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阅读下面的文言文,完成10~13题。 (一) 有五斗先生者,以酒德游于人间。有以酒请者,无贵贱皆往,往必醉,醉则不择地斯寝矣。醒则复起饮也。常一饮五斗,因以为号焉。先生绝思虑,寡言语,不知天下之有仁义厚薄也。忽焉而去,倏然而来。其动也天,其静也地,故万物不能萦心焉。尝言曰:“天下大抵可见矣。生何足养而嵇康著论途何为穷而阮籍恸哭故昏昏默然圣人之所居也。”遂行其志,不知所如。 (唐·王绩《五斗先生传》)(二) 余饮酒终日,不过五合,天下之不能饮,无在余下者。然喜人饮酒,见客举杯徐引,则余胸中为之浩浩焉,落落焉,酣适之味,乃过于客。闲居未尝一日无客,客至未尝不置酒,天下之好饮,亦无在吾上者。常以谓人之至乐,莫若身无病而心无忧,我则无是二者矣。然人之有是者接于余前,则余安得全其乐乎?故所至当蓄善药,有求者则与之,而尤喜酿酒以饮客。或曰:“子无病而多蓄药,不饮而多酿酒,劳己以为人,何也?”余笑曰:“病者得药,吾为之体轻;饮者困于酒,吾为之酣适,盖专以自为也。”东皋子待诏门下省,日给酒三升,其弟静问曰:“待诏乐乎?”曰:“待诏何所乐,但美酝三升,殊可恋耳!”今岭南法不禁酒,余既得自酿,月用米一斛,得酒六斗。而南雄、广、惠、循、梅五太守,间复以酒遗余,余略计其所获,殆过于东皋子矣。然东皋子自谓“五斗先生”,则日给三升,救口不暇,安能及客乎?若余者,乃日有二升五合入野人道士腹中矣。东皋子好养性服食,预刻死日自为墓志,余盖友其人于千载,则庶几焉。 (宋·苏轼《书东皋子传后》)【注】王绩:初唐诗人,号东皋子,嗜酒。 10.下列句子加点字的解释,不正确的一项是()(3分) A. 故万物不能萦心焉萦:缠绕 B. 客至未尝不置酒置:放下 C. 间复以酒遗余遗:馈赠 D. 则日给三升给:供给 11.对文中画波浪线部分的断句,正确的一项是()(3分) A. 生何足/养而嵇康著论/途何为/穷而阮籍恸哭/故昏昏默然/圣人之所居也 B. 生何足养/而嵇康著论/途何为穷/而阮籍恸哭/故昏昏默/然圣人之所居也 C. 生何足养/而嵇康著论/途何为穷/而阮籍恸哭/故昏昏默然/圣人之所居也 D. 生何足/养而嵇康著论/途何为/穷而阮籍恸哭/故昏昏默/然圣人之所居也 12.对文中涉及的文化常识,下列说法不正确的一项是()(3分) A. 号是名、字之外的称谓,一般本人自取。如苏轼号“东坡”,陶渊明号“五柳先生”。 B. 在唐代,门下省与尚书省、中书省并称“三省”,门下省负责审查诏令,签署章奏。 C. 合、升、斗均为容量单位,一般计量米粮、酒水。古代,十合为一升,十升为一斗。 D. 墓志,指立在墓前刻有死者生平事迹的石刻文字,所记为死者生平、姓名、家世等。 13.把选文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(10分) (1)然人之有是者接于余前,则余安得全其乐乎?(4分) (2)东皋子好养性服食,预刻死日自为墓志,余盖友其人于千载,则庶几焉。(6分)参考答案: 10.B(3分)11.C(3分)12.D(3分) 13.(1)然而有这两种快乐的人来到我跟前,那我怎么才能保全他们的快乐呢?(4分) (2)东皋子喜好修身养性,服食丹药,他预计自己的死期,为自己写了墓志,我能够


第二讲 原句:I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury. 译文:我抓起那支最大的画笔,势不可挡扑向那全无招架之力的画布。 原文:There is a definite link between smoking and lung cancer. But this doesn’t make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. 译文:吸烟肯定与肺癌有关,但这并不能使你感到太不舒服,因为吸烟的人不止你一个。 原文:Derek fancies himself as a ladies' man, but he spends too much time admiring himself in the mirror for my liking. 译文:德里克自以为是个讨女人喜欢的人,可是我不喜欢他花那么多的时间在镜子面前自我欣赏。 He is the last man to come. He is the last man to do it. He is the last person for such a job. He should be the last (man) to blame. 原文:John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game. 译文:约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又正直。 Literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translation. It strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech. 死译:one-to-one translation: each SL word has a corresponding TL word. 硬译:word-for-word translation: Transfers SL grammar and word order, as well as the primary meanings of all the SL words, into translation. It is normally effective only for brief simple neutral sentences. Literal translation goes beyond one-to-one translation, ranges from one word to one word, through group to group, collocation to collocation, clause to clause, to sentence to sentence. Literal translation is the basic translation procedure both in communicative and semantic translation, in that translation starts from there. ---by Newmark Liberal Translation mainly conveys the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence pattern or figures of speech. 原文:我们的朋友遍天下。 错译:Our friends are all over the world. 译文: We have friends all over the world. 单词


谈严复翻译 翻译,作为一种实践活动,在人类文化的交流中一直在广泛进行着。丰富的翻译活动,有利于我们科学系统地对翻译进行研究,也有利于我们形成独特的中西文化观。严复就是中国近代第一个学贯中西的人,他的翻译对中国近代思想有着深远的影响。 严复曾在福州马尾船厂船政学堂学习了五年,他学习了英文,几何,代数,电磁学,光学等新科学知识,到过新加坡,日本等地考察,后又到英国学习考察政治,经济,法律和社会制度,“了解中西政教,风俗之差异,关心世界大事。”回国后,他翻译了向国人敲起危亡警钟的《天演论》。揭示了自然界和人类社会“物竞天择,适者生存”的客观规律,宣传了进化思想。 下面研究一下严复的翻译思想和特点。在词法和句法结构中,他模仿先秦文体的词法句法结构,桐城派古文的优点,其他文体的积极因素,在此基础上进行创造性转化,创造了独具个人特色的新型文体。在《天演论》的手稿初稿中,他直接引用先秦散文中的句子并标明出处,虽然后来他觉得译作中放入中国古书的名字,中国古人的名字明显不妥,使读者感到彷徨,于是在改稿过程中将正文中出现的中国特色的专有名词尽皆删去,但导言仍保留部分如《导言十三》中的“以其所爱,及其所弗爱”一句系取自《孟子》;《导言十二》中的“诱然

皆生,而不知其所以生;同然皆生,而不知其所以得”系庄子所云,“自营为私”是韩非所言,“人之性恶”出自《荀子》。译文中多用单音节词,双音节词很少。而且他的翻译话语中有很多词类活用的范例。 1. 辨物穷微,明揭天道必不可知说。(《天演论·论六》) 2.不见夫业真者乎?(《原富》) 微是形容词,在句1中活用为动词。句2的业本来为名词,但在句中担任动词职务。同时,严复话语中疑问代词宾语前置,否定句中代词宾语前置的例子也不少。如: 何以明之?(《天演论·人群》) 人弗之觉也,觉亦弗之异也。(《天演论·能实》) 其少见的被动句主要采用先秦的“见”字句结构,如: 特在人者,每为气禀所拘。(《天演论·论八》) 而为是幻且虚者之所主。(《天演论·论九》) 若是物特为天下只所厚而择焉以存也者,夫是之谓天择。(《天演论·导言一》) 为了追求群内达旨,他用了很多排偶句: 小之极于跂行倒生,大之放乎日星天地;隐之则神思智识之所以圣狂,显之则政俗文章之所以沿革。(《天演论·导言二·广义》) 人,动物之灵者也,与不灵之禽兽鱼鳖昆虫对;动物者,生类之有知觉运动者也,与无知觉之指植物对;生类者,有质之物而具支体官理者也,与无支体官理之金石对。(《天演论·导言三·趋异》) 严复的翻译使用最多的策略当推意译,为了启发民智,在翻译过程中


第一单元翻译概论 1翻译就是接受语言复制出与原语信息最接近的自然等值体---首先是就意义而言,其次是就风格而言. Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style. 2按翻译技巧来分: 直译、意译、音译 Literal translation does not mean word-for-word translation. Superficially speaking, it means “not to alter the original words and sentences”, strictly speaking, it strives “to keep the sentiments and style of the original”. 例如:paper tiger—纸老虎 Free translation is an alternative approach generally used to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to copy its sentence patterns of figures of speech. 例如:Adam’s apple—喉结;at sixes and sevens—乱七八糟 It rains cats and dogs—大雨滂沱 3按翻译原则方向来分: 异化翻译(Foreignization)和归化翻译(Domestication ) 归化的例子: as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠 at a stone’s throw 一箭之遥 wet like a drown rat 湿如落汤鸡 as stupid as a goose 蠢得像猪 5 傅雷:1951年在《高老头 重译本序》中提出“以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。” 6. 钱钟书:1964年在《林纾的翻译》一文中提到“文学翻译的最高理想可以说是“化”,把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,那就算得入与“化境”。 7 But I hated Sakamoto, and I had a feeling he’d surely lead us both to our ancestors. 但是我恨坂田,并预感到他肯定会领着咱们去见祖先。 8 Don’t cross the br idge till you get to it. 不必担心太早。(不必自寻烦恼) 9 Do you see any green in my eyes? 你以为我是好欺骗的吗? 10 Ruth was upsetting the other children, so I showed her the door. 鲁斯一直在扰乱别的孩子,我就把他撵了出去。 第二单元英汉对比 1汉语和英语的对比研究,始于100年多前《马氏文通》,这是我国第一部汉语语法书,是在比较和模仿拉丁文法的基础上写成的。 2中国传统哲学主张“天人合一”、“万物与我为一”,反映在语言上就是施事主体可以蕴含在行为事件的主观表现中。 3因此在句子构造中,汉语并不把主语看成必要的成分。正如王力所说:“就句子结构而论,西洋语言是法治的,中国语言是人治的。法治的不管主语用得着用不着,总要呆板地求句子形式的一律,人治的用得着就用,用不着就不用,只要能使人听懂说话人的意思,就算了。” 4正因为汉语缺乏主语,语言学家从语言类型学的角度出发,认为汉语是主题显著(topic-prominent)的语言。 5 A dialect is known by every linguist in this room. 一种方言被这间屋子里的每一个语言学家所懂得。 有一种方言这间屋子里的每一个语言学家都懂得。


浙江广播电视大学 英语专业(开放本科) 《翻译理论与实践》期末复习 题型: 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 二、翻译句子。(每小题3分,共30分) 三、篇章翻译(每小题40分,共40分) 四、案例分析题(每小题10分,共10分) 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1.美国语言学家罗曼.雅各布森把翻译分成__________。 A. 语内翻译 B. 语际翻译 C. 符际翻译 D. 以上选项都正确 2. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_________。 A. dry goods:纺织品B.white goods:白色的货物 C.white wine:白葡萄酒D.toilet water:花露水 3. “This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discounts” 请问下面哪个译文最合适?________。 A. 这是特殊报盘,不以我方通常折扣为条件。 B. 这是特惠报盘,我方通常折扣不适应于此盘。 C. 此系特惠报盘,不另加我方通常折扣。 D. 这是特殊报盘,不局限于我们通常折扣。 4.下面哪句话的描述是错误的?________。 A.美国著名翻译理论家奈达提出了“动态对等”原则。 B.“动态对等”原则是指,运用交际理论和信息论的原理,将焦点从传统的译文与原文两个文本的比较转移到两个过程的比较,使人们注意到影响信息接收的各种语言和文化因素。C.奈达曾将“动态对等”的提法改成了“功能对等”原则。 D.翻译求的是“形式对等”,而非”动态对等”。

5._________提出了“美化之艺术,创优似竞赛”的翻译理念。 A.尤金.奈达B.泰特勒 C.许渊冲D.鲁迅 6. 下面哪个配对是错误的?_____。 A.赤脚医生:barefoot doctor B.纸老虎:paper tiger C.to show one’s cards:摊牌D.大海捞针:look for a needle in sea D B C D C D 7.哪句话的描述是正确的?______。 A. 严复提出的翻译是:重神似不重形似 B. 傅雷的翻译标准是:信、达、雅 C. 许渊冲的翻译标准是:美化之艺术,创优似竞赛 D. 泰特勒的翻译标准是:通顺 8. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_________。 A. dry State:实行禁酒的州B.white goods:白色的货物 C.dry white wine:涩白酒D.toilet water:花露水 9. 泰特勒(Tytler)提出的著名翻译原则是:_______。 A. 译文应完整地再现原文的思想内容。 B. 译文的风格、笔调应与原文的性质相同。 C. 译文应像原文一样流畅自然。 D. 以上选项都正确。 10.下面哪个选项是正确的?________。 A.bring down the house 翻译为:“推倒房子” B.pull up one's socks 翻译为:鼓起勇气 C.think a great deal of oneself 翻译为:“为自己想得很多” D.an apple of love 翻译为:“爱情之果” 11.A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper.下面哪个译文是最合适的?_____。A.一本书,紧紧合上,只是一叠纸。 B.一本书,如果紧紧合上不读,只是一叠纸。 C.一本书,如果紧紧合上不读,只是一叠废纸。 D.闲置之书只是一叠废纸。


【育才毕业作品(翻译实践与评析)范文简要】 (中文封面页) 西南大学育才学院 本科毕业作品 《欧洲的前景:临近眼前的深渊》翻译与评析 学院外国语学院 专业英语 年级2008级 学号 姓名 指导教师 成绩 二○一二年四月

(英文标题页,单独用一页) Translation and Comments on The Future of Europe: Starring into the Abyss (论文作者名,斜体) Supervisor (指导教师名,斜体) A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B. A. in English SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES YUCAI COLLEGE SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY April, 2012

(致谢,单独用一页,向指导教师及相关人员致谢) Acknowledgements Firstly, I would like to show my deep gratitude and respect to my supervisor …for her / his careful guidance and hard work. Her /His experienced suggestions and continual encouragement have guided me through all my writing process of this paper. Without her /his guidance and assistance, the completion of this thesis would have been impossible. Secondly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the professors and teachers of The School of Foreign Languages …who instructed and helped me a lot in the past half and three years. Finally, I wish to thank my parents and friends, whose spiritual and practical support ensures my courage in face of difficulties.

英语翻译技巧与实践 句子翻译备考整理

A ll the inventors have a restless mind. 所有的发明家都有一个活跃的头脑。 A nd he knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born. 他有着这样的母亲,出生在这样的地方和这样一类人中间。他很清楚,如果这些让她全知道的话,他该多么丢面子! A fter the basketball match, he still has an important conference. 篮球比赛结束后,他仍然有一个重要的会议。 A s luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred. 幸运的是当爆炸发生时,没有人在这。 A s luck would have it, there was rain on the day of the picnic. 幸运的是,野餐那天下雨了。 A lthough he is very young, he is very ambitious in his research work.虽然他很年轻,但他在研究工作中很有雄心。 A n acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current. 了解世界历史,有助于当前的研究。 A s to the precise value of this initial fund of knowledge, this depends to a great degree on how it has been acquired and on who has been imparting it. 至于这种最初积累起来的知识有多少确切的价值,这在很大程度上取决于获得知识的方法和传授知识的人。 A t reserves are 1ike bank accounts to be drawn on in the winter when food suppliers are limited and some times difficult to reach because of deep snow. 脂肪储备如同银行账户里的存款,供冬天食物来源有限以及有时由于大雪深得难以获得时支取使用。 A n expensive failure can be made into an asset if you’ve learnt from it。 失败的代价虽然昂贵,但是只要你能从中吸取教训,它就能化为一笔财富。 A ll that sleepless night I replayed the moment those black gloves came up to the car window. 如当晚我彻夜难眠,眼前不时重现出那副黑手套伸向车窗的那一瞬间。 A t present, the super powers are armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons, placing the people of the whole world under their nuclear threat.目前,超级大国用核武器武装到了牙齿,把全世界人民都置于他们的威胁之下。 A red sun rising slowly on the horizon. 地平线上的一个红太阳冉冉升起。 All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players. 整个世界是一座舞台,所有的男人和女人只不过是演员而已。 A body in motion remains in motion at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. 没有外力的作用,运动的物体就连续做匀速直线运动。 A ny discourtesy shown to Chinese persons by any official of the Government will be cause for immediate dismissal. 任何政府官员,如果对中国人有任何粗暴行为,必须立即予以开除。 1. A son, a job and housekeeping forced romance out. 有了儿子,又要工作,又要做家务,就不能卿卿我我了。 American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson. 托马斯·杰佛逊对美国的教育事业作出了巨大的贡献。 2. An idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到了一个主意。 As soon as I have finished it, I’ll give you a call. 我一做完就给你电话 3. A merican English owes a great deal to Noah Webster, an American lexicographer and writer. 美国词典编纂家及作家诺阿·韦伯斯特对美国英语做出了巨大的贡献。 9. Anger and bitterness covered upon me for weeks. 几周来我一直感到生气和伤心。 A ll the inventors have a restless mind. 所有的发明家都有一个思想活跃的头脑。 A nd since Washington’s budget alchemy permits the current generation to spend whatever it wants on retiree income and health programs and pass the tab on to their children, who wants to pay more? 既然美国政府所耍的预算法术容许这一代在退休金和医疗计划方面随意花钱,而把账单推给他们的孩子来付,那谁还愿意多缴税? 2.A dialect is known by every linguist in this room. 有一种方言这间屋子里的每一个语言学家都懂得。 1. Admittance Free免票入场 ·A seaman knows that the sea is all-powerful and can, under certain circumstances, destroy man and the product of his brain and hand, the ship. 水手们都知道,大海的威力是势不可挡的;在某些情况下,它能把人及人所制造的船只统统摧毁掉。 And I will lay you ten to one that after you have answered the questions, and explained how to find the information, and why you want it, the clerk will go off and get one of the other clerks to help him try to find Garcia - and then come back and tell you there is no such man. 当你回答完这些问题,当你说明了怎样查以及你为什么要查之后,我敢跟你打个十赔一的赌,这个职员会离去并找其他职员协助他找加西亚—然后回来时他会说,你要了解的这个人根本不存在。 8. A study of that letter leaves us in no doubt as to the motives behind it. 研究一下那封信,就使我们毫不怀疑该信是别有用心的。 1. As the weather was fine, we decided to climb the mountain. (由于)天气很好,我们决定去爬山。 ·as wise as an owl这里把猫头鹰比作智慧的象征 B ut there had been too much publicity about my case. 但我的事现在已经搞得满城风雨、人人皆知了。 B ehaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. 行为主义者的看法是,如果一个儿童在有许多刺激物的环境里成长, 而这些刺激物能够发展其作出适当反应的能力, 这个儿童将会有更高的智力发展。 B ut you have not seen my Corots. They are in the music room. 可是你还没有看见我收藏的科罗特的风景画,它们挂在我的音乐室里。 C opper prices, which reached record highs last week, fell back yesterday after China’s State Reserve Bureau failed to sell all of the metal it put up for auction this week. 铜价在上周创下历史新高,但中国国家物资储备局本周拿出拍卖的铜未能全部售出导致铜价昨天回挫。 C areful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs as directed. 周密的调查已经表明:多达50%的病人没有按照医嘱服药。 D on’t get angry. I am just having a joke with you. 不要生气。我只是和你开个玩笑。E ven if I were to be beaten to death, I will not tell. 打死我也不说。 E ven if the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately. 即便计算是正确的,科学家们也无法肯定他们已经把所有的变量都包括进 去并精确地模拟了它们。 E very life has its roses and thorns.人生自有甘苦。 E very tree and every branch was encrusted with bright and delicate hoarfrost, white and pure as snow, delicate and defined as carved ivory. 每棵树,每一根树枝都包上一层明亮、精美的白霜,像雪花般洁白和纯净, 如象牙雕一般精致优美。 E ven more interesting is the probability that life on other planets may be in a more advanced stage of evolution. 更为有趣的是,其他行星上的生命可能已经处于更先进的进化阶段。 E very man can not be an artist. 不是人人都可以当演员 E ven his critics say the Ames test –his simple, inexpensive laboratory procedure that helps determine whether a substance might cause cancer – is a remarkable achievement. 甚至他的批评者们也承认,爱姆兹试验是一项突出的成就。这种试验是在 实验室里进行的一种简便、廉价的操作方法,有助于检测出一种物质是否 能引起癌症。 E ven if the monk can run away, his temple cannot run with him. 跑得了和尚,跑不了庙。 F or she was beautiful--her beauty made the bright world dim, and everything beside seemed like the fleeting image of shade. 因为她太漂亮了——她的美使光灿的世界黯然失色,她身边的一切都像是 瞬间而逝的烟云。(恰如其分地道出她的美) F uture does not wait. It becomes present and past with every second that ticks. You have barely time to turn around and already the coming has met the going…what will be is entirely in what has been, and no matter how fast you run, tomorrow is behind you – never ahead. 未来是不等人的。随着每秒钟的流逝,未来变成了现实,继而又成了往昔。 你几乎来不及转身顾盼,来者就变成了逝者。……未来的一切全都蕴育于现 实之中。不论你跑得多快,明天总落在你的身后,绝不会跑到你的前头。 F or the man sound in body and serene of mind there is no such thing as bad weather; every sky has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously. 对于一个身体健全、神志安详的人来说,根本不存在什么坏天气;在他看 来,无论什么样的天气都有其美好的一面,譬如说暴风雨,它可以激荡血 液的流淌,振奋一个人的精神。 H e threw off his coat because he felt hot. 他觉得很热,把上衣脱掉了。 H e is the best singer. 唱歌,他是最棒的。 H e is no more than a puppet. 他只不过是一个傀儡。 H e is no less guilty than you.他和你同样有罪。 H ans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. 汉斯说他是他见过的最勇敢的人,他显然在讨好那个绅士。 H e had the kindness to show me the way. 他好心地给我指了路。 H eat can be converted to energy and energy can be converted to heat. 热可以被转换成能量,能量也可以被转换成热。 H e was not displeased with her honesty…it took a certain amount of experience in life, an courage, to want to do it quite that way. 他对于她的直率没有感到不快……有点生活经验、又有点胆量的人才敢这么 做。 (H ave I put the matter too strongly?) Possibly I have; but when all the world has gone a-slumming I wish to speak a word of sympathy for the man who succeeds, the man who, against great odds, has directed the efforts of others, and having succeeded, finds there’s nothing in it: nothing but bare board and clothes. (我是不是有点言过其实?)或许吧。然而在整个世界走下坡路的时候, 有些人顶住了指挥下属的种种麻烦和压力,结果他成功了,成功后却发现: 不过是一场虚无,下属们为公司干活不过只为衣食住行而已。让我们为这 样的人士说句公道话吧! 5. H e is always saying the usual polite nothings. 他老是在说那些寻常 客套话。 2. H e lied to me and made me the tool of his wicked deeds. 他欺骗了我,使我成了他进行罪恶勾当的工具。 1. H e was a man of integrity, but unfortunately he had a certain reputation. I believe the reputation was not deserved. 他是一个正直的人,但不幸有某种坏名声。我相信他这种坏名声是不该有 的。 H e swallowed bread and butter and a spasm of emotion. 他吞下奶油面包,也咽下一阵激动。 During the next year, a young widow and a fortune fell in love with him. 接下来的一年里,一位年轻的寡妇爱上他,一大笔财产也跟着爱上了他。 H ow time flies! 时光飞逝! H is suggestion is that we should set out before 8 o’clock. 他的建议是我们应该在八点前出发。 H e wants to write an article, which will attract public attention to the air pollution in this city. 他想写一篇文章,用来引起公众对该城市空气污染的关注。 8. H e wanted to learn, to know, to teach. 他想学习,增长知识,也愿意把知识教给别人。 4. H er good work and obedience have pleased her teacher. . 她学业优良、性情温顺,深得老师喜欢。 H e had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases. 他感到习语是语言的主要支柱,因此特别主张用生动的短语,他的想法 非常正确的。 H e is so absorbed in the work that he hasn’t had a bite since morning. 他在工作中如此专心,以至于他早上没有吃过一口。 H ydrogen burns in air of oxygen, forming water. 氢气在氧气中燃烧,形成水。 H e was not entirely happy. 他并不是很高兴。 H e is not who he was thought to be. 他不是人们过去所想的那种人。 H ow can anyone hope to be a qualified teacher, who doesn’t know what the students are thinking and demanding? 一个人如果不知道他的学生在想什么,需要什么,怎么能指望自己成为一 个合格的教师呢? H e walked around the house with a gun. 他拿着枪,绕着屋子走。 I have read your articles, but I expect to meet an older man. 我读过你的文章,但没料想你会这样年轻。 8. I t seems that a very difficult decision now faces him. 他好像面临着困难的抉择。 I am very happy to receive your message of greetings. 接到你的贺信,我十分愿意。 I f I were you, I would not go. 我要是你我就不去。 I f punished, they will not cooperate. 他们如果受到损害,将不予合作。 I've already told you that I'm going to buy it, however much it costs。 已经告诉过你了,不管花多少钱,我都打算买它。 I was advised to arrange for insurance in case I needed medical treatment. 有人劝我投保,以防治病之需。 I was looking for a temporary job so that I could save up some money to go traveling. 我在找一份临时工作,以便积攒些钱去旅游。 In the course of a day, students do far more than just attend classes. 在一天的学习生活中,学生所做的远不止听课。 I t can be seen that precleaning alone would not reduce the total sulfur content of the four coals to level anywhere near the standards. 可以看出,这4种煤的总含硫量仅靠预洗是不能降低到接近标准规定的水 平的。 I t doesn’t matter whether we st art now or later. 我们现在开始还是以后开始都没有关系。 I t happened that I had bought the book. 我碰巧买了这本书。 I don’t remember whether I cried at that moment, but my sister did. 我不记得当时我究竟哭没哭,但我妹妹的确哭了。 I would not believe what he said. 他的话,我可不信。 5. I t was beyond his power to sign such a contract. 他无权签订这种 同。 I have kept that portrait where I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London. 我把那幅画像摆在每天能看得见的地方,因为他总是让我想起在伦敦上大 学的那些日子。 2. I ncidentally, I hope to get better medical treatment in these countries than I can possibly get here in the United States. 顺便提一下,与我在美国所能得到的治疗相比,我希望能在这些国家得到 更好的治疗。 I t's a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day. 今天阳光明媚,躲在家中,实在是罪过。 I could feel her pain as she must have felt mine on a thousand occasions when I had sought comfort in her arms. 在小男孩的心目中,妈妈一直是那么的坚强、勇敢,但是当小男孩第一次 看见妈妈哭泣的时候,他突然感觉到了妈妈也和他一样有失败、有痛苦, 就像妈妈过去千百次体会到他的痛苦一样。 I'd give the world to see you.我十分想见你。 I have told you forty times that if you touched that jam I'd skin you. 你要是偷吃果酱,我就剥你的皮。我跟你已经讲过不下一百遍了。 I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done. 我就希望能在工作时死去。在弥留之际知道自己已经功德圆满并且自己的 未竟之业已后继有人,就可以心满意足地离开人间了。 I t is not a question how much a man knows, but what use he can make of what he knows; not a question of what he has acquired, and how he has been trained, but of what he is, and what he can do. 问题不在一个人知道多少,而在于他能否运用他的知识;问题不在他学的 是什么,受怎样的教育,而在于他的人品以及他的能力。 I desired nothing but to go home.我只希望回家。 I worked and worked, and I didn't know how much I had not done. 我夜以继日地工作,不知道干了多少活。 I f you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some; for he that goes a borrowing goes a suffering. 要想知道钱的价值,就得体会一下借钱的滋味,因为那个去借钱的人会吃 苦头。 I f we were not too proud to explain ourselves or to ask explanations of others, most of the misunderstandings of life would disappear. 只要我们不持傲慢态度,凡事多加解释说明,同时也请求别人进行解释, 那么生活中的大部分误会将会消除。 I don’t suppose you need my help any more. 我看你不再需要我的帮助了。 2.I did not remember a single point discussed at the meeting. 2.会上讲了什么,我一点没记住。 I had read too many novels and had learned too much at school not to know a good deal about love, but I thought it was a matter that only concerned young people. I could not conceive that a man with a beard, who had sons as old as I, could have any feelings of that sort. 我阅读过许多小说,在学校也学到了不少东西,所以对于恋爱的事不会不 懂,但我想这只是年轻人的玩意。我认为一个于思老翁是不会有那种情感 的,因为他的几个儿子都像我这样的年纪了。 I had the fortune to become a teacher. 我有幸成为一名教师。 I f you learn to read the signs, you can tell whether what a person says is what he really means, or whether, like the man whose stomach does not move when he laughs, he is trying to deceive you. 如果你学会理解这些姿势,你就能分辨出一个人所说的话是否是他真正要 表达的东西,是否是那种“笑里藏刀”的人试图蒙蔽你。 I f you have wide and keen interests and activities in which you can still be effective, you will have no reason to think about the merely statistical fact of the number of years you have already lived, still less of the probable brevity of your future. 你要是具有广泛的爱好和强烈的兴趣,而且还有能力参加一些活动,你就 没有理由去考虑自己已经活了多少岁这样的具体数字,更没有理由去考虑 自己的余年大概是很有限的了。 3.I know Mr. Wang. 王先生我认识。 4. I f winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远 吗? K eep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see your shadow. 你要是面对阳光,那就看不到自己的影子。 L ong-range guns aimed at the position of the enemy. 瞄准敌人阵地的远程炮。 L et the other people of the rest of the world know China. Let China make close contact with the rest of the world. 让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界。

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