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1.—Hey Julie,do you know a good dentist in this town?

—________,but last time,my father took my brother to the Goliath.

A.Not exactly B.Certainly not

C.Yes,of course D.What a pity


答案 A

2.Before you can understand ________ tools we discuss in this article,you need ________ basic understanding of how Windows works.

A.the;a B.the;/ C./;the D./;a

解析句意:在你明白本文中我们讨论的工具之前,你需要大体了解一下Windows 操作系统是如何工作的。第一空the tools we discuss in this article指文中我们讨论的工具,此处用the表示特指;第二空need a basic understanding,意为“大体了解”,此处用a表泛指。

答案 A

3.Li Na found herself ________ of a hero when she returned from Australia Open in 2014.

A.anything B.something

C.nothing D.everything

解析句意:当从2014年澳大利亚网球公开赛回国后,李娜发现自己成了英雄式的人物。something 重要的人;值得重视的事。根据句意可知选B项。

答案 B

4.However dark the road ahead is,always keep your head up to the sky because that's ________ your dreams lie!

A.why B.how C.what D.where


答案 D

5.The world is more forgiving than commonly ________,so we should be optimistic about life.

A.declared B.promoted

C.supposed D.required


答案 C

6.If the price of gold continues to go down instead of up,he will have to sell it and accept the ________.

A.profit B.loss C.influence D.trade


答案 B

7.It is common for us to present something as a fact ________ it is actually an opinion.

A.once B.before C.when D.if


答案 C

8.When opportunity ________,please answer the door.Don't keep asking who it is.

A.cares B.behaves

C.knocks D.passes


答案 C

9.Sometimes people blame themselves for what they ________ have done,not what they did.

A.might B.must C.should D.would

解析句意:有时人们指责他们自己因为本该做的而没做,而不是他们做了什么。should have done意为“本应该做而没做”。根据句意可知选C项。

答案 C

10.Mrs.Grant is very glad to see that Mary's vocabulary is ________ building up.

A.gradually B.urgently

C.randomly D.eventually


答案 A

11.To win the support of voters,a candidate needs to provide a ________ argument as to why changes must take place.

A.stable B.challenging

C.valuable D.convincing


答案 D

12.No matter what darkness surrounds you,be the brightest star that shines ________ .

A.through B.away

C.forward D.past

解析句意:无论什么样的黑暗笼罩你,一定要成为最亮的星星在黑暗中熠熠闪光。A 项意为“通过,穿过”;B项意为“离开”;C项意为“向前的,早的”;D项意为“越过,过去”。根据句意可知选A项。

答案 A

13.Some companies are concerned that going“green”might mean higher cost,in ________ case they will oppose it.

A.what B.which C.that D.whose


会抵制”。in which case主要用于引导非限制性定语从语,相当于and in that / this case,其意为“如果是那样/ 这样的话。根据句意可知选B项。

答案 B

14.Travelers have been losing their way in Death Valley ever since 1849,when pioneers ________ using it to reach California.

A.begin B.have begun

C.began D.would begin

解析句意:“自从1849年以来,旅游者一直在死亡谷中迷路,而那时(1849年)先驱者们开始经过这个地方到达加利福尼亚州”。定语从句“when pioneers ______ using it to...”,when在从句中作时间状语,先行词为“1849”,可知动作发生在过去。再根据句意可知选C 项。

答案 C

15.If you absolutely have to tell her the truth, ________ wait until the timing is right.

A.in short B.at least

C.or rather D.after all


答案 B

16.The Channel Tunnel, ________ in 1994,carried up to 18.2 million passengers in 2012.

A.first opening B.first opened

C.to be first opened D.to first open


答案 B

17.The eyes behind the glasses,dark and quick-moving,________ everything at a glance.

A.took on B.took over

C.took up D.took in


答案 D

18.Universities have expanded,________ allowing more students the chance of higher education.

A.thus B.also

C.instead D.meanwhile


答案 A

19.Books are becoming digital,but most stories will never find ________ media than the printed novel.

A.larger B.busier C.better D.quicker


答案 C

20.—Do you think you might be able to stop over and drop off these letters for me?

—________.I'm on my way there.

A.No hurry B.No way

C.No doubt D.No sweat

解析句意:“你认为你能顺便停下车把信件给我吗?”“没问题,我现在正在去你那儿的路上。” A项意为“别急,不慌”;B项意为“没门,不可能”;C项意为“毫不怀疑,毫无疑问”;D项意为“没问题,不麻烦”。根据句意可知选D项。

答案 D



When I was a nurse at UCLA Medical Center,I entered the lives of strangers at the worst possible moments.I learned an important lesson from one of those __21__ and never looked at life the same way again.She was dying of kidney(肾) __22__.I waited with her,and prayed with her,but no proper kidney.Finally I __23__,“I wish I could do something more than this.”After she left,I made a promise that I would be a __24__ kidney donor(捐献者),as soon as time and circumstances would __25__.

Over a decade later,when my children were grown,I made good on that __26__.I went back to UCLA and __27__ my kidney to whoever needed it the most.“A stranger?”people asked me.“You would do this for a stranger?”I never understood __28__ the same act made sense if

it helped someone I knew but was __29__ if it helped a stranger.

“What do you know about this person who is getting your kidney?”people asked.

“That he will __30__ without it,”I answered.It was all I needed to know.

On November 5,2010,my kidney flew on its first trip __31__ me,on its own journey.I spent less than 24 hours in the __32__,and the after-pain was __33__ familiar;it was the same pain I felt after my children were born by cesarean(剖腹产).__34__,my kidney was taken through that old wound,once again giving me the __35__ of giving life,in my late 50s!

I met the man who got my kidney many months later,on a bright,sunny California day.Although we had never exchanged __36__,we immediately recognized each other in the crowded restaurant.I went toward his __37__ arms,both of us laughing and crying at the same time as we __38__ life:my life,his life,all life.

I will always remember that stranger I came across years ago and carry that __39__ with me every moment I continue to breathe,knowing this __40__ gift will hold me up during my own hard hours.


21.A.nurses B.friends C.doctors D.strangers


答案 D

22.A.injury B.failure C.function D.operation

解析根据上下文语境和常识可知,kidney failure 肾衰竭;injury伤害,损害;failure 失败;故障;function 功能;operation操作;经营;手术。

答案 B

23.A.suggested B.admitted

C.sighed D.screamed

解析根据前句:“我等待着,祈祷着,但是没有合适的肾源”可知,作者最后只能无奈的叹息。sigh叹息,叹气;suggest 建议;admit 承认,容许;scream 尖叫。

答案 C

24.A.cautious B.living C.confident D.healthy

解析自患者不幸去世后,作者承诺一旦时间和条件允许,她一定会成为一名真正的捐献者。living活的;现存的;活跃的;逼真的;cautious 小心的,谨慎的;confident自信的;


答案 B

25.A.approach B.change C.permit D.mix

解析参见上题解析。approach 接近,靠近;change 改变,变化;permit 允许,许可;mix混合,混淆。

答案 C

26.A.lesson B.choice C.effort D.promise

解析根据上文的I made a promise that I would be a...可知现在作者兑现了承诺。make good on that promise兑现承诺,符合语境。

答案 D

27.A.offered B.applied C.treated D.adapted


答案 A

28.A.how B.why C.when D.that


答案 B

29.A.embarrassing B.disappointing

C.shocking D.annoying

解析参考上题解析。embarrassing窘迫的,尴尬的;disappointing令人失望的;shocking 令人惊讶的;annoying令人烦恼的。

答案 C

30.A.die B.quit C.complain D.regret


答案 A

31.A.over B.except C.inside D.without

解析根据后面的“on its own journey:独自的旅行”可知,我的肾离开了我,独自开
