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2)以辅音字母(r 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。例:make,like。* 在重读的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。

2.闭音节以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。例:map,desk,is。辅-元-辅* 在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。


a /ei/ 开音节/ei/ name,take

闭音节/ ? / map,bag

e /i:/ 开音节/i:/ be,he

闭音节/e/ egg,best

i /ai/ 开音节/ai/ like,kite

闭音节/ i/ bit,fit

o /ou/ 开音节/ u/ note,no

闭音节/ / dog,lot

u /ju:/ 开音节/ju:/ mute,use

闭音节/ / bus,cut


常用字母或字母组合发音规律 一.与元音字母A相关的单词: 1.[ei] a在开音节中:发字母音,后面有不发音的e face脸;grade年级;cake蛋糕;lake湖; make制造;take拿到; snake蛇;name名字; plane飞机;date日期; plate盘子; 2.[?] a在闭音节中: dad爸爸;sad悲伤的;bag书包;lamp灯;can能;fan电风扇; man男人;and和;hand手;thank感谢;map地图;cat猫; fat肥胖的;that那个;hat帽子;rabbit兔子family家庭3.[a:] ar组合: car小汽车;far远的;star星星;card卡片;scarf围巾;marker水彩笔market市场department store百货商店apartment building公寓; hard努力地,硬的;park公园;arm胳臂;farm农场; 4.[ei] ai组合; tail尾巴;rainy下雨的;train火车; wait等;waiter男服务员;waitress女服务员 5.[e?] air组合: air空气;hair头发;chair椅子stairs楼梯 6.[ei] ay组合: day天,日;today今天;play玩;may可以;May五月;say说; way道路,方法;stay逗留 7. [i] ay组合: Sunday 星期日Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六 8.[?:] al组合: talk说话;walk走;chalk粉笔; 9. [?:l] all组合:

元音字母组合发音表 很全

元音字位置母组合 重读 在W后 ar 非重读 er or重读 非重读 重读 在W后 非重读 ur ir aai重读 非重读 重读 重读音节 非重读音节 au al

air are ay ea重读音节非重读音节特殊 ee ear读音例词[a:][?:][?] [?:][?] [?:][?:][?] [?:][?] [?:][ei] [i] [?] :][ ?: ? [? :][ l] [?:][e?] [e?] [?:][ei]

[i:][e] [ei] [i?] [i:][i?] [?:][e?]mark carve article party market March farm hard warm warn reward war grammar service certain serve worker farmer teacher form important corner horse work word world worth mirror doctor forbid forget church Thursday nurse turn return surprise surround mur thirsty dirty first girl tailor remain grain sail praise raise brain captain certain cause walk ball all talk

always almost already although draw dawn saw fair affair hair upstairs taught caught daughter naughty delay play say way today Sunday Monday repeat leaf lead peace disease cream sweater thread headache heavy breakfast great greatly break real idea theatre sleep freely weed steel degree appear clear near hear dear ear heard learn earn early search wear bear swear pear例外said[e]aunt[a: ]half[a: ]alms[a: ]are[a: ]laugh[a: f]says[e]augh heart[a: ]eei


英语字母组合发音规律(集合) 1.开音节 1)以发音的元音字母结尾的单节。例:be,he。 2)以辅音字母(r 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。例:make,like。 * 在重读的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。 2.闭音节 以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节, 称为闭音节。例:map,desk,is。 * 在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。 字母a,e,i,o,u 在重读音节中的读法 字母名称位置读音举例 a /ei/ 开音节/ei/ name,take 闭音节// map,bag e /i:/ 开音节/i:/ be,he 闭音节/e/ egg,best i /ai/ 开音节/ai/ like,kite 闭音节/i/ bit,fit o /ou/ 开音节/?u/ note,no 闭音节// dog,lot u /ju:/ 开音节/ju:/ mute,use 闭音节// bus,cut 一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音 元音字母读音例词 a 在开音节中[ei] name plane Jane baby cake 在闭音节中[?] bag dad hat map black back e 在开音节中[i:] he these me Chinese 在闭音节中[e] bed let pen desk yes egg i 在开音节中[ai] bike fly drive time nice kite 在闭音节中fish big drink sit milk swim o 在开音节中[?u] those close go hoe home no 在闭音节中[C] clock not box shop sock u 在开音节中[ju:] student excuse duty Tuesday 在闭音节中[∧] bus cup jump much lunch 在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler super 二、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音 元音字母读音例词 a在[w]音后面[C] want what watch wash quality


开音节与闭音节: 在重读的开音节中元音字母发字母表音 Aa /ei/ Ee /i:/ Ii /ai/ Oo /?u/ Uu / ju:/ 在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。 即:A,E,I,O,U 要读[?], [e], [i], [?], [?]。 辅音+元音 go be me by cry student baby she he 重 读 开 音 节 重 读 闭 音 节 辅音+元音+辅音(可多个) m a p ,d e sk , s i t 元音+辅音 is, it

1. A. leg B. desk C. these D. pen

2. A. these B. help C. bed D. get 3. A. desk B. pen C. he D. seven 4.set A. [set] B. [sit] C. [s?t] D. [s?t] 1. A. mine B. live C. write D. time

2. A. big B. it C. little D. kite 3. A. fine B. five C. sit D. kite 4 A. bike B. nice C. fine D. sit 1. A. home B. nose C. from D. hope 2. A. close B. clock C. box D. sock 3. A. not B. no C. go D. hope 4. A. phone B. sofa C. dog D. nose 5. A. but B. student C. use D. huge


元音字母组合发音表- 很全

元音字 母组合 位置读音例词例外 ar 重读[a:]mark carve article party market March farm hard 在W后[?:]warm warn reward war 非重读[?] grammar er 重读[?:]service certain serve 非重读[?]worker farmer teacher or 重读[?:]form important corner horse 在W后[?:]work word world worth 非重读[?] mirror doctor forbid forget ur 重读[?:]church Thursday nurse turn return 非重读[?]surprise surround murmur ir 重读[?:]thirsty dirty first girl a ai 重读音节[ei]tailor remain grain sail praise raise brain said [e]非重读音节[i]captain [?]certain au [?:]cause aunt [a:] al [?:]walk ball all talk half [a:] alms [a:] [?:l]always almost already although aw [?:]draw dawn saw air [e?]fair affair hair upstairs are [e?]dare glare share compare careful are[a:] augh [?:]taught caught daughter naughty laugh[a:f] ay 重读音节[ei]delay play say way today says [e]非重读音节[i]Sunday Monday e ea [i:] repeat leaf lead peace disease cream [e]sweater thread headache heavy breakfast 特殊[ei]great greatly break [i?]real idea theatre ee [i:]sleep freely weed steel degree ear [i?]appear clear near hear dear ear heart [a:] [?:]heard learn earn early search [e?]wear bear swear pear


元音字母组合的发音 元音字母可以相互结合构成字母组合,如ai;元音字母也可以和辅音字母结合构成元音字母辅音字母组合,如aw;此外元音字母还可以和辅音字母r构成——r音节和re音节,如ar、are等。元音字母组合在重读音节和非重读音节中的读音不同,有一定规律。 字母A的字母组合的读音规则 1、a在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)a在重读音节中,读[ei] (2)a在闭音节中,读[?] (3)在“[w]+a”中,a读[?] (4)在“a+ss\st\sp\sk\th\f\n”时,a读作[a:] (5)在"a+nge"中,a读[ei] 2、a字母组合在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)在一般情况下,“ar”在单词中发[a:]音 (2)在“w + ar”的情况下,ar读作[?:] (3)“ai”,“ay”在单词中一般读作[ei] (4)“al”在某些情况读作[?:l] 字母E的字母组合的读音规则 1、e在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)e在开音节中一般读作[i:] (2)e在闭音节中读作[e] 2、e字母组合在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)“er”在单词中一般读作[?:] (2)“ear”,“ere”在单词一般读作[i?]或[ε?] (3)“ea”在单词中一般有三种发音:[i:],[ei]或[e] (4)“ee”在单词中一般读作[i:] (5)后缀“-er”一般读作[?],后缀“-est”一般读作[ist] (6)“ew”一般读作[ju:] 字母i的字母组合的读音规则 1、i在重读单节中的读音规则 (1)i在重读开音节中一般读作[ai] (2)i在闭音节中一般读作[i:] (3)在“i + nd \ ld \ gh \ ght”中,i读作[ai] 2、i字母组合在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)“ia”,“ie”,“io”在单词中常读作[ai?] (2)“ir”在单词中一般读作[?:] 字母o的字母组合的读音规则 1、字母O在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)O在开音节中一般读作[?u] (2)O在闭音节中一般读作[?] (3)在“O + st \ ld”中,O常读作[?u] (4)在“O + m \ n \ v \ th”中,O常读作[?] 2、O字母组合在重读音节中的读音规则 (1)“oa”在单词中一般读作[?u] (2)“OO”在单词中一般有两种发音:[u:]或[u],特别是在“OO+k”或含room的合成词中一般读作[u] (3)“oi”,“oy”在单词中常读作[?i] (4)“or”在[w]后一般读作[?:],此外,也有读作[?:] (5)“ou”在单词中一般读作[au],[u:]或[?] (6)“ow”在单词中一般读作[?u]或[au] 字母i的字母组合的读音规则 1、u在重读闭音节中的读音规则 (1)u在开音节中一般读作[ju:]或[u:]


1.元音: 1)[i:] ee / ea / e / ie, ei three tree green sheep meet beef seek tea leave lead team mean speak clean he she me Chinese piece believe︱receive ceiling receipt leisure 2) [i]i / y / e / a sit picture list mix fix fit pig build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious orange comrade village 3) [? ] a hand ant happy map mad glad flag shall 4) [e]ea / e / a *ai/ei head bread pleasure *said/leisure elephant electric remember sell hotel many any 5) [?:] ir / ur / ear / ur / or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve *work worm word world 6)[?] (弱音) er / or / ou / ure / ar / o / a / e / u 元音字母及发元音的所有组合在非重读音节中基本上都读[?] 或(少数)[i] leader speaker farmer powder power doctor actor mayor author delicious generous various jealous pleasure measure leisure culture familiar collar dollar liar together lesson control polite account ago banana Canada Japan China spidermen listen glisten elephant calculus suspect maximum 7)[a:] ar / a / al *heart/clerk/sergeant car farm card arm garden last plant︱calm half 8) [?] u / o / ou / oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother does brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood 9) [?:] al / or / oor / au / our / ou / ar small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short lord horse forty sport more store sore ︱door floor sauce author caught autumn haunt four mourn court︱bought fought *warmth wardrobe quarter 10)[?] / [?]o / a hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar want wash what squander 11)[u:] oo / o / u groom broom doom goose tooth balloon shoe do two true truth blue full



her hers term serve German observe per refer prefer certain / /?:er : / clerk ɑ/ / / ?consider soldier worker teacher ir / / ?:Bird third girl dirty firmly sir fir or order ordinary orphan absorb corner report tortoise important short / :/ ?nor for or /w/在word work worse worship worth worthy / :/ 后? / / ? operator visitor doctor ur / / ?:Urge burn turn hurt murderer curtain fur ar particularly dollar grammar northward / / ?er 在非meter river sister concert exercise permit 重读or 音节transformation forget comfort 中ur surrounding Saturday 元音字母组合及发音的字母组合音节在单词中的发音Aa always salt [wall walk有时发almost…] also : - [?] all call ball law draw:] saw - [?

] laugh ] aunt )[[August :- [?] autumn (注意daughter [ -?:]taught [] )注意[ei - ]train tailor (said [says play 为非重读音节发等词中,; ] Monday ay[])- [ei] day today (注意 hair chair air ]- [e 的字母组合在单词中的发音[i:]Ee - wheat reach peach jeans meat read tea [i:]] eat team sea pea heaven sweat dead bread head health deaf heavy breath -[e] bee -[i:] see feet fee teeth knee jeep tree meet sheep three believe piece [i:]( ] -[i:]receive -field 或quiet [] science)- [ju:]few new sew


元音字母组合的读音规则 ai,ay 读/ei/,如w ai t, ai d;d ay, m ay. air,aer读/e?/,如air,f air; 'aer ial, 'aer oplane?. au,aw读/?:/,如c au se, 'au ral, l au nch, s au ce, l aw, d aw n. augh,ough读/?:/,如'd augh ter, c augh t, t augh t;ought,f ough t, th ough t。 ea,ee读/ i:/,如ea t, ch ea p;d ee p, n ee d. ei,ey 读/ei/,如v ei l, w ei g?h t;gr ey, th ey, con'v ey eu,ew(iew)读/ju:/,如'n eu tral, d eu ce;n ew, v iew, re'v iew. ear,eer读/i?/如ear, cl ear;b eer, d eer. ie,(c)ei读/i:/,如f ie ld, be'l ie ve;re'c ei ve, 'c ei ling. igh读/ai/,如h igh, li ght, m igh t, n igh t. oa读/?u/,如r oa d, s oa p, b oa t. oi,oy 读/?i/,如ch oi ce, oil;b oy, t oy. oo 1.读/u/: 在字母k前(b oo k,l oo k,t oo k)和在g oo d,f oo t,st oo d,w oo d,w oo l 及其派生词('g oo dness, 'f oo tball, 'w oo len等)中读/u/。 2.读/u:/: 在其余情况下读/u:/,如: c oo l,f oo d,l oo se,r oo m,z oo. 3.读/? /: 在flood,blood及其派生词('flood ing, 'blood less等)中读/? /. ou,ow 读/au/,如h ou se, l ou d;h ow,n ow, d ow n. oul 在could,should,would 中读/u/。 our读/au?/如our, s our, h?o ur. ue读/ju:/,如’T ue sday, 'val ue, pur's ue.


元音字母和元音字母组合在单词中的发音 Aa [e?] face name game cake take lake make snake skate plate date classmate taste able table baseball eraser pencil-case plane grape baby potato lady Aa [?] bag black fat dad fan back and hand has man ant at flat lamp lamb math matter pant canteen carrot jacket lady trash catch active that family cabbage apple kangaroo animal happy grandma grandpa grandmother have grandparents thanksgiving cat can hamburger panda thank taxi pants sandals Canada Saturday Halloween January piano Aa [a:]/ [?] ask basket basketball banana father eggplant pass class classroom grass glass afternoon grandfather classmate banana tomato grandpa answer father

Aa [e] many any Aa [?] want wash watch what washroom Aa [?] again about away assistant American banana China Canada England postman sofa panda breakfast kangaroo policeman ballon vegetable Ee [?] licence open problem student children squirrel grandparents Ee [i:] me she he we these Chinese Japanese the zebra people evening Ee [e] let leg red bed bedroom ten pen pencil pencil-case yes best vest nest desk egg eggplant end send elephant seven eleven twelve twenty yellow French member shelf vegetable dress fresh help helpful very welcome center letter tell collect insects empty them menu next November when twelfth hello guess seventeen strawberry umbrella watermelon member eleven expensive get second bedroom education


英语字母和常见字母组合的发音规律1、总领:元音字母音多变,熟记规律也不难。 辅音字母显易单,见面就把音来念。 字母组合固定音,千锤百炼习语感。 遇见生词找规律,划分音节顺口连。 元音字母在中间,辅音字母两边站。 字母组合算一个,熟能生巧难亦简。 2、元音字母及字母组合的发音口诀。 元音字母a、o、e、i(y)、u 的发音口诀: 元音字母音多变,熟记规律也不难。 元音字母发音单词举例 e [i:] he she we me [e] red desk pencil [i] pretty [?] children 元音字母发音单词举例 i [ai] right night bike [i:] police [i] this which his [?] holiday 元音字母发音单词举例 a [ei] name table [a:] father class [?] basket [?] map cat [?:] water [e] America [i] orange

常见的元音字母组合的发音: 字母组合固定音,常受影响发音变,千锤百炼习语感。元音字母发音单词举例o [?u] no cold those [?:] hot sorry [?] orange [u:] whose do [?] today 元音字母发音单词举例u [ju:] music use [?] umbrella mum [u] put full push [u:] ruler blue [i] busy minute 元音字母 发音单词举例y [ai] why try [j] yes you [i] very boy 元音字母组合 发音单词举例ay [ei] day say play ar [ a:] cay star farm are [ ?] dollar grammar al [?:] ball all walk [a:] half [?l] shall


August 7th , Period 1 学习重点 1.5个元音字母开音节发音; 2./p/ /b/,/ t/ /d/,/k/ /g /三对辅音 教学步骤 Step 1. Let’s enjoy the song and fill in the blank. 重唱 Step 2. 5个元音字母开音节发音 A.理清概念:1.英语中有共_____个字母,其中元音字母______个,它们是______,______,______,______,______。

2.开音节分两种,一种叫绝对开音节,相对开音节。 例如:no, she ,ba-by ,stu-dent ②相对开音节:单个元音字母后面加单个辅音字母,再加一个不发音字母e构成的重读音节。 例如:name, these, bike, home, ex-cuse. 规律:元音字母在开音节中发_____________ 音。 B.下面我们一起来学习5个元音字母开音节发音 1. Aa在开音节中读 / ei / age(年龄) April (四月) baseball(棒球) case(盒子) bookcase (书柜) 举例子比赛:在开音节中a读 / ei / 的单词。多多益善(The more the better!) 2.E e在开音节中读/ i:/ she(她) e-mail(电子邮件) evening(晚上) Chinese(中文) 举例子比赛:在开音节中e读 / i: / 的单词。多多益善(The more the better!) 3. I i在开音节中读/ ai / nice(好的) behind(在后面) like(喜欢) ice(冰) 举例子比赛:在开音节中i读 / ai / 的单词。多多益善(The more the better!)



二发元音字母的组合 这种字母组合主要有两种构成:元音字母+元音字母,元音字母+辅音字母。下面是详细内容: ai、ay:/ei/ 比如:wait,plain,stain;play,clay,gay,pray. au、aw/?:/ 比如:caugh,caught,taught;draw,lawn. al/?:/、/a:/ 比如:talk,walk;palm,calm. ar/a:/ 比如:park,bark,mark,harm. ea/i:/ 比如:seat,tea,beach,meat. ee/i:/ 比如:jeep,deep,indeed,see,flee. oa/?u/ 比如:throat,boat,coat. oo/u:/ 比如(长音,大多数情况下):boot,shoot.(字母k之前,发短音,)/u/,比如:cook,hook,look. ou/au/ 比如:outside,cloud,mouth. oi、oy/?i/ 比如:boil,oil;toy,boy. or/?:/、/?:/ 比如:tort;worm,work,word ew/ju:/ 比如:new,nephew,few. ow/au/、/?u/ 比如:down,town,cow;crow,grow,blow. all/?:l/ 比如:tall,hall,mall,ball. ank/?ηk/ 比如:tank,thank. ass/a:s/ 比如:grass,class,glass,brass. ask/a:sk/ 比如:task,mask,basket. air/ε?/ 比如:hair,air,pair. are/ε?/ 比如:hare,mare,bare,glare. ear/i?/、/?:/ 比如:hear,tear,clear;heard,learn.


元音字母元音字母在重读音节中的读音在非重读音节中的读音特殊读音 a 在开音节中[ei] name plane Jane baby 在闭音节中[?] bag dad hat map black [e] China another woman breakfast [i] orange comrade village cabbage 1、元音字母在种读音中特殊读音a 在[w]音后面[?] want what watch wash quality a在f n sk ph sp ss st th前[a:] after plant graph ask grasp glass fast father i在-nd -ld 和gh前[ai] find child light high o 在-st -ld前[eu] most postcard old cold o在m n v th前[?] come monkey love mother 2、-r音节元 音字组在重读音节中的读音ar [a:] car farm dark sharpener 在[w]音后 面[?:] warm quarter towards or [?:] forty morning short 在[w]音后 面[?:] word worker worse er ir ur [?:]certainly bird Thursday e 在开音节中[i:] he these me Chinese 在闭音节中[e] bed let pen desk yes [e] hundred student open weekend children [i] chicken pocket begin i 在开音节中[ai] bike fly drive time nice 在闭音节中[i] fish big drink sit milk [e]/[i] holiday beautiful family animal [ai] exercise satellite o 在开音节中[eu] those close go hoe 在闭音节中[?] clock not box shop [e] second tonight somebody welcome [eu] also zero photo u 在开音节中[ju:] student excuse duty 在闭音节中[?] bus cup jump much 在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音 字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例 [e] autumn diffcult [ju:] popular congratulation January 动词中的a如果处在 开音节位置, a读[ei]音,例 如:operate u处在开音节位置, 又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读


字母及字母组合发音规律总结 单元音 1)[i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei thr ee[θr i:]tr ee[tr i:]m ee t[m i:t]b ee f[b i:f]s ee k [s i:k] ea t[i:t]t ea[t i:]m ea t[m i:t]l ea ve[l i:v]sp ea k[sp i:k] h e[h i:]sh e[?i:]m e[m i:] p i ece[p i:s]rece i ve[ri's i:v]ce i ling['s i:li?] 2)[i]发音字母i y e ey s i t[s i t]p i cture['p i kt??]l i sten['l i s?n]m i x[m i ks]f i x [f i ks]m i ss[m i s] m y th[m iθ]man y['men i]happ y['h?p i]d i ctionar y ['d i k??n?r i] d e fect[d i'fekt]d e cide[d i'said]d e l i cious[d i'l i??s] 3)[?]发音字母a ai a ctress['?ktris]h a ppy['h?pi] b a d[b?d]bl a ck[bl?k] gl a d[ɡl?d] 4)[e]字母组合ea e a h ea d[h e d]br ea d[br e d]pl ea sure['pl e??]m a ny['m e ni]

a ny['e ni] e lephant['e lif?nt]el e ctric[i'l e ktrik]s e ll[s e l]l e sson ['l e s?n] 5)[?:]字母组合ir ur ear ur or g ir l[ɡ?:l]sh ir t[??:t]sk ir t[sk?:t]b ir d[b?:d] t ur n[t?:n]b ur n[b?:n]m ur der['m?:d?]n ur se[n?:s] l ea rn[l?:n]ear n[?:n]ear th[?:θ]h ear d[h?:d] t er m[t?:m]h er[h?:]n er d[n?:d]s er ve[s?:v] w or k[w?:k]w or m[w?:m]w or k[w?:k]w or ld[w?:ld] 6)[?]字母组合er or ou ar o a e u lead er['li:d?]play er['plei?]speak er['spi:k?]farm er ['fɑ:m?] act or['?kt?]may or['mε?]auth or['?:θ?]tract or['tr?kt?] Delici ou s[di'li??s]graci ou s['ɡrei??s] f a mili ar[f?'milj?]coll ar['k?l?]doll ar['d?l?] t o day[t?'dei]shall o p['??l?p]p o lite[p?'lait]a round [?'raund]a go[?'ɡ?u] mant a['m?nt?]b a nan a[b?'nɑ:n?]famul u s['f?mjul?s] 7)[a:]字母组合ar a c ar[kɑ:]f ar m[fɑ:m]c ar d[kɑ:d]ar m[ɑ:m]g ar den


元音字母的发音规律总结 1.字母a的发音规律: (1) 在开音节中读/ei/,也就是字母名称音。 如:name[neim] , plane [plein], baby[?beibi], cake[keik] (2) 在闭音节中读/?/。 如:bag[b?ɡ], hat [h?t],cap [k?p], map[m?p], black[bl?k], back[b?k] (3) 在/w/音后读/?/。 如:want[w?nt], what[hw?t], watch[w?t?], wash[w??], quality [?kw?liti] (4) 在f n sk ph sp ss st th前读/a:/。 如:after[?ɑ:ft?], plant [plɑ:nt], graph[ɡrɑ:f]图表, ask [ɑ:sk], grasp[ɡrɑ:sp], glass[ɡlɑ:s], fast[fɑ:st], father[?fɑ:e?] 试读下列单词: brave [breiv], cave[keiv], crazy [?kreizi], adverb [??dv ?:b], ant[?nt], swallow [?sw?l?u], quarrel[?kw?r?l], advance[?d?v ɑ:ns], disaster [di?zɑ:st?][美] [d??z?st?, -?s?s-]生词本 n.灾难;彻底的失败;不幸;祸患 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 (1) anger A. platform B. shame C. chance D. wallet


字母及字母组合发音规律整理 1.单元音字母的发音规律。 重读弱读 字母在开音节 中的发音 例词在闭音节中 的发音 例词发音例词 a /e?/ate /?/at /?/ /?/zebra e /i:/be /e/bet /?/ /?/absent i /a?/kite /?/kit /?/ /?/terrible o /??/note /?/not /?/ parrot u /ju:/ use / ?/us /?/ /?/bonus 2.单个辅音字母的发音规律 辅音字母发音例词 不变化的辅音字母p /p/nap lip tap b /b/lab bat t / t/bat fit rat d /d/ zed kid k / k/kid kin f /f/fat fan v /v/van vet z /z/ zed zen h / h/hat him hot r / r/ run rat j /d?/jet jam l / ?/lam lab lot

m /m/map man him n /n/ ten nap w / w/win wet 3. 变化的辅音的发音规律: 变化 c /s/cycle nice rice(在“e、i、y前”) 的辅 音字 母 / k/ fact came cute g /d?/ age gym gin /g/ get gift foggy(不在字母“e、i、y 前”) quit quick quiz (跟字母“u”) q / kw/ x / ks/ next box text fox /gz/ exam s /s/在词首、双写和在清辅音后面 sad safe same miss kiss glass its cats likes caps maps /z/ 在元音和浊辅音后面 beds bags animals smiles photos

5个元音字母 5个元音字母的音标

5个元音字母Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 一、时间名词前所用介词 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行。 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in。 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行。 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错。 at也用在明分前,说“差”可要用上to, 说“过”只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记,莫让岁月空蹉跎。 On Christmas Eve at 100(dawn,midnight,noon)at Christmas in (during)1988(December,the 20th century)二、反身代词 1、第一、二人称的反身代词是由形容词性物主代词加上-self或-selves构成的。如

I—myself we—ourselves You -- yourself you -- yourselves 2、第三人称的反身代词是由人称代词的宾格加上-self或-selves构成的。如 she—herself he--himself it--itself they--themselves one—oneself enjoy oneself 玩得高兴; help oneself (to) 随便用;hurt oneself 伤害自己;teach oneself 自学;get dressed oneself 自己穿衣 三、名词复数规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s, 如book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如bus-buses, box-boxes, push-pushes,
