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Unit 1

My grandma

My grandma was a short woman with grey hair. She was always cheerful.

She was a very good cook. Her dishes were probably the best in the world!

I will never forget the taste, and the smell as well.

Grandma took care of my family. She was really kind and patient.

She died two years ago and I miss her very much.

— Ben


Alice is my best friend. She is a tall girl with glasses.

She often tells me jokes to make me laugh, but she never makes fun of others. Alice is a smart girl. She is good at Maths.

We often study and play table tennis together.I hope we will always remain friends. — Joyce

Mr Li

Mr Li is my Maths teacher. He is tall and thin.

His classes are always full of fun. He uses lots of games in his teaching.

Mr Li is strict about our studies, but he always encourages us and gives us support. He often says, “Never give up and you’ll be successful.”

— Amy


















他总是说, “从不放弃,你就会成功。”

Unit 2 France is calling

France is in Western Europe. It is a country with many beautiful places.

Paris is the capital of France. Here you will find many famous places of interest

such as the Eiffel Tower.

You can go to the Louvre Museum if you like art. The most famous street in Paris is the Champs-Elysees.

This is the place to go if you want to visit some shops and department stores. France is very famous for its wine.

There are many vineyards in the centre of France and farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine.

The south of France lies on the coast, and it is famous for its wonderful beaches.

A French tower by the sea is the perfect place for a summer holiday, but if you prefer to visit France in winter, you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Alps.

France has something for everyone, so why not visit France this year?











Unit 3 A blind man and his “eyes” in a fire

One day, John Dancer and Charlie arrived at a hotel.、

“Good evening, sir,” said the receptionist.

“You’re welcome to stay, but I’m sorry that we don’t allow pets here.”“Charlie isn’t a pet,” said John. “He’s my eyes. I’m blind and I can’t go anywhere by myself .”

The receptionist apologized and led John and Charlie to their room.

John was very tired. He soon fell asleep. Some time later, Charlie started barking. John woke up and smelt smoke. A fire! Smoke started to come in from under the door. With Charlie’s help, John put some wet towels along the bottom of the door. Then he got down on the floor next to Charlie and waited.

Soon he heard the sound of a fire engine. A fireman arrived and got him out of the building, but the fireman did not want to take Charlie.

John would not go without his “eyes”.

Finally, the fireman got Charlie out of the building too and they were both safe. 盲人和他“火”中的眼睛













Unit 4 Trees in our daily lives

Rebecca wants to know more about trees and how they help us.

She is interviewing Dr Jones about trees.

Rebecca: How do trees help us, Dr Jones?

Dr Jones: They help us in many ways. They keep the air cool and clean.

They take in harmful gases from the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe. They’re major fighters against air pollution.

Rebecca: I know trees also make our lives more convenient. Many of the things in our daily lives come from trees.

For example, paper and pencils.

Dr Jones: You’re right, Rebecca. In fact, we get a lot more from trees.

We get fruit and oil from them. Tea also comes from the leaves of trees.

Look around this room. A lot of the furniture is made of wood.

Trees are really important in our daily lives.

Rebecca: I can’t imagine a world without trees.

Dr Jones: But we cut down millions of trees every year.

We should stop doing this if we don’t want a world without trees.
















Unit 5 Water talks

Dora was in the bathroom. The tap was on.

“Turn that tap off,” said an angry voice.” You’re wasting water.”

Dora looked around, but there was no one there.

“Who are you?”

“I’m a drop of water. Do you know where I come from?”

“From the tap?” asked Dora.

“A few days ago, I was in a cloud,” said the drop of water. “Then I dropped into a river and ran into a reservoir. Then it was time for people to clean me.”“Clean you?” Dora asked.

“Yes. I was dirty. They cleaned me and added some chemicals to me.

Then I travelled through the pipes under the streets and now I’m here.”“Dora asked, “So is this the end of your journey?”

“No. People will make me clean again. I’ll go into a river and then into the sea again.”

“Again? ”

“Yes. My journey starts there. Remember not to waste or pollute me. I’m valuable.”Dora turned the tap off and came out of the bathroom.

















Unit 6 Electricity all around

One evening, Daisy said,” I’m going to buy a packet of sweets. Does anyone want anything?”

Benny, Daisy’s brother replied, “ Can you get me a packet of electricity?”“Yes, I can,” said Daisy. Then she went out.

Benny laughed, “She can’t buy electricity in packets like sweets! She’ll look foolish.”

Mum said, “You mustn’t say that, Benny!”

“What do you know about electricity, Benny?” Dad asked.

“Electricity gives us power. It flows through wires. It’s like water, in a way,”said Benny.

“You’re right! Electricity comes into our flat through thin wires.

These are connected to cables under the street,” Dad added.

“What are the cables connected to?” asked Benny.

“They’re connected to a power station,” answered Dad.

A moment later, Daisy came back.

“May I have my packet of electricity?” Benny asked.

“Here you are!” said Daisy.

“But…these are batteries!” said Benny.

“Daisy’s right,” said Dad. “The chemicals inside batteries produce electricity.”Mum said, “Who looks foolish now, Benny?”



















Unit 7

1. Dad 1.爸爸

He comes home, has a shower 他回家,洗个淋浴

, And eats dinner, every day. 和每天吃晚餐

Now, he’s sitting in his favourite chair 现在,他正坐在他最爱的椅子上

Too tired to laugh or play. 太累了,不能笑和玩。

He reads his book or newspaper 他读书和看报

To learn what’s new today. 为了知道


Soon he’ll go to bed. 不久他将去睡觉

He’s a boring man, my dad. 他是一个无聊的人,我的爸爸。

Then I see him working, 然后我看见他工作

On the building site. 在大楼建筑工地上。

He’s high up in the clouds 他高高的在云朵里

Higher than a kite. 比一个风筝还高。

He’s walking on a narrow piece of wood 他正走在一根狭窄的木头上

Not worried about the height, 不担心高度,

Not afraid, not afraid like me. 不害怕,不像我一样害怕。

He’s a superman, my dad. 他是一个超人,我的爸爸。

2. The old newspaper seller 2.老卖报者

He’s sitting at the newspaper stand 他正坐在报纸摊

Near the bus stop, 在公交站附近,

And he’s smiling. 并且他在微笑。

It’s very hot. 天气是很热的。

But he’s smiling. 但是他在微笑。

A bus stops, and the people rush out. 一辆公交车停了,和人们快速出来

They’re hurrying to work. 他们在急着去上班。

They don’t have much time to smile. 他们没有许多时间微笑。

They take their papers quickly, 他们快速地拿他们的报纸,

And put down some money. 和放下一些钱。But he’s a patient man, 但是他是一


And he’s still smiling. 和他仍然在微笑。

A crowd of people, 一群人,

All very busy, with tired faces, 都很忙,有着疲倦的脸,

And just one smile. 和刚刚一个微笑。

Is there just one smile in this city? 在这个城市里刚刚只有一个微笑吗?

Or will you make it two? 或者你会使它成为两个吗?

Let’s make a million smiles! 让我们制作一百万个微笑吧!

Unit 8

My lifetime hobby—studying stars

By Patrick Moore

When I was eight, I got a book about stars. That was the beginning of lifetime hobby.

I used to go outside with my mum on clear nights and look velvet with a million diamonds on it.

In different seasons, we saw different groups of stars.

Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly across the sky. How beautiful they were! Studying the stars was great fun for me.

Once I learnt a little about them, I soon wanted to find out more and more. Now it is my career. I host a TV programme called The Sky at Night.

I use my knowledge to tell people about the stars in a lively way.

I am proud of my TV programme---it has lasted for more than 50 years!













Unit1 2d: Jane: 你好,鲍勃,你想加入什么俱乐部? Bob:我想加入运动俱乐部。 Jane:棒极了!你会玩什么运动? Bob:足球. Jane:这么说你可以加入足球俱乐部。 Bob:那么你呢?你非常善长讲故事.你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。 Jane:听起来不错。但我也喜欢画画。 Bob:那就加入两个俱乐部,讲故事俱乐部和美术俱乐部! Jane:好的,让我们现在去加入吧! Section B 2a: 1.你好,我是Peter,我喜欢打篮球。我会说英语,我也会踢足球。 2.你好,我是Ma Huan,我会打乒乓球和下国际象棋。我喜欢与人们交谈和做游戏。 3.我的名字是Alan。我在学校音乐俱乐部。我会弹吉他和钢琴。我也会唱歌和跳舞。 2b: (A)我们老人之家需要帮助。在七月份你有空吗?你善于与老人相处吗?你会与他们说话做游戏吗?他们会给你讲故事,你们可以交 朋友。它既有趣又好玩!请在今天拨打电话698-7729与我们联系。 (C)放学后你忙吗?不忙?你会说英语吗?是吗?那么,我们需要 你帮助说英语的学生做运动。这事轻松的,容易的!请来学生运动中 心吧。拨打电话293-7742联系Mr.Brown. (B)你会弹钢琴或者拉小提琴吗?在周末你有时间吗?学校需要帮助教音乐。它不难!拨打电话555-3721联系https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6015939211.html,ler. Unit2 2d: Interviewer :Scott有一份有趣的工作。他在一家广播电台工作。Scott,你的广播节目在几点?Scott:从晚上十二点到早上六点。 Interviewer :你通常几点起床? Scott:晚上八点半。然后我九点吃早饭。Interviewer :那是个有趣的早饭的时间。 Scott:是的。之后,我通常在十点二十左右锻炼。Interviewer :你什么时候去上班? Scott:在十一点,所以我工作从不迟到。 2b:你好,我是Tony,我不喜欢早起床。在早上,我八点起床。然后,我在八点三十去上学。我没有许多时间吃早饭,因此,我通常吃的非常快。午饭我通常吃汉堡。放学后,我有时打半小时篮球。当我到家的时候,我总是先做作业。在晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。在十点三十,我刷牙,然后上床睡觉。 Mary是我的妹妹。她通常在六点半起床。然后她总是洗淋浴,吃丰盛的早饭。然后,她在八点三十去上学。在十二点,她吃许多水果和蔬菜作为午饭。午饭后,她有时打排球。她总是在晚饭后吃冰激凌。她知道那对她不好,但冰激凌尝起来好极了!在晚上,她做家庭作业,通常还要游泳或者散步。在九点三十,她上床睡觉。 Unit3 section A 2e: Lisa:嗨,Jane.这是你的自行车吗? Jane:是的,我每天骑它去上学。你是怎样到学校的? Lisa:我通常乘公共汽车。 Jane:从你家到学校有多远? Lisa:我不确定...... 大约有10千米?乘公共汽车大约需要20分钟。你到学校花费多长时间? Jane:骑自行车大约需要15分钟。那是很好的锻炼。Lisa:是的。哦,祝你在学校度过快乐的一天。Jane:你也是。 Section B: 2b:过河去学校 你是怎样到学校的?你步行还是骑自行车?你乘公共汽车还是乘火车去?对于许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。但是对于在中国的一个小村庄里的学生来说,是困难的。在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条很大的河。那儿没有桥,对于小船来说,这条河流太湍急不能摆渡。因此这些学生乘索道过河去学校。 一个11岁的男孩,亮亮,每个上学日都过河。但是他不害怕。“我爱和我的同学们玩耍。我爱我的老师。他对我来说,就像父亲一样。” 这些学生和村民中的许多人从没有离开过这个村庄。有一座桥是他们的梦想。他们的梦想能实现吗? 3a: 嗨,远方的人, 你好吗?谢谢你的上一封电子邮件。你想知道我怎样到学校,对吗?奥,我通常在大约8点离开家,步行去公共汽车站。校车通常在大约8:15来。学校离我家大约20千米。乘公共汽车到那儿大约花费40分钟。乘公共汽车从来不枯燥,因为我总是


Lesson Thirteen Work 工作 究竟工作是幸福还是痛苦的源泉,这可能是一个难以回答的问题。 Whether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful question. 毫无疑问有许多工作是非常令人厌烦的,而且过多的工作总是十分痛苦的事。 There is certainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess of work is always very painful. 然而我认为,只要不过量,对多数人来说即使是最枯燥的工作也比终日无所事事要好些。 I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness. 工作给人的愉快的程度多种多样,从仅仅是消烦解闷到产生巨大的快乐,这会随工作的性质和工 作者的能力而异。 There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tedium up to the profoundest delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker. 大多数人不得不从事的工作本身大都无乐趣可言,但即使是这样的工作也有一些很大的好处。Most of the work that most people have to do is not in itself interesting, but even such work has certain great advantages. 首先,工作可将一天的许多时间占满,人们不必再费神来决定应干些什么,大多数人在可以自由地按自己的愿望打发时间时,常常会不知所措,想不起有什么令人愉快的事值得去做。 To begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what one shall do. Most people, when they are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice, are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing. 而他们的决定又总是受到干扰,觉得干别的什么事也许会更令人愉快。 And whatever they decide on, they are troubled by the feeling that something else would have been pleasanter. 能够有意义地利用闲暇时间是文明发展到最高阶段的结果,而目前很少有人能达到这一层次。To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level. 何况作出选择本身就是件令人厌烦的事。 Moreover the exercise of choice is in itself tiresome. 除了那些具有非凡主动性的人,其他的人肯定有人乐于被告诉一天中的每时每刻该做什么, 当然命令他们做的事不能太令人厌烦。 Except to people with unusual initiative it is positively agreeable to be told what to do at each hour of the day, provided the orders are not too unpleasant. 多数无所事事的阔佬免遭从事单调乏味工作之苦,但代价是莫名其妙的无聊。 Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery. 有时他们去非洲猎取巨兽或环绕世界飞行来解闷,但这类刺激的数量有限,尤其到了中年以后更 是如此。 At times they may find relief by hunting big game in Africa, or by flying round the world, but the number of such sensations is limited, especially after youth is past. 因此较为明智的阔佬们工作起来几乎像穷人一样卖力,而有钱的女人则大多忙于她们自以为


高级英语第二册课文翻译 Unit1 Pub Talk and the King's English 酒吧闲聊与标准英语 亨利?费尔利 人类的一切活动中,只有闲谈最宜于增进友谊,而且是人类特有的一种活动。动物之间的信息交流,不论其方式何等复杂,也是称不上交谈的。 闲谈的引人人胜之处就在于它没有一个事先定好的话题。它时而迂回流淌,时而奔腾起伏,时而火花四射,时而热情洋溢,话题最终会扯到什么地方去谁也拿不准。要是有人觉得“有些话要说”,那定会大煞风景,使闲聊无趣。闲聊不是为了进行争论。闲聊中常常会有争论,不过其目的并不是为了说服对方。闲聊之中是不存在什么输赢胜负的。事实上,真正善于闲聊的人往往是随时准备让步的。也许他们偶然间会觉得该把自己最得意的奇闻轶事选出一件插进来讲一讲,但一转眼大家已谈到别处去了,插话的机会随之而失,他们也就听之任之。 或许是由于我从小混迹于英国小酒馆的缘故吧,我觉得酒瞎里的闲聊别有韵味。酒馆里的朋友对别人的生活毫无了解,他们只是临时凑到一起来的,彼此并无深交。他们之中也许有人面临婚因破裂,或恋爱失败,或碰到别的什么不顺心的事儿,但别人根本不管这些。他们就像大仲马笔下的三个火枪手一样,虽然日夕相处,却从不过问彼此的私事,也不去揣摸别人内心的秘密。 有一天晚上的情形正是这样。人们正漫无边际地东扯西拉,从最普通的凡人俗事谈到有关木星的科学趣闻。谈了半天也没有一个中心话题,事实上也不需要有一个中心话题。可突然间大伙儿的话题都集中到了一处,中心话题奇迹般地出现了。我记不起她那句话是在什么情况下说出来的——她显然不是预先想好把那句话带到酒馆里来说的,那也不是什么非说不可的要紧话——我只知道她那句话是随着大伙儿的话题十分自然地脱口而出的。 “几天前,我听到一个人说‘标准英语’这个词语是带贬义的批评用语,指的是人们应该尽量避免使用的英语。” 此语一出,谈话立即热烈起来。有人赞成,也有人怒斥,还有人则不以为然。最后,当然少不了要像处理所有这种场合下的意见分歧一样,由大家说定次日一早去查证一下。于是,问题便解决了。不过,酒馆闲聊并不需要解决什么问题,大伙儿仍旧可以糊里糊涂地继续闲扯下去。 告诉她“标准英语”应作那种解释的原来是个澳大利亚人。得悉此情,有些人便说起刻薄话来了,说什么囚犯的子孙这样说倒也不足为怪。这样,在五分钟内,大家便像到澳大利亚游览了一趟。在那样的社会里,“标准英语”自然是不受欢迎的。每当上流社会想给“规范英语”制订一些条条框框时,总会遭到下层人民的抵制 看看撒克逊农民与征服他们的诺曼底统治者之间的语言隔阂吧。于是话题又从19世纪的澳大利亚囚犯转到12世纪的英国农民。谁对谁错,并没有关系。闲聊依旧热火朝天。 有人举出了一个人所共知,但仍值得提出来发人深思的例子。我们谈到饭桌上的肉食时用法语词,而谈到提供这些肉食的牲畜时则用盎格鲁一撒克逊词。猪圈里的活猪叫pig,饭桌上吃的猪肉便成了pork(来自法语pore);地里放牧着的牛叫cattle,席上吃的牛肉则叫beef(来自法语boeuf);Chicken用作肉食时变成poultry(来自法语poulet);calf加工成肉则变成veal(来自法语vcau)。即便我们的菜单没有为了装洋耍派头而写成法语,我们所用的英语仍然是诺曼底式的英语。这一切向我们昭示了诺曼底人征服之后英国文化上所存在的深刻的阶级裂痕。 撒克逊农民种地养畜,自己出产的肉自己却吃不起,全都送上了诺曼底人的餐桌。农民们只能吃到在地里乱窜的兔子。兔子肉因为便宜,诺曼底贵族自然不屑去吃它。因此,活兔子和吃的兔子肉共用rabbit


第一单元 SectionA 图片您的笔友来自哪?她来自澳大利亚。您的笔友来自哪?她来自日本。 2d约翰的笔友来自哪? 她来自日本。她住在哪?她住在东京。 Grammar Focus您的笔友来自哪?她来自澳大利亚。约翰的笔友来自哪?她来自日本。她住在哪?她住在巴黎。3b这就是我的新笔友。她来自澳大利亚。她讲什么语言? 她讲英语。 4问题:悉尼在哪儿?答案:在澳大利亚!悉尼在哪儿? 在美国。不,在澳大利亚。 SectionB 2a 她叫什么名字?她来自哪?她有兄弟姐妹不?她最喜欢的学科就是什么?她讲英语不?她住在那? 2c那就是您的笔友不?就是的,她(她)就是。 3a亲爱的同学: 我的名字叫鲍勃。我住在加拿大的多伦多。我想交一个中国笔友。我为中国就是个很有趣的国家。我14岁,就是十一月出生的。我说英语,还能讲一点法语。我有一个哥哥叫保罗,还有一个妹妹萨拉。她们有英国与澳大利亚的笔友。我喜欢与朋友们一起瞧电影,做体育运动。在学校里最喜欢上体育课。它非常有意思。但就是我不喜欢数学。她太难了! 您能尽快给我回信不? 鲍勃 3b寻找笔友 我的名字叫汤姆?金,我十四岁了。来自澳大利亚。我讲英语。我有一个哥哥萨姆,还有一个妹妹莉萨。我在周末玩足球,她就是我最喜欢的运动。在学校里我喜欢音乐。她很有趣!我最喜欢的电影就是《漫长的周末》。您知道不?它就是一部动作片。 请写信告诉我有关您的情况。 Self check 1加拿大日本从……纽约东京英语法语居住笔友日语语言美国澳大利亚法国英国新加坡 Just for fun 您从哪里来?火星。我讲英语与火星语。 第二单元 SectionA 图片这儿附近有银行不?就是的,有。它在中心大街。 2a1、投币式公用电话在图书馆对面。 2、投币式公用电话紧挨着图书馆。 3、投币式公用电话在邮局与图书馆之间。 4、投币式公用电话在格林街上。 5、投币式公用电话在图书馆的前面。 6、投币式公用电话在图书馆后面。2b1、图书馆在饭店与超市之间。2、公园在银行对面。3、超市在第五大街上。4、投币式公用电话在邮局的旁边。5、饭店在邮局的前面。6、旅馆在图书馆的后面。 2c超市在哪儿?它紧挨着图书馆。 Grammar Focus 这儿有超市不?就是的,有。/不,没有。 银行在哪儿?在中心街上。 旅馆在哪儿?在银行对面。 公用电话在哪儿?紧挨着邮局。 图书馆在哪儿?在餐馆与超市之间。 3a保罗:劳驾。请问这附近有旅馆不?南希:有。径直往前走,然后向左转。沿着大桥街走,在右边。它在超市的旁边。保罗:非常感谢。南希:不用客气。 4它就是在第五大街不?就是的,它就是。它在图书馆旁边不?就是的,它就是。它就是饭店不?就是的,它就是。SectionB 1a一个干净的公园一家新旅馆一条安静的街道一家大型的超市一个脏乱的公园一家小型超市一家旧旅馆一条繁华的大街 1b您家附近有一个大超市不?就是的,有一个。 2c有一个大超市。不,有一个小超市。 3a 欢迎来到花园区 在第一大街向左转,来享受城市宁静的街道与小公园。步行穿过中心大道上的公园,公园的对面就是一家老式的旅馆、紧挨着旅馆的就是一座带有一个有趣的花园的小房子。这就就是您花园旅行的开始。 3b来参观大桥街 大桥街就是一个玩得开心的好地方。这就是一条非常繁忙的街道。您可以在公园弹吉她。它就在那儿。在饭店与邮局之间。如果您饿了,您可以在超市买一些吃的,它在邮局的对面。 4b我家在一条繁华的街道上。 Self check 1 邮局投币式公用电话在……前面超市旅馆银行街道公园干净的肮脏的新的旧的安静的繁忙的大的小的左边右边在……之间在……旁边在……后面餐馆 3 亲爱的朋友: 我知道您下个星期就会到达。让我来告诉您来我家路吧。从飞机场乘出租车,经过一个位于您右边的银行,然后沿长街继续走,穿过第六大街、第七大街与第八大街。当您瞧到一个大超市时,向左拐。然后沿着大桥街继续走,在新公园处左拐。沿着中心大街走,我家就在您的右边。 祝您旅途愉快。 您的, 迈克


Lesson One 1.This picture brings back many pleasant memories of her Spanish holiday. 2.News and weather forecasts reports are staples of radio programmes. 3.By mere accident Tom met in a bar his long-lost brother who was thought to have been killed in action during the war. 4.Bill intuited something criminal in their plan. 5.They think that obsessive tidiness in factory is a bad sign . 6.Yesterday his mother sold several years’ worth of paper and magazines. 7.His heartening speech impelled us to (work with) greater efforts. 8.Those who enjoy pulling off a miracle often fail. 9.As language students we should have a sense of nuances of plain words and expressions. 10.The rude behavior of Mrs. Taylor’s ado pted son is driving her into a nervous breakdown. 11.I like to see films in general, and American Western and horrors in particular. 12.In some sense Mary saw in her aunt a surrogate of her mother. 13.My father never equivocated, and he always gave some brief but poignant opinions. 14.Though he disabled, he never tries of helping people. 15.In any country, those who are remiss in their duty must be severely punished. 16.Awareness of the fact that the child was in danger impelled the policeman to action. Lesson 2 1. A. The chances are that they will be held up by traffic on their way to the airport. B. the plane takes off at 6:35. It would be a pity if they couldn’t make it. 2.Another popular notion which is in fact a misconception is that expensive clothes invariably raise one’s status. 3.Can you imagine what kind of life a man has lived who aspires to excellence and abhors mediocrity? 4. A copy of our latest product catalogue will be sent free of charge if you will fill up the form on the reverse of this card and post it. 5.It will be an absurdity, if not a catastrophe. If half of the population of this city abandons their posts and goes in for business. 6.Because they want their kids to be somebodies, some well-intentioned parents exercise enormous pressures on their children and the results all too often prove the reverse. 7.The revered professor predicted that these brilliant young people would surely make their way in the scientific-technical realm in a few years. 8.Many writers have quitted writing stories because, as they say there is no market for them. Yet Lessing sticks and she would go on even if there really wasn’t any home for them but a private drawer. 9.Satire under his pen is only a means to an end, a form to expose social evils. 10.It seemed no body at the party, not even the reporters, made special note of the general’s absence which might have aroused the suspicion of his rivals.


《高级英语》课文逐句翻译(12) 我为什么写作 Lesson 12:Why I Write 从很小的时候,大概五、六岁,我知道长大以后将成为一个作家。 From a very early age,perhaps the age of five or six,I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer. 从15到24岁的这段时间里,我试图打消这个念头,可总觉得这样做是在戕害我的天性,认为我迟早会坐下来伏案著书。 Between the ages of about seventeen and twenty-four I tried to adandon this idea,but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books. 三个孩子中,我是老二。老大和老三与我相隔五岁。8岁以前,我很少见到我爸爸。由于这个以及其他一些缘故,我的性格有些孤僻。我的举止言谈逐渐变得很不讨人喜欢,这使我在上学期间几乎没有什么朋友。 I was the middle child of three,but there was a gap of five years on either side,and I barely saw my father before I was eight- For this and other reasons I was somewhat lonely,and I soon developed disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my schooldays. 我像一般孤僻的孩子一样,喜欢凭空编造各种故事,和想像的人谈话。我觉得,从一开始,我的文学志向就与一种孤独寂寞、被人冷落的感觉联系在一起。我知道我有驾驭语言的才能和直面令人不快的现实的能力。这一切似乎造就了一个私人的天地,在此天地中我能挽回我在日常生活中的不得意。 I had the lonely child's habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary persons,and I think from the very start my literary ambitions were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated and undervalued. 我知道我有驾驭语言的才能和直面令人不快的现实的能力。这一切似乎造就了一个私人的天地,在此天地中我能挽回我在日常生活中的不得意。 I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts,and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my failure 还是一个小孩子的时候,我就总爱把自己想像成惊险传奇中的主人公,例如罗宾汉。但不久,我的故事不再是粗糙简单的自我欣赏了。它开始趋向描写我的行动和我所见所闻的人和事。


初一下册英语课文翻译 第一单元 SectionA Grammar Focus你的笔友来自哪?他来自澳大利亚。约翰的笔友来自哪?他来自日本。他住在哪?他住在巴黎。 3b这是我的新笔友。她来自澳大利亚。他讲什么语言? 她讲英语。4问题:悉尼在哪儿?答案:在澳大利亚!悉尼在哪儿? 在美国。不,在澳大利亚。 SectionB 2a 她叫什么名字?她来自哪?她有兄弟姐妹吗?她最喜欢的学科是什么?她讲英语吗?她住在那? 3a亲爱的同学: 我的名字叫鲍勃。我住在加拿大的多伦多。我想交一个中国笔友。我为中国是个很有趣的国家。我14岁,是十一月出生的。我说英语,还能讲一点法语。我有一个哥哥叫保罗,还有一个妹妹萨拉。他们有英国和澳大利亚的笔友。我喜欢与朋友们一起看电影,做体育运动。在学校里最喜欢上体育课。它非常有意思。但是我不喜欢数学。他太难了! 你能尽快给我回信吗? 鲍勃 3b寻找笔友 我的名字叫汤姆?金,我十四岁了。来自澳大利亚。我讲英语。我有一个哥哥萨姆,还有一个妹妹莉萨。我在周末玩足球,他是我最喜欢的运动。在学校里我喜欢音乐。他很有趣!我最喜欢的电影是《漫长的周末》。你知道吗?它是一部动作片。 请写信告诉我有关你的情况。 第二单元 SectionA 2a1、投币式公用电话在图书馆对面。 2、投币式公用电话紧挨着图书馆。 3、投币式公用电话在邮局和图书馆之间。 4、投币式公用电话在格林街上。 5、投币式公用电话在图书馆的前面。 6、投币式公用电话在图书馆后面。 2b1、图书馆在饭店和超市之间。2、公园在银行对面。3、超市在第五大街上。4、投币式公用电话在邮局的旁边。5、饭店在邮局的前面。6、旅馆在图书馆的后面。 Grammar Focus 这儿有超市吗?是的,有。/不,没有。 银行在哪儿?在中心街上。 旅馆在哪儿?在银行对面。 公用电话在哪儿?紧挨着邮局。 图书馆在哪儿?在餐馆和超市之间。3a保罗:劳驾。请问这附近有旅馆吗?南希:有。径直往前走,然后向左转。沿着大桥街走,在右边。它在超市的旁边。保罗:非常感谢。南希:不用客气。 4它是在第五大街吗?是的,它是。它在图书馆旁边吗?是的,它是。它是饭店吗?是的,它是。 SectionB 1a一个干净的公园一家新旅馆一条安静的街道一家大型的超市一个脏乱的公园一家小型超市一家旧旅馆一条繁华的大街 3a 欢迎来到花园区 在第一大街向左转,来享受城市宁静的街道和小公园。步行穿过中心大道上的公园,公园的对面是一家老式的旅馆.紧挨着旅馆的是一座带有一个有趣的花园的小房子。这就是你花园旅行的开始。 3b来参观大桥街 大桥街是一个玩得开心的好地方。这是一条非常繁忙的街道。你可以在公园弹吉他。它就在那儿。在饭店和邮局之间。如果你饿了,你可以在超市买一些吃的,它在邮局的对面。 Self check 3 亲爱的朋友: 我知道你下个星期就会到达。让我来告诉你来我家 路吧。从飞机场乘出租车,经过一个位于你右边的银行,然后沿长街继续走,穿过第六大街、第七大街和第八大街。当你看到一个大超市时,向左拐。然后沿着大桥街继续走,在新公园处左拐。沿着中心大街走,我家就在你的右边。 祝你旅途愉快。 你的, 迈克 第三单元 SectionA 2b 让我们看树袋熊吧。你为什么喜欢树袋熊?因为它们很可爱。哦,我喜欢海豚。你为什么喜欢海豚?因为它们很有趣。 2c 你喜欢长颈鹿吗?是的,我喜欢。为什么?因为它们很有趣。Grammar Focus 你为什么喜欢熊猫?因为它们非常可爱。他为什么喜欢树袋熊?因为它们有点有趣。 3b 狮子来自哪?狮子来自南非。 SectionB 3你喜欢什么动物?我喜欢大象。它们可爱。你喜欢别的什么动物?我也喜欢狗。为什么?因为它们友好又聪明。 3a 莫利这是莫利,她十二岁。她来自非洲。她喜欢和她的朋友一起玩,并且喜欢吃草。 玲玲这是玲玲,她五岁,她来自中国。她非常漂亮,但是很害羞。所以请保持安静。


Lesson One 1. This picture brings back many pleasant memories of her Spanish holiday. 2. News and weather forecasts reports are staples of radio programmes. 3. By mere accident Tom met in a bar his long-lost brother who was thought to have been killed in action during the war. 4. Bill intuited something criminal in their plan. 5. They think that obsessive tidiness in factory is a bad sign . 6. Yesterday his mother sold several years’ worth of paper and magazines. 7. His heartening speech impelled us to (work with) greater efforts. 8. Those who enjoy pulling off a miracle often fail. 9. As language students we should have a sense of nuances of plain words and expressions. 10. The rude behavior of Mrs. Taylor’s adopted son is driving her into a nervous breakdown. 11. I like to see films in general, and American Western and horrors in particular. 12. In some sense Mary saw in her aunt a surrogate of her mother. 13. My father never equivocated, and he always gave some brief but poignant opinions. 14. Though he disabled, he never tries of helping people. 15. In any country, those who are remiss in their duty must be severely punished. 16. Awareness of the fact that the child was in danger impelled the policeman to action. Lesson 2 1. A. The chances are that they will be held up by traffic on their way to the airport. B. the plane takes off at 6:35. It would be a pity if they couldn’t make it. 2. Another popular notion which is in fact a misconception is that expensive clothes invariably raise one’s status. 3. Can you imagine what kind of life a man has lived who aspires to excellence and abhors mediocrity 4. A copy of our latest product catalogue will be sent free of charge if you will fill up the form on the reverse of this card and post it. 5. It will be an absurdity, if not a catastrophe. If half of the population of this city abandons their posts and goes in for business. 6. Because they want their kids to be somebodies, some well-intentioned parents exercise enormous pressures on their children and the results all too often prove the reverse. 7. The revered professor predicted that these brilliant young people would surely make their way in the scientific-technical realm in a few years.

高级英语1 第二课课文翻译

第二课 广岛——日本“最有活力”的城市 (节选) 雅各?丹瓦“广岛到了!大家请下车!”当世界上最快的高速列车减速驶进广岛车站并渐渐停稳时,那位身着日本火车站站长制服的男人口中喊出的一定是这样的话。我其实并没有听懂他在说些什么,一是因为他是用日语喊的,其次,则是因为我当时心情沉重,喉咙哽噎,忧思万缕,几乎顾不上去管那日本铁路官员说些什么。踏上这块土地,呼吸着广岛的空气,对我来说这行动本身已是一个令人激动的经历,其意义远远超过我以往所进行的任何一次旅行或采访活动。难道我不就是在犯罪现场吗? 这儿的日本人看来倒没有我这样的忧伤情绪。从车站外的人行道上看去,这儿的一切似乎都与日本其他城市没什么两样。身着和服的小姑娘和上了年纪的太太与西装打扮的少年和妇女摩肩接踵;神情严肃的男人们对周围的人群似乎视而不见,只顾着相互交淡,并不停地点头弯腰,互致问候:“多么阿里伽多戈扎伊马嘶。”还有人在使用杂货铺和烟草店门前挂着的小巧的红色电话通话。 “嗨!嗨!”出租汽车司机一看见旅客,就砰地打开车门,这样打着招呼。“嗨”,或者某个发音近似“嗨”的什么词,意思是“对”或“是”。“能送我到市政厅吗?”司机对着后视镜冲我一笑,又连声“嗨!”“嗨!”出租车穿过广岛市区狭窄的街巷全速奔驰,我们的身子随着司机手中方向盘的一次次急转而前俯后仰,东倒西歪。与此同时,这

座曾惨遭劫难的城市的高楼大厦则一座座地从我们身边飞掠而过。 正当我开始觉得路程太长时,汽车嘎地一声停了下来,司机下车去向警察问路。就像东京的情形一样,广岛的出租车司机对他们所在的城市往往不太熟悉,但因为怕在外国人面前丢脸,却又从不肯承认这一点。无论乘客指定的目的地在哪里,他们都毫不犹豫地应承下来,根本不考虑自己要花多长时间才能找到目的地。 这段小插曲后来终于结束了,我也就不知不觉地突然来到了宏伟的市政厅大楼前。当我出示了市长应我的采访要求而发送的请柬后,市政厅接待人员向我深深地鞠了一躬,然后声调悠扬地长叹了一口气。 “不是这儿,先生,”他用英语说道。“市长邀请您今天晚上同其他外宾一起在水上餐厅赴宴。您看,就是这儿。”他边说边为我在请柬背面勾划出了一张简略的示意图。 幸亏有了他画的图,我才找到一辆出租车把我直接送到了运河堤岸,那儿停泊着一艘顶篷颇像一般日本房屋屋顶的大游艇。由于地价过于昂贵,日本人便把传统日本式房屋建到了船上。漂浮在水面上的旧式日本小屋夹在一座座灰黄色摩天大楼之间,这一引人注目的景观正象征着和服与超短裙之间持续不断的斗争。 在水上餐厅的门口,一位身着和服、面色如玉、风姿绰约的迎宾女郎告诉我要脱鞋进屋。于是我便脱下鞋子,走进这座水上小屋里的一个低矮的房间,蹑手蹑脚地踏在柔软的榻榻米地席上,因想到要这样穿着袜子去见广岛市长而感到十分困窘不安。

七年级下册英语 课文翻译

七年级下册英语课文翻译 第一课你会弹吉他吗? Section A 2b 1. 莉萨想加入国际象棋俱乐部,但她不会下国际象棋。 2. 鲍勃想加入英语俱乐部。他喜欢说英语。 3. 玛丽喜欢音乐。她会唱歌和跳舞。鲍勃也喜欢音乐。他们想加入音乐俱乐部。 2d 简; 你好,鲍勃。你想加入什么俱乐部? 鲍勃:我想加入运动俱乐部。 简; 棒极了!你会玩什么运动? 鲍勃:足球。 简:这么说你可以加入足球俱乐部。 鲍勃:那么你呢?你非常擅长讲故事。你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。 简:听起来不错。但我也喜欢画画。 鲍勃:那就加入两个俱乐部,讲故事俱乐部和美术俱乐部。 简:好的,让我们现在去加入吧! 语法聚焦 Section B 2a 你好,我是彼得。我喜欢打篮球。我会说英语,我也会踢足球。 你好,我是马欢。我会打乒乓球和下国际象棋。我喜欢与人们交谈和做游戏。 我的名字是艾伦。我在学校音乐俱乐部。我会弹吉他和钢琴。我也会唱歌和跳舞。 2b 我们老人之家需要帮助。在七月份你有空吗?你会与他们说话。做游戏吗?他们会给你讲故事,你们可以交朋友。它既有趣又好玩!请在今天拨打电话689-7729 与我们联系! 放学后你忙吗?不忙?你会说英语吗?是吗?那么,我们需要你帮助说英语的学生做运动。这是轻松的,容易的?请来学生运动中心吧。拨打电话293-7742 联系布朗先生。 你会谈钢琴或拉小提琴吗?在周末你有时间吗?》学校需要帮助教音乐。它不难!请拨打电话555-3721 联系来勒太太。 第二课你几点去上学? 2d 采访者:斯科特有一份有趣的工作。他在一家广播电台工作。斯科特,你广播节目在几点? 斯科特:从晚上十二点到早上六点。 采访者:你通常几点起床? 斯科特:晚上八点半。然后我九点吃早饭。 采访者:那是个有趣的吃早饭的时间! 斯科特:是的。之后,我通常在十点二十左右锻炼。 采访者:你什么时候去上班/ 斯科特:在十一点,所以我工作从不迟到。 语法焦距


Ⅰ. 听力(10分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子,听一遍后选择与其相符的图片。(5分) 1.________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ (Ⅱ)录音中有一段对话,听两遍后,选择最佳答案。(5分) ( )6. How was David’s last weekend? A. Great. B. OK. C. Not good. ( )7. When did David get up last Sunday? A. At six. B. At seven. C. At eight. ( )8. How long did he do his homework? A. One hour. B. Three hours. C. Two hours. ( )9. What’s his favorite subject? A. Science. B. Geography. C. English. ( )10. What did he do after he read the book? A. He watched TV. B. He went to the park to fly kites. C. He played basketball. Ⅱ. 单项选择(20分) ( )1. —How ________ your trip to Australia? —Great. I’ll go the re next year again. A. was B. is C. are D. were ( )2. —It’s time ________. Good night. —Good night. A. to get up B. to go to bed C. get up D. go to bed ( )3. In the past, people ________ on the paper. A. wrote B. writes C. write D. to write ( )4. Lily often ________ at school early, but this morning she ________ late. A. arrive; arrived B. arrived; arrived C. arrives; arrives D. arrives; arrived ( )5. —What did you do this morning?

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