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The Application of Multi-media in Junior Middle School English Teaching

Peng Yijun

Under the Supervision of

Zhao Dianshu

College of Foreign Language and Literature

Hexi University

May 2011



Multimedia Assisted Instruction (MAI) is widely applied in the classroom teaching; which especially plays a great role in junior middle schools English classroom .With the assistance of MAI, the atmosphere is more active and students ‘engagement is higher. However, there still exist some problems in its application. Most of the teachers only think that multimedia can make abstract contents more visualized and vivid mind select as many as multimedia materials as possible, but the choice is not based on the needs of students. In short, teachers do not take the cultivation of students’ learn ing motivation into account. Most of designs of courseware are not appropriate and scientific.

At last, the process of multimedia in junior Middle English teaching: Firstly, teachers should provided students enough interactive space and discussion in pairs or in groups should be paid more attention in MAI classroom. Secondly, teachers should analyze the needs and interests of different students before designing the PPT courseware. The amount of the materials needs not too much. Thirdly, teachers should follow the principles of design of courseware; moreover, teachers should select proper media material according to their functions, because different material has different functions

This paper is divided into four parts: Firstly, the importance of the MAI and contents of this paper; Secondly, the literature review ;Thirdly, the principles of the process of application of multimedia in junior middle school teaching English; Fourthly, the teachers choose materials according to different students.

Key words: Application; MAI; English Teaching; Junior Middle School




本文分四个部分:一、引言,简要介绍多媒体在教学中应用重要的地位,提出多媒体的重要性并简述本论文的主要内容。二、利用文学常识介绍什么是多媒体,多媒体辅助和多媒体的功能。三、使用多媒体中所产生的问题和一些创新想法。四、结论关键词: 应用,多媒体辅助,英语教学,初中

1. Introduction

Multimedia Assisted Instruction (MAI) refers to a rational structure of the teaching process that is formed by means of participation of a variety of media, through the instructional design, rational choice and use of modern teaching media and organic combination of traditional teaching the past, teacher is a piece of chalk, a book, a lesson planning the classroom, the limited capacity of this teaching, teachers in the classroom if you want to add some extra knowledge is very difficult to do. Because only dictated by teachers and students thinking hard to keep up with the other, as often subject to time constraints, teacher writing on the blackboard design is also very limited. Since the introduction of multimedia technology, after English class, this phenomenon has been greatly improved, teachers can use in the classroom courseware and teaching goals to add a lot of relevant content, using the content analysis to fully understand the textbook knowledge. Big screen to search through historical events in the text and give the summary, important points of this lesson, so that the text content of more simplistic, a glance, students have easy access to knowledge points. English is the language of a very practical subject, students must pass between the number of students and students communicate in English to students of English communicative competence. We can no computer multimedia, but not without teachers. Whether computer multimedia should be used depends on the needs of English teaching. Undeniably, the traditional teaching methods can also be reflected to some extent, the main body of students, but proved that it did not like the computer-aided teaching of multimedia significant effect. Therefore, we can say that use of multimedia assisted teaching, the teaching process is conducive to strengthening democracy and openness, so that teachers learn while at the pleasure, the pleasure of the students of knowledge, and strive to enable students to learn active, lively and solid. But this does not mean that computer multimedia instruction can replace all other media. Other media

and means of teaching many of the features of computer multimedia can not be replaced, such as in-kind, stick figure and other functions in the classroom can not be ignored. Therefore, we should be according to the teaching content, features, style, and need to select the appropriate media and means of rational use of multimedia and conventional media and means to play their respective strengths in order to achieve maximum effectiveness of teaching. At the same time teaching must be “people-oriented”, give full play to the subjectivity of students. In the use of multimedia-assisted teaching of English, be good at guiding students to think through multimedia courseware, discussion, answer questions, instead of re stricting student’s thinking, passive recipients of teacher instruction and computer and information provided. Teachers enter information to students, but also should be more room for creative thinking for students, allow students to actively participate in teaching activities to achieve the interaction between teachers and students. In short, to follow the teaching of multimedia is just “assistance” of the facilities, teaching students to highlight the dominant position, maximize student initiative and creativity.

Computers educators of USA, Bork predicts in 1978 that, to the beginning of the 21st century, learning interactively buy use of the computers will become the main studying methods of almost all types of school and all kinds of subjects.. In the 21st century, Bork’prediction has turned into reality. MAI has great functions because of the powerful functions of multimedia. Firstly, MAI gives learners the power to explore and manipulate information and enables individuals to contract their own knowledge base by integrating the written text, sound, drawings, diagrams, animated drawings or diagrams, still photographs, other images and video dips which will help to develop learner’s language ability and cultivate capacity by means of multisensory stimulation. Secondly, MAI can constrict a real and favorable English communicative context to promote language learning for send or foreign language learners. In the classroom of MAI, abstract contexts will become lively and active, dig their

potential ability, and then attain excellent results. In such a situation, constructed by multimedia, learners will have high interest and fascination to the English instruction and then instruction will strengthen target language’s factor. In addition, MAI can offer learners much more information concerning the subject matter. What’s more, MAI can stimulate learner’s motivation and control learners’ attention by multimode sensory stimuli. Furthermore, MAI can promote interaction and instruct an active and positive teaching atmosphere.

Recently, MAI is widely used in the classroom teaching, especially in English classroom teaching in almost all the schools in China. However, in the process of the application of the MAI in English classroom, there emerge some problems when MAI becomes more and more widespread in the English instruction. For example, the multimedia becomes the only assisted tool in English classroom and the teacher ignores other important assisted tools such as real things. In some classroom, the multimedia courseware is full of kinds of sound, animation, photos, which make learner’s attention away from the subject content. Classroom turns into Information Ocean, but teachers ignore students’ reflection. Teachers ignore the essence of language of teaching, and only emphasize the information giving and offer little chance to communicate with each other.

At the beginning of this essay, the importance of multimedia in English teaching and significance of the study are consequently stated. Later on, it goes to the following parts which conclude roles of the application of multimedia in the aspect of junior middle school English class. With my survey on multimedia-aided English teaching, the advantages and negative effects reflected by the teachers and students and the solutions will be includes in the following paragraphs. The conclusion of my study is arranged in the end.

2. Literature Review

What Is Multimedia

Multimedia is the combination of computer and video technology. Multimedia really just two media sound and pictures, or in today’s term, audio and video. Multimedia itself has its binary aspects. As with all modern technologies, it is made from a mix of hardware and software, machine and ideas. More importantly, you can conceptually divide technology and function of multimedia into control systems and information. The enabling force behind multimedia is digital technology. Multimedia represents the convergence of digital control and digital media---the PC as the digital control system and the digital media being today’s most advanced form of audio and video storage and transmission. In fact, some people see multimedia simply as the marriage of PCs and video. PC power has reached a level close to that needed for procession television and sound data streams in real time, multimedia was born. Multimedia PC needs to be more powerful than mainstream computer---at least the multimedia PC defines the mainstream.

The generic term “multimedia” refers to he sequential or simultaneous use of variety of media formats in a given presentation or self-study program (Sharon E. Smaldino et, al 2005. 14). He Guoda (2006) believes that multimedia refers to the system based in the computer which has interactive feature and is made from all kinds of media information (for example written words, data, graph, and so on) through computer synthesis processes and any of media format can establish a logical link to another. Teacher can carry on a lively classroom instruction by using the multimedia, stimulate students’ learning enthusiasm well, and make students’ imagination and creativity displayed, and finally achieve a teaching effect of nature and superior.

The term “multimedia” is now firmly associated with computer-based delivery, usually over the internet and accompanied and supported by interaction provided via some form of computer-mediated communication (Sanjaya Mishra and Ramesh C. Sharma, 2005, 2) Multimedia stems may consist of traditional media in combination or they may incorporate the computer as a display device for text, pictures, sound and video, but it involves more

than simply integrating these formats into a guideline program in which each element complements the others so that the whole is greater than the sum of parts.

Multimedia usually tends to feature several media types including text, images, sound, and video. Current language-learning programs classified by their vendors as multimedia generally fall into this broad definition. The multimedia synthesizes the advantages of text, audio, video graphs and other kinds of information as a whole. Because of the characteristics of multimodality, it can cause stimulation of multiple sense organs of students. Besides, it can activate students’interest and increase the opportunity for language practice. Multimedia enriches language materials and enhance the authenticity of language situation Moreover, multimedia is useful in constructing the fellowship of interaction between teachers and students in a virtual language instruction environment. In short, multimedia means multiple information formats, and it can apply some knowledge information in a text to help students comprehend the text. Because different learners carry different culture-specific background information, teachers can design warming-up task to enlarge students’topic-relates background knowledge and then restructure rich background knowledge in order to avoid causing understanding puzzles.

In English classroom teaching, the reason why multimedia has so powerful functions is mainly that multimedia can show multiple modality. Multimodality combines graphics, text and audio output with speech, and text to deliver a dramatic experience. When compared to single-mode of interface in which teacher can only use either voice or visual modes, multimodal application gives students multiple options for inputting and receiving information. Multimodality has real potential to improve the quality of daily instruction. Students who participate in the classroom of multimodality can envision a wide range of benefits from the language learning. In the survey, PPT courseware inserts multimedia information, and it makes the classroom active and students

engage in the instruction positively because the multisensory stimuli of the multimedia. Take the music and video as example, Music (R. Barton & T. Haydn, 2006) on its own, especially classical, can also be useful in the classroom. In general, the music insets in the PPT courseware can function as setting the mood at the start of the lesson and giving teachers something to talk about with students at the starts of the lesson. In addition, music can be used while students work on dull exercise, and can be used to set the scene while student do a particular task to help students feel relaxed. Moreover, music can be used as the key is to ask the students and to take your cue from them. What’s more, the video focuses on assisting students to listen and understand better, in many cases, it is used to teach grammar or function.

What’s MAI

MAI refers to a rational structure of the teaching process that is formed by means of participation of a variety of media, through the instructional design, rational choice and use of modern teaching media and the organic combination of traditional teaching methods, according to the teaching media and the characteristics of the object, which optimizes the effectiveness of teaching (Ren Gaoda&Fan Jiaolian, 2004) Multimedia technologies can change the media formats of the written words, the graph, audio, video and animation image into a comprehensive multimedia information shape through computer synthesis processing at the same time, which has static and dynamic status, image, and the sound. Zhuang Zhixiang (2007) sates that the multimedia assisted foreign language teaching is a kind of teaching methods, which makes use of computers and computer technology to integrate the text, image, audio, video, and others into a unified signal and then to provide teachers and learners to use through the same terminal.

The Function of Multimedia

A typical multimedia works can be text, pictures, computer graphics and animations, sound, video the combination of any several. This article purport multimedia applied to teaching field, it is the present domestic just

beginning field, is also a promising field, the school the teacher through multimedia can very image intuitive tells clear in the past it’s difficult to describe the course content, and students can be more image to understand and master the corresponding teaching content. Students can also teach themselves through multimedia, take an examination of oneself, etc. Teaching is the most suitable to use multi-media aided teaching. Multimedia aided and participation will make teaching produce a qualitative revolution. Multimedia and teaching together, not only in enhancing the students’ comprehensive ability, also improve teaching efficiency, be helpful for teachers and students to interact. (Ian Hall &Steve Higgins, etc, 2005). Teachers need to have the learners do specific activities that rely on their ability to use multimedia. Lastly, it is the evolution and revision. Teachers should consider how materials that rely on multimedia help students to interpret the teaching contents.

Student-centered Pedagogical Theories Relevant to MAI The paper is mainly about the application of student-centered MAI. Student-centered instruction emphasizes the interaction and the cultivation of learning motivation, and thereby the theories of interaction and the cultivation of language learning motivation are two of the most important theories relevant to the research.

2. 4. 1The Interaction Theory

Interactive teaching is supported by the theory of constructivism and cognitive learning theory, and it emphasizes the student-centered. Social-constructivism theory represented by Vygotsky (1978) emphasizes interaction and engagement with target language in a social context based on the concept of “Zone of Proximal Development”(ZPD) and scaffolding (Wang, 2006: 6). Interactive technique emphasizes the interaction between teacher and students or between students and students in class so it advocates students to communicate with others in target language. A. B. M Tsui (1995: 95) notes

the opportunity for language learning through group work interaction. She argues that group work provides the opportunity to practice a much wider ran of speech functions. In China, students have little opportunity to develop conversational skill. So teachers should provide enough opportunities to improve the conversational competence in the classroom. Because language acquisition is mainly obtained in the classroom, the key problems for the teachers is how to make full use of instruction time and create meaningful language learning atmosphere so that students can learn and acquire foreign language in a more real natural situation. The carryout of the interactive activities in class can help create conditions for good language environment. As well as fitting the needs and interests of students, contents should be interesting and can foster a friendly, relaxed atmosphere: content selection should provide a wide exposure to vocabulary that may be useful to basic personal communication (Krashen 1983). Hu Zhuang lin (1998) states that language is the product of society and is the tool of man’s communication. Therefore, the classroom should be like a community that is made up of students and teachers, where teachers and learners or learners and learners should communicate with each other freely in the target language and so teachers in the community need to provide the learners with communicative activities.

2. 4. 2 The Motivation Theory

“Language are unlike any other subject taught in a classroom in that they involve the acquisition of skills and behavior patterns which are characteristic of another community ”(Gardener, 1985). When students consider English as a crucial means of for communication in daily life, and have great interest in learning and communicating in and outside the classroom, it can be said that English classroom teaching is successful and students’motivation has been motivated by means of some pedagogical method such as interactive teaching analyzed above. When it comes to the motivation, what is motivation

R. Gardner defines motivation as referring to a combination of effort plus

desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitudes towards learning language. In a simple word in language learning, motivation is a kind of orientation associated with a desire to learn the foreign language, and its component is made of the desire to learn the foreign language. Motivation is one of the main factors in foreign learning and it plays an important role in predicting the success of target language acquisition in general.

3. The Solution to the Problems and the New Ideas

Nowadays, in the classroom, multimedia plays a great role in creating a proper and interesting context, and MAI becomes the mainstream way of assisted in teaching, especially in English classroom teaching. After the analysis of the interview and classroom observation, it is confirmed that the MAI has influence on the classroom.

However, it also reveals that the application of cultivation of the MAI in English classroom in junior high schools causes some problems that have been identified above. Regarding to the problems, an issue comes out-how do English teachers optimize the application of the MAI in English classroom of junior high schools

Integrating the Interaction into the MAI Classroom

Most of the teachers like to use the PPT courseware, and are not concerned about whether the classroom should be interactive or not. Therefore, teachers should integrate the interaction into the MAI classroom, and provide enough opportunities to make the MAI classroom interactive.

Firstly, teachers should consider this factor in the process of the design of MAI classroom, and provide enough interactive space for the students in order to offer them the chance of thinking in English. The classroom interaction can be realized in many ways, and the MAI may be one of the easiest and most important ways, because the multimedia can establish a relaxed context and evoke students’ strong curiosity and the imagination for the classroom instruction, particularly for English instruction. The English

instruction needs a linguistic environment with the foreign-culture background knowledge. Therefore, during the application of the MAI in English classroom of junior high schools, teachers should try to integrate the interaction theory with the MAI, because the MAI will make students feel interested in English classroom teaching where there are multimodality-demonstration ways of the course contents. Secondly, discussion in group or in pairs should be paid more attention in MAI classroom. In such classroom, the students centralize their attention and cause a great interest by means of diverse picture in PPT courseware. The students grasp the sentence pattern quickly and highly effectively and learn to ponder the question positively just like Tsui argues in 1995:”group work provides the opportunity to practice a much wider rang of speech functions”(Tsui, 1995) Cultivating the Learning Motivation in MAI Classroom

The paper reveals that all most of the PPT courseware contains plentiful and multisensory content, but the writer find out the students do not have high motivation to participate, and even many of them feel terrible. It is not given more concern that the multimedia information can hold the attention or distract the attention. They only think that multimedia will make abstract contents more visualized, but not take students’ learning motivation into account. The motivation is on the basis of the need of a person, and the need is an active dynamics that will stimulates the person to carry on each kind of activities. Motivation is a vital element that has a profound influence on the foreign language learning, especially for Chinese students. Therefore, integrating the motivation theory into the classroom instruction of MAI with purpose will active the students’ motivation in a silent way, motivation will maintain positive status of language learning. Analyze the needs and interests of different students before designing the PPT courseware. In general, the PPT is vivid, but it is lack of individualized feature. In the junior high schools that are investigated for research, the PPT courseware of the teacher’s is allowed to be copied by learners after class, and it will be

a kind of useful reference material foe reviewing the knowledge.

Optimizing the Design of the MAI Courseware

Using multimedia technology assistance junior middle school English classroom teaching in class, we can simulate vivid, colorful real-life scenarios for students create good learning language atmosphere. Take the student as the main body in the English classroom activities in Chinese language teaching, which not only meets the middle-school students curious, active psychological and subconscious in the subject of developing the students’ awareness of learning and innovation consciousness, strengthening the students’ learning confide nce. The design of courseware slides should be given more concern. It covers the aspects of the font choice, the design of the background and transition, template choice and inserting multimodality information. Teachers should select proper media materials according to their functions. Different materials have different functions. Song on tape, video in the classroom are often used a “filler” activity to change the mood or pace of a lesson. Many authentic songs are good classroom materials, and if they are reasonably up-to date, go down especially well with younger students. The New Ideas

Establishment of a “Modern Education Teaching Center” to Promote the Modernization of Educational Technology in Schools

Multimedia English teachers should realize own role transformation, can’t always stay in the traditional education ideas and teaching modes. Fully embody modern education theory and teaching idea of multimedia teaching English to students focus moved, atta ching importance to the student’s enthusiasm and subjectivity, stressed, claims that the study of various efforts of humanism. In the teaching process, the teacher can give full play to its leading role, from the original knowledge for students who, instilling change initiative significance construction helper, promoters. Besides should possess the ideological quality and professional quality outside, they still need to continually optimize teaching for students to create the good,

the language learning env ironment, stimulate the students’ learning interest and initiative, always perceived and the difference of the individual students need, to the lack of confidence in the student wants timely encouragement and help explore the effective way to learn。Some teachers have a wrong perspective in mind, regarding multimedia as computers. In the whole class no matter whether it deals with subject, questions, text, words, and sentences or not, all are completed by a computer totally with chalk and blackboard left out. In English teaching, though it has some special advantages, multimedia is only a kind of media in teaching process to aid and optimize teaching with no possibility to be all-powerful。Meanwhile, the multimedia belongs to the production the modern informat ion, as we all know, we follow the teacher’ thoughts that has the main opposition on aspect of the content, ways, process, and even practice of teaching. This view dominated too much emphasis on the role of teacher, that teacher educators, is the process of teaching the subject, and students are educated, is the object of the teaching process, in the teaching process should be passive recipients of outside influences, that is to be taught state. The education system trained students have the lower part of the initiative, lack of learning autonomy, reliance on teachers to teach. When these are used to teachers - students are exposed to the textbook model of the new multi-media English language teaching, it always felt too fast paced and informative, it is not suited. Result. They produced multimedia teaching emotional or tired to resist psychological, academic nature are not significantly improved, the opposite may also be reduced. When we use the multimedia to teach, we also understand what is courseware Although the multimedia exists everywhere in the market, form the aspect of content, the advanced software which matches the text book supports small. Some pursuit of economic efficiency, shoddy, and teaching requirements too far behind; some under the banner name of multimedia, teaching model is extremely simple, cannot complete the teaching task and teaching goals. Purchase and use of such software can only be used for boring teachers, but wasteful to discard.

Multimedia English teaching software available there are many shortcomings and defects. First, many software design does not meet the language learning rules, the lack of creativity. They are just a simple graphical teacher lesson plans, teaching content did not make vivid how much deeper will not be able to stimulate students thinking; they just rigidly learning content and game together, neither vivid not practical. Secondly, much software design is not consistent with the theoretical basis of modern English language teaching, systematic and interactive need to be strengthened. Some software theme is not clear, haphazard layout, not the system is not science; some software to “exam-oriented education model” onto the computer, the implementation of a disguised form of “sea tactical”, the “people filling” to “m echanically, it bears a lot of unfavorable deficiencies such as: lack of emotional exchange between teachers and students, too much information on the screen, weakening of the leading role of teachers as projectionists as well as neglect of students, and so on. So when the teacher use multimedia to teach, on one hand, understand some hobbies about junior middle students and attract their attention using a vivid action and image. The teacher should make use of its advantages to have class, let students think and take action. Secondly, update teacher education theory and teaching ideas, knowledge and skills to enhance the training of teachers in computer. If they do not catch up with the pace of the technology, one day, they will be deleted by the society. From this point, each English teacher should be ready to master the modern advanced machine-the computer and to learn how to make courseware by software such as: PowerPoint, Flash, Author ware etc. Necessity of the application of multimedia According to the new English syllabus for middle school and college, taking advantage of the modern instruction technology is one of the teacher’s basic skills. Because the modern instruction technology frees from the limitation of time and space, meanwhile, the population of students is so large in China and the available education resources are relatively limited, teachers should make well use of the web sources and multimedia courseware to enhance the

teaching efficiencies, to discover new teaching models, to create an environment for students’ autonomy study. And the multimedia-aided instruction can contribute to these goals very well. Besides the requirement of the new syllabus, modern new technology makes the computer to assist reading instruction more practicably and feasibly with the improvements in the efficiency and quality, and refinements in computers and software, along with decreased costs which have made computer technology more and more accessible. Full Use of the Advantages of Multimedia Computer

The application of multimedia in the teaching of computer, because of its inherent advantages and characteristics, so that it’s in the teaching has shown strong vitality, play the indispensable and irreplaceable role students receiving ability difference is objective existence, different students in the same textbook learning speed and accept when the degree is different. Conventional teaching, teachers face many of the students in class, often can only take compromise, the teaching object setting of “medium” deg ree of students, the result is causing “difference can’t eat, eugenic do not have enough to eat. “ Influenced both underachievers’ progress, and limit the development of the top. Although the teacher in the classroom is always strive to minimize these differences, but eventually because of classroom teaching limitations and unrewarding. And put the computer multi-media technology is applied to teaching, but it can “student-centered”, through the man-machine dialogue, accomplish truly vary from person to person, in accordance with their aptitude, arouse the students’ learning enthusiasm and initiative and make all students have got the biggest development. The computer using multimedia sound, light, electricity, shape, color the function, multi-channel transferring teaching information, has more realistic and expression, can cause student’s great interest and attention, induce students in emotional active participation and behavior, mobilize the eyes, ears, mouth, hand, brain and so on many kinds of sensory input to the learning activity, to make the students’ cognitive activities with abundant emotion,

happy mood. Student’s imaginative, active thinking can form good learning environment, so as to improve the learning efficiency improving learning effect. Put the computer multi-media technology is applied to teaching, can turn the abstract language for vivid and infectious image, through some animation image, such as interesting digital doll, smart and lively small animals and so on, with game, wisdom, the old man stories, amusement party and other forms of abstract teaching in a dull, make scientific among amusement scene with interesting highly uniform, learning content also becomes lively and interesting. At this time because the student energy highly centralized, thinking highly active, teaching and receive twice the result with half the effort

Full Use of Computer Network and CCTV System

As multimedia closed-circuit teaching system, it is not only a closed-circuit system, at the same time of the original function into computer technology, achieve closed-circuit TV two-way control, combined with campus video technology, achieve closed-circuit system live and simulcast and closed-circuit system in within the scope of the interactive video conferencing function. Closed-circuit two-way control system can realize teachers in the classroom of the central control room on closed-circuit video machine, VCD, computer, video booth broadcast equipment such as remote control, its broadcast video content in this classroom displayed on the TV set. System has satellite television, cable TV show broadcast etc function, in order to better cooperate in classroom teaching courses, improve the quality of teaching. Meanwhile closed-circuit two-way control system more receiving source (for different classrooms), and at the same time to control program to receive more than a source of broadcast source switch control. It can make many kinds of teaching information on campus according to teaching need flexible, convenient and efficient transmission, of utmost used a system equipment resources, good solves the curriculum application conflict and equipment to improve the contradiction, unused and promoting the teaching

management and class coordination up huge role.

4. Conclusion

Through the interaction with multimedia, the students become increasingly familiar with academic vocabulary and language structure. Connecting with the Internet will make the benefit of increased student motivation. Students are eager to begin class and often arrive early at the computer lab, logging on the Internet and beginning research on their own. They also often stay after class to continue working on the Internet. Overall, students develop greater confidence in their ability to use English because they need to interact with the Internet through reading and writing. Using multimedia provides the students to gather information through media that encourages their imaginations, interests. Also it using this technology combined with the sense of teaching will create a successful teaching method. In this essay, after a certain study of application of multimedia in English teaching, I find out its advantages as well as disadvantages. The good use of the multimedia teaching method is an important way to optimize the English the teaching results. While having classes, we can use the teaching method of multimedia actively to improve the teaching quality of English. But it can’t be abused. We must choose and use the audio-visual education program media rationally according to the contents of the text so that we can achieve the goal of optimizing English teaching. Therefore, this essay advocates to realize the importance and need of application of multimedia in English teaching, at the same time, to handle the teacher-media-student relationship well in modern English teaching and adhere to the leading role of traditional teaching model. Of course, it also attaches great importance to search for solutions to the problems caused by the use of multimedia so as to give some suggestions to modern English teaching as well as to guide our future English teaching.

Although there exist lots of negative effects in the application of multimedia in English teaching, multimedia has become the trend in the English
