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Mysteries of Gann Analysis Unveiled




The Astrological Secret of Gann Angles

Analysis of The Gann?s Coffee Letter & Planetary Vectors or Angles The Cosmology or 17 Years

Squaring Price with Time

Forecasting With Planetary Cycles

The 37-Year Cycle Pattern in the Dow Jones Industrial Average Important Formulas & Techniques for Working with Planetary Cycles Three Term Proportion of Planetary Longitudes

Gann?s CE average, MOF Formula & Master Charts

Periodic Number Cycles

Support & Resistance Techniques from the Square of 9

Converting Planetary Longitude to Price

Converting A Horoscope into A price Calculator

Gann?s Master Mathematical Formula for Market Predictions

Mars Pressure Forecasting Technique

Forecasting the Stock Market with Cycles

Gann?s Permanent Charts

Gann?s Base Ten Method

Balancing Solar Longitude with Price on the Square of 9

Tunnel Thru the Air

Soybean Letter to Private Student

Market V olume


The Secret of Gann Angles


Much has been published regarding Gann's use of geometrical angles。Today,many software programs (incorrectly) have these angles as standard features for technical analysis。However,few(if any)people know what they really are or how to actually use them. I have heard so many stories about these angles that it is clear to me that they are completely misunderstood .Some will say that your charts have to be scaled to a particular price increment to square out the chart. Others will say that it is based purely on geometry and because the Tangent of 45 is 1 then this is must be the real 1X1 angle. The funny thing is both arguments are correct but not completely correct in a Gann sense! First, let?s examine what Gann actually said about this subject:


“After long years of practical experience, I have discovered that geometrical Angles measure accurately Space, Time, Volume, and Price.


Mathematics is the only exact science,as I have said before. Every nation on the face of the earth agrees that 2 and 2 make 4, no matter what language it speaks. Yet all other sciences are not in accord as mathematical science. We find different men in

different professions along scientific lines disagreeing on problems,but there can be no disagreement in mathematical calculation.

数学是唯一确切的科学,正如我之前所说的。地球上每一个国家都遵从2+2= 4,无论他说什么语言。然而其他科学并不像数学这样一致。我们发现不同专业和科学方法的人在问题上意见不一,但是在数学计算上没有争论。

there are 360 degrees in a circle , no matter how large or how small the circle may be . Certain numbers of these degrees and angles are of vast importance and indicate when important tops and bottoms occur on stocks, as well as denote important Resistance levels. When once you have thoroughly mastered the Geometrical Angles, you will be able to solve any problem and determine the trend of any stock.


We use geometrical angles to measure Space and Time periods because it is a shorter and quicker method than addition or multiplication, provided you follow the rules and draw the angles or lines accurately from tops and bottoms or extreme highs and lows. 我们使用几何角度线去测量空间和时间,因为它是比加法或乘法更快捷的方法,遵从这些规则并从高低点或者极端的高低点开始准确地去画角度、或者线条。

Gann left several clues in this introduction to geometrical angles in his veiled language .Did you spot them? Why was Gann so particular when it came to drawing his charts ? what did he mean when he said that these angles are a shorter and quicker method provied that you follow the rules ? Ok, that is enough; I will translate this into common English .


there are 360 degrees in a cycle (planetary orbit, "space movement"),no matter how large or how small the cycle may be. Certain divisions of these degrees (aspects) are of vast importance, This is why he was so meticulous about his charts. He was scaling them to the planetary orbits or cycles he found useful for each stock and commodity.1 unit of price/day=the motion of the Earth around the Sun. 1 unit of price/week=to the

quarter of the Moon cycle. 1 unit price/month=the orbit of Saturn which is also the secret to the hexagon or cube chart but that's another matter. To prove that this interpretation is correct we will study Gann?s coffee letter to private student. I have provided a copy of this letter and would encourage you to read it first before reading my analysis! Gann has some mistakes in this letter and it is my belief that they were intentional since the math was basic and in his other published works it is hard to find even a single spelling error.


“In making my predictions, I us e geometry and mathematics, just as the astronomers does, based on immutable laws.” WD Gann,1927, Tunnel Thru the Air.”


Analysis of Gann’s Coffee Letter

First off some basic Astronomical or Astrology background is needed. There are 360 degree in the circle of the Zodiac. The zodiac is divided into 12 equal parts of 30 degree each. The starting point is Aries where the sun crosses the ecliptic at the March 21st Vernal Equinox. Then comes Taurus, Gemini, Cancer (Summer Solstice), Leo, Virgo, Libra (Autumnal Equinox),Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn (Winter Solstice), Aquarius, and Pieces.


In the fist part of the letter, Gann starts breaking down the March 19, 1954 high price into zodiac degrees. Using a scale of one point (minimum tick) to one-degree ,8729 equals 29 Gemini . 8729 ticks divided by 360 = 24.247. Therefore we reject 24 circles or 360*24 = 8640. This leaves us with 8729 minus 8640 =89 . Because Gemini starts a 60 degrees we get 89 –60 = 29 Gemini. Using 1 cent to one degree 87.29 = 27-degrees 17 minutes of Gemini because 87.29 –60 = 27.29 and 0.29*60 = 17. There are 60 minutes to a degree just as there are 60 minutes to an hour or 60 seconds to a minute.

The next line says,” using a scale of 30 points ( Saturn ) to one degree, equals 21 Capricorn” 8729/30 = 291 and beca use Capricorn starts at 270 degrees of the zodiac 291-270 = 21 .Thirty is the number of years it takes Saturn to complete a single orbit around the sun and this is why Gann used 30 points to a degree .

在这封信的第一部分,江恩开始将1954年3月19日高点添加到黄道带上。使用一点(最小刻度)对应一度的比例,价格8729等于双子座29。8729除以360等于24.247。因此,我们舍弃24圈为360×24 = 8640。剩下8729减去8640 = 89。因为双子座开始于60度,我们开始得到89–60 =双子座29。利用100对应1度则8729 对应于87.29 = 双子座27度17分;87.29–双子座60 = 27.29和0.29×60 = 17。还有60分钟到一个程度,就像60分钟一个小时或60秒一分钟。

用30点对应1度,8729等于摩羯座21度。8729/30=291 ,摩羯座开始于黄道270度,291-270=21度。三十是土星围绕太阳运行一周的年数,这就是为什么江恩使用30点对应1度。

The dollar value $28171 again is in Capricorn 28171 –27000(zero Capricorn) =11°45 ′ Capricorn. one could also argue that this value is 28 Aries depending upon the decimal point.

The average of the 5 options on March 19, 1954 was 8663. The average of the options on March 19, 1954 was actually 8668. Here Gann make a mistake, and he is also intentionally vague with how he came up with the zodiac degree. But here is the answer 8668 divided by 12 (jupiter?s orbit in years) ≈722.333 reject the two circles or 720-degrees and you get 2°20′ Aries . Which is 90 degrees (not 60 )or square to helio Jupiter . Actually , if you calculate this angle exactly , you get 87°15′ or 87151 Note : at the bottom of the letter , Gann shows the longitude of heliocentric-Jupiter as 29°35′Gemini . This means that the current price of 8729 at one tick per degree , i.e. the minimum fluctuation is equal to 29°Gemini . This is within a half of a degree to being exactly equal to Jupiter?s longitude . helio-Uramus is at 21°52′ cancer and the Saturn price at 21° Capricorn is opposite this location . In astrology , the squares and the opposition points are strong negative/resistant forces , It is not my intention to teach Astrology , as there are numerous books on the subject but it is an important subject for understanding W.D.Gann and the subject was a dominant feature in Gann?s suggested reading list .

1954年3月19日5月期权的平均为价格为8663。实际上是8668。这里江恩犯了一个错误,他还故意含糊他如何想出黄道角度。但问题是价格8668最后得到的是白羊座 2°20′。事实上,如果你准确的计算这个角度,你将得到87°15′或87151。注意:在信的后面,江恩表示木星的日心经度为双子座29°35′。这意味着用1点对应一度的价格经度亦即价格最小波动经度对应双子座29度。这个经度在半度之内是几乎等于木星的经度。天王星的日心经度在巨蟹座21°52′,土星的价格位置在和他相对的摩羯座21°。在占星学中,90度和180度点是强的阻力点,我的目的不是教占星术,因为有许多这方面的书籍,但它是理解江恩的基础。

In the next two paragraphs, Gann starts throwing out all kinds of points per month without any explanation as to why he is using the numbers or the significance of the numbers . It appears to be random and of no use to the student. Again, I believe this is intentional , as Gann was known for making his student work through his examples to gain understanding . based on many of today?s Gann experts I?m confident Gann?s geometric angles are still veiled in perpetual misunderstanding . now we will remove the mystery .



Definition :The True Gann Angles are the minimum fluctuation of the underlying commodity , stock , or index multiplied by the number of years it takes a planet to complete a full 360 degree orbit . This value defines the 45-degree angle . All of the other angles are calculate from this master angle by dividing the value by 45°get a price to degree value .This unifies a relationship with both price and time and is a Vector that can be projected into the future . Let look at an example that will show where Gann is coming up with the numbers in his letter and how he is creating planetary orbit vectors that unite price with time .

定义:真正的江恩角度是指相关商品,股票和指数的最小波动乘以行星完成一个完整的360度轨道所需要的年数 ,这个值定义了45度角。所有其他的角度从这个45°分度值计算得到价格度值。这种结合与价格和时间的关系,是一个矢量,可以预计到未来。让我们通过一个例子来说明江恩在他的信中是如何将行星运行向量将价格和时间统一起来。

It takes Saturn 30 years to complete an orbit around the Sun. The minimum fluctuation in coffee is 1 tick. So 30×1 = 30 and therefore the 45 degree angle = 30 points or ticks/one degree of Saturn. The price degree ratio is 30/45 = 0.666667 per degree. So as an example the 75 degree angle would= 75 *0.666667 = 50 points/degree of Saturn。(Gann said in the coffee letter:” that at 50 pts .per month the 45-degree angle would cross at 8715 on March 19, 1954”. The math shows us that the 50 points per month number come from Gann?s 75 – degree angle not the 45.). However, Gann said that this date was 276 months from April 16, 1931 low of $ 435. If you multiply 276 * 50, you get 13800, so this is an error or typo. At 30 points per month you get 276*30 = 8280 + the 435 low equals Gann?s calculation of 8715! Gann also says in the letter that from May 15, 1940 to March 19, 1954–Saturn moved 181°35′, which gives a price of 6990. This is another typo! Converting 181°35′ to a decimal , we get 181.583 . This amount times 30 is 5447.5. If you add this to the May 15 , 1940 low of $ 544 you get 5990 not 6990 . He then says at 45 points per degree that 181°35′of Saturn would yield 8715. Why did he use 45 points to a degree? Because it is his 67.5° angle based upon Saturn?s orbit. 181°35′*45 = $ 8171.235 + the $544low =8715. Here is the calculation for the 45 points per degree. The 67.5 degree angle is 67.5 *0.666667 = 45 points /degree of Saturn. A 60-degree angle would be 60*0.666667 or 40 points/degree. Can you see why Gann was using these numbers or points per degree in his letter? All of the other Gann angles are calculated in this fashion. For convenience, the other angles that Gann used Gann used are:

土星围绕太阳一圈需要30年。咖啡中的最小波动值为1。所以30×1 = 30,因此45度角度线= 30点/1度土星。价格度比为30 / 45 = 0.666667。所以作为一个例子,75度角=

75×0.666667= 50点/度土星。(江恩在咖啡信中说到:“在50点/月45度角会在1954年3月19日到达8715”。数学告诉我们,50点/月的数来自江恩的75度角不是45)。然

而,江恩说,这个日期是从1931年4月16日低点435美元算起经历了276个月。如果你将276×50,你13800,所以这是一个错误或排印错误。每月30点你得到276×30 = 8280 + 435 = 8715低江恩的计算!江恩在信中还说,从1940年5月15日到1954年3月19日,土星移动了181°35′,给出6990的价格。这是另一个错误!将181°35′换算到小数,我们得到181.583。这一数额的30倍是5447.5。将1940年5月15日低点544美元+5447.5= 5990不是6990。他说,在45点每度变换,181°35′土星将产生8715。他为什么用45分的程度吗?因为这是他67.5°角对应土星轨道。181°35′* 45 = 8171.235元+ $ 544low = 8715。这里是45点/度的计算。67.5度角是67.5×0.666667 = 45分/度的土星。60度角是


Gann Angles Tangent Function

Note: Gann did not use the Tangent function: all his Angles are 3.75°apart

Side Note: This tangent issue has been confusing for many Gann students. A friend of mine Ken Turkin, recently figured out that Gann took a square that was 12 by 12 and drew an arc on the inside of this square from the top left hand corner to the bottom right hand corner, I.e. the height of the square is the radius of the arc and the lower; left hand cornet of the square would represent the center of this arc . if you do this on graph paper , you will find all the infamous 1 X 1 , 2 X 1 , 1 X 2 ,etc , will all be 3.75° apart ? Why did Gann choose this particular square? The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, in fact, Jupiter is larger in mass than all of the remaining & planets combined. Jupiter takes 12 years orbit the sun and the number twelve is mentioned multiple times in the Bible i.e. twelve tribes of Israel, twelve Apostles. etc., in terms of music, there are 12 and only 12 notes . You can have an infinite variation in terms of frequency (by multiplying or dividing by 2 ) but there are still only 12 tones or vibrations ! Getting back to Jupiter, his price degree ratio is 12/45 or 0.266. The reciprocal of this is 1/0.2666 or 45°/12 ,equals 3.75°. On page 82 of The Tunnel Thru The Air. Gann says, “To those who understand numbers,?266?reveals some remarkable events that are to follow the election of the pope”. This is interesting since 12/45 = 0.266. The Galactic center is 266 or 26-Sagittarius.

边注:此切线问题对于许多江恩的学生来说是困惑的。我的一位朋友Ken TUrkin,最近发现了一个正方形,江恩12 12,画了一个弧在这个广场内从左上角到右下角,即广场的高度是圆弧半径的平方的左下角会代表该弧的中心。如果你在图纸,你会发现所有的臭名昭著的1×1,2×1,1×2,等等,都是3.75°分开吗?为什么选择这个特定的广场里?在太阳系中最大的行星是木星,事实上,木星的质量比其余所有行星的总和还大。木星12年绕太阳轨道和数字十二是圣经中也多次提及,以色列十二支派,十二使徒。等,在音乐方面,有12和12笔记。你可以在频率方面的无穷变化(乘以或除以2)但仍只有12的音调或振动!回到木星,其价格的程度比为12/45或0.266。这倒数:1 / 0.2666或45 / 12的°,等于3.75°。在隧道的82页的空中。江恩说,“那些数字的理解,'266”揭示了一些引人注目的事件,要听从教皇的选举”。这很有趣,因为12 / 45 = 0.266。银河系的中心是266或26的射手座。

Move the decimals around on some of these numbers, they are very interesting! For example: The square root of 2,Pi,Phi or Fibonacci ratio, reciprocal of hour in a day, number of the beast, degrees in a circle, days in a month , weeks in a year, hours in a day, synodic cycles, etc….

在这些数字的周围移动小数点是非常有趣的!例如: 2的平方根,3.14,0.618或斐波那契比率,小时在一天的往复,素数的倒数,圆的度数,一个月的天数,一年内周数,一天小时数,朔望周期等等....

To make sure that you understand the concept of Gann?s Angles, let?s say you want to figure the 60-degree angle for a NYSE listed stock: for the planet Jupiter.


Answer:Jupiter takes 12 years to complete one orbit.

The minimum fluctuation of most stocks in a eighth:



12*0.125 =$1.5 per one degree of Jupiter for the 45 degree angle. $1.50/45 = 0.0333333 price degree ratio. 60*0.03333= $2.00 /1 degree of Jupiter. So lets say the low price took place one year ago and Jupiter has since moved 28 degrees. 28*2= $56.00 price up from zero. If the low was $22.75, then we would also look at the rice 56 + 22.75 = 78.75.

Also note that the square of the low would be $22.75/0.125 = 182 degrees of the sun, lunar quarters, Jupiter,Saturn and solar years.

Note that the entire zodiac is 360° and 360*1/8th is 45°. Therefore, $45.00 is equal to 360°in 1/8th increments or 1/8th per degree scale. The price low of $22.75/45= 0.5055555 and 360°*0.055555=182° or 2° Libra or $22.75/0.125 =182°. $22.75/$1.50 (Jupiter scale) =$15.166 and this in degrees would be $15.166/45 = 0.33703703 and 360°*0.33703703 is 121.33, which e quals 121°20′ of the circle or1°20′Leo. We would watch the stock closely as Jupiter casts aspects (especially 90, 180, 270-degrees) to the longitude date of the low, i.e. 1°20′ Leo.

The Saturn conversion would work out like this 30*0.125= $3.75 and $22.75/$3.75= $6.60666. This amount divided by 45 is 6.6066/45= 0.13481481 and this multiplied by 360°is 48.53 or 48°32′of the circle, which is 18°32′Taurus. This is the same procedure illustrated in the coffee letter with the only different being that stocks have a different minimum fluctuation (vibration) than coffee. Because $22.75/0.125 (an 8th)=182°degrees we would project the orbits of the planets this amount into the future which is a 1/2 complete orbit or opposition aspect plus 2 extra degrees. As an example, let?s say that Mercury was at 3-degrees of Scorpio on the date of the low. We would simply go though an ephemeris and find Mercury at 5-degrees of Taurus, which is 182-degrees from our first date. Then we would add the 182 degree again, which would be 5-scorpio, and this would be another important date for a trend change. We would do this with all the planets knowing that as each one moves 182° in longitude they are squaring the low price by time. I believe this is how Gann converted price to time and to my knowledge this technique has never been published in any written form. I will talk about this subject further when I cover Gann?s Squaring of Price with Time or Converting Price to Longitude. It is extremely important that you understand this concept to it?s fullest. The Gann Angles along with planetary time/price relationships are the Key to converting prices to degrees in the

zodiac. From the few examples that exist, and my own experiments with the technique, it appears that it is important that the price conversion has an angular or astrology aspect relationship to the specific planet you used to convert the price. Then a secondary factor would be of other plants had an angular relationship to the same degree. We can see this in Gann?s example above where the price of the 5 coffee options converted to the Jupiter scale are making a square aspect to the current heliocentric position of Jupiter. Also on this particular day. Heliocentric Jupiter is square to the Earth (or geocentric sun ) and the North Node of the moon is at 20°37′Capricorn conjunct the Saturn converted price, which is in opposition to Uranus in Cancer. Also 8729 at 1 tick per degree is at 29°of Gemini, which is the current location of heliocentric Jupiter. I have seen many people use pure zodiac longitude converted to price and there is nothing wrong with this technique if the price scales workout and have some mathematical relationship. However, it is extremely important that you understand the method of converting price based upon planetary orbits, especially the big guys Jupiter & Saturn.

$ 1.50为 45度角度线。木星的60度角度线对应为2$ 每度。因此,可以说价格低发生在一年前与木星从那以后移动28度。 28 * 2 = 56.00美元。如果低是22.75美元,那么我们也将56 + 22.75 = 78.75 。还指出,低的正方是将会在$ 22.75/0.125 = 182度的太阳,月球季度,木星,土星和太阳年上达成。注意,整个黄道带是360 °,360 °的八分之一为45°。因此, 45.00美元等于在八分之一的增量或每度比例的八分之一。为$ 22.75/45价格低= 0.5055555和360 ° * 0.055555 = 182 °或 2 °天秤座或$ 22.75/0.125 = 182 °。 22.75美元/ $ 1.50(木星刻度) = 15.166美元,这在度将是$ 15.166/45 = 0.33703703和360 ° * 0.33703703为121.33 ,等于121 ° 20狮子座的圆或1 ° 20 ' 。我们会看股票密切木星蒙上方面(尤其是90 , 180 , 270度)的低经度日期,即1 ° 20'狮子座。土星转换将制定出这样的30 * 0.125 = $ 3.75和22.75美元/ 3.75美元= 6.60666美元。这一数额除以45是6.6066/45 = 0.13481481这个乘以360° 48.53或148 ° 32金牛座'的圈子,这是18 ° 32 ' 。这是在咖啡字母与唯一不同的存在,股市具有不同的最小波动(振动)比咖啡中所示的相同的过程。因为$ 22.75/0.125 (第8个)= 182 °度,我们将预测行星的轨道这一数额到这是一个1/2完整的轨道或反对的方面,加上2个额外的度的未来。作为一个例子,让我们说,水星是在3度天蝎座在低的日期。作为一个例子,让我们说,水星是在3度天蝎座在低的日期。我们只会去虽然星历表,找到水星在5度金牛座,这是182度从我们的第一次约会。然后,我们将再次增加182度,这将是5 - 天蝎座,这将是一个趋势变化的另一个重要日期。我们会做所有的行星知道,因为每一个移动182 °,东经他们是由时间平方的价格低。我相信这是江恩如何转换价格时据我所知,这种技术从未发表任何书面形式。我会谈谈这个问

Another important timing feature of this coffee letter, that was not discussed and to my knowledge was never disclosed by W.D. Gann, has to do with Geocentric Jupiter and the eclipse of the sun that took place on January 5th 1954. I will discuss again in detail when I get to the analysis of Tunnel Thru The Air, but for now we will illustrate this set up. If we look up the geocentric position of Jupiter during the eclipse on January 5th 1954 we will find the location to be 18°33′ Gemini & in retrograde motion. On March 18,1954, Jupiter in direct motion returns to the exact location it had at the

eclipse!providing the entry timing for the trade. In addition, Gann?s personal horoscope for coffee (copy included) March 7,1882, has Saturn at 8°38′degrees of Taurus. On March 19, 1954, Saturn (retrograde) is at 8°34′ of Scorpio in opposition (180-degrees) to natal Saturn. Jupiter?s return to be the eclipse location is square to both the natal sun and natal Uranus in Gann?s coffee horoscope.

这封咖啡信中另一个江恩从来没有披露和讨论过的时间特征是地心经度的木星与发生在1954年1月5日的日食。当到分析时空隧道时我会再详细说明。如果我们查询1954年1月5日的月食中木星的地心经度,我们会发现它在双子座18 °33'逆行。在1954年3月18日,木星精确的返回到它曾在日食时的位置,为我们提供交易进入的最佳时机。此外,(原件和复印件)江恩的个人咖啡星图中,1882年3月7日,土星在金牛座8°38'。1954年3月19日, 土星(逆行)在与出生图中反对(180度)的天蝎座8°34?。在江恩的咖啡的出生星座图中木星回归的位置与出生图中太阳和天王星成正方。

It is important to note that this letter is one of the only know examples of the true mathematical angles! Gann was about 74 years old when he wrote this letter and was very ill. Also, the recipient of the letter was a private student who signed an agreement with Gann not to reveal these rules and instructions to anyone! Because we are left with so little to go on we have to make some assumptions about using this technique. (1) From the evidence available it seems that we should primarily use this method with the following planets: Jupiter, Saturn, and the sun as these support the instructions in the letter (I also use Uranus because Uranus?s orbit divided by Jupiter?s orbit = 7&this number is mentioned most in the Bible.). Chart examples of Soybeans & Coffee prove that Gann also used Mars for geometric angles. The other planets are used for measuring the time element and also for financial astrology. These three planets (Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun) have a unique mathematical relationship with each other.

需要重要注意的是这封信是了解真实数学角度唯一例子!他写这封信的时候约74岁,并且病得很重。此外,信的收件人是的江恩私人学生,他签署了一项协议,不向外界任何人透露这些规则和指示!因为我们只剩下这么少材料,所以我们必须做出一些有关此技术使用的假设。( 1)从现有的证据看来,我们应该主要将这个方法用于以下行星:在信中木星,土星和太阳作为重要的说明(我也用天王星因为天王星的轨道除以木星的轨道= 7&这数字在圣经中提到的大多数)。大豆和咖啡的图表实例证明江恩还用于火星几何角度。其他行星用于测量时间元素,也为金融占星术。这三个行星(木星,土星和太阳)彼此有独特的数学关系。

Cosmology 17

In one year, Saturn moves about 12 degrees, the Sun moves 360, and Jupiter 30 and there are 12 months in the year of about 30 days each. Therefore we have a nice harmony of numbers 360/12 = 30 which is the number of day?s in a month and the

number of years in Saturn?s orbit. 360/30 = 12 which is Jupiter?s orbit in years and the number of months in a year. or inversely, 30*12=360. 30/12=2.5 which is Jupiter?s monthly average movement. In one month, the sun will move 30 degrees, Saturn will move 1 degree and the Moon will complete an orbit around the Earth. 12/30=0.4 and this amount times 360=144 or the square 12 a very important Gann number! 144*2.5 will take us back to 360. 144/2.5= 144∧2/360. if we square 144, i.e. 144*144=20736, which Gann called the great cycle because 20736 days approximates the 3 conjunctions of Jupiter with Saturn. The geometric mean of Jupiter?s orbit & Saturn?s orbit = Sqrt(12*30)=18.97 yeas. This is equal to the Metonic Lunar Cycle, which causes Full Moons, New Moons, and eclipses to occur at approximately the same calendar day and zodiac degree every 19 years. The harmonic mean =2*(12*30)/(12+30)=17.143 years. (Reader?s of Bradley Cowa n Four Dimensional Stock Market Structures & Cycles will want to study this in connection with his market cube theory as it relates directly to this time period), which is an extremely important cycle in the markets. 17 years is related to the Saturn cycle by the square root of 3 {diagonal of cube). 17 yeas is related to Jupiter?s orbit by the square root of 2 (diagonal of a square). 17 yeas is one 5th of Ur anus?s orbit. 17 yeas is 9 times larger than the Mars cycle & also 1/9th of the Neptune?s cycle. 17 years expressed in days is 6209. this number divided by 225(Venus?s orbit in days)= 27.59 which is close to the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. There are 17 steps to the entrance of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. The sun of the digits 1 through 17=153(a number that appears in the Pyramid and in the Bible multiple times), i.e. the Grand Gallery is 153 feet long, the number of fish caught by Jesus? disciples was 153, Jesus? public ministry lasted 918 days (153*6). 153 equals 9 times 17. NOTE: The United States was formed with the signing of The Declaration of Independence, July 1776. if we add 153 years or 9 cycles of 17, we get the year 1929 the Peak of a Major period of U.S. economic expansion followed by the ”Great Depression”. The Florida Bank Failures occurred in July of 1929. working backwards 153 years from 1776, we get the year 1623. Another important cycle is 37 years. Thirty seven is two complete lunar node cycles of 18.6 years, two geometric mean cycles of Jupiter and Saturn, and is also 12(Jupiter?s orbit)multiplied by Pi, Le.12*3.14=37. Adding 37 years to dates of major highs and lows usually define future major luming points! Now that we have laid down this theory, and have shown astronomical/astrological proof direct form Gann?s personal letter to a private student let us now look at his non-astronomical approach. 在一年时间里,土星运行约12度,太阳移动360度,木星运行30度,并30天一个月一年有12个月。因此,我们有数字十二分之三百六十〇= 30的一个很好的和谐是一天的在一个月的数量和年在土星轨道的数量。三十零分之三百六= 12这是木星的轨道,年和月的一年的数量。或者相反,30 * 12 = 360 。30/12 = 2.5这是木星的平均每月变动。在一个月的时间,太阳会移动30度,土星将移动1度和月球将完成绕地轨道。12/30 = 0.4 ,而此金额360倍= 144或广场12一个非常重要的江恩数!144 * 2.5将带我们回到360 。144/2.5 = 144 ∧三百六十分之二。如果我们广场144 ,即144 * 144 = 20736 ,其中江恩称之为大周期,因为20736天接近3连词木星与土星。····添加37年周期到主要高点和低点的日期,通常定义未来的主要价格点位。现在,我们已经定下这一理论,并且将从江恩对一个私


Gann said that:“the first and most important angle to draw was the 45-degree angle that moves up one point per day, one point per week or one point per month”. He says that this is a 45 because it divides the space and time periods into 2 equal parts. As long as the market or a stock stays above the 45-degree angle, it is in a strong position and indicates higher prices. Below the 45-degree angle indicates a weak position and lower price.


This is a very interesting quote because in terms of geometry these angles would all have different slopes and could not be equal (or 45-degrees). On the other side, in terms of the concept of cycles the slopes are equal (1 unit of price/1 unit of time) as each has a common relationship with price/time which = the slope.


If we take the stock example above, the low price of $22.75 would take 22.75 days(Sun), weeks(lunar quarters), Months(Saturn). Let us say that the low occurred on October 20th1987. Therefore we have the following: 22.75 days = November 11th, 1987, 22.75 weeks = March 27th, 1988 and 22.75Months is September 11th, 1989(22.75years would be out in July 2010).

The lower portion illustrates the 45-degree lines up from up zero and the upper half illustrates the 45 lines up form the low price of $22.75. It is easy to see that in terms

of traditional geometry that these trend lines are completely different. However, all are achieving the same objective of relating a time cycle to price. These are supposed to be the guidelines for determining the current position (strength of weakness) of a stock or commodity under analysis according to Gann?s instructions (Gann angle course, copy included).


This is another reason why I believe Gann actually used the planets. By using the planets, he could simply look in an ephemeris and locate the dates that were related to the price. However, based on this course, we would be interested in non-planetary motion of 22.75 degrees (60minutes*0.75 = 45 min.) i.e. 22-degrees, 45 minutes or 22.75days, weeks, months and years as is drawn out in the graph above. This seems to contradict his coffee letter especially when we consider that the geometric angles are supposed to be an easier and faster way to measure “space movement”, and this method is certainly faster and easier.

这是另一个我相信江恩实际上使用行星的原因。通过使用行星,他可以简单地在星历表中找出与价格相对应的日期。然而,在此课程基础上我们有兴趣的是关于22.75度的非行星运动,22.75 即22度45分,或图形上方画出的22.75天,周,月,年线。特别是当我们考虑到几何角度应该是一个更容易和更快的方法来衡量“空间运动”时似乎违背他的咖啡的信。

If we use the instructions in the coffee letter we would need 182-degrees or & times as much space movement to balance price with time (remember the minimum fluctuation on stocks is an 8th) which each 22°45′equaling 1/8th of the actual time cycle. Therefore, you would still get market hits using Gann?s course instructions because each turning points is the one-eighth harmonic of the actual price cycle in terms of degrees, longitude or time. However, you would never realize that the second square of price, i.e. the second cycle of 22.75 days, weeks, months or years represents only the first 90°of the price cycle , and the 4th square of price would be the opposition of 180°, etc, which 182 days, weeks, months and years equaling the full 360°? The non-astronomical approach is definitely faster and easier and will quickly put in the approximate time area to be on the look out for market reversals or changes in trend. The price expressed as a time cycle of solar years is the strongest cycle in terms of Gann?s quick non-astronomical approach because it has the strongest correlation to an astronomical relationship, i.e. the Earth?s orbit around the Sun. if you take the harmonics of this cycle, or every 1/8th of 22.75 years, you would look for the stock to change trend every 2.843 years. If you take the 1/8th harmonic of 2.843 years, you get 0.355468 75 and this multiplied by 365.25(days in a year) is every 130 days. If we study the example in his geometric angle course, on page GA-16, we find him using $1/month for U.S Steel Corporation. He starts the angle up from the date of the low (October of 1907) from a price of zero and the stock advanced (+240 or two triangles) to a price of $261.75($=24° Capricorn) in 262 months (Degrees of Saturn or

Lunar months?). Saturn would have moved 275degrees form 25 Pieces to 29 32 Sagittarius. 30*0.125 =$3.75/45 =0.08333*11.25(angle) = 0.9375 per degree of Saturn*275 degrees = $257&7/8ths (pretty close). Lunar months would = 288(the second square of 12, or 144*2) and the 11.25 angle would cross at about $270. Using solar months we get his answer of 262. However, the low in 1907 was late October around the 30th and this would really be $261. In any event, when the price of U.S Steel met with resistance at these levels and dropped below the (geometric angles) longitude price lines, it indicated weakness to Gann. Another very important part of this example is that the time period in days is approx. 7980 divided by the low of $21.875 = 365 or a solar year. Therefore we take the low price of 21.875 and add it to the year 1907 and we get 1929.875, or the year 1929 + 7/8ths, 365days*0.875 = 320days(7/8ths of a year) and this amount added too late October 1907 would put us in September of 1929 (Squaring out price with Time)! The price advance from the low would =262-22 = 240 or Trine (120 +20) a harmonic point in the circle. The price of $262 is equal to 22 Sagittarius and geocentric Saturn is located at 23 55 Sagittarius on September 3, 1929. This means that the price failure took place at the geocentric longitude of Saturn and then fell below the Heliocentric-Saturn angle @ 257 & 7/8ths during a time that was 21 & 7/8ths years from the 1907 low of $21.875! As you can see from this explanation, there is a lot of detail between the lines of Gann?s example. Gann left clues but no answers. He wanted his students to discover the secrets of his methods by working though the techniques he was describing and gaining knowledge from actually doing the work for themselves.

Make sure that you understand the above concepts& techniques before reading further.

I should also point out that the 1907 price low of $22.875 converted to degrees is

22.875/0.125=183° (3°Libra) and Heliocentric-Venus has since moved 12783°. If you reject the 35 circles or complete orbit, you get 183° or 3° Libra, i.e. 12783-12600=183. The position of Heliocentric Saturn is 30°aspect to the $261.875(Phi^2), or 24°Capricorn and Heliocentric Mars at 25°Libra is 90°aspect to the $261.875 price. Pluto is at 18°06? Cancer, which is 75 aspect to the $22.875(3°Libra) low. Jupiter and Venus are at 3°15? and 6° 43? Gemini, respectively or 120° (Trine) the 1907 low of 3°Libra. The $261.875 in a Saturn scale is 18°40?Libra, which is square to Pluto in Cancer and 45°to Neptune at 1°Virgo. Gann?s angle course page GA-27 says,” U.S Steel was incorporated February 25, 1907”. If we look up the heliocentric positions of planets on this date (Natal Chart), and compare them with the positions on September 3, 1929, we get the following astrological aspects; Uranus is near exact square natal Saturn, Mars is square natal Mercury. Venus is square the Natal Sun, Mercury is conjunct natal Uranus, Jupiter is 144° to natal Saturn and Sun is 45° to natal Mercury. Most of these aspects are near exact.

NOW that we have explained these concepts lets get back to Gann?s Coffee letter. April 16, 1931 to March 19, 1954 – Geocentric Saturn moved 285° & 38? minutes(to convert minutes in decimal form, you divide by 60). 38min/60 = 0.633333 therefore,

Saturn moved 285.6333. Because it takes Saturn 30 years to complete 1 orbit the 45-degree angle would equal 285.6333*30 = 8569. Gann has 8572, which is off by 3 ticks. Next he has October 1, 1931 to March 19, 1954 - Geocentric Saturn moved 231. Which would equal 7230. Here again, Gann is trying to confuse and teach at the same time. Here is how he calculated this price: 231*30 = 6930. The low price on October 1, 1931 was $300 and 300 + 6930 = 7230, which is his price calculation. The next line reads May 15, 1940 to March 19, 1954 – Saturn moved 181 & 35? minutes using 45 points to 1 degree = 8715. this would be the 67 & 1/2-degree geometric angle because 30/45 = 0.666667 for the price/Degree ratio and 67.5*0.666667 = 45 point per degree. 45*181.583 = 8145.58 + the May 15, 1940 low price of 544 = 8715. The rest of the geocentric calculations should be easy for you understand at this point.

From here, Gann moves on to the heliocentric degrees traveled by Saturn. With the background that I have given you. It should be extremely simple to see where Gann is generating these price levels. One very interesting discovery that I made in the process of reviewing my notes and writing down the information is Gann?s first heliocentric example. It reads: April 16, 1931 to March 19, 1954 – heliocentric Saturn moved 287-degree & 15 minutes, which equal 17-degrees 13 minutes Capricorn, price 8632. This seems very innocent and obvious from our mathematical calculation procedure but I think there is one more gem of Gann?s wisdom hidden in this tiny sentence! Here is my discovery. If we look up the date April 16, 1931 in a heliocentric ephemeris, we will find Saturn located at 17-degrees 18 minutes of Capricorn, which is equal to 287.283-degrees of the circle on the date of a major low. Form this date to March 19, 1954 date, heliocentric Saturn moved this exact amount(287-degrees), which in my experience with studying Gann is well beyond coincidence! Although I have not had ample time to perform a study of this specific technique, i.e. of relating a zodiac position to a future time cycle. I have utilized a similar idea(that I think Gann would be proud of) where I try to locate future sensitive degrees in the zodiac based on the Harmonic Mean and Geometric of a major high or low price. This works very well, which gives me great confidence in the discovery I just presented because the points are all related. To illustrate the concept I will provide an example:

The Dow Jones industrial Average made an important low on October 18, 1999. The heliocentric position of the planets are illustrated in the following horoscope: Heliocentric Mercury is at 21 Capricorn = 291.

Heliocentric Mars is at 12 Aquarius = 312.

Now lets locate our semsitlve degrees using the harmonies of the square & triangle To locate Mercury?s geometric mean points that are square to 21 Capricorn we raise our aspect by the power of 2 and divide by the October 18, 1999 position. So 90 ^2 =

8100 divided by 291 = 27.83(Aries). To convert the decimal to minutes multiply by 60. sixty times 0.83 = 50. So we have 27-degrees 50-minutes of Aries for the first square location. This location was hit November 11, 1999. The next square is 270^2 =72900/291 = 250.51 or 10-degrees 31-minutes of Sagittarius. This location was hit by Mercury on December 31, 1999. Mars geometric mean square would be 8100/312 =25.96 or 25-degrees 57-min of Aries. This point was hit on Friday, February 11, 2000 and the Market dumped 260 points setting in a major low that was 12% off the January 14th (Mercury) high. The market then reversed its downtrend and advanced nearly 300 points on February 14th & 15th. I will go into this subject again later in the material so make sure you understand the math involved. Suffice it to say I believe Gann was showing this student a very valuable technique via an Astronomical Balancing of Price & Time. I doubt that anyone ha ever noticed this before including the recipient of this unique letter. It appears that a balancing of Zodiac Longitude was important to Gann. If for example, the low in coffee occurred when Saturn was at 11 degrees of Libra or 191 of the circle, then a balancing point would occur 191 degrees into the future when Saturn hits 22-degrees Aries.

Note: The highest point on the chart below is January 14, 2000 and Helio-Mercury is again at 21 Capricorn!

The rest of this coffee letter is written clearly and in my opinion needs no further explanation. If you not understand the rest of the information, you should study some basic astrology. Preferably, titles listed on Gann?s recommended reading list.

Forecasting With Cycles

Because the coffee letter ends with geocentric movements of Mars, it is appropriate to discuss cycles. The reason for using planets as a measurement for timing potential changes in market trends is that they are natural occurring units of time. This is not astrology! Many people will laugh at this concept and say that it is a ridiculous theory. But these same people have no problem in accepting standard measurements of time such as days, weeks, months, and years. This is why Gann did not talk or write about astrology or planetary cycles even though it was his main forecasting tool. If we examine the typical measurements of time, we will see that they are all base upon

planetary movement. It just so happens to be the planet we live on.

A day or 24 hour is simply the amount of time it takes the Earth to rotate or spin 360 degrees on it is axis. A week is based on the lunar quarters, a month is the amount of time it takes the Earth to move though a zodiac sign or 30-degrees which also completes a 360-degree revolution of the Moon around the Earth. And finally a year is the amount of time it takes the Earth to complete an orbit around the sun. Our entire concept of time is based upon planetary movement. So why should it seem “weird” to use other naturally occurring time measurements! Is it so far fetched to believe that cycles are actually caused by planetary orbits? Even if the planets do not cause cycles the orbits still represent a natural unit of time that may have some universal harmony that we are unaware of. Whatever your personal beliefs are, the fact is that Gann used planetary orbits to time market movements. In the appendix, you will find Gann?s Forecasting course, which is simply titled Forecasting. Gann produced two different forecasting courses; this one is more rare than the other one titled Forecasting by Time Cycles, which is typically found in Gann?s Master Courses for either Stocks or Commodities. In the course provided, Gann gives very specific rules for figuring out when the next top or bottom should be expected. It is important to know that he is not talking about the typical calendar units of time. This should be evident to you by now based on the Coffee letter alone. Since Gann?s rules for using these time cycles is clearly laid out in the course, I am not going to discuss how to use these cycles. What I am going to do is define in my own opinion the actual planetary measurements that Gann was really pointing the student towards (to increase accuracy). All of these cycles are heliocentric orbits, not geocentric. Because of the elliptical nature of planetary orbits and changing speeds due to perihelion and aphelion, these important time periods do not typically equal the fixed units of time that Gann wrote in the course. This is why you must learn how to use the planetary clocks!

Great cycle-60Years:This cycle is the third conjunction of the two largest planets in the solar system, Jupiter & Saturn. A conjunction between the two massive planets takes place every twenty years and is also Gann?s 20-year cycle.(The appendix has a chart from Man in Cosmos that illustrates the importance of conjunctions of Jupiter & Saturn on repeating patterns in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Note: This chart centers the calendars of the price charts with geocentric Jupiter conjunct the Sun. this time period is also two complete Saturn orbits. )


50-year cycle: This cycle of 49 to 50 years (a period of “jubilee”) is related to 210-degrees of Uranus which moves 30 degrees in 7 years. Other potential cycles are 3 & 1/2 conjunctions of Jupiter & Uranus (every 14 years) or the geometric mean of Saturn & Uranus, which is also equal to this time period. Gann also describes this as


第一部分:基础知识+投资理论 01【解读江恩理论】 03【上市公司财务分析】10【金规玉律:股票涨跌有序】 04【证券经济分析上册】05【证券经济分析下册】21【专业投机原理】 11【股票定价模型】 15【股林秘籍】 17【炒股赚钱一本通】 13【股票基本知识】 14【股票市场?菽 芯俊?16【大众心理走势预测】 19【股民必读】 100【职业证券投资策略】91【股票操作学】 23【波浪理论】 09【炒股必读】 22【资本市场热点问题透视】 02【牛心熊胆-股市投资心理分析】06【艾略特波浪理论-市场行为的关键】 12【基金致富最新的投资选择方法论】18【炒股的智慧(完整版)】 20【股权风险益价:股票的远期前景】 95【标准普尔教你做好长期投资】 友情提示: 红色字体为大量买家寻找的热卖书本, 可重点学习! 第二部分:K线作战 24【周K线图测市应用】25【K线七十一式】26【K线组合分类(图表)】 27【K线形态选股】 94【K线力学秘籍】96【教你如何看K线】93【K线羊皮卷】 第三部分:看盘技术 28【看盘高手】29【炒股先看成交量上】30【炒股先看成交量下】 31【读报表选牛股】32【一图定乾坤】33【神奇的数字:揭示公司价值秘密】 第四部分:短线技巧 35【短线交易秘决】 37【短线攫金】 34【短线必胜-盛世操盘宝典】 36【散户套利法則-短线高手半年翻七倍】 第五部分:炒股技巧 51【股市实战-张世国】38【炒股技巧-利润流水线】 39【江恩投资实战技法】 57【涨停板的核心机密】41【巴菲特怎样选择成长股】 48【股票常识与技术分析】 52【实战分时15计】44【股票筹码揭秘-炒股大全】45【股市趋势技术分析】 47【寻找最佳买卖点】 48【股票常识与技术分析】49【股市宝典】 55【怎样选择成长股】 50【股市高手神奇炒股技巧】56【战胜华尔街-审慎投资者指南】53【炒股不败63招】54【英雄无敌-教你如何选股】92【低风险获利指南】 40【ABC三点定位分析法】42【波段获利-股票中线实战技巧】 43【登峰之路】 46【价值投资:一种平衡分析方法】 第六部分:炒股操练 58【股市操练大全(四)股市操作特别提醒】59【股市操练大全(二)技术指标学习与应用】61【股市操练大全(习题集)】 60【股市操练大全--寻找最佳投资机会与选股练习】 99【战胜华尔街-审慎投资者指南】62【股市操练大全(一)K线技术图形识别与练习】 第七部分:其它投资 63【B股实战宝典】 80【外汇基础资料汇编-冷静投机之路】 67【炒股就是炒心态】 64【不花钱买教训:如何从别人的炒股失误中获利】


老股友简介及战法集锦 日期名称内容简析 5月25日如何判断自选 股强弱 通过同一个窗口的走势对比,筛选出强势股 5月26日行者自创特色 工具“火车轨” 通过日轨与周轨准确把握个股买卖节奏,解决趋势持股。 5月27日成交量狙击黑 马战法从无敌地量中找出最强控盘主力,挖掘出具备爆发潜质牛股,黑马。 5月30日主升浪的判断 与操作从波浪理论结构中,找出周期不等三浪的位置,同时对主升浪的初,中,末期策略进行分解,达到对行情走势结构明朗化。 5月31日自我交易能力 的定位对不同阶段交易水平的认识(包括,小学,中学,大学,博士,大师等),明确自己所处阶段,达到对自己的能力客观,清晰的认识。 6月1日主力试盘位突 破买入法 准确找出主力试盘位,达到最佳启动位介入主力拉升股 6月2日庄家做盘思路 解密庄家往往是如何通过极小的风险和少量的资金来做到控盘股票拉升的,清晰认识后使得我们今后交易能够快速买入卖出 6月3日行者选股标准- (六度) 主力速度决定风格,资金配合度决定空间,美感度决定行情走势复杂性 6月6日行者选股标准- (六度) 牛股基因从建仓,洗盘,拉升的强度,角度,力度开始 6月7日空头卖出必现 信号-分型 通过分型信号第一时间判断结构行情的结束,第一时间发现行情由上涨的多头转为下跌的空头。达到第一时间卖出获利。 纵横股市十余载,对市场多种理论有比较详细深入的研究,尤为擅长趋势(道氏)理论与波浪理论相结合对大盘运行节奏进行精准判断,善于使用巨量与地量进行个股短线狙击。 1、《海底捞金战法》 绝地反击趋势第一拐点 2、《三箭齐发战法》 利用长中短线主力合力做盘狙波段启动点 3、《潜龙出海战法》 阻击短线主力拉升爆发点 行者擅长领域 独门战法


江恩时间之窗: 江恩认为市场的运动就象自然中万事万物一样具有特环的时间周期。 在如下的神奇时间位置,市场容易从量变的积累,转变为质变的爆发。 具体表现为以FIBONACCI费波纳兹级数为代表的神奇数字系列,即在1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, 55。 。。 。。 也就是说,在市场趋势运行到如上数字的天数、周数、月数时,市场容易产生变盘情况发生。 这就是江恩的时间窗理论。 其在股市中最常体现为 5、8、 13、2 1、3 4、55这几个数字。 当然,这些数字并不具备客观的确定意义,他们均具有一定的实战浮动漂移性。 江恩第八条理论买卖规则是时间因素,认为在一切决定市场趋势的因素之中,时间因素是最重要的一环。 江恩认为时间是最重要的一因素,原因有二:

第一,时间可以超越价位平衡;第二,当时间到达,成交量将增加而推动价位升跌。 上面第一点,是江恩理论的专有名词,所谓“市场超越平衡”的意思是: 当市场在上升的趋势中,其调整的时间较之前的一次调整的时间为长,表示这次市场下跌乃是转势。 此外,若价位下跌的幅度较之前一次价位高速的幅度为大的话,表示市场已经进入转势阶段。 当市场在下跌的趋势中,若市场反弹的时间第一次超越前一次的反弹时间,表示市势已经逆转。 同理,若市场反弹的价位幅度超越前一次反弹的价位幅度,亦表示价位或空间已经超越平衡,转势已经出现。 图12市场的时间及价位超越平衡,表示市场转势回落在市场即将到达转势时间时,通常市势是有迹可寻的。 在市场分三至四段浪上升或下跌时候,通常末段升浪无论价位及时间的幅度上都会较前几段浪为短,这现象表示市场的时间循环已近尾声,转势随时出现。 市场的时间及价位超越平衡,表示市场见底回升江恩亦认为,金融市场是受季节性特环影响的。 因此,只要将注意力集中在一些重要的时间,配合其他买卖规则,投资者可以很快察觉市场趋势的变化。 江恩特别列出,一年之中每月重要的转势时间,非常具有参考价值,现详列如下: (1)1月7日至10日及1月19日至24日——上述日子是年初最重要的日子,所出现的趋势可延至多周,甚至多月。


波浪原理(美)艾略特 艾略特波浪理论-市场行为的关键(美)普莱切特 股市晴雨表汉密尔顿(美) 股市趋势技术分析约翰.墨吉 风险度量原理姜青舫陈方正 华尔街词典R·J·舒克编著 基金帝国–富达敛财的神话(美)戴安娜.贝.亨利克斯 华尔街的金融大鳄(美)基尔科卡赞坚 共同基金法则(美)米歇尔。D。西莫 纵横股梅(美)莫莉。贝克 对冲基金投资指南(美)威谦。J。科里兰 共同基金常识(美)约翰。C。鲍格尔 机构投资与基金管理的创新大卫·史文森 共同基金胡猛虞陆向嘉华 创造金钱尼古拉斯.邓巴 国际投资基金经理谈股论道杨天赐 股市无敌小理查德阿姆斯 彼得林奇的成功投资(美)彼得.林奇 战胜华尔街(美)彼得。林奇 挑战股市(美)毕士多雷斯 击败专家-战胜华尔街顶尖高手的指数投资(美)戴维·布来特小盘股制胜宝典(美)克里斯托夫。葛里加 短线交易秘诀(美)拉瑞。威谦姆斯 动能指标(美)马丁。J。普林格 技术分析基础教程(美)马丁。J。普林格 技术分析精论(美)马丁。J。普林格 欧奈尔证券投资二十四堂课(美)威廉·欧奈尔 笑傲股市(美)威廉·欧奈尔 期货市场技术分析(美)约翰·墨菲丁圣元译 跟我学投资(美)约翰·特雷恩 股票解套易如反掌(日)北浜流一郎 股市长短线要略(台)廖日升 价量经典(台)杨基鸿 #REF! (香港)陈泳寰 股市十大理论(香港)钱可通 风险投资–实用分析技巧(香港)许沂光 散户兵法(英)里查德.科克 投资正途-大势·选股·买卖丁圣元 大师的命门-关于市场分析的缺陷何力 操盘80守则霍华德·王 超级强势股肯尼斯。L。费希尔 股票操练大全--寻找最佳投资机会与选股练习专辑黎航 股市操练大全-K线技术图形识别与练习黎航 股市操练大全-主要技术指标识别运用与练习黎航


江恩理论解析 江恩理论是以研究监测股市为主的理论体系,它是由二十世纪最著名的投资大师威廉·江恩大师结合自己在股票和期货市场上的骄人成绩和宝贵经验提出的,是通过对数学、几何学、宗教、天文学的综合运用建立的独特分析方法和测市理论,包括江恩时间法则,江恩价格法则和江恩线等。 理论解释 江恩理论认为股票、期货市场里也存在着宇宙中的自然规则,市场的价格运行趋势不是杂乱的,而是可通过数学方法预测的。它的实质就是在看似无序的市场中建立了严格的交易秩序,可以用来发现何时价格会发生回调和将回调到什么价位。 江恩理论的实质就是在看似无序的市场中建立了严格的交易秩序,他建立了江恩时间法则,江恩价格法则,江恩线等。它可以用来发现何时价格会发生回调和将回调到什么价位。 江恩线的数学表达有两个基本要素,这两个基本要素是价格和时间。江恩通过江恩圆形、江恩螺旋、正方形、江恩六边形、江恩“轮中轮”等图形将价格与时间完美的融合起来。在江恩的理论中,“七”是一个非常重要的数字,江恩在划分市场周期循环时,江恩经常使用“七”或“七”的倍数,江恩认为“七”融合了自然、天文与宗教的理念。江恩线是江恩理论与投资方法的重要概念,江恩在X轴上建立时间,在Y轴建立价格,江恩线符号由“TXP”表示。江恩线的基本比率为1:1,即一个单位时间对应一个价格单位,此时的江恩线为45度。通过对市场的分析,江恩还分别以3和8为单位进行划分,如1/3,1/8等,这些江恩线构成了市场回调或上升的支持位和阻力位。 通过江恩理论,我们可以比较准确的预测市场价格的走势与波动,成为股市的赢家。当然,江恩理论也不是十全十美的,不能指望他使你一夜暴富,但是经过努力,在实践中体会江恩理论的真谛,他一定会使你受益。 江恩理论系统 江恩理论是以研究测市为主的,江恩通过数学、几何学、宗教、天文学的综合运用,建立起自己独特的分析方法和测市理论。由于他的分析方法具有非常高的准确性,有时达到令人不可思议的程度,因此很多江恩理论的研究者非常注重江恩的测市系统。但在测市系统之外,江恩还建立了一整套操作系统,当测市系统发生失误时,操作系统将及时地对其进行补救。江恩理论之所以可以达到非常高的准确性,就是将测市系统和操作系统一同使用,相得益彰。 江恩在1949年出版了他最后一本重要著作《在华尔街45年》,此时江恩已是72岁高龄,他坦诚地披露了纵横市场数十年的取胜之道。其中江恩十二条买卖规则是江恩操作系统的重要组成部分,江恩在操作中还制定了二十一条买卖守则,江恩严格地按照十二条买卖规则和二十一条买卖守则进行操作。 江恩认为,进行交易必须根据一套既定的交易规则去操作,而不能随意地买卖,盲目地猜测市场的发展情况。随着时间的转变,市场的条件也会跟随转变,投资者必须学会跟随市场的转变而转变,而不能认死理。 江恩告诫投资者:在你投资之前请先细心研究市场,因为你可能会作出与市场完全相反的错误的买卖决定,同时你必须学会如何去处理这些错误。一个成功的投资者并不是不犯错误,因为在证券市场中面对千变万化、捉摸不定的市场,任何一个人都可能犯错误,甚至是严重的错误。但成败的关键是成功者懂得如何去处理错误,不使其继续扩大;而失败者因犹


灌水 8年前,我还在外汇市期货场做经纪人。那时我们所用的技术分析方法就那么几种,并且都来源于国外,而关于江恩的一些理论接触的就更少了。偶然的一天,一位同行好友不知从哪弄到一本关于江恩理论的书籍,具体书的作者我就不想提了,于是便借来复印了一本。 之后便埋头研究,这本书对当时我来讲,充满了神秘感,我把书里的每一句话都当成金科玉律。现在想起来很可笑,写书作者尽管花了很长的时间研究江恩的方法,但却是对江恩分析的表面认识,正确与否很难论证。尽管后来我又读了很多国内类似的书,但是几乎都从这本书直接抄袭过去的,并没有什么更深的理解。 现在很多人,都在研究江恩理论,并且开发的江恩软件,我也看了。但没有感觉到有什么新的东西。而大家所研究的都局限在那几本书里,后来我发现,那里面只有几句话是正确的(也是江恩的原句),其他的可能都是错误的理解。但是还有这么多人执迷不悟!在一条错误研究方向奔跑,虽然精神可嘉,但越跑越远! 你这只是最基本的理解,止损并非在于5%-8%。如果只是这样的话,你就要经常割肉,但是要往往割错肉,比如一个正常的回调,就把你涮出。 我的原则尽量在发现趋势走弱前逃掉,而不是止损。比如3天应该涨5%,而只涨了1%,那么你就应该注意了。何时应到何价,何时未到何价,这是两个概念。 你的理解基本正确,但是还要配合形态,这点十分重要。时间是一把衡量趋势强弱的尺,比如6、8、13....25 等。角度线的用法,并不像你们所理解那样。江恩先生并没有道出角度线的真正用法,其实如果你仔细研究,你会发现角度线的45度角应该等于趋势的反射角.....这点十分重要 学习江恩理论,关键是从江恩思想入手。现在一些关于这类书,里面误导人的东西太多,甚至写书的人,都没有搞明白。那么读书的人,更难理解了。江恩的理论来源于自然界,那么你带着他的思想到自然中去找,会有发现的,这样总比啃着一本不知道在写着什么的书强。 其实这些技术你早已掌握了,只是你没有看见它。股市价格的波动原理,就在你的周围。 比如皮球落在地上回弹起来,地面越坚硬,皮球弹得越高,角度越抖。如果皮球落在棉花堆里就不会弹得多高。股市的上升与反弹也就是这个道理,通过反射的角度与速度,我就知道底部的支撑有多大。比如说4天下跌了2元,如果6-8天反弹没有超过这2元,那么就要见顶了。很多的波动原理就在你身边,而不是书上,如果你盲目的把书上写的东西当成金科玉律的话,而不重视生活中事物波动的原理,那么你真就惨了。这也是为什么所谓的书本专家,都是赔家的缘故。 其实江恩的知识水平并不比我高多少,但他的知识来源于自然界,是对自然界运动的规律和人们的思维意识规律的总结。自然法则,就是自然界运动规律和人们思维意识运动规律的产物。股市价格的波动也遵守着这种法则。这种自然法则的数理基础是建立在1、3、4上。 1 代表整体的周期,代表循环。 3、代表能量的变化层次。 4、代表事物发展的次序阶段。 关于波动率的问题: 这是一个在江恩研究者中长期争论的话题,也一直在寻找。究竟波动率是什么,我认识的一些国内高手朋友们,都各自有其见解,但是还没有人么能真正领悟。 我的认识也是个人的观点,以下内容之供参考。

江恩理论的基石书籍 及 学习顺序

江恩理论的基石书籍及学习顺序 江恩理论在国内有众多的追随者,我也算一员。可能因为国内股市还属于散户市的原由,加上中国传统文化中就有的对神秘未来的探索方式和西方有别的缘故吧。我只能这样理解江恩理论西方不亮东方亮的现象了。 江恩是运用天文占星术和数学几何,物理原理通过交易市场紧密结合起来的开创和实践者,并取得了成功。在他之前应该有人去实践过,但没有成文记载。江恩显然取得了成功并加以推广和记录。通过学习《空中隧道<又名挚爱成就梦想>》,你应当了解这种思想,而这本书可以作为你推开江恩理论之门的启蒙读本。好好理解这本书。 江恩理论值得爱好者去深入探究,因为它不仅有助于理解金融产品的运行规则,而且对于更广阔的自然,社会规则都有启示意义。 也能正确认识江恩理论之前,我们也一定要仔细理解江恩的操作理念:技术方法是提供你及早分析预测,同时帮助你以最小代价获得最多收益的工具。江恩最重要的技术是运用天文占星术和时间周期理论来分析宏观经济的趋势。同时运用微观数据去确认趋势的变化。这是根本。所以学习江恩理论时也不要误入歧途。要正确理解天文占星术背后的真正的科学的依据。 在学习江恩理论过程中,根据我的心得,江恩的书籍《华尔街45年)是第二本推荐看的书籍,第三本应该是《商品期货教程》,最后是他的另外几本书籍。只有全部看完江恩原著后再去理解其他人著作的几本江恩破解理论的书籍,才能有更深的提高。 江恩理论全部书籍集中帖 (一)江恩投资实战技法江恩投资实战技法(bmp版)(二)江恩投资几何学原理江恩投资几何学原理(pdf版)(三)江恩理论--金融走势分析江恩理论─金融走势分析(doc版)(四)江恩角度线与时间之窗江恩角度线与时间之窗(pdf版)(五)江恩理论进阶:空间与市场几何学江恩理论进阶:空间与市场几何学(pdf版)(六)江恩测市大揭密--中国股市循环周期解析江恩测市大揭秘—


市场是一个充满节奏的地方,在空间和时间的角度上来讲,你只有踏准了买卖点的节奏,你才可以生存下来,否则,只有一个字,死。可是这么简单的问题,能够遵守规则的人又有几人呢?道法自然既是规律,也是原则。 对于那些根本踏不准市场节奏的人,本人只想对他们说,市场的音符你还没寻找明白,很多人渴望得到一个战无不胜攻无不克的股市秘籍,这个市场又怎么可能有这样的秘籍呢?即使有,也一定会让更高明的人给破解。 其实这类人的心理就有问题,最终成不了吸血鬼,只能成为僵尸而已。如果真想成为一个可以踏准市场音符的人,你首先要放下恐惧,贪婪,嗔怨,用一颗安静的心去聆听这个市场的音符,或者有一天,你真能修入正道。 如果你已经能够用一颗安静的心去聆听这个市场,本人现在就告诉你八线法则,线包含了股市走势角度与幅度的测算规律,这八种线分别为:轮峰线,轮谷线,峰谷线,对峙线,金尺线,精准线,轮回线(也称轮回力度线),轮回角度线。

轮峰线:连接某一阶段的最高点和某一阶段的最高点,所形成的连线。 轮谷线:连接某一阶段的最低点和某一阶段的最低点,所形成的连线。 峰谷线:前期顶峰线被突破后,在后期构成了谷底线。或者前期的谷底线跌破后,在后期构成的顶峰线。 精准线:某个阶段,股价连续两次以上落在相同的价位上,或支撑,或压制,所构成的连线。也可以称作庄家仓位解析。 对峙线:多空双方互相争夺的平衡线。回踩多次或者上冲多次对峙线,就是对未来走势的最好确认。 金尺线:利用量柱的特性所形成的尺线。也可以叫做量线。 轮回线:一个阶段的高点,连接一个阶段的低点的连线。(轮回线衍生出轮回圈,轮回套,轮回力度等。) 轮回角度线:通过轮回力度而计算出来的轮回角度所形成的线


名称:最经典的【炒股票书籍近 1300 本】绝对值得收藏 介质:DVD 光盘,采用高品质光盘记录,一线厂商一线品牌,品质卓著,有利于长期保存。 第一部分:基础知识+投资理论 第四部分:短线技巧 第五部分:炒股技巧 01【解读江恩理论】 03 04【证券经济分析上册】 11【股票定价模型】 15 13【股票基本知识】 14 19【股民必读】 100 23【波浪理论】 09 【上市公司财务分析】 05 【证券经济分析下册】 【股林秘籍】 17 【股票市场泡沫研究】 【职业证券投资策略】 【炒股必读】 22 10 【金规玉律:股票涨跌有序】 21 【专业投机原理】 【炒股赚钱 一本通】 16 【大众心理走势预测】 91【股票操作学】 【资本市场热点 问题透视】 02【牛心熊胆-股市投资心理分析】 12【基金致富 最新的投资选择方法论】 20【股权风险益价:股票的远期前景】 06 【艾略特波浪理论-市场行为的关键】 18 【炒股的智慧(完整版) 】 95 【标准普尔教你做好长期投资】 友情提示 : 红色字体为大量买家寻找的热卖书本 , 可重点学习 第二部分: K 线作战 24【周K 线图测市应用】25【K 线七十一式】 27【K 线形态选股】 94 【K 线力学秘 26 96 K 线组合分类(图表) 】 【教你如何看K 线】93【K 线羊皮卷】 第三部分:看盘技术 28【看盘高手】 29 31【读报表选牛股】 32 炒股先看成交量上】 一图定乾坤】 33 30 炒股先看成交量下】 神奇的数字:揭示公司价值秘密】 35【短线交易秘决】 34【短线必胜-盛世操盘宝典】 37 36 短线攫金 散户套利法則-短线高手半年翻七倍】 51【股市实战 - 张世国】 38 【炒股技巧 - 利润流水线】 39 【江恩投资实战技法】 57【涨停板的核心机密】 41 【巴菲特怎样选择成长股】 48 【股票常识与技术分析】 52【实战分时 15 计】 44 【股票筹码揭秘 - 炒股大全】 45【股市趋势技术分析】 47【寻找最佳买卖点】 48 【股票常识与技术分析】 49 【股市宝典】 55【怎样选择成长股】 50 53【炒股不败 63 招】 54 股市高手神奇炒股技巧】 56 【战胜华尔街 - 审慎投资者指南】 【英雄无敌 -教你如何选股】 92【低风险获利指南】 40【ABC 三点定位分析法】 42 【波段获利 - 股票中线实战技巧】 43【登峰之路】 46 【价值投资:一种平衡分析方法】


“江恩理论”、“波浪理论”,“周易八卦”、“黄金分割”、“金叉死又”等等,对一般人来说既复杂又难懂,况且即使对这些理论头头是道,但每次到关键时刻能对大势判断正确的又有几人? 学会相对准确的判断指数运行的趋势、测算顶底只是开始进行证券投资的起跑线,绝大多数人投资失败正是输在了这个起点上。在判断大盘上,“专家理财”并不比你聪明多少。 下面介绍的“股乐大势研判系统”中一个简单甚至是“傻瓜”型的市场判断方法,又可称之为“R028 同步定律”,来轻松、准确地逃顶、抄底。 大盘指数由各个股票组成,各个股票的波动使得指数产生一个个波峰波谷,太小的波动(如小于 l00点)研究价值不大,那些在200 点以上振荡和波动中所产生的顶、底是真正应该关心的-----准确判断一次底部,在建仓后就获利200点以上,再准确把握一次顶部,及时出逃又可规避200点以上的风险。 作为大盘预测系统的一个组成部分,建议关注上交所的几个交易品种:国债28 天回购利率 Ro28 ( 201003 )以及辅助的 R007( 201001 ) ,下面进行全面解析。 任何市场中,主力只要想进行炒作,首先需要解决资金问题,各个股票的牛熊界定标准也就是该股是否受到市场大资金的追捧。而 7 天回购和 28 天回购这几个短期利率品种直接反映了市场同期的资金面供应规模,既是市场对资金的饥渴程度。 当券商、基金公司以及机构主力缺乏资金时,都会积极利用手中库存国债来做RO07 的7 天拆借,或者更长一些的半月( R014 ) 拆借以及 RO28 做 28 天(即一个月)拆借,从而以国债现券相抵押融入资金调节头寸,而市场如果普遍对资金需求量大, ROO7、 RO14 和RO28 等品种价格立即会冲高,反映市场目前处于资金匾乏状况。反之,当市场资金充沛,机构手中“弹药”储备丰富,没必要另外融资,则 R007、 R014 、R028 等价格就自然处于低谷. 既然指数波动的根本原因是资金推动个股形成的,市场资金允裕时,指数肯定会上涨,反之,若市场资金供给严重不足,指数必然下跌来换取一种资金上的平衡。 可以总结为:R028、RO07 等主要回购品种的市场波动和上证指数的波动呈现非常明显的关联性,并且比指数的波动更敏感。称之为“R028 同步定律”。当回购价格持续走高时,就要注意及时出货逃命,因为市场被抽血严重,大盘即将见顶并会出现较大的下跌;当回购价格持续低迷不振,可以注意逢低介人股票,因为市场资金充沛,指数处于相对低谷,很可能就在酝酿新一轮行情、掌握了回购利率和大盘顶底的关联关系,可以摆脱大盘困扰而放心操作个股,并完全避免由大盘波动所带来的操作损失。长期实战检验该法准确性很高! 在应用这个指标进行大势研判时需要注意通常在每年春节、“五一”、国庆等长假期间,R007 、 R0l4 等 7 天、 14 天短期回购品种由于跨节日的原因,价格会根据其实际资金占用时间出现上涨,一定程度上影响了从回购价格判断大盘的正确性,但 28 天回购品种RO28 ,由于是 28 天周期,正好跳过长假影响,所以就更准确些,由于 R007 有时过于敏感,影响判断的准确程度。建议以 R028 为主, R007 为辅作为判断市场资金面与大势走向的工具。 实例:如图 1 ,显示了 2001 年1月至 8 月的 R007市场价格变化。非常容易看出,2001年 l 月整月都处于一个价格高峰区,虽然因有春节影响其中儿天的价格,但从整体价格来说可以判断为一个市场资金饥渴时段.这种时候需要特别警惕,市场资金的缺乏.随之而来的必然是二级市场的暴跌。 同样, K028 在 2000 年12 月到 2001 年 l 月这段时间价格也持续居高不下(如图 l 一 1 一 2 ) ,就更加坚定了我们对后市的判断。果然,大盘的发展也完全映证了高位资金短缺、主力力不从心,此时还出现了著名的中科创业“资金链”断裂而崩盘的事件,指数也一路下滑到 1900 点之下。一个超过 200 点的头部,就这样轻松地被逃掉了!


江恩箱又称江恩时间价格计算器,主要是分析股票用的。江恩箱是从主要的支点低位和支点高位画出来的。从支点引出的价格量叫作“上升”(Rise),横杆从支点引出的横杆数字叫作“运行(RUN)”。 在所有市场和所有时间框架上的研究表明,如果使用以下的比率(按重要性顺序)1、2、5、10、20、40,并且从主要的支点高位和支点低位画出江恩箱,这样产生的角度将在市场向未来前进的过程中为市场提供支撑和阻力水平。除了比率之外,这项技术还要求你使用一个固定的时间间隔,即45, 90,180,360等;预固定的江恩箱可以和艾略特波浪分析一起使用。江恩箱的角度提供了市场支撑和阻力区域的价格与时间,及更多所需信息。 江恩箱的制作及原理:以飞狐软件为例 做法:1,飞狐画线工具栏--江恩箱--选取起始点,------选定时间长度,高度。---OK。 箱中包括时间8分格,空间8分格,上升,下降两组角度线。 2,飞狐画线工具栏--百分比线--选取起始点,---至选定的(或图中最高点)100%---OK。 江恩箱正确的名称应为“江恩时间价格计算器”---(黄栢中一书)。主要应用到了角度线,下面重点说明角度线。 1,甘氏线,是江恩理论中最直观反映时间与价位相互关系的工具。江恩认为时间等于价位,价位等于时间,时间与价位可以相互转换,“当时间与价位形成四方形,市场转势便迫在眼前”。江恩角度线是由时间单位和价格单位定义价格的运动,每一角度线由时间和价格的关系所决定,从重要的高点或低点延伸并画出的,分为上升角度线与下跌角度线,一般有九条角度线,提供支撑压力作用,其符号由“T×P”来表示,即“时间×价格”。 江恩角度线的意义在于时间与价位的完美结合,依据时间与价位的比率关系制作出各种角度线。其基本比率为1:1,即一个单位时间对应一个价格单位,为1×1线。此外还分别以3和8为单位进行划分,这些角度线构成了回调或上涨的支持位和阻力位。其中1×1线表示一个时间单位与一个价位单位相等,1×2线表示一个时间单位与两个价位单位相等,2×1线则是两个时间单位等于一个价位单位,以此类推。在上升角度线中,斜率越大的角度线,说明股价上升得越强,在下降趋势线中,斜率越大则证明跌势越猛。 江恩箱的制作:首先寻找一个重要的高点与低点,把它作为绘图的起点,利用江恩箱画线工具拉出各条角度线。 江恩箱的基本原理:江恩认为市场的时间与价位存在着数学的关系,在制作江恩箱时,最重要的是要准确地确认时间与价位的比例关系。一般


证券投资学课程论文 中南建设(000961) 投资分析报告 院系经济管理系 专业09会计一班 学号03409131 姓名陆佳慧

目录 摘要 (3) 关键词 (3) 前言 (3) 1.中南建设集团公司简介. (3) 1.1公司主营业务 (3) 1.2公司盈利模式 (3) 2. 具体技术分析 (3) 2.1酒田战法 (3) 2.2江恩理论分析 (4) 2.3波浪理论分析 (4) 2.4均线理论分析 (5) 2.5MACD指标分析 (5) 2.6BOLL指标分析 (6) 3.综合技术分析 (6) 3.1K线与均线叠加分析 (6) 3.2K线与MACD叠加分析 (6) 4.财务指标 (7) 4.1股东权益收益率 (7) 4.2营运利润率 (7) 4.3自由现金流量 (8) 4.4安全边际 (8) 4.5每股盈余 (10) 5.结语 (10) 附:参考文献 (10)

中南建设(00096)投资分析报告 摘要:文章对中南建设(000961)股票从技术分析和基本分析两个方面对该股票进行分析。在技术分析中有具体技术分析和综合技术分析,具体技术分析采用酒田战法、江恩理论、波浪理论、均线理论、MACD指标分析、BOLL指标分析等,综合技术分析采用K线与均线叠加、K线与MACD叠加的方法,基本分析采用财务分析的方法,可以预知该股票未来会涨。 关键字:中南建设集团000961投资分析、酒田战法、江恩理论、波浪理论、均线理论、MACD指标分析、BOLL指标分析、K线与均线叠加、K线与MACD叠加、财务分析 前言 身为南通人,无人不知中南建设集团。房地产业是中南集团目前重点发展的业务领域,专业从事房地产开发、销售及物业管理、园林景观等多种业务。目前房地产业务主要集中在住宅地产的开发,年开发面积200万平方米,业务遍及海南、青岛、寿光、南京、南通、盐城、镇江、常熟、海门等地,以土地竞拍、软投资经营、整体捆绑打包的运作方式,致力于成为国内最具发展活力二三线城市综合大盘开发的领跑者,2008年中南房地产业有限公司获“江苏省房地产20强企业”第五名,“中南世纪城”已成为沿海地区房地产界知名品牌之一。可见,中南建设集团发展前景不错,该股票值得投资。 1. 中南建设集团公司简介 1.1公司主营业务 建筑产业是中南集团的基础产业。南通技术工程总承包有限公司具有国家建筑工程总承包特技资质,建筑总承包年平均施工面积超过600万平方米。公司以管理、技术、劳务密集型的运营特色,凭借自有工人为主体的优势,多年来在国内一线城市承接了多项高、大、难工程,形成了“大市场、大业主、大项目”的核心竞争力。房地产业是中南集团目前重点发展的业务领域,专业从事房地产开发、销售及物业管理、园林景观等多种业务。目前房地产业务主要集中在住宅地产的开发,年开发面积200万平方米,业务遍及海南、青岛、寿光、南京、南通、盐城、镇江、常熟、海门等地,致力于成为国内最具发展活力二三线城市综合大盘开发的领跑者。 1.2盈利模式 中南建设集团通过股权转让、对外投资、资产出售、企业借贷、签订重要合同、股权转让、收购兼并等手段进行盈利。


江恩投资实战技法(一) 一、江恩时间法则: 1、7日和七的整数倍的间隔是重要的日子,一些重要的顶或底的间隔在49天至52天。中级趋势的转变之时间间隔为42至45天。因为45是意念的八分之一。 2、重要顶或底之后的周年日。 3、主要顶或底7个月后会发生小型级回调 4、一般市场回调发生在第10天至第14天。如果超过了这个时间间隔,随后的调整将出现在第28天至30天。 二、江恩回调法则: 1、每条8等分和3等分价格水平线表示对未来价格运动的不同等级的支持线或阻力线。其中50%、63%或100%最为有力。 2、价格反转后常常到达江恩价格带的位置再次反转。 3、即使当日的价格一时超过江恩回调位置,但收市的价格常常落在回调带中。 4、有时价格恰好于当日秒个亿带的中点处发生回调。 江恩认为一年中最好只做几次出色的买卖,而不是进行一大堆交易。因此,需要看以年为单位的价格图,来发现哪个月会出现反转。进一步才是用到周线图和日线图。只使用日线图很容易使人坠入迷雾之中。 三、江恩线——价格与时间 1、江恩线是以价格单位,和时间单位为依据画的若干条趋势线。其

中1X1江恩线最为重要,在之上的运行的为强市,在之下的为弱市。 2、当价格和时间最小单位都为一时的江恩线和几何角度的关系为:2X1=26.5度,1X1=45度,1X2=63.25度.1X4=75度 四、江恩的几点忠告: 1、不要在恐惧和希望中交易。 2、不要让利润变为亏损。 3、要长线交易,不要过度频繁的交易。 4、顺应趋势交易,不要逆市抢反弹。 5、有充分的理由才进行交易,不要仓促进入。 6、不要固定买入或卖出价,不要想象市场一定会上升或下降。 7、可以平均利润,但不要平均亏损。 8、不要做不设止蚀单的交易。 五、江恩交易方法: 一)、建立回调带: 1、相关定义: A、L1:由P2点画出的63度线,即为1X2线。 L2:由P2点画出的45度线,即为1X1线。 L3:由P3点画出的45度线,即为1X1线。 B、小型级顶部:价格进入回调带之前的一个顶部价位,从该点可画出止蚀线S5。其特征为,其前面的诸谷低于该点,后面的诸峰低于该点,用在熊市。 C、小型级底部:价格进入回调带之前的一个底部价位,从该点可画


课程名称:证券投资 证券投资模拟交易实验 目的:通过模拟交易,掌握证券投资的基本概念、基本原则和技术手段。 内容及要求: 1、熟悉获取证券信息的渠道和手段 2、熟悉技术指标 3、看K线图,并学会画K线图 4、进行股票模拟投资 实验方法与步骤: 一、查阅相关资料,浏览相关网站,熟悉基本概念,使用相关软件,提高获取证券信息的能力 二、对证券信息进行系统分析,做出投资决策 三、进行模拟交易,验证投资决策的“功过得失” 四、整理实验数据,总结决策和投资过程,形成实验总结 (本来实验报告要求写组合投资分析的,你们只分析一支股票就不用按照组合的要求写了,但是基本评分要求还是要的) 一、实验报告内容和要求: 1、前言。所用理论、涉及的相关行业公司、资金量、操作对象、操作时间等等。 2、宏观经济形势分析:本国形势、国际形势,必须包含一定数据(如经济既增长率、通货膨胀率、CPI指数等),国家政策等等。注明信息来源、渠道及个人理解。 3、行业基本面分析:确定自己所要研究的行业,可以为一,也可以多数,分析行业所处的经济状况及结构,以及行业的资本平均收益率查或算,写出来,必须有理有据。 4、建立选股池:在自己确定的行业中选出自己关注的个股。(选股池中股票数量必须大于最后操作股票的数量) 5、在选股池中挑选股票进行公司基本面分析:资产结构状况(非流通股比例,流通股比例)、流动比率、净资产负债率、资产收益率、近期收益状况等等,必须包含必要的计算过程写公式 6、对将要具体操作的股票进行技术分析,结合证券组合理论锁定目标股,并确定买卖点:波浪理论分析或江恩理论分析,K线分析,技术指标分析(必须有两个以上相互印证)。最好有图例。


多空操作秘笈 (Stan Einstein's Secrets for Profiting in) 作者: Stan Winston 中文名;史丹温斯坦著江恩測市理論 作者: 岑衛忠 甘氏理論:型態-價格-時間 作者: James A. Hyerczyk 譯者: 艾瑪 出版社: 寰宇出版股份有限公司 股市心理學 作者:約翰.史考特、珍.阿貝特; 圖書分類: 金融與商務 /投資 /投資入門 譯者: 齊思賢 書名: 市場互動技術分析 圖書分類: 金融與商務 /投資 /概論 作者: John J. Murphy 操作生涯不是夢 作者: Dr Alexander Elder 譯者: 黃嘉斌 书名; 江恩測 市理論 江恩 (William Delbert Gann), 生於1878 年,美國 德州人。 他以精於 投資著 稱。在其 漫長的投

中,他認識到若要投資成功,必須真正了解市場。他通過多年的反覆實踐,最終總結出一套獨特的買賣規則,以及成功的買賣技巧。江恩的理論,見解獨到,自成體系,一向被視為其中一種最重要的技術分析理論;其準確的預測,常為投資者所津津樂道。 江恩理論雖備受重視,但不少人都認

深邃,不容易學習。為了令更多人清楚了解江恩理論,本書嘗試全面而系統地介紹此理論的主要內容,同時並結合中外股市的歷史數據和走勢,以實例詳細論述,務求令大家有效掌握江恩理論的精要。 书名;甘氏理論:型態-價格-時間 甘氏理論是一套十分有效的分析方法,但甘氏本身的著作相當

以理解-本書讓你輕易地登堂入室,一窺究竟。 在各種常用的分析與預測方法中,甘氏理論常被誤用與誤解。這本劃時代的著作中,技術分析專家Jamer Hyerczyk 非常清晰地說明甘氏的交易理論,並且把理論工具納入實際的交易系統中。 如果你想學習甘氏的方法,本書是很好的起點。Jim Hyerczyk 寫了一本


2008-2009学年第1学期《证券市场分析》综合作业 学院机械设计制造及其自动化学院班姓名成绩 学生注意: 1.本作业要求用A4低打印,不得采用其它纸打印。 2.文件表头中的学院、班及姓名要求用计算机书写,若不采用计算机书写而手工写上汉字者,所造成名字不清者而延误登成绩,一切后果由该同学自己负责。 3.没有在教务系统上正确选取本课的学生,其成绩以零分处理。 请综合分析下图 (1)试在图中标出上升趋势线或下跌趋势线。(10分) 答:如图中粗实线为其趋势线。 (2)试以大盘指数的低点1664.93为参考点,利用黄金分割法计算大盘未来的空间。(10分)解析: 0.191 1982.93 0.382 2300.93 Y=1664.93+1664.93×0。5 = 2497.79 0.618 2693.85 0.809 3011.85

(3)试根据波浪理论,在图中标出波浪的性质(20分) 如图中黑体字母所标注的。 (4)试根据几何三角形法做图说明大盘指数未来的目标位。(20分) 如图所作集合三角形法,最上面一条粗实线直线为未来大盘可能达到的目标指数位。 (5)试根据江恩时间理论,推断大盘未来的运行时间与空间。(20分) 图中大盘中的低点在2008年11月份为1664.93(参考点),以之为时间起点。 则由江恩理论的时间理论预测可知: (1)从底部到顶部这段趋势,即预测其转势的出现的时间可能性,结合图中上升趋势从低点1664.93开始已经持续5个月之久,所以在175天到185天时,是一个重要的, 值得重视的时间点即2009年4月28日到5月3日之间,在此处可能出现转势。 (2)同样在上升趋势上的前半部分的谷峰周期为将近两个月,可推测其由后半部分的谷底到未来的波峰时间为其周期×(1或1.5等),推测在未来30到45天会右转势出 现。 其上升空间由四题中可知。 (6)试说明图中的技术指标(MA、KDJ、RSI、MACD)运行的特点。(20分) 特点分别为: MA:平均线从上升开始走平,股价从上下穿过平均线 KDJ:处于徘徊区,金叉位置较低,且来回交叉好几次,KD指标与股价走向不背离。 RSI:根据RSI的取值判断其处于强区。 MACD:DIF的走向与股价走向基本相似,且市场由空头走向多头。


1/140 货币互换期末交换本金时的汇率等于()。 A.期末的市场汇率 B.期初的市场汇率 C.期初的约定汇率 D.期初的约定利率 C解析:货币互换中本金互换所约定的汇率,通常在期初与期末使用相同的汇率。 2/140 7月初,某套利者在国内市场买入9月份天然橡胶期货合约的同时,卖出11月份天然橡胶期货合约,成交价分別为28175元/吨和28550元/吨。7月中旬,该套利者同时将上述合约对冲平仓,成交价格分别为29250元/吨和29550元/吨,则该套利者()。 A.盈利75元/吨 B.亏损75元/吨 C.盈利25元/吨 D.亏损25元/吨 A解析:9月份天然橡胶期货币:盈利=29250-28175=1075(元/吨);11月份天然橡胶期货:盈利=28550-29550=-1000(元/吨);综上,盈利75元/吨。 3/140 基本面分析法的经济学理论基础是()。 A.艾略特波浪理论 B.江恩理论 C.供求理论 D.道氏理论 C解析:基本分析基于供求决定价格的理论,从供求关系出发分析和预测期货价格走势。 4/140 某交易者于5月1日买入1手7月份铜期货合约,价格为64000元/吨;同时卖出1手9月份铜期货合约,价格为65000元/吨。到了6月1日铜价上涨,交易者将两种合约同时平仓,7月与9月铜合约平仓价格分別为65500元/吨,66000元/吨。 此种情况属于()。 A.正向市场的熊市套利 B.反向市场的熊市套利 C.反向市场的牛市套利 D.正向市场的牛市套利 D解析:从题目中可以看到近期的期货价格低于远期的期货价格,因此是正向市场;交易者买入较近月份的合约卖出较远月份的合约属于牛市套利,因此是正向市场的牛市套利。 5/140 某投资者以100点权利金买入其指数看涨期权合约一张,执行价格为1500点,当相应的指数()时,该投资者行权可以盈利。(不计其他交易费用) A.1500点 B.1600点 C.1650点 D.无法确定 C解析:买进看涨期权损益平衡点为:执行价格+权利金=1500+100=1600点,则市场价格大于1600点时,投资者可以盈利。 6/140 交叉套期保值的方法是指做套期保值时,若无相对应的该种商品的期货合约可用,就可以选择()来做套期保值。 A.与被套期保值商品或资产不相同但负相关性强的期货合约 B.与被套期保值商品或资产不相同但相关性强的期货合约 C.与被套期保值商品或资产不相同但相关弱的期货合约 D.与被套期保值商品或资产相关的远期合约 B解析:选择与被套期保值商品或资产不相同但相关的期货合约进行的套期保值,称为交叉套期保值


关于(江恩)各种画线的介绍 由于自己才疏学浅,又想为论坛做些贡献,收集了一些趋势线的画法和介绍,常用的就不介绍了,希望能给帮助到大家。 阻速线 阻速线,又称速度阻挡线,是由埃德森·古尔德创立的一种分析工具。简单的讲即取一段升幅或者跌幅的最高点和最低点做一垂直线,并将此直线,三等分,每等分的交点与最高点或最低点的连线即为阻速线,而一轮中级以上的波动,往往会在1/3阻速线上转势。 阻速线是一种将趋势线和百分比回撤融为一体的新技巧,是埃德森?古尔德开创的,实质上也属于趋势线三分法的具体应用。阻速线测绘的是趋势上升或下降的速率(或者说是趋势的速度)。 ■ 判研方法: 如果上升趋势正处于调整之中,那么阻速线向下折返的余地通常是到上方的速度线(2/3阻速线)为止;如果它又被超越了,那么价格还将跌到下方的速度线(1/3阻速线);如果下方的速度线也跌破了,那么价格就可能一路而下,直至原趋势的起点的水平。在下降趋势中,下放的速度线如果被突破,那么价格很可能上冲到上方速度线处。要是后者也失守,那就意味着价格将会涨到原趋势的起点的水平。 正如所有的趋势线一样,速度线一旦被突破,角色也会反串。这样,在上升趋势的调整过程中,如果上面的线(2/3线)被突破,价格则跌到1/3线,再从后者上面反弹。这时候,上面的线已演变成阻挡障碍了。仅当上面这条线被重新穿回,那么价格才可能向原高点挑战。同样的道理在下降趋势中也成立。 ■ 具体应用: 第一步:确定起始点,被选择的点同大多数别的选点方法一样,一定是显著的高点和低点,如果刚被选中的点马上被创新的高点和低点取代,则阻速线的选择也随之变更。下图中我们选择了2002年1月29日的最低点为起始点。 第二步:确定起始点后,再找角度,如果起始点是高点,则应画下降阻速线;反之,如果起始点是低点,则应画上升阻速线。 例鼠标画法:移动鼠标到被选为起始点的2002年1月29日的最底点,按下鼠标左键不放,拖动鼠标找角度,松开鼠标即可。如下图:
