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地理试卷 第 1 页 共 9 页



地 理 试 卷




3.每题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。





A .甲

B .乙

C .丙

D .丁 2.乙图中示意地球位置的是

A .①

B .②

C .③

D .④





地理试卷 第 2 页 共 9 页


A .0小时

B .3小时

C .12小时

D .24小时 4.①、②、③、④四地,正午太阳高度最大的是

A .①

B .②

C .③

D .④ 5.关于地球外部圈层的叙述,正确的有

A .生物圈是陆地绿色植物的总称

B .水圈的主体是陆地水和生物水

C .大气圈是地球生命生存的条件之一

D .人类活动形成了岩石圈 6.图3示意某种地貌类型,形成该地貌的主要外力作用是

A .风力堆积

B .海水侵蚀

C .风力侵蚀

D .变质作用







地理试卷 第 3 页 共 9 页


A .火山爆发

B .地壳运动

C .地震活动

D .植物生长 8.图中表示大气逆辐射的箭头为

A .①

B .②

C .③

D .④


A .季风环流

B .三圈环流

C .大气环流

D .热力环流 10.2012年4月23日10时,内蒙古自治区发布了大风蓝色预警。由于强冷空气来袭,48小时内,气温大幅降低,最低降至0℃以下。该冷空气可能带来的气象灾害是 A .干旱 B .寒潮 C .台风 D .洪涝


11.2012年11月15日夜间至17日,我国东北及南方地区先后出现了明显降雪和降雨过程。导致该天气过程的天气系统是 A .① B .② C .③ D .④ 12.形成我国北方秋高气爽的晴朗天气的天气系统为

A .①

B .②

C .③

D .④


13.甲气压带表示 A .赤道低气压带 B .副热带高气压带 C .极地高气压带 D .副极地低气压带 14.北纬40°~60°的大陆西岸,终年在乙风带控制下形成温和湿润的

A .温带大陆性气候

B .地中海气候


① ②

③ ④




地理试卷 第 4 页 共 9 页

C .温带海洋性气候

D .温带季风气候



A .①

B .②

C .③

D .④ 16.甲渔场的成因主要为

A .寒暖流交汇

B .上升补偿流

C .径流入海

D .人工养殖



A .纬度地带性

B .非地带性

C .经度地带性

D .垂直地带性 18.影响喜马拉雅山自然带植被差异的因素有

A .水热条件

B .昼夜长短

C .河流形态

D .人类活动 19.我国村落规模在北方平原地区往往较大,在南方低山丘陵地区则较小,其主要影响因素为

A .气候

B .地形

C .植被

D .水源

20.印度洋岛国马尔代夫由1200余个小珊瑚岛组成,平均海拔不足两米,近年来大部分岛屿面临被海水淹没的危险,其原因最可能是 A .地壳上升 B .暴雨洪涝 C .径流入海 D .全球气候变暖 图9表示四个国家的人口出生率和人口死亡率。读图完成21~22题。




8000 6000 7000 5000 4000 2000 3000 1000




珠穆朗玛峰(8844.43m )




高山灌木林 高山针叶林 高山针叶阔叶混交林




海拔(m )

地理试卷 第 5 页 共 9 页


A .①

B .②

C .③

D .④ 22.人口再生产类型属于“三低”模式的是

A .①

B .②

C .③

D .④ 图10示意城市各类土地利用付租能力随距离递减关系。读图完成23~24题。


A .工业区、住宅区、商业区

B .住宅区、工业区、商业区

C .工业区、商业区、住宅区

D .商业区、住宅区、工业区 24.城市中甲功能区形成的原因有

A .环境污染严重

B .地租最便宜

C .交通运输便捷

D .人口流量低 25.春秋战国时期,苗族发展成楚国主体居民,秦灭楚后,苗族大量迁逃。至西汉之初贵州始有苗族分布,川黔一带的山溪江谷间布满了苗族。促使苗族大规模迁徒的主要原因有

A .经济

B .战争

C .政策

D .自然灾害 图11示意1810~2010年发达国家和发展中国家城市化水平的变化。读图完成26~27题。

人口死亡率(%) 人口出生率(%)























地理试卷第 6 页共9 页

地理试卷 第 7 页 共 9 页


A .交通

B .市场

C .地形

D .气候



A .空间上的联系

B .投入—产出联系

C .劳动力的联系

D .信息上的联系 36.钢铁企业宜建在

A .河流上游

B .农田附近

C .城市中心

D .铁路沿线



A .水土流失

B .固体废弃物污染

C .大气污染

D .交通拥堵 38.积极研发和推广新能源汽车体现的人地关系思想是

A .崇拜自然

B .利用自然

C .征服自然

D .人地和谐发展


39.图中反映的主要环境问题为 A .噪声污染 B .大气污染 C .水体污染 D .植被破坏 40.针对该环境问题,可采取的措施有

①提高环保意识 ②治理环境污染 ③加强治安管理 ④实施清洁生产









铁矿 焦煤



















地理试卷第8 页共9 页

2012年12月 N1真题+答案

N1 能力考真题【 2012.12】 問題1 _____ の言葉の読み方として最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。 1.従来の枠を超えて新しい分野に進出する企業が増えている。 1) かべ 2) わく 3) みぞ 4) ふち 2.この情報誌は国内の主な観光名所をほぼ網羅している 1) ぼうろう 2) もうろう 3) もうら 4) ぼうら3.このような賞を受けることは、私にとって大変名誉なことです 1) めいゆう 2) めいゆ 3) めいよう 4) めいよ4. 新商品の開発には多額の資金を費やした。 1) ひやした 2) つやした 3) ついやした 4) ひいやした5. あそこに見えるのは、千年前に建てられた由緒あるお寺です。 1) ゆうしょ 2) ゆいしょ 3) ゆうしょう 4) ゆいしょう6. 若いスタッフたちが手際よく作業を進めていた。 1) しゅざい 2) てきわ 3) しゅさい 4) てぎわ問題2()に入れるのに最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。 7.会議の直前に部長の都合が悪くなり、()私が代理で出席することにった。 1) 瞬時に 2) 迅速に 3) 即刻 4) 急遽 8.あの人は?申請書は締め切りまでに絶対に提出した?と、まだ()いる1) 言い残して 2) 言い張って 3) 言い渡して 4) 言い放って9.このままでは交渉がまとまらないので、互いに()せざるをえない。1) 同調 2) 妥協 3) 和解 4) 融合 10.この論文が今後の医学の発展に()するところは大きいだろう。 1) 寄与 2) 普及 3) 供与 4) 波及 11.今年の花火大会は、30 万人を超える()が予想されている。 1) 人込み 2) 人波 3) 人通り 4) 人出12.仕事の分担を決める前に、必要な作業をすべて()した。


Doctoral degree 1,5501,2721,038 712626444Master’s degree Bachelor’s degree Some college,no degree High school diploma Less than high school degree 2012年12月大学英语四级真题(3) Part ⅠWriting (30minutes)注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上,请在答题卡1上作答。 Direction:For this part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition entitled E ducation Pays based on the statistics provided in the chart below (Weekly earnings of 2010).Please write at least 120words but no more than 180words. Education:A Worthy Investment Weekly earnings in 2010($) Source:U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics Education Pays Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15minutes)Di rections:In this part,you will have 15minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet 1.For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Suffering in silence Despite a law designed to protect them,many people with disabling conditions are unaware of their rights.Carole Concha-Bell tells of her experiences. Being diagnosed with a disabling condition is always a shock.Learning to live without the guarantee of health is like having to unlearn a previous life.The implications for your working life may seem intimidating. There is the disability Discrimination Act (DDA),of course.But does it really provide the


Section A 11. W: I just heard about a really beautiful park in the east end of the town. There are a lot of roses in bloom. M: Why don’t we walk over there and see for ourselves? Q: What will the speakers probably do? 答案:C. Go to the park to enjoy the flowers. 点评:对话中女士介绍了一处漂亮的公园,从男士的回答“为什么不去看看呢?”可以判断,接下去两人可能会去这个公园。see for 看见 12. M: My presentation is scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning at the lecture hall. I hope to see you there. W: Oh, sorry. I was about to tell you that I have an appointment wi th my dentist at 9:00 o’clock tomorrow. Q: What do we learn about the woman? 答案:C. She cannot attend the presentation. 点评:从对话中可知,女士九点要去看牙医,无法参加男士的讲座了。 13. W: How long have you been running this company? M: Twenty years if you can believe that. I brought it from a small operation to what it is today. Q: What do we learn about the man? 答案:B. He is a very successful businessman. 点评:从对话中可知,男士经营这家公司20年了,而且成功把公司从一家小公司发展到了现在较大的规模。run v. 经营,管理 14.


Suffering in silence Despite a law designed to protect them, many people with disabling conditions are unaware of their rights. Carole Concha-Bell tells of her experiences. Being diagnosed v. 诊断;被诊断为(diagnose的过去分词)with a disabling condition is always a shock. Learning to live without the guarantee of health is like having to unlearn vt. 忘却;抛掉以前的想法;去掉…的弊习a previous life. The implications n. 蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意; 卷入for your working life may seem intimidating 吓人的、令人不安的. There is the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 残障歧视法, of course. But does it really provide the protection in the workplace that parliament n. 议会,国会intended v. 打算;准备? Are employers merely paying lip service to 口头上承认the DDA? Or are they even aware of an employer's legal duties and responsibilities义务与责任? In my experience, it is the latter. I have received little support from employers to whom I have revealed v. 透 露(reveal的过去式);显示my condition. This has often left me feeling at a disadvantage and wondering adj. 疑惑的;觉得奇怪的why I bothered doing so in the first place 首先,第一,原本. I had been struggling with illness long before 很早以前;在…以前很久I was diagnosed. In practical terms 实际上;在实践中the diagnosis did little to aid me有助于. Of course, it enabled me to understand my body, my limitations and set me on a course to stabilize vt. 使…坚固;使…安定;装稳定器my symptoms. But it brought a new dilemma n. 困境;进退两难;两刀论法. Where I had previously struggled to work while ill, ignorant adj. 无知的;愚昧的of why my body was misbehaving vi. 作弊;行为不礼貌, I now had a name for my daily struggle: Lupus (狼疮). This is a chronic (慢性的) auto-immune 自身免疫的disorder that can affect virtually adv. 事实上,几乎;实质上any system in the body. It also leaves a huge, dark question hanging over my head when seeking employment: should I tell my employers I have a condition? It is a dilemma that continues to be a root cause of anxiety [??'za??t?] both for myself and for thousands of other UK employees. The rocky road 坎坷崎岖的路to my unfortunate enlightenment about work and disability began just after graduatio n n. 毕业;毕业典礼;when I'd set my sights on a career in communications and landed my dream job with a respected p ublic relations consultancy (咨询公司) in Bristol. But while I was learning the art of media relations, my body w asn't quite making it in health terms. I often went to work with swollen limbs n. [解剖] 四肢and fevers. At my first a nd last performance review 服务表现检讨;业绩评价, my boss was amazed that, despite my many capabilities, I hadn't quite taken control of my responsibilities. A few months later, my contract n. 合同;婚约wasn't renewed and I plunged 投入;跳 进;使陷入further into new depths of ill health. However, I was determined not to be beaten and returned to the interview trail. My next job was in publishing. But despite a shining adj. 光亮的;华丽的performance at the interview, I felt like a fraud n. 欺骗;骗子;诡计. How long would it be before I sank into ill health and depression n. 沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁again? The job was to end with a monumental adj. 不朽的;纪念碑的;非常的bang when I became so poorly I could no longer f unction n. 功能;[数] 函数;vi. 运行;活动;. A few feverish adj. 发热的;极度兴奋的weeks in bed ended in specialist appointment, where I was diagnosed with Lupus and rushed into hospital for fear that 生怕,唯恐;以免;以防万一it may have attacked my interna l adj. 内部的;内在的;国内的organs. The next 12 months were filled with confusion n. 混淆,混乱;困惑. I had no idea about benefits, felt alienated (被视为另类) by the medical establishment 医疗机构and lived off 靠……生活my savings until I was broke. I realized 意识I needed help from my family and moved to London. As soon as I felt better, I marched into a marketing recruitment n. 补充;征募新兵consultancy n. 咨询公司;顾问工作and, within 10 minutes, I had impressed the interviewer enough to be offered a job with the agency. We agreed on a decent adj. 正派的;得体的;相当 好的salary and I told him I had arthritis (关节炎) and would need to work a four-day week. Things went well at the start but soon the client 客户meetings began to fall on my day off, and I rarely le ft the office on time. I began to slip both in health and professional terms n. 术语;学期;期限;条款. The 10-hour days cras hed around my head; no amount of make-up 化装化妆组成could disguise my ill health as I battled against the odds迎 难而上,成败之际,冲破万重的困难to prove to myself that I could still make it in the business world. I often cried on the bus on 不久前my contract was due to be made permanent adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的, I was called to the boss's office and given the "talk" about how my performance n. 性能;绩效;表演;执行was slipping, how awful I looked. I


2018年6月-----12月时事政治 1、2018年12月18日庆祝改革开放40周年大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。2018年广西壮族自治区成立60周年。 2、9月2日第18届亚洲运动会在印度尼西亚雅加达落幕。中国体育代表团在本次亚运会上共获得132金,共计289枚奖牌,在金牌榜和奖牌榜均位列第一。 3、11月5-10日,首届中国国际进口博览会在上海国家会展中心举行。习近平发表《共建创新包容的世界经济》的主旨演讲。博览会主题“新时代,共享未来”。 4、10月23日我国又一项世界级工程---港珠澳大桥开通仪式在广东省珠海市举行,24日港珠澳大桥正式建成通车 5、12月8日我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭成功发射嫦娥四号探测器,开启月球探测新旅程。最终实现人类首次月球背面软着陆。 6、8月31日,十三届全国人大常委会第十五次会议,通过《关于修改个人所得税法的决定》,个税起征点上调为每月5000元,这是个税法第七次修改。 7、9月10日全国教育大会在北京召开,习近平作重要讲话。 8、自2018年起,将每年9月23日(秋分日)设为中国农民丰收节。这是第一个在国家层面专门为农民设立的节日。8月19日设立为中国医师节。 9、11月7日第五届世界互联网大会在浙江乌镇开幕。 10、7月2日,第42届世界遗产大会在巴林麦纳麦举行,中国贵州梵净山获准列入《世界遗产名录》。我国世界遗产增至53处,居世界第一 11、10月25-27日,日本首相安倍晋三对中国进行访问。也是中日和平友好条约缔结40周年。 12、11月1日,习近平主持召开民营企业座谈会 13、11月30日,二十国集团领导人第十三次峰会在阿根廷举行。 14、10月23日第十二届珠海航展我国“天和”号空间站核心舱首次对公众开放。 15、7月21-22日,国家主席习近平对塞内加尔进行国事访问。塞内加尔成为第一个同中国签署“一带一路”合作文件的西非国家。 16、在2018俄罗斯世界杯足球赛决赛中,法国队以4∶2战胜克罗地亚队,获得本届世界杯冠军,法国队第二次夺得世界杯冠军。 17、8月24日“和平使命—2018”上海合作组织联合反恐军事演习,在俄罗斯切巴尔库尔训练基地举行。 18、第15届中国—东盟博览会、中国—东盟商务与投资峰会在广西南宁闭幕 19、国务院批复设立中国(海南)自由贸易试验区,并印发《中国(海南)自由贸易试验区总体方案》。自由贸易试验区的实施范围为海南岛全岛 20、11月15-21日,国家主席习近平出席亚太经合组织(APEC)第二十六次领导人非正式会议 20、11月26日第八届中欧论坛汉堡峰会在德国汉堡开幕。 21、中华人民共和国友谊勋章将于6 月8 日首次颁授,授予为我国社会主义现代化建设等的外国人,为国家最高荣誉。 22、7月1日零时起,全国铁路将增开复兴号56对等 23、中央正式宣布支持长江三角洲区域一体化发展并上升为国家战略。 24、6月20日,英国议会表决通过《退出欧洲联盟法案》。 25、10月19日,中宣部授予卓嘎、央宗“时代楷模”称号。 26、我国研发的抗癌药呋喹替尼胶囊获批上市,为结直肠癌患者提供新的治疗途径


2012年12月英语四级完整版真题:第二套 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A) Make phone calls to promote sales. B) Arrange business negotiations. C) Handle complaints from customers. D) Take orders over the phone. 20. A) They had different business strategies. B) Customers often mistook one for the other. C) Conflicts between them could not be properly solved. D) Customers' questions could not be answered on the same day. 21. A) They each take a week. B) They like to spend it together. C) They have to take it by turns. D) They are given two weeks each. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. A) At a road crossing. B) Outside a police station. C) D) In front of a kindergarten. 23. A) He drove too fast to read it. B) He did not notice it. C) It says 45 miles an hour. D) It is not clearly visible. 24. A) It should have been renewed two months ago. B) It actually belongs to somebody else. C) It is no longer valid. D) It is not genuine. 25. A) He got a ticket. B) He was fined $35. C) He had his driver's license canceled. D) He had to do two weeks' community service. Section B Passage One Questions 26 to 29 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 26. A) They care more about an item's price than its use. B) They grab whatever they think is a good bargain. C) They become excited as if they had never been there. D) They behave as if their memories have failed totally. 27. A) Those with a VIP card. C) Those needing assistance. B) Those with 15 items or less. D) Those paying in cash. 28. A) Go back and pick up more items. C) Change the items they have picked up. B) Take out some unwanted purchases. D) Calculate the total cost of the groceries.


2014年12月时事政治汇总 一、国内 1.12月1日,长江经济带海关区域通关一体化改革实现流域全覆盖,南昌、武汉、长沙、成都、重庆、贵阳、昆明等7个海关加入改革。当天,流域12个关区的海关特殊监管区域也纳入区域通关一体化,长江全流域真正实现了“12关如1关”。这标志着京津冀、长江经济带、广东地区三大区域通关一体化改革全面实施。 2.中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席、中央全面深化改革领导小组组长习近平12月2日上午主持召开中央全面深化改革领导小组第七次会议并发表重要讲话。他强调,改革开放在认识和实践上的每一次突破和发展,无不来自人民群众的实践和智慧。要鼓励地方、基层、群众解放思想、积极探索,鼓励不同区域进行差别化试点,善于从群众关注的焦点、百姓生活的难点中寻找改革切入点,推动顶层设计和基层探索良性互动、有机结合。 3.中国工商银行伦敦分行于当地时间12月1日晚在伦敦宣布正式对外营业。这是新中国成立以来,中国大陆地区银行在英国设立的首家分行,也是2008年国际金融危机以来,第一家得到英国相关监管部门授权的银行。 4.12月1日,中国铁建股份有限公司(中国铁建)承建的尼日利亚首都阿布贾至卡杜纳州现代化铁路(阿卡铁路)铺通仪式在卡杜纳州

瑞卡萨镇隆重举行。阿卡铁路的全线贯通标志着尼日利亚现代化铁路建设迈出坚实步伐,也标志着首条采用中国标准的现代化铁路扎根非洲大地。 5.中国国民党主席马英九12月2日下午在党内高层会议“中山会报”上宣布,他3日将请辞党主席职务。 6.在首个国家宪法日到来之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平作出重要指示。他强调,宪法是国家的根本法,是治国安邦的总章程,是党和人民意志的集中体现,具有最高的法律地位、法律权威、法律效力。坚持依法治国首先要坚持依宪治国,坚持依法执政首先要坚持依宪执政。要坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一,坚定不移走中国特色社会主义法治道路,坚决维护宪法法律权威。要以设立国家宪法日为契机,深入开展宪法宣传教育,大力弘扬宪法精神,切实增强宪法意识,推动全面贯彻实施宪法,更好发挥宪法在全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面推进依法治国中的重大作用。 7.从国家旅游局获悉:截至11月,中国内地公民当年出境旅游首次突破1亿人次。从“请进来”到“走出去”,中国内地公民出境旅游人数自有统计数据的1998年的843万人次,到2014年破亿,增长10.8倍,既是中国旅游业发展的一个里程碑,也是中国改革开放、经济社会发展进入新阶段具有标志性意义的大事。


2012年12月英语四级真题答案 一、作文 Education Pay From the bar chart given above, we can observe that it reflects the statistics of income among people of different educational background. Those who possess a doctoral degree earn 1,551dollars median weekly, ranking first among people of other education level. The median weekly earnings of people with associate degree and below can not reach the average of 797 dollars, ranking from 768 dollars to 451 dollars. As for the unemployment rate, 2.5 % of people with doctoral degree will suffer form unemployment. However, the unemployment rate of people with some college, no degree and lower degree surpass the mean value of 7.6%,ranking from 8.7% to 14.1%。 The bar chart of Education Pays reveals a phenomenon that there exits some difference in incomes and unemployment rate among people with different educational level. Quite a few reasons can account for this phenomenon: for one thing, with the advancement of technology and the adjustment of industrial structure, quite a few high-tech industries emerge overnight, which leads to a soar demand of workforces with high educational degree, thus, it is natural that graduates with bachelor’ and higher degree get a h igh pay-packet and enjoy a stable job. Additionally, those with educational background under associate degree are easily dismissed and paid by low salary. They can be replaced any time due to the fact that their jobs are easy and can be finished by average people。 Definitely, the higher education degree you get, the more likely you are to enjoy a competitive edge in the employment market. Thus, the authorities should enforce some policies to ensure the equity of education. Only in this way can more people lead a stable and comfortable life。 二、快速阅读 三、听力理解 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11.W: I just heard about a really beautiful park in the east end of the town. There are a lot of roses in bloom. M:Why don’t we walk over there and see for oursel ves? Q:What will the speakers probably do? 12.M: My presentation is scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning at the lecture hall. I hope to see you there. W: Oh, sorry. I was about to tell you that I have an appointment with my dentist at 9:00 o’clock tomorrow. Q:What do we learn about the woman? 13.W: How long have you been running this company? M: Twenty years if you can believe that. I brought it from a small operation to what it is today. Q:What do we learn about the man? 14.M: Have you read the news on the campus net? Susan has won the scholarship for next year.


2012年12月大学英语六级考试真题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Man and Computer by commenting on the saying, “The real danger is not tha t the computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the computer.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Man and Computer Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on A nswer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Thirst grows for living unplugged More people are taking breaks from the connected life amid the stillness and quiet of retreats like the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, Pennsylvania. About a year ago, I flew to Singapore to join the writer Malcolm Gladwell, the fashion designer Marc Ecko and the graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister in addressing a group of advertising people on “Marketing to the Child of Tomorrow.” Soon after I arrived, the chief executive of the agency that had invited us took me aside. What he was most interested in, he began, was stillness and quiet. A few months later, I read an interview with the well-known cutting-edge designer Philippe Starck. What allowed him to remain so consistently ahe ad of the curve? “I never read any magazines or watch TV,” he said, perhaps with a little exaggeration. “Nor do I go to cocktail parties, dinners or anything like that.” He lived outside conventional ideas, he implied, because “I live alone mostly, in the middle of nowhere.” Around the same time, I noticed that those who part with $2,285 a night to stay in a cliff-top room at the Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur, California, pay partly for the privilege of not having a TV in their rooms; the future of travel, I’m reliably told, lies in “black-hole resorts,” which charge high prices precisely because you can’t get online in their rooms. Has it really come to this? The more ways we have to connect, the more many of us seem desperate to unplug. Internet rescue camps in South Korea and China try to save kids addicted to the screen. Writer friends of mine pay good money to get the Freedom software that enables them to disable the very Internet connections that seemed so emancipating not long ago. Even Intel experimented in 2007 with conferring four uninterrupted hours of quiet time (no phone or e-mail) every Tuesday morning on 300 engineers and managers. Workers were not allowed to use the phone or send e-mail, but simply had the chance to clear their heads and to hear themselves think. The average American spends at least eight and a half hours a day in front of a screen, Nicholas Carr notes in his book The Shallows. The average American teenager sends or receives 75 text messages a day, though one girl managed to handle an average of 10,000 every 24 hours for a month. Since luxury is a function of scarcity, the children of tomorrow will long for nothing more than intervals of freedom from all the blinking machines, streaming videos and scrolling headlines that leave them feeling empty and too full all at once. The urgency of slowing down—to find the time and space to think—is nothing new, of course, and wiser souls have always reminded us that the more attention we pay to the moment, the less time and energy we have to pla ce it in some larger context. “Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for our miseries,” the French philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote in the 17th century, “and yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.” He also famously remarked that all of man’s problems come from his inability to sit quietly in a room alone. 1


2016年12月时事政治热点汇总 1. 联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会12月1日发布的《2016年亚洲及太平洋经济社会概览》(年终修订版)称,在全球经济疲软、贸易增长乏力、主要经济体增长前景不确定的背景下,中国引领亚太地区经济平稳高速增长,为全球经济提供了稳固支撑。 2. 联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第十一届常会11月30日通过审议,批准中国申报的“二十四节气”列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。 3. 12月6日,我国首艘自主设计建造的客箱船“海蓝鲸”号在山东威海顺利下水。 4. 韩国国会12月9日通过弹劾总统朴槿惠的议案,被称为“决定韩国命运的表决”最终尘埃落定。韩国总统朴槿惠从即日起停职,国务总理黄教安代行总统职务。 5. 12月11日是中国加入世贸组织15周年的日子。得益于加入世贸组织红利,中国已成为全球第二大经济体、世界第一大贸易国、世界第一大吸引外资国、世界第二大对外投资国……同时,“中国方案”“中国智慧”也让中国为世界经贸发展贡献了力量。 6. 12月11日零时11分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭成功发射风云四号卫星。风云四号卫星是我国静止轨道气象卫星从第一代(风云二号)向第二代跨越的首发星,也是我国首颗地球同步轨道三轴稳定定量遥感卫星。 7. 12月15日,我国第一个海外陆地卫星接收站——中国遥感卫星地面站北极接收站(简称“北极站”),在瑞典基律纳通过现场验收并投入试运行。 8. 12月15日,俄罗斯总统普京开始对日本进行国事访问,这是2010年以来俄罗斯总统首次访日,也是普京时隔11年再次踏上日本土地,引起国际媒体的高度关注。俄日关系发展的最大障碍——领土问题至今仍未解决。分析认为,日本希望俄罗斯能在领土问题谈判上有实质性进展,而俄罗斯只想加强与日本的经济合作,以打开西方国家制裁的突破口。两国各有所求,双方关系发展仍存在不确定性。

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