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大学英语Book2 Unit 7

大学英语Book2 Unit 7
大学英语Book2 Unit 7

Unit 7 Women: making a difference today



The unit aims at exploring a current social issue: gender roles, a topic that could spark a lot of debates and arguments. Text A gives students a big picture of a how women have played an important role at the management level, along with their challenges and frustrations. Text B portrays a happy full-time housewife who considers her job at home absolutely important. The implication of it is that the job at a housewife should be respected. The two articles are theme-bound since both relate the topic of the role played by women, though one is at work and the other at home. The writing style of the tow texts is very different as well. One is a featured article on female working styles by way of presenting various scenarios at work, blended with many direct speeches and present verb tenses such as says, report, agrees, proclaims, feels, pauses when referring to the past; the other is a narrative about the author’s personal experience of being a housewife. Though the language used in both texts is somewhat casual, the tone of the first one is more serious and in a report style. Women’s working style and way of thinking are clearly depicted, which will surely provoke an interesting debate on gender issues as a springboard for in-depth class discussion. Activities may revolve around the main theme of the unite: Should women stay home or work outside.

Section A Women at the management level

Background information

Women leaders

In t oday’s econ omy, women are a strong force in the workplace. Gone are the days of men working outside and women staying at home. Women are filling the ranks in many professions and many top companies. Many of today’s global business leader and powerful entre preneurs are women. Indeed, women are increasingly working in upper management roles, serving as leader in a variety of settings. Interestingly, research says women behave more emotionally in certain work situations.

Regardless of what the studies says, the data support the benefits of gender diversity at the workplace. So what does such diversity in the workplace mean? It means that it is beneficial to not only hire but also retain female employees. The text vividly unfolds how females are working in different business sectors at the management level.

Detailed study of the text

1 when Monica applied for a job as an assistant in 1971, she was asked whether she would

attorney. (para.1)


Meaning: Monica was asked if she would like to work for a male or a female lawyer when she applied for a managing job at a law firm in 1971.

Administrative: a.relating to the work of managing a company or organization 行政的;管理的Although administrative positions may pay more than teaching salaries, they often require more hours on the job. 虽然行政工作的薪金比教学工作的更多,但它们却往往需要更多的工作时间。

Sentence structure NOTE

“would rather”句型

1 would rather的意思是“宁愿;宁可;更;最好;还是…为好”,后接动词原形,表示优先选择的一种方式。其否定形式是would rather not do sth. would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rather。例如:

If you/he would rather be alone, we’ll all leave here. 如果你/他宁愿独自呆着,那我们会都离开这儿。

would rather 后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时,表示希望或宁愿某人按某特定的方式做某事,这个结构常常表达的是现在或将来的行为。例如:

I’d rather you didn’t make any comment on the issue for the time being. 我想目前你还是不要对此事发表任何评论。

2 ”I felt that a male-boss/female-employee relationship was more natural, needing no personal accommodation whatsoever.”(para.1)

Meaning: I felt that there was no need to compromise in a relationship between a male boss and a female employee since it was more natural.

employee: n. [C] sb. Who is paid to work for sb. else 受雇者;雇员

knowing what an employee is looking for in a potential employee can help someone to prepare for an interview. 了解雇主在寻找什么样的潜在雇员可以帮助人们准备面试。accommodation:n

1)【sing.,U】(fml) a change in behavior or attitude that helps people work together or end a disagreement迁就;通融;调和

The two sides failed to agree on every point, but they settled on an accommodation for their differences. 双方未能对所有的意见都达成一致,但对他们的分歧达成了和解。

1)[U] a place for sb. To stay, live, or work 住处;工作场所

Having decided to find an appropriate accommodation,we set about contacting all the rental agencies in the city. 我们决定要找一个合适的住处之后,就开始联络这个城市所有的租赁公司。

3. But 20 years later, when she was asked the same question, she said, ”I was pleasantly surprised that female bosses are much more accessible to their emplo yees; they’re much more sensitive and intimate with their employees.” (para.1)

Meaning: However, when she was asked the same question 20 years later, she responded that it was a nice surprise to find out that female bosses had been much easier to approach, more understanding, and closer to their workers.

Meaning beyond words: her answer was entirely different from what she had responded 20 yaers before. It can be assumed that she gained this particular feeling gradually.

4.Female bosses today are still finding they face subtle resistance. (para.2)

Meaning beyond words: Female bosses today are still experiencing gender discrimination, though it may not always be obvious or noticeable.

5. There is still a segment of the population, both men and, surprisingly, women who report low tolerance for female bosses.(para.2)

Meaning : A portion of people, men and, unexpectedly, even women state that they can hardly bear working with female bosses.

Segment: n. [C] a part of sth. that is different from or affected differently from the whole in some way 部分;段;片

Black people constitute the poorest segment of society in the country.黑人在该国社会中构成了最贫穷的阶层。


1)[U] Willingness to allow people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or

punishing them 忍受;容忍;宽容

Tolerance is the quality of allowing other people to say and do as they like, even if you do not agree with it or like it . 宽容是一种素质,它允许其他人说和做他们喜欢的事,即使你不同意或不喜欢。

2)[C,U] the degree to which sb. can suffer pain, difficulty, etc. without being harmed or damaged (对痛苦,困难等的)忍受程度,忍耐力

These students tend to have a poor tolerance for frustration and give up easily when takes become difficult. 这些学生往往对挫折的承受力差,在任务变得困难时会轻易放弃。

6. The growing presence of female bosses has also provoked two major questions that resolve around styles. Do men and women manage differently, and, if so, is that a good thing? (Para2) Meaning: With the number of female bosses increasing, two questions have been raised in terms of styles: Do men and women work differently? Are the differences good for management if there are any?

7. Monica is disposed to think so, on both counts.Now a 40-year-old mother of four, she is president of a public sector labor union with 45,000 members.(Para.3)

Meaning: Monica, a 40-year-old mother of four children and president of a public sector labor union with 45,000 members, is inclined to look at these two points positively: Women do manage differently from men and that is a good thing.

dispose : vt

1)(~sb. to / toward sth.)(fml.) make sb. more likely to particular or thoughts 使(某人)较倾向于

The body releases a chemical that disposes you toward sleep. 体内释放出一种令人昏昏欲睡的化学物质。

2)(~of) get rid of sth., csp. Sth. that is difficult to get rid of 丢弃,处理(尤指难以处理的东西)Litter should be disposed of thoughtfully. 废弃物应该仔细的处理。

disposed: a. likely to behave or think in a particular way 有… 倾向的

He was a man of good character and was not disposed to violence. 他人品很好,没有暴力倾向。be disposed to do sth.: be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事;乐意做某事

His father was a large, comfortable-looking man who wasn’t d isposed to make a fuss. 他父亲各自高,看上去很舒服,不想是会大惊小怪的人。

on both counts: in both ways 在两个方面

I thought he was a kind and honest person, but I was wrong on both counts. 我原以为他是个善良,诚实的人,但这两点我都想错了。

sector: n. [C] a part of an area of activity. esp. of business, trade, etc. (尤指商业、贸易等的)部门,行业

In the financial sector, investors in banks and insurance companies both have lost a lot of money. 在金融行业,银行和保险公司的投资者都损失了很多钱。

Note“A public sector labor union ”(also public sector trade union) refers to a labor union which

primarily represent the interests of employees within public sector (government-owned, supported or regulated) organizations. Public sector unions have become some of the larger or more influential union in certain area of the world in recent times as private sector union membership has declined sharply.

8 “Relations with my employees are probably different from those of male managers preceding me,” she says, “I know what it’s like to have to call and say my kid got the mumps so I won’t be coming in. I have a more flexible style –not soft, just more understanding. ”(para.3) Meaning: She said that she was perhaps different from the previous male managers in relation with the employees because she knew what it meant when someone had to make a phone call telling her t hat he or she wouldn’t go to work due to the illness of their child. She added that she was more flexible and understanding but not weaker in terms of working style.

Meaning beyond words: In a broad sense, female bosses are better than make bosses in boss-employee relations because they are more understanding and tend to show more consideration to their employees.

preccde: v t.(fml) happen or exist before sth. or sb. or come before sth. else in a series 先于…(发生或存在)

A planning session at 11:30 will precede the lunch discussion. 11:30召开计划会议,随后是午餐讨论。

9 . The man who is Monica’s assistant agrees, ”She tends to delegate more and is always looking for a consensus. People are happy and flourish because they have an input into decisions and they are not mere bystanders; their energies are harnessed. On the other hand, consensus takes longer. ”(para.3)

Meaning:The man who is Monica’s assistant holds the same opinion that she usually gives people more rights and is always seeking agreement. Since people have their voice heard in decision-making and are not playing the role of a witness only, they feel happy and successful. In this way, their energies are utilized. However it takes more time to reach an agreement. Meaning beyond words: Again, female bosses would seek more accommodation and agreement than male bosses, which helps to bring employees’ initiative into full play.

Flourish: vt

1)develop well and be successful 繁荣;兴旺;成功

Honesty is one of the bases of any good relationship and no real relationship can flourish without it. 诚信是任何良好关系的基础之一,离开它没有一种真正的关系能蓬勃发展。2)grow well and be very healthy 茁壮成长

Very few plants will flourish without enough water. 没有足够的水,极少有植物能茁壮成长。Harness vt. Get control of sth. in order to use it for a particular purpose 利用;控制

The private business sector was to be harnessed to stabilize and to increase local employment. 私营企业将被用来稳定和增加当地就业。

10. So, are the difference symbolic or real?

Plausible studies suggest that men are typically hierarchical, goal-oriented and feel entitled. Women, by contrast, manage diplomatically, and share power. (para.4)

Meaning: So, the question is whether the differences between male and female managers are representative or real? According to acceptable studies, men like to seek social status, work for goals and be given authority. On the other hand, women manage with skill and flexibility and like to share authority.

Meaning beyond word: In terms of management skill, this part highlights the differences between male and female bosses. The plausible reasons may possibly be traced to the respective character traits of both sexes.

Symbolic: a. important but not having any real effect 象征的;象征性的

People threw flowers into the river between the two countries as a symbolic act of brotherhood. 人们把花扔进两国间的那条界河,这象征着两国之间的兄弟情义。

Plausible: a reasonable and likely to be true 可能正确的;有道理的

A more plausible explanation would seem to de that people are fed up with the conservative government.一个更合理的解释似乎是人们已厌倦了保守党政府。

hierarchical: a dividing people or things into levels of importance 按等级划分

A hierarchical structure merely defines who is in charge of what and is accountable to whom.


diplomatic: a

1)dealing with people politely and skillfully without upsetting them 讲究手腕的;灵活变通的He managed to beat me at every argument as he was more than my match in diplomatic shrewdness.他成功的击败了我的每一个论点,因为他比我更灵活变通。

2)relating to or involving the work of diplomats 外交的;从事外交工作的

To avoid a possible invasion by its neighbor, the country is seeking help through diplomatic channels.为了避免其邻国可能的入侵,该国正在寻求通过外交途径获得帮助。diplomatically: ad.讲究手腕地;灵活变通地;外交地

You can say it diplomatically and with love by telling your kids the reasons why you had to cancel the plan for a party.你可以灵活地,满怀爱心地告诉你的孩子为什么你不得不取消聚会计划。

Note Goal-oriented is a compound adjective. A goal-oriented person or team works hard to

achieve good results in the tasks that they have been given; a goal-oriented plan or activity is based on a number of things that must be achieved. The word oriented means giving a lot of time, effort and attention to one particular thing. It can be combined with different nouns to derive

different meanings such as family-oriented and export-oriented.

11 That point of view is often challenged and argued. Some proclaim that men and women of similar backgrounds, experience and aspirations basically manage in the same way. (para.4) Meaning: The real differences between male and female managers often spark arguments. Some people declare that generally speaking, men and women of similar backgrounds, experience and ambitions manage in the same way.

12. This view is echoed by younger women, especially those who have encountered little gender discrimination. That was certainly the lesson for Nicole.(para.4)

Meaning: This view is agreed upon by young women, especially those who have seldom been treated unfairly. Nicole certainly learned a lesson from her experience.

Meaning beyond word: The implication is that men and women de manage differently. Only young women who have never encountered gender discrimination would assume there is no diff erence between male and female managers. Nicole’s personal experience would serve as a lesson for young women.

Discrimination: n.[U] the practice of treating one person or group differently from another in an unfair way 歧视

Though I face discrimination as a female, I will never give in to pressure to stop trying my best to succeed. 虽然作为女性我受歧视,可是我绝不会屈服于压力,我会尽最大的努力来取得成功。

13. When her father died of a hearted attack, she was an employee at a petroleum products export company. She quit and took over her family’s 160-acre fruit farm in 5t.David’s County. (para.4)

Meaning: When her father died due to a heart attack, Nicole stopped working for an export company of petroleum products and took control of her father’s 160-acre fruit farm in St. David’s County.

export :

n.[U] the business of selling and sending goods to other countries 出口

They are now manufacturing more goods for export.他们现在正在生产更多的产品以供出口。v. sell goods to another country 出口

Their flowers are exported around the world.他们的花卉出口到世界各地。

take over: take control of sth. 接管;接任;接受

In the event of strike, the army will take over the responsibility for fighting the fire. 万一发生罢工,军队将接管灭火的责任。

NOTE This is also a figurative use of “fighting the fires”, which means” to disperse the strike ”.

14. On her first day in the field, a worker called her “darling ”. “He was trying to test me. I w as shaking with anger,” says Nicole, now 34. “I stood erect and said ,” You wouldn’t have called my father darling and you’re not going to take that liberty with me. If you do, I’ll fire you.” (para.4) Meaning beyond words:Nicole’s personal story about ho w one of her workers addressed her on her first day in the field depicts gender discrimination-based disrespect: Men would instinctively think they are superior to women, so the male worker didn’t show the appropriate

respect to his boss, Nicole.


a.in a straight upright position 直立的;垂直的

He’s very tall and erect for his 78 years. 年已78岁的他非常高大挺拔。

vt. put sth. in an upright position 竖起

Officials plan to erect a monument in the spacious square in the center of the city 官员们计划在市中心宽阔的广场上竖起一座纪念碑。

take a liberty/liberties with sb.:(old-fashioned) treat sb. without respect by being too friendly too quickly 与某人相处的时候太放肆

You mustn’t take liberties with the young women. 你切勿对年轻女士太随便。

15. When women work for women, a different dynamic often takes over.(para.5)

Meaning beyond words: When women work for their female bosses, they can always see and experience different working and communication styles from those adopted by their male bosses.

Note Here “dynamic” means the set of forces that exist in a situation, especiall y a relationship,

and affect how it changes or develops. For example: There’s a very supportive dynamic between the members of the group. 组员们之间互相支持,互相鼓励。

16. Susan, a cashier in a Toronto auction house, says that she has explored friendships with some of her female bosses and feels she can rely on them more. (para.5)

Meaning beyond words: Susan has established friendships with some of her female bosses and feels she can trust them more than male bosses.

auction: n. [C,U] a public meeting where land, buildings, paintings, etc. are sold to the person who offers the most money for them 拍卖

After the housing market crashed, many bank-owned houses were sold far below their market value at auctions. 房屋市场崩溃后,许多被银行收回的房屋以远低于其市场价的价格在拍卖会上被售出。

17. While women may feel more at ease with a female boss, men often have to make concessions to the new working style.(para.5)

Meaning: Although women feel more comfortable and relaxed with a female boss, men often have to make changes in their behavior to adapt to the different working styles.

Meaning beyond words:The fact that men have to adjust themselves when they have a female boss is probably because of some psychological reason which makes them feel somewhat hard to get along with the opposite sex.

feel at case with sb. : feel relaxed with sb., esp. in a situation in which people might feel a little nervous (与某人在一起)感到放松,不拘束

If you want to get well again, it is essential to feel at ease with your therapist. 如果你想恢复健康,很重要的一点是你跟你的治疗师在一起感到很放松。

concession: n.[C] a change in your behavior that you make because of a particular situation or idea 妥协;迎合

As a concession, Mother let Nell stay up an hour longer at his computer games. 作为妥协,母亲


make a concession / concessions to: allow sb. to have sth. in order to teach an agreement 为对某事或某想法取得一致的意见作出妥协

Our company has made a concession to them in order to reach a settlement and to continue with business as usual. 为了达成和解并继续往常的业务,我们公司已对他们作出妥协。

18. Brian, a marine biologist, says, ”It took me a couple of years before l left comfortable enough to relax around a female manager. In fact, my relations with her were much more businesslike.”(para.5)

Meaning: Brian, a marine biologist, says that it took him a couple of years before he felt at ease working around a female manager. Anyway, his relations with her were of a business type only. marine:

a.(only before noun) relating to the sea and the creatures that live there 海洋的;海产的;海


Sadly, our beaches are full of trash, the sea is polluted, and marine life is endangered. 很不幸,我们的海滩上都是垃圾,海洋受到了污染,海洋生物受到了威胁。

n. [C] a soldier who serves on a ship 水兵;(英国/ 美国)海军陆战队士兵

From a letter in his pocket, an emergency room nurse learned that his son was a marine stationed in North Carolina. 从他口袋里的一封信中,急症室护士了解到,他儿子是驻扎在北卡罗莱纳州的海军陆战队士兵。

businesslike: a. effective and practical in the way that you do things 处事务实的;有效率的;讲究实际的

To teach the students good business manners, this activity was handled in a businesslike manner. 为了培养学生良好的商务礼仪,这项活动是以务实的方式进行的。

Note The word businesslike, as explained above, is different from words like childlike. Similar words for your attention: lifelike(逼真的;栩栩如生的), warlike(好战的;善武的) .

19. To some extent, the male-female differences come down to conflicting styles. (para.6) Meaning: To some extent, the female- female differences in management lie in contradicting working styles.

extent:[sing., U]the degree to which sth. happens or is likely to happen 程度;限度;范围There is disagreement about the extent of

American influence in Europe. 关于美国对欧洲的影响程度人们说法不一。

to some extent: used to say that sth. is partly but not completely true 在某种程度上

We all tend to remember to some extent the good times and forget the bad. 我们都在一定程度上会记住美好的时光,而忘记痛苦的时刻。

come down to: if a complicated situation or problem comes down to sth. that is the single most important thing 归结为

The decision whether or not we can go on a vacation to Europe comes down to money in the end;that is,how much money we can afford. 我们能不能去欧洲度假的决定最终都归结到钱,即我们能拿出多少钱。

20 One female vice-president discussed the time she burst into tears during a meeting, “Men

think that tears are a nuclear weapon in a conventional war. They take exception to a woman crying inferring that she's feeling unhappy or violated.”(Para.6)

Meaning:One female vice-president talked about the time when she could not hold back her tears at a meeting. She said that men considered women's tears just as unfair weapons. They were angry at women who were crying and thought that these women felt unhappy or offended. vice-:prefix used with the name of a senior job title for referring to the person holding a job immediately below that one 表示“副”(用于高级职位名称前,表示仅次于这个职位的职位)The vice-president is now in control of the school since the president is ill at home.现在是副校长在管理学校,因为校长生病在家。

burst into: suddenly begin to make a sound, esp, to start singing, crying, or laughing 突然迸发(尤指开始唱歌、哭、笑等)

Before Mary even finished telling the anecdote, I couldn't help but burst into laughter. 还没等玛丽说完她那个有趣的故事,我就忍不住爆发出大笑。

take exception to sth: be angry or upset because of sth. 因某事而生气(烦恼)

I take great exception to having such poor service here.我对这儿糟糕的服务表示强烈不满。infer:vt.form an opinion that police collected so far, we can infer that the victim knew ber killer. 我们可以从警察至今收集的证据推断出被害人认识凶手。


1) do sth. that makes sb. feel that they have been attacked or have suffered a great loss of respect 打搅;侵犯;侵害

The media regularly violates people's privacy. 媒体经常侵犯人们的隐私。

2)disobey or do sth.against an official agreement,law,principle,etc. 违背;违反;侵犯

Thirty-four protesters were arrested for violating crimnal law. 三四十名抗议者因违反刑法而被捕。

21 The men failed to understand that what prompted her tears was not hurt but genuine rage.(Para.6)

Meaning: The men did not know what made women cry was not being hurt but their anger.

22 “When we cry, it's because we have all this valid rage that has no appropriate release.”she says.“Women cry;men get relief by going on with the offense or by veiling their feelings to appear composed.”(Para.6)

Meaning: She says that women cry because they have nowhere to release their reasonable anger. While women cry, men seek to release their anger by continuing wirth their attacks on women or by hiding their feelings to look calm.

Meaning beyond words: This example further contrasts the different working styles between men and women, triggered by their personality traits.


1) reasonable and generally accepted 有根据的;令人信服的

Police officers must have a valid reason for stopping motorists. 警察必须有正当的理由来拦截司机。

2)legally or officially acceptable 有效的;正式认可的

Your return ticket is valid for three months. 您的回程机票有效期为三个月。

offense: n. [U] (BrE offence) the act of offending or displeasing 得罪;冒犯行为

The attorney said his client committed the offense because he was out of control over his emotions, so he pleaded insanity.律师说他的当事人因无法控制自己的情绪而做出冒犯行为,因此称其属于精神失常。


vt. hide sth. behind sth. else 遮盖;掩饰

It was a gray morning with the drizzle beginning to veil the hills. 这是一个灰蒙蒙的早晨,细雨开始笼罩山峦。

n.[C]a thin piece of material that women wear to cover their faces面纱

Some women wear veils for religious reasons too prevent strangers from seeing their faces.游戏妇女出于宗教原因戴面纱,不让陌生人看到他们的脸。

compose: vt

1)(~ oneself)make oneself calm after being angry ,upset ,or nervous 使自己镇静下来Standing in front of the platform ,she took a moment or two to compose herself and them walked a few steps toward her audience.站在舞台前,她用了片刻的时间让自己镇定下来,然后向前朝观众走了几步。

2)(be ~d of)be formed from a number of substances ,parts ,or people 由……组成

Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.水由氢和氧组成。

composed : a. calm and relaxed 镇静的;镇定的

To everyone’s surprise ,Tom came out fairly composed after a heated argu ment with his opponents.出乎所有人的意料,汤姆与他的对手进行了激烈的争论后,出来时仍相当镇定自若。

23.Deborah, president of a firm with its headquarters in Toronto ,says that even if men do understand, they sometimes react differently to the identical information and to her cooperative management style.(Para.7)

Meaning: According to Deborah ,president of a firm with its main office located in Toronto, even if men do understand why women cry, they sometimes react differently to similar information and to her collaborative style.

headquarters: n. [pl.] the main building or offices used a large company or organization 总部;总公司;总办事处

The international investment company, which has its headquarters in New York, has three branches in New York, one in Canada and five in Spain. 总部设在纽约的那家国际投资公司在纽约有三家分公司,在加拿大有一家,在西班牙有五家。

identical: a. exactly the same, or very similar 完全相同的;非常相似的

Physically, the two brothers were almost identical, but they were worlds apart in their approach to life. 两兄弟虽然长得非常像,但他们的生活方式却有天壤之别。

cooperative:a. willing to cooperate 合作的

Employees who feel valued are more productive and cooperative. 感到受重视的雇员工作效率会更高,合作精神会更强。

24. Deborah says that her authority is sometimes undermined by perception about her gender. (para.8)

Meaning: According to Deborah, her authority is sometimes weakened by biased opinion of women.

25. ”It stems from the whole social context of traditional role for men and women,” she says, “Mom would tell you to do things, but perhaps you wouldn’t take as much notice as much notice as when Dad told you to do things. Men also have a stronger urge to control,” she says. (para.8) Meaning: She says that p eople’s different reactions toward female bosses and male bosses come from our social background: the traditional roles for men and women. People would pay more attention to what their dad told them to do than what their mom would tell them. Men also have a stronger desire to control.

stem from: develop as a result of st. else 源于;来自;由于…发生

His love of writing, he believes, stems from his analytical training at university. 他认为他对写作的热爱源于他在大学所接受的分析能力训练。

context: n. [C,U]

1)the situation, events, or information that are related to sth. and that help you to understand

it 场合;周围情况;环境;背景

Indeed, the local people’s attitude toward the same policy varies over time and with a changing social context. 确实,当地人民对同一政策的态度随着时间和社会背景的变化而变化。

2)the words that come just before and after a word or sentence and that help you understand its meaning 上下文;语境

You have to make full use of the clues given by the story’s context, your common sense and knowledge of the world. 你必须充分利用故事的上下文,以及你的常识和你对世界的了解。

26 For female bosses, the great expectation of some female employee is one more obstacle. Junior women assume a female boss will promote them more quickly than a man would. (para.9) Meaning beyond words: As female bosses manage more diplomatically and often seek consensus, female employees usually expect to get promoted more quickly by women bosses. This is another obstacle for female bosses.

27 But, they also expect female bosses to be more self-sufficient. “They ask, ‘Why can’t you scan your own stuff?’ or ’Why can’t you do your own filling?’”says one senior female executive. (para.9)

Meaning beyond words: Female employees, however, would also expect female bosses to do more by themselves for the purpose that they won’t be bothered. This expectation by female employees is an act of understanding Deborah’s authority, and it implicitly attests to disrespectful behavior toward her as a boss.

scan: vt

1)use a piece of equipment to read and store information in digital form 扫描

The entire paper contents of all libraries will eventually be scanned into computers. 所有图书馆的文本资料最终将被扫描进电脑。

2)(also~ through)read sth. very quickly in order to get important or interesting information 粗略的看;浏览

Scan the newspaper article and make a note of the main points. 把报纸上的文章粗略地看一下,并把要点记下来。

Usage NOTE

scan, skim

scan 和skim 都可译为“浏览、快读”,都可用作及物和不及物动词,但实际上它们有显著的差别。

1.scan 指“查读”,是根据需要快速扫描出相关的细节。scan 用于此义时,可用作及物和不及物动词。例如:

She scanned the advertisement pages of the newspaper. 她很快地查读了报纸上的广告页。2. skim 与scan 不同,是“略读”,指的是跳过文章的具体细节不看,在短时间内迅速掌握文章的主旨和大意。例如:

I only skimmed the headlines of the newspaper every morning. 每天早晨我只是浏览一下报纸的大标题。


When reading a passage our English teacher always tells us to skim the passage first in order yo get the general idea and then scan the passage again in order to find the specific information. 在阅读文章时,我们的英语老师总是告诉我们先略读文章以获取文章的大意,然后查读以获取所需的具体信息。

28. On the other hand, there is no dispute that a few decades ago they would rarely have had a female boss in the workplace. (para.10)

Me aning: Despite female employees’ too many expectations, one thing that goes beyond any disagreement is that the condition would not have been in place a few decades ago- they could hardly get a women as their boss.

dispute: n. [C,U] a serious argument or disagreement 争论;辩论;争端;纠纷

There is no dispute that family and relatives are the primary source of support for senior people at home. 家人和亲属是居家老人的主要支柱,这是不争的事实。

Sentence structure NOTE

“There is dispute that… “ 结构与”There’s no doubt / need / point that …” 结构(B2U2.TextB)属于同一句型,基本用法相同。

29. Nina, a management consultant says she’s vaguely optimistic, “I’m looking forward to the day, before I died, when we recognize that the best management style will be composed of the best that both genders bring to the table …” Well, she p auses, maybe not before she dies, perhaps in her daughter’s lifetime.(para.10)

Meaning beyond words: Nina, a management adviser says she’s kind of optimistic that someday, before she dies, people will understand the best management styles come from the combination of the best provided by of both genders. However she gives the hint that maybe this day won’t come soon; perhaps it will happen in her daughter’s lifetime.

consultant: n.[C] sb. whose job is to give advice on a particular subject 顾问

He’s left his job as a computer programmer and is now working as a consult for a German firm. 他已不做电脑程序员的工作,现在在一家德国公司做顾问。

vague: a. unclear because sb. dose not give enough detailed information or does not say exactly what they mean 含糊的;不明确的;不清楚的

The new s they’ve released about the flood is vague and incomplete. 他们发布的有关水灾的消息含糊且不完整。

vaguely: ad.

1)in a way that is not clear 模模糊糊地;不明确地

Always I was taught that money was not the most important thing in life, so I will feel vaguely uncomfortable if there is too much of it on hand. 我总是被教导说,钱不是生活中最重要的东西,所以如果我手里有太多的钱,我会隐约地感到不舒服。

3)slightly 稍微;有点

The interview made him look vaguely ridiculous. 他在面试中表现得有点滑稽可笑。

Section B

A proud homemaker

Background information


Women have always been expected to be the heart of the family. In the late 1940s-1950s, they stayed home, cleaned house, cooked, and looked after to their children. During the 1950s, women were primed to move out of their parents’ home and get married to raise families of their own. They had the choice of being an airline stewardess, nurse, teacher or secretary. Then the Women’s liberation movement came in the 1906s. Women began to claw their way working in jobs that were previously limited to men. Many women became recognized scientists, lawyer, head of corporations and held office in government. From the 1970s up, many women became much more powerful. They had earned some good rights, but they almost forgot that they had children at home. With the freedom of women to have the same choice as men, the family unity has suffered greatly. There is little time for parents to spend quality time with their children, and so much is missed watching children grow up.

The 21st century witnesses some great changes in the home and workplace. More and more women now are staying home and waiting until their children are old enough to be more independent before they return to work. Just like the author of the reading, she explains why she feels proud and happy to be a housewife of the 1950s style. The housewife in that particular time depicts a married women who stayed home, cleaning house, cooking, and looking after their children. It was important for a women to show she was a good hostess back at that time. Homemaker, a mainly American gender-neutral term for a housewife or stay-at-home-mom and also a stay-at-home dad, is a compound word which combines two nouns: home and maker.

Detailed study of the text

1.When hearing the word housewife, what comes to your mind? For many people, it’s a

picture of domestic discontent. (para.1)

Meaning: What image will you have in your mind when you hear the word housewife?

To many people, it is a picture of restlessness and displeasure at home.

domestic: a. (only before noun)

1)relating to family relationships and life at home 家庭的;家事的

He is very successful in his career but has a very unhappy domestic life. 他在职业生涯方面很成功,但家庭生活却非常不幸福。

2)relating to or happening in one particular country and not involving any other countries 国内的;本国的

This is our country’s domestic affair; we do not exp ect other countries to interfere. 这是我们国家的内政,我们不希望其他国家进行干涉。

2.Critics of the housewife style in the 1950s seem to find it disgusting that a woman

should make it her life’s work to raise children, clean dishes, and make homework meals, creating a healthy, happy home. (para.1)

Meaning: During the 1950s, a housewife was supposed to devote her lifetime to raising children, clean dishes, and make homework meals, in order to create a healthy, happy home, yet the critics of the housewife style in the 1950s found this lifestyle extremely unpleasant.

disgusting: a. extremely unpleasant and making you feel sick 令人恶心的;使人及其反感的;令人厌恶的

The smell in the room was so disgusting that it made me sick. 房间里的气味很恶心,让我反胃。

3.Are we so afraid of going backward tha t we’re too quick to condemn a different lifestyle?


Meaning beyond words:It seems we are so fearful of going back to a different lifestyle that we rush to criticize the housewife in the 1950s.

condemn: vt. say very strong that you do not approve of sth. or sb., esp. because you think it is morally wrong 指责;谴责

We condemn the liar and blame the cheat, but we excuse an innocent error. 我们谴责说谎者,指责骗子,但我们原谅无心之过。

4.I remember my own working days before I settled down as a full-time homemaker. For

the duration of time that I was working full time, I came home late, heated up a prepackaged dinner for my family, and busied myself with housework until crawling into bed each night, exhausted. My calendar overflowed with little quality time for family or myself. (para.2)

Meaning:I still remember my working days before I settled down as a full-time housewife. Right after I returned home in the evening, I hurried to warm up a prepackaged dinner for my family and began to get busy with housework until I went to bed, exhausted. My calendar was full of arrangement but with almost no quality time for my family or myself.

duration: n. [U] the length of time that sth. continues 持续时间

Her attorney was given the task of protecting her for the duration of the trial. 她审判期间保护她的任务落在了她的律师上。

heat up:become warm or hot, or make sth. become warm or hot

I heated up the remains of last night’s delici ous dinner. 我把昨晚吃剩的美味晚餐加热


busy oneself with:use one’s time by dealing with sth. 使自己忙于某事

To prepare for the trip, he busied himself with the camera while his wife busied herself getting ready all the necessities for travel. 为了准备这次行程,他忙于相机,而他的妻子则忙着准备旅游的必需品。

crawl: vt. move alone on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground 爬;


From the moment a baby can crawl, everything around the baby’s reach must be made safe. 从孩子可以爬行的那一刻起,他能够够到的一切东西都必须是安全的。

crawl into /out of bed: get into or out of bed slowly because you are very tired劳累地爬上床/ 爬下床

After I came back home from work, exhausted. I crawled into bed as early as 8:30 p.m.


overflowed: v. flow over the top of a container because it is too full 满得外溢;从…中溢出

In these early times, they did not yet understand why the river overflowed each year.在早期的时候,他们还不明白为什么每年河流都会溢出。

overflowed with: have a lot of sth. 满是;有许多

Gina suggested that her heart was overflowing with joy when she found out that Tom was returning home from his trip abroad. 吉娜暗示当她得知汤姆正在从国外返回家的途中时,她的内心充满了喜悦。

quality time:n. [U] the time that you spend giving sb. your full attention, esp. time that you spend with your children when you are not busy 珍贵时光,优质时间(指全心照顾子女等的时间)

Parents might spend only 15 minutes of quality time a day with their kids. 父母也许每天可以拿出仅仅15分钟的宝贵时间和孩子呆在一起。

5.I experienced the same situation growing up in a household with two working parents.

My childhood was spent fussing over daily household tasks, trying to keep control before all the work could be compounded and out of control. (para.2)

Meaning: I had experienced the same situation before as I grow in a family with two working parents. During my childhood, I was always bothered about daily housework, trying to be in control before the work piled up and become too much to handle.

fuss: vi. Worry a lot about things that may not be very important (为小事)烦恼

I wish he’d relax for a moment instead of fussing all the time! 我希望他能放松片刻,不


fuss over: behave in a way that shows you are nervous or worried esp. about unimportant things(为小事)紧张不安,大惊小怪

Why are you fussing over the luggage to be checked at the airport? It won’t exceed the limit. 你为什么要担心行李在机场的托运呢?它不会超重的。


vt. make a difficult situation worse by adding more problems 使恶化;加重

The general scare of AIDS was compounded by ignorance about how the disease spread.


n.[U] (technical ) a substance containing atoms from two or more elements 化合物

It’s important to check the level of the compound because it is the compound that shows the amount of iron stored in the blood. 重要的是要检查该化合物的含量,因为该化合物显示存储在血液中的铁的含量。

6.I appreciate my parents’hard work, but a childhood only lasts a short while before it’s

gone forever. I can’t in good conscience let my children look back and wish we had spent less time folding wrinkled clothes and more time together as a family. (para.2)

Meaning:I feel grateful for my parents’ hard work, but one’s childhood is too short. I will feel guilty to let my children recall their childhood days and wish we had spent more time with my family and less time doing housework such as folding wrinkled clothes.

Meaning beyond words: If she were her parent, she would spend more quality time with her children rather than busy herself with household chores.

conscience: n.[C.U]the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong 良知,良心

He could have walked free after stealing the money, but returned because his conscience was bothering him.他偷了钱后完全能脱身。但他还是回来了,因为他感到良心不安。

not in all / good conscience:if you cannot in all conscience do sth., you cannot do it because you think it is wrong凭良心不能做某事(因认为它是错的)

I could not in good conscience encourage people to buy packaged food and soft drinks.


wrinkle: vi. cause or form small lines on cloth(布料等)起皱

The trouble with linen is that it wrinkles so easily.亚麻布的问题是太容易起皱。

v. cause or form small lines on face(使)起皱纹;(使)皱起

Carter wrinkled his forehead in deep concentration.卡特全神贯注,眉头紧皱。

wrinkled: a. skin or cloth that is wrinkled has small lines or folds in it(皮肤或布)有皱纹的,有褶皱的

when I looked in the mirror, I found I did indeed look older and more wrinkled than ever.


7.From my time in t workforce, I know how tiring and stressful a 9 to 5 grind can be.


Meaning: From my experience in the workforce, I know how tiring and stressful it can be to from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


n.[sing] sth. that is hard work and physically or mentally tiring

The daily grind at work may be tough right now, but it won’t last forever.

vt. break sth. such as corn or coffee beans into small pieces or powder

The mill was used for grinding corn until the 17th century.

Note The phrase 5 to 9 grind refers to the hours during the workday in offices, especially the hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. when offices are characteristically open for


8.I love being able to support my husband when he comes home from work, yawning and

exhausted. I get extra joy knowing that arriving to a clean, relaxing house and having a delicious meal are therapy for his stress. (para.3)

Meaning: I enjoy being supportive to my husband when he comes back home tired, and I’m especially delighted to know that a clean, relaxing house with a delicious meal ia s good cure for his stress at work.

yawn: vi. open your month wide and breathe in deeply because you are tired or bored 打呵欠

After she heard a noise, she got out of bed, yawned while rubbing her eyes, and then pocked her head out of the window to see what was going on.她听到吵闹声之后就起了床,边打呵欠边揉眼睛,然后把头伸出窗外看发生了什么事。

therapy: n. [C,U] the treatment of an illness or injury over a fairly long period of time 治疗;疗法

the doctors told my parents that, with therapy, I would probably regain the use of my arms and legs. 医生告诉我父母,治疗可能会重新恢复我的胳膊和腿的功能。

9.Even more importantly, he did many fragments of my job when I was away on business

trips: He took care of the house, the children and every detail. So, he knows that my job as a housewife is a tough, demanding 24/7 job. (para.3)

meaning beyond words:Even more importantly, her husband has come to understand her job as a housewife and even helped with household chores when she was away on business trip.

fragment: n. [C] a small piece of sth. that has broken off or that comes from sth. larger 碎片;碎块;片段

She read the entire book without stopping, having digested eve ry fragment of the book’s fascinating information. 她一口气看完了整本书,并消化了这本书的每个精彩片段。

10.This joint understanding and respect makes our current arrangement a joy to live with

and a good example for our children. (para.3)

Meaning: The mutual understanding and respect makes our life joyful and also sets a good example for our children.

Meaning beyond words:She’s very happy about her current family life and doesn’t want to change it at all.

joint:a.(only before ) involving two or more people or groups, or owned or shared by them 联合的;共同的;共有的

A joint economic committee would look into ways of economic cooperation between

companies in order to maximize business opportunities. 一个联合经济委员会将调研公司之间在经济方面的合作方式,以便最大限度地提高商机。

11.When I first converted to being a housewife, unemployment was embarrassing. However,

now I know it’s wrong to think of a housewife as anything but challenging and important.


Meaning: When I first started to become a housewife, I felt embarrassed not to work.

However, now I know the job of a housewife is very challenging and important.


vi. (~ to) change to a different set of ideas, principles, or ways of doing sth. 改变(观点、原则或做事方式)

As they grow older, people often convert to new ways of thinking. 随着年龄的增长,人们往往会换用新的思维方式。

vt. change sth. into a different from, or change sth. so that it can be used for a different purpose or in a different way 使转变;使转换;使改造

They converted the spare bedroom into an office. 他们把备用卧室改成了办公室。

think of sb. / sth. as:consider that sb. or sth. is a particular thing or has a particular quality 认为(是);以为(是);觉得(是)

I want you to think of this as your home. 我希望你把这儿当作你自己的家。

anything but: used to emphasize that sb. or sth. does not have a particular quality 决不;根本不

Just as you know, Maria is anything but stupid. 正如你所知,玛丽亚才不笨呢!

Sentence structure NOTE

“anything but …”强调句型

1 anything but … 表示否定but 后面的内容,意为“决不…;根本不…”,but 后可接名

词,代词,形容词,动词不定式(在do anything but 之后接不带to的动词不定式)。


Such a man was anything but a hero. 那样的人绝不算英雄。

I’ll do anything but that.我绝不会干那种事。

She’s meant to be really nice but she was anything but nice when I met her.都是她人非常友善,但当我见到她的时候,她一点也不友好。

I will do anything but go there. 我决不到那里去。

2 在anything but… 前面的句子中含有否定词或否定词义的词时,有时把but 直接


I have no 我除了祈祷以外,已无力再做任何事。

12.My daily life is comprised of making breakfast, lunch, and dinner for my family,

vacuuming the interior of the household, doing laundry and dishes, taking care of the lawn and garden, and working on my journalism skills. (Para.4)

Meaning beyond words: In addition to working on my journalism skills, my daily life is made up of various kinds of domestic chores. However, I really enjoy what I'm doing.

comprise: vt. consist of particular parts, groups, etc.包括,由……构成

The United Kingdom comprises England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.英国包括英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰。

be comprised of: consist of particular parts or groups包括,由……构成

The committee is comprised of three sub-committees with different areas of responsibilities.该委员会有三个担负不同指责的分委员会组成。

Usage NOTE

comprise, compose

在表示“组成”时,有一组动词比较容易混淆:constitute, consist, make up, compose, comprise,其中前面三个词已在B1U8教师用书中予以说明。这里主要辨析compose 和comprise。

be composed of, comprise和be comprised of 都可以用来表示整体由部分组成。例如: Concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water.混凝土由水泥、沙、石子与水掺和而成。

The house comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.这个房子有两间卧室,一个厨房,一个客厅。

The committee is comprised of well-known mountaineers.该委员会由知名的登山家组成。


v. clean using a vacuum cleaner用真空吸尘器打扫

I painted the walls, vacuumed the floor, cleaned the windows and put everything back in

its place.我漆墙壁、吸地板、擦窗户、并把所有的东西整理归位。

n [C]a. vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器

Some women have given up their high-status job and stay at home with their children and the vacuum cleaner.一些妇女已经放弃了她们高地位的工作,留在家里与孩子和真空吸尘器打交道。


n.[C. usu. sing.]the inner part or inside of sth.内部;里面

For a moment she stood in the doorway, allowing her eyes to adjust to the dark interior of the room.她站在门口片刻,以便让她的眼睛适应室内的昏暗。

a.(only before noun) inside or indoors内部的;里面的;室内的

The paint on the interior doors is in good condition.室内门上的油漆情况良好。

lawn: n[C,U]an area of ground in a garden or park that is covered with short grass草坪;


No sooner had I started mowing the lawn than it started raining.我刚开始割草就下雨了。

journalism: n.[U]the job or activity of writing news reports for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio新闻业;新闻工作

Journalism and advertising are popular career choices among fine arts graduates.新闻和广告在学美术的毕业生中是很受欢迎的职业选择。

13.My life resembles the 1950s conservative housewife in the modern world, but I don't

feel an ounce of discontent. Cooking, for example, is one of my passions, and I can include hobby into my daily life. Every day, I reject packaged meals full of preservatives and unhealthy ingredients in favor of good, oven-cooked vegetables and protein.(Para.4) Meaning: Though my life is similar to that of the 1950s traditional housewife, I don't feel dissatisfied at all. For example, cooking is one of my hobbies, which I can include into my everyday meals instead of packaged ones full of preservatives and unhealthy ingredients.

resemble: vt,(not in passive) look like or be similar to sb. or sth.像;与……类似;与……相似

Of all humans, Australians are most distant from Africans and most closely resemble their.

neighbors, the Southeast Asians. 所有的人种中,澳大利亚人与非洲人的关系最远,与其邻居东南亚人最相似。

an ounce of: a very small amount of a particular quality 略有

If you had only an ounce of common sense, you'd think of a plan to get us out of this difficult situation! 你只要有一点常识的话,你就会想出一个让我们走出困境的计划!

14.I enjoy the process of cooking as well as the result. My loved ones have more energy,

better moods, and we've lost some weight in the process. Furthermore, I finish my work early and can speed time in the evenings sitting on the couch talking with my family or playing board games rather than bouncing around cleaning.(Para.4)

Meaning: I enjoy cooking and I am happy to see the meals bring my loved ones more energy, better moods, and less weight. In addition, as I finish my work early, I can spend more time in the evening sitting on the soft and talking with my family or playing board games rather than hurry around cleaning. (para.4)

bounce:v. more up and down, esp. because you are hitting a surface that is made of rubber, has springs, etc.(使)上下跳动;(使)蹦跳

The ball hit the ground and bounced high into the air. 球落到地面又反弹到高空。

15.Of course, I don't receive an income for my hours of hard work, but my husband and I

are a team, and we decided democratically that we would rather enjoy living a life with more family time and less money.(Para.5)

Meaning: Surely, I don't get any pay for my hard work at home, but my husband and I are doing teamwork, and we both agreed to enjoy spending more family time and less money.

Meaning beyond words: She has her own standards of quality life. To her, the quality life lies in a good relationship and close bond with family members, but not money.

democratic:a. organized according to the principle that everyone has a right to be involved in making decisions 民主制的;决策民主的

In theory, every citizen in a democratic country may appeal to protection under the law.


democratically: ad.决策民主地;民主

Politicians may be democratically elected, but once they are in office, they tend to listen more closely to the wishes represented by big corporations. 政治家可能是民主选举产生的,但一旦他们开始执政,他们会倾向于仔细聆听代表大公司的意愿。

16.We've had to trim the unnecessary things and learn to tolerate living without. Trying to

explain the difference of income and lifestyle to our children was a particularly difficult episode.(Para.5)

Meaning: We've cut unnecessary spending and try to learn how to live without enough materials. Meanwhile, we have to talk our children into supporting us but it's always rough and challenging.

trim: vt.

1)reduce a number, amount, or the size of sth.削减


部编版2020《小石潭记》知识点归纳一 原文 .从小丘西行百二十步,隔篁竹,闻水声,如鸣珮环,心乐之。伐竹取道,下见小潭,水尤清冽。全石以为底,近岸,卷石底以出,为坻,为屿,为嵁,为岩。青树翠蔓,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。 2.潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依。日光下彻,影布石上,佁然不动;俶尔远逝,往来翕忽。似与游者相乐。 3.潭西南而望,斗折蛇行,明灭可见。其岸势犬牙差互,不可知其源。 4.坐潭上,四面竹树环合,寂寥无人,凄神寒骨,悄怆幽邃。以其境过清,不可久居,乃记之而去。 5.同游者:吴武陵,龚古,余弟宗玄。隶而从者,崔氏二小生:曰恕己,曰奉壹。 二 作者简介、背景及主旨 .作者:柳宗元(公元773年—公元819年),字子厚,汉族,河东(现在山西芮城、运城一带)人,唐宋八大家之一,唐代文学家、哲学家、散文家和思想家,世称“柳河东”“河东先生”,因官终柳州刺史,又称“柳柳州”。柳宗元与韩愈并称为“韩柳”,与刘禹锡并称“刘柳”,与王维、孟浩

然、韦应物并称“王孟韦柳”。: 2.背景:柳宗元于唐顺宗永贞元年因拥护王叔文的改革,被贬为永州司马,王叔文被害。政治上的失意,使他寄情于山水,柳宗元贬官之后,为排解内心的愤懑之情,常常不避幽远,伐竹取道,探山访水,并通过对景物的具体描写,抒发自己的不幸遭遇,此间共写了八篇山水游记,后称《永州八记》。在第一篇《始得西山宴游记》中作者这样记述当时的心情:"自余为僇人,居是州,恒惴栗。"即在此背景下写成。 3.主旨: 柳宗元的《小石潭记》是一篇文质精美、情景交融的山水游记。全文193字,用移步换景、特写、变焦等手法,有形、有声、有色地刻画出小石潭的动态美,写出了小石潭环境景物的幽美和静穆,抒发了作者贬官失意后的孤凄之情。 三 译文 .从小丘向西走一百二十多步,隔着竹林,可以听到流水的声音,好像人身上佩带的玉珮、玉环相互碰击发出的声音,心里感到十分高兴。砍伐竹子,开辟道路,向下看见一个小潭,水格外清澈。小潭以整块石头为底,靠近岸边的地方,石底有些部分翻卷出来,露出水面,成为水中的高地,像是水中的小岛,也有高低不平的石头和小岩石。青葱的树


汉译英 Unit1 1.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充足的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。(no matter how) No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech ,you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关系吉米一样,吉米也关系他们(just as) Just as all his sister ’ s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them 3.汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。(track down)Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。(tell on) If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。(on one’s own) Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6.现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。(reckon with) Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. Unit2 1.被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪 The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2.总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。 All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron . 3正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。 No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4.考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。 Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5.服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并立刻咨询医生。 If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6.总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。 Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. Unit3 1.在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的。 In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional. 2..教师一旦同意接受新的教学计划,他们就得面对新计划所带给他们的压力。 Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them. 3.从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。 In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one ’ s study after graduatin g from university instead of going to work directly. 4.由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视。 As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally. 5.据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。


Glossary lesson 1 academic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年 affection 喜爱 affirm 断言 agenda 日程表 anxiety 焦虑 attitudinal 态度的 baptist bounce 跳跃 capability 能力contribute 贡献 counsel 建议 crisis 危机 definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤 dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生)

encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋 ethical 道德的ethnic evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的 financial 财政的 functional 职务的 genetic 基因的 guilt 内疚 heighten 提高 inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流 interaction 合作 involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊 masculine 男性的 maturity 成熟 mistrust 不信任

newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的 peer 同龄人 perceive 理解 position 工作 prejudiced 偏见 project 规划 rebel 抗议 relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨 role 职责 seminary 学院的separation 分开 sexual 2性的 shrink 缩水 stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2


The shortest way t 新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 答案 Unit 1 Sharing Task 2 (1) daredevil (2) bungee jumping (3) cup of tea (4) feel good (5) achievement Task 3 c-d-e-b-a Task 4 1, 2, 4

The shortest way t Task 5 BCBCB Task 6 1.(1)started off(2) a huge business empire 2.(1)teacher(2)taught me so much about life 3.(1)imprisoned(2)survived (3)impressed(4)ability or the skills Listening Task 2 Activity 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11

The shortest way t Viewing Task 2 Activity 1 3 Activity 2 e-g-c-b-f-a-d Activity 3 1. 90 minutes 2. true landmark 3.(1)10 times(2)focus 4. make this challenge 5. seven miles 6.(1)four months(2) outstanding achievement

The shortest way t Role-play Task 1 Activity 1 B Activity 3 1. Like I said 2. having said that 3. That's what I was saying Presenting Task 1 Activity 2 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11


八年级下册诗词梳理 一.杜牧的《赤壁》中作者借一件古物来兴起对前朝人物和事迹的慨叹,写实的句子是: ,。 诗人发表议论,将对历史兴衰,成败,得失的评价寓于丰富的想象之中的句子是 ,。 二.其他名句: ,为有源头活水来。《观书有感》 江山代有才人出,。《论诗》 少壮不努力,。《长歌行》 八年级下册《小石潭记》知识点梳理 一、本文选自(),作者(),字(),世称(柳河东),()代()()家,是()之一,我们还学过他的《使得西山宴游记》 二、解释词语 清洌.为坻.为屿.为嵁.为岩. 青树翠蔓 ..蒙络摇缀.参差披拂 .. 可.百许头,佁然 ..不动俶尔 ..远逝 往来翕忽 ..斗折蛇.行犬牙差互 ..凄神寒骨 悄怆幽邃.其境过清.不可久居. 下见.小潭明灭可见.日光下彻. 乃记.之而去.,水尤.清洌 三、翻译句子 1、伐竹取道,下见小潭,水尤清洌。 2、潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依。 3、以其境过清,不可久居,乃记之而去。 4、青树翠蔓,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。 5、潭西南而望,斗折蛇行,明灭可见。其岸势犬牙差互,不可知其源。 6、日光下彻,影布石上,佁然不动;俶尔远逝,往来翕忽。似与游者相乐。 7、隔篁竹,闻水声,如鸣佩环,心乐之。 四、原文填空 1、第一段对池潭上的景物描绘的句子: ,,。 写整个小石潭全部由石头构成,描绘石头千姿百态,形状各异的句子是,,,,,。 2、第二段中侧面描写水清澈的句子是,。描写游鱼静态的句子是,,。 描写游鱼动态的句子是,,。 3、第三段中用比喻的修辞描写了溪身和岸势,其中描写溪身的句子是 ,。 描写岸势的句子是,。 4、第四段中描写环境气氛幽深冷寂的句子 是,,。 五、简答 1、中心思想:本文抓住了小石潭幽深寂静的特点,采用了情景交融的写法,描写 了小石潭及其周围幽深寂静的景色其气势,抒发了作者贬谪生活中抑郁忧伤,孤寂悲凉的心境。 2、找出课文中表明作者游踪的句子,理清文章写景的顺序? 先写发现小石潭,描绘其形状,再写鱼游清水中的形态,继而写远望西南景物,接着写小石潭周围凄清的环境,最后交代一同游历的人。 3、如果你能经历时空隧道回到唐朝,于柳宗元在小石潭相遇,听他倾诉郁闷后,说 几句劝慰的话,要求用上《岳阳楼记》或《水调歌头》中的句子。 参考答案:我想对他说,柳宗元,你好。听完你的倾诉之后,我深表同情,你报国无门,空有雄心壮志却屡遭贬谪,但人有悲欢离合月有阴晴圆缺,世界上并不是事事顺心如意的,别太在意,我相信你能战胜挫折,不断进步,最终会成就一番事业的。我相信,你能行! 4、为了发展旅游事业,当地拟开发小石潭景点,请你概括文章内容,为该景点写一 则简介。


新视野大学第三版book1英语课后翻译答案 Unit1 苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。他是一个谜一般的人物,人们主要通过后来的一些古典作家的叙述,尤其是他最著名的学生柏拉图的作品去了解他。苏格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻名。他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提问和回答来激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。该方法在各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。他还在认识论和逻辑领域作出了重大而深远的贡献。他的思想和方法所带来的影响一直是后来的西方哲学的坚实基础。苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人物。他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然他未曾建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派,也未曾创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就变得家喻户晓了。 Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient “sage”. His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analectshas had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years’traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius’thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. Unit2 圣诞节是一个被广泛庆祝的文化节日,全世界有许许多多的人在12月25日庆祝这一节日。它是为了纪念耶稣基督的诞辰。该节日最早可追溯到公元336年。渐渐地,这一节日演变为一个既是宗教又是非宗教的节日,越来越多的非基督徒也庆祝圣诞节。如今,圣诞节在全球被作为一个重大的节日和公共假日来庆祝。不同国家的圣诞节风俗也各不相同。现代流行的圣诞接风俗包括交换圣诞贺卡和圣诞礼物、唱圣诞歌曲、参加教堂活动、摆放各种圣诞装饰品和圣诞树、举行家庭聚会以及准备一顿特别的大餐。对小孩子们来说,这个节日充满了幻想和惊喜。据传说,圣诞老人会在圣诞夜从烟囱进入每户人家,给乖巧听话的孩子带来礼物。由于圣诞节送礼物以及许多其他方面推动了基督徒和非基督徒的经济活动,圣诞节也因此成为商家的一个重大活动和主要销售季。 According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival-the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival, all expressing people’s love and hope for a happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holiday in China.


大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编) 第三册Book3 Unit1~Unit10 翻译答案 ? Unit1 翻译 1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。 The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances. 2) 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。 Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary. 3) 随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。(confirm) The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again. 4) 我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。 I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays. 5) 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。 To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official. 6) 少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。 A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed. 7) 如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。(given) Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter. 8) 数小时后,有人看见那个男孩在林子里瞎转。 Several hours later, the boy was found wandering around in the woods. Unit3 翻译 1) 许多美国大学生申请政府贷款交付学费。 Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their education / tuition. 2) 除阅读材料外,使用电影和多媒体(multimedia)会激发学生学习的兴趣。 Besides reading materials, the use of films and multimedia can stimulate students' interest in a subject. 3) 这位律师试图说服陪审团(jury)他的当事人(client)是无辜的。(convince sb. of) The attorney / lawyer tried to convince the jury of his client's innocence. 4) 提问常常会引发创造的火花。 Asking questions often generates the spark of creativity. 5) 我已经把我的简历(résumé)寄往几家公司,但尚未收到回复。 I have sent off my résuméto several corporations, but haven't yet received a reply. 6) 她的结论是建立在对当前国际情况进行了认真的分析的基础上的。 Her conclusion is built / based on a careful analysis of current international affairs. 7) 我们满怀期望地来参加会议,离开时却大失所望。 We came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we left very disappointed. 8) 暂时他只得接受了一份给一家化妆品公司发促销传单的活儿。 At the moment he has to take the job of distributing leaflets to promote products for a cosmetic company.


新视野大学英语3课后答案 新视野大学英语第二版读写教程第三册答案(1-7单元) Unit 1 III 1 beneath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4 restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7 praying 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drain IV 1 tell …on you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking on me 5 reckoned with 6 call on 7 on his own 8 get through 9 in disguise 10 revolves around V G O D I K L B F A N VI 1 advise 2 level 3 problems 4 necessity 5 skills 6 experience 7 solution 8 value 9 tool 10 manner VII 1 air-conditioned(装空调的;有冷气的) 2 handmade(手工制作的) 3 thunderstruck(非常吃惊的) 4 heartfelt(衷心的;诚挚的) 5 data-based(基于数据的) 6 self- employed(自主经营的) 7 custom-built(定制的;定做的) 8 weather-beaten(饱经风霜的) VIII

1. well-informed(对……非常熟悉的) 2 new-found(新获得的) 3 hard-earned(辛苦挣得的) 4 soft-spoken(说话温柔的) 5 newly-married(新婚的)6 widely-held(普遍认为的) 7 well-meant (出于好意的) 8 well-educated(受过良好教育的) IX 1 no matter how different it may seem form any other substance 2 no matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation 3 no matter what excuse he gives 4 no matter what anyone else may think 5 no matter how they rewrite history X 1 just as we gained fame in victory we lost nothing in defeat 2 just as the head teacher plays a significant role in the school Jane plays a significant role f leader in the classroom. 3 whoever was out there obviously couldn’t se e him just as he couldn’t see them. 4 she has been searching all her life for the perfect chocolate just as I have been searching for the perfect beer. 5 you can make those kinds of comparisons just as you were doing the analyses a minute ago. XI


部教版语文八年级下册《小石潭记》知识点归纳 【作家简介】 柳宗元(公元773年—公元819年11月28日),字子厚,汉族,河东(现山西运城永 济一带)人,唐宋八大家之一,唐代文学家、哲学家、散文家和思想家世称“柳河东”、“河东先生”,因官终柳州刺史,又称“柳柳州”。柳宗元与韩愈并称为“韩柳”,与刘禹锡并 称“刘柳”,与王维、孟浩然、韦应物并称“王孟韦柳”。 柳宗元一生留诗文作品达600余篇,其文的成就大于诗。骈文有近百篇,散文论说性强,笔锋犀利,讽刺辛辣。游记写景状物,多所寄托,有《河东先生集》,代表作有《溪居》、 《江雪》、《渔翁》。 【写作背景】 柳宗元于唐顺宗永贞元年(805年)因拥护王叔文的改革,被贬为永州司马,王叔文被 害。政治上的失意,使他寄情于山水,柳宗元贬官之后,为排解内心的愤懑之情,常常不避 幽远,伐竹取道,探山访水,并通过对景物的具体描写,抒发自己的不幸遭遇,此间共写了 八篇山水游记,后称《永州八记》。在第一篇《始得西山宴游记》中作者这样记述当时的心 情:“自余为僇人,居是州,恒惴栗。”文章即在此背景下写成。 【文章主题】 本文通过对小石潭环境景物的幽美和静穆的细致描写,借景抒情,抒发了作者因被贬官后内心产生的无法排遣的忧伤、愤懑之情,以及贬官失意后的孤凄之情。 【文言现象】 ★重点实词 (1)隔篁竹篁竹:竹林 (2)水尤清冽尤:格外 (3)为坻坻:水中的高地 (4)潭中鱼可百许头可:大约许:用在数词后表示约数 (5)佁然不动佁然:呆呆的样子 (6)俶尔远逝俶尔:忽然 (7)往来翕忽翕忽:轻快,敏捷 (8)悄怆幽邃幽邃:幽深极了 (9)崔氏二小生小生:年轻人 (10)蒙络摇缀蒙:覆盖络:缠绕缀:下垂 (11)参差披拂参差:长短不齐的样子;披拂:随风飘荡的样子 (12)日光下澈澈:穿过、透 (13)明灭可见明灭:或隐或现 (14)不可久居居:停留


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 答案 Unit 1 Sharing Task 2 (1)daredevil (2)bungee jumping (3)cup of tea (4)feel good (5)achievement Task 3 c-d-e-b-a Task 4 1, 2, 4

Task 5 BCBCB Task 6 1.(1) started off (2) a huge business empire 2.(1) teacher (2) taught me so much about life 3.(1) imprisoned (2) survived (3) impressed (4) ability or the skills Listening Task 2 Activity 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11

Viewing Task 2 Activity 1 3 Activity 2 e-g-c-b-f-a-d Activity 3 1.90 minutes 2.true landmark 3.(1) 10 times (2) focus 4.make this challenge 5.seven miles 6.(1) four months (2) outstanding achievement

Role-play Task 1 Activity 1 B Activity 3 1. Like I said 2. having said that 3. That's what I was saying Presenting Task 1 Activity 2 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11


《小石潭记》知识点归纳 一 原文 .从小丘西行百二十步,隔篁竹,闻水声,如鸣珮环,心乐之。伐竹取道,下见小潭,水尤清冽。全石以为底,近岸,卷石底以出,为坻,为屿,为嵁,为岩。青树翠蔓,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。 2.潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依。日光下彻,影布石上,佁然不动;俶尔远逝,往来翕忽。似与游者相乐。 3.潭西南而望,斗折蛇行,明灭可见。其岸势犬牙差互,不可知其源。 4.坐潭上,四面竹树环合,寂寥无人,凄神寒骨,悄怆幽邃。以其境过清,不可久居,乃记之而去。 5.同游者:吴武陵,龚古,余弟宗玄。隶而从者,崔氏二小生:曰恕己,曰奉壹。 二 作者简介、背景及主旨 .作者:柳宗元(公元773年—公元819年),字子厚,汉族,河东(现在山西芮城、运城一带)人,唐宋八大家之一,唐代文学家、哲学家、散文家和思想家,世称“柳河东”“河东先生”,因官终柳州刺史,又称“柳柳州”。柳宗元与韩愈并称为“韩柳”,与刘禹锡并称“刘柳”,与王维、孟浩

然、韦应物并称“王孟韦柳”。: 2.背景:柳宗元于唐顺宗永贞元年因拥护王叔文的改革,被贬为永州司马,王叔文被害。政治上的失意,使他寄情于山水,柳宗元贬官之后,为排解内心的愤懑之情,常常不避幽远,伐竹取道,探山访水,并通过对景物的具体描写,抒发自己的不幸遭遇,此间共写了八篇山水游记,后称《永州八记》。在第一篇《始得西山宴游记》中作者这样记述当时的心情:"自余为僇人,居是州,恒惴栗。"即在此背景下写成。 3.主旨: 柳宗元的《小石潭记》是一篇文质精美、情景交融的山水游记。全文193字,用移步换景、特写、变焦等手法,有形、有声、有色地刻画出小石潭的动态美,写出了小石潭环境景物的幽美和静穆,抒发了作者贬官失意后的孤凄之情。 三 译文 .从小丘向西走一百二十多步,隔着竹林,可以听到流水的声音,好像人身上佩带的玉珮、玉环相互碰击发出的声音,心里感到十分高兴。砍伐竹子,开辟道路,向下看见一个小潭,水格外清澈。小潭以整块石头为底,靠近岸边的地方,石底有些部分翻卷出来,露出水面,成为水中的高地,像是水中的小岛,也有高低不平的石头和小岩石。青葱的树


新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释? How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week? 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her .


1、She intended to make teaching her ________ . (2 A.profession B.work C.employment D.occupation 我的答案:A 得分:2分 2、 Mercury freezes if it is cooled to ________ . (2 A.a low too temperature B.a too low temperature C.too low temperature D.too low a temperature 我的答案:D 得分:2分 3、 By the end of May 2000, she ________ inChinafor five years. (2 A.will have stayed B.will stay C.stays D.has stayed 我的答案:D 得分:0分 4、 Last year the temperature ________ by 10 percent. (2 分) A.raised B.arose C.aroused D.rose

我的答案:D 得分:2分 5、Despite ________ to see him again,she refused to reply to his letter.(2 A.wanting B.want C.to want D.she wants 我的答案:A 得分:2分 6、 In terms of the rank of position, an associate professor is ________ to a professor. (2 A.superior B.better C.inferior D.worse 我的答案:C 得分:2分 7、 ________ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention. (2 A.Being published B.Published C.Publishing D.To be published 我的答案:D 得分:0分 8、 She was terribly hungry. She had eaten ________ the whole day. (2 A.a little


Unit 1 Warming up 1. F 2.NG 3.T Listening Short conversations 1. C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B Long conversation 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D Passage 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C Radio program 1. a journalism degree 2. pretty good 3. about what she has 4. you just want more 5. protective of his family Homework Task 1 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B Task 2 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.D Task 3 1.slice 2.misunderstandings 3.beautiful 4.benefits 5.wellness 6.range 7.explicit 8.has been tracking more than a million sujects since 1979 9.have fewer heart attacks and lower cancer rates 10.a strong sense of connection to others and in satisfying relationship Unit 2 Warming up 1. Running, swimming, and lifting weights 2. Exercise makes him happy, keeps his stress level down, and gives him all sorts of energy for his work and family. 3. Well, there is no swimming pool near my home and i can't swim every day. But anyway, I


《小石潭记》知识梳理 柳宗元 一、文学常识 1、本文选自《柳河东集》,作者柳宗元,字子厚,唐朝著名的文学家、哲学家。因他是河东人,世称他为柳河东,又因他官终柳州刺史,又称为柳柳州。他与韩愈共同倡导古文运动,并称韩柳,同被列为“唐宋八大家”。他曾被贬为永州司马,写下了有连续性的山水游记多篇,其中《小石潭记》等八篇合称为《永州八记》。《小石潭记》是第四篇,也是最著名的一篇。 二、理解性默写 1、文中表现作者发现小石潭过程的句子是:隔篁竹,闻水声,如鸣珮环,心乐之,伐竹取道,下见小潭,水尤清冽。 2、写小石潭全貌的诗句是:全石以为底,近岸,卷石底以出,为坻,为屿,为嵁,为岩。 3、体现小石潭“怪”(潭的结构)的诗句是:全石以为底。 4、形容流水声音清脆悦耳的一句是:闻水声,如鸣珮环。 5、本文借鱼从侧面写水清的句子是:潭中鱼百许头,皆若空游无所依,日光下澈,影布石上,影布石上。 6、写出鱼儿自由轻灵游动的姿态的句子是:潭中鱼百许头,皆若空游无所依。 7、对游鱼作静态描写的句子是:影布石上,佁然不动。 作动态描写的句子是:俶尔远逝,往来翕忽。 8、文中准确地写出潭水的空明澄澈和游鱼的形神姿态的句子是:潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依。 9、“潭中鱼百许头,皆若空游无所依。”柳宗元借游鱼实写水清,苏轼在《记承天寺夜游》中也使用了相同的描写方法的一句是:庭下如积水空明,水中藻荇交横,盖竹柏影也。 10、用拟人化手法写鱼,也反映了作者心情的句子是:似与游者相乐。 11、运用比喻的修辞方法表现溪身的曲折蜿蜒的句子是:斗折蛇行。 12、描写小石潭岸上植物的句子是:青树翠蔓,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。 13、请写出形容岸势峭拔多姿的一句是:其岸势犬牙差互,不可知其源。 14、环境使作者内心忧伤凄凉的句子是:凄神寒骨,悄怆幽邃。 三、问答题 1、概括出各自然段的主要内容。 答:①写发现小石潭的经过和小石潭的概貌。(移步换景) ②写潭水和游鱼,突出水清鱼乐。(侧面描写、动静结合)


大学英语(B)1翻译练习参考译文 1、元宵节是春节后的第一个重要节日。元宵节的习俗在全国各地不尽相同,其 中赏花灯(lanterns exhibits)、猜灯谜、吃元宵等是几项最常见的民间习俗。据说, 吃元宵的习俗起源于汉代,唐宋时期开始盛行。如今,元宵已成为人们的日常饮 食之一,在超市一年四季都可以买到。 The Yuanxiao Festival is the first important festival after the Spring Festival. Although customs of the festival vary from region to region, the most common ones include appreciating lantern exhibits, trying to solve riddles written on lanterns, and eating yuanxiao. It is said that the custom of eating yuanxiao originated from the Han Dynasty and became popular during the Tang and Song periods. Nowadays, yuanxiao has become a food in people’s daily life, which is available in supermarkets a ll the year round. 8、如今,越来越多的大学生抱怨很难找到好的工作。造成这一现象的原因如下: 首先,大学生把在校的大多数时间都用在了专业学科的学习上,只有当他们开始 找工作的时候,才意识到自己缺乏必要的专业培训。其次,大学生之间的竞争也 越来越激烈,这导致任何一名大学生找到工作的机会都变小了。 Nowadays, more and more university students complain about having great difficulties in finding a good job. The reasons f or this phenomenon are as follows: First, college students spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and it is only when they start looking for a job that they realize they lack necessary job training. Second, competition among graduates has become more and more fierce. And this results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job. 7、杭州是中国著名的六大古都之一,已有两千多年的历史。这个城市不仅以自 然美闻名于世,而且有着传统的文化魅力。不仅有历代文人墨客(men of letters) 的题咏,而且有美味佳肴和漂亮的工艺品。一般来说,游览杭州西湖及其周边景 点花上两天较为合适。到杭州旅游,既令人愉快,又能得到文化享受。 Hangzhou, one of China’s six ancient capital cities, has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is famous not only for its natural beauty but also for its charm of cultural traditions. Besides many poems and inscriptions by men of letters through the dynasties, it also boasts local delicacies and pretty handicrafts. Generally speaking, a two-day tour of West Lake and scenic spots around it is advisable for a tourist. As a tourist, you will find it a pleasant and culturally rewarding trip to Hangzhou. 6、说到中国古代的科技文明(civilization),人们自然就会想到“四大发明”,即 指南针、火药、造纸术和印刷术。这四种发明是古代先进科技的象征,具有重大 的历史意义。它们对中国古代政治、经济、文化的发展产生了巨大的推动作用, 也对世界的文明进程产生了巨大影响。 Speaking of ancient Chinese civilization in science and technology, people will naturally think of the Four Great Inventions, namely the compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing. These four inventions are symbols of ancient China’s

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