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单项选择 2

单项选择 2
单项选择 2


( )21. Don't _______ in the hallways at school. '

A. smile

B. talk

C. wear a uniform

D. fight or run ( )22. -Do I have to make dinner?

A. Yes,you do

B.No, you can't

C. No,I don't

D. Yes,I do

( )23. ------Don't eat in class,Bill. ------___________.

A. Yes,l do

B. No.I don't

C. Sorry,l won't

D. Yes -I will

( )24. You must come here_________.

A.in time

B. on time

C. at time

D. sometimes

( )25. He wants _______music to relax himself.

A. to listen to

B. listen to

C. listen

D. to listen

( )26. Can we________sunglasses at school?

A.put on .


C.wear take

( )27. You can't eat in the library,but you can eat_________.

A. in outside

B. outside

C. out side


( )28. Mary practices ________ every day.

A. dance

B. to dance

C. dances

D. dancing

( )29. Nick ________to clean his room today.

A. have

B. don't have

C. doesn't have

D. hasn't

( )30. We must ____________the school rules.

A. follow

B. take

C. Bring


( )31. Her mother is very strict__________her.

A. at

B. on

C. in

D. with

( )32. Do you have to _________every morning?

A. make a bed

B. make your bed

C. make bed

D. make you bed ( ) 33. There are ________ people in the hall and there are noise(噪音) in it.

A. too many; too much

B. too rnany;much too

C. too much; too many

D. too much; much too

( )34. We have lots of fun ________games.

A. play

B. to play

C. playing

D. plays

( )35. Please remember _______ the door when you leave.

A. to close

B. close

C. closing

D. closed

II. Complete the sentences as required. (20分)

36.We can’t listen to music in the classroom.(改为祈使句)

to music in the classroom.

37.Eat in class,please.(改为否定句)

_________ in class,please.

38.They have to clean the classroom every day.(对划线部分提问)

they have to _________every day.

39.Listen to music in the hallways(改否定句)

listen to music in the hallways.

40.She has to wash clothes every week. (改为一般疑问句)

Does she wash her clothes every day.

41. The boy has to get up early every morning. ( 一般疑问句)

___________ the boy ___________ __________get up early every morning?

42. I can sing and dance, too. ( 否定句)

I __________ sing _______ dance, _____________.

43. You can’t come late for school. ( 改为祈使句)

_________ _________ late for school.

44. She has no sister. ( 同义句)

She____________ _________________________ sister.

45 I have to get up early and do my homework. ( 划线提问)

___________ __________ you _________ to do?

四. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空:(20分)

1.There’s too much _____________(noise) in the room, it’s too ____________(noise).

2.She ________________(do) the __________________(dish) every day.

3.There are too many _______________(rule) at school, some of them ________(be) strict.

4.He often ____________(feel) tied because he often _____________(relax) six hours a day.

5.He has to ______________(help) his mother________________(do) the housework.

IV. Cloze Test. Choose the best answers.(20分)

It is Saturday today.Jack and his 26are sitting at the table They27 lunch.“Mom.I don’t like28 potatoes.I don’t want29 them,”says Jack 30, he puts down the bowl.

“All right,”says Jack’s mother.“Do not eat 31”

32 lunch,they work on the farm.In the evening ,Jack’s mother gives Jack a bowl of 33 “Oh,they are 34 I like them,”says Jack.“They’re 35 same potatoes,”says,Jack’s mother.

( ) 26. A. brother B.mother C. father

( ) 27. A.are having B.have C.eat

( ) 28.A.these B.some C.this

( ) 29. to drink B.to eat C. drinking

( ) 30.or B.but C.then

( ) 31. A.it B.them C. tomatoes

( ) 32. A.At B.Before C. After

( ) 33. A.potatoes B.rice C. soup

( ) 34. A.bad B.awful C. delicious

( ) 35. A.the B.an C.a



Iear Tony,

You want to know about my school rules. Well,let me tell you.____________________

二 单项选择

二单项选择(30题,共15分)1.---What do you think Sally ____ be in five years ? --- I think she’ll be a doctor . A. will, B. should, C. must. 2.--- What will kids do in the future ? --- They’ll study at home ____ computers. A. in, B. on, C. at. 3.There will be more robots everywhere , and humans will have ____ work to do. A. more, B. fewer, C. less. 4.Jack usually ___ the housework after school. A. helps, B. makes, C. helps with. 5.Some children like to live ___ an apartment and ___ a spase station. A. in, on, B. in, at, C. at,

on. 6.---Maybe you should buy some new clothes. --- Yes, mine are ____ style, I don’t like them. A. from, B. in, C. out of. 7.---I have toothache. --- You should ___. A. see a dentist B. go to a movie, C. have a rest. 8.---I want to be a pop star. What should I do ? --- You should try to be ____. A. friendly , B. crazy, C. happy. 9.Could you please give me ___? A. some advices, B. some advice , C. an advice. 10.These days I’m very upset and I don’t know ____. A. how to do, B. what to


一、单项选择题 第一组:共25小题 1.按照民事纠纷解决机制种类的划分标准,仲裁属于( ) A.公力救济B.自力救济C.司法救济D.社会救济 2.下列关于民事诉讼辩论原则适用范围的表述,正确的是( ) A.仅适用于案件实体问题的辩论B.仅适用于案件程序问题的辩论 C.仅适用于案件法律问题的辩论D.适用于案件实体问题、程序问题和法律问题的辩论 3.下列关于调解原则的表述,正确的是( ) A.法院调解是处理民事案件的必经程序B.法院调解应当是在当事人自愿的前提下进行 C.再审程序中不适用调解D.适用特别程序审理的案件可以调解 4.民事诉讼当事人对自己的民事权利和诉讼权利( ) A.无权处分B.有权处分,但须人民法院同意C.有权在法定的范围内处分D.有权自由处分 5.根据法律规定,一方当事人为公民,另一方当事人是法人的,申请执行的期限为( ) A.3个月B.6个月C.1年D.2年 6.根据法律规定,当事人可以申请先予执行的案件是( ) A.要求返还不当得利的案件B.追索劳动报酬的案件C.侵害名誉权的案件D.要求返还借款的案件 7.下列有关诉讼费用负担的说法,错误的是( ) A.调解结案的,由当事人协商负担B.诉讼费用一般由败诉方负担 C.双方都有责任的,按比例分担 D.人民法院无权决定诉讼费用的负担

8.民事诉讼中的期间是指( ) A.当事人及其他诉讼参与人与法院会合实施诉讼行为的时间 B.法院、当事人和其他诉讼参与人各自单独为某种诉讼行为必须遵守的期限 C.当事人和其他诉讼参与人完成诉讼行为所必须遵守的期限 D.法院完成诉讼行为所必须遵守的期限 9.在诉讼中,为了保证将来生效判决能够得以执行,根据当事人的申请,或人民法院依职权对当事人有关财产可采取的强制性保护措施的制度是( ) A.先予执行B.强制执行C.财产保全D.行为保全 10.对必要共同诉讼而言,其诉讼标的是( ) A.共同的B.同一种类的C.共同的或者同一种类的D.分别形成的 11.法定诉讼代理人的代理权是源于( ) A.当事人的授权B.法定代理人的授权C.法律的直接规定D.人民法院的直接指定 12.无独立请求权的第三人在诉讼中有权( ) A.提出管辖权异议B.放弃诉讼请求C.承认诉讼请求D.提供证据 13.甲乙两人对一栋房屋的产权发生争议进行诉讼,丙对该栋房屋中的两间房屋主张权利,丙在诉讼中的地位是( ) A.共同原告B.共同被告C.有独立请求权的第三人D. 无独立请求权的第三人 14.根据诉讼证据与证明责任的关系,可以将证据分为( ) A.原始证据与派生证据B.直接证据与间接证据C.本证与反证D.合法证据与非法证据 15.原告的起诉被法院受理后将会产生的法律后果是( ) A.诉讼时效中止中断B.不影响当事人就该案向其他法院起诉 C.当事人不能撤诉 D.当事人取得相应的诉讼地位 16.根据民事诉讼法的规定,可以适用简易程序审理案件的法院有( )


通用技术必修2一、二单元测试题及答案 一、单项选择题 狩猎者从灌木丛走过,裤子沾满了令人讨厌的苍耳子。仔细观察苍耳子,它的表面布满了许多小刺,每根刺上都有细细的倒钩,碰到纤维的衣物,便粘在上面。瑞士的乔尔吉?朵青斯经过8年的研究,根据苍耳子的结构发明了 A、拉链 B、尼龙搭扣c、鱼钩D、飞机【大纲要求】:了解结构的含义 日常生活中,使用螺丝刀时,螺丝刀需要承受什么力 A、拉力 B、压力c、弯曲力D、扭曲力【大纲要求】:从力学角度理解结构的概念和分类 我们在日常生活中,所使用的物体数不胜数,比如:板凳,我们在设计其时之所以让其构件采用榫卯连接方式,而不用钉连接。主要是前者的连接方式比后者更【大纲要求】:影响结构强度的因素 A、结实 B、稳定c、结实和稳定D、以上都不是 钢筋混凝土梁比无钢筋的水泥梁的强度更大。 A、抗拉 B、抗压c、抗弯D、抗剪【大纲要求】:分析结构如何承受力 如果一个构件在5的横截面积上,受到外力的作用,产生了20N的内力,那么该构件的应力是

A、25Pa B、15Pac、4PaD、100Pa【大纲要求】:应力的概念 下列哪种物体利用了重心位置低来保持稳定。【大纲要求】:影响结构稳定性的因素 A、三脚架 B、A字形梯c、不倒翁D、大坝 单脚支撑的自行车的稳定性是利用了。【大纲要求】:影响结构稳定性的因素 A、重心位置 B、支撑面积的大小c、结构的形状D、综合利用以上各因素 钻石有令人难以置信的强度,就是因为它的分子结构为四面体,每个面都是三角形,这说明了结构的强度与下面那个因素有关。【大纲要求】:影响结构强度的因素 A、重心位置 B、结构的材料c、结构的形状D、综合利用以上各因素 一般情况下,不锈钢杯比纸杯的强度大,这说明了结构的强度与下面那个因素有关。 A、重心位置 B、结构的材料c、结构的形状D、综合利用以上各因素【大纲要求】:影响结构强度的因素 0、我们常用的A形梯不直接采用铝合金片,而用长方形截面的铝合金构件,这说明了影响着结构强度。A、材料B、连接方式c、重心的高低D、构件的形状【大纲要求】:影响结构强度的因素


一单项选择题 1下述不属于急性冠脉综合征的是 A.初发劳累心绞痛 B.变异型心绞痛 C.急性非ST段抬高心梗 D.急性ST段抬高心梗 E.稳定劳累性心绞痛 2急性心肌梗死24小时最常出现的并发症是 A.室性心律失常 B.心脏破裂 C.乳头肌断裂 D.室间隔穿孔 E.心肌梗死后综合征 3ST段抬高心梗,心电图表现不包括 A.T波倒置 B.宽而深的Q波 C.ST弓背向上型抬高 D.肺性P波 E.背向心梗区域出现R波增高 4最易引起房室传导阻滞的是 A 广泛前壁心梗 B 下壁心梗 C 右室心梗 D 侧壁心梗 E 后壁心梗 5急性非ST段抬高心梗,处理不正确的是 A.低分子肝素抗凝 B.氯比格雷抗血小板 C.尿激酶溶栓 D.有心源性休克时给予升压药维持血压 E.有三度房室传到阻滞的安置临时 6下列哪项药物不是冠心病改善预后的药物 A.ACEI类

B.抗血小板药物 C.他汀类药物 D.硝酸脂类药物 E.β受体阻滞剂 7男性,68岁,因胸痛、呼吸困难以急性前壁心肌梗死合并急性肺水肿入院,下列哪项药物作为首选 A.毛花苷C B.吗啡 C.呋塞米 D.硝酸甘油 E.硝普钠 8急性广泛前壁ST段抬高心肌梗死3小时入院,首选治疗 A.阿替普酶 B.替罗非斑 C.硝酸甘油 D.利伐沙班 E.比伐卢定 9男,68岁,2周来反复胸痛,发作与劳累及情绪有关,休息可以缓解。3小时前出现持续性疼痛,进行性加剧,并气促,不能平卧,血压110/70mmHg,心率120次/分,律齐,心尖部可闻及3/6级收缩期杂音,双肺散在哮鸣音及湿性啰音,根据上述临床表现,该病人的诊断最可能是 A.风心病二尖瓣关闭不全 B.扩张型心肌病 C.支气管哮喘 D.支气管肺炎 E.急性心肌梗死并发左心衰竭 10男性,60岁。心前区阵发性疼痛1个月,多在夜间发作,与活动无关。每次发作15分钟,发作时心电图Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联ST段抬高。首选治疗的药物是 A.硝酸酯类 B.β受体阻滞剂 C.钙离子拮抗剂 D.洋地黄类 E.乙胺碘呋酮 11男,50岁,1周前心前区剧烈疼痛,随后心悸、气促,怀疑急性心肌梗死。为确诊最有帮助的酶学检查是 A.LDH


毛概第二单元 1、近代中国最基本的国情是() A.近代中国是一个前资本主义社会 B.近代中国生产力落后,人民生活普遍贫困 C.近代中国是一个半殖民地半封建社会 D.近代中国饱受西方列强侵略,山河破碎 2、在十月革命的影响下,1919年五四运动爆发,中国无产阶级开始以独立的政治力量登上历史舞台,这说明中国无产阶级()。 A.由自在阶级转变为自为的阶级 B.由自为的阶级转变为自在阶级 C.由自在阶级转变为自由的阶级 D.由自为的阶级转变为自主的阶级 3、在半殖民地半封建的近代中国,最主要的社会矛盾是()。 A.帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾 B.无产阶级和资产阶级的矛盾 C.农民阶级和地主阶级的矛盾 D.人民群众与反动政府之间的矛盾 4、毛泽东第一次提出“新民主主义革命”的科学概念的文章是()。 A.《中国革命和中国共产党》 B.《〈共产党人〉发刊词》 C.《论联合政府》 D.《关于领导方法的若干问题》 5、毛泽东完整地表述了新民主主义革命总路线的内容的文章或讲话是()。 A.《反对本本主义》 B.《在晋绥干部会议上的讲话》 C.《〈共产党人〉发刊词》 D.《中国革命和中国共产党》 6、新民主主义革命不是一般的资产阶级革命,而是新式的特殊的资产阶级革命,最根本的原因是()。 A.革命的前途不同 B.指导思想不同 C.革命的纲领不同 D. 领导阶级不同 7、无产阶级要实现对中国革命的领导权,其核心问题是()。 A.建立以工农联盟为基础的广泛的统一战线 B.与资产阶级争夺领导权 C.分清敌友 D.建立广泛的民主革命统一战线 8、“因为中国资产阶级根本上与剥削农民的豪绅地主相联结相混合,中国革命要推翻豪绅地主阶级,便不能不同时推翻资产阶级。”这一观点的主要错误是()。 A.不承认中国资产阶级与地主阶级的区别 B.混淆了民主革命和社会主义革命的任务 C.忽视了反对帝国主义的必要性 D.未能区分资产阶级的两部分 9、毛泽东在《中国社会各阶级的分析》中指出,民族资产阶级“对于中国革命具有矛盾的态度”,这说明()。 A.民族资产阶级不是中国革命的动力 B.无产阶级及其政党必须对资产阶级进行坚决的斗争民 C.族资产阶级是一个带有两面性的阶级 D.民族资产阶级是官僚资产阶级的同路人 10、通过没收官僚资本建立起来的的国营经济,在新民主主义社会的多种经济成分中居于领导地位。其具有的性质是()。 A.共产主义 B.新民主主义 C.资本主义 D.社会主义 11、正式把农村包围城市、武装夺取政权确立为中国革命道路的文章是()。 A.1940年的《新民主主义论》 B.1938年的《论新阶段》 C.1938年的《战争和战略问题》 D.1945年的《论联合政府》 12、毛泽东《星星之火,可以燎原》一文主要是为了回答一部分同志提出的如下疑问:()。 A.中国革命的前途是什么 B.中国革命高潮何时到来 C.红旗到底打得多久 D.是否应该开辟农村革命根据地 13、毛泽东把统一战线、武装斗争、党的建设比作党在中国革命中战胜敌人的三个主要的法

中考英语 单项选择第2集

单项选择 1. You've just finished your listening exam. Please get yourself ready for the next part, ? A. shall we B. will you C. do you D. are you 2. do you have a face-to-face talk with your parent(s)? A. How often B. How soon C. How many D. How much 3. One of the difficulties we have English is how to remember new words and expressions. A. to learn B. in learning C. learn D. learned 4. Our Chinese teacher told us interesting story and story was about Thomas Edison A. an; a B. the; the C. a; the D. an; the 5. ---How do you like your English teacher? ---He is great. We friends since three years ago. A. were B. have made C. have been D. have become 6. ---Hi, Jim! Is this your bike or Mary's? --- It's mine, not . A. her B. him C. his D. hers 7. We can't work out the physics problem. Can you tell us ? A. how to do B. what to do it C. how to do it D. what should to do 8. Mary is used to a T-shirt and jeans. A. wear B. put on C. wearing D. putting on 9. Of the two coats, she'd like to choose the one to save money for a book. A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive 10. He said he would come to see us the next afternoon.


Unit One : Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice Directions: For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. C1. The government has devoted a larger slice of its financial ____ to agriculture than most other countries. A) conditions B) potential C) budget D) economy B2. The long drought caused a(n) ____ shortage of water in this region. A) urgent B) acute C) dense D) rigid B3. Many in the credit industry expect that credit cards will eventually ___D_ paper money for almost every purchase. A) trade B) replace C) exchange D) reduce D4. The history of life on earth has been a history of ____ between living things and their surroundings. A) introduction B) interview C) interference D) interaction D5. Don’t have him for a friend. He’s ____ a criminal. A) anything but B) but for C) rather than D) nothing but B6. I’ve seen Donna in lots of movies, but I’ve never seen her __A__. A) in person B) in reality


Unit 2 单元测试题 Ⅳ.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 16. Paul usually has breakfast ______ seven o’clock. A. in B. at C. on D. for ( ) 17. Alan always gets up late and then goes to school, so he ______ eats breakfast. A. always B. usually C. never D. sometimes ( ) 18. Miss Brown plays volleyball ______ runs before breakfast. A. or B. but C. so D. then ( ) 19. What ______ your father usually do after work? A. is B. do C. does D. am ( ) 20. —______ do you go to school every day? —I go to school at half past seven. A. Where B. Who C. What D. When ( ) 21. I like the beef soup because it ______ nice. A. tastes B. sounds C. looks D. gets ( ) 22. We need to ______ after eating to have good teeth. A. get up B. brush our teeth C. get dressed D. do our homework ( ) 23. Sam has a relaxing ______. He only works on weekends.


21.The report said a car went out of ____control on a highway _____south of the city and rushed into a river. A.the;the B./;the C.the;/ D./;/ 22.I _________when someone knocked at the door. A.am going to leave B.was about to leave C.would leave D.had left 23.It was in the mid-1980s that cartoons began to take off in China,_____there were only pictured-story books. A.when B.after that C.before which D.where 24.Because of the traffic accident,we had to put off the visit until tomorrow to the exhibition of painting _________in the nearby city. A.to hold B.to be held C.holding D.being held 25.Please tell me the way you thought of _________the garden. A.take care of B.to take care of C.taking care of D.taken care of 26.Peter has many friends;_________can help him. A.few of which B.few of whom C.few of that D.few of them 27.He said he had telegraphed me to return home,but I didn't receive _________. A.one B.it C.anything D.anyone 28.—_________ you got to know his address? —Through a friend of his. A.How was it B.What was it C.How was it that D.What was it that 29.She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to _________her. A.have seen B.seeing C.see D.be seen 30.We didn't know his telephone number,otherwise we _________him. A.might telephone B.must have telephoned C.would telephone D.would have telephoned 31.—Mrs Jones?This is Mr Black assistant principal at the high school. —Oh,hello,Mr Black.I _________your call. A.am expecting B.had expected C.was expecting D.have expected 32.—We'd like Chinese black tea,please? —Sorry,we don't _________Chinese tea. A.do B.make C.serve D.cook 33.A notice was placed by the river bank warning people to _________the thin ice. A.keep off B.keep out C.keep away D.keep on 34.So little _________that she was seriously ill herself. A.Susan knew B.did Susan know C.knew Susan D.was Susan known 35.As a boy,he was found _________hard all the day. A.made to work B.to make working C.made working D.making to working 21.At _________ time does the salesgirl get up late in the morning.She is too busy to take a good rest. A.no B.any C.each D.one 22.__gravity holds things together,some unknown ___is working across the universe to pull everything apart. A.While;force B.When;power C.As;energy D.Since;strength 23.Liu Xiang is_________ first Chinese who has won_________ one-hundred-metre hurdle gold medal in the Olympic Games. A.the;a B.the;the C.the;an D.a;the 24.—Many thanks for your selfishless help. —_________. A.You’re too polite B.Think nothing of it C.It’s a snack D.Don’t say that 25.—How long have Mr White and his wife _________?—It’s 8 years _________ they got married. A.been married;since B.got married;when C.been married;after D.got married;before 26.Another manned spaceship is reported _________ sent up into space from Jiuquan yesterday morning. A.to be B.to have been C.being D.to 27.—_____ is now a school ______ a church.—Yes.Great changes have taken place in our hometown. A.Where;was B.Where;has been C.What;would be D.What;used to be 29.—The remaining food can _________ the 4 of us _________ 3 days,I think. —You are right.We’d better stop this forest trip right now. A.support;no longer than https://www.wendangku.net/doc/686397103.html,st;no more than C.feed;not more than D.supply;not longer than 30.It was at that school _________ he realised his dream _________ he was going to be a teacher. A.that;that B.that;which C.where;that D.where;which 31.The Civil War _________ when the South _________ the Union. A.broke out;broke into B.broke off;broke out C.broke down;broke up D.broke out;broke away from 32._________ more care and help,some students could have passed the exam. A.To give B.Giving C.Given D.Being given 33.I _________ you how to deal with the matter,but why didn’t you ask me? A.could show B.were to show C.had shown D.would had shown 34.After a week’s wor k,my strength _________.So I failed to see you in hospital. A.gave way B.gave out C.gave off D.gave in


一、单项选择题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. 天网防火墙个人版是个人电脑使用的网络安全______? A. 软件 B. 设备 C. 装置 D. 武器 满分:4 分 2. 病毒在感染计算机系统时,一般_______感染系统的? A. 病毒程序都会在屏幕上提示,待操作者确认(允许)后 B. 是在操作者不觉察的情况下 C. 病毒程序会要求操作者指定存储的磁盘和文件夹后 D. 在操作者为病毒指定存储的文件名以后 满分:4 分 3. 计算机病毒来源于_______? A. 影响用户健康的霉菌发生了变化 B. 一种类型的致病微生物 C. 不良分子编制的程序 D. 计算机硬盘的损坏或霉变 满分:4 分 4. 网络防火墙具有_________。 A. 单向导通性 B. 双向导通性 C. 易于攻破性 D. 防火功能 满分:4 分 5. Windows XP的最新的更新服务包是____? A. Service Pack 4

B. Service Pack 3 C. Service Pack 2 D. Service Pack 1 满分:4 分 6. 计算机病毒的危害主要表现在____。 A. 致使计算机某些器件损坏 B. 影响计算结果,但不影响速度 C. 影响微机执行速度,但不影响计算结果 D. 主机发生故障时产生的 满分:4 分 7. 下面列出的四项中,不属于计算机病毒特征的是________。 A. 免疫性 B. 潜伏性 C. 破坏性 D. 传染性 满分:4 分 8. Windows 2000最新的更新服务包是____? A. Service Pack 4 B. Service Pack 3 C. Service Pack 2 D. Service Pack 1 满分:4 分 9. 防病毒软件的隔离系统在哪种情况下不会将文件隔离? A. 病毒防护杀毒软件过程中,可以发现病毒,但不能杀的染毒文件 B. 感染未知病毒文件 C. 用户怀疑但不能确定含有病毒的可疑文件


模块一第一第二单元单选和单词拼写汇编 1. She had a tense expression on her face, ______ she were expecting trouble. A. even though B. as though C. now that D. in case 2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ________. A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken 3. The badly wounded soldier slowly opened his lips as if ______ something. A. to say B. said C. he had said D. was saying 4. The actor threw himself from the horse, as if _________. A. to be shot B. being shot C. shooting D. shot 5. It was no use trying to give explanations. They insisted ______ the project ahead of time. A. you to complete B. that you completed C. on your completing D. completing 6. The woman asked for the money, but the man dressed in blue insisted that he _______ his debts. A. should pay B. paid C. pays D. had paid 7. The doctor insisted that Mrs White ______ more exercise to keep fit, but Mrs White insisted that she ______ all right. A. do; was B. did; was C. do; be D. should do; should be 8. The place he ______ is quite far from here. A. suggested hold the meeting B. suggested to hold the meeting C. suggested holding the meeting D. suggested should hold the meeting 9. ––– How do you_________we go to Beijing for our holidays? –––I think we’d better fly there. It’s much more comfortable. A. insist B. want C. suppose D. suggest 10. _______ has been suggested is that we ________ there much earlier than planned. A. What; be B. That; will be C. It; should be D. Which; would be 11. The smile on the old man’s face suggested that he ______ satisfied with the results. A. is B. should be C. was D. would be 12. He came back ______ later than ________. A. much; expecting B. very; expected C. much; expected D. even; to be expected 13. Does this meal cost $50? I ______ something far better than this! A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose 14. ––– Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls? ––– Yes. They have better players, so I ______ them to win. A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want 15. _____ his father, Wang Lin entered the room, ______ by his two brothers. A. Follow; follow B. Following; follow C. Followed; following D. Following; followed 16. There was a terrible noise ______ the sudden burst of light. A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed 17.. Mother sat there, silent, ______ of her past. A. to think B. thought C. thinking D. was thinking 18.. He is a student at Oxford University, ______ for a degree in computer science. A. studied B. studying C. to have studied D. to be studying 19. As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not ______, and asked myself what I was going to do. A. moved B. moving C. to move D. being moved 1) 用“介词+关系代词”填空 1. The girl _____ _____ I shook hands at the school gate is the best singer in our school. 2. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ______ _______ she could turn for help. 3. The gentleman _______ ________ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief. 4. He is an experienced worker, _____ _____ we can learn a lot. 5. We thought you were a person _____ _____ we could expect good decisions. 6. The two subjects _____ _____ my friend was not sure were maths and geography. 7. The girl _____ _____ I lent my dictionary is honest.


2015高考英语单项选择(2)及答案(武汉市) 单项填空 1.(2014·南京名校阶段考试)—I wonder if I could make a living by writing. —________? A.Who cares B.How dare you C.For what D.Why not take a chance 2.(2014·山西太原部分中学高三统一检测)It came as________shock that ________fire broke out in Shanghai yesterday,killing at least 5 people. A.a;a B.a;/ C./;a D.the;the 3.(2014·湖南师大附中一模)The first successful space walk in 2013 is an important historical________in Chinese history. A.event B.matter C.affair D.incident 4.(2014·江苏两校联考)According to the agreement,you________be fined if you fail to meet the goal. A.will B.must C.might D.shall 5.(2014·山东实验中学二模)You can never be________careful,the road is icy and slippery. A.very B.too C.quite D.rather 6.(2014·海口质检)I re ceived his mother’s phone call at ten.Only then did I know that he was badly________in an accident the day before yesterday. A.hurt B.injured C.harmed D.wounded 7.You are so depen dent that I’m afraid you can’t adjust yourself to________alone for a time. A.leave B.leaving C.be left D.being left 8.(2013·福建六校二模)His best movie,________won several awards,was about the life of Gandhi. A.it B.that C.where D.which 9.The rescue team has saved more than ten people________under the collapsed buildings since the earthquake occurred in Ya’an. A.trapping B.to be trapped C.trapped D.having trapped 10.The space suits can be adjusted so that the team can reproduce different levels of gravity as if they________in space.


药学专业知识二单选题50题(含答案),练习题50题 (含答案) 单选题 1、可引起肺毒性和光过敏 A硝普钠 B肼屈嗪 C哌唑嗪 D可乐定 E普萘洛尔 答案:E 普萘洛尔阻断β受体,使心肌收缩力减弱,心率减慢,发挥降压作用;肼屈嗪可直接舒张小动脉平滑肌;硝普钠对小动脉和小静脉平滑肌都有直接松弛作用。 单选题 2、在痛风发作的急性期,应当首选的抗痛风药是 A阿司匹林 B苯溴马隆 C秋水仙碱 D别嘌醇 E吲哚美辛

答案:A 急性发作期应控制关节炎症和发作、抑制粒细胞浸润和白细胞趋化或减少细胞坏死、缓解疼痛。常用非甾体抗炎药(阿司匹林及水杨酸钠禁用)和秋水仙碱,如上述两类药效果差或不宜应用时可考虑应用糖皮质激素(关节腔内注射或口服)。 单选题 3、喹诺酮类药物的抗菌作用机制是 A抑制细菌细胞壁的合成 B抑制细菌蛋白质合成起始阶段 C改变细菌细胞浆膜的通透性 D抑制细菌mRNA的合成 E抑制细菌DNA回旋酶和拓扑异构酶Ⅳ 答案:E 氟喹诺酮类药的主要作用靶位在细菌的DNA旋转酶,这是一种部分异构酶,共有4个亚单位,干扰DNA复制、转录和重组,从而影响DNA的合成而致细菌死亡。 单选题 4、在痛风发作的急性期,应当首选的抗痛风药是 A阿司匹林 B苯溴马隆 C秋水仙碱 D别嘌醇 E吲哚美辛

答案:A 急性发作期应控制关节炎症和发作、抑制粒细胞浸润和白细胞趋化或减少细胞坏死、缓解疼痛。常用非甾体抗炎药(阿司匹林及水杨酸钠禁用)和秋水仙碱,如上述两类药效果差或不宜应用时可考虑应用糖皮质激素(关节腔内注射或口服)。 单选题 5、治疗无痰干咳宜选用的药物是 A氨溴索 B右美沙芬 C沙丁胺醇 D喷托维林 E苯丙哌林 答案:E 苯丙哌林对口腔黏膜有麻醉作用,产生麻木感觉,需整片吞服,不可嚼碎。 单选题 6、不耐酸,口服易被胃酸破坏的大环内酯类药物是 A抑制细胞壁合成 B与核蛋白体30S亚基结合,抑制蛋白质的合成 C与核蛋白体50S亚基结合 D与核蛋白体70S亚基结合 E特异性地抑制依赖于DNA的RNA多聚酶的活性

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