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My first job was working for a women’s clothes manufacturer at the age of 15. It made me realize what I didn’t want to do for my future employment.

The only advantage of this job was receiving a wage at the end of the week and sometimes getting clothes for free if they were to my taste. I carried on doing this for only a year, as my studies at school were getting more serious and I wanted to study more to get the right grades.

After I had finished college, my first real job was working for a play publisher in central London. I remember writing a letter of application for the post of administration for Samuel French Limited. I had put so much effort into writing it, not realizing that this would be my first step in the process of finding out what I really wanted to do for my future employment. I didn’t think I would get the job, but as it turned out, I got a telephone call quickly and started a week later. I remember being excited that I would be working for a publisher in London. Although I had thought I would prefer to work for a book publisher, a play publisher was just as enjoyable.

Looking back now, not all first jobs turn out to be enjoyable. Some of my friends worked in supermarkets while they were at college just to earn a bit of money. I remember thinking how much happier I felt working in a clothes factory than in a supermarket.

Years later, I can see how good it is to experience work at an early age, as it gives people the opportunity to decide what kind of career will be most suitable for them one day. The boring task of a job will make a person want to pursue an education to get into the right type of employment, which was what I had realized in the end.

21. The author did her first job for only a year because _______.

A. the clothes made there didn’t suit her taste

B. she really didn’t like such a boring job

C. she wanted to get the right grades at school

D. she didn’t get well paid at the end of the week

22. What can we learn about the author in the third paragraph?

A. She was confident that she could get the first job.

B. She telephoned Samuel French Limited for a post.

C. She was aware of the importance of writing the application letter.

D. She used to think she would prefer to work for a book publisher.

23. It could be inferred from the text that the author _______.

A. took her first job in order to support her poor family

B. realized what her first job meant to her future employment

C. had a great interest in her first job in a clothes factory

D. thought her friends’ job in supermarkets was more interesting

24. What would be the best title for the text?

A. My Experience in a Clothes Factory

B. The Qualities of a Play Publisher

C. Importance of Early Work Experience

D. The Secrets to Get the Right Grades


My Left Foot (1989)

Imagine being a prisoner of your own body, unable to make any movements except to move your left foot. The main character in My Left Foot,based on the real story of cerebral palsy (大脑性麻痹) sufferer Christy Brown,can barely move his mouth to speak, but by controlling his left foot, he’s able to express himself as an artist and poet. For his moving performance of Brown, Daniel Lewis won his first Academy Award for best actor.

Shine (1996)

Do you have a talent you’re afraid to share with the world? David Helfgott seemed meant from childhood to be “one of the truly great pianists,” but the pressures of performing (and pleasing his father) resul ted in a complete breakdown. Ten years in a mental institution didn’t weaken Helfgott’s musical gift: When he was rediscovered, he was playing concertos in a bar. Shine received seven Oscar nominations (提名), and Geoffrey Rush won best actor for his performance of Helfgott.

Life Is Beautiful (1997)

Nothing’s more powerful than the love between a parent and a child. In this heartbreaking Italian film, a father (Roberto Benigni) makes an unbelievable sacrifice for his 4-year-old son: trapped in a Nazi concentration camp in 1945, the Jewish man convinces his boy that they are playing a complicated game. He manages to spare him the horror of the terrible war, and even in his final moments of life, keeps his son smiling and hopeful. Benigni won the best actor Oscar. Stand and Deliver (1988)

Few people can inspire us more than a good teacher. Jaime Escalante (Edward James Olmos got Oscar nomination for best actor) is a great one. Employed at a high school where kids are expected to fail, Escalante challenges his math students to struggle for better things, like getting good grades in the AP exam. Despite the obstacles in their lives, the classmates accomplish their goals, thanks to Mr. Escalante’s supp ort. The real Jaime Escalante, the Best Teacher in America, says that Stand and Deliver is “90% truth, 10% drama.”

25. The underlined part in the passage means _________.

A. The main character in My Left Foot can’t control his whole body

B. The main character in My Left Foot is trapped by others

C. The main character in My Left Foot is a prisoner

D. The main character in My Left Foot is a disabled person

26.Which of the following is true according to the four movies’ information?

A. My Left Foot was direct ed by Christy Brown’s

B. Geoffrey Rush stayed in a mental institution for ten years

C. Edward James Olmos received nomination for best actor Oscar

D. Jaime Escalante has a talent for playing the piano

27. What do the four movies have in common?

A. They are all based on real stories.

B. The main characters are all sick to some degree but succeed.

C. The main characters all won Academy Award for Best Actor.

D. They are all inspiring stories that make a difference.


Until the invention of the steam engine, humans travelled the earth on foot.The slow travel meant explorers frequently returned with stories about distant lands: some of them wild tales, some honest descriptions.

Barbara Klion, who has retired, knows what that’ like.As a walker who has toured Australia ,Kenya and China on foot ,her trips are the modern edition of an ancient tradition for years.Klion and her husband ,now 75 and 80 years old travelled independently.

Walkers know seeing the world on foot gives them a rare experience.Often travelers are attracted by local people and customs.They also get a beautiful and lasting impression of the scenery.Walking tours can be done in one’s backyard, but there are several destinations around the world that expose travelers to the best of nature and culture

What to look for ? A famous guide says the essential of a quality walk are great scenery, tolerable weather ,suitable level of difficulty and something like ecology ,history or culture.These may seem like unclear instructions , but the fun of walking tours is that many things are determined by the traveler. Someone who appreciates hot climates ,wildlife and flat areas could choose a walking tour in Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park.Travelers who don’t mind the cold and enjoy adventure could hike Patagonia, an area of southern Argentina east of the Andes.

In general ,independent travelers can decide how far to go each day, while guests of a tour agency should expect to walk an average of four to eight miles a day.At the Fordland National Park ,for example, there are several easy-to-difficult hikes, giving travelers many choices. 28.Which of the following does NOT make a quality walking ?

A.Great scenery B.Tolerable weather

C.A helpful companion D.Suitable level of difficulty 29.According to the passage, compared with guests of a tour agency, independent travelers______.

A.can walk farther B.have more choices

C.face more difficulties D.spend less

30.What is the auth or’s attitude to walking tours?

A.Indifferent B.Negative C.Worried D.Supportive 31.The best title of the passage might be _____

A.See the World on Foot B.Barbara Klion ,a great Traveler

C.What to Look for D.The Fun of Walking


Believe it or not, going to school is not a legal(法定的) requirement in the United States. It is a legal requirement that all kids be educated, though. When parents believe they can give their kids a better education--- or have other reasons for not wanting to send their kids to a local school --- they may choose home schooling.

However, if a kid hates school, home schooling is probably not the escape he is looking for. Home schooled students can learn just as much as they would in regular school if they and their parents work hard to cover all the subjects and experiences necessary. Parents who home school usually have higher levels of education than parents who do not. They already have the skills to

educate themselves about teaching their kids.

Parents who home school have to be able to put the time and skill into not just teaching, but also researching lesson plans and resources(资源). So they have to know how to find the information necessary to teach their kids. State schools often provide home-schooling parents with a curriculum(课程), books and materials and places to meet. Some state schools will point parents to other resources for brushing up on forgotten subjects. Or parents may receive continuing education at local colleges or universities.

32. According to American law, _______________.

A.all kids shall go to school

B.all kids must receive education

C.home schooling parents shall receive continuing education

D.state schools must give support to home-schooling parent

33. Which of the following is NOT true about parents who home school?

A.They should have enough time.

B.They should have some skills in teaching.

C.They must receive special curriculums at the university.

D.They have to be able to know lesson plans and resources.

34. The underlined phrase “brushing up on”in the last paragraph can best be replaced by _____.

A.reviewing B.changing C.choosing D.discussing 35. What can be inferred from the text? .

A.Home schooled kids learn fewer.

B.Home schooled kids spend less time studying.

C.Being a home-schooling parent needs a lot of effort

D.Home schooling will replaced school education.



Stage Fright

Imagine that you are an actor performing in a play for the first time. You have learned all your lines and you know where to walk on stage. Waiting behind the closed curtain, you can hear the audience whispering and taking their seats.

Then your big moment arrives! The curtain goes up, and the crowd falls silent. All you can see is the spotlight shining down on you. 36.The inside of your mouth is dry, and your hands are wet.

If you have experienced a moment like this, you know all too well what it means to have stage fright. It is one of the most common types of fear and tends to strike people when they find themselves at the center of attention. 37.People experience this fear when playing sports, giving a presentation, or even speaking in class. A person who suffers from stage fright may get sweaty hands, a dry mouth, a tight throat, or shaky knees. Stage fright is actually a form of panic, and these feelings are very real.

38.The experience differs from person to person, but the same chemical process occurs in each of us. In reaction to anxiety, our bodies produce a chemical that prepares us to

either fight or run away quickly. Scientists refer to this as our bodies' "fight or flight" reaction. As a result, we feel great energy that makes our hands sweat, our hearts race, and our knees shake.

39.Practicing your performance and following some simple tips can help calm nerves and manage the feelings caused by anxiety. First, dress comfortably and appropriately. Second, before the performance, take deep breaths and stretch to help relax your body. Third, stay away from drinks that contain caffeine. 40.Instead, try a banana! Some doctors believe that eating a banana can help calm your heart and the rest of your body. Finally, when you look into a crowd, try to focus on particular people instead of the whole group. These tips have helped many people learn to deal with their fears.

A. These might make your heart race even faster.

B. You don't have to be onstage to get stage fright.

C. Stage fright is part of the body's reaction to stress.

D. You try to speak your lines, but nothing seems to come out.

E. With practice, we can learn how to relax while playing sports.

F. The good news about stage fright is that here are ways to deal with it.

G. However, there is a time when stage fright prevents you from stepping onstage.


第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文。从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Studies have shown it takes a physician about 18 seconds to interrupt a patient after they begin talking.

It was Sunday. I had one last patient to see. I 41 her room in a hurry and stood at the doorway. She was an older woman, sitting at the edge of the bed, 42__to put socks on her swollen feet. I crossed the threshold(门槛), spoke 43 to the nurse, and scanned her chart noting she was in stable condition. I was almost in the clear.

I leaned on the bedrail looking 44 at her. She asked if I could help put on her socks.

45 , I began a monologue that went something like this: “How are you feeling? Your sugars and blood pressure were high but they’re 46 today. The nurse mentioned you’re anxious to see your 47 who’s visiting you today. It’s nice to have a family visit from far away.

I bet you really look forward to seeing him.”

Each story is 48 . Some are detailed; others are vague. Some have a beginning, middle and end. Others wander without a clear 49 . Some are true; others not. Yet all those things do not really 50 . What matters to the storyteller is that the story is 51 —without interruption, assumption or judgment.

Listening to someone’s story costs 52 than expensive diagnostic testing but is key to healing and diagnosis.

I often thought of 53 the woman taught me, and I reminded myself of the 54 of stopping, sitting down and truly listening. And, not long after, in an unexpected 55 , I became the patient, with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis(诊断为多发性硬化症)at age 31. Now, 20 years later, I sit all the time —in a wheelchair.

For 56 I could, I continued to see patients from my chair, but I had to resign when my hands were 57 . I still teach medical students and other health care professionals, but now

from the perspective of 58 and patient.

I tell them I believe in the power of 59 . I tell them I know firsthand that immeasurable healing takes place within me 60 someone stops, sits down and listens to my story. 41.A. entered B. stepped C. passed D. approached

42.A. Hoping B. wishing C. struggling D. pulling

43.A. quickly B. slowly C. carefully D. carelessly

44.A. away B. up C. around D. down

45.A. However B. Instead C. Therefore D. Moreover

46.A. good B. better C. more D. well

47.A. son B. daughter C. friend D. sister

48.A. unique B. similar C. different D. wonderful

49.A. way B. direction C. conclusion D. instruction

50.A. attract B. exist C. appeal D. matter

51.A. appreciated B. told C. enjoyed D. heard

52.A. less B. more C. higher D. cheaper

53.A. which B. how C. what D. that

54.A. pleasure B. difference C. behavior D. importance

55.A. twist B. accident C. occasion D. thing

56.A. as good as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as well as

57.A. wounded B. affected C. injected D. hurt

58.A. physician B. hospital C. teacher D. school

59.A. stopping B. talking C. listening D. sitting

60.A. before B. when C. until D. unless

第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分)

Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he ___61.____(drive) by an unseen force to do the same thing ____62.____ (repeat) ; then a habit is formed. Once __63.___ habit is formed , it is difficult, and sometimes ____64.____ (possible) to get rid of .It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of the habits.

Children often form bad habits, some of ___65.____remain with them as long as they live.____ 66.__(lazy),lying, stealing and so on are all easily formed bad habits. However, there are many ___67.___ habits formed in early life that are of great help. Many successful men say much of their success has ___68.___to do with certain habits in early life like early rising and honesty. We should keep away ____69.___ all the bad habits and try to form such good habits_70.___ will be good for ourselves and others.







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard my name calling. I was chosen to play the leading role in the play,that was my dream. As a shy and thin girl,I used to be quite afraid of speaking in the public. But my parents and teachers always encourage me to do so. Now I have changed great. In class,I am often the first one to stand up and answer questions even if I may take some mistakes. No pains,no gains. Now I am always brave enough overcome the difficulty in my heart and have changed in a lively girl. So my experience shows that we should not be afraid of losing face but only in this way can we make progresses.


假如你是高三学生李华,本周是你们学校的文化艺术节( Cultural and Art Festival)。周三你们有幸邀请了四川大学外籍教师Hudson教授给你们上了一节英语课。请你用英语为校报写一篇字数120左右的报道。





_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____



36.D 37.B 38.C 39.F 40.A




41.D考查动词。A. entered进入;B. stepped停止;C. passed 通过;D. approached接触。 I her

room in a hurry 我接触她很着急,故选D。

42.C考查动词。A. hoping希望;B. wishing希望;C. struggling 挣扎;D. pulling拉。 to put

socks on her swollen feet. 挣扎着穿上她的袜子,故选C。

43.A考查副词。A. quickly快地;B. slowly慢地;C. carefully 细心地;D. carelessly粗心地。 I crossed

the threshold(门槛), spoke to the nurse我和护士很快的说,故选A。

44.D考查介词。A. away离开;B. up 向上;C. around 周围;D. down向下。 I leaned on the bedrail

looking at her我学会俯视她,故选D。

45.B考查副词。A. However 然而;B. Instead代替;C. Therefore 因此;D. Moreover同时。 ,

I began a monologue that went something相反的,我开始戏剧性的做一些事,故选B。

46.B考查形容词。A. good好;B. better更好;C. more 更多;D. well好地。 theyre today.


47.A考查名词。A. son儿子;B. daughter女儿;C. friend 朋友;D. sister姐妹。 The nurse mentioned

you're anxious to see your whos visiting you today. 护士看见你很焦急,你的儿子今天


48.C考查形容词。A. unique独一无二的;B. similar相似的;C. different 不同的;D. wonderful棒

的。 Each story is .每个故事都是不同的,故选C。

49.C考查名词。A. way 方式;B. direction方向;C. conclusion 结论;D. instruction介绍。 Others

wander without a clear .其他徘徊在一个没有清晰结论的地方,故选C。

50.D考查动词。A. attract吸引;B. exist存在;C. appeal 吸引;D. matter事情。 Yet all those things

do not really . 虽然很多事情不是真正的事,故选D。

51.D考查动词。A. appreciated感激; B. told告诉;C. enjoyed享受; D. heard 听。 the story is

31 —without interruption,这个故事一直在倾听。没有一点打扰,故选D。

52.A考查副词。A. less少;B. more 多;C. higher更高; D. cheaper更便宜。 Listening to someones

story costs than expensive diagnostic testing 听一个故事比昂贵的测试花费少,故选D。

53.C考查副词。A. which哪个;B. how怎样;C. what 什么;D. that那个。 I often thought of the woman taught me我经常思考那女人告诉我的,故选C。

54.D考查名词。A. pleasure 愉快;B. difference不同;C. behavior 行为;D. importance 重要。 and

I reminded myself of the of stopping我仍然记得停止的重要,故选D。

55.A考查名词。A. twist搓;B. accident事故;C. occasion场合; D. thing事情。 in an unexpected

35 , 在一个不希望的混乱环境,故选A。

56.B考查短语。A. as good as一样好; B. as long as一样长;C. as soon as 一样快;D. as well as

一样好。 For I could 尽可能多地,我坚持在我的椅子上诊治我的病人。故选B。

57.B考查动词。A. wounded 受伤;B. affected影响;C. injected充血;D. hurt受伤。 when my hands

were 37 .当我的手手影响时,故选B。

58.A考查名词。A. physician 医生;B. hospital医院;C. teacher 老师;D. school学校。 but now

from the perspective of and patient.一个医生的预见,故选A。

59.C考查动词。A. stopping 停止;B. talking做;C. listening 听;D. sitting坐。 I tell them I

believe in the power of . 我告诉他们我深信倾听的强效力量。故选C。

60.B考查介词。A. before之前;B. when当;C. until直到;D. unless 除非。 I tell them I know firsthand

that immeasurable healing takes place within me someone stops, 我告诉他们对我来说:当


语法填空:61.is driven62.Repeatedly63.a64.Impossible65.which


改错:1】calling→ called2】that →which3】去掉 the 4】encourage→ encouraged5】great→ greatly

6】take →make 7】加to 8】in → into 9】bu t→ and 10】progresses→ progress

On Wednesday of this Cultural & Art week, we had the honor of inviting Professor Hudson, a foreign teacher from Sichuan University, to give an English lesson to the students of Grade 3. All the students were deeply impressed by this unforgettable English lesson.

The professor began the class with an amusing English story, which attracted the attention of all the students at once. He spoke slowly and clearly so that students could follow him well. Greatly inspired, most of the students took an active part in his class. After class, many students interviewed sang high praise for his teaching. They said never before had they experienced so interesting a class.

From his lesson, students came to a conclusion that it is not so difficult to learn English if they try various ways.


碣石中学2015届高三英语周考(三) 2014.11.29 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分135分,考试用时120分钟。 I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) Do you still remember your first day of preschool? Mine was 1 . I was about four years old and my mom was helping me get ready for school. At that time, I lived in Chicago and it got pretty 2 , so I had to wear a big coat. The school wasn't very 3 , so my mom and I walked to school. Upon arriving at the headmaster's office, we checked in. I was too nervous to 4 myself. Mom talked with the headmaster. Then he gave her the sign that it was time for her to 5 , She said goodbye and I started to 6 . My mom promised me things would be OK and told me she had to go. I walked with the headmaster to my 7 . The whole time I was thinking why this was happening to me. When we arrived, the headmaster 8 me to my preschool teacher, but I just wanted to go home. My teacher told me to have a seat with the other 9 . I sat next to a girl named Jasmine. She asked me my 10 and I told her I was called Will. She asked me why I was crying. I said, "I didn't want to be here." I guess she saw some leftover (残余的) 11 on my face from earlier. I felt nervous again. I wanted to go out because I felt sick and wanted to throw up. But just before I 12 my hand, it happened. I felt so embarrassed. All the children shouted and I was frozen with 13 . I thought Jasmine would be disgusted (厌恶的) with my action, but she said, "That's OK. I still 14 you." I knew from then on Jasmine and I would be good 15 . 1. A. exciting B. pleasant C. unforgettable D. wonderful 2. A. cold B. dry C. dark D. quiet 3. A. good B. big C. famous D. far 4. A. control B. frighten C. love D. tell 5. A. wait B. start C. listen D. leave 6. A. move B. cry C. read D. dance 7. A. classroom B. home C. school D. office 8. A.followed . B. kicked C. threw D. introduced 9. A. patients B. parents C. kids D. teachers


八年级英语下册第二次周考试卷 一. 听力(20分,每小题1分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )1. How do they like when they hear the news? A B C ( )2. Which picture is the speaker talking about? A B C ( )3. How is the movie makes people feel? A B C ( )4. What is Jane doing? A B C ( )5. What are they doing? A B C Ⅱ. 听句子及问题,选择正确答语。每个句子及问题读一遍。(5分) ( )6. A. No, it doesn’t look nice.

B. Thank you. C. It’s very expensive. ( )7. A. On the road. B. In the cinema. C. In the shop. ( )8. A. 7:50. B. 7:15. C. 7:05. ( )9. A. Beijing Opera. B. Movies. C. Both Beijing Opera and movies. ( )10. A. Because he failed the English exam. B. Because he fell off his bike and was badly hurt. C. Because he missed his mother very much. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分) ( )11. Why does Xiao Li feel happy? A. Because he will be able to go skiing this afternoon. B. Because he will have the movie ticket. C. Because his best friend will come. ( )12. What happened to Tom’s brother? A. He was ill. B. He got hurt. C. He fell off his bike. ( )13. What does Lucy worry about? A. Speaking in front of many people. B. Seeing the doctor. C. Becoming fatter and fatter. ( )14. What will Mary do when unhappy things happen to her?


2017-1018学年度六年级下册英语周考 测试卷(3.24) 一.按要求写单词(10*1) 1. Big (比较级)_______________ 2. 2. foot (复数)_____________ 3. Heavier(原级) ______________ 4. 4. funny (比较级)___________ 5. Thin (最高级)___________ 6. 6. clean (过去式)____________ 7. Sleep (过去式)____________ 8. stayed (原形)____________ 9.Wash (过去式)_____________ 10. break (过去式)_____________ 二.英汉互译(10*1) 1. 多高wash my clothes 2. 多重children’s show 2. 多大Drink tea 3. 多大尺码Taller than me 4. 看电视stay at home 5. 上周末 6. 感冒 三.用所给词的适当形式填空(10*1) 1. John _________(be) taller than you. 2. The book is _____(heavy) than yours. 3. What size ______(be) your shoes? 4. How ________(tall) are you ? 5. I am the ______(thin) one in our class. 6. I ________(read ) a book yesterday. 7. He _______(watch) TV last week . 8. ________(do) you play football last Monday? 9. I ________(see) a film last Sunday. 10. What _________(do) Mike do last week? 四.单项选择(10*2) ()1.You are___than Li Lei, she is only 1.5 meters. A. Heavier B. taller C. tall ( ) 2.Tom is __________-than Li Ming. A. taller 4 cm B. 4 cm taller C. 4 taller cm ()3.What size _______ your feet? A. Am B. is C. are ( )4.You are __than me, but my hands are smaller than __ A.Thin, you B.thinner, yours C. thinner, your ( ) 5.----How ____are you ? -----I am 1.6 meters. A. Tall B. taller C. tallest ( ) 6.Who is _____, Zhang Peng or Mike? A. Short B.shorter C. shortest ( ) 7.What ____you ___last Sunday? A. Do, did B. did, do C. do , do ( ) 8.Tom _____his clothes and watched TV yesterday. A. Wash B. washed C. washes ( ) 9._____you ______basketball on Sunday morning? A. Did,play B. did played C. do ,played ( ) 10._____was your weekend? 学校班级姓名考号________________ ……………………..…….密………………封………………线………………内……………………不…………………要………..…..……答…………………题…………………….……


英语试题 (本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟) 第Ⅰ卷(两部分,共95分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分) 第一节:语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。 1.kick A. live B. life C. machine D. shine 2. receive A. believe B. certain C. height D. remain 3. theater A. appear B. especially C. learner D. society 4. language. A. attentively B. control C. strange D. twinkle 5. pressure A. measure B. expression C. pleasure D. professor 第二节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 6. The little girl _________ her heart out because she _________ her toy bear and believed she wasn’t ever going to find it . A. had cried ; lost B. cried ; had lost C. has cried ; had lost D. cries ; has lost 7. We will be shown around the city : schools , museums , and some other places . _______ other visitors seldom go . A. what B. which C. where D. when 8. -- Excuse me , sir . Would you do me a favor ? -- Of course . What is it ? --I _______ if you could tell me how to fill out this form . A. had wondered B. was wondering C. would wonder D. did wonder 9. It is so nice to hear from her . _______ , we last met more than thirty years ago . A. What's more B. That is to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not 10. -- When shall we start ? -- Let’s _______ it 8:30 . Is that all right ? A. set B. meet C. make D. take 11. All the people _______ at the party were his supporters . A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important 12. -- Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday ? -- Thank you . I’d love to , _______ I’ll be out of town at the weekend . A. because B. and C. so D. but 13. Be careful when you cross this very busy street . If not , you may _______ run over by a car . A. have B. get C. become D. turn 14. His mother had thought it would be good for his character to _______ from home and earn


听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Where is the man going? A. A police station. repair shop. C. A bookstore. 11. What is “Town Guide”? A. A book. B. A person C. A shop. 12. Whom is the man speaking to? A. A policewoman. B. A passer-by. C. A shopkeeper. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Where will the woman go next week? A. England. B. America. C. Australia. 14. What does the woman like most about her job? A. Meeting different people. B. Traveling around the world. C. Witnessing the big news event. 15. What do we know about the woman’s boyfriend? A. He likes cooking. B. He works as a lawyer. C. He lives in Hong Kong now. 16. What will the woman do to relax? A. Cook for herself. B. Go for a sail. C. Go fishing. 听第10段材料,回答第17至第20小题。 17. How many people are there in the speaker's family? A. 4. B. 5 C. 6 18. How does the speaker's father go to work? A. By car. B. By bus. C. By subway. is the speaker’s mother probably? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A housewife. does the speaker’s brother usually go on Saturday? A. The dance club. B. The basketball club. C. The football club. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A University degrees represent a significant financial investment. So, from the very beginning we encourage you to take a long-term view and to think about what you want to do after you graduate. That way, you can construct the most appropriate combination of courses in order to acquire the required knowledge and skills. Over 70% of our undergraduate students attain a graduate level position 6 months after graduating. What guidance will I receive? Together with the Careers Service we help you:


初二英语试题及答案 注:1. 卷面分3分。 一、听力测试(25分) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后选出每个句子的正确应答语。(10分) 1. A.I visited my aunt. B.Thank you. C.It was great. 2. A. No, she didn’t. B. Yes, she didn’t. C.Yes, he did. 3. A.A watch. B. Talk shows. C.Reading. 4. A.My school uniform. B.At school. C. On Monday. 5. A. It takes 25 minutes. B. How about you? C.I take a train. (二)录音中有五组对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 6. A. Yes, I do. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she doesn’t. 7. A.In the classroom. B. In the garden. C.In the hallway. 8. A.He went to the beach. B. He visited her aunt. C. He was at home. 9. A.She takes a train. B.She drives a car. C.She takes a ship. 10. A.Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don’t know. (三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 11. A.He takes the subway. B. He takes the bus. C.He gets to school on foot. 12. A. An hour. B.Two hours. C.Around thirty minutes. 13. A.She rides a bike. B.She takes a taxi. C.She walks. 14. A. Around two hours. B.Around five minutes. C.About twenty-five minutes. 15. A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. (四)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,判断下列各句正(T)误(F)。 16. Jeff had a great vacation. 17. Jeff went across the USA by train. 18. The weather was cool in big cities. 19. Jeff loved the houses in the mountains very much. 20. The houses in the mountains were big and quiet. 二、单项填空(20分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。 21. It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me.


西华一高高一年级上学期周考 英语试题 第一部分: 听力(1—20题)(略) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A From family-friendly beach holidays to city breaks, you won’t need to break the bank on these trips this summer. Tenerife, Canary Islands What to do.You won’t be stuck trying to find activities that the whole family can enjoy in Tenerife. Parents can enjoy themselves as kids make the most of the sandy beaches and blue waters —everybody is happy. Where to stay. The four-star, all-inclusive Fanabe Costa Sur Hotel is a short walk from Playa del Duqe and Playa Fanabe. Its central location means it’s conveniently right by the area’s bars, shops and restaurants. Cyprus What to do: Whether you like to go out and explore local cultures or prefer to sit on a beach with a good book, Cyprus serves a wide range of holiday types. There are famous historic sites —such as UNESCO World Heritage Site “The Tomb of Kings” as well as mountains that are ideal for picturesque beaches, with many hotels offering water sports and other fun activities. Where to stay: The five-star Great Beach Hotel overlooks the Mediterranean sea, and is just a few minutes’ walk from the town. Goa, India What to do.Looking to venture somewhere a bit different this summer? Goa has everything you could want for an unforgettable


重庆八中高2020级高三(下)第4次月考 英语试题 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A Language Engineer Wanted Are you a linguist(语言学家)with technical skills? Or are you an engineer with a passion for(human)languages? Come work on Alexa! We're building the speech and language solutions behind Amazon Echo and other Amazon products and services. Our goal is to delight our customers by adding new features to Alexa. We also improve our existing speech recognition and natural language processing systems. Specifically, you will: ●design the natural language processing components of new Alexa experiences and features; ●discover and solve production issues that are impacting the Alexa customer experience; ●work with other language engineers in creating the best solutions to improve customer satisfaction. Basic qualifications: ●Bachelor's degree in a relevant field ●Experience in computational linguistics(计算语言学), language data processing, etc. ●Experience working with speech and text language data in several languages ●Experience in Python, Perl, or other programming languages Primary qualifications: ●Advanced degree in a relevant field ●Familiarity with database queries(数据库查询)and data analysis processes ●Experience with statistical language modeling ●Fluency in a language other than English Application instructions: Please click"Apply Now"and follow our online application process Deadline: September 30, 11:59 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time(EDT). We highly recommend that candidates submit résumés up to two weeks in advance of the deadline. Submitting on the deadline day is NOT recommended,and applications received late will not be accepted. 1


2019级高三年级第一次英语周考(志强专用) 英语试卷 命题教师:焦国禄 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A How often do you let other people like a bad driver, a rude waiter, or an angry boss, change your mood? Sixteen years ago I learned a lesson. I got in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver used his brakes, the tires made a loud noise, and at the very last moment our car stopped just 3cm from the back of the other car. I couldn’t believe it. But then I couldn’t believe what happened next. The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, turned his head around and he started shouting at us. I couldn’t believe it! My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. So, I said, “Why did you just do that? This guy could have killed us!” And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, “The Law of the Garbage Truck”. He said, “Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of anger and disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they look for a place to dump it. And if you let them, they’ll dump it on you.” So I started thinking how often I let Garbage Trucks run right over me and how often I take their garbage and spread it to other people. I began to see Garbage Trucks. I see the load people are carrying. I see them coming to dump it. And like my taxi driver, I don’t take it personally. I just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. 21. What happened to the author on his way to Grand Central Station? A. He was caught in a traffic jam. B. He had a fight with his taxi driver. C. His taxi almost ran into another car. D. His taxi suddenly got a flat tire. 22. When the author saw his taxi driver smile and wave at the driver of the black car, he_______. A. got very angry B. was deeply impressed C. felt quite disappointed D. praised him for his manners 23. The underlined part “the load” in the last paragraph probably refers to _______. A. the bad mood B. poor habits C. waste materials D. great pressure


铜仁一中高一年级防疫期间“停课不停学”网上第二次周考 英语试题 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What will the woman do next? A.Go back home. B.Cancel her flight. C.Call her parents for help. 2.What is the woman doing? A.Making dinner. B.Reading a book. C.Washing the clothes. 3.Which part of the English exam did Jack fail to finish? A.The reading section. B.The writing section. C.The listening section. 4.How many meals does the woman have per day? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. 5.Where might the speakers be? A.On a hill. B.On a boat. C.On a rooftop. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.How much do people usually tip in Europe? A.10%of the total bill. B.15%of the total bill. C.20%of the total bill. 7.What does the woman think of the US tipping standard? A.It’s crazy. B.It’s quite low. C.It’s acceptable. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8.What do we know about Gary’s apartment? A.The rent is too high. B.It’s too far from his office.


高三英语周考试卷 一:听力(略) 二:单项选择: 21.My father has _____large collection of ______musical instruments . A. the ; the B. a ; the C. the; / D a ; / 22. ______everyone would like to find an apartment near the university ,there are very few vacant apartments in the area . A. Since B. When C. After D. Until 23. Although zorbing(悠波球) was invented in 2000,it has only recently begun to _______. A. get off B. set off C. jump off D.take off 24. He is really ____whom we can admire for his courage . A. somebody B. anybody C. something D. everybody 25. -----I’d like to see the latest movie very much ,but I have no money on me . ----That’s OK .This is my _______. A.offer B. turn C. service D. treat 26.Guangzhou Karaoke businesses are reported ____a 12-yuan royalty fee for each Karaoke room ,a charge set by the china Audio and Video Association . A. to refuse B. refusing C. to have refused D.having refused 27.----I’ll come to pick you at 11:30 tomorrow . ----But by then my class will have been over and I______my lunch at home A. am to have B. will have C. will be having D. will have had 28.---Can you answer the question for me , Mr Smith ? ---Oh, ______! A.you’ve got it B. help yourself C. you’ve got me there D. you made it 29. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _____ effects the people are still suffering. A. that B. whose C. those D. what 30. I’ve tried several times, but the car just _______. A. doesn’t st art B. wouldn’t start C. won’t start D. didn’t start 31. Please tell me _____ you would like to have your coffee ―black or white? A. what B. where C. when D. how 32. People like beautiful things, but the beautiful________ not always the useful. A. is B. are C. was D. were 33. ―How often do you refer to the dictionary when you are reading an English novel? ―Well, ________. I will look up the word if it affects my understanding. A. never B. very often C. it depends D. if possible 34. ―Could you _______ take care of my dog while I’m away? ―Sure. Leav e it to me, please. A. perhaps B. possibly C. maybe D. probably 35.―Have you worked out when the final payment is _______?


高三文科英语周考 (考试时间90分钟满分120分) 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节;满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A In the tenth grade, I began volunteering at a veterinary hospital that was run by a family friend in order to get experience for what I thought would be my future job. As it turns out, the experience I gained at the hospital taught me the opposite:That my future was not in veterinary medicine. However, there is one particular Saturday morning that taught me something maybe more important. The hospital was in the middle of one of the poorer sections of the city and we frequently had people come in who just could not pay for the most basic treatments. On this Saturday a man and his young son, who was probably about 7 years old, walked in with a small cat in a cardboard box. I remember the cat had an eye infection(感染) but the man could not afford to pay for the cost of the medicine in addition to the exam. When he asked where the nearest animal shelter was, his son cried and started to argue with his father. Out of the blue, an older woman who was sitting in the waiting room stood up, walked up to the counter, and told the man that she would pay for anything that he could not afford. The man thanked her and the son got to keep a healthy cat. I had always thought it was the right thing to help out a needy person, but only saw people perform acts of kindness on TV or in movies. The woman in the vet’s office taught me that these things do happen in real life, and should happen more often. When I am hesitant to be the first person to help someone who is in need, I remember this woman, and have the courage to do it. Sometimes other people follow. 21. Why did the writer work at the veterinary hospital A. He thought he would work there in the future. B. He wanted to get some skills of treating animals. C. He wanted to get some money for his schooling. D. He wanted to get some experience for his future work. 22. What is the most important according to the writer A. How to be a kind person who helps others. B. The practical experience of the vet job. C. How to deal with the owners of pets D. The knowledge of vet medicine 23. What does the underlined phrase “Out of the blue” mean A. Out of order B. All of a sudden C. Now and then D. First of all 24. The example of the woman made the author ________. A. think helping others can be shown on TV B. believe she was once shown in movies C. think few acts of kindness exist in real life D. have the courage to help others actively

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