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当前位置:文档库 › 重庆市开县德阳初级中学2014届九年级下学期入学考试英语试题





注意:全卷分为第I 卷和第II卷,答案做在答题卡上。





1. A. By reading aloud. B. I made some mistakes. C. To find a good job.

2. A. I take pride in you. B. I am sorry to hear that. C. Thank you.

3. A. No, it’s mine. B. I’m sorry, I left it in the house. C. Let me see.

4. A. Great. B. You’d better see a doctor. C. You’d better go to school.

5. A. Who are you? B. Where are you from? C. Speaking, please.

6. A. Congratulations! B. Well done! C. Good luck!



7. A. Outgoing. B. Quiet. C. Basketball.

8. A. Difficult. B. Boring. C. Interesting.

9. A. 8 days. B. 7 days. C. 6 days.

10. A. Stay at home. B. Choose her own clothes. C. Go to school.

11. A. Buy a ship. B. Buy three tickets. C. Buy some food.

12. A. Yellow. B. Green. C. Black.




13. Tom is __________.

A. 7 years old

B. 8 years old

C. 6 years old

14. Before the girl asked him, Tom had bought _________ tickets.

A. three

B. five

C. four

15. Tom met _________ friends in the cinema that day.

A. three

B. two

C. no

16. The big woman at the door was to_________.

A. clean the cinema

B. check the ticket

C. wait for Tom


17. Bill came to New York _________ .

A. to see a good doctor

B. for a holiday

C. to see a friend

18. Doctor Thomas Brown asked for _________ for the first visit.

A. one dollar

B. two dollars

C. three dollars

19. Bill said, “I’ve come again, doctor.” Because he wanted to_________ .

A. be friendly

B. make the doctor happy

C. save one dollar

20. The doctor asked Bill to_________ .

A. lie down and rest

B. take the same medicine

C. pay more money



21. — When did it happen?

— ______ the morning of December 25.

A. In

B. On

C. /

D. Since

22. This book is really good. I’ll buy it, _________ it’s a little expensive.

A. because

B. although

C. and

D. or

23. My school life _________in the past few years.

A. has changed

B. changed

C. have been changes

D. is changing

24. —Jim has a pen pal from America.

—_________. My pen pal lives in New York.

A. So has I

B. So do I

C. So I have

D. So I do

25. My father is strict _________ me and also _________ his work.

A. with, with

B. with, about

C. with , in

D. in, with

26. We should keep the door and the windows _________ to get quiet because it’s too noisy outside.

A. open

B. opened

C. closed

D. close

27. — I found it _________ to watch the baseball match last night.

— Me, too. I have never watched a better one before.

A. exciting

B. excited

C. boring

D. bored

28. —Do you think you will fail in the math exam?

—_________. I am not good at it at all.

A. I think not

B. I’m afraid not

C. I’m afraid so

D. I hope so

29. —Do you think _________English songs helps to improve your English a lot?

—Yes, I think so.

A. listen to

B. listening

C. listening to

D. to listen

30. The population of China is ________ than ________.

A. quite larger, Americans

B. much larger, that of America

C. more larger, that of America

D. more, America

31. We haven’t seen each other for years. We can’t find anything __________.

A. to talk to

B. to talk

C. to talk with

D. to talk about

32. I won’t go there _________, though I used to go there every year.

A. no more

B. no longer

C. any more

D. any time

33. — Is it helpful to study English by reading aloud?

—Yes, I think so. _________, I’ve learnt a lot.

A.By this way

B. In this way

C. On the way

D. With the way

34. Tom, _________ afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one.

A. don’t

B. not

C. not be

D. don’t be

35. My grandmother _________ a good memory, but now she always forgets things.

A. used to have

B. used to having

C. were used to have

D. are used to having

36. If you don’t know how to use the word, you should _________ in a dictionary.

A. look up it

B. look it up

C. look them up

D. look up them

37. Look, the children are playing ______. They are all very ______.

A. happy, happily

B. happily, happy

C. happily, happily

D. happy, happy

38. I often see my mother __________ chess with my father after supper.

A. to play

B. played

C. play

D. playing

39. —Haven’t you been to the Great Wall?

—__________, but I will go there with my family one day.

A. No, I haven’t

B. No, I have

C. Yes, I have

D. Yes, I haven’t

40. I was not quite sure __________.

A. what is she looking for

B. why she came late for school

C. how did she deal with the problem

D. if she has arrived



Raising virtual(虚拟) pets is a popular online game among teenagers.“More than 20 of my classmates have adopted(领养) pets online, 41 last year the number was just 10,” said Wang, a 15-year-old student.

If you go to some websites, you can adopt virtual pets like penguins(企鹅), chickens, dogs and elephants. You can feed, wash, talk 42 and play with your pet. Dai Yingshuang of Chongqing 43 pets on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/768934072.html,. She said it was great 44 . She thinks that by looking after her pet she has also learned how to 45 others.

But raising an online pet means one needs to 46 a lot of time online. If one doesn’t feed and look after the pet, it becomes unhappy and unhealthy. There are 47 things an online carer must do. Some parents feel 48 . They are afraid that their children may be neglecting(忽视) their studies.

Wang Zhaotong of Anhui, has been raising a penguin on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/768934072.html, since last year. The 14-year-old takes good care of the penguin, which is 49 healthy and happy. She said her parents knew about the penguin and think it’s okay. “They be lieve I can keep the balance between studying and playing,” said Wang. “During the school period, I 50 go online and see my penguin at the weekends.”

41. A. but B. when C. or D. then

42. A. about B. to C. of D. over

43. A. buys B. raises C. borrows D. wants

44. A. fun B. funny C. boring D. frustrating

45. A. stay with B. take care of C. take care D. get on with

46. A. take B. pay C. spend D. cost

47. A. the other B. many other C. the others D. others


巴蜀中学傅唯泉 求精中学庞静 29中吴小丽 复旦中学邓小庆 37中毛伟 重庆市第十八中学马培高 江北区新村实验小学夏小奇 重庆市建新中学段治斌 重庆一中鲁善坤 南开中学宋璞 重庆八中张勇 重庆七中邓宏 凤鸣山中学熊家和 童家桥职中杨树 重庆田家炳中学郭华 重庆杨家坪中学张成 重庆育才中学李亮 重庆天宝实验学校任权民 重庆建设二小秦彦利 重庆十一中莫裕权 江北中学陈居奎 职教中心叶沃 西师附中傅玉蓉 市48中学李忠良 重庆市万盛田家炳中学李昌建双桥中学郭联胜/肖伶 长寿中学雷文超 实验中学丁智荣 长寿一中戴鼎富 巴县中学初中部刘邦耀 巴县中学高中部邹勤 清华中学尹先国 正大软件学院康桂花 綦江古南中学郭建 綦江中学刘玉才 綦江实验中学张在福 重庆市暨华中学孙兴林 重庆市渝北中学张正明 渝北区实验中学丁如全 渝北区第二实验中学胡坤华 渝北区金港国际实验小学艾嘉时江津中学石怀湘 实验中学初中部段勉

实验中学高中部李培纯几江中学初中部唐廷祚几江中学高中部朱道全江津党校王忠荣 合川中学张羽 凉亭小学吴锦福 瑞山中学李政 合阳中学肖渝生 会江中学王方木 潼南中学米强荣 潼南一中张世国 潼南大佛中学龙永奎铜梁中学罗昌明 铜梁一中赵品银 铜梁二中苏在明 永川中学李天鹏 北山中学王兴强 萱花中学穆洪太 文理学院附中吴良平大足中学欧邦志 龙岗一小郭永红 荣昌县职教中心高翔荣昌中学陈云 昌元中学夏兴忠 璧山中学A区罗明乾璧山中学B区吴明平涪陵实验中学刘群朴涪陵第十四中学庞建涪陵第五中学秦勇 涪陵实验中学刘群朴涪陵第九中学杨仲清涪陵第十五中学况涛垫江中学郭剑 垫江一中游绍贤 垫江师范进修校邬林垫江职教中心杨银修南川中学唐继德 道南中学任国君 丰都第二中学范绍安丰都实验中学刘其明丰都中学周勇 武隆中学王平 第一中学栗韬 梁山小学潘晓燕


2016-2017学年重庆市江津实验中学、李市中学、白沙中学三校联考 九年级(上)期中化学试卷 一、我能选择(“四选一”,每题2分,共32分) 1.下列变化不属于物理变化的是() A.水的沸腾 B.蓝矾的研碎C.汽油挥发 D.铁的生锈 2.如图为空气成分示意图(按体积计算),其中“c”代表的是() A.氧气 B.氮气 C.二氧化碳 D.稀有气体 3.下列气体中,属于纯净物的是() A.海水 B.盐水 C.冰水 D.糖水 4.下列符号既能表示一种物质,又能表示这种物质的一个原子的是() A.O 2B.Fe C.N D.CO 2 5.下列图示实验操作中正确的是() A. 向试管中滴加液体 B. 给试管中液体加热

C. 向试管中倾倒液体 D. 称取一定质量的食盐 6.打开装有浓氨水的试剂瓶,能闻到刺激性气味,从分子的角度解释正确的是() A.分子在不断运动 B.分子由原子构成 C.分子大小可以改变 D.分子可以保持物质的化学性质 7.下列有关空气的说法不正确的是() A.水生生物在水中生存需要消耗氧气,因氧气极易溶于水 B.城市美丽的霓虹灯,因为稀有气体在通电时发出不同颜色的光 C.氮气常用作保护气,因为其化学性质不活泼 D.空气里氮气、氧气等分子均匀地混合在一起 8.下列实验现象的描述正确的是() A.红磷在空气中燃烧,产生大量的烟雾,放出热量 B.铁丝在空气中剧烈燃烧、火星四射,生成黑色固体物质 C.硫在氧气中燃烧发出明亮蓝紫色火焰 D.雪碧摇一摇再打开瓶盖,会看到二氧化碳气体喷出 9.我国科学家成功用一种核内有4个质子和6个中子的铍原子来测定“北京猿人”的年龄,这种铍原子的相对原子质量为() A.2 B.4 C.6 D.10 10.正确量取8.5mL的液体,应选用的合适仪器有() ①5mL量筒,②10mL量筒,③50mL量筒,④胶头滴管.


二、. 10 ( ) 1, A. river B. eat C. worry D. go ( ) 2, A . pear B. apple C. flower D. banana ( ) 3, A. bread B. milk C. table D. egg ( ) 4, A. one B. first C. two D. four ( ) 5, A. tell B. say C. take D. father 1.— How do we go to the park ? — It’s easy .We can go to the park _____ bus. A in B by C on 2. — _____ is this in English ? — It’s a red car. A what color B what C what’s 3. — Sit down,please. — ______ . A Yes B Thanks C Good 4. — What did you do yesterday ? — I _____ swimming. A go B goes C went 5.Jenny’s brother is twenty ____ old. A. year B. yeares C. years 6.--- ____ gifts do you have? --- I have eleven gifts. A. How many B. how much C. how far 7.--- Excuse me! Do you have ____ runners? --- Yes, I’ll show you. A. some B. any C. many 8.--- Is this a ___ day? --- No! It’s snowy!


周末重难点小升初测试试题 一、根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,哪一个单词划线部分的读音与其它三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 ()1. A. hand B. gave C. MapD. plan ()2. A. went B. bed C. me D. get ()3. A. heavy B. sleep C. weekend D. meet ()4. A. car B. FatherC. Warm D. hard ()5. A. start B. car C. father D. swam 二、翻译下列短语: 1.全世界_________ _________ the world 2.制定计划__________ a ___________ 3.去游泳_________ ___________ 4.长城the __________ _________ 5.起床_________ _________ 三、单项选择: ( ) 1. Your pen is newer than _____________. A. mine B. me C. her ( ) 2. Zhuhai is ________ than Guangzhou, I think. A. most beautiful B. beautiful C. more beautiful ( ) 3. I learned __________ pictures on the computer. A. to draw B. draw C. drew ( ) 4.How _______ she go to school in the morning ? A. is B. does C. do ( ) 5.That is _______ American national flag. There ______ fifty stars on it. A. a , is B. an , are C. an , is ( ) 6. What film are you going to ________ ? A. see B. watch C. look ( ) 7. Rome _____ ______ than Paris. A. are warmer B. is warmer C. is warmmer ( ) 8. My grandfather usually ________ the flowers in the morning. A. watering B. is watering C. waters ( ) 9. Listen! Xiaoling ________ in her classroom. A. sings B. singing C. is singing ( ) 10. Yesterday my parents and I ________ our house. A. are cleaning B. cleaned C. are going to clean 四、按要求改写下列句子: 1. It's nine thirty in the morning. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________________? 2.The Olympic Center is in the north of Beijing. (对划线部分提问) ____________________________________________________? 3. I am a Chinese girl.(用she改写) ___________________________________________ 4.What are you going to be when you grow up? (自由回答) ________________________________________ 5. yesterday, where, they, did, go.(连词成句) ______________________________________________ 五、补全对话 A: Hello, Bill. What are those in the box? B: 1 ________ post cards of Beijing.


【基础知识】 1.化学是一门以为基础的学科,许多重大发现和研究成果都是通过________得到的。通过________以及对________________的观察,记录和分析等,可以发现和验证________________,学习________________的方法并获得________________。 2.观察主要指用眼、鼻、耳、手等方式或借助仪器了解实验。 3.火焰分层,从内到外是、、。 4.点燃前,切一小块石蜡,把它放入水中,蜡烛,说明蜡烛的密度 ,且。 5.蜡烛燃烧生成了和。 6.蜡烛熄灭后的白烟是,可以点燃。 7.在实验探究中: 一要关注物质的,如颜色、气味、状态、硬度、密度、熔点、沸点等; 二要关注物质的,如石蜡燃烧时是否熔化等; 三要关注物质的及其,如发光、放热、有气体生成等。 8.科学探究的方法主要包括提出、做出猜想或、制定、进行(实验步骤)、收集证据(包括观察到的现象、测定到的数据或其他资料)、分析、解释与结论。 9.用元素名称或符号填空 H________ B________ O________ N________ Ne________ Na________ 镁________ 铝________ 硅________ 磷________ 硫________ 氯________ 【巩固练习】 10.蜡烛在空气中燃烧生成了() A.水 B.二氧化碳 C.水和二氧化碳 D.大量灰烬 11.下列有关蜡烛的叙述,错误的是() A.蜡烛燃烧时,火焰分为三层 B.蜡烛浮在水面,说明它的密度比水大 C.蜡烛在空气中燃烧有明亮的火焰,稍有黑烟,放出热量 D.蜡烛燃烧后的产物是水和二氧化塘 12.有关化学实验下列叙述不正确的是() A.化学实验要勤于动手 B.化学实验要善于观察 C.化学实验要少做少看 D.化学实验要互相协作 13.古代在炼丹术和炼金术为化学发展为一门科学做出了一定的贡献。下列有关炼丹术和炼 金术的说法中没有科学道理的是() A.“点石成金”使“贱金属”变为“贵金属”,追求“长生不老” B.发明了很多化学实验工具

重庆市开县实验中学2017-2018学年暑假自测地理试卷五 Word版无答案

开县实验中学2017-2018学年暑假自测地理试卷五 一.选择题(每一小题4分.共40分) 十八届三中全会后,各地陆续启动实施“一方是独生子女的夫妇可生育两个孩子(即“单独二胎”)政策。下图为不考虑“单独二胎”实施情况下,某省三项常住人口统计及预测数据。其中抚养比是指总人口中非劳动年龄人口与劳动年龄人口数之比。读图完成1~2题。 1.住不考虑“单独二胎”政策实施情况下,2013~2020年 A.人口总扶养比先降后升 B.劳动年龄人口比重先升后降 C.总人口最大峰值在2016年D.人口总抚养比增长先慢后快 2.该省实施“单独二胎”政策后十年内,与不实行该政策相比,最可能发生的情况是A.老年人口抚养比下降B.劳动年龄人口的抚养压力减轻 C.人口自然增长率有所上升D.“用工荒”问题会得到缓解 读某区域四种农作物种植北界分布示意图,完成3~4题。 3.四种农作物种植北界的分布体现了() A.纬度地带性

B.经度地带性 C.垂直地带性 D.非地带性 4.油橄榄种植区与同纬度我国东部地区相比,农业生产的优势是() A.地形平坦B.土壤肥沃 C.夏季光照充足 D.夏季降水丰富 2013年11月12日,第十八届三中全会《决定》提出:坚持计划生育的基本国策,启动实施一方是独生子女的夫妇可生育两个孩子的政策,全国不设统一的时间表。下图是我国甲、乙、丙、丁四省(区)不同时期人口年龄构成图。据此完成5题。 5.从图中数据来看,四省区中丙省将最有可能会首先实施“单独两孩”政策,判断依据是( ) ①丙省老年人口比重下降,老龄化减轻②丙省老年人口比重最大,老龄化最严重 ③丙省劳动人口比重扩大,劳动力充足④丙省老年人口比重下降,少儿人口比重也下降,有大量劳动人口迁入 A.①③ B.①④ C.②③ D.②④ 右图是格尔木市辖区示意图,该市90%的土地属于荒漠、半荒漠的戈壁滩。现已成为我国著名的盐湖化工、油气化工和有色冶金基地。据图文资料完成6~7题。


2020年重点初中入学考试英语模拟试题与答案(三) (后附听力材料) (试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟) 听力部分(总分30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. went swimming B. went fishing C. went boating ( ) 2. A. went to the park B. went to the zoo C. went to the cinema ( ) 3. A. shorter B. smaller C. bigger ( ) 4. A. good B. bad C. well ( ) 5. A. She has a cold. B. She has a headache. C. She has a fever. 二、听问句,选答句。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. Tom is very angry. B. I’m five. C. I’m fine. ( ) 2. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they did. C. No, we didn’t. ( ) 3. A. I go to Shanghai. B. I did my homework. C. I am watching TV. ( ) 4. A. Size 36. B. 36 size. C. Black. ( ) 5. A. I am 164 cm. B. I am 47 kg. C. I’m 1.64 m. 三、听录音,判断对(√)错(×)。(每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1. John is 37 kg. ( ) 2. I stayed at home with my grandma. ( ) 3. I cooked dinner last Monday. ( ) 4. It’s warm and sunny today. ( ) 5. I often play football after school.


重庆市涪陵区2012年第四季度公开招聘100名教育工作人员简章 为进一步优化教师队伍结构,引进优秀人才,根据《重庆市事业单位公开招聘人员实施办法》(渝人发〔2006〕44号)和市委组织部、市人力社保局《关于进一步规范事业单位公开招聘工作的通知》(渝人社发〔2011〕326号)等有关文件规定,经市人力社保局核准,面向社会公开招聘教育事业单位专业技术人员。 一、招聘原则 坚持任人唯贤、德才兼备的用人标准,贯彻公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则,采取考试与考核相结合的方式进行。 二、招聘名额 本次共拟招聘教育事业单位专业技术人员100人。其中:高中教师岗位25人、初中教师岗位10人、城区小学教师岗位22人、农村小学教师岗位18人、幼儿教师岗位15人、中职教师岗位10人。具体招聘学校及学科岗位详见《涪陵区2012年第四季度公开招聘教育事业单位专业技术人员岗位设置一览表》(附后)。 三、招聘条件 (一)涪陵五中、涪陵实验中学、涪陵高中的应聘人员需985、211工程院校2013届全日制普通高校师范类本科及以上毕业生。 其余高中教师岗位和初中教师岗位、城区小学教师岗位需2013届全日制普通高校师范类本科及以上毕业生。 幼儿教师岗位需2013届全日制普通高校师范类专科及以上毕业生。 农村小学教师岗位需2010年毕业生至2013届全日制普通高校师范类专科及以上毕业生。

中职教师岗位需2010年毕业生至2013届全日制普通高校专科及以上毕业生。 (二)所学专业符合应聘学科岗位要求。其中幼儿教师岗位可为音乐专业。 (三)具有符合应聘岗位所需的教师资格证(中职教师岗位除外;2013年应届毕业生可在报到时提供)。 (四)普通话水平二级乙等及以上(语文教师岗位需二级甲等及以上)。 (五)符合招聘岗位的其他要求(详见《一览表》)。 四、招聘范围 凡符合本简章规定招聘条件的人员均可报名。 以下人员不属招聘范围:1.曾因犯罪受过刑事处罚或曾被开除公职的人员;2.刑事处罚期限未满或涉嫌违法犯罪正在接受司法调查尚未做出结论的人员;3.尚未解除党纪、政纪处分或正在接受纪律审查的人员;4.被单位辞退或解聘未满五年的原机关事业单位工作人员;5.因违反机关事业单位工作人员招录(聘)纪律而处于禁考期的人员;6.试用期内的机关事业单位人员;7.现役军人;8.在读的非应届全日制毕业生;9.涪陵区内在职公办教师;10.具有法律法规规定不得聘为事业单位人员的其他情形的人员。 五、报名时间、地点及报名方式 (一)2012年11月27日上午:涪陵五中、涪陵实验中学、涪陵高中的应聘人员在西南大学报名。报考人员只能选择其中一所学校的一个学科岗位报名。 (二)其余岗位应聘人员的报名时间及地点如下: 1.2012年12月3日上午,长江师范学院。 2.2012年12月4日上午,西南大学。 3.2012年12月5日上午,内江师范学院。


2019 年秋高三(上)期末测试卷 英语 英语测试卷共8 页,满分150 分。考试时间120 分钟。注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分) 做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分) 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15. B.£9.15. C.£9.18. 答案是B。 1. What is the lady like? A. She is clever. B. She is warm-hearted. C. She is generous. 2. What will the man do? A.Wait to buy a ticket. B.Reserve a ticket for tomorrow. C.Get a ticket from an honored guest. 3. When does Tom think he really needs to get up? A.7:10. B.7:20. C.7:30. 4. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Saleswoman and customer. B.Repairwoman and manager. C.Policewoman and tourist. 5. Which language does the woman speak best? A. Spanish. B.French. C.English. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5 分) 听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。


初中英语口语考试问题 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

初中英语口语考试面试问题荟萃 1.Doyoulikemusic?Whatkindofmusicdoyoulike? 2.Doyoulikeyourmotherorfather?Whydoyoulikehimorher? 3.Doyoulikeyourteacher,yesorno?Why? 4.Introduceyourselfandsaythepersonyouadmiremost. 5.Whoisthemostimportantpersoninyourlife? 6.Areyouoftenlateforclass?? 7.Which?is?the?most?important?traditional?festival?in?your ?country? 8.How?far?is?it?from?your?home?to?the?school??? 9.Howdoyouusuallygotoschool?(Bybus.) 10.What’stheageofyourgrandmother?Howisshenow? 11.Whatdoyouthinkoftheairinourcity? 12.Whichdoyouprefer,stayingathomeorgoingonatrip? 13.Whoisyourfavouritesinger? 14.What’sthetimenowbyyourwatch? 15.What’sthedatetoday? 16.WhichcityisthecapitalofAmerica? 17.Whichflowerdoyoulikebest? 18.Howoftendoyougotothecinema? 19.What’syourfavouritesport?


2020年重点初中入学考试英语模拟试题与答案(二) (后附听力材料) (试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟) 听力部分(总分30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(5分) ()1. A. my friend B. pen friend C. phone friend ()2. A. say B. tell C. speak ()3. A. Chinese B. English C. French ()4. A. sorry B. story C. told ()5. A. address B. sweets C. dress 二、听对话,根据听到的顺序给下列图片排序。(10分) 1. 2. 3. () () () 4. 5. () () 三、听录音,选择正确答案。(10分) ()1. Where is Rose from? A. She's from England. B. She's from Canada. C. She's from China. ()2. Can Kate write in Chinese?

A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can't. C. Yes, I can. ()3. Can Daming speak English? A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, he can. C. No, he can't. ()4. Can Sam play football? A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can't. C. Yes, she can. ()5. Who is Daming's pen friend? A. Laura. B. Lucy. C. Lily. 四、听录音,补全句子。(5分) 1. ________ to meet you! 2. I can write a letter in ________. 3. This is my ________ in China. 4. Tingting can write ________ in English. 5. Alex likes ________ very much. 笔试部分(总分70分) 五、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(共10分) ()1.A. always B. Sometime https://www.wendangku.net/doc/768934072.html,ually D. sometimes ()2. A.once B. first C.twice D.three times ()3. A.square B. triangle C.point D. circle ()4.A.farmer B.singer C.player D.father ()5. A.your B.his C.me D.her 六、选择题。(10分) ( ) 1. They usually play basketball__________ Friday afternoon.


英语试卷 (时间:30分钟满分:50分得分:分) 一、请找出下列发音不同的选项,并填写到括号内。(5*1) ()1. A. may B. says C. way D. pay ()2. A. corner B. decide C. circle D. cry ()3. A. compare B. wear C. beard D. share ()4. A. down B. town C. brown D. bowl ()5. A. steak B. heat C. mean D. reason 二、单选题。(15*1) ()6. It’s cold today. You must the coat. A.take off B. put on C. take down D. put in ()7. I have two pencils. One is green, and is red. A. one B. other C. the other D. others ()8. How many eggs in the bag? A. has B. have C. is there D. are there ()9. morning she gets up at six . A. Every day B. On every C. In every D. Every ()10. The shop “Closed”. A. writes B. talks C. says D. speaks ()11. -Do you have any coloured pens? -Sorry. I don’t have .I think he has . A. any,any B. some,some C. some,any D. any,some ()12. The car is full move. A. too...too B. to...too C. too...to D. to...to ()13. You are a teacher.What about ? A. she B. Li Pin brother C. her D. your ()14. What his friends doing? A. do,like B. does,like C. do,likes D. does,likes ()15. One of the boys is English. All are Chinese. A. the others boy B. the other boy C. the other boys D. other boys ()16. I’d like a cup of tea. A. to eat B. to drink C. eat D. drink ()17.She often gets late. A. to home B. home C. to here D. to there ()18. He is us . We all like him. A. friend B. friendly C. friend to D. friendly to ()19. - .Are you Miss Sue?- .I’m not. A. Sorry,Excuse me B. Excuse me,Sorry C. Sorry,Sorry D. Excuse me,Excuse me ()20. Would you give to me,please? A.them B. they C. their D. they’re 三、完形填空。(10*1) 阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个答案并填入文章中相应空白处。


开县实验中学化学备课组化学小题基础练习 (一) 一、单项选择题:本题包括10小题,每题2分,共计20分。每小题只有一个 ....选项符合题意。1.化学与人类生产、生活、社会可持续发展密切相关。下列说法正确的是 A.减少CO2的排放,可以减少酸雨的产生 B.减少SO2的排放,可以从根本上消除雾霾 C.新材料碳纤维,是一种新型有机高分子材料 D.CO2合成聚碳酸酯可降解塑料,以实现“碳”的循环利用 2.下列有关化学用语表示错误的是 A.HCN的结构式:H-C≡N B.HClO的电子式为:H O Cl C.HOCH2COOH 缩聚物的结构简式: D.2-氯甲苯的结构简式: 3.常温下在下列给定条件的溶液中,一定能大量共存的离子组是 A.中性溶液:Cu2+、Al3+、NO3-、SO42- B.加入苯酚显紫色的溶液:K+、NH4+、Cl-、NO3- C.加入Al能放出大量H2的溶液中:NH4+、Fe2+、NO3-、SO42- D.常温下,c(H+)/c(OH一)=1×10 12的溶液:K+、AlO2-、CO32-、Na+ 4.下列有关物质性质的应用错误的是 A.二氧化硅不与强酸反应,可用石英玻璃容器盛放氢氟酸 B.碳酸氢钠具有弱酸性,可用于食品发酵 C.次氯酸钠具有强氧化性,可用于配制消毒液 D.明矾能水解生成Al(OH)3胶体,可用作净水剂 5.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法中正确的是 A.标准状况下,11.2 L NO和11.2 L SO3的分子总数为0.5N A B.0.1molBr2与足量H2O或NaOH反应转移的电子数均为0.1N A C.0.1mol的白磷(P4)或四氯化碳(CCl4)中所含的共价键数均为0.4N A D.在精炼铜或电镀铜的过程中,当阴极析出铜32g转移电子数均为N A 6.下列有关实验正确的是 图1 图2 图3 图4 A.图1装置用于Cu和浓H2SO4反应制取少量的SO2气体 B.图2装置用于灼烧Al(OH)3 C.图3装置用于检验浓硫酸与蔗糖反应产生的二氧化硫 D.图4装置由于实验室制备乙酸乙酯 7.下列表示对应化学反应的离子方程式正确的是CH3 Cl


初中英语口语考试面试问题荟萃 1.Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? 2.Do you like your mother or father? Why do you like him or her? 3.Do you like your teacher, yes or no? Why? 4.Introduce yourself and say the person you admire most. 5.Who is the most important person in your life? 6.Are you often late for class?? 7.Which?is?the?most?important?traditional?festival?in?your?country? 8.How?far?is?it?from?your?home?to?the?school??? 9.How do you usually go to school ? (By bus.) 10.What’s the age of your grandmother? How is she now? 11.What do you think of the air in our city ? 12.Which do you prefer , staying at home or going on a trip ? 13.Who is your favourite singer? 14.What’s the time now by your watch ? 15.What’s the date today? 16.Which city is the capital of America? 17.Which flower do you like best? 18.How often do you go to the cinema? 19.What’s your favourite sport? 20.How many people are there in your family? 21.Are?you?interested?in?English??


小升初分班考试英语试题及答案一、根据句意,将所缺单词补 充完整,首字母已给出。 1. ----Be quiet please. The boy is s___________. ----Oh, sorry. We won't shout from now on. 2. ----What date is it today? ----It's the s_______ of August. We can enjoy Olympics in six days. 3.----Look! I have a new skirt today. ----How cute you look! Your skirt is more beautiful than m__________. 4.----What do you know about Yao Ming? ----He is one of the tallest basketball p_________ in the world. 5.----I can't learn English well. ----You don't read enough. You should do m_________ reading. 6.----Was he born in S___________? ----Yes. It's the ninth month of the year. And he likes autumn a lot. 7.----Sue's father is a policeman. How a ____________ her mother? ----She is a nurse. She works in that hospital. 8----Tom is so glad today. He is talking with others h__________ all the time. ----He must have something great. Let's go and ask about it. 9.----What are you going to do this Sunday? ----I am going s________ with my friends. It must be fun to walk in shopping malls.


小升初英语试卷 找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分)( ) 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. weather ( ) 2. A. bread B. meat C. apple D. butter ( ) 3. A. cupboard B. desk C. window D. chair ( ) 4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy D. snowy ( ) 5. A. the B. near C. behind D. on 二、词汇。(5分) 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 1. --- Thank you very much! --- With p _______. 2. W__________ comes after Tuesday. 3. What do you have for b__________. 4. This is Peter's e________ life. 5. F________ is the second month of a year. 三、选词填空。(5分) 用at, on, to, like, for, in front of, from填空。 1. What's the weather _________ in Shanghai? 2. A storm is coming _________ South China Sea. 3. Here's the weather report __________ tomorrow. 4. Mr. Smith has many pigs ___________ his farm. 5. Father is cleaning his car ___________ the house. 6. I get up _________ six o'clock in the morning. 7. We are eating dinner _________ the table. 8. It's raining. We can watch TV _______ home. 9. What can I do __________ you? 10. It's five __________ twelve in the morning. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Linda can swim very fast. She is a good ___________ (swim). 2. It's late. We can't play any _________ (long). 3. Mary is much __________ (good) today. 4. That is a new boy. ___________ (He)name is Jack. 5. ---- Here's your book. --- __________(Thank) a lot. 6. Today is the _______ (nine)of June. 7. I ________(have) a shower at this time yesterday. 8. San was in the _________ (sit) room just now. 9. Lucy writes __________ (carefully) than Lily. 10. My father _________ (read)a newspaper last night. 五、选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子。(10分) ( ) 1. Excuse me. Where's Shanghai Zoo? A. How far is B. How can I get to C. Where can I go to ( ) 2. Which apple do you want? A. do you like B. would you want C. would you like


2019-2020年中考英语听说考试模拟试题06 Ⅰ. 听录音,在屏幕上点击你听到的句子。 1. A. I like the book whose cover is red. B. I like the book whose cover is dark. C. I like the book whose cover is blue. 2. A. The field is covered with snow. B. The field is covered with grass. C. The ground is covered with trees. 3. A. Father was angry at the bad news. B. Father was surprised at the result. C. Father was very satisfied with the boy. Ⅱ. 听录音,在屏幕上点击你听到的句子的意思最相近的句子 1. A. She kept quiet at the meeting yesterday. B. She was absent from the meeting yesterday. C. She made a speech at the meeting yesterday. 2. A. I paid xx yuan for my new mobile phone. B. I should pay xx yuan for my new mobile phone. C. This kind of mobile phone usually costs too much. Ⅲ. 请你根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话。 你和同学在讨论外出旅游不同的交通方式。 1. Do you like traveling by plane or by train? 2. What’s the advantage of traveling by plane? 3. How often do you travel by plane? Ⅳ. 听短文回答问题。 1. Is the Internet the greatest discovery of the 20th century?

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