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考频考查的单词正确的选项词性中文含义abundant plentiful a. 大量的

accelerate increase v. 加速;加大

accessible available a. 可用的2accordingly for that reason;consequently ad. 因此2account (for)explain v. 解释;说明accumulate collect v. 积累;积聚

a couple of years two years 两年

adequate sufficient a. 充足的

adhere stick v. 黏附;胶着

adjunct addition n. 附加物administered managed v. 管理adorn decorate v. 装饰

advent arrival n. 出现、到达

adversely negatively ad. 不利地;有害地

advocate proponent n. 倡导者;辩护者aesthetically artistically ad. 审美地;美学地affront insult v 侮辱轻蔑

aid help v. 帮助

alert wary a. 机敏的

allay reduce v. 减少

alter change v. 改变;调整alternative option n. 替代;替代物

altogether completely ad. 完全地

ancillary secondary a. 附属的;辅助的

annihilate conquer v. 消灭;征服

antagonist enemy n. 对手;敌人

antecedent predecessor n. 先辈

anticipate look forward to v. 期待;盼望

apace with as fast as 快速的

appealing attractive a. 吸引人的

apply used for v. 应用;适用

appreciated (-tion) recognized(-tion) v.(-n) 赏识aptly appropriately ad. 适当地

arduous difficult a. 艰巨的;艰苦的

article object n. 物品,物体

ascend climb v. 攀升;升高2 assemble gather; bring together v. 装配;组合

assortment variety n. 品种;种类assumption belief n. 确信的想法attachment preference for n. 依恋;偏好2attained achieved; reached v. 达到attendant accompanying n. 服务员

attire clothing n. 衣着;盛装2 attribute credit; characteristics v. 被认为;被鉴定;特征

avail make use v. 有用

avid eager a. 渴望的;热心的

barren infertile a. 贫瘠的;不毛的

besides in addition to prep. 除此之外2 bias prejudice n. 偏见;嗜好

bind tie v. 捆;绑;使结合

boosted raised v. 提高,推进2bound limit held n. v. 范围;界限;限制break departure from n. 决裂;破裂brief look glance n. 瞥视;浏览bring about cause v. 导致;引起brittle easily broken a. 易碎的calculate determine v. 计算;确定came to the forefront became important

carried on continued v. 继续carry support v. 支撑;支持

cease stop v. 停止;结束celebratory full of praise n. 颂扬

celestial astronomical a. 天空的;天上的

chance unplanned a. 偶然的;碰巧的

characteristics qualities n. 性质,特性chronicle describe v. 记述

classify categorize v. 分类

clear unobstructed a. 畅通的;无阻的2 clue information n. 线索;信息

cluster group v. 成群2coarse rough; crude a. 粗糙的coin create v. 创造;杜撰coincide with happen at the same time ad. 同时2collective(-ly) group (together) n.(ad) 集体(共同地)

come of age establish itself v. 达到法定年龄;


comparably similarly ad. 可比地;相当地compelling forceful a. 被迫的component parts n. 部分compose focus on v. 创作;创造comprise consist of v. 包含;包括concealed covered a. 隐藏着的concentrate cluster v. 集中;积聚conclusive definitive a. 最后的concomitant with in conjunction with ad. 协同concrete specific a. 具体的;特定的configuration arrangement n. 结构;形状2confine limit; restrict v. 限制;局限confirm uphold v. 证实;确认conflicting opposing a. 冲突的;抵触的conjectural based on guessing a. 猜测的;推测的consequence result n. 结果

2 conserve store; retain v. 保存;保护

3 considerable large; substantial; much; great a. 很重要的;很大的

consistent constant a. 持续的

consort associate v. 结交conspicuous noticeable a. 显著的

2 constituent (-v.) component (make up) n. (v.) 成分;要素(构成;组成)

consumed (-n) eaten (eat) v. (n.) 吃掉2contemporary existing; written at that time a. n. 当代的;现有的;同时代convergence gathering n. 聚集2convert change v. 转换correspondingly similarly ad. 相应地;对应地count weigh v. 有价值;有分量counteract negate v. 抵消;反作用counterpart version n. 复本;对应物crisscross move back and forth v. 穿梭;交错往来critical judge of fine arts connoisseur n. 鉴赏家;评论家crucial important a. 重要的cumbersome burdensome a. 麻烦的;笨重的dampen moisten v. 使潮湿

daring bold a. 勇敢的;大胆的

deft skilled a. 熟练的;灵巧的deliberate careful a. 审慎的;仔细的

demand require v. 要求;需求

demise death n. 死亡demonstrate show v. 表明;证实dense thick a. 稠密的;浓厚的

depend rely v. 依靠

depict represent; describe v. 描述

depress lower v. 压低;使沮丧

derive obtain v. 得到derived from based on v. 基于2 detectable measurable; apparent a. 可察觉的;易发现的

detecting finding v. 探测devastated ruined a. 毁坏的;被破坏的developing evolving a. 发展的;演化的2 devote to dedicate; specializing in v. 致力于;献身于

dictate determine v. 指示;决定

diffuse travel v. 扩散;传播

disaster catastrophe n. 灾难

discard get rid of v. 丢弃;抛弃

discrete separate adj. 不连续的

dispute argument n. 争论;争执disseminate spread/impart v. 散布;传播2 distinct separate; different a. 清晰的;不同的

distinguish differentiate v. 区分;辨别divergence difference n. 差异;变化3diverse dissimilar; varied; different a. 多种多样的;不一样的dividing line boundary n. 边界;分界线do sth. repeatedly iterate v. 重复;反复2 domain field; region n. 领域;范围

dominate be prevalent in v. 支配;控制

dramatic striking a. 显著的2drastic (-ly) radical (severely) a. (ad) 激烈的;猛烈的2 draw attract; instruct v. 吸引;引导2durability (-able) endurance (long-lasting) n. (a.) 经久,耐久(持久的;耐用的) dwelling house n. 住处;寓所

eager enthusiastic a. 热心的2 easily moved portable a. 轻便的;可携带的2effect (-iciency) influence (effectiveness) v. (n.) 影响;效果elaborately done in great detail ad. 详尽地;精心地

elevate promote v. 提高;提升

elicit bring out v. 引出

embraced welcomed v. 欢迎

emerge appear v. 浮现;出现2emit (-ing) give off (producing) v. 发出(生产,发行) emphasize stress v. 强调

employ use v. 雇佣;应用2 enable allow; help v. 使能够;使可能

enactment performance n. 演出;表演encompass include v. 包含end goal n. 末端;目的

endless continuous a. 不断的

engaged hired v. 雇佣

ensure guarantee v. 保证

entire whole a. 全部的

entity object n. 实体;存在

entomb trap v. 埋葬;设陷阱

era period of time n. 时期eradicate eliminate v. 除去;消除erroneous ideas misconception n. 误解;错误观念erroneously

mistake v. 误以为;误认为identified as

2essence (-tial) basic nature; fundamental n. (a.) 基本(基本的)

establish create v. 设立;创作

estimated judged v. 鉴定

evidence indicate n. 迹象;预示

evolution development n. 发展

exalted superior a. 高贵的;崇高的

2 excavate dig v. 挖掘;开凿

exceptional remarkable a. 非同一般的

execute create v. 造成;制成;履行;执行

exercise utilize v. 行使,利用

exert cause v. 引起;产生

exorbitant expensive a. 昂贵的

expendable unprofitable a. 没有用的

2 expose subject to; uncover v. 使暴露;暴露于

2 extend stretch;increase v. 延长;扩展

2extol praise v. 赞美

2 extract remove v. 提取;取得

extraordinary supreme a. 非凡的;极度的

2fabricate make; construct v. 制作;装配

faction side n. 小派系

fashion create v. 造成,引起

fatal deadly a. 致命的

2favor prefer v. 喜爱feed put v. 供给;供应

feel detect v. 察觉;感觉

finding scientific discovery

fine (-ly) tiny; minutely a. 细小的

fixture commonplace object n. 固定设备;附属装置

flamed burned a. 燃烧的

flattering complimentary a. 称赞的;奉承的flourished thrived n. 茂盛

forage feed v. 搜索;寻找食物

foremost leading adj. 最主要的formidable difficult a. 艰难的forward-looking progressive a. 向前看的;有远见的frame (-work)pose (structure) v. (n.) 构造;提出(框架结构) freeing releasing n. 解除,释放functional usable a. 合用的fundamental basic a. 基础的;基本的furnish provide v. 提供

fuse combine v. 熔合;结合

gambit calculated risk n. 策略;谋略

gap open n. 缺口;缝隙give way to turn into v. 让位;变成

glowing shining a. 光亮的good name reputation n. 名声;名誉

graphic vivid a. 生动的

gradually by degrees ad. 逐渐地

grumbled complained v. 抱怨hard firm a. 坚硬的;牢固的hard to deal with stubborn a. 执拗的;固执的hardiest most vigorous a. 最强壮的

heart center n. 中心hemisphere side n. 半球;半边henceforth from that time on ad. 自此以后

herald announce v. 预示;预报hinged on depended on v. 依靠hinterland region n. 地方;区域ideal perfect a. 完美的

identical exactly alike a. 同样的

ignite set on fire v. 点燃

imitate copy v. 模仿;伪造

immunity protection n. 保护immutable unchangeable a. 不变的impediment obstacle n. 妨碍;阻碍imperceptibly subtly ad. 不可觉察地;极缓慢地implement tool n. 工具;器械implication significance n. 含义;意义

imposing demanding a. 紧迫的;紧急的in place of instead of ad. 代替

in reality actually n. 实际上;事实上inaccessible unreachable a. 难接近的;难达到的

inception beginning n. 起初incinerate burn up v. 烧毁

incised carved a. 雕刻的inclination preference n. 倾向;偏好incorporate combine v. 结合;合并incriminate blame 有罪

induce cause vt. 导致

influx arrival n. 流入;到达

ingenuity resourcefulness n. 机灵

inhibit hinder v. 阻止;阻碍2 initiate start; cause v. 开始;引发2innovation (-tive) new idea (new) n. 创新;革新(创新的) insignificant unimportant a. 不重要的

instance case n. 实例;例证

integral essential; fundamental a. 整体的;不可缺少的2intense (-sive) extreme (concentrated) a. 强烈的;(加强的,集中的)

intent goal; purpose n. 目的interchangeable equivalent a. 相等的;可互换的intervals periods n. 周期intermittently periodically ad 间歇的intervention influence n. 干涉;影响

intricate complex a. 复杂的intriguing attractive; fascinate a. 迷人的

invade move into v. 侵入

inviting attractive a. 吸引人的;诱人的

justify prove v. 辩护;证实

key important a.重要的laborious difficult a. 费力的

lament complain about v. 抱怨

lie be located v. 位于

load weight n. 重担

locale place n. 场所

lured attracted v. 吸引,引诱

magnify intensify v. 放大;强化3 maintain preserve; keep v. 维持;坚持

major principal a. 主要的;大型的make possible allow v. 允许;使可能mandate require v. 要求

margin edge n. 边;边缘2marked pronounce; noticeable a. 明显的;显著的means method n. 方法

merely only ad. 仅仅地,只不过meteoric rapid a. 迅速的meticulously careflly ad. 小心地minuscule tiny a. 很小的;微小的

minute tiny a. 微小的;细微的modifying changing v. 修改;变化momentarily briefly ad. 短暂的monopolize dominate v. 独占;占优势

moreover furthermore; in addition ad. 此外motif design n. 图案;花纹mundane ordinary a. 世俗的;普通的myriad many a. 许多的;无数的nascent immature a. 新生的;初生的nevertheless however ad. 然而;仍然norm standard n. 标准noted observed v. 注意到noticed announced v. 宣告,通告notwithstanding despite; in spite of prep. 尽管nourish feed 喂养noxious harmful a. 有害的;有毒的obtain get; acquire v. 获得;取得obvious apparent a. 明显的;显而易见的optimal best a. 最佳的ornate elaborate a. 华丽的oscillate swing v. 摇摆震荡outbreak beginning n. 爆发;开始outline summarizing v. 总结;概括outstanding excellent a. 杰出的;显著的over great distances faraway a. 遥远之处overtaken surpassed v. 赶上,超越partitioning division n. 划分peak maximum a. 最高的;高峰的peculiar strange a. 奇特的penetrate go through v. 穿透;透过people in the play actor n. 演员;剧中人物periphery outer edge n. 外围permeate spread through v. 传遍persist continue v. 持续personal magnetism charisma n. 个人魅力pertinent relevant a. 有关的phenomena event n. 现象;事件

pick up follow v. 寻找;寻路

picture imagine n. 图片

pit hole n. 坑;洼地

place measure v.

plunge drop n./v. 投入,陷入ponderous heavy a. 笨重的pore hole n. 毛孔;细孔

position job n. 职位;职务

postulate suggest v 假定

potential possible a. 潜在的;可能的precarious uncertain a. 不稳定的

precise accurate a. 精确的

prefer favor v. 偏好;喜欢preoccupation involvement n. 专心preside over manage v. 负责;统辖presumably probably ad. 大概

prevailed dominated v. 成功,统治2prevailing most frequent; dominant a. 盛行的;流行的prevent avoid v. 制止;阻止2primary (-ly) fundamental (chiefly) a. (ad.) 基本的;初步的(主要地) prior to preceding a. 在先;居前

prized valued a. 贵重的

probe explore v. 探察

produce butter n. 产物;产品2prolific productive (fruitful) a. 多产的prominent distinguished (famous) a. 显著的;卓越的proponent supporter n. 支持者

prospect possibility n. 期望;前景

prototype model n. 原型;范例

protrude project v. 突出;伸出

pry off locate v. 查找

puncture pierce v. 刺穿;刺破

pursue chase v. 追赶

raise rear v. 饲养;养育

random unpredictable a. 不可知的

rapidity swiftness n. 迅速

rare infrequent a. 稀有的;罕见的rather (than)instead (of) ad. 相反;相反地raw unprocessed adj. 未加工的

readily easily ad. 容易地realization awareness n. 认识;意识reap accept v. 收获;接受

rear raise v. 培养;饲养

reckless irresponsible a. 不负责任的recorded documented a. 已纪录的

recruit enlist v. 征募;补充refreshing unusual a. 清新的;清爽的regardless of no matter what a. 不管relate connect v. 相关;关联

reliance dependence n. 依靠remarkable significant a. 异常的;非凡的renounce reject v. 拒绝representative typical a. 典型的resemble be(appear)similar to v. 相似;类似

resolve find a solution for v. 解决resort to using v. 采用

revered respected v. 尊敬

revise change v. 修正;改造revitalize bring new life to v. 新生

robust strong a. 强健的;坚强的roll back reduce v. 压低;减少2 rotate alternate; turn v. 轮流;更迭

rot decay v. 腐烂roughly approximately ad. 概略地;大约rudimentary undeveloped a. 原始的;简单的run operate v. 操纵

rupture burst v. 破裂;裂开

rushing rapid a. 急流的sanitation health n. 卫生;健康状态

saturate soak v. 浸透;饱和saying two opposite

paradox n. 悖论;隽语things

scale measure n./v. 刻度/测量

2scarce (-ly) rare (barely) a. (ad.) 稀有的

scatter irregularly distribute v. 分散

scope extent n. 范围

scorched burned v. 烧焦

score musical compositions n. 乐谱

scurrying rushing v. 急赶

2secure acquire; safe v. ad. 获得;取得;安全的

sedentary inactive a. 不移栖的

sentiment opinion n. 意见;观点

serve as function as v. 充当;担任

set establish v. 确定;安置

2settle (-ed) decide (stabled) v. 决定;解决(固定的)

severe poverty indigence n. 贫困;赤贫

shield protect v. 保护;避开

significant meaningful a. 有重要意义的

site location n. 地点;场所

skepticism doubt n. 怀疑主义;怀疑态度

sketching drawing n. 速写;素描

skilled expert a. 熟练的;擅长的

skyrocket increase rapidly v. 猛涨,突增

sleep briefly nap n. 小睡;打盹

smooth operation effective functioning

smother eliminate v. 覆盖;除去

snap break v. 折断;拉断

2sole only a. 唯一的;独一的

solemn serious a. 严肃的;庄重的

sort out separate v. 挑选出source of energy fuel n. 能源;燃料span cover v. 包含spawn create v. 产生spark bring about v. 激发;发动speculate hypothesize v. 推测;假设staggering overwhelming a. 压倒的;压倒之势的standard customary a. 标准的standing not flowing a. 停滞的;不流动的

2staple popular edition; basic element n. 大宗物品;流行的东西主要


stimulate encourage v. 激发;促进

story level n. 楼层;层

strain stress v. 拉紧,重压

strength basis n. 实力;基础

stress emphasize v. 强调

striking noticeable a. 显著的stringent strict a. 严格的;严厉的

strive try 努力奋斗

struggle competition n. 竞争

subject susceptible a. 易受影响的;遭受影响的subjugate conquer v. 征服subsequent later a. 后来的2subsidy (-ize) finance n. (v.) 补助金;补贴subtle slight adj. 微小的;精细的

succinct concise a. 简洁的;简练的sufficient adequate a. 足够的;充足的

suitably appropriately ad. 适宜地sumptuous luxurious a. 豪华的;奢侈的sums amounts n. 和supplant replace; displace v. 取代;替代2 supplement extension; add to n. 补充;补遗

support hold v. 支持;支撑

supposedly seemingly ad. 按照推测;表面上supremacy dominance n. 至高无上;支配地位

supreme most outstanding a. 最大的;极度的2surge (-ing) increase sharply (accelerating) v. (a.) 急剧增加(高涨的;跃进的) suspend hang v. 挂;悬挂

sustain support v. 支撑symmetrical proportionally balanced a. 对称的;匀称的tangled twisted together a. 混乱的teeming with full of 充满telling challenging a. 有效的;有力的

tempting attractive a. 诱人的testimony evidence of n. 证据

thanks to because of n. 由于;多亏

thereby by that means ad.因此think highly admire v. 钦佩;羡慕thrive grow well v. 茁壮成长

thwart frustrate v. 使受挫

tolerate endure v. 忍受;忍耐

trace imprint n. 痕迹;遗迹

transition change, convert v. 转变

trend tendency n. 趋势;趋向

typify characterize v. 代表,表现ultimately eventually; in the end ad. 最后2 undergo experience v. 经历

underscore emphasize v. 强调underwater craft submarine n. 潜水艇undoubtedly certainly ad. 的确地2unique particular; singular a. 独特的unprecedented never seen before a. 空前的unravel discover v. 解开;阐明unrestricted unlimited a. 无限制的;自由的unsubstantiated unverified a. 未证实的;未核实的urged encouraged v. 催促,鼓励

usher beginning v. 引导;开始2vary (-ious) differ (-ent) v. 变化;改变(不同的) 2vast large; great a. 巨大的;广阔的venture endeavor n. 冒险;冒险行动very closely intimately ad. 亲密;密切vessel craft n. 船

vestige evidence n. 遗迹;残余

virtually completely n. 实质地want to much greedy a. 贪婪的;贪心的whether if conj. 是否

wider more extensive a. 宽广的

witness observe v. 目睹;目击

yield provide v. 产生;产生效果


大学英语四级选词填空和快速阅读复习攻略 选词填空: 首先:预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 其次:精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判断每空的词性; 第三:把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 记背选词填空选项的重点范围: 1.历年曾经考过的复合式听写的单词 2.历年曾经考过的完形填空的选项,仔细阅读态度题的选项 3.历年曾经考过的真题中的高频词汇 快速阅读: 建议做题方法:读题干并确定关键词(中心词)--去原文中定位关键词--分析定位句--分析题干--确定答案。 首先用“打包”方法对付乱序: 把整组题全部一次性吃透,然后去原文从头到尾定位。否则,考生如果按顺序逐题解答,时间会严重不足,最好是文章一遍看下来,能找到所有的信息。此外,考生应该注意定位原文的过程中,一定要脑、眼和手并用:眼是肯定要用的,不用脑会导致忽视同义转换,不用手(笔)会使我们处于走马观花的状态,然后会怀疑自己是不是漏掉了信息而不停地看。 其次:“吃透”题干,准确判断关键词(中心词)至关重要。如果没吃透题干,就无法准确判断关键词或中心词,就可能对原文中的重要信息没感觉。一般来说,题干关键词或中心词为实词以及一些数字、专有名词等。 最后,在解题的先后顺序上,采用先易后难的策略。采用由易到难的解题策略,可以提升考生的解题信心。对于那些答题线索较少的题干细节信息,考生可留在最后再解答。在解答这类较难的题目时,考生可快速阅读原文中仍未选过的段落的主题句(通常为第一句、第二句或最后一句),之后根据段落大意与题干中的细节信息进行匹配。


最新英语四级高频词汇700个 每天掌握30个词汇,一个月轻松过四级。 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9. slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片10. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 11.bacteria n. 细菌12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排14.candidate n. 候选人 15.campus n. 校园16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19. transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具20. transplant v. 移植 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6310333833.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事30.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 31.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的33.boundary n. 分界线,边界34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车)35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励 47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6310333833.html,work n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流 51.tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的52.trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹53.torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨54.wander vi. 漫游,闲逛 55.wax n. 蜡56.weave v. 织,编 57.preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持58.oppose vt..反对,反抗 59. expose vt. 暴露,显露60..glimpse vt&n.一瞥,一看 61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的63. academy n. (高等)专科院校64. battery n. 电池(组) 65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物67. career n. 生涯,职业68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管69. vertical a. 垂直的70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激 71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度73. exterior n. 外部,外表 a. 外部的,外表的74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的75. petrol n. 汽油76. petroleum n. 石油 77. delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽


阅读核心单词汇总 本部分单词和常规阅读单词手册有很大不同,具体表现在: 1. 收集最核心,最常用的雅思阅读词汇,以动词,形容词和名词为核心。因为一个较长的词往往是由动词加名词后缀变成的,或者形容词变成的副词。根据笔者对考试文章的了解,收集了历届考试中高频出现的基本词汇。本部分不涉及高难词汇。熟练掌握这些词汇是获得6-7分的基石。 2.大多考生在面对单词常常困惑,因为一个单词有诸多解释。我们这里直接采用了文章中所对应的意思,因此为考试省去了很多麻烦,也充分体现了专业性。 3.单词除了核心解释外,紧接着是记忆方法。读者可以通过电影法对单词形成形象理解,也就是单词和意识的直接映射,相当于母语学习。 4.由于是从考试文章中选取的基本词汇,所以越到后面难度越高。笔者在编写时候发现到后面必须掌握的词汇越来越少,因为前面已经提到。这种排序对学习者大有裨益,因为每掌握十页单词,你的词汇就有一个不小的飞跃! 注:N代表名词V代表动词A代表形容Adv代表副词 单词以文章出现顺序排序,这样比字母排序更有利记忆。 Measure v 测量me-meter字根表示测量。Sure确信的‘通过测量才能相信数值’

Conception n 观念,构想cept拿 Depend on 依靠,由…决定 Evidence n 证据e:out vid看ence名词‘证据让人们看出真相’Advent n 到来‘来冒险(adventure) Empire n 帝国皇帝(emperor)的帝国 Introduce v 引入intro内部duc引领 Calendar n 日历cal(culate)+end ‘通过日历计算最后的日子’。Communal a共有的‘大家(community)共有’。 Rotate v 以轴为中心旋转ro(ll)圈,tt想成陀螺。 Regulate v 管理re反复,gu(an)l(i)(管理) Successive a 连续的连续成功(success) Period n 时期 Axis n 轴The Axis二战中的轴心国 Lunar a月亮的读音像‘路呢’,月光暗,看不清路’。 Solar a太阳的读音像‘馊了’,太阳光强,温度高,把食物搞馊了’。Obit v 围绕n 轨道 Define v 下定义de向下,fin边界‘向下划定边界’ Accompany v陪同ac去company 陪伴 Revolution n 旋转re多次volv 缠卷 Artificial a人工的art 手fic制造 Impact n 影响im相当于in pact约定 Equator n 赤道equ 相等or 名词‘日夜相等长的地方’Conspicuous a 明显的spicu 看‘完全能看出来的’


高频重/点词汇: Consideration考虑思考;顾虑investigate调查审查encourage 鼓励Constant经常的performance 成绩业绩complex 复杂的improve 进步改善Physical身体的物质的attract 吸引financial 财经的金融的Individual个人的个体的material 物质的promote 促进改善Appreciate 欣赏鉴赏Emphasize强调influence影响excellent 优秀的balance平衡consistent一致的一贯的industry 工业行业essential 核心的reduce 下降减少official官员的; 公务[职务]上的prevent 阻止phenomenon 现象状况extreme 极端的increase 增加significant 显著的Involve使卷入; 使陷入; 拖累compromise 妥协approach接近走近探讨分析Personality 个性describe 描述features 特征distinguish辨别minority少数民族Expand 扩张investigate 调查military 军事communicate 交流observe 观察evaluate对...估价对...作评价routine日常工作; 常规; 手续程序advance使前进; 推进complain抱怨投诉purchase 购买effective 有效的exposure暴露曝露; 显示; 曝晒estimate估计predict预测commercial 金融的contribute贡献奉献community 社会社区Artificial 手工的mental 精神上的pursue 追求monitor监控监测automatic自动化的recreation休闲娱乐violence暴力confused 迷惑的demonstrate示威游行显示confrontation 冲突prejudice歧视stress压力recall 回忆civilian平民performance表演表现业绩ordinary普通的平凡的regulate调整domestic 国内的increase增加approach接近途径process过程程序routine例行工作structure结构industry工业行业generate产生创造conclusion总结结论appropriate合适的negotiations 谈判shrink缩小strength力量强度strengthen加强巩固possession拥有threaten威胁appear 出现appearance外表外观 同义替换: although表转折—despite but however in fact indeed possess拥有—own have hold control maintain occupy promotion促进提升提拔—advancement forwarding improvement rise betterment progress negotiation谈判协商准备—arrange settle mediate talk over engage从事占去卷入—involve entangle benefit利益得益—capitalize profit settle定居—occupy inhabit live in locate colonize immigrants移民—people from other countries employment就业—job career to keep a record记录—to keep a diary action行为—what they did lapse错误—error fault slip research研究调查—delve search study investigate inquire explore look into layoff解雇—unemployment downsizing in workers associate联合—join connect unite combine opponent对手—enemy foe adversary competitor rival saboteur argument争论—dispute controversy oppose反对—counteract fight struggle resist conflict with refuse realize认知了解—understand grasp conceive comprehend appreciate


历年四级真题选词填空词汇大全 【1】 result 结果;发生;由…而造成determining 下决心;做出决定involves 包含;涉及;专心于limited 有限的,受限的significant 重要的,有意义的gravely 严肃地,庄重地range 范围;排列complained 抱怨;述说relieved 放心的,解除respect 尊重 issue 问题,发行prompting 暗示,推动,驱使seriously 认真地,严肃地specialize 专门从事magnificent 壮丽的,伟大的【2】 victims 牺牲者,受害者 forward 前进的,向前的technology 科技 especially 尤其的,主要的 role 作用,地位 entire 全部的 respectively 各自的,各地的cooperative 合作的 projects 工程,项目comprehensive 广泛的,综合的offers 提议,提供assuming 如果 information 信息 acting 代理的 images 影响,映像 【3】accomplish 完成,达到advanced 先进的,高等的balloon 气球 claim 声称;断言constantly 不断地,时常的declare 宣布;声明interview 接见;面试;采访limited 限制,受限的manufacture 制造,生产moments 瞬间,片刻news 新闻 reduced 减少的;使变弱regret 后悔,遗憾 scary 使人惊慌的 totally 完全,整个地【4】 abundant 大量的,充足的characters 性格,品质communicating 传达,表明;通讯completely 完全地,完整地derive 得到,源于diversity 多样化;差异escape 逃跑,逃脱establishing 建立;确定narrow 狭隘的;限制naturally 自然地,合理地personnel 全体员工;人员properly 适当的 respect 尊重 widen 放宽,加宽 【5】 closer 靠近的 painful 痛苦的 daily 每日


学术☆学科名称 major discipline anthropology linguistics physiology psychology mining physical physics fine arts science politics philosophy geography photojournalism history astronomy media language applied environment chemistry management statistics archaeological accountancy biology computer literature sociology engineering architecture business law economics finance ☆课程 orientation welcome package register enroll curriculum semester term assignment session virtual test course study intensive practice email lecture tutorial seminar assessment attendance exam failure mark grade score record resit 重考;补考 note rate group office parental teaching class reception goal tape video plus level beginning beginner fundamental elementary advanced mid discussion stress unemployment surrounding diet take regular exercise make plans set money aside do training courses open admission cassette recording deadline dropout cramming feedback videotape hit examination diploma workshop panic teaching president headmaster director scientist secretary administrator professor officer teacher


雅思阅读高频词汇 1 state n. 情形, 状态, 国家, 政府, 州vt.声明, 陈述, 规定For the century before Johnson ’s Dictionary was published in 1775 there had been concern about the state of the English language. statement n.声明, 陈述, 综述 2 special adj.特别的, 特殊的, 专门的 especially adv.尤其,特别specialization n.特殊化, 专门化 specialise v.专业化,专门研究 specialised adj. 专门的, 专科的 In the 19th century, new, specialised, professional societies were instituted to promote and publish in the new disciplines. specialist n. 专家 speciality n.特性, 特质, 专业 specify vt.指定, 详细说明specific adj.详 细而精确的, 明确的 An early scientific journal fostered a new kind of writing based on short descriptions of specific experiments. specifically adv.特定的, 明确的 species n.种类 Extinct species are being replaced by new species. 3 differ vi.不同 In both cases the critical day length differs from species to species. difference n.差异, 差别 different adj.不同的 Different groups of researchersattacked different problems, from speech recognition to chess playing, in different ways. differentiate v.区 别, 区分 4 appropriate adj.适当的 inappropriate adj.不适当的 5 staff n. 全体职员 6 contradict vt.同...矛盾 contradiction n.反驳, 矛盾 contrary adj.相反的, 逆的 contrastvt.使与...对比n.对比, 对照 7 claim n.(根据权利提出)要求, 主张vt.(根据权利)要求, 主张


四级词组短语 1. at the thought of一想到… 2. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论 3. at will 随心所欲 4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于.富有 5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近.进入.了解 6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地.意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地. 7. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地 8. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one’s accord with 同…。不一致 9. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 10. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照.根据 11. on one’s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故. 为了某人自己的利益 2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责 3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 12. take…into account(=consider)把..。考虑进去 13. give sb. an account of 说明. 解释 (理由) 14. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释. 说明。 15. on account of (=because of) 由于.因为。 16. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要.无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) 17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控.控告 18. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。 19. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉 20. act on 奉行.按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理 21. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 22. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编. 改写(以适应新的需要) 23. in addition (=besides) 此外. 又. 加之 24. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外 25. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持. 遵循 26. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的. 临近的


英语四级历年真题中最高频词汇排序及考试词频 通过计算机对4级考试真题词汇按照词频高低排序汇总,并且表明了词频。因此,所有4级考生应该掌握下面所有核心高频词汇。这些核心4级词汇让大家复习时重点突出有的放矢,建议大家借助字典对这些按照词频高低排序的历年4级常考单词掌握词义。 Day One 频率为20次以上 consumer social product likely 频率为10次以上 system activity reward stress expert concern university individual view opportunity hunt challenge process project amount ability rate radiation feature environment create crash advertise tend status reader per local highway brand

assume physical instant focus fashion expand effective declare benefit adult Day Two 频率为9次的单词 affect compete global policy account foundation involve lightening technology leak competition behavior community 频率为8次的单词 range maintain action obvious primarily appeal detail decade pollution advantage culture autobiography leader accordingly plastic approve performance recognize factor enormous avoid shift source fulfill moral rank replace complex Day Three 频率为7次的单词injury outcome insurance impression household claim personality personnel employee reserve approach capacity generally automobile male regardless


807听力单词升级版词汇表 course 课程 student 学生 information 信息 room 房间 animals 动物 food 食物 computer 电脑 local 当地的presentation 学生在国外课上作的演讲 term 学期,术语 check 检验 family 家庭 children 儿童的复数questions 问题 card 卡片 lunch 午餐 pounds 英镑(复数)shop 商店 words 单词(复数)crime 犯罪 minutes 分钟(复数)building 建筑物 water 水 training 培训 research 研究,科研house 房子 second 第二 industry 工业,产业reading 阅读 sports 体育,运动 month 月份 available 可获得的,有时间的 third 第三 education 教育 shopping 购物department 系,商店per 每 population 人口 address 地址 person 人 facilities 设施 garden 花园 system 系统,体系 country 国家 meeting 会议 bus 公共汽车 lack 缺乏 interview 面试 topic 话题 teacher 教师 working 工作 advanced 先进的,高级的 in advance 预先 fee 费用 American 美国人 advertisement 广告 science 科学 example 例子 market 市场 important 重要的 notes 笔记 rate 比例 tutor 辅导教师,辅导员, 与lecturer不同 details 细节(复数) reason 理由 village 山村 materials 材料(复数) conference 正式会议 difficult 困难的 doctor 医生 price 价格 key 重点的,关键 public 公共的 staff 员工,职员 area 地区 group 群体 music 音乐 city 城市 ground 地面 report 报告 car(s) 汽车 planner 计划,计划表 black 黑色 insurance 保险 Thursday 周四 fitness 健康 subject 主题 planning 计划 officer 官员 skills 技能 Saturday 周六 restaurant 餐厅 Oxford 牛津 problems 问题 museum 博物馆 company 公司 TV 电视 office 办公室 teaching 教学 clothes 服装 parents 父母 items 物品,东西,项目 advice 建议 writing 写作 type 类型 million 百万 fees 费用,学费,杂费 film 胶卷,电影 goods 物品 furniture 家具 personal 个人的 walking 步行 fitness 身体健康 class 班级 degree 学位 articles 文章 cheaper 便宜些 effective 有 famous 著名的 countries 国家 factors 因素 Monday 周一 manager 经理


四级高频词汇 四级的词汇特别重要,其实考四级很大的一部分就是考四级!如何快速、高效地扩增词汇量一直是一个令许多英语学习者感到困扰的问题。没有足够的词汇量,任何语言活动无从谈起。 四级词汇主要由:基础词汇+四级高频词汇+词组 一天记30个词汇,经过一个月的突击努力,将会使你的词汇学习更加有的放矢,词汇积累过程就会相应缩短,少走弯路,避免无效的重复。 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacteria n. 细菌 12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14.candidate n. 候选人 15.campus n. 校园 16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19.transplant v. 移植 20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6310333833.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费 38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求 44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准 46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励 47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到 48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6310333833.html,work n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络 50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流 51.tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 52.trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹 53.torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨 54.wander vi. 漫游,闲逛 55.wax n. 蜡 56.weave v. 织,编 57.preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持 61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂 62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的 63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学



雅思阅读核心词汇 剑 6 Text1 Reading passage 1:

1. Fair adj. 合理的 >

10. Underpin v.以..为稳固基础: support pin 大头针 11. Nutritional adj.营养的nutrition 营养、营养物

nutritious 有营养的 12. Collaborate = cooperate v.合作 collaboration n.合作 13. Instrument = tool = appliance n.仪器、乐器 14. Come down to 可归结为 15. Slice v.划开、切开 16. Stroke n.划动、划水 (也做strike的过去式) Strike = hit = knock = rebel 攻击、罢工 17.spine n.脊柱 Spin = rotate = twist = swivel=revolve v.旋转 18.Biomechanical = bio+mechanical =生物+力学的/机械学的=生物力学 19.Profile n.轮廓、外形(文中指模型) 20.Velocity n.速度 gravity n.重心 21.Immune system 免疫系统


频率出现七次的词汇 case 意义n.事例,实例,事实,情况;病例;案件;箱,盒,套;手提箱 搭配a case in point 有关的事例,例证 a case in point 恰当的例子 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in case 假使,以防(引导虚拟语气) sum up the case 概括事实 in case of 假如,如果发生;防备 in no case 无论如何不,决不 in this/that case 如果这样.那样的话 a case of measles 麻疹病例 appeal a case 申述 pack a case 装箱 in the case of 就…..来说,至于 as the case may be 看情况,根据具体情况 辨析case 事实,事例,情况,其可笼统地指一个完整的论题,也可表典型的事例,也可用于表医学上的病例或法律上的案例. instance 为正式用词,指从事实中援引单独事例,隐含其典型性 重难点语法规则:in case意为“假使;免得,以防(万一)”。In case引导的从句可以用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,虚拟形式为should+动词原形 真题I was advised to arrange for insurance _____I needed medical treatment. 答案 A)nevertheless B) although C)in case D)so that C I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _________traffic jam. 答案 A)in line with B)for the sake of C)in case of D)at the risk of C We left the manager a note________ he wanted to know where we were. 答案 A)if B)in case C)so that D)unless B The lawyer advised him to drop _________,since he stands little chance to win. 答案 A)event B)incident C)case D)affair C raise 意义vt.举起、提高、提升;筹集、征集;唤起、引起;养育、饲养、种植;提升,增加(工资) 搭配raise one’s hand 举手 raise one’s hat to sb. 向某人举帽致敬 raise doubts in people’s minds 引起人们的怀疑 raise a child 养育孩子 raise farm/corps 饲养 raise funds 筹集资金 raise salaries 增加薪水 raise standards of service 提高服务水平 辨析raiselift raise 多指由低处垂直举往高处,不一定费力 lift 指用力或机械把重物提高到较高的位置


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