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当前位置:文档库 › 人教新目标八年级英语下册期末复习——完成句子专练(无答案)



1. 幸亏有你的帮助, 我们才按时完成了工作。

your help, we finished the work on time.

2. 我坚信你会很快走出困境。

I’m sure that you can the difficult situation soon.

3. 我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。

I think I sat_________ ________ ________ ________ for too long without ________.

4. 作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。

As a mountain climber, Aron ________ ________ ________ ________ risks.

5. 我想把我在动物医院工作的计划推迟到明年夏天。

I want to________ ________ my plan to work in an animal hospital ________ next summer.

6. 谢谢你送给我一只这么可爱的宠物狗。Thank you me such a cute pet dog.

7. 网络使我们在家里购物成为可能。

The Internet for us to buy things at home.

8. 帮助别人使我感到愉快。me feel happy.

9. 约翰常去看望养老院里的老人并使他们高兴起来。

John often goes the old people at the old peop le’s home and.

10. 我想把这些书捐赠给贫困山区的孩子们。

I’d like to these books to the children in the poor mountain areas.

11. 这个周末我可以和朋友们一起去远足吗?

go hiking with my friends this weekend?

12. 每天早晨起床后, 我得整理床铺。

I have to after getting up every morning.

13. 我们应该依靠自己而不是他人。We should ourselves, not others.

14. 汤姆, 不要玩游戏了。那简直是浪费时间。

Don’t play games, Tom. It’s__________ ___________ ___________time.

15. 如果你病了, 你就得去看医生。you ill, you have to see a doctor.

16. 别担心! 我能照顾自己。Don’t worry! I can__________ ___________ ___________myself.

17. 事实上, 我不介意工作辛苦。In fact, I__________ ___________ ___________hard.

18. 昨天晚上我爸爸直到11点才回家。

My father home11 o’clock last night.

19. 很多父母试图安排孩子们的生活。

Many parents try their kids’ lives for them.

20. 学生在学校里有太多的功课要做。

The students have homework at school.

21. 托尼和所有老师们相处融洽。

Tony is all the teachers.

22. 我认为你应该先打扫你的卧室。I think you your bedroom first.

23. 你和你哥哥相处得怎么样?

How are you your elder brother?

24. 不要总拿我和别的孩子做比较。Don’t always me other children.

25. 他上周给我寄了张明信片。He a postcard me last week.

26. 直到雨停了杰克才回家。Jack go home the rain stopped.

27. 喝完咖啡之后, 我继续做作业。

After drinking a cup of coffee, I my homework.

28. Lucy和Lily昨天下午4点钟在游泳。

Lucy and Lily at four o’clock yesterday afternoon.

29. 闹钟6点响了, 吵醒了我的姐姐。

The alarm at six o’clock and woke up my sister.

30. 今天早上我给汤姆打电话, 但是没人接。

I called Tom this morning, but nobody.

31. 这个周末将要有一场大雨。

There will be this weekend.

32. 风逐渐变弱, 太阳出来了。The wind was and the sun rose.

33. 听到这个消息, 我们很震惊。We hear the news.

34. 昨天晚上发生火灾时你正在干什么?

What you when the fire last night?

35. 起初, 他不相信这是事实。, he didn’t believe it was true.

36. 2008年8月8日对中国人来说很有意义。

The date, August 8th, 2008great Chinese.

37. 我不想再沉默下去了。I do not want to go on.

38. 从前, 有个漂亮的小女孩住在这个小镇上。

________ __________ ________ _______, there was a beautiful girl living in this small town.

39. 天一黑, 我们就一起赶快回家了。

________ __________ ________it was dark, we went home quickly together.

40. 这些花非但不长反而萎缩了。These flowers are shrinking________ __________growing.

41. 他的早期经历最终使他变成了一位黑人总统。

His early experience himself a Negro president at last.

42. 当他五岁的时候, 吉姆对踢足球感兴趣。

Jim________ __________ ________playing soccer when he was five years old.

43. 你要是自己占有了这些食物, 其他人会不高兴的。

If you these food_________ _______, others will be unhappy.

44. 他大了, 能骑自行车了。He is old_________ _______ ride a bike.

45. 昨天我爸引领这个老人去了医院。

My father the old man the hospital yesterday.

46. 我们听见他正在谈论足球赛。We him about the soccer game.

47. 不要担心。我们可以把问题变为挑战。

Don’t worry. We can problems challenges.

48. 从前, 有个叫灰姑娘的女孩住在这里。

a time, there was a girl named Cinderella living here.

49. 为保持健康, 他们骑自行车来代替开车。

They ride bikes driving to keep healthy.

50. 经过二十多年的艰苦奋斗之后, 人们将自己的家乡变成了一座现代化城市。

After over 20 years’ hard w ork, the people their hometown a modern city.

51. 学生们一到长城就拍照。

the students reached the Great Wall, they took photos.

52. 整个一家人听到这个好消息都很兴奋。

family were excited when they heard the good news.

53. 这对夫妇的儿子生下来时有八磅重。

The couple’s son weighed eight pounds.

54. 他们在建造这座桥上花了整整一年的时间。

They the whole year this bridge.

55. 成年大熊猫比幼年大熊猫重好几倍。

An adult panda weighs many than a baby panda.

56. 在非洲, 每年许多儿童死于饥饿和疾病。

In Africa, many children hunger and illness every year.

57. 种更多的竹子是帮助拯救大熊猫的一种方式。

more bamboo trees one way to help save pandas.

58. 一只大象的重量是一个成人重量的一百倍多。

An elephant weighs more than________ _______ _______heavier than an adult person.

59. 鱼用鳃吸氧气。Fish________ _______oxygen through their gills.

60. 你已经把这个电脑游戏介绍给你的同学了吗?

Have you this computer game your classmates?

61. 校运动会预期在一周以后。The school sports meeting in a week.

62. 你可以在山中欣赏大自然的美丽。

You may enjoy the in the mountains.

63. 放学后, 他就急急忙忙去了图书馆。He to the library after school.

64. 我的同桌是一个电脑游戏迷。

My deskmate is computer games.

65. 赶紧点! 火车就要到站了。! The train is arriving at the station.

66. 还有谁懂韩语? knows Korean?

67. 他太饿了, 迫不及待地用那么脏的手吃起来。

He is too hungry and can’t with the dirty hands.

68. 我们的校长预定两小时后参加一个会议。

Our head teacher at a meeting in two hours.

69. 当公交车到时, 大家都朝它迅速跑了过去。

When the bus arrived, everyone it.

70. 她开始认识到第二语言是多么重要。

She_________ _________ ____________how important a second language is.

71. 自从那时起, 海伦就当了一名服务员。

_________ _________ ____________, Helen has been a waitress.

72. 我还没去过那家超市。I_________ _________ ____________that supermarket yet.

73. 老师已经向我们介绍过那本新书了。

The teacher_________ _________ the new book us.

74. 那盘CD是谁录制的? Who the CD_________ _________?

75. 他的英语口语正在迅速进步。His spoken English________ __________ in a way.

76. 我最近去了一些历史悠久的国家。

I________ __________ visited some countries with long history.

77. 我从未品尝过粤菜。I________ __________ __________Guangdong food.

78. 以前我从来没读过这么好笑的故事。I never a funny story like this.

79. 我妈妈经常鼓励我要天天锻炼。

My mother often me every day.

80. 别担心! 他不再是个孩子了。Don’t worry. He is a child.

81. 说实在的, 他是一个好人。, he is a good man.

82. 我买这辆自行车五年了。I the bike five years.

83. 让我们把这些东西捐赠给慈善机构吧。Let’s the things to charity.

84. 我已经住在北京三年了。I in Beijing three years.

85. 我从来没去过图书馆。I have never the library.

86. ——你买这个房子多长时间了? ——五年了。

—have you had the house? —five years.

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