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D.15 ℃,14 ℃

个数据都是14 ℃,故中位数为











°,tan C =,AB 3


从点B 开始沿边BC 两点同时出发,在运动过程中,△































(m 为常数)的图象在第一、三象限.-2m x

如图,若该反比例函数的图象经过?ABOD 的顶点D 2,-3),(3,2),(-3,-2)


为顶点的三角形是等腰三角形,故当DO 长为半径画弧交反比例函数图象于点P 1,P 2,则点P 1,P 2满足条件;当长为半径画弧交反比例函数图象于点P 3,P 4(舍去点DP 时,点P 在OD 的中垂线上,与反比例函数图象无交如解图.故满足条件的点P 的个数为4.

=ax 2+bx 的图象经过点A (2




=-1 2,
















































2017年中考语文一模模拟试题 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题共18分) 一、基础知识 (9 分 , 每小题 3 分 ) 1、下面加点字注音错误的一项是( ) A.这批无恶不作的法官,他们媚(mèi)上欺下,俯伏于国王之前,凌(lín)驾于人民之上。 B.要论中国人,必须不被搽( chá)在表面的自欺欺人的之分所诓(kuāng)骗,却要看看他的筋骨和脊梁。 C. 富有创造性的人总是孜孜(zī)不倦地汲(jí)取知识,使自己学识渊博。 D.还有寂寞的瓦片风筝,没有风轮,又放得很低,伶仃地显出憔(qiáo)悴可怜模(mú)样。 2、下面语句中书写准确无误的一项是( ) A.每逢有人问起我的藉贯,回答之后,对方就会肃然起敬。 B. 凡做一件事,便忠于一件事,将全副的精力集中到这一件事上头,一点不旁骛,便是敬。 C. 读书的要决,全在于会意。对于这一点,陶渊明尤其有独到的见解。 D.无论是高深莫测的星空,还是不值一提的灰尘,都是大自然精巧绝纶的艺术品。 3、列句中加点词语使用正确的一项是( ) A.我认识奥本海默时他已四十多岁了,已经是鲜为人知的人物了,佩服他、仰慕他的人很多。 B.我自己常常力求这两句话之实现与调和,又常常把这两句话向我的朋友锲而不舍。 C.路人对用粉笔作老虎画的老汉关振民大为赞赏:“能把老虎画得如此惟妙惟肖,确实厉害。” D.他本是个整天跑野马的孩子,从早到晚关在家里,难受得屁股下如履薄冰,身上像芒刺在背。 二、阅读下面文言文,完成4—6题。(共9分,每小题3分) 庆历四年春,滕子京谪守巴陵郡。越明年,政通人和,百废具兴。乃重修岳阳楼,增其旧制,刻唐贤今人诗赋于其上。属予作文以记之。 予观夫巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖。衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯;朝晖夕阴,气象万千。此则岳阳楼之大观也。前人之述备矣。然则北通巫峡,南极潇湘,迁客骚人,多会于此,览物之情,得无异乎? 若夫霪雨霏霏,连月不开,阴风怒号,浊浪排空;日星隐耀,山岳潜形;商旅不行,樯倾楫摧;薄暮冥冥,虎啸猿啼。登斯楼也,则有去国怀乡,忧谗畏讥,满目萧然,感极而悲者矣。 至若春和景明,波澜不惊,上下天光,一碧万顷;沙鸥翔集,锦鳞游泳;岸芷汀兰,郁郁青青。而或长烟一空,皓月千里,浮光跃金,静影沉璧,渔歌互答,此乐何极!登斯楼也,则有心旷神怡,宠辱偕忘,把酒临风,其喜洋洋者矣。 嗟夫!予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲;居庙堂之高则忧其民;处江湖之远则忧其君。是进亦忧,退亦忧。然则何时而乐耶?其必曰“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”乎。噫!微斯人,吾谁与归? 4、对下列语句中加点词的解释,不正确的一项是( ) A、岳阳楼之大观观:景观 B、百废具兴具:通“俱”,全、都 C、沙鸥翔集集:栖息


最新中考英语模拟测试卷 1.听力理解(共20分,每小题1分) 2.单选(共15分,每小题1分) 从下面没下面每小题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21.—What's wrong with you ? --I caught ____ bad cold ,and have to stay in ____ bed . A. a, / B. the , / C. a , the D. the , a 22. The old woman has got a black cat and two white ____. A. one B. ones C. these D. those 23. As we know ,raising animals ____ too much time , effort and money . A. requires B. replaces C. refuses D. realizes 24. After a long and intense discussion ,we reached a final ___ in the end. A. rest B. agreement C. try D. relationship 25. The noise was too loud that I only stood ____ for a few minutes. A. still B. quietly C. naturally D. recently

26. Which is ____ ,Britain English or America English ? A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. the most popular 27. In the past few years great changes ____ in my hometown A. have taken place B. had taken place C. took D. take 28. The first quartz clock ____ in 1927. A. develops B. was developed C. is developed D. was developing 29.Many students still ____ their teachers after they finish school . A. lay the table B. keep a diary C. take a vacation D. stay in touch with 30. The kind of knives is made ____ ,metal and wood . A. by B. of C. from D. in 31. Can you tell me ____ ? A. where have you gone B. where you have gone C. where you have been D. where have you been 32.—We don't have enough money for our field trip . What shall we do ? --The best way ____ money is to sell newspaper. A. raise B. to raise C. raising D. raised


中考模拟试卷英语卷 考生须知: 1、本试卷满分120 分,考试时间100 分钟。 2、答题前,在答题纸上写姓名和准考证号。 3、必须在答题纸的对应答题位置答题,写在其他地方无效。 1 至50 小题在答题纸上涂黑作答,答 题纸答题方式详见答题纸上的说明。 4、做听力题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有一分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题纸上。 5、考试结束后,试卷和答题纸一并上交。 试题卷 Ⅰ听力部分(30 分) I. 听短对话,回答问题(共 5 小题,计 5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。【根据双语报九年级期末试卷改编】 1. How does the man usually go to work? 【原创】 A. On foot. B. By subway. C. By car. 2. Where does the conversation probably take place? 【原创】 A. In the amusement park. B. In the cinema. C. In the hospital. 3. How many days did the woman spend in the United States? 【原创】 A. Five. B. Seven. C. Fourteen. 4. What does the man want to do? 【原创】 A. Get on the bus first. B. Get off the bus. C. Get on the bus one by one. 5. Why is the woman sad? 【原创】 A. She feels homesick. B. She failed her exam. C. She got hurt when hiking. 【考点】考察where, what, how 等疑问词在听力中的运用。 【设计思路】为多方面考查语言的运用设计此题,第 2 小题难度程度——中。其余四题难易程度——易。 II. 听较长对话,回答问题(共 6 小题,计12 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至第8 三个小题。现在,你有15 秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 【根据2015 年嘉兴中考改编】 6. How many hours does the woman probably spend on the Internet a week? 【原创】 A. About 2 or 3hours B. About 3 or 4 hours C. About 3 or 5 hours 7. What does the woman like to do ? 【原创】 A. To surf the Internet B. To read e-mail C. To write letters in ink 8. What do we know about the woman? 【改编】 A.She s’too busy to send any e-mail B.She gets some information on the Internet. C.She is looking through books in the library 【考点】听短对话,回答问题。 【设计思路】选择贴近生活的语言材料,考查学生的语言运用能力。难易程度——易。


中考语文模拟考试卷附答案 中考语文的复习,多做模拟试卷是必不可少的。接下来,我为你分享,希望对你有帮助。 中考语文模拟考试卷一、语文基础知识 1. 下列词语中加点字的读音无误的一项是:(2分) A.两栖(qī) 逞强(chnɡ) 一劳永逸(y) B.累赘(li) 祈祷(dǎo) 韬光养晦(hu) C.秉烛(bǐnɡ) 凝聚(nnɡ) 忍俊不禁(jn) D.契合(qi) 笙箫(shēnɡ) 毛骨悚然(sǒnɡ) 2. 下列词语书写无误的一项是:(2分) A.蜂拥隐患人情世故声嘶力竭 B.诱惑鄂然无动于衷晶莹璀璨 C.烙印沉淀怨天由人穷愁潦倒 D.汲取窥探含辛茹苦中流底柱 3. 下列句子中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是:(2分) A.阅读是源头活水,课堂是半亩方塘,只有把活水引入方塘,语文教学才能清澈如许,这是不言而喻的。 B."这些网络游戏就是化了妆的魔鬼,是在教唆犯罪。"一位参加过网络游戏测评的教育界人士义愤填膺地说。 C.在新农村建设中,某些地方政府不是因地制宜,而是大拆大建,把好端端的民心工程变成了劳民伤财的形象工程。

D.索契冬奥会上,与短道速滑带来的激情不同,花样滑冰的别样舞美给观众一帆风顺的感受。 4. 下列有关文学常识的表述有误的一项是:(2分) A.主持编纂《资治通鉴》的司马光、《渔家傲秋思》的作者范仲淹都是北宋人。 B."铭""说""记""表""书""序"都是古代的一种文体。 C.《曹刿论战》《春望》《桃花源记》《与朱元思书》这几篇作品是按时代先后顺序排列的。 D.《未选择的路》(《一条未走的路》)的作者是美国诗人弗罗斯特,《假如生活欺骗了你》是俄国诗人普希金的作品。 5. 下列对课文内容的理解有误的一项是:(2分) A.《再塑生命》(《我的老师》)写莎莉文老师的教育对"我"所产生的巨大影响,表达了"我"对莎莉文老师的感激、崇敬之情。 B.《范进中举》中胡屠户对范进中举前后的态度不同;《故乡》中"闰土"对"我"的态度,以前和现在不同:二者都是前高傲后恭敬。 C.《孙权劝学》中的孙权善劝,善在以自身体验劝吕蒙就学;《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》中的邹忌善劝,善在以小喻大劝齐王广开言路。 D.《背影》一文四次写背影,其中着重刻画父亲攀爬月台时的背影,详略得当。 6.下列句子中没有语病的一项是:(2分) A. 逢进必考,取消加分规则,奠定了平民子弟进入公务员行列的通道。 B. 乌克兰危机的根本原因是国内民众在"向东走"还是"向西走"问题上


考英语模拟测试及答案 一、听力部分(略) 二、语音(共5分,每小题1分)根据读音规则,从下列每组单词中找出一个划线部分的读音与其它三个不同的词。 ()1. A. hard B. warm C. large D. farmer ()2. A. die B. friend C. lie D. either ()3. A. father B. then C. thin D. with ()4. A. look B. good C. food D. foot ()5. A. but B. put C. must D. supper 三、词汇(共10分,每小题1分) A. 选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的解释. ()1. He reached Paris last week. A. get to B. arrive C. arrived in ()2. I called him just now. A. a moment ago B. just then C. at last. ()3. We will go over the new words tomorrow. A. go through B. repeated C. learn ()4. There must be something wrong with the telephone line . We can’t hear each other. A. every one B. others C. one another ()5. This story is about a clever boy. A. cleverly B. bright C. quick to learn B.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空. ()1. He is one of my best ______(friend) ()2. This bridge is about 10 meters ______(long)than that one. ()3. His father has been _____(die)for nearly two years. ()4. He is a careful Man .He does everything _______(care) ()5. It’s ____(sun)today . We shall go to the park. 四.选择填空(共20分,每小题1分) 从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳答案。 ()1. June 1st is ________ Day all over the world. A. child’s B. childs’ C. children’s D. childrens’ ()2. Look! ______ fine weather it is today. A. What a B. What C. how a D. how ()3. The film is not interesting . _______ like it. A. Little B. A little C. Few D. A. few ()4. Henry is _________ tallest in their class. A. three B. the three C. third D. the third ()5. Maths ______ one of the ______ subjects in middle schools. A. are…important B. is…most important


2017年初中毕业生学业水平考试模拟试卷(三) 英语试题 (考试时间:120分钟满分:120分 ) 亲爱的同学,在你答题前,请认真阅读下面的注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试题卷 上无效。 3. 非选择题的作答:用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷上无效。 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 祝你取得优异成绩!Good luck! 一、听力测试(共三节;满分25分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听句子。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出与所听句子内容相符的图片。听完每个句子后,你将有5秒钟的作答时间。每个句子读两遍。 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

听下面6段对话。每段对话后面有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第1段对话,回答第6、7小题。 6.Who sang better in the yesterday’s singing competition? A. Mike. B. Lisa. C. Alice. 7.What does Lisa look like? A. She has long hair. B. She has curly hair. C.She has short hair. 听第2段对话,回答第8、9小题。 8.What’s the name of the book that Cindy is reading? A. The Journey to the West B. The Old Man and the Sea C. Little Red Riding Hood 9.How is Cindy going to be a writer? A. Keep on writing stories. B. Read more books. C. Take more notes. 听第3段对话,回答第10、11小题。 10.What did they do last fall when Sam visited Nick? A. Went to the mountains. B. Went to the museum. C. Went bike riding. 11. Why can’t Nick come to Nancy’s house this Saturday? A. He has to prepare for the next Monday’s exam. B. He has to help his mom clean the house. C. He has to go to the doctor. 听第4段对话,回答第12、13、14小题。 12.How many cups of coffee has the man already had? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 13.What suggestion did the woman make? A. Get more exercise. B. Drink less coffee. C. Add more sugar to the coffee. 14.Why has the man never seen a doctor for help? A. He doesn’t care about it. B. He never thinks about it. C. He has no time. 听第5段对话,回答第15、16、17小题。 15.How long will Tom stay at his grandparents’ home? A. For the whole summer. B. For a week. C. For a month. 16.What does Tom think of working in a bookshop? A. Boring. B. Tired. C. Fun. 17.What are the two friends talking about? A. Their plans of the summer holiday. B. How to find part-time jobs. C. Books to read during the summer holiday. 听第6段对话,回答第18、19、20小题。 18.What’s Eric’s learning problem? A. He can’t memorize words. B.He often makes mistakes in grammar. C. He has trouble understanding spoken Spanish. 19.How long has Eric learned Spanish? A. About four years. B. About three years. C. About two years. 20.What did Mrs Smith advise Eric to do? A. To listen to Spanish tapes. B. To learn Spanish culture. C. To listen to Spanish movies. 第三节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面一篇短文。根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。 21.What does Susan’s father do? A. An engineer. B. A manager. C. A waiter. 22.How old was Susan’s father in 2012? A. 45. B. 44. C. 43.


2012年中考语文模拟复习调研测试题5 一、积累与运用 (共15分) 1.下列各组词语中读音和书写有错误的一项是()(3分) A.晶莹剔.(tī)透狼藉.(jí) B.锲.(qiè)而不舍矫.(jiǎo)健 C.万恶不赫.(shè)摒.(bǐng)弃 D.毛骨竦.(sǒng)然跻.(jī)身 2.下列句子中加点的词语使用不正确的一项是()(2分) A.国家海洋局派“中国海监75号”和“中国海监84号”编队赶赴黄岩岛海域,虎视眈眈 .... 地守卫着黄岩岛海域。 B.一代又一代青年凝聚在党的旗帜下,用青春和热血为革命、建设和改革事业书写了彪炳 .. 史册 ..的壮丽篇章。 C.做学问是一项艰辛的劳动,应踏踏实实,不能好高骛远 ....。 D.中国寺庙建筑宏大精美,因势构筑,奇思妙想,真可谓鬼斧神工 ....,令人叹服。 3.对下面文段中加点词的解释有错误的一项是()(3分) 蒋氏大戚.,汪然出涕曰:“君将哀而生.之乎?则吾斯役之不幸,未若复吾赋不幸之甚也。向.吾不为斯役,则久已病.矣。” A.戚:忧伤。 B.生:使……活下去。 C.向:从前。 D.病:生病。 4.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )(2分) A.中国渔政204船连续两年被授予农业部渔业文明执法窗口单位的称号。 B.心脏猝死的诱因,是由用脑过度、精神紧张、情绪激动、酗酒饱餐及气候异常等诱发的。 C.台风袭击这座海滨城市时,呼啸的狂风夹杂着密集的雨点,瞬息之间就哗哗地下了起来。 D.为了抑制农产品价格过快上涨,政府采取了降低农副产品流通成本,保证化肥供应等等。 5.填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是()(2分) 我爱小池,也爱溪流,是因为爱它们的“清”和“远”。,像一位开朗的小伙、活泼的姑娘,唱着欢快的歌儿,踏着轻快的脚步,走出群山去迎接太阳和大海。 ①各种颜色的小鱼穿行其间,历历可数。②溪流蜿蜒,如一条银蛇 ③小池清澈见底,汪汪一碧,宛如一块温润的玉。④时隐时现,游向远方 ⑤绿油油的水草在水底晃动 A.②④⑤③① B.②④①③⑤ C.③①⑤④② D.③⑤①②④ 6.补入下面文段中横线上最恰当的一句是()(3分) 著名心算家阿伯特?卡米洛从来没有失算过。这一天他做表演时,有人上台给他出来道题:“一辆载着283名旅客的火车驶进车站,有87人下车,65人上车;下一站又下去49人,上来112人;再下一站又下去37人,上来96人;再再下一站又下去74人,上来69人,再再下一站又下去17人,上来23人……”那人刚说完,心算大师便不屑地答道:“小儿科!告诉你,火车上一共还有……”“不,”那人拦住他说,“我是请你算出列车一共停了多少站口。”卡米洛呆住了,这组简单的加减法成了他的“滑铁卢”。 由此可见,,天才也难免遗憾。 A. 心怀骄傲,目空一切 B. 不听完题目,心急抢答 C. 不能突破自己的思维定势 D. 不能放低姿态,冷静思考 二、阅读与赏析 (共49分)


2018英语中考模拟测试卷 一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 1. The Presidents of China and the USA had_________interview a short time ago. And it was_________great success. A. an; / B. the; a C. an; a D. the; / 2. --- Could you please move over a little and make some _________ for me? --- Sure, please A. place B. seat C. room D. ground 3. --- When will he come back to China? ---__________ a month. A. In B. After C. Before D. For 4. ---Tony, have you stopped smoking? ---Yes, I have to because I can___________breathe when I run. A. often B. never C. hardly D. almost 5. It will be easier for people to realize their dreams if they _______ highly _______. A. have; educated B. will; educate C. are; educated D. were; educated 6.---Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad? ---No, you____________. You’re free to make your own decision. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 7. ---- Will Jenny come tomorrow? ---- I’m not sure. She ______ an hour ago without saying anything. A. has left B. left C. leave D. will leave 8. On those foggy days, you could hardly see anything around you___________ it was at noon. A. and B. because C. though D. but 9. ---- Do you mind my _______ here? ---- _________. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking”. A. to smoke; Of course not B. smoking; You’d better not C. to smoke; No, I don’t D. smoking; Never mind 10.---- What did the woman ask you just now? --- She asked___________. A. who was I waiting for B. whether could I help her to find the post office C. how she can get to the post office D. which was the way to the library 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) One of my best childhood memories is of going to the river and sitting quietly on the bank. There I would _____11____ the peace and quiet, watching the bamboo trees bend in the wind and then return to their original positions ____12____ the wind had died down. When I think about the bamboo tree’s ____13_____ to come back to its original position, the word resilience (顺应力)comes to my ____14____. When we use the word to talk about a person, it ___15___ the ability to easily recover from shock, sadness or any other____16___ situation. Have you ever felt like you are about to snap (垮掉)? Have you ever felt like you are _____17____ your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived (坚持过来)the experience to live to talk about ___18_____. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The ___19____ time you are experiencing one of those unhappy moments that take you ____20____


英语中考模拟试卷 第一卷(选择题,共55分) 一、单项填空 1. — Do you know ________ woman in pink over there —Yes. She is ________ office worker of Beijing Hotel. A. a; an B. the; the C. a; the D. the; an 2. She used to ______ with her parents, but now she is used to _____ with her classmates at school. A. live, living B. live, live C. living, living D. living, live 3. I don’t think the boy’s sister has a lovely dog, ________ A. do I B. don’t I C. has she D. does she 4. He had ________ little education that he can’t teach ________ little children. A. so; such B. such; such C. so; so D. such; so 5. The word__________ a letter “r” in the sentence is the word “robot” A. beginning with B. was begun with C. began with D. begins with 6. — _________ have you been to Thailand since 2004 — Four times. A. How often B. How many times C. Howe long D. How soon 7. — We must stop the hunters hunting the Tibetan antelopes (藏羚羊) in Tibet.— I agree with you. If we ________, they will disappear soon. A. won’t B. aren’t C. don’t D. mustn’t 8. —Could you tell me to go to Hainan by air —Just a minute, please. I have to check my computer. A. how much it is cost B. how much did it cost C. how much it cost D. how much it costs 9. The more you work on it, _______ you will find it to understand. A. more easily B. the easier C. the more easily D. easier 10. It is _______ of him to play in the street. A. danger B. wrong C. dangerous D. active 11. —Do you know who will_______ the dinner next time. —Sorry, I don’t know. A. cost B. spend C. pay D. pay for 12. —David has made great progress recently. —________, and ________. A. So he has; so you have B. So he has, so have you C. So has he, so have you D. So has he, so you have 13. This book ________ well and that kind of pens ________ well in the shop as well. A. reads; sells B. is read; sells C. is reading; is sold D. reads; is sold 14. --Excuse me, could you tell me later on --Wait a minute. It is coming in ten minutes. A. if the next train arrives B. if the next train will arrive C. when the next train arrives D. when will the next train arrive 15. —Why not join us to go on a picnic next weekend


中考语文模拟试卷四 说明:全卷分二部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题,共4页。考试时间100分钟,满分100分。 第一部分选择题(1—5题) 一、选择题(15分) 1、下词语中加点字的注音和书写完全正确的一项是()(3分) A、阻遏(è) 疟子(nüè)瓦烁(lì) 褶(zhé)皱 B、地窖(jiào) 箱箧(qiè)震悚(sǒng)狼藉(jí) C、颓(tū)唐烦燥(zào) 伛(yǔ)偻愧祚(zuò) D、洨(xiáo)河刹(chà)那栖(xī)息追朔(shù) 2、请选出下列句子中加点的词语运用恰当的一项()(3分) A、就拿上海来说,这一个世纪以来,风风雨雨,沧桑巨变,好像一个大舞台,真是百戏杂陈,罄竹难书。 B、能说会道,在封建社会就不会饿死。如果嘴不能说,就只能蒙尘。 C、这是他一生中最辉煌的一霎时。 D、由于他的忽视,以致这次行动又失败了。 3、下列句子排列正确的一项是() ①他们对社会的发展做出了突出的贡献,他们的事迹生动感人,广为流传。 ②在人类历史的长河中,曾经出现过许多杰出人物。

③学习他们的精神,有利于我们的成长。 ④他们中有叱咤风云的政治家,有决胜千里的军事家,有博学 睿智的科学家…… A. ④③①② B. ②④①③ C. ①②④③D④①②③ 4.下列说法正确的一项是()(3分) A.《记承天寺夜游》的作者是苏轼,南宋文学家。他和韩愈、柳宗元、欧阳修、苏洵、苏辙、王安石、曾巩等七人并称“唐宋八大家”。 B.铭,是古代刻在器物上用来警戒自己或者称述功德的文字,后来就成为一种文体。这种文体一般都讲究用韵。 C.通过开展赛龙舟、包粽子活动,可以使屈原的爱国精神代代 相传。 D.随着中考的临近,我们无时无刻在提醒自己要抓紧时间。 5、选出下列加点词语意思相同的一组()(3分) A 余人各复延至其家 / 寡助之至 B 负势竞上,互相轩邈 / 负箧曳屣行深山巨谷中 C 无案牍之劳形 / 劳其筋骨,饿其体肤 D 选贤举能,讲信修睦 / 邹忌修八尺有余 第二部分非选择题(6—19题) 二、古诗文阅读能力考查(20分)

中考英语模拟测试试题 人教新版

2019学年度中考模拟测试英语试卷 (总分:85分 时间:100分钟) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 满分50分) 一、单项选择(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ( )1.-The light in his room is still on.. Do you know__________? ---To prepare for the coming exam, I think. A. If he works hard B.why he stays up so late C. Why is he so busy D.when he will stop working ( )2. Everyone likes playing football except ____________. A. you and me B. you and I C. I and you D. me and you ( )3. __________ mothers both work in the same hospital. A. Tim and Peter’s B. Tim’s and peter C.Tim’s and Peter’s D. Tim and Peter ( )4.--Who put the little cat into a box? ---Andy __________. A. did B. does C. is D. Do ( )5.---__________ do you live from school? ----About ten minutes’ walk. A.How long B.How much C. How far D. How often ( )6.Sue works faster than ___________ girls in the office. A. any other B. any C. another D. the other ( )7.They are going to have a picnic _________ next week. A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times ( )8.Susan enjoys a cup of tea at times, but _________ she drinks coffee. A. mostly B. almost C. ne arly D. Most ( )9.There is no _________ things on the moon. A. alive B. living C. lively D. Life ( )10. ______ the river , there is _____________ bride. A. On; a 90-metre-long B. On; a 90-metres-long C.Over;a 90-metre-long D. Over; a 90-metres-long ( )11.look out! The food on the plate smells________. You can’t eat it. A.badly B. bad C. good D. Well ( )12.--Excuse me,sir. When can we have a swim in the pool? --Not until it__________ next month. A.repairs B. will repair C. Is repaired D.will be re paired ( )13.We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday, but Bob didn’t ______ until 12:00. A. turn up B. give up C. stay up D.grow up ( )14.--Do you mind if I smoke here? ---______. Look at the sign over there. A.Yes, please B.Never mind C.You’d better not D.Of course not ( )15.Though he often made his little sister _______,today he was made________ by his little sister. A.cry;to cry B. crying; crying C.cry; cry D.to cry; cry 二、完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student, “You speak very good 班 级 姓 名 考 场 ………………………装………………………………………订………………………………线…………………………………………

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