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九年级英语试题卷第1页(共14页) 2020年最新 绝密★启用前 20XX —20XX 学年九年级上学期期末考试 英 语 试 卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共12页,满分150分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,须将答案答在答题卡上,在本试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共100分) 注意事项: 必须使用2B 铅笔将答案标号填涂在答题卡上对应题目标号的位置上。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 第一部分 听 力(共两节 满分30分) 做题时,可将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段对话读一遍。 1. Where can the woman buy stamps? A B C 2. What does James like now?

A B C 3. What does John think is the most helpful invention? A B C 4. What isn’t allowed to do here? A B C 5. What are you supposed to do when you meet Japanese people? A B C 第二节:(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面几段材料,每段材料后有一个或几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段材料读两遍。 听下面一段材料,回答第6小题 6.How does the boy remember his speeches? A. By drawing pictures. B. By remembering key sentences. C. By writing down the first letter of each sentence. 听下面一段材料,回答第7小题 九年级英语试题卷第2页(共14页)


初三英语试卷 一、听力选择(共25小题;1-2019每小题1分,21-25题,每小题2分,满分30分) 请先熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题。做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,再将试卷上的答案转填到答题卷相对应的空格内。 A)听对话回答问题 1. What does the girl want to learn? 2. How does Jim's father usually go to work? 3. What would the boy like to be now? 4. What will the weather probably be like tomorrow? 5. How much is the T-shirt today'? A. Y200. B. Y400. C. ¥100. 6. Who saw the accident'? A. A strong man. B. Tom. C. An old man. 7. What kind person do you think Amy is? A. Selfish. B. Stubborn. C. Impatient. 8. Where is the woman now? A. In a library. B. In a clothes shop. C. In a hotel. 9. How long have Simon's parents been in China'? A. For eight years. B. For five years. C. For eleven years. 10. What did the boy mean? A. The novel was too difficult to read. B. He couldn't remember the writer's name. C. The novel was very interesting. B)听对话和短文回答问题 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。 11. When will Lily probably get home? A. Yesterday. B. Today. C. Tomorrow. 12. What does the woman think of Lily? A. She is a careful driver. B. She loves driving. C. She is a wild driver.


安徽省九年级下学期语文月考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、基础知识综合 (共2题;共18分) 1. (11分)(2020·涡阳模拟) 请运用所积累的知识,完成下列小题。 祥子要重打鼓另开张,照旧去努力自强,今天战胜了刘四,永远战胜刘四;刘四的zǔ zhòu适足以教祥子更成功,更有希望。一口恶气吐出,祥子从此永远吸着新鲜的空气。看看自己的手脚,祥子不还是很年轻么?祥子将要永远年轻,教虎妞死,刘四死,而祥子活着,快活的,要强的,活着①恶人都会遭报,都会死,那抢他车的大兵,不给仆人饭吃的(虎妞),欺骗他压迫他的(孙侦探),轻看他的刘四,诈他钱的(杨太太),愚弄他的陈二奶奶,诱惑他的夏太太②都会死,只有忠诚的祥子活着,永远活着! (1)以上文段选自长篇小说________,作者是________。 (2)给画线的字注音或根据拼音写出相应的汉字。 ①zǔ zhòu ________ ②诈 ________ (3)根据语境,将“——”“……”这两个标点符号分别填入①②两处横线上。 ①________②________ (4)文段画线句子中括号里的人物填写混乱,请根据原文内容进行调整。 不给仆人饭吃的(________),欺骗他压迫他的(________),轻看他的刘四,诈他钱的(________) (5)祥子“照旧去努力自强”的愿望实现了吗?为什么? 2. (7分) (2020七上·邛崃期末) 研读下面古人结交朋友的事迹,说说你从中受到了哪些启发。 事迹一:东汉时,管宁与华歆为同窗好友。有一天,两人同在园中锄草,发现地里有块金子,管宁对金子视如瓦片,挥锄不止,而华歆则拾起金子放在一旁。又一次,两人同席读书,有达官显贵乘车路。管宁不受干扰,读书如故,而华歆却出门观看,羡慕不已。管宁见华歆与自己并非真正志同道合,便割席分坐。自此以后,管宁再也不以华歆为友。 事迹二:北宋的范仲淹因主张改革,惹怒了朝廷,被贬去颍州。当范伸淹卷起铺盖离京时,一些平日与他往来甚密的官员,生怕被说咸是朋党,纷纷避而远之。有个叫王质的官员则不然,他正生病在家,闻讯后,立即抱病前去,大摇大摆地将范仲淹一直送到城门外。对范仲淹来说,谁是真朋友,谁是假朋友,此时此刻,也就一清二楚了。 启发:________。 二、句子默写 (共1题;共4分) 3. (4分)(2017·安顺模拟) 古诗词默写。 ①李商隐的《无题》中,经常被引用来比喻人们无私奉献精神的两句诗是:________,________。 ②《白雪歌送武判官归京》中写雪后美景,以春花喻冬雪,联想奇特美妙的句子是________,________。 ③边塞风光常在诗人笔下显得千姿百态,气象壮阔,王维在《使至塞上》________,________诗句中,描绘了


九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1.The small boy didn’t know____waiting for. A.whom they were B.who were they C.who they are D.whom were they 2.---How can I save the water ---It’s easy. First, make sure the tap ____________ after using. A.turns off B.is turned off C.turns on D.is turned on 3.---I called you when I got the news yesterday. But you weren’t in. ---Oh, I __________ dinner for the family and didn’t hear it. A.cooked B.was cooking C.cook D.is cooking 4.--- Why are they going to Wenchuan this winter --- They’re going to be a volunteer there and _____________ the people in the disaster area. A.help with B.help out C.take care D.take off 5.That man ______be Mr Wang , because he has gone to Beijing. A.couldn’t B.might not C.can’t D.mustn’t 6.If you go, _______. A.I go, too. B.So do I C.So will I D.I will, either. 7. --- Let’s go swimming after school! ---______. Call me at any time. A.Wait a moment B.Sounds good C.That depends. D.What for 8.I’m reading now. Please tell him ___________the TV a bit. A.turn up B.turn off C.to turn down D.to turn on 9. He found difficult to improve his English the teacher’s help A.it is; without B.it was; with C.it; without D.that is; with 10.She has __________ close friends so that she really doesn’t know __________ A.many; who to talk B.few; who to talk to C.much; what to do D.little; how to do 11.You can’t believe how terrible the fire is __________ you see it with your own eyes A.though B. because C. unless D. since 12. This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered on Channel 3 this evening


安徽省七年级下学期语文第一次月考试卷A卷 一、选择题 (共1题;共2分) 1. (2分)(2018·荆州) 下列关于文学常识的说法正确的一项是() A . 《左传》是一部记载春秋战国时期各诸侯国主要历史人物活动的传记文学名著。 B . 《名人传》是一部记载名人丰功伟绩,讲述名人精彩人生和巨大贡献的传记作品。 C . 《水浒传》是我国第一部歌颂农民起义,宣扬豪侠仗义、除暴安良英雄壮举的传记。 D . 《史记》是我国第一部纪传体通史,被鲁迅称为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”。 二、书写 (共2题;共9分) 2. (5分) (2016七上·闽侯期中) 书写题。 请你用正楷字认真地抄写下面的语句,让家长、老师共同分享你练习书写的成绩吧! 盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。 3. (4分) (2018九上·宁波月考) 读下面这段文字,根据拼音写出相应的汉字。 生命需要不断的跋shè________。不管昨天你有多少功绩,不管昨日你的灵园里开了多少朵花,那是属于昨日的,若你一心沉湎于昨日的喜悦,就难享今日更qīng________纯的欢欣。今日,一个新的开始,更需要我们前进,更需要我们去yùn________育。人生是一条永远走不完的旅chéng________,需要生命的火把,直至成灰…… 三、其他 (共1题;共4分) 4. (4分) (2018九上·金华月考) 给下文中划线字注音或根据注音书写汉字 “家风”又称门风,是一个家庭或家族世代相传的风气、风格与风尚。家族、父母的点点滴滴,一言一行折射出的无形家风,带给孩子的则是有形的力量。这种有形的力量,在日常生活中潜________移默化地影响着孩子的心灵,塑造孩子的人格,是一种无言的教育、无字的典籍,是最基本、最直接、最经常的教育。孩子的世界观、人生观、性格特征、道德素养、为人处事及生活习惯等,都会打上家风的烙________印。


人教版九年级英语期末考试题(含答案) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) ( )1. It’s time since we met last . A. one and half month’s B. one and a half months C. one and half months’ D. one and a half months’ ( )2. of four buses will take you to the station . We can take of them . A. Any ; every B. None ; any C. All ; any D. Neither ; none ( )3. Two weeks is not enough for me to finish the work . I need week . A. the other B. a third C. the third D. other ( )4. A young man glasses came the office . He had an old bag his arm . A. without ; in ; in B. with ; into ; under C. in ; out of ; under D. with ; in ; on ( )5.Not only I but also Tom and Jack _____ interested in English because it _____ useful. A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is D. are, are ( )6. I found the baby as soon as he had heard his mother . A. angrily B. happily C. sadly D. pleased ( )7. The young man was hit by a truck . he was not hurt . A. Lucky ; bad B. Luckily ; terrible C. Luckily ; badly D. Lucky ; badly ( )8. As we all know ,Columbus America and Edison light bulbs. A. discovered ; invented B. invented ; discovered C. discovered ; discovered D. invented ; invented ( )9. Jack,please help me the picture on the wall. A. put off B. put up C. put into D. put on ( )10. —I have bought a new watch . —Where and when you it ? A. did ; buy B. do ; buy C. have ; bought D. will ; buy ( )11. Computers in everyday life in this country before long .

九年级上册英语期末考试试卷及答案 人教版

卷面部分A卷 一.单项选择。20% 16. ----Do you know how to plant trees? ----Yes, ________________. A. the more, the better B. more or less C. more and more D. so do I 17. Let’s put up the map on the wall __________ everyone can see it clearly. A. when B. because C. so that D. since 18. Mr. and Mrs. Green have ______ in Beijing for a week. A. got B. reached C. been D. arrived 19. She was never heard__________ so well before. A. sing B. singing C. sang D. to sing 20. The twins often know ____________________. A. what the other is going to say B. that the other is going to say C. what is the other going to say D. if the other is going to say 21. Now computers work __________ faster than the old ones. A. several millions times B. millions of time C. millions of times D. million of times 22. Have you ever seen __________ man? A. such a tall B. such tall a C. so a tall D. a so tall 23. He answered me, but he spoke __________ quickly __________clearly A. either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor D. nor; neither 24. There will not be enough space even to stand__________ the earth. A. in on B. in C. on D. over 25. The population of China is much larger than____________ Japan. A. / B. it in C. those in D. that of 26. He said he _____________ to the party. A. will go B. is coming C. would come D. has been 27. When the rubbish collector saw the couple, they ____________ hands down the lane. A. are holding B. were holding C. held D.hold 28. The police office finished reading the report ___________. A. interested B. interesting C. in interest D. with interest 29. Many residents of that area __________ snake bites every year. A. die from B. die in C. die for D. die of 30. The teacher must be ____________. A. listening to B. listened to carefully C. listened carefully D. listen 31. The machine _______ is good. Only the price is a little bit high. A. itself B. that C. it D. this 32. Let’s make some_____ f or this old lady. A. place B. room C. space D. seat 33. ______ which channel can we find our favourite programme? A. On B. In C. By D. For 34. ----____________? I didn’t hear you. ----I said you could take this seat. A. Hello B. Can I help you C. Pardon D. Sorry 35. We have __________ students this year than last year. A. many B. a lot more C. much D. any more


安徽省七年级上学期语文第一次月考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选择题 (共5题;共10分) 1. (2分)(2017·都匀模拟) 下列词语中划线字注音完全正确的一项是() A . 感慨(kǎi)铁锹(qiū)叱咤风云(chà)瞠目结舌(chēn) B . 戏谑(xuè)稽首(qí)鳞次栉比(zhì)相形见绌(chù) C . 荣膺(yīng)慰藉(jiè)戛然而止(jiá)未雨绸缪(móu) D . 嗥鸣(háo)怂恿(sǒng)吹毛求疵(cī)强词夺理(qiáng) 2. (2分)下列各句中,划线的成语使用不恰当的一项是() A . 2014年6月2日,一场创意音乐分享会亮相湖北省博物馆,编钟古乐和西洋乐首次混搭合奏,振聋发聩,令不少观众大呼过瘾。 B . 当人们还在津津乐道“余额宝”给传统银行业带来的冲击时,中国互联网金融的开拓者们已经敏锐地察觉到新一轮机会的来临。 C . 城市是农民工的谋生之地,也应该是他们的幸福家园。要让他们真正在城市安居乐业,在同意片蓝天下幸福生活,关键是破除制度藩篱,解决“身份”背后的社会管理和基本公共服务问题。 D . 任何一个国家在安全面前都难以独善其身。只有通过对话与合作,亚洲各国才能共同应对挑战,共维稳定,共享安全。 3. (2分)(2014·日照) 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是() A . 在美丽乡村建设中,我们大力发展健康向上的农村文化,积极倡导资源节约型的生产和生活方式。 B . 长篇小说《小时代》,讲述了一个从小感情深厚,有着不同价值观的四位女生先后所经历的友情、爱情。 C . 睡姿不当有损眼睛健康,特别是趴着睡觉会造成眼压过高,不仅可能诱发青光眼,严重的还会影响视力。 D . “蛟龙号”潜海成功,对促进我国海洋装备制造业发展,完善海洋科学研究和开发能力,将产生深远的影响。 4. (2分) (2017八上·宁河月考) 下列句子的顺序排列正确的一项是() ①直到此时,人们才会相信,动物更有种为人类所不理解的无声的哀怨。 ②但是直到真的看到了动物的泪,我才相信动物也和人一样,它们也有悲伤,更有痛苦。 ③只是因为它们没有语言,或者是人类还不能破译它们的语言,所以,当人们看到动物的泪水时,才会感动惊愕。 ④本来,我以为泪水只为人类专有,而动物因没有情感,它们也就没有泪水。 A . ④①③② B . ④③②① C . ④①②③


安徽省七年级下学期语文第一次月考试卷D卷 一、选择题 (共5题;共10分) 1. (2分)下面划线的字注音完全正确的一项是() A . 油蛉(líng)桑椹(shèn)诅咒(zhǔ) B . 腻味(ní)颓唐(tuí)嗫嚅(rú) C . 倔强(qū)镶嵌(xiāng)恬静(tián) D . 参天(cān)轶事(yì)加冕(miǎn) 2. (2分)下列句中加线的成语运用不正确的一项是() A . 我的心在瘦骨嶙峋的胸膛里咚咚直跳。 B . 那些门和窗尽量工细而绝不庸俗,即使简朴却别有用心。 C . 幸福是一种回味绵长的情致,是一种美不胜收的意境,它距离每一个人并不遥远。 D . 站在罗布泊的边缘,看到沧海桑田的痕迹,你会感到胸膛里面深藏的苦痛与无奈。 3. (2分) (2017九上·莒县月考) 下列对病句的修改不正确的一项是() A . 支气管炎、过敏性鼻炎吃龙虾,会导致病情加重。(在“过敏性鼻炎”后加“患者”。) B . 随着秦兵马俑在沉寂24年后的再次发掘,引起国内外媒体的关注。(删掉“随着”。) C . 在本届世乒赛上,经过运动健儿们的奋力拼搏,再次赢得了男子团休冠军。(将“经过”和“的”删去。) D . 这所九年制寄宿学校的150多名学生是地震中伤亡最少、震后复课最早的学校。(把“寄宿学校的150多名学生”中的“的”字改为“有”。) 4. (2分)下列语句中标点使用正确的一项是() A . 小河对岸三、四里外是浅山,好似细浪微波,蜿蜒起伏,连接着高高的远山。 B . 人们在思考:网络技术发展将导致艺术的沉沦?还是会迎来新时代的文艺复兴?

C . 大屏幕上闪现出世博会159年来人类智慧的结晶:电灯、磁悬浮列车、航天器……这一刻,“一切源于世博会”的理念得以彰显。 D . “到底去不去呀?我的小祖宗!”妈妈“咚咚咚”地敲着我的房门,“人家来电话催好几趟了,你倒是给人家一个回话呀!” 5. (2分) (2017八下·林甸月考) 下列关于文学作品内容及常识的表述,不完全正确的一项是() A . 郭沫若的《石榴》按照“爱石榴—画石榴—赞石榴”的思路来结构全文,而宗璞的《紫藤萝瀑布》则按照“赏花—惜花—思花”的思路来结构全篇。 B . 郭安凤的《多一些宽容》以举例论证为主,而周国平的《人的高贵在于灵魂》则以道理论证为主。 C . 鲁迅的小说《孔乙己》和吴敬梓的小说《范进中举》都控诉了封建科举制度对人性的戕害,揭示了世态的炎凉。 D . 《核舟记》选自清朝人张潮编的《虞初新志》,作者是明代的魏学洢,课文按照空间的顺序细致地描述了核舟和舟上人的形象,表现了核舟的“奇巧”,赞扬了雕刻家的高超技艺。 二、字词书写 (共1题;共4分) 6. (4分) (2019七下·嘉兴期中) 根据拼音写出相应的汉字。 阅读是现代社会终身学习的需求,它的好处妇rú________皆知。阅读既可以陶冶情操,又能够提升情怀;阅读既可以增长见识,又能够提升阅历。掬一抔闲xiá________,品一杯清茗,读一卷好书,悠然、qiè________意。我们徜徉在书海中,渐渐成长,学会为人处事。终身阅读,是我们至死不xiè________的追求。 三、句子默写 (共1题;共4分) 7. (4分)古诗中的夜世界——请你将空缺的诗句补出来。 (1)何当共剪西窗烛,________(李商隐《夜雨寄北》) (2)姑苏城外寒山寺,________。(张继《枫桥夜泊》) (3) ________,不知秋思落谁家。(王建《十五夜望月》) (4) ________,疑是地上霜。(李白《静夜思》) 四、中国名著 (共1题;共8分)


2018年秋期九(1)班英语期末考试总结及反思 一、试卷评析 考卷总体来说,相对容易,有对基础知识考核的环节,也有考查学生运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力,试卷紧扣教材,突出重点,更侧重于对双基能力的考查。 (1)选择填空考查得比较细,大部分很基础。主要考查学生对课本知识的掌握情况,知识覆盖面较广,较细,重点、难点突出。但也有个别题目相对较难。 (2)完形填空与阅读理解题量较大,取材都比较好,贴近现实,对学生很有教育,通过做这个题,读其内容,学生会意识到学习不仅仅在学校而校外的学习也很重要。 (3)书面表达与课本内容有着极大的相似之处,是对教材的深加工,做到了学以致用。虽然比较贴近学生生活,但由于大部分同学基础很薄弱,所以效果不甚理想。 二、学生情况分析 本次考试,从分数上看,学生两极分化相当严重。从这次考试也看出一些问题,学生基础知识太薄弱,掌握不太牢,每个大题丢分都有。基础知识和基本技能不扎实,学生对一些基本词汇、语法、句型的掌握不够熟练。所以非选择题空白的较多,造成及格人数太少。 三、失分情况和原因 1.听力题:失分较多的是第三节。在这个题当中可以反映出学生听完材料之后,无法填出相应的关键词,而且学生的理解能力差。 2.短文填空:本题所给的语篇较长,难度较大,因此失分较多。 3.学生在阅读这块失分较多。第一,学生阅读习惯需要进一步培养,很多学生只是对照题目单纯找答案,而不是认真反复地看文章,缺乏耐心。第二,部分学生只能理解文章的表面意思,不能透过现象理解出作者的言外之意。

4.词语运用:根据句意填单词(每空一词),使句子完整、语法正确这题失分也比较多,可见学生在不同语境中灵活运用单词的能力欠缺。 5.书面表达:在整个卷子当中失分较多的是书面表达,要写好这个作文要一定的单词量和语法知识 四.问题分析 1. 平时我对学生不够严厉,如果学生不能够回答出我在上课反复强调的知识,我一般只是提醒,并无惩罚措施。学生在课堂上有时候开小差,一般也只是点名批评,对屡次犯错误的学生,没有严加管教。 2. 应该每天听写单词和词组,可单词和词组是学生最头痛的事,学生们都说他们记不住,部分学生对英语学习失去兴趣,学生两极分化的明显出现很大程度上是没过好词汇关,这些学生记单词只会死记硬背,但不会读,这样是学不好英语的。因此,一定要注重课堂词汇教学,让学生掌握一定的学习单词的方法,按读音规则认读、记忆单词而不是死记硬背,当学生感悟到记单词不再困难时,他们的英语学习也就迈出了很可喜的坚实的基础一步,他们对英语学习才会真正感兴趣。 3. 这次考试学生听力丢分较多,在今后的教学中要有意识地加强学生听读能力的训练与培养,重点训练学生的阅读和听的习惯的培养。课外还要多选用一些内容健康,时代感强、知识性、趣味性并存的短文来让学生阅读,通过大量阅读来培养学生的语感以及通过上下文捕捉信息的能力,从而提高阅读,理解,分析,判断的能力。 4. 实行分层次教学,降低对差生的要求,比如让成绩好些的学生背课文时,其他学生能读熟就可以了,检查单词和词组时,要求差生写对一半就算优秀,这样他下次会背单词背的更好!这样才能让每个学生有成就感,逐步提高学习英语的兴趣 5.做好补差工作,缩小两极分化,从测试情况看,英语学习已明显出现两极分化现象。由于知识点的深化,学生的个体差异以及多种内外在因素,学生学习上的两极分化是客观存在的,但我们一定要通过我、家长、包括学生本人的不懈努力,力争减少差生,使他们在英语学习上不断进步,这就需要我真正的去爱


九年级英语上册期末测试题及答案 一、单项选择共20小题,计40分 1. The students stood in circle and danced to the music. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 2. If you don’t give them a treat on Halloween, they will play a trick _________ you. A. at B. to C. for D. on 3. Lily thinks the best way to learn English is by ________ to the conversations in English movies. A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listens 4. —You must believe yourself. I don’t help you, you can study well. —Thank you for encouraging me. A. Because B. Unless C. Even though D. So 5. When I heard the news, I was _______ sad _______ I couldn’t say anything. A. as; as B. too; to C. such; that D. so; that 6. ________ fun the Dragon Boat Festival is! A. What B. It C. H ow D. It’s 7. This pair of shoes _______ Tom’s. They’re too big for him. A. might be B. could be C. must be D. can’t be 8. Lucy is outgoing, but her twin sister Lily is quite ________. A. active B. shy C. healthy D. brave 9. There are m any beautiful flowers in the world, but in parents’ eyes, their children are the _________of all. A. as beautiful as B. more beautiful C. less beautiful D. most beautiful 10. Bi Shumin _________ be a doctor, but now she is a writer.


. 单项选择。 20% 16. - Do you know how to plant trees? -- Yes, _______________ 17. Let 's put up the map on the wall ___________ everyone can see it clearly. A. when B. because C. so that D. since 18. Mr. and Mrs. Green have _____ in Beijing for a week. A. got B. reached C. been D. arrived 19. She was never heard _________ so well before. A. sing B. singing C. sang D. to sing 20. The twins often know __________________ . A. what the other is going to say say C. what is the other going to say say 21. Now computers work ________ faster than the old ones. 23. He answered me, but he spoke ________ quickly _________ clearly A. either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor D. nor; neither 24. There will not be enough space even to stand ________ the earth. 卷面部分 A 卷 A. the more, the better B. more or less C. more and more D. so do I B. that the other is going to D. if the other is going to A. several millions times C. millions of times 22. Have you ever seen ________ man? A. such a tall B. such tall a B. millions of time D. million of times C. so a tall D. a so tall


江苏省苏州市高新区2017届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 注意事项: 1. 本试卷共8大题,满分120分(不含口语10分),考试用时110分钟。 2. 答题前,请将你的学校、姓名、考试号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在答题卡的规定位 置上;并用2B铅笔认真正确填涂考试号下方的数字。 3. 作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦 干净后,再选涂其他答案;作答非选择题,必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡规定的 位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效。 一、听力选择 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 第一部分听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的作答时间。 1. What is the girl going to do on Sunday morning? A. B. C. 2. Why was Li Ming arrested last week? A. B. C. 3. What is on TV now? A. B. C. 4. What makes Susan unhappy? A. B. C.

5. What may the woman do? A. Go to a movie. B. Join her friends. C. Write a report. 6. Where’s the TV guide? A. On the sofa. B. On the table. C. On the television. 7. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Parent and child. B. Teacher and student. C. Teacher and parent. 8. What are they talking about? A. A horror film. B. A popular novel. C. A Japanese writer. 9. What does the girl think of Sam? A. He’s blue. B. He’s yellow. C. He’s red. 10. What CANNOT we know from the dialogue? A. Venus Talk Show has many fans. B. Jin Xing hosts the programme. C. The man wants to be on the programme. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。对话和短文后各有几道题。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你将有5秒钟的作答时间。 听一段对话,回答第11、12小题。 11. Which of the following is NOT true? A. A lot of people come to see Jack. B. There is too much noise in the office. C. The office is not big enough for many people. 12. Who will talk to Jack about the problem? A. Mary. B. David. C. We don’t know. 听一篇短文,完成信息记录表中第13至15小题。


第一学期期末测试卷 时间:120分钟满分:120分 第一卷听力部分(25分) 一、听对话,选出与其内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分) ()1. A. B. C. ()2. A. B. C. ()3. A. B. C. ()4. A. B. C. ()5. A. B. C. 二、听对话,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共15分) 听第1段对话,回答第6、7小题。 ()6. What does Paul have trouble with? A. Grammar. B. Writing. C. Pronunciation. ()7. What does Mrs. Brown advise Paul to do? A. Listen to English songs. B. Practice speaking. C. Read the textbook. 听第2段对话,回答第8、9小题。 ()8. What is the man looking for? A. A bank. B. A restaurant. C. A clothes store. ()9. What would the man like?

A. Hamburgers. B. Trousers. C. Vegetables. 听第3段对话,回答第10、11小题。 ()10. How long has it been since they last saw their primary school classmates? A. Two years. B. Three years. C. Four years. ()11. What did Bill use to be like? A. He was active. B. He was naughty. C. He was quiet. 听第4段材料,回答第12、13、14小题。 ()12. What color is the wallet? A. Black. B. Red. C. White. ()13. What's in the wallet? A. A name card. B. An ID card. C. A bank card. ()14. Whose could the wallet be? A. Tom's. B. Mary's. C. Cindy's. 听第5段材料,回答第15、16、17小题。 ()15. How many shirts did the boy buy from Cool's Clothes Store? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. ()16. How much is the shirt? A. 19 dollars. B. 29 dollars. C. 9 dollars. ()17. What are the shirts made of? A. Cotton. B. Chemical materials. C. Nylon. 听第6段材料,回答第18、19、20小题。 ()18. Who is Cindy going to visit? A. Her parents. B. Her cousin. C. Her aunt. ()19. How is the weather there? A. Cold. B. Rainy. C. Nice. ()20. When will Cindy start? A. On February 8th. B. On February 18th. C. On February 28th. 三、听短文,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分) ()21. Where do the writer and her parents spend their holiday?

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