 B.在旋光性质上有所不同 C.左旋体是抗菌有效成分 D.左旋体的抗菌作用为氧沙星的1倍 E.左旋体毒性低,儿童可应用 5.有关安定的下列叙述中,哪项是错误的(D) A.具有镇静、催眠、抗焦虑作用 B.具有抗惊厥作用 C.具有抗郁作用 D.不抑制快波睡眠 E.能治疗癫痫大发作 6.对革兰阴性菌无效,对厌氧菌有较好疗效(A) A.林可霉素 B.红霉素 C.吉他霉素 D.万古霉素 E.四环素 7.朗白一比尔定律只适用于(C) A.单色光,非均匀,散射,低浓度溶液 B.白光,均匀,非散射,低浓度溶液

C.单色光,均匀,非散射,低浓度溶液 D.单色光,均匀,非散射,高浓度溶 液 E.白光,均匀,散射,高浓度溶液 8.绿脓杆菌引起的泌尿道感染可选用(C) A.青霉素G B.头孢氨苄 C.羧苄青霉素 D.氨苄青霉素 E.氯霉素 9.Stokes定 律混悬微粒沉降速度与下列哪一个因素成正比(C) A.混悬微粒的半径 B.混悬微粒的粒度 C.混悬微粒的半径平方 D.混悬微粒的粉碎度 E.混悬微粒的直径 10.有毒宜先下久煎的药是,D) A.朱砂 B.鸦胆子 C.杏仁 D.附子 E.制半夏 11.左旋多巴治疗震颤麻痹的作用可被下列哪种药物拮抗(C) A. VitB1 B. VitB2 C. VitB6 D. VitB12 E. VitE 12.某些药物口服,由于肠壁和肝脏的代谢,使其进入体循环的量减少,称(B) A.生物利用度 B首过效应 C.肝肠循环 D.酶的诱导 E.酶的抑制 13.钟乳石又称(B) A.炉甘石 B.鹅管石 C.砒石 D.石燕 E.石膏 14.下列哪种药物不会导致耳毒性?(B) A.呋塞米 B.螺内酯 C.依他尼酸 D.布美他尼 E.庆大霉素 15.强心甙减慢心房纤颤的心室率,是由于(B) A.负性频率作用 B.减慢房室结传导作用 C.纠正心肌缺氧 D.抑制心房异位起 搏点 E.抑制心室异性起搏点 16.测定葡萄糖含量采用旋光法,向待测液中加氨水是为了(D)

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