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专升本语法专题 非谓语动词 练习题

专升本语法专题 非谓语动词 练习题
专升本语法专题 非谓语动词 练习题


1。 __________ anything about the accident, he went to work as usual.

A. Don’t know

B. Not to know

C。 Not knowing D。 Not to be knowing

2。 The next morning she found the man __________ in bed, dead.

A. lying

B. lie C。 lay D。 laying

3. He had his leg __________ in the match yesterday.

A。 to break B。 broken C. break D。 breaking 4. Most of the people __________ to the party were famous scientists。

A。 invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting 5. Do you know the boy __________ under the tree?

A。 lay B. lain C。 laying D. lying

6. –Good morning. Can I help you?

–I‘d like to have this package __________.

A。 be weighed B。 to be weighed C. to weigh D。 weighed

7。 Most of the artists __________ to the party were from that university。

A. invited

B. to invite

C. being invited

D. had been invited

8。 __________ more attention, the trees could have grown better。

A。 Given B. To give C。 Giving D. Having given 9。 The murderer was brought in, with his hand __________ behind his back。

A。 being tied B。 having tied C. to be tied D。 tied 10. The secretary worked late into the night, __________ a long speech for the president。

A. to prepare B。 preparing C。 prepared D。 was preparing

11。 S he’s upstairs __________ a letter.

A。 writes B。 is writing C. write D。writing

12。 It was so cold that they kept the fire __________ all night。

A. to burn

B. burn

C. burning

D. burned

13. T he speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself __________。

A。 hear B。 to hear C。 hearing D。 heard

14。 __________ a reply, he decided to write again.

A. Not receiving B。 Receiving not

C. Not having received D。 Having not received

15. The salesman scolded the girl caught __________ and let her off.

A。 to have stolen B。 to be stealing C. to steal D。 stealing 16。“Can't you read?” she said __________ to the notice。

A。 angrily pointing B. and point angrily

C。 angrily pointed D。 and angrily pointing

17。 The missing boys were seen __________ near the river。

A. playing B。 to be playing C。 play D. to play

18. The first textbook __________ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A。 having written B. to be written C. being written D。written

19. The Olympic games, __________ in 776BC, did not include women players until 1912.

A。 first playing B。 to be first playing

C。 first played D。 to be first playing

20。 Cleaning women in big cities usually get __________ by the hour.

A. pay

B. paying

C. paid

D. to pay

21。 European football is played in 80 countries, __________ it the most popular sport in the world。

A. making

B. makes

C. made

D. to make

22. The man managed to make himself __________ with his __________ English 。

A。 understand, breaking B. understand, broken

C。 understand, breaking D。 understood, broken

23。 __________ from the moon, our earth with water __________ 70%of its surface appears as a “bl ue ball”。

A. Seen, covered B。 Seeing, covered

C. Seen, covering D。 To see, to cover

24。 __________any more to say, the meeting was closed。

A. Without having B。 Without

C。 Not having D。 Nobody having

25。 When we watched the national flag __________ on TV, we __________ a cheer.

A。 risen, rose B. being risen, lifted

C。 raised, let D. being raised, raised

26. Being in a hurry, __________.

A. the door was left open B。 he left the door open

C. he was left the door open D。 he had the door open

27。 The professor came into the lab, __________ by his assistant.

A. following B。 followed C. being followed D。to follow

28。 With trees, flowers and grass __________ everywhere, my native town has taken on a new look。

A。 planting B. planted C. to plant D。to be planted

29。 Weather __________, we'll go fishing tomorrow.

A. is permitted

B. permits

C. permitted D。permitting

30. The key __________, I couldn’t enter the office.

A。 was lost B。 having been lost C。 be lost D。being lost

31。 __________ not enough money,I couldn’t buy the dictionary.

A. It being B。 It was C。 There being D. There was

32. __________, the boy couldn’t enter his house。

A。 Since the key has lost B。 The key was lost

C. Lost the key

D. Having lost the key

33。 All the people, the wounded __________, were brought to safety.

A。 included B。 including C. include D。to include

34。 On my way home, I saw a thief __________ money from a lady by the police.

A。 being caught stealing B。 having caught stealing

C. caught stealing D。 have caught to steal

35. __________, she couldn't say even a word。

A。 Excited B。 Being excited C. Exciting D. Being excite

36。 When __________ her father, the girl burst into crying。

A. asking of B。 asked about C. being asked D。 asked 37。 He stepped into his room, only __________ lots of things __________。

A. finding, robbed

B. finding, stolen

C。 found, missed D。 to find, robbed

38。 The youngest daughter got angry again。 Mother felt very __________ and father’s face wore a __________ expression。

A。 puzzled, puzzled B. puzzling, puzzled

C。 puzzling, puzzling D. puzzled, puzzling

39。 They seemed to be eating something __________ on the fire。

A. cooked

B. being cooked

C。 that had cooked D. having been cooked

40. His glasses __________, he couldn't see the words on the blackboard。

A。 break B. broke C. breaking D。broken

41。 A letter has been written to him, __________ him to the party。

A. invite

B. to invite C。 invited D. inviting

42. Not __________ it right, he was encouraged to try again。

A. did B。 done C. to do D. having done

43. __________ your head,and you’ll see the sun __________ now。

A。 Raise, rising B. Raising, raising

C. To raise, rising

D. Lift, being risen

44. __________ from his clothes, he's not so poor。

A。 Judged B. Judging

C. To judge

D. Having judged

45。 The man kept silent in the room unless __________.

A. spoken B。 speaking C. to speak D. spoken to


1-5 CABAD 6—10 DAADB
