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大人材料清单: 1.1419CHS表(大写英文填) 2.54家庭成员表(中文填一份,大写英文填一份) 3.照片一张(2寸白底) 4.护照相片页黑白复印件一份 5.护照彩色复印件一份(护照相片页、里面所有有签证的和盖章的都要有) 6.户口本彩色复印件一份(地址页、增减页、所有人员页都要有) 7.身份证正反面彩色复印件一份 8.工资卡半年流水账单(每一页都盖银行的章) 9.信用卡最近半年账单,一张额度3万,一张额度8千(网上的对账单) 10.房产证的黑白复印件一份(1份) 11.行车证 12.中文的在职证明,盖公章,人事部主管签字(内容要有:姓名、年龄、入职时间,请假 时间,职位,年龄,护照号、公司名字、地址、固定电话) 13.机票订单(沈阳-墨尔本、墨尔本-凯恩斯、悉尼到沈阳) 14.酒店预订单(墨尔本、凯恩斯、悉尼) 15.预计行程表 16.保险 小孩材料清单: 1.1419CHS表(资金填写父母提供) 2.54家庭成员表 3.1229表 4.2寸白底照片一张 5.护照相片页黑白复印件一份 6.护照彩色复印件一份(护照相片页、里面所有有签证的和盖章的都要有) 7.户口本彩色复印件一份(和我同一本户口,我复印的一式二份) 8.出生证明彩色复印件一份 9.结婚证彩色复印件一份 10.不同行的父亲身份证正反面彩色复印件一份 11.房产证黑白复印件一份(1份) 12.工资卡半年流水账单(同大人) 13.父亲工资卡半年流水账单 14.行车证 15.信用卡最近半年账单的黑白复印件(同大人) 16.中文的在读证明,盖公章(内容要有:姓名、年龄、就读年级,请假时间,护照号、学 校名字、地址、固定电话,班主任签字和手机) 17.机票订单(沈阳-墨尔本、墨尔本-凯恩斯、悉尼到沈阳) 18.酒店预订单(墨尔本、凯恩斯、悉尼) 19.预计行程表 20.保险


876 (Design date 07/09) - Page 1 ? COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2009Important – Please read this information carefully before you complete your application. Once you have completed your application we strongly advise that you keep a copy for your records. No fee is payable for an application for an Australian transit visa. Who completes this form? You should complete this application form if you intend to remain in Australia no longer than 72 hours and if you can establish that the principal purpose in entering Australia is:?to pass through Australia in transit to another country (where a ‘stopover’ is intended, you should apply for the appropriate visa in a visitor class instead); or ?to pass through Australia to join a vessel as a crew member.Children included in a parent’s passport need not complete a separate application form. Details of such children can be included on their parent’s/guardian’s application form. Children not included in a parent’s or guardian’s passport must fill in a separate application. Please answer all questions fully and correctly. An incorrect answer, or failure to provide an answer to any question, will be taken into account when your application is being considered and could lead to the refusal of your application. T ravel agents may complete this form for you but you must sign the declaration. For information on the making and processing of visa applications, see the information form 1025i Making and processing visa applications. Integrity of application The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the department) is committed to maintaining the integrity of the visa and citizenship programs. Please be aware that if you provide us with fraudulent documents or claims, this may result in processing delays and possibly your application being refused. What is needed with the application? Persons other than the crew joining a vessel You must enclose with your application: a passport valid for travel to Australia issued to, or including, each person in the application; a recent passport-type photograph of each person included in the application form (the photograph must be signed on the back by the person to whom it refers);an itinerary; evidence of confirmed onward booking to continue your journey from Australia to a third country within 72 hours of arrival; and/or correct documentation (eg. visa) for entry to that third country . Persons joining as crew of a vessel From 1 July 2007, foreign members of crew employed on foreign non-military ships which are in Australia during an international voyage are required to hold an Australian maritime crew visa. A maritime crew visa may only be applied for while the applicant is outside Australia. A maritime crew visa is valid for multiple entries to Australia for 3 years from the date it is granted and only permits travel to Australia by sea. Crew who need to travel to Australia by air to join a ship may apply for a transit visa to travel to Australia but applicants will be checked by immigration officials to ascertain if they hold a maritime crew visa. If you do not hold a maritime crew visa after 1 July 2007 when you apply for a transit visa, you may be refused a transit visa to travel to Australia. Your application should be accompanied by:?a passport; and ?documentary proof that you are employed on, or are to be employed on, the ship you are joining in Australia.The following details are to be supplied by the local shipping/handling agent: ?the names of the person joining the vessel as crew;?the names of the persons they are replacing; ?the name of the company employing the applicant;?the name of the vessel being joined; ?the date of arrival in Australia of the persons to be visaed;?the port and date they are expected to join the vessel;?if they are not the vessel’s owner, a copy of the request for crew from the vessel’s agent in Australia. The request should contain the details of the crew members applying for visas.Your transit visa, if granted will permit you to travel to Australia by air for single entry only. Your maritime crew visa will allow you a period of 5 days to sign onto your vessel after you arrive in Australia. If you fail to sign onto your vessel in that time, your maritime crew visa will cease and you may be liable to removal from Australia. Form 876 Application for Transit visa for Australia (subclass 771) Continued on the next page

DS 美国签证表填写说明 完整版

DS-160签证表填写说明 填写内容如下(除一项全名用中文填写后,其他项请用英文填写): Personal Information 1个人信息1 NOTE: Data on this page must match the information as it is written in your passport. 注意:此页填写的信息必须与您护照上面的一致 Surnames姓: Give name名: Full name in Native Alphabet全名请用中文填写: Have you ever used other names ., maiden, religious, professional, alias, etc.)?您是否有曾用名(如婚前用名、宗教用名、职业用名、别名等): Sex性别: Marital status婚姻状况: Date and place of birth出生日期与出生地: Date of birth生日: City of birth 出生城市: State / province of birth出生的省: Country of birth出生国家: Personal Information 2个人信息2 Nationality国籍: Do you hold or have you held a nationality other than the one you have indicated above? 你是否拥有或曾经拥有除上述国籍以外的国籍: National Identification Number身份证号码: . Social Security Number美国社会安全号 选Does Not Apply . Taxpayer ID Number美国纳税人身份号码 选Does Not Apply Address and Phone Information地址和电话信息 Home Address家庭地址/(中英文): 中文: 英文: Street Address (Line 1)街道地址(第一行): Street Address (Line 2) *Optional街道地址(第二行): CITY城市: State/Province省: POSTAL ZONE / ZIP CODE邮编: COUNTRY国家: Mailing Address邮寄地址: Is your Mailing Address the same as your Home Address?(This is the address to which your passport will be sent if you qualify for a visa). 你的邮寄地址是否与家庭地址相同(如果您的签


申根签证申请表填写样本 在线申根签证申请表从本馆网站“赴德须知—签证规定—签证申请表格—在线申根签证申请表”或直接从hp://visdiplde网站下载 选择语言(目前可选语言仅为德语和英语),点击“k”确认 仔细阅读在线填表信息并点击“eie”继续 仔细阅读领区划分信息并点击“eie”继续 点击“Neung”图标打开新申请,如曾将申请表存入电脑,则从硬盘下载申请表 填表说明(按项目编号排列) 1 申请者姓(如“Wng”) 曾用姓(没有则不填,勿填“-”或“NO”) 3 申请者名(与护照一致) 4 申请者出生日期(日/月/年) 5 不填 6 出生地点(与护照一致);出生国家(通常为中国即“Chin”) 目前国籍(通常为中国即“Chin”) 8 最初国籍(通常为中国即“Chin”) 9 性别(选择) 1婚姻状况(选择) 11父亲姓名(填字母,勿填撇号'如Pei'n、连接号-、斜线号/或句号等标点符号。父母姓名必须填写,无论在世与否。) 1母亲姓名(填字母,勿填撇号'如Pei'n、连接号-、斜线号/或句号等标点符号。父母姓名必须填写,无论在世与否。) 13护照类型(选择;因公护照选“ndees Reisedkuen”,填写PASSPORT FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS)14护照号码(仔细填写。勿将数字1误写为字母l) 15签发国家(通常为中国即“Chin”) 16签发日期(日/月/年) 1有效期至(日/月/年,护照须至少还有六个月有效) 18不填 19目前职业 工作单位或学生就读学校地址、电话; 1主要目的地(通常为德国即“Deushlnd”) 签证类型(通常为短期居留即“Kuzufenhl”) 3签证(为个人签证即“Einzelvisu”) 4入境次数(通常为一次入境即“einlige Eineise”) 5居留时间(填入计划居留天数,至多“9”)(以市外办批件天数为准) 6曾获签证及年份(国名用缩写,如BNL 、USA 、D 4、UK 3) 不填 8曾在申根国家居留(用缩写,同上) 9旅行目的(选择) 3到达日期(日/月/年,护照须在居留期满后至少还有三个月有效) 31离开日期(日/月/年,护照须在居留期满后至少还有三个月有效) 3首次入境地(法兰克福“Fnkfu”、慕尼黑“Münhen”或其他申根国家机场) 33交通工具(通常为飞机即“Flugzeug”) 34邀请人姓名/单位名称、电话和传真号码、详细地址(包括邮编和城市如8519 Münhen)、


注意事项 5. 温馨提示: 1.请您仔细阅读《出团通知书》。 2.根据航空公司规定,团队机票出票后不予退票,确认出票后客人如不能如期出发,损失由客 人自负。 3.由于旅行团签证为团体签证,需要整团办理出境手续,因此烦请您携带本人身份证务必准时 到达指定集合地点,以确保团队顺利出行。如因个人原因未按约定时间及地点集合,错过起飞时间,产生的一切损失及相关费用由客人承担。敬请您理解和配合。 4.团队护照及机票于出发当天由导游或送团人带到机场统一发给客人,并在机场由公司工作人 员开行前说明会。 5.客人在澳洲期间,护照及机票必须交由导游统一代管 6.如果团队因夫妻/亲属等原因出现单间,我们有权视房间情况安排分住; 请您理解 7.中国银联已经开通境外刷卡业务,在澳大利亚和新西兰的多数商店可以使用带有“银联“标 志的各类银行卡消费。为确保您的财务安全,建议您携带银行卡出行,详情可咨询中国银联24小时服务热线95516。 7. 客人在境外一律不得脱团、离团。且境外不得有人参团。 8. 现金贵重物品请自觉办理报关手续,且不要置于托运行李中以免丢失。在游览过程中也请随 身携带以免丢失 9.客人最好提前一天抵达北京,以防止天气等不确定因素导致无法及时到京而耽误行程! 10.境外小费:10澳币/人/天 乘机须知: 国际航协于2006年11月6日起开始实施新的手提行李安全规定——限制携带液体物品登机,此规定适用所有出发及转机航班。手提行李中的液体和胶状物品,如护肤与美容品等只能在符合下列规定的前提下携带: 1. 装有液体及类似物品的容器其容量不得超过100毫升(以包装上标明的容量为准); 2. 所有容器必须全部装入一个透明、可重复开封的塑料袋内(如“拉锁式塑料袋”),容积不得超过一升; 3. 每人只能携带一个塑料袋;该塑料袋必须在安全检查处单独出示; 4. 液体物品包括:水、糖浆类;面霜、润肤油类;香水、喷雾剂类;洗发水、浴液类;剃须液、牙膏、睫毛膏类以及其他的任何类似物品; 5. 请不要在安检及转机安检前打开装有液体塑料袋,否则将被没收; 6. 特殊疾病须随身带入机舱的指定药物(须出示医生证明)与特殊食品(如婴儿食品)可在塑料袋之外携带。此类物品也必须向安全检查人员出示; 7. 不符合尺寸规定的物品及塑料袋禁止带上飞机;


美国签证个人简历模板_模板 美国签证个人简历模板 某网友针对非移民签证申请人如果需要写个人简历模版,大家可以参考一下。 Nonimmigrant Visa Resume Template Name: Date and country of birth: Gender: Name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable) Names and dates of birth of children: (if applicable) Address and Contact information: Education List here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of university Dates of study Degree level Degree major and minors Area of research Title of thesis Work experience List here all paid and voluntary work you have performed and positions held, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of company, organization or institutions Job titles Dates of jobs Detailed area of responsibility, research interests, project descriptions and applications of research Expertise in special software, machinery op equipment Awards and patents Have you received/won any awards related to your research or work at university or at work? Please list these. Do you hold any patents? List name, patent number and year registered. List of publications List here all your publications you have published in China and overseas. Include the title of the published article, the date it was published and the name of the magazine, newspaper, book, etc it was published in. Other outside interests/experience List here any clubs you belong to, any memberships you hold, your interests and hobbies Other skills For example computer skills, languages you speak, driver’s license or other permits, etc Travel Have you ever traveled overseas? List countries, purpose and dates of travel


欧洲签证个人资料表Europe visa personal data sheet 姓名Name 曾用名 Former name 性别 Gender 现国籍 Present nationality CHINA 原国籍 Original nationality CHINA 出生日期Birthday 年月日出生地 Birthplace 省市/县 身份证号码ID card No. 护照号码Passport number 签发地点 Issue place 有效期: 自到 Period of validity: from to 旧护照号码Former passport number 是否遗失 Whether lose 是□否□ Yes □ No □ 婚姻状况Marital status 是否会讲英语 Speak English 是□否□ Yes □ No □ 现住址Present address 邮编: Postcode: 在以上住址居住多久? How long has lived in the above address? 是否是房主house owner? 是□否□ Yes □ No □是否是承租人lessee? 是□否□ Yes □ No □ 家庭电话House phone 手机号码 Mobile phone 邮箱地址 e-mail address 工作信息 / 在读信息Job information 职位(中)Position (Chinese) 职位(英) Position (English) 职位描述 Position description 单位/学校名称(中) Company name (Chinese) 单位/学校名称(英)Company name ((English) 单位/学校地址Company address 邮编Postcode 单位/学校电话Company phone 传真Fax 单位/学校负责人姓名Company principal name 单位/学校负责人职位Company principal position 进入单位/学校时间When join the company 年月日月收入 Monthly income 元/月 访问信息 Access information


COVER LETTER 24Mar, 2015 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to submit my application of Training and Research Visa (Subclass 402). My application comprise of the following: 1 Form 1402 2Invitation letter from the University of Queensland (includingSponsorship Application ID) 3 Passports 3-1Passport for me 3-2 Passport for my wife 3-3 Passport for my son 4Certified copy of Passport Bio-page 4-1 Copy of Passport Bio-page for me 4-2 Copy of Passport Bio-page for my wife 4-3 Copy of Passport Bio-page for my son 5Certified copy of the birth certificate 5-1 Copy of the birth certificate for me 5-2 Copy of the birth certificate for my wife 5-3 Copy of the birth certificate for my son 6Certified copy of National Identification Cards 6-1 National Identification Card for me 6-2 National Identification Card for my wife 7Copy of Household Registers 7-1 Household Register copy for me 7-2 Household Register copy for my wife 7-3 Household Register copy for my son 8Certified copy of my university degree certificates 9Certified copy of my Marriage Certificate 10 Copy of Curriculum vitae / resume 11 Copy of letter of support from the Shandong University of Science and Technology 12Copy of my Financial Certificatefrom the Shandong University of Science and Technology 13 Copy of my saving account from my bank indicating access to approximately AUD $31,000 (150,000 RMB) 14 Original Chinese police clearance certificate 14-1 Original Chinese police clearance certificate for me 14-2 Original Chinese police clearance certificate for my wife 15 Two Colour passport photographs for me, for my wife and my son 16The postal remittance receipt of correct application fee for review Office 17The postal remittance receipt of service fee for the Australian visa


澳大利亚旅游行程计划 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

澳大利亚旅游计划2015年12月X X日—X X日12月xx日第1天|XX飞往悉尼 12月xx日第2天|悉尼住悉尼 走进悉尼艺术文化的殿堂:悉尼歌剧院 情迷悉尼达令港,尽享月下海边浪漫情调 悉尼中心地铁酒店休息 12月xx日第3天|悉尼-黄金海岸住黄金海岸 黄金海岸春之泉国家公园夜探蓝色萤火虫 黄金海岸水印温泉酒店休息 12月xx日第4天|黄金海岸住黄金海岸 雪佛龙·文艺复兴购物中心感受未来科技的奇幻感受 黄金海岸水印温泉酒店休息 12月xx日第5天|黄金海岸住黄金海岸 在布罗德海滩享受阳光海浪 黄金海岸水印温泉酒店休息 12月xx日第6天|黄金海岸住黄金海岸 莱明顿国家公园雨林穿梭

黄金海岸水印温泉酒店稍事休息 12月xx日第7天|黄金海岸住黄金海岸 黄金海岸海洋世界欢乐集结 浪漫海风中漫步滨海幻影城 碧蓝大海意情难忘-李斯特泰拉费里尼餐厅-感受浓郁意大利美食黄金海岸水印温泉酒店休息 12月xx日第8天|黄金海岸住黄金海岸 在天堂农庄体验澳洲农场生活,享受田园牧歌 布罗德海滩太平洋购物中心购物吃饭看电影大汇合 黄金海岸水印温泉酒店休息 12月xx日第9天|黄金海岸-墨尔本住墨尔本 精选-宜必思墨尔本小柏克街酒店入住 第一眼墨尔本,相约澳洲最古老弗林德斯火车站 漫游雅拉河畔,登上尤利卡88层观景台俯瞰墨尔本 血拼墨尔本购物中心 12月xx日第10天|墨尔本住墨尔本 前往皇家长廊观光 精选-宜必思墨尔本小柏克街酒店休息 12月xx日第11天|墨尔本返程|旅行结束


美国签证需要用到的个人简历模板(中英文) 这个模板是沈阳美领馆提供的简历模板,针对非移民签证申请人如果需要写个人简历的话,大家可以参考一下: Nonimmigrant Visa Resume T emplate Name: Date and country of birth: Gender: Name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable) Names and dates of birth of children: (if applicable) Address and Contact information: Education List here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of university Dates of study Degree level Degree major and minors Area of research Title of thesis Work experience List here all paid and voluntary work you have performed and positions held, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information: Name of company, organization or institutions Job titles Dates of jobs Detailed area of responsibility, research interests, project descriptions and applications of research Expertise in special software, machinery op equipment Awards and patents Have you received/won any awards related to your research or work at university or at work? Please list these. Do you hold any patents? List name, patent number and year registered.


Checklist for Tourist Application --Individuals 个人旅游签证申请审核表 Turismo- viaggi individuali Name: _________________ (姓 名/Nome e Cognome) Passport Number: ___________________ (护照号/Numero di passaporto) Purpose of Visit: ___________________ (访问目的/ Finalita’ del viaggio ) Contact No.: ______________ (联系电话/Tel) E-mail Address:____________ (邮件地址/Indirizzo e-mail) Documents/主要材料/Documenti necessari Yes/有 Si’? No/没有 /No? Validity/有效期/Validita’ 1. Visa Application form duly filled in English or Italian signed (pinyin is accepted) by the applicant 将申请表用英文或意大利文填写完整并签名(接受用拼音签名) Il modulo di richiesta visto debitamente compilato in inglese o italiano e firmato (il pinyin è accettato) dal richiedente 2. Two recent passport-size photograph with white background 两张护照尺寸,白色背景的近照 Fotografia recente in formato tessera con sfondo bicanco. 3. Valid passport with validity of at least 90 days after expiration of visa requested; duly signed 护照需签名且在签证到期后至少有90天有效期Passaporto valido con validità di almeno 90 giorni oltre la scadenza del visto richiesto; debitamente firmato; 4. Return air ticket booking 往返机票预订单 Prenotazione aereo andata /ritorno 5. Confirmed hotel booking (for the whole duration of the trip) OR sponsorship letter from the sponsor in Italy in original with Sponsor’s ID card. 酒店确认单(整个行程)或者意大利担保人的担保信(原件)及担保人的身份证 La prenotazione confermata di hotel (per la durata di tutto il viaggio) 0 la lettera del garante in Italia (originale) ecarta ID del garante.


美国签证D S表中文翻 译 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

美国签证DS-160表格中文翻译截止2013年9月有效 第一项,个人、地址、电话、护照信息 1、姓名: 2、中文姓名: 3、曾用名: 4、有没有姓名电报码: 5、姓名电报码: 6、性别: 7、婚姻状况: 8、出生日月年: 9、出生地: 10、国籍: 11、其它国籍: 12、身份证号: 13、美国社会安全号: 14、美国纳税人身份证号: 15、家庭地址,街道: 城市: 省份: 邮编: 国家: 16、邮寄地址与上面相同吗 17、首选电话号码: 18、备用电话号码: 19、工作电话号码: 20、电子邮箱: 21、护照类型: 22、护照号码: 23、护照本号码: 24、护照签发国: 签发城市: 签发省份: 签发国家: 签发日期: 失效日期: 25、您的护照是否曾经丢失或被盗 第二项,旅行信息 1、旅行美国目的

目的: 种类: 2、制订详细的旅行计划吗 3、预计来美日期: 4、在美逗留多久: 5、在美地址,街道、城市、州、邮编: 6、谁为旅行付费 7、有人与您同行吗 8、作为一个组织或机构的成员旅行吗 9、旅行同行人姓名: 与您关系: 10、您曾否来过美国 11、您曾否获得美国签证 12、您曾否被拒签过 13、是否有人为您申请过美国移民签证 第三项,美国联系人信息 1、联系人姓名: 2、联系人机构名称: 3、联系人与您的关系: 4、联系人地址:街道、城市、州、邮编 5、联系人电话号码: 6、联系人电子邮箱: 第四项,家庭信息 1、父亲姓: 2、父亲名: 3、父亲出生日月年: 4、您父亲在美国吗 5、母亲姓: 6、母亲名: 7、母亲出生日月年: 8、您母亲在美国吗 9、还有其他直系亲属在美国吗 10、配偶姓名: 11、配偶出生日月年: 12、配偶国籍: 13、配偶出生城市: 14、配偶出生国家: 15、配偶住址: 第五项,工作、教育、培训信息 1、现在职业类别: 2、现在单位或学校名称:

澳大利亚旅游签证攻略 2014

去澳大利亚旅游,要办理旅游签证!好好准备签证材料,澳洲旅游签不难。签证申请时间: 建议提前旅行时间3个月的时间提交签证材料。签证材料准备时间,在兼顾上班的情况下,建议留出至少2周,准备时间会比较充分:) 行程准备: 自助游是要做功课的。时间有限的假期自助游,行前的功课则尤为重要!功课准备的充分程度,和玩的尽兴程度绝对是成正比的!很多同学,一年也就一次年假时间还各种凑出来旅行,一般也就一二十来天。假期有限,再加很多同学拖家带口,这种情况,随性游是不靠谱的。要玩得好,势必需要行前的充分准备和行程的详细计划!建议提前半年开始筹备假期旅行,看游记读攻略,构思行程,盯机票,看酒店,准备签证。机票和酒店是2个大头,一般越早买越便宜。 签证费用: 澳大利亚旅游签证申请费用现在是890元。大概每半年时间会有一次调整,当然一般是上调。除了签证申请费外,还需再缴纳一个签证中心服务费175元,如果需要护照回邮,再交50元。 签证停留时间: 相比欧洲申根签,卡着你的旅游出行时间给停留时间,澳大利亚旅游签非常大方!好好准备材料,只要让对方觉得你是真心要过去那边旅游的,大笔一挥就签过了,一签出就是每次停留3个月,一年多次往返。

1. 办签证流程 澳大利亚旅游签证:无须预约,直接送签即可。材料送签可以亲自递交也可以快递递交。 1). 准备签证材料 签证材料准备的原则是:尽可能充分!使馆给出的材料清单,会列出必须提供的材料。还有一些材料虽未在清单中列出,也可以作为签证材料递交,比如:行程安排,酒店预订单,可以加到大签证几率!建议提供! 2). 材料送签 签证材料准备好之后,就可以递交到相应的签证中心。送签到哪个签证中心,是按居住地来划分的。这个居住地是指你现在工作和生活的城市,而非户口所在地。如果你选择快递递交材料和邮政汇款,大概需要1周才能到账,到账之后,签证材料才开始被审核。 3). 电话调查 使馆收到申请材料之后,会进行审核。签证材料审核的过程中,一部分人会收到电话调查。电话调查我们简称为“电调”,电调内容主要涉及到个人工作情况、行程安排等。电调基本都是中文对话,可能会需要简单的英文交流。也有不少同学无电调就直接就给签出了!材料足够充分完备,签证官没有任何疑虑,就不会电调了! 4). 签出 申请材料递交之后其实就是等待结果了~圣诞和新年假期是一个旺季,然后7月和8月暑假因9月学生开学使馆会优先办理学生签证,也会成为一个送签高峰,可能要拖3-4周,所以最好计划好时间,或者避开旺季高峰提早送签!材

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