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九年级英语听力练习(八年级上Unit 1)Ⅰ Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的图片。( B C A B C ) 1.W:What do you usually do on weekends?

M:I usually go skateboarding·

2. M:Do you often go shopping with your friends?

W: No, I can’t stand it.I like reading in the library.

3.W: How often do you go to the movies?

M:Once a month.But I watch TV every night.

4.W: What do you often have after dinner?

M:A cup of tea,and some fruit.

5. W: Who in your family has a healthiest lifestyle?

M:My grandpa.He goes to bed early and gets up early.

II. Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的答案。(B B A C A ) 1.W: Excuse me,Mr. Baker.How often do you exercise ?

M:Every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.

2.M:How often do you go to KFC ?

W: Never.They are junk food,I guess.

3.W: What sports do you like,Steve?

M:Tennis.I play tennis with my sister every weekend.

4.W: My favorite film star is Rosamund Kwan.

M:Y ou mean Guan Zhilin.Y es,she’s so beautiful.

W : Because she has a healthy lifestyle.

5.W: Tina doesn’t come to school today.

M:She’s i ll again.

W: Oh, dear. I think she needs more healthy food and more exercise. III. Listen and answer 听较长的对话,回答问题( A C A B B ) Dialogue One

M:Mr. Smith likes basketball very much.

W: So he is.He has a lot of books on basketball.

M:And he watches basketball matches on TV every evening.

W: Does he often play basketball?

M:Y es.he does.He’s very busy, but he plays basketball twice a week.

Dialogue Two

M:Do you often watch TV, Linda ?

W: Not very often.I only watch Animal World on Thursday evening.

M:Do you surf the Internet ?

W: Y es,every Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon.

M:What do you usually do in the evening?

M:Do my homework and read.

W:How long do you do your homework?

M:About an hour.

Ⅵ. Listen and answer. 听独白,完成信息记录表。( C B A A B )

My English teacher is Susan. She is very popular in our class. She has a round face with long hair. She gives us four English classes a week. In her class, we read English books, play games, and sing English songs. Sometimes we have short English plays in class. So we like our English class very much.Susan is very healthy. She likes hamburgers very much,but she has them only once a week because she thinks they are junk food.Susan likes sports,too. She plays tennis with girls;sometimes she plays basketball with boys too.But she can't play football. Susan watches TV every evening.Her favorite channel is CCTV-9 because it is English.She doesn't go to bed very late. She says,“I must sleep 8 hours a day.Then I can enjoy every day.”

九年级英语听力综合复习(八年级上Unit 2)

ⅠListen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的图片。(A C A C A )

1.W : What’s the matter, boy?

M:I have a sore leg.

2. M:Where’s Sarah? She’s not at school,today.

W: She has a stomachache.

3. M:Oh,I have a fever, Mum.

W: Y ou should drink lots of water.

4.M:What's the matter, Jane?

W: I think I'm stressed out.

M:Why not 1isten to some light music?

5.W: Y ou look tired, Gary.

M:Y es.I watched a football match until late last night.

W Oh, you shouldn't drive the car to work then.

II. Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的答案。( C A A C A )

1. W: What's the matter, Tommy?

M:I'm thirsty. I would like some drink.

2.M:I’m not feeling well, Jane.

W: Oh, my god.Y ou should go home and get some rest.

3.W: Y ou’re never ill.Wh at’s the secret,Frank?

M:An apple a day keeps illness away.

4.M:I can't sleep at night,Dr Clark.

W: Don't get stressed out and drink some milk before you go to bed.5.M:Where is Jill? The bus is starting.

W: She has a fever and can't visit the museum today.

III. Listen and answer. 听较长对话,回答问题。( C B B B B )

Dialogue One

W: Hello, Harvard. I’m calling to tell you I can’t go to the party tomorrow .

M: Wh at’s the matter,Lily?

W: My sister has a sore throat.A sore throat can give her a fever, so I should stay at home M:Where are your parents?

W:They are at work.

Dialogue Two

W: What’s the matter, young man?

M:I have a stomachache.

W: When did it start?

M:Three days ago.

W: Oh, that's too bad.Y ou shouldn’t eat so many ice creams and drink so many colas.

M:Should I ask for a leave?

W : No, you can go to school and don’t forget to take this medicine.

Ⅳ. Listen and answer. 听独白,回答问题(C B C A B )

I am Mr. Wang.I work in a hospital in New Y ork for five years.I'm a traditional Chinese medicine doctor.We believe people need a balance of yin and yang.Y ou see,Mr. Smith has a toothache.And Mrs. Henry has a sore throat.I think they have too much yang.So they should eat some yin food,like tofu.And American ginseng(人参)is also good for them.But Mrs. Johnson often has a stomachache.She must have eaten too much yin food.She shouldn’t eat pears.Because they are fruit with yin.She can eat apples.Apples are good for both patients with too much yang and too much yin.And we believe people with too much yin are easy to be tired,like Miss Brown.Red ginseng is good for them.We also believe doing exercise,like playing taiji is a good way to keep a balance.

九年级英语听力综合复习(八年级上Unit 3)

Ⅰ Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的图片。( C C A B A ) 1.W: What are we doing for vacation,daddy?

M:Let's go skating in Japan.

2.M:Alice can't go camping with us tomorrow.

W: Y es.I know.She is studying for her exam.

3.W: Y ou are shopping so many things.

M:Y es.I am going to Hawaii for vacation.

4.W: Are you going to mountains with your friends,Fred?

M:No, I'm spending the weekend with my parents at home.

5.W: What do you like to do this Sunday, Mr. Bonner?

M:I like to go fishing by the river.

II. Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的答案。( C B B A A ) 1.W: What are you doing for vacation?

M:I'm visiting my grandma with my uncle.

2.W:Are you visiting the museum this weekend?

M:No,it's too boring.I'm going to the video shop.

3.W: What are you doing for the National V acation?

M:I'm going to Hong Kong for five days and stay in Shanghai for two days. 4.W: Y ou are renting some videos.

M:Y es, I'm relaxing myself at home next week.

5.W: Are you visiting Beijing for vacation?

M:No, there are too many people there.And the weather is too hot.

III. Listen and answer. 听较长对话,回答问题。(A B A C A )

Dialogue One

M:Hi, Sarah.Are you planning for vacation?

W: Y es.I'm asking Liz about interesting places in China.

M:Oh, yes.She’s there for 3 months.How is her host family?

W: V ery nice.They help her a lot,both study and life.

M:I think she can speak Chinese very well now.

W: So she can be my guide in China.

Dialogue Two

M:I'm stressed out, Polly.I can’t go to sleep for three days.

W: That’s terribl, Neal! Y ou should have a vacation.

M:Where should I go?

W: To mountains, to seaside.Don’t go to noisy cities.

M:SoI can't go to NewY ork.But I hope I Can visit my cousin there

W: If you like, you can relax at his home.

M:Good idea.I'm asking Mr Park for a seven-day leave.

W: Look! He is coming.

Ⅳ. Listen and answer. 听独白,回答问题。(A B C A A )

Albert Morgan is a waiter in a restaurant.He often works very late.He is often very busy when people go out to dinners.He thinks it is boring but he works hard.Became he has a dream.He wants to have enough money to go to Hawaii with his family for vacation one day.He dreams to go surfing in the sea, read books in the sunshine of Hawaii,and play volleyball at the beach.Next week he is going camping with his wife and daughter for vacation.The family plans to spend time in the beautiful mountain,going bike riding and taking walks in the forests.They are not taking their son,because he is only 5.His aunt,a housewife,is babysitting him for three days when they are out.

九年级英语听力综合复习(八年级上Unit 4)

ⅠListen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的图片。( C B A B B )

1.W: How do you usually get to schoo1,Paul?

M:I usually take the subway.

2.M:Do you usually go to work by bike, Mary?

W: Yes, but when it rain, I take a bus.

3.M:I hear two Americans want to travel around the world by bike.

W: That's true.And one of them is a woman.

4.W: How do you often spend the weekends?

M:I often drive my family to the seaside and enjoy the clean air there.

5.W: Do you usually take the subway to work?

M:Not very often.The subway station is 15 minutes’ walk to my hospital.But there is a bus stop just across from our gate.

II. Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的答案。( C B C A B )

1.M:Hi.Lisa.Y ou are riding a bike today.

W: Yes.Driving a car to school every day makes me much fatter.

2.W: Our town is becoming larger and larger.

M:That’s true.It usually takes a student 20 minutes to get to schoo1 by bus.

3.W: Can't you walk a little faster?

M:Look at the sign.School ahead, slow down.

W: Ahaha, is it why you are late every morning?

4.W: It's difficult to park a car near the supermarket.

M:Why don’t you go shopping by subway?

W: The subway station is 3 miles away from my home.

5.W: What do you think of the transportation in your town?

M:A wful.Our street is not wide enough.

W: But I think there should be more public buses in your town.

III. Listen and answer. 听较长对话,回答问题。(B C A B C )

Dialogue One

M:Jenny,wish you a good luck in Chicago.

W: Thank you, Daddy.Are you driving me to the airport tomorrow afternoon?

M:Sorry, dear.I have to drive to Boston with Mr Bell tomorrow morning.

W: But I have So much luggage.

M:Call a taxi and ask your mum for help.


W: How do you usually get to work, Simon?

M:Well.first I walk to the bus stop.Then I take a bus to the subway station.

W: Ur-huh.

M:Then I take the subway.Next,I take a bus to the bus stop near our bank.Finally,I walk.

W: Oh, my god.How long does that take?

M:About 60 minutes.Y ou know I live 30 miles away.

Ⅳ. Listen and answer. 听独白,回答问题。(B B B B C )

Miss Zhang works in a big company in Shanghai.This summer, she and her family are going back to her hometown for a vacation.It is a small town about 500 kilometers away from Shanghai.And it will take them about 6 hours to get there by bus. Miss Zhang doesn't like it. She wants to take a plane.But it'll take more than an hour to get to the airport by bus.It’s in another town.Take a bus? No,awful,she thinks.Her son wants to take a train.But the train station is in a small city about 50 kilometers from her hometown.So her husband says, “Let’s drive our own car. And it will be easy for us to take your parents to the seaside.”

九年级英语听力综合复习(八年级上Unit 5)

ⅠListen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的图片。( A A B C C )

1.W: Can you come to my party on Friday, Wilson?

M:Sorry, I can't.I have a piano lesson.

2.M:Can you come to the baseball game tomorrow afternoon?

W: Sure.I'd love to.

3.W: Can you go to the mall with me this weekend,Tom?

M:Ah,hmm.I…I have to visit Mr. Clark.

4.M:Can you go to Susan's party this evening,Elisa?

W: No, I can't.I have to babysit my sister.

5.M:Can you play table tennis with me this weekend?

W: Saturday morning, I have to study for a test.Saturday afternoon,I’m visiting my grandparents.

But Sunday is OK.

II. Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的答案。( C C B C C)

1.M:Marie,what are you doing on Saturday? Can you go to the movies with me?

W: I'd love to,but I have to finish the geography project.

2.W: What's that, Ben?

M:An invitation to you, Alice.Simon is having a birthday party next Tuesday.

3.W: Excuse me,Mr. May. I want to talk to you about our project.

M:Come to my house this evening.I'm free till 21:00.

4.M:What? Is it the 17th today?

W: It's not Friday.It's Saturday,18th.

5.W: Where is Jimmy? I called him but he’s not at home.

M:He’s playing tennis with the school team.He is in Shanghai till next Tuesday.

III. Listen and answer. 听较长对话,回答问题。( B C C A C )

Dialogue One

W: Hi, Alan.Can you help me with my science?


W: This evening ?

M:Sorry, Betty.I have to go to my guitar lesson with Peter.What about tomorrow afternoon? DialogueTwo

M:What’s today,Alice ?

W: It's Thursday, 14th.

M:The day after tomorrow is Charlie’s birthday.

W: Are you going to his party, Hector?

M:I'd love to,but I can't.My American friends are visiting me this weekend.

Ⅳ. Listen and answer. 听独白,回答问题。( A A C C B )

Sonia’s good friend Mei Ying sends her an invitation to visit Xi’an this vacation.V isiting Xi’an is Sonia’s dream.but she can't go because she has a really busy vacation.Her best friend Lisa and Michael are having a big party on the second day of her vacation.That is 15th.So she has to help her with shopping on 14th.Sonia’s brother Sam is giving his first concert on 18th.And her grandparents are coming for it on 16th. She’s staying with them because she loves them very much.On 19th,sending grandparents home and helping Mom give the house a big c leaning.On 20th,the last day of the vacation,Sonia hopes she can rent some videos and have a good relax at home.

九年级英语听力综合复习(八年级上Unit 6)

ⅠListen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的图片。( A B B A C )

1.W: Excuse me, sir.Could you drive a little faster? I'm in a hurry.

M:No problem, madam.

2.M:Which player do you like better, Y ao Ming or O’Neal ?

W: Y ao Ming, though O’Neal is more athletic.

3.M:Picture time !

W: Hey, wait.Do I look smart now ?

4.W: Does your friend,Tony , like to do the same thing as you?

M:Y eah, we both like to play volleyball.

5.M:Helen,what is your father like?

W: He is a tall, serious man.

II. Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的答案。( C A C B A)

1.M:Here come the twins.

W : Well, I really can’t tell who is Tina,if her hair isn't curlier than Tara.

2.W:What hot weather!

M:So it is.It's hotter than yesterday. But the weather report said it would be cooler in two days 3.M:Give me a shorter ruler, please.

W : Here you are.

4.M:What do you like about your best friend?

W: She enjoys telling jokes,and always makes me laugh.

5.W; How is your new English teacher, Mr. Smith?

M:He is funnier and more popular than Miss Black,though they are both good at teaching.III. Listen and answer. 听较长对话,回答问题。( B C C C A )

Dialogue One

M:Hello, Betty, here is your book.Thank you very much.

W: It's a nice book,isn’t it?

M:Quite right.Although the story is shorter, it’s more interesting than the last one

W: Now I've got a new book.Do you want to read?

M:Well.I am getting busier.I have more schoolwork to do this week.

W Then, come and get it when you are free.

Dialogue Two

W: Which team do you think will be the winner tonight? Bull or Rocket?

M:Hard to say.Both of them are good teams.

W: But I think Bull has more good players than Rocket.

M:That’s right.But Rocket is better at teamwork.Look, Rocket got more scores!

W: Wait and see.I hope Bull will smlie at last.

III. Listen and answer. 听独白,完成信息记录表。(B C B A B )

Hello, everyone. I’m Ben. This a photo of my brother. He is 17. he’s 3 years older. We are different, in some ways we are opposite. He is thin and calm. Although I am shorter, I’m heavier. I’m more outgoing and wilder than he is.We have different hobbies.He enjoys doing some reading at home when free,but I always go out and play football.However, we still have something in common.We go to the same school and we are friendly to others.That’s all,thanks.

九年级英语听力综合复习(八年级上Unit1- 6)

ⅠListen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的图片。(B C B A C )

1.M:What’s the matter?

W: I have a toothache.

M:Lie down and let me have a look.

2.W: Can you come to my birthday party, Sandy?

M:I'd love to.But I'm afraid I will be a tittle late.I must have a guitar lesson first.

3.M:Where are youg oing for your vacation,Hong Kong?

W: We wanted to go there at first,but later decided on Shanghai.It's nearer.

4.M:Howdo you go to work?

W: Usually by car.But when I'm sick, I take a taxi.

5.W: Don't smoke any more and don't talk too much.Then your throat will be better.M:Thankyou.

II. Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的答案。( C B B A A )

1.M:How long are you staying in Dalian,Mary?

W: We are staying there for about 12 days.

2.W: Are you sightseeing for vacation?

M:Not me, but my cousin,Frank.

3.W: Most of my classmates like to eat junk food.

M: That's not good for health.What about you?

W: Hardly ever.

4.M:Oh, I don't want to take the bus.Why not take the subway ?Maybe there are fewer people.

W: It’s impossible.There are more people at subway station now.

5.W:Hi,Tim, could you help me?

M:Who, me? I'm sorry, I'm not Tim but Tom.

W Oh,I'm so sorry, but you look the same.

III.Listen and answer 听较长的对话,回答问题。( B C A C B )

Dialogue One

W: Could you tell me how I can go to the Children’s Palace?

M:Y ou can take the No.309 bus or take the subway.

W: How long does it take by bus?

M:About 25 minutes.

W: Mm,it takes too long.I c an’t wait.

M:Then you can take the subway.The subway station is 50 meters from here.It takes about 10 minutes to get to the Children’s Palace.

W: Many thanks.


M:Do you have any plans for your vacation,Ann ?

W:No, William,but my Mum has made plans for me.I'm babysitting my little sister and having a piano lesson.

M:Poor Ann! I’m going to Qingdao with myfamily.Myuncle’s family are goingthere,too·

W:Great! When are you going?

M:My family are going on June 25th.And my uncle’s are 2 days earlier.

W: How long are you staying?

M: It depends on my father.

W: Have a great funm, William.

Ⅳ. Listen and answer. 听独白, 完成下列信息记录表( B A A C A )

October 17th

Dear Simon,

Today you ask me to go fishing with you this Saturday. After I check my calendar, I fmd I'm busy the day after tomorrow.I am having soccer practice on Saturday morning.Y ou know we are having a match with Class 3 next week.On Saturday afternoon,I have to visit my grandpa with my parents.I'm so sorry.But we can make another time.Thanks for asking.



ⅠListen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的图片。( C A B A B )

1.M:What are you making, Mummy?

W:I'm making a fruit salad.

2.W: Wow, this pancake is very delicious.Wh at’s in it?

M:Onions, chickcn and eggs.

3.M:There are 6 bananas here.How manv need I peel ?

W: Two or three, but no more than three.

4.W: Please add some cinnamon before you turn on the blender.

M:All right.

5.M:What should I do next?

W: Cut up mushrooms.

II. Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的答案。( C A C B A )

1.W: Now turn the popcorn popper on for about two minutes.

M:The popcorn must be delicious.I c an’t wair to eat.

2.M:Mom, should I mix the fruits up?

W:I'm doing it later.Would you cut up a watermelon, Sandy?

3.M:Do you know how tomake an apple smoothie?

W: N0, I can't.Would you like to teach me?

4.W:Excuse me, could you write the ingredients on the paper?

M:With pleasure.Mayonnaise,slices of duck,mustard,lettuce and relish 5.M:Are all the ingreclients here?

W: I'm checking.Oh, I go to get some peppers.

III.Listen and answer 听较长的对话,回答问题( B B A B C )

Dialogue One

M:What nice pancakes! Who made them?

W: My sister, Lisa.She is better at making pancakes than me.She can also make sandwiches.

M:What are you good at, then? ’

W: I'm good at making pizzas.

M:Do you learn it from your mother?

W: Ha,ha,I learn it on TV

Dialogue Two

W: Let's make a chicken sandwich.

M:Good idea! Mom will be happy that we make it.What ingredients do we need?

W: Two slices of bread,chicken,mayonnaise,lettuce and relish.

M:Great.How much mayonnaise do we need?

W: Two teaspoons.Now let's do it!

Ⅳ. Listen and answer.听独白,完成信息记录表 ( C C A C C )

Today we are making a pizza.It's from Italy and quite popularin China.Watch and listen carefully,maybe you can make and enjoy a super pizza at home tonight.We have following ingredients:2 onions,3 peppers,some meat, cheese and tomato sauce.First,put two teaspoons of tomato sauce on the crust.Next,put cheese on the tomato sauce.Then,cut up peppers,onions and meat.Mix them up.Put them on the cheese.Finally put the pizza in the oven for about 15 minutes.It's easy to make, isn't it?Thank you for watching.

See you tomorrow.Bye!


ⅠListen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的图片。(BABBC)

1.M:Where did you go for your school trip?

W: Well, we went to an aquarium.

2.M:Did you borrow any interesting books from the library?

W: Yeah, here they are.Five together.

3.W: Hello, John! What did you do on your last day off?

M: I had a bad cold and stayed in bed all day

W: Bad luck!

4.M:Were there any visitors in the aquarium during the holiday?

W: Er, not many, for the weather was terrible.

5.W: Would you like to hang out with me this weekend?

M:Why not ? That sounds interesting.

II. Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的答案。(BCBAC)

1.W: Tom, how was the movie ?

M:It was really a waste of time.I hope I didn’t go.

2.M:Did you buy any souvenirs?

W: I planned to buy some, but the things were too dear.

3.W: Jerry invited me to her birthday party, but I’m afraid I can’t go.

M:Why not? That must be fun.

W: I know, but I must get ready for the coming English exam.My English is so poor.4.W : Oh, man! Look at your arm! What happened to you?

M:Nothing but a little car accident.

5.M:Hello, is that Brown’s seafood restaurant ? I want to book two seats.W: I am so sorry, sir. A woman called just now and booked the last two seats.

M:Really? Just my luck.

III.Listen and answer 听较长的对话,回答问题(BBAAC)

Dialogue One

W: Tony, where is your toy octopus from?

M:Oh, Jenny, it's a gift from my uncle for my birthday.

W: How funny it looks! Where did your uncle buy it?

M:He didn’t buy it.He got it from one of his friends.

Dialogue Two

M:Hello, this is Mike.Is that Sue?

W: Yes.This is Sue speaking.Are you at home now, Mike?

M:No,I’m coming home n ow.Guess what,Sue! Y ou may not believe.I met Jackie Chen in Wulxi,and got his autograph.We even took photos!

W:Really? I can't wait to have a look.

M:But not now! We took 9 o'clock bus this morning.And I will be back home at 5 this afternoon.Come and check them then.

W: That’s great! See you then.


Ⅳ. Listen and answer.听独白,完成信息记录表(CBBAA)

On May Day, I went camping with some of my friends.We started early that morning.Tom didn't go with us.He slept late.So we were five together.After we found a good place to set up our tents, we walked around and took several pictures.Later we found a river nearby.There were quite a lot of fish in the river.Toby and I caught some.We cooked them on the camp fire that night and had them with bread.That was a special dinner.We ate happily.

We really had a fun camping.


ⅠListen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的图片。(A B B A B )

1.M:Who’s your favorite football player?

W: Ronaldo.He was born in Brazil on September 22,1976.

2.M:Did you watch the opening ceremony of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games last night?

W: Of course I did.The NBA star center, Y ao Ming,beared the flag for China in it.

3.W: How old is your grandfather, Linda?

M:He is quite old.He was born on June 7th, 1935.

4.W: Who’s that?

M:Bill Smith.He holds the world record for hiccupping.

W : Really ?How long did he hiccup?

M:60 years.

5. W: How did you spend your vacation, Sam ?

M:I toured Australia.

M: That sounds good.It’s a beautiful country.

II. Listen and choose 听小对话,选择正确的答案。( C B A C A )

1.W: Zhang Yining and Wang Nan are my favorites.I like them to play ping-pong.

M:When were they born ? Do you know?

W: Wang Nan was born on October 23, 1978.And Zhang Yining was born on October 5, 1982.2.W: Excuse me, Jack.When did you go to see your first movie?

M:Er, let me see…wh en I was 8 years old.I remembered I saw a very scary movie.

3.M:Who do you admire,Selina ?

W: J.K. Rowling.

M:The writer of Harry Potter.I love her, too.When did she start to write Harry Potter?

W: In 1990.And in 1998,the HarryPotter,BookⅠwas published.It was one of the bestsellers.So she began to write a second book in 1999.

4.W: How beautiful! The music makes me think of the bright moonlight.

M:Y es.And its name is the Moonlight Sonata (月光奏鸣曲).

W:Who wrote the piece of music?


5.M:I heard that Modonna would come to China for a concert next month.

W: Really? She sings so beautifully.She’s one of the most popular singers in the world.III.Listen and answer 听较长的对话,回答问题( C A C C A )

Dialogue One

W: David.why are you so excited?

M:Don't you know the latest most exciting news,Jane?

W: Sorry. These days I'm very busy.I didn't watch TV or read newspaper.What's up?

M:Oh, a Chinese racer called Liu Xiang won the first gold medal in the men's 110-metre hurdles for China and Asia in the Athens Olympics.

W: How exciting! I'm sure all the Chinese people take pride in him.

M:And he made the history by winning the first gold medal in the men's 110-metre hurdles for Asia.He broke the Olympic record of 12.95 seconds set by Allen Johnson in the Atlanta Olympics in 1996.

W: So great! Who is his coach?

M:Sun Haiping is.

Dialogue Two

W: When was LuXun born, do you know?

M:Y es.He was born on September 25, 1881.

W:I heard once he studied medicine in Japan.Later he became a writer.Could you tell me why ? M:Because he loved his country so much.He wrote many stories.He used his pens to tell people to love and save China.

W: How great! When did he die?

M:He died of disease in Shanghai on October 19, 1936.

Ⅳ. Listen and answer.听独白,完成信息记录表( A A B B C )

Hong Kong returned to China on July lst, 1997.Dong Jianhua was the first senior officer(行政长官) of Hong Kong.He was born in Shanghai in 1931.He was the eldest son in his family.In 1949 when he was 11 years old,he came to Hong Kong with his father.At the age of thirteen,he studied in Zhong Hua Middle Schoo1.In l954, he went to study in England.Later he went to America and worked in America.And he stayed there for 10 years.In 1969,he returned to Hong Kong.He helped his father do business in shipping.On December 11,1996,he became the first senior officer of Hong Kong.He took office on Julyl, 1997.


娄底五县市联校2015年下学期期中考试 一、听对话,选择与所听内容相符的图片。 1. Go along this street and turn left. You’ll see the hospital. 2. Could you tell me where I can get an iPod 5? 3. Do you know how to get the nearest bank? 4. His sister lives next to a supermarket. 5. Could you Please Lend we your dictionary? 二、听对话,选择正确的答案。(5分) 6. M: Did you use to read English before you went to school in the morning? W: Yes, I used to do 20 minutes’ reading. 7. W: Who is the woman in the picture? M: My mother. She used to have long hair. 8. W: Is that boy Bill? M: Yes, though he used to be short. 9. W: You used to study late, right? M: I had to, because I had a lot of work to do. 10. W: Steve used to be on the swim team, but now he is interested in soccer. M: Yes, and he is a good football player now. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(5分) 听第一段对话,完成第11-12小题。 M: Hi, Melissa. Nice to meet you! We haven’t seen each other for a long time. W: Yes, we haven’t seen each other since we left school to years ago. You have changed a lot. You used to wear T-shirts, but it’s the first time I have seen you in a business suit. M: Yeah, I don’t like suits, But now I work in a bank, so I have to. 听第二段对话,完成第13-15小题。 W: My six-year-old brother started school this week. M: He’s really lucky. Life was great when I was six. W: Really? Why? M: Oh, schoolwork was really easy. W: Not for me. I didn’t use to like tests, Now I don’t worry about tests. M: And we used to play every day after school, Now we just study all the time. W: Yeah, but we used to walk to school, Now we have to take the bus. M: I remember one bad thing. I used to hate sports, now I love P.E. class. W: Me, too. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分) Last Sunday I drove back to my hometown. It used to be a quiet place, but now it has changed a lot. There are tall buildings and wide roads everywhere. So when it gets dark, all the lights are on. Wow! How beautiful it is! But the thing that I was interested in is to chat with my old friends. We used to play together. We often climbed the trees, swam in the river and caught insects, but most of us were terrified of spiders because they were ugly. Now our life is different. We all grow older, but we all miss the old days.


九年级期末考试试卷听力材料 第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。对话听一遍。1. W: John, your English is pretty good! How do you learn it? M: By listening to tapes. 2. M: Shall we go bike riding next weekend, Mary? W: Oh, I’m not allowed to go out on weekends. How about watching TV at home? 3. M: Look at the actor. He has no hair. W: But he used to have short hair. 4. W: Would you like to go to Shanghai by train or by car? M: We’ll drive our car. 5. M: Which charity would you like to raise money for, Mrs Black? W: I would give it to Greenpeace. 第二节:听对话,回答问题。对话听两遍。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6-7两小题。 M: May I have a look at those photos on the table? W: Certainly! They were taken by my son. He is a photographer. M: They are so nice! Then your son is a great man. W: Thanks! He’s been a photographer for 10 years. He loves taking pictures. M: I’ve also got some nice pictures. And this is my name card. W: Oh, you are a photographer, too! 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8-10三小题。 W: Hey, Jimmy, you look unhappy, what’s the matter? M: I have so many family rules at home. W: Parents are always worried about us. You should understand them! M: I do understand them! But they don’t understand me. I’m old enough to do what I want to. W: What would you like to do, then? M: I’d like to meet my friend on line. I’ve known him for a long time, but my parents don’t allow me to do it. W: Oh, Jimmy, are you joking? It’s dangerous to meet a friend on line. M: Is it true? What would you do, if you were me? W: I would never meet a stranger on line myself. 第三节:听短文,选择答案。请根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。短文听两遍。 Mike was born in 1982 in New York. At the age of five, his father was sent to China to work in a college. Mike came to Beijing with his parents. The next year, he went to a school. There he made a lot of Chinese friends. In 1994, Mike had to say goodbye to his friends because his family decided to return home. Now Mike is studying in a high school. He misses his friends very much.


U N I T 1 Section A 1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names [1-5]. Conversation 1 Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah? Sarah :I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn ’t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold. Conversation 2 Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David :I ate too much junk food at my friend ’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3 Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back. Conversation 4 Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy :I didn ’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It ’s terrible! I can ’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot. Conversation 5 Nurse :What ’s the matter, Judy? Judy :I ’m sorry, but it ’s very difficult for me to talk. Nurse :Oh, dear. What ’s the matter? Judy :I talked too much yesterday and didn ’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now. 2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5] in the order you hear them. Conversation 1 Girl 1:You don ’t look well. Your face looks a bit red. Girl 2:Yeah, and my head feels very hot. What should I do? Girl 1:Maybe you have a fever. You should take your temperature. Girl 2:Yes, you ’re right. 听录音并看图。然后把这些名字按 [1~5]的顺序编号。 对话1 护士:你看起来气色不好。怎么了,萨拉? 萨拉:昨天我和朋友在公园里玩。然后刮起了风,但是我没有穿上夹克衫。现在我感冒了。 对话2 护士:戴维,怎么了?你没事吧? 戴维:我在我朋友的生日聚会上吃了太多的垃圾食品。因此,昨天晚上我胃痛。今天早上我几乎起不来床了。 对话3 护士:怎么了,本?你能动吗? 本:不完全能动。前几天我踢足球时伤了我自己。最初看起来还可以,但是现在我的背非常痛。 对话4 护士:你看起来很累。怎么了,南希? 南希:昨天晚上我没有睡好。我牙痛。 非常痛!我真的也不能吃任何东西。它疼得厉害。 对话5 护士:怎么了,朱迪? 朱迪:对不起,对我来说,说话非常困难。 护士:哦,亲爱的。怎么了? 朱迪:我昨天说话太多而且没有喝足够的水。现在我喉咙非常痛。 听录音。按你听到的顺序将图画标上正确的序号[1~5]。 对话1 女孩1:你看起来气色不好。你的脸 看起来有点儿红。 女孩2:是的,而且我的头感觉非常 热。我该怎么办? 女孩1:也许你发烧了。你应该量一下体温。 女孩2:是的,你说得对。 对话2 女孩1:怎么了? 女孩2:我没有照顾好自己。昨天我 没有穿足够暖和的衣服。现在我咳嗽并且喉咙疼。 女孩1:你应该喝些加蜂蜜的热茶。 女孩2:那听起来是个好主意。 对话3 女孩:你看起来很糟糕!怎么了? 男孩:我认为昨天晚上吃晚饭时吃得太多了。是饭店的自助餐。但是现在我胃痛。 女孩:那太糟糕了。下次你不应该吃这 么多。你应该马上躺下休息。 男孩:我想我应该。 对话4 女孩:你的脸怎么了? 男孩:不是我的脸。是我的牙齿。我牙痛。 女孩:你应该看牙医并且做个X 光检 查。 男孩:但是会疼吗? 女孩:不会,而且如果你现在不去看牙医 的话,以后甚至会疼得更厉害! 对话5 女孩1:哦,不!发生了什么事? 女孩2:刚才我在做饭时意外地割伤 了自己。


贵阳市普通中学2017-2018学年度第一学期期末监测考试 九年级英语听力材料 A.听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。(读一遍) 1.A:Bob,how do you study for an English test? B:Well,I study by listening to tapes. 2.A:Eric,you can’t go across the road here.Look at that sign. B:Oh,sorry.I didn’t pay attention to it. 3.A:Excuse me,could you please tell me how to get to the post office? B:Sorry,I am not sure how to get there. 4.A:Look at the paper cutting.It’s beautiful. B:Yes,it’s a symbol of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. 5.A:What do you think is the most useful invention,Nancy? B:The computer of course.It makes our life more convenient. B.听句子,选择恰当的应答,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。(读一遍) 6.What’s the ring made of? 7.Would you mind closing the window?It’s a little cold. 8.Did your brother use to wear glasses? 9.Have you ever studied with a group? 10.Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening? C.听对话,根据对话内容及问题,选择正确的答案,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。(读两遍) 11.A:I’m going to learn how to dance tomorrow.Would you like to join me? B:I wish I could.But I have a computer exam tomorrow. Question:What will the man do tomorrow? 12.A:What did you do on your vacation,Jack? B:I visited my cousins in Hong Kong.We ate five meals a day! A:I guess the food there must be very delicious,right? B:Yes,of course. Question:Where did Jack go for his vacation? 13.A:What are you doing in that room,Harry?Could you please come to help me? B:Sorry,I’m too busy now. Question:What does the man mean? 14.A:Shall we go out for lunch? B:Well,I have a lot of work to do.What time is it now? A:It’s eleven thirty.Let’s go to the restaurant next to our school.We will be back an hour later. B:OK,that sounds good.Actually,I’m hungry now,let’s go! Question:When will the two speakers be back to school? 15.A:Belle,I’ve heard that you can use the Internet at home!That’s cool!I wish I also could be allowed to play computer games. B:Computer games?They will influence our study.I can only use the Internet to do my online homework. Question:What is Belle allowed to do when using the Internet at home?


九年级英语听力材料和参考答案(2017.3.30) A.听对话回答问题。 本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 1. M: What’s the matter? W: I’m a little worried about my cat. He hasn’t eaten his food for three days. 2. M: Have a good time in the USA, Sandy! W: I will, Jack. I’ll show you all my photos on my Wechat. 3. M: Would you like a glass of orange juice? W: I’d prefer some water, thanks. 4. M: Are there any children in the classroom? W: Yes. There are two boys playing chess and three girls reading. 5. M: So many cars! Where is our car? W: Oh, I parked it in the underground parking lot. 6. W: Would you like some more fish? M: No, thanks. I’m full. 7. W: John, Where’s Alice? I hav en’t seen her for days. M: Oh, she is ill in hospital. Mike, Mary and I have just visited her. She is much better today. 8. M: How can we become good learners, Mum? W: I think first we should learn to manage our time. 9. W: Sandy always donates her pocket money to charities, do you know? M: Of course. I think all the students should do things like that. 10. W: When did your father come back home yesterday, Jack? M: Oh, he usually returns home at 5:30, but yesterday he was half an hour later. B.听对话和短文回答问题。 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你将有5秒钟的时间选择答案。 听一段对话,回答11~12题。 M: Linda, you are more active than before. What happened? W: Well, I used to stay at home and watch TV after dinner. But now I don’t. M: Really? What do you prefer to do now? W: I usually go out with my friends and play all kinds of games.


初三英语听力模拟试题 (一) 听下面5个句子。每个句子后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出作为恰当反应的最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个句子后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个句子仅读一遍。 ( )1. A. Yes, I am. B. It’s on Center Street. C. No, there isn’t. ( )2. A. She is ill. B. She is at home. C. She likes swimming. ( )3. A. I’m 16. B. A doctor. C. To Paris. ( )4. A. Be careful. B. Why did he do so? C. I’m sorry to hear that. ( )5. A. Yes, I do. B. Not at all. C. Yes, please. (二)听下面5个小对话。每个对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个对话仅读一遍。 ( )6. What did the boy do last weekend? A.He played chess. B. He read some books. C. He played computer games. ( )7.Where will Lily spend her Saturday? A. At home. B. At a library. C. At a park. ( )8.What is the weather like today? A.Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Snowy. ( )9. How old is the boy?


初二英语期末考试听力材料2014年1月 一、听力测试 第一部分听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你讲听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 1. W: Good morning, Mr Gao. M: Good morning, can I have your homework, plea se? 2. W: Excuse me. Can I take the book back home? M: Sure. But you must return it tomorrow. 3. W: How do you like the film? M: Very much. You know I like sports a lot. 4. W: Who is the young woman wearing glasses beside John? M: It’s his wife. 5. M: Do you sleep well at night? W: No, I can’t stop thinking about the coming test. And I have too many dreams at night. 6. M: Mary, you look very ill. You should go to see the doctor. W: I have no time. The maths exam is coming up. I’ll do my best to pass it. 7. M: So your address is 59 Greyfield Road. C an you spell “Greyfi eld”, please? W: Yes, it’s G-R-E-Y-F-I-E-L-D. M: Thank you. 8. W: So where did you go, John? M: Well, I went to Guilin for my holiday. But the rain kept us staying indoors. W: What a pity! 9. W: Hello, 276694. M: Oh! Hi, Jo. This is Pat. I’m just ringing to tell you the Saturday film is still OK. 10. M: Can I use your eraser? W: Sorry? M: I made a mistake in my paper. 第二部分听对话和短文答题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你讲有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11至12小题。 W: Can I help you? M: How much is that blue shirt? W: 27.9 pounds. The black one is 29.9 pounds. M: I want the blue one, but I have only 26.9 pounds with me. W: That’s OK. M: Thank you so much. 听第一篇短文,回答第13至15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Morskova is the best player of women’s handball. She w as born in Rostov in Russia on the 17th


有关九年级上册英语听力 九年级上册英语听力不论是模拟还是听力题,大家都来听听看吧。下面是给大家整理的九年级上册英语听力的相关知识,供大家参阅! 九年级上册英语听力篇1Section A 听录音。这些学生是怎样为考试而学习1b Listen. How do these students study for a 的?写出上面1a中的字母。test? Write letters from 1a above. 男孩:嗨,同学们。星期二有一次大型Boy: Hey, everybody. There’s a big test on Tuesday. 考试。我非常需要一些帮助。你们I really need some help. Can you tell me how 能告诉我你们是如何为大型考试you study for a big test? 而学习的吗? (同学们的)声音:当然!是的,我们Voices: Sure! Yes. Sure we will. 肯定会。 男孩:梅平,你在上次的英语考试中做Boy: You did really well on the last English test, 得很好,是不是? didn’t you, Meiping?

梅平:是啊,我做得还可以。Meiping: Yeah, I did OK. 男孩:那么你是如何备考的? Boy: Well, how did you study for it? 梅平:通过制作单词卡。Meiping: By making word cards. 也许我会尝试一下。那么你如何Boy: Maybe I’ll try that. So, how do you study for 男孩: 备考,彼得? a test, Peter? 通过向老师求助。她总是很高兴Peter: By asking the teacher for help. She’s always 彼得: 地回答我的问题。happy to answer my questions. 男孩:那很有趣。你如何备考,托尼? Boy: That’s interesting. How do you study, Tony? 托尼:我喜欢通过听录音带学习。但有Tony: I like to study by listening to tapes. But 时我妈妈认为我在听音乐。然后她sometimes my mother thinks I’m listening to 会生气。music. And then she gets mad. 男孩:哦,那我可能不会那样做。Boy: Oh, maybe I won’t do that then. 听录音,标出(√)你所听到的问题。2a Listen and check (√) the questions you hear.


人教版九年级英语听力 9A Unint 4 Integrated Skills Part A Types of TV programmes Task One: ⅠThe teacher Shows some pictures of types of TV programmes. Ⅱlet the students remember these words of types of TV programmes. 注:教师通过展示图片教授相关单词,引入本节课学习的话题——各种类型电视节目。 Task Two: ⅠThe teacher shows the pictures of Part A and let students match scenes with the correct types of programmes. ⅡLet students talk about the answers in pairs and checks the answers. 注:教师通过完成听力材料前的练习。为以下的听力任务完成做好铺垫。 Task Three: ⅠRead th rough the dialogue and fill the blanks that you can according to Part A ⅡStudents listen to the tape twice and complete the dialogue using the words in PartA

Sandy: what types of TV programmes do you like Millie? Millie:I like watching ____because I learn a lot about nature,history and real-life events from them. Sandy: I prefer_____.I hope one day I can take part in one of them,answer all the questions and win a great prise! Daniel:I like ____because the actors in them are always very funny and they make me laugh. Simon: If I have time I will watch a ____.There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives. Amy: I love____so much.My favourite one is Hello Kitty. Andy: Do you like____? I think they are grate.They always have such Interesting things. Sandy:Yes, but sometimes they are too long.I don't have time to sit in front of the TV for hours every night.


八年级英语(上)参考答案及听力材料 Topic 1,Unit 1 Ⅰ.1---5 BBBCC 6---10 ACDAD 11---15 CDBDB Ⅱ.1.win 2. bit 3. dream 4. club 5. grow Ⅲ. 1. in the future 2. play against 3. cheer on 4. keep fit/ healthy 5. all over the world Ⅳ. 1---5 DCBCA 6---10 CBDDB Ⅴ.1---5 DACBE Ⅵ.1---5 BBCAD 6---10 DCABC Ⅶ. Sang Lan is one of the best athletes in our country. She was hurt badly in a contest. So she can’t stand up, but she faces the facts bravely and overcomes all kinds of the difficulties. Now she is studying hard and trying her best to be a useful person to the country. Topic 2,Unit 1 Ⅰ.1---5 DACBC 6---10 CBCDA Ⅱ. 1. 同……比赛 2. 发生;进行 3. 整理床铺 4. 保持健康 5. 增强体质 6. stand for 7. try one’s best 8. more and more 9. all over the world 10. be good at Ⅲ. 1. Is Jane 2. won’t have 3. Who is 4. Which; can 5. How often Ⅳ. 1---5 DBADA 6---10 ADCBC Ⅴ. 1. What are they talking about? 2. No, I didn’t. 3. What a pity! 4. Can we watch it on TV? 5. Work must come first. Ⅵ. 1. mind 2. practices 3. fight 4. careless 5. century Ⅶ. 1---5 DABCC 6—10 AACDB VIII. Basketball is very popular in the world. Many young people like playing basketball. It’s my favorite sport. I am a basketball fan. I like Michael Jordan. He is a very famous player. I hope I can play basketball well and be a football star in the future. Topic 3,Unit 1 Ⅰ. 1---5 BCABC 6---10 AABDC II.1---5 CDDAD 6---10 ABCDB Ⅲ.1. environment 2. more and more beautiful 3. make friends 4. symbol 5. fond of IV. 1. were 2. race(match) 3. fastest 4. about 5. hurt(broke) 6. Bad 7. see(visit) 8. Congratulations 9. is(was/stays/stayed) 10. sorry V. 1---5 CBADD 6. football 7. Sunday 8. dear 9. cold 10. cloudy 11. later 12. behind 13. cold 14. head 15. angry VI. Wang Wei had a dream last night. In the dream, he volunteered to serve in the Beijing Olympic Games. He tried his best to help foreign friends from different countries. When he found a foreign friend in the street, he went up to him and asked him what was the matter. The foreigner told Wang Wei he was Jack, and he didn’t know the way to the Sun Hotel. Then Wang Wei helped him to find the Sun Hotel. Wang Wei talked with Jack on the way. He told Jack a lot about Beijing.


T apescripts Unit 1: How do you study for a test? Section A, 1b Boy 1: Hey, Gang. There's a big test on Tuesday. I really need some help. Can you tell me how you study for a big test? V oices: Sure! Y es. Sure we will. Boy 1: Y ou did really well on the last English test, didn't you, Mei? Mei: Y eah, I did OK. Boy 1: Well, how did you study? Mei: By making flashcards. Boy 1: Maybe I'll try that. How did you study, Pierre? Pierre: By asking the teacher for help. She was really happy I asked. Boy 1: That's interesting. How do you study, Antonio? Antonio: I like to study by listening to tapes. But sometimes my mother thinks I'm listening to music. And then she gets mad. Boy 1: Oh, well ... 2a,2b Girl 1: Welcome to the English club. Today we're going to talk about the best ways to learn English. Who has an idea? Boy 1: Do you learn English by watching English-language videos? Girl 2: No. It's too hard to understand the voices. Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English? Do you learn English that w ay? Girl 2: I think so. It helps to write English every day. Girl 3: Have you ever studied with a group? Girl 2: Y es, I have! I've learned a lot that way. Girl 1: Do you ever practice conversations with friends? Girl 2: Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills. Boy 1: What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? Girl 3: I do that sometimes. I think it helps. Boy 2: I do too. And I always look up new words in a dictionary. Girl 3: That's a great idea! Section B, 2a, 2b Ms Mitchell: Y ou look worried, Paul. Paul: I am, Ms Mitchell. I'm having trouble learning English. Ms Mitchell: Y ou said you liked English. What's the problem? Paul: I can't get the pronunciation right. Ms Mitchell: Well, listening can help. Why don't you borrow the teacher's tapes? Y ou can listen to them at home and repeat sentences that are difficult for you. Paul: That's a good idea. But what about all the new words? I forget a lot of new words. Ms Mitchell: Y ou can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home. Y ou can even study in the train on the way to school. Paul: That might really help! Thanks.

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