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美国作家哈利特·比彻·斯托是现实主义杰作《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的作者,也是美国废奴文学的代表作家。这部小说主要讲述了黑奴的悲惨命运和其为争取幸福和自由而不断反抗的斗争过程,并且揭露和批判奴隶制的黑暗。斯托作为废奴作家,她在作品中更关注的是黑奴的命运与产生原因。汤姆和乔治夫妇作为两种黑奴代表形象,对故事情节与主题具有重大作用。汤姆作为虔诚的基督徒一方面具有善良、隐忍 、忠诚的品质,一方面所处的环境和所受思想又使他具有怯懦 逆来顺受的特点,这种矛盾性格是造成他悲剧命运的原因之一。而乔治夫妇具有反抗精神,不甘心屈从奴隶主摆布,最终掌握自己命运获得新生。
关键词:汤姆 乔治夫妇 不同命运 性格 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》
The American writer is a masterpiece of realism,author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin,was also the representative of American abolitionist literature writer.The novel focuses on negro slavery period a fate and the process of constant struggle for pursuing happiness and freedom,and expose and criticize slavery in the darkness.Stowe as the abolitionist writer,in her works are more interested in the fate of the slaves and causes.Tom and the Georges image as a representative of the two kinds of slaves,which has an important effect on the plot and theme.Tom as a devout Christian have good loyal quality,on the other hand,the environment and have thought made him with the characteristics of a timid resignation this contradiction character is one of the causes of his tragic fate,however,the Georges with rebel spirit, unwilling to bow at the mercy of slave owners,ultimately to master new his fate.
The thesis first introduces the author and her work Uncle Tom’s Cabin,second analysis Tom and The Georges two completely different fate.Then from the influence of different partners and their different attitude towards religion,character and other aspects of,deep analysis leads to the formation of a different fate Tom and the Georges.At the end of this thesis,which it leads readers sympathy for the slave to slavery and hate at the same time,the deeper thinking about how to make use of the surrounding environment play its role to better grasp their own destiny
Key Words:Tom The Georges different fate character Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Abstract in Chinese I

ract II
Introduction 1
Chapter One The Different Fate of Tom and The Georges 3
A Tom's Fate in the Novel 3
B The Georges' Fate in the Novel 4
C Comparing The Fate of The Georges and Tom 5
1. The Georages' fight for freedom 5
2. Tom's immolate for freedom 6
Chapter Two Causes of Different Fate of Tom and The Georges 8
A The Different Influence of Partners 8
B The Character of Tom and The Georges 9
C Different Religious Attitude of Tom and The Georges 11
Chapter Three The Influence of Modern Society... 15
A Handling Our Own Fate 15
B Calling for Freedom and Equal 16
C Eliminating of Racial Discrimination 17
Conclusion 18
Bibliography 19

Harriet Beecher Stowe(1811-1896), was one of the greatest figures in 19th-century America writer, was born in a ministerial family in Litchfield, Connecticut, on June 14, 1811. Both her father and brother are well-known minister in congregational church and latter she married Calvin Stowe, a minister and professor, so Mrs. Stowe was deeply influenced by theology throughout her life, and she had a distinct understanding to the Christianity culture . Mrs. Stowe was interested in literature when she was a little child. Harriet’s favorite room was her father's study. She liked flipping through Lyman’s books as he sat at his desk, working on his Sunday sermons. Many of the books were scholarly works on religion, but there were a few that excited the girl’s imagination. She particularly liked the exotic stories in Lyman’s volume of Arabian nights. (Sonnebom, 2009:15)
This novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Mrs. Stowe is the masterpiece of American emancipation literature in the middle of 19th century. It flintily exposed the atrocity of helotism, therefore, people in the north were stirred by righteous wrath which led to the American Civil War in the 1960s. This novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin holds pretty high historical value and literature significance. The Fugitive Slave Act passed in 1850, which announced that it is illegal for anyone in the United States to give assistance or support to runaway slave. The novel served as a immediately response to the Fugitive Slave Act. It strongly attacked this law and other institution it protected. According to this act, the Southern slaves who escaped to the North must flee to Canada to get the real freedom. So in this novel, Mrs. Stowe kept calling for immediate emancipation of the black slaves and freedom to all people
Uncle Tom’s Cabin was widely accepted as one anti-slavery novel which was one of the blasting fuse caused American Civil War. When Abraham Lincoln met Mrs. Stowe in 1862 in White House, he said, “so you’re the little woman who wrote the book that caused this great war.” This novel by Stowe directly exposed the brutal essence of the southern slavery system, and intensify the contradiction between the south and the north , finally made the American Civil War. The great success Stowe achiev

ed no doubt is that it successfully aroused people’s hatred toward slavery and sympathy to slaves. In addition, it is widely thought Uncle Tom’s Cabin as an anti-slavery literature eventually brought about the end of slavery. In this novel, Mrs. Stowe through two clues described the miserable fates of the south slaves. On the one hand, the main characteristic Tom in this novel, was a kind and loyalty black slave, but he eventually was plunged into the abyss of death by the brutal slavery system and indifference of those slaves owners. Tom’s death was a miniature of miserable fate of other numerous slaves at that time. On the other hand, simultaneously Mrs. Stowe represented another slave, Eliza, her fate was entirely different from Tom’s, because she chose to set herself against for her owner’s decision that sell her son to another brutal owner. Exactly , her courage of resisting slavery system was out of natural mother love. Finally, the family of three people had got a happy ending. Mrs. Stowe came up with her proposal through this two different ending of slaves, only slaves have the courage to resisting slavery , can they get rid of the tragedy and have a good ending. So this work undoubtedly is one anti-slavery novel.

Chapter One
The Different Fate of Tom and The Georges
At the beginning of this chapter on their different fate,it is important for us to analyse their own fate in the novel to investigate the topic of the thesis deeper
A. Tom’s Fate in The Novel
Tom was born in the United States Kentucky Shelby farm, when he was a child he began to wait upon the owner and became slave bulter, he was loyalty to the owner and tried his best to protect the interests of the owner.At this time Tom with his family lived in his own house which like heaven and was satisfied with present situation.He was a noble man and was good at organization.With mind and upbringing far exceed others,he was respected by people on farm.However,the interest of owner was more important than Tom’s characteristic,in order to debt and maintain their life of luxury,the owner decided to sell Tom who has loyalty diligent and honest.When he hear the news"on the chair and hid them with your hands, crying loudly, from the fingers, big drops of tears fell on the floor". However, when eliza persuaded him to escape, he chose to stay. He faithfully to from already the current situation with the host's plight. He prefected to sacrifice his own happiness than to master exploitation life of luxury. What’s the Tom's mistake is that he can’t understand the class of himself and owner is different, not only he never resists, but also still obeys to what the slaver order.He choose its own destiny in this way, also for their tragic fate of the seeds.
After the auction,Tom was brought by the cruel slaver hurley,sitting on the steamer“beautiful river’’to Ohio.Tom saw a lot of black slaves was forced to separeted,chosed to follow the will of god, with the biblical

“do not be sad, in my father there are lots of places, I for you to go there”to comfort themselves.when black young mother Lucy were forced to separated from her child by slaver, she chose to die.There are many the sin of slavery and each class view of system accurately descibed in the test.When saw beautiful houses of slavers and the small shack of slaves Mississippi River on both sides of the chateau,Tom miss the life what he once live with family and his heart was touched, although he know he can not come back the life of ever, he still are confident to face life and think about his life On board the bound for New Orleans,Tom saved the life of young Eva.St.Clare,Eva’s father,purchased Tom with gratitude.In St.Clare’s home,Tom lived a happy life for two years.Eva and he became good friends.But after Eva and her father’s death,Tom’s fate was changed again.He was sent by Eva’s mother to an auction market to sell. Tom was bought by a slaveholder named Legree. Legree was cruel to slaves and addicted to alcohol. At last, when Tom protected two female slaves from being captured , he was beaten to death viciously by Legree. When he was dying,his former master’s son, George Shelby got the plantation and bought Tom’s body with huge wealth.
B. The Georges' Fate in the novel
George was a smart and handsome man, he was so intelligent that his master began to feel uneasy and inferiority, so his master decided to take George home and protect him from working,when George went home, doing the worst job on the farm, his anger could not be suppressed, he was not satisfied with his unfair position, he want to challenge the society and the law.he can not control his angry, he think about “my master and who made him my master that's what i think of -what right has he to me? l'm a man as much as he is.l'm a better man than he is”from this discription, When he said those suffer to his wife, his wife was trying to let him calm down. She thought they must have faith, But George was not a Christian, he has enough to bear and decided escape to Canada,we can learn that George can not bear the situation and decide to escape.
He met his wife at the Quaker house, when they on the way of escaping from American to Cananda, the pursuer occured, they had to spring across the breadth to keep fight.,facing to The snear of pursue,George promisee“we don't own your law we don't own your country we stand here as free, we will fight for our liberty till we die”When faced with the pursuit of the hunters and the police, George took up arms to fight back, he used his wisdom to conquer all the difficulties, he longed for freedom, even at his own life exchange, The family came to Canada, to obtain the long-awaited freedom,even at his own life exchange,The family came to Canada, to obtain the long-awaited freedom.
Eliza is Mrs Shelby's maid, and a black slaves, the book about Eliza storyline is mainly around the Eliza know their 5-year-old son harry wil

l be sold to a slave trader named haley. The role of Eliza's inspiration comes from in Cincinnati Ryan seminary John ? rankin to Harriet Beecher stowe husband a transcript. According to John ? rankin, in February 1838, there was a young black female slave with their own children across the Ohio river ice, fled to Ohio town of ripley smoothly Harriet Beecher stowe is precisely as a prototype, shaped a black slave characters such as Eliza.
The first describe Eliza in this book is“there was The same rich, full, dark eye,with its long lashes;The brown of her complexion gave way on The cheek to a perceptible flush,which deepened as she saw The gaze of The strange man fixed upon her in bold and undisguised admiration'',there is no doubt that we from this discription can know she is beautiful and georous,and when Eliza was a child,she was brought up by Mrs Shelby,if her son won't be sold it's different for she to give up this life situation,But when she listened The conversation whom Mr and Mrs Shelby,she decided to run away and carry off her child.Her husband and child was suffering dangerous,which touched her heart,maybe she feel scare,but maternal love stronger than all which gives her courage,she chose to leave her home without protecting of her owners, she spent much time in escaping and finally she tried her best to retreat across The river.Then she was saved by Bird couple.
Mrs. Stowe describes the great story of Eliza's glacier. Elizabeth has become strong from docility, from the "silly girl" of Lady Shelby's transformation to the "wild cat" of the black eye in relation to her position in the soup. At first the reader and the audience in the eyes of the edge of the characters in any scene is only faithfully for the owner to do things, then she protect her son's wishes and actions of her humanized and even mythical. Eliza's attempt to save Harry's actions made the audience, the reader, and the characters in the story feel connected with her fate. Her actions also made her a metaphor for survival and salvation and a symbol of religious purity.
C. Comparing The Fate of The Georges and Tom
As the two representatives of the very different slaves, Tom and Mr. and Mrs. George have different destiny. Tom most willing to endure brutal slave abuse torture and slavery, that in real life, body and soul, suffering and trauma can be read by the afterlife in heaven Fetion offset. Therefore, his life for both Shelby and Cruz et al to good or for the likes of Legree's brutal resignation, in his opinion, this is not to endure the secular yield, but it is his victory, so in the plantations, he will be entrusted to the fate of God, the one hand and no time not looking forward to his original masters will own redemption, results has died in the tragedy of Legree.
George was sold to couples face the destiny, they will understand the hope in others to change their slave status is useless, only rely on their own to win the future, so Mrs. George after

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