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In Another Country by Ernest Hemingway 海明威 在异乡

In Another Country by Ernest Hemingway 海明威 在异乡
In Another Country by Ernest Hemingway 海明威 在异乡

In Another Country

By Ernest Hemingway

In the fall the war was always there, but we did not go to it any more. It was cold in the fall in Milan and the dark came very early. Then the electric lights came on, and it was pleasant along the streets looking in the windows. There was much game hanging outside the shops, and the snow powdered in the fur of the foxes and the wind blew their tails. The deer hung stiff and heavy and empty, and small birds blew in the wind and the wind turned their feathers. It was a cold fall and the wind came down from the mountains.

We were all at the hospital every afternoon, and there were different ways of walking across the town through the dusk to the hospital. Two of the ways were alongside canals, but they were long. Always, though, you crossed a bridge across a canal to enter the hospital. There was a choice of three bridges. On one of them a woman sold roasted chestnuts. It was warm, standing in front of her charcoal fire, and the chestnuts were warm afterward in your pocket. The hospital was very old and very beautiful, and you entered a gate and walked across a courtyard and out a gate on the other side. There were usually funerals starting from the courtyard. Beyond the old hospital were the new brick pavilions, and there we met every afternoon and were all very polite and interested in what was the matter, and sat in the machines that were to make so much difference.

The doctor came up to the machine where I was sitting and said: "What did you like best to do before the war? Did you practice a sport?"

I said: "Yes, football."

"Good," he said. "You will be able to play football again better than ever."

My knee did not bend and the leg dropped straight from the knee to the ankle without a calf, and the machine was to bend the knee and make it move as riding a tricycle. But it did not bend yet, and instead the machine lurched when it came to the bending part. The doctor said:" That will all pass. You are a fortunate young man. You will play football again like a champion."

In the next machine was a major who had a little hand like a baby's. He winked at me when the doctor examined his hand, which was between two leather straps that bounced up and down and flapped the stiff fingers, and said: "And will I too play football, captain-doctor?" He had been a very great fencer, and before the war the greatest fencer in Italy.

The doctor went to his office in a back room and brought a photograph which showed a hand that had been withered almost as small as the major's, before it had taken a machine course, and after was a little larger. The major held the photograph with his good hand and looked at it very carefully. "A wound?" he asked.

"An industrial accident," the doctor said.

"Very interesting, very interesting," the major said, and handed it back to the doctor.

"You have confidence?"

"No," said the major.

There were three boys who came each day who were about the same age I was. They were all three from Milan, and one of them was to be a lawyer, and one was to be a painter, and one had intended to be a soldier, and after we were finished with the machines, sometimes we walked back together to the Café Cova, which was next door to the Scala. We walked the short way through the communist quarter because we were four together. The people hated us because we were officers, and from a wine-shop someone called out, "A basso gli ufficiali!" as we passed. Another boy who walked with us sometimes and made us five wore a black silk handkerchief across his face because he had no nose then and his face was to be rebuilt. He had gone out to the front from the military academy and been wounded within an hour after he had gone into the front line for the first time. They rebuilt his face, but he came from a very old family and they could never get the nose exactly right. He went to South America and worked in a bank. But this was a long time ago, and then we did not any of us know how it was going to be afterward. We only knew then that there was always the war, but that we were not going to it any more.

We all had the same medals, except the boy with the black silk bandage across his face, and he had not been at the front long enough to get any medals. The tall boy with a very pale face who was to be a lawyer had been lieutenant of Arditi and had three medals of the sort we each had only one of. He had lived a very long time with death and was a little detached. We were all a little detached, and there was nothing that held us together except that we met every afternoon at the hospital. Although, as we walked to the Cova through the though part of town, walking in the dark, with light and singing coming out of the wine-shops, and sometimes having to walk into the street when the men and women would crowd together on the sidewalk so that we would have had to jostle them to et by, we felt held together by there being something that had happened that they, the people who disliked us, did not understand.

We ourselves all understood the Cova, where it was rich and warm and not too brightly lighted, and noisy and smoky at certain hours, and there were always girls at the tables and the

illustrated papers on a rack on the wall. The girls at the Cova were very patriotic, and I found that the most patriotic people in Italy were the café girls - and I believe they are still patriotic.

The boys at first were very polite about my medals and asked me what I had done to get them. I showed them the papers, which were written in very beautiful language and full of fratellanza and abnegazione, but which really said, with the adjectives removed, that I had been given the medals because I was an American. After that their manner changed a little toward me, although I was their friend against outsiders. I was a friend, but I was never really one of them after they had read the citations, because it had been different with them and they had done very different things to get their medals. I had been wounded, it was true; but we all knew that being wounded, after all, was really an accident. I was never ashamed of the ribbons, though, and sometimes, after the cocktail hour, I would imagine myself having done all the things they had done to get their medals; but walking home at night through the empty streets with the cold wind and all the shops closed, trying to keep near the street lights, I knew that ì would never have done such things, and I was very much afraid to die, and often lay in bed at night by myself, afraid to die and wondering how I would be when back to the front again.

The three with the medals were like hunting-hawks; and I was not a hawk, although I might seem a hawk to those who had never hunted; they, the three, knew better and so we drifted apart. But I stayed good friends with the boy who had been wounded his first day at the front, because he would never know now how he would have turned out; so he could never be accepted either, and I liked him because I thought perhaps he would not have turned out to be a hawk either.

The major, who had been a great fencer, did not believe in bravery, and spent much time while we sat in the machines correcting my grammar. He had complimented me on how I spoke Italian, and we talked together very easily. One day I had said that Italian seemed such an easy language to me that I could not take a great interest in it; everything was so easy to say. "Ah, yes," the major said. "Why, then, do you not take up the use of grammar?" So we took up the use of grammar, and soon Italian was such a difficult language that I was afraid to talk to him until I had the grammar straight in my mind.

The major came very regularly to the hospital. I do not think he ever missed a day, although I am sure he did not believe in the machines. There was a time when none of us believed in the machines, and one day the major said it was all nonsense. The machines were new then and it was we who were to prove them. It was an idiotic idea, he said, "a theory like another". I had not learned my grammar, and he said I was a stupid impossible disgrace, and he was a fool to have bothered with me. He was a small man and he sat straight up in his chair with his right hand thrust into the machine and looked straight ahead at the wall while the straps thumbed up and down with his fingers in them.

"What will you do when the was is over if it is over?" he asked me. "Speak grammatically!"

"I will go to the States."

"Are you married?"

"No, but I hope to be."

"The more a fool you are," he said. He seemed very angry. "A man must not marry." "Why, Signor Maggiore?"

"Don't call me Signor Maggiore."

"Why must not a man marry?"

"He cannot marry. He cannot marry," he said angrily. "If he is to lose everything, he should not place himself in a position to lose that. He should not place himself in a position to lose. He should find things he cannot lose."

He spoke very angrily and bitterly, and looked straight ahead while he talked.

"But why should he necessarily lose it?"

"He'll lose it," the major said. He was looking at the wall. Then he looked down at the machine and jerked his little hand out from between the straps and slapped it hard against his thigh. "He'll lose it," he almost shouted. "Don't argue with me!" Then he called to the attendant who ran the machines. "Come and turn this damned thing off."

He went back into the other room for the light treatment and the massage. Then I heard him ask the doctor if he might use his telephone and he shut the door. When he came back into the room, I was sitting in another machine. He was wearing his cape and had his cap on, and he came directly toward my machine and put his arm on my shoulder.

"I am sorry," he said, and patted me on the shoulder with his good hand. "I would not be rude. My wife has just died. You must forgive me."

"Oh-" I said, feeling sick for him. "I am so sorry."

He stood there biting his lower lip. "It is very difficult," he said. "I cannot resign myself."

He looked straight past me and out through the window. Then he began to cry. "I am utterly unable to resign myself," he said and choked. And then crying, his head up looking at nothing, carrying himself straight and soldierly, with tears on both cheeks and biting his lips, he walked past the machines and out the door.

The doctor told me that the major's wife, who was very young and whom he had not married until he was definitely invalided out of the war, had died of pneumonia. She had been sick only a few days. No one expected her to die. The major did not come to the hospital for three days. Then he came at the usual hour, wearing a black band on the sleeve of his uniform. When he came back, there were large framed photographs around the wall, of all sorts of wounds before and after they had been cured by the machines. In front of the machine the major used were three photographs of hands like his that were completely restored. I do not know where the doctor got them. I always understood we were the first to use the machines. The photographs did not make much difference to the major because he only looked out of the window.


一、近义词和反义词 近义词(同义词) 读音不同而意思相同或相近的词叫近义词。 恰当地运用近义词,可以表现不同的感情和风格,这就需要我们了解近义词之间的细微的差别。

二、常见句式 按不同的作用,句子可以分为基本类型:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句、肯定句、否定句、设问句、反问句、“把”字句和“被”字句。 1、陈述句 只要意思是在告诉别人一件事,都可以上视作陈述句。(陈述句的语调一般是平的,句末用句号。)例:我交上了作业。 2、疑问句 当我们对某一件事不明白或不理解时,就要用一句话去问别人,这句话就叫做疑问句。(疑问句的语调一般是上扬的,句末用问号。)例:你吃饭了吗? 3、祈使句 是用来要求别人做某件事或不做某件事的句子叫祈使句。(句子末尾的语调一般向下降,句末用句号,语气较强的用感叹号。)例:请你赶快把书送回去。 4、感叹句 带有喜欢、厌恶、痛恨、悲伤、快乐、惊讶、愤怒、恐惧等强烈感情的这类句子叫做感叹句。(末尾的语调一般是下降的,句末大都用感叹号。) 例:昨天是我的眼睛骗了我,那“鸟的天堂”的却是鸟的天堂。 5、肯定句 肯定一件事的句子叫肯定句。(肯定句中往往没有明确表示肯定的词语。)例:他是我妈妈。

6、否定句 否定一件事的句子叫否定句。(否定句中常用“不”“没”“没有”“否认”等词来表示否定。)例:他不是我妈妈。 7、设问句 说话或写文章时,为了强调自己的看法和结论,先提出一个问题,然后紧跟着把自己的看法说出来,也就是自问自答,这就叫设问句。例:是谁创造了人类世界?是我们劳动群众。 8、反问句 反问句提出问题,只问不答把答案巧妙地藏在问话里,读者可以从中体会到明确的答案。(反问句中一般都有明显的反问词语出现,如:“难道”“不是…..吗”等。) 例:万里长城难道不是劳动人民智慧和汗水的结晶吗? 9、“把”字句 在句子中“把”字来表示处置关系,这样的句子叫做“把”字句。“把”字没有什么实在的含义,只表示一种“处置”与“被处置的关系。”“把”字常用在两种事物的名称之间,表示前者处置了后者。 10、“被”字句 在句子中“被”字来表示处置关系,这样的句子叫做“被”字句。表示一种“处置”与“被处置”的关系,只不过他所表示的关系与“把”字恰恰相反。例:我被老师批评了


an other others the other the others等。 1 one...the other翻译为一个...另一个...含义是有范畴的共2个2个部分2个人等。 例题I’ve got two tickets for tonight’s concert. One is for me _________ is for you. A other B the other C others D an other 答案D 2 one/some/several... another翻译为一个/一些/几个...另一个...含义中没有范畴可以无限增加。 例句You have had several cakes. Do you really want an other one Neither of the hats doesn’t look good on my daughter. Would you give me an other one 3 some...others...翻译为一些...其它的指剩余的大部分... 含义中没有范畴因为还有部分未提及。 例句/题A few students are playing soccer while others are watching them. 操场上一般不有只踢球和看球的人可能还有做其它活动的人。We should help_____when they are in trouble. A other B the others C others D the other我们不可能帮助除我们以外的所有人所以答案是C。 4 one...the others...翻译为一个...其余的指剩余的全部... 含义是有范畴的. 例句The minotor will go to the Teachers’ Office the others will stay in the classroom. 5some...the others...翻译为一些...其余的指剩余的全部... 含义是有范畴的. 例句Four of the ten boys are standing and the others are sitting round them.


农田水利学课程考试试题及答案 姓名年级专业学号 一、名词解释(每小题2分共10分) 1.灌水率: 2.排涝模数: 3.平均排除法: 4.(排涝计算中的)设计内水位: 5.容泄区: 二.选择题(共10分) 1.灌溉设计标准是反映灌区效益达到某一水平的一个重要技术指标,一般以( )与( )表示? A、灌溉设计保证率、抗旱天数。 B、水文年型、降水量。 C、设计灌溉用水量全部获得满足的年数、抗旱天数。 D、水源来水量、灌区需水量。 2.什么叫田间渠系的灌排相邻布置?() A、灌溉渠道与排水沟道的规划布置。 B、田间各级渠道规划布置的形式。 C、田间灌排渠系并行相邻的布置形式。 D、田间灌排渠系交错的布置形式。

3.渠道的输水损失包括以下四个部分:() A、干渠、支渠、斗渠及农渠等四级渠道的水量损失。 B、渠床土质、地下水埋深、渠道的工作制度及输水时间。 C、自由渗流、顶托渗流、渠床土质、与渠道的工作制度等。 D、渠道水面蒸发损失、渠床渗漏损失、闸门漏水与渠道退水等。 4.什么叫渠道水的利用系数?() A、灌溉渠系的净流量与毛流量的比值。 B、某一级渠道的净流量与毛流量的比值。 C、田间实际灌入的有效水量与末级渠道的供水量之比。 D、实际灌入农田的有效水量和渠首引入的水量之比。 5.在渠道规划设计中,渠道最小流量有何作用?() A、用以校核对下一级渠道的水位控制条件。 B、用以校核渠道不淤条件。 C、用以确定修建节制闸的位置。 D、用以校核对下一级渠道的水位控制条件和确定修建节制闸的位置,并按最小流量验算渠道不淤条件。 6.什么叫雨水径流集蓄灌溉工程?() A、导引、收集雨水径流,并把它蓄存起来加以有效灌溉利用的工程技术措施。 B、田面、坡面、路面及屋面庭院等各类集水工程。


more than的多种用法 简简单单的“more than”,用法可多呢! 下面是些好例子: ●A. “More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如: 1)Modern science is more than a large amount of information. 2)Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. ●B. “More than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如: 3) I have known David for more than 20 years. 4)Let's carry out the test with more than the sample copy. ●C. “More than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如: 5)In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments. 6)I assure you I am more than glad to help you. ●D. 在“More...than...”中,肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,约等于“是……而不是……”如: 7)The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real. 8)This book seems to be more a manual than a text. 9)Catherine is more diligent than intelli-gent. 10)Hearing the loud noise, the boy was more surprised than frightened. ●E. “More than”或“More...than...”+含“can”的分句时表示“否定意”,如: 11)That's more than I can do. 12) Don't bite off more than you can chew. 13)In delivering his lecture, Jason makes sure not to include more things than the students can understan d. ●F. “No more...than...”表示“不……;不如……”,如: 14) I can no more do that than anyone else.


近义词和反义词是小学语文学习的重点和难点,也是必考题型之一。 另外学好近义词和反义词还有助于孩子在作文时的遣词造句,对准确表达文意起到至关重要的作用。(收藏了,没事儿就考考孩子) 1.单字类 观──看 寒──冷 舟──船 暖──热 鸣──叫 入──进 归──回 遥──远 瞅──看 藏──躲 绝──尽 叫──喊 望──看 看──瞧 铺──展 去──往 2.词语类 来回──往返 立刻──马上 赶快──赶紧 突然──忽然 寒冷──严寒 坚决──果断 恐惊──恐惧 暗香──幽香 荒芜──荒凉 得意──自得 听见──闻声 农夫──农民 慈祥──慈爱 飞翔──翱翔 详细──具体 每天──天天 赛过──胜过 好像──似乎 闻名──著名 满意──满足 新居──新房 捕获──捕捉 海疆──海域 天涯──天边 结实──坚固 遇到──碰到 轻巧──轻便 整齐──整洁 证明──证实 评比──评选 注意──注重 供应──供给 辛苦──辛劳 认识──熟悉 预报──预告 舒畅──愉快 立刻──连忙 突然──忽然 四周──四面 精彩──出色 笨重──粗笨 直立──竖立 听从──服从 绝技──特技 附近──四周 惊叹──赞叹 柔美──优美 洒脱──潇洒

疾驰──奔驰 奇丽──秀丽 淘气──调皮著名──闻名 震惊──震动 预测──猜测特殊──特别 小扣──轻敲 相宜──适宜 毕竟──究竟 陶醉──沉醉 苏醒──清醒恬静──舒适 寄居──借居 恐惧──惧怕轻微──稍微 仍旧──仍然 清晰──清楚哀求──请求 贵重──珍贵 挺秀──挺拔抚摸──抚摩 特别──特殊 依赖──依靠 纯熟──熟练 幽静──清幽 陌生──生疏安顿──安置 挽救──拯救 天涯──天际颤动──颤抖 自在──安闲 打扮──妆扮管理──治理 判断──判定 捕获──捕捉温和──暖和 惊奇──惊异 简朴──简单 增援──支援 关键──要害 疲劳──疲惫惊疑──惊奇 审视──审阅 愣住──停住眺望──远望 防备──防御 抵挡──抵抗挖苦──讥讽 疑惑──迷惑 夸耀──炫耀轻蔑──轻视 强盛──强大 侮辱──欺侮 严肃──严厉 清澈──清亮 打扰──打搅形状──外形 悄悄──静静 温和──温顺暴躁──急躁 灌溉──浇灌 淹没──沉没冲毁──冲垮 灾害──灾难 胜负──胜败气愤──生气 告别──离别 如果──假如 准备──预备 耀眼──刺眼 光芒──光线美丽──漂亮 洁白──雪白 惊奇──惊异中央──中心 宽阔──宽广 矗立──耸立优美──美丽 新颖──新奇 庄严──庄重

another 的用法

1. another可视为由“an+other”构成,但总是写成一个词,不能写成an other;其后一般只接单数可数名词,不接复数名词或不可数名词。another有两个基本意义: (1) 外加的,同样的。如: Don’t say another word. 不要再说了。 Let me have another cup of tea. 给我再来一杯茶。 (2) 不同的,另外的。如: That’s another Story. 那是另一码事。 Give me another cup. This one’s cracked. 请给我换个杯子,这个裂了。 If I were you, I should get another lawyer. 如果我是你,我就请别的律师。 这样用的another表泛指。比较: Give me another (one). 另外给我一个。(表泛指) Give me the other (one). 给我另外那个。(表特指) 2. 在通常情况下,another 后不能接复数名词或不可数名词,但是若复数名词之前有few 或数词修饰,或不可数名词之前有piece of 之类的单位词时等,则可以与another 连用。如: I could go on for another two hours. 我再讲两个小时都讲不完。 I need another few days before l can make up my mind. 我还需几天才能决定。

3. one 有时可与another 对照使用。如: One (boy) wanted to read, and another wanted to watch TV. 一个(男孩)想看书,另一个则想看电视。 One day he wanted his lunch early, another day he wanted it late. 他一天要早点吃午饭,另一天又要晚点吃午饭。 4. 习语one after another意为“一个接一个地”“相继地”“依次地”,在句中主要用作状语。如: Planes took off one after another. 飞机陆续起飞。 One after another all his plans have failed. 他的计划都一一失败了。有时也可用作主语或宾语。如: One after another began to choke, and at the end all the women were weeping. 人们一个接一个哽咽起来,到结束的时候妇女们全都哭了。注意,该结构多用于三者或三者以上的“依次”,如指两者“依次”,则通常用one after the other。如: The boy showed me his dirty hands one after the other. 那男孩把他脏兮兮的手依序伸给我看。 5. one another 与each other:两者均表示“彼此”“互相”,原认为one another 用于三者或三者以上,each other 用于两者,但在现代英语中,两者常可换用。值得注意的是,“互相”一词,在中文里给人的感觉好像是副词,但其实它们是代词,因此它们在句不用作状语,若用于不及物动词之后时,要考虑添加适合的介词。如: We don’t always agree with one another [each other]. 我们的意见并


more than... 与more ...than ... more than 与more …than 短语在英语中使用得十分广泛。其用法和意义并不简单,一不留神就可能用错。因为more than 与more …than 除了具备其基本用法外,还有些特殊用法。理解和翻译时要特别小心,不能一看到more than就简单地按照字面上的意思将其理解为“比……更……”或“超过”等,而是要根据上下文找出more than 短语的确切含义,只有这样才不至于贻笑大方。 more than 相当于一个形容词或副词短语,在句中作定语或状语,修饰其后的动词、副词、数词或名词等。 一. more than 的用法 1. more than 后跟数词,相当于over,翻译成“……多、超过……”等,强调某物数量上超出某一范围。 More than 1,500 people were killed in the earthquake. 地震中有一千五百多人遇难。 I have collected more than 3 hundred stamps so far. 到目前为止,我已收集了300多张邮票。 I’ve known him for more than 20 years. 我认识他已经二十多年了。 Their college enrolled more than five hundred new students this year. 他们学院今年招收了五百多名新生。 2. more than 后跟名词或动名词,相当于over, not just, not only,表示“不只是、不仅仅是”等。例如: She is more than a teacher to us, she is our friend. 他不只是教师,她还是我们的朋友。 Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。 Wood is used for more than building. 木头不仅仅用于建筑。 Blood is much more than the simple fluid it seems to be. 血液不仅仅是一种外表似乎简单的液体。 My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing. 我去北京不仅仅是旅游观光。 I like autumn more than summer. 我喜欢秋天胜过夏天。


小学英语同音词、近义词、反义词归纳 一、小学英语同音词 B—bee—be no—know C—see—sea hi—high I—eye for—four R—are son—sun T—tea our—hour U—you pair—pear Y—why here—hear to—two—too there—their by—bye—buy right—write aren’t—aunt father—farther who’s—whose c-see(看见)-sea(海洋) b-be(是;成为)-bee(蜜蜂) y-why(为什么) for(为)-four hi(喂)-high(高) no(不)-know(知道) by(通过)-bye(再见) son(儿子)-sun(太阳) our(我们的)-hour(小时) right(对的)-write(写) meet(遇见)-meat(肉) hear(听见)-here(这儿) there(在那里)-their(他/她/它们的) dear(亲爱的)-deer(鹿)pear(梨)-pair(一双/副……) father(父亲)-farther(较远地) weight(重量)-wait(等待) it's(它是)-its(它的) who's(谁是)-whose(谁的) 二、小学英语近义词 toilet — WC listen —hear class —lesson everyone —everybody glass —cup large —big glad —happy like —love little —small photo —picture purse— wallet start —begin home—house learn—study beautiful—pretty usually —often look —see cycle —bike near —beside hi —hello quick —fast garden —park desk —table speak —say —talk river —lake go home —come home a moment ago— just now a lot of —lots of — many be good at —do well in of course —sure be from —come from take a walk —go for a walk take a bus —by bus would like —want look for— find 三、小学英语反义词 big(大的)----- small(小的)bad(坏的)----- good(好的) bright(明亮的)----- dark(黑暗的)black(黑的)----- white(白的) beautiful(美的)----- ugly(丑的)cold(冷的)----- hot(热的) cool(凉爽的)----- warm(温暖的)come(来)----- go(去) cry(哭)----- laugh(笑)clever(聪明的)----- stupid(笨的)different(不同的)----- same (相同的)difficult(难的)----- easy(容易的) dirty(脏的)----- clean(干净的)day(白天)----- night(夜晚) early(早的)----- late(迟的)fast(快的)----- slow(慢的) glad(高兴的)----- sad(悲伤的)inside(里面的)----- outside(外面的) in(里面)----- out(外面)large(大的)----- little(小的) left(左)----- right(右)quiet(安静的)----- noisy(吵闹的) new(新的)----- old(旧的)loose(松的)----- tight(紧的) like(喜欢)----- hate(厌恶)open(开)----- close(关)


代词三 四、other的用法:other, another, others, the other, the others的用法区别 基本用法 other: other+ 复数名词( other student s) another: . another +单数名词, “另一个”(数目不清楚) the other: The other +复数名词= the others “其他的人或物”(指确定范围内剩下的全部) others (别人):其后不能带名词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(复数,泛指) the others:代词,其后不能带名词,代换上文中提及的可数名词(复数,定指); 考点要求注意两个句式、一个搭配和两个区别 1、两个句式的用法 (1)One … the other … 一个……另一个 ~ 注意:使用该句式时,其前应出现说明具体数量的数词two;如出现的数词大于two,one 可以根据实际情况调整成其它数词;如出现的数词减去one或调整后的数词后仍大于“1”时,the other应变为the others或“the other + 数词”(两个数词相加应等于所给数词)。 There are two apples here. One is for you, the other is for your sister. There are five apples here. Two are for you, the others are for your sister. There are five apples here. Two are for you, the other three are for your sister. (2)Some … others …一些……另一些 注意:使用该句式时,其前应出现说明不定数量的词语;如出现说明具体数量的数词,others前应加上the。 There are many people on the beach. Some are swimming, others are enjoying the sun. Mrs. Smith bought 25 books. Some were for her daughter, the others were for her son. 2、一个搭配:any同other连用时应注意之点: Any others:any同单一的other连用,other应使用others; Any other + 单数名词:any后如还带有名词,用other,名词用单数; 【 Any of结构:any of后的other前应加the,如含名词用other,名词用复数;如不含名词,用others。 Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any others. Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any other city. Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any of the others. Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is bigger than any of the other cities. 3、两个区别:(1)同数词连用时another和more的区别 another用于数词前,more用于数词后。(鞍前马后)


一、 more than 1. more than 可放在数词之前,意为“超过;不止;以上”,用于此意义时可与 over 互换使用。例如: Altogether more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet is covered by water. 整体说来,我们这个星球表面有 70% 以上都为水所覆盖。 2. more than 可放在名词之前,表示“不只是;不仅仅”。例如: Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。 Bamboo is used for more than building. 竹子不只是用于建筑。 3. more than 用于形容词或副词前,作“非常;十分”解,与 very 同义。例如: She is more than careful in doing things. 她做事非常细心。 In class, he listens more than attentively. 在课堂上,他听讲十分认真。 4. more than 之后接含有 can 的从句时,常表示否定意义。此时,从句中的谓语动词必须是及物动词,并且与句子的主语呈现逻辑上的动宾关系。例如: This secret is more than we can let out. 这个秘密我们是不能泄露的。(主语 secret 是 let out 的逻辑宾语) 比较:less than 后面接形容词、副词时,意为“不;很少;不到”,具有否定意义。例如: a) We were busy and less than delighted to have company that day. 那天我们很忙,不高兴有客人来。 b) The young man is less than twenty years old. 这个年轻人不到 20 岁。 二、more … than 1. more … than 意为“与其……不如……”;“是……而不是……”,常可与“ rather than ”或“ not so much … as”互换使用。例如: He is more like a spear than anything else. = He is like a spear rather than anything else. = He is not so much like anything else as like a spear.


四年级语文(上册) 1、观潮 近义词:屹立—矗立霎时—刹那依旧—照旧颤动—颤抖逐渐—渐渐犹如—好像 反义词:宽阔—狭窄沸腾—平静风号浪吼—风平浪静人声鼎沸—万簌俱寂 2、雅鲁藏布大峡谷 近义词:奇异—离奇关注—关心预料—预测人迹罕至—荒芜人烟 反义词:强烈—微弱奇特—寻常巨大—微小 3、鸟的天堂 近义词:不可计数—数不胜数应接不暇—目不暇接 反义词:光明—黑暗静寂—吵闹茂盛—枯萎 4、火烧云 近义词:镇静—冷静凶猛—猛烈笑盈盈—笑呵呵 反义词:凶猛—温和镇静—慌张恍恍惚惚—清清楚楚 5、爬山虎的脚 近义词:舒服—舒适牢固—坚固空隙—间隙均匀—平均 反义词:弯曲—笔直牢固—薄弱均匀—不等仔细—粗心舒服—难受 6、蟋蟀的住宅 近义词:出名—有名隐蔽—遮蔽慎重—谨慎挖掘—发掘简单—简明搜索—搜查随遇而安—入乡随俗 反义词:慎重—轻率粗糙—光滑柔弱—刚强干燥—湿润简朴—奢华 7、世界地图引出的发现 近义词:静谧—宁静偶然—偶尔豪放—豪爽坐卧不安—如坐针毡 反义词:偶然—必然崭新—陈旧不可思议—可想而知 8、巨人的花园 近义词:喧闹—吵闹允许—许可训斥—斥责凝视—注视荒凉—荒寂孤独—孤单 反义词:漂亮—丑陋喧闹—寂静荒凉—繁华允许—禁止任性—约束 — 9、幸福是什么 近义词:宽阔—广阔恢复—复原诧异—惊异激动—冲动清理—整理仍旧—依旧茂密—茂盛 反义词:宽阔—狭窄简单—复杂谦虚—骄傲清澈—浑浊茂密—稀疏 10、去年的树 近义词:寒冷—酷寒朋友—好友融化—消融 反义词:朋友—敌人融化—凝固寒冷—炎热 11、小木偶的故事 近义词:神奇—神秘热闹—喧闹愤怒—愤恨灵活—敏捷重要—重大 反义词:亲热—冷淡愤怒—愉快撒谎—诚实


农田水利学课程考试试题及答案 姓名 年级 专业 学号 一、名词解释(每小题 2 分 共 10 分) 1. 灌水率: 2. 排涝模数: 3. 平均排除法: 4. (排涝计算中的)设计内水位: 5. 容泄区: 二.选择题(共 10 分) 1. 灌溉设计标准是反映灌区效益达到某一水平的一个重要技术指标,一般以 ( )与 ( )表示? A 、灌溉设计保证率、抗旱天数。 B 、水文年型、降水量。 C 、设计灌溉用水量全部获得满足的年数、抗旱天数。 D 、水源来水量、灌区需水量。 2. 什么叫田间渠系的灌排相邻布置? ( ) 3. 渠道的输水损失包括以下四个部分: ( ) A 、干渠、支渠、斗渠及农渠等四级渠道的水量损失。 B 、渠床土质、地下水埋深、渠道的工作制度及输水时间。 C 、自由渗流、顶托渗流、渠床土质、与渠道的工作制度等。 D 、渠道水面蒸发损失、渠床渗漏损失、闸门漏水与渠道退水等。 4. 什么叫渠道水的利用系数? ( ) A 、灌溉渠系的净流量与毛流量的比值。 B 、某一级渠道的净流量与毛流量的比值。 C 、田间实际灌入的有效水量与末级渠道的供水量之比。 D 、实际灌入农田的有效水量和渠首引入的水量之比。 5. 在渠道规划设计中,渠道最小流量有何作用? ( ) A 、用以校核对下一级渠道的水位控制条件。 A 、灌溉渠道与排水沟道的规划布置。 B 、田间各级渠道规划布置的形 式。

B、用以校核渠道不淤条件。 C、用以确定修建节制闸的位置。 D、用以校核对下一级渠道的水位控制条件和确定修建节制闸的位置,并按最小流量验算渠道不淤条件。 6.什么叫雨水径流集蓄灌溉工程?() A 、导引、收集雨水径流,并把它蓄存起来加以有效灌溉利用的工程技术措施。 B、田面、坡面、路面及屋面庭院等各类集水工程。 C、各类形式的水窖、水窑窖等蓄水工程。 D、各类最为有效节水的灌溉方式。 7.集流面的处理主要包括哪三类方法?() A 、采用混凝土、水泥土、三七灰土进行表面处理。 B、采用塑料薄膜、或塑膜复沥青、复草泥。 C、植被管理;地表处理;化学处理。 D、采用钠盐、硅有机树脂及粗石蜡等化学处理方法。 8.蓄水工程有哪几种主要的类型?() A 、引水渠沟或管道、入水口、拦污栅、沉沙槽、蓄水设施以及放水装置等。 B、涝池、旱井、田间蓄水池、水窖、水窑窖等。 C、引水渠、蓄水窑洞与放水暗管与放水暗渠。 D 、沉沙池、进水管、水窖等。 9.什么叫续灌方式?() A 、类似于自来水管道可随机用水的供水方式。 B、输配水管道进行输水、配水和灌水的方式。 C、是指上一级管道按预先划分好的轮灌组分组向下一级管道配水的方式。 D 、是指上一级管道向所有的下一级管道同时配水的方式。 10.什么叫集水效率?() A 、降水特征(次降雨量、降雨强度)和集水面质地、坡度、前期含水量与集水面尺寸。 B、集水面的处理材料、集水面积、集流路径和汇流时间。 C、随降水强度的增大而提高。 D、某时段内或某次降雨集水面的集水量占同一时期内的降雨量的比值。 三、简答题(每题6分,共30分) 1.四种地表取水方式的使用条件

英语单词,语法more than 结构用法小结

more than 结构用法小结 英语中more than 的用法比较复杂,它除了用于比较结构外,还可以与名词、形容词、动词或从句等连用,表达不同的含义。下面是more than 结构的一些常见用法 1. more than 结构后跟名词表示“不只是”;“不仅仅”等。例如: (1) However, we must consider more than the beginning of the motion. 然而,我们必须考虑的不只是运动的初始阶段。 (2) Peace is more than the absence of war. 和平不只是意味着没有战争。 2.more than 用来修饰形容词、分词和动词,表示所修饰的词份量不重或含义不够,而加以说明,译成汉语可为“非常”,相当于“very”或“much”。例如: (1) He is more than selfish. 他非常自私。 (2) He is more than happy about it. 他对此事极为高兴。 (3) I am sure conditions over there will more than satisfy your requirements. 我相信那边的条件会极大地满足你的要求。 3.more than 后接单数名词,谓语动词用单数。例如: (1) More than one person has been concerned in this. 这里涉及的不止是一个人。 (2) More than one member protested against the proposal. 不止一个成员反对这个建议。 4. more A than B 结构。用来比较两种说法的正确程度,即前一种说法(A项)比后一种说法(B项)要正确一些,表示“与其……不如……”。在这个句型里,more 后不能用形容词或副词的比较级形式,而要用原级形式,此外还可用名词、代词、动词、介词短语等。例如:(1) He is more good than bad. 与其说他坏不如说他好。 (2) It is more a poem than a picture. 与其说这是一幅画,不如说这是一首诗。 5. more than 或more... than 后接从句,可表示否定意义。例如: (1) The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe. 杭州景色之美是说言所不能描述的。 (2) That is more than I can tell you,sir. 这一点我是不能告诉你的,先生。 (注意:在这种句型中,more than 后常接含有can 或could 的从句,表示“……不能”。)对于下列表示否定意义的句子,有的语法学家认为在than 后面省略了when,有的认为省掉了it,也有的认为than 用作关系代词,因而并无省略。这类句子在理解上并不困难,结构上变化也不大,从实用出发,可将其视为一种句型来学习。例如: a. You spent more money than was intended to be spent. 你花掉的钱比原计划的要多。(原计划要花的钱没有这么多。) b. This is more money than is needed. 这笔钱比需要的多。(需要的钱没有这么多。) c. We often advise him not to drink more wine than is good for his health.

不定代词 other , another 的用法

不定代词other , another 的用法 1. Some people hope to be more successful while A simple want to feel more comfortable. A. the others B. others C. the other D. another 2. I have three pens. One is red, C two are black. A. another B. other C. the other D. the others 3.Mr Smith has two sons, D is a soldier, ______ is a doctor. A. One, another B. One, other C. This, the other D. One, the other 4. Children should be taught how to get along with C . A. another B. other C. others D. any other 5. There are many people in the park now. Some are boating, __D___ are walking along the lake. A. The other B. Other C. The others D.Others 6. The glass is broken. Go and get __B_____ . A. other B. another one C. others D. the other 三单元复习与提高 1.Liu Xiang ia an Olympic winner in the __B_____ hurdles (跨栏) . We are proud of him. A. 110-meters B. 110-meter C. 110 meter 2. –Dad, when will you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me four days ago. --I am sorry, Jean. But I think I will have a __B____ holiday soon. A. four day B. four—day C. four days D. four day 3. Enough sleep is good for health. If you _A___ for your favorite TV programs, you will feel sleepy. A. stay up B. set up(建立) C. pick up 4. She needs __A____ a rest, for she is working for over four hours. A. to have B. having C. have D. had 5.He is too young. He is not __A____ to join the army. A. old enough B. enough old C. too old D. old too 6. I must be back home _A_____ 8;00 pm/ A. by B. from C. for D. between 7.We were allowed __B___ here for a little longer time. A. staying B. to stay C. stayed D. to staying 8. The young man was often seen _A_____ by the lake. A. to draw B. to drawing C. draw D. drew ( 题中的主语与动词see为被动关系,而see用于被动语态时,结构为be seen to do …) 9.Our English teacher always tells us a verb must _B____ its subject in number and person. A. agree B. agree with C. agree to D. agree on Agree with ―同意某人说的话或建议‖ Agree to ―同意计划,建议,要求,条件等‖ Agree on ―就。。。达成一致‖ 10. Many students will be _B_____ if the class is boring. A. sleep B. sleepy C. sleeping D. slept 11. All the boys succeeded __C_____ the English examination. A. pass B. to pass C. passing D. on passing


农田水利学课程考试试题 姓名年级专业学号 一、名词解释(每小题2分共10分) 1、渠道设计流量: 2、灌溉水利用系数: 3、最小流量: 4、田间净流量:: 5、不冲流速: 二.单向选择题(共10分) 1.地下水临界深度是指? () A、地下水埋藏深度。 B、在一定的自然条件和农业技术措施条件下,为了保证土壤不产生渍害,所要求保持的地下水最小埋深。 C、在一定的自然条件和农业技术措施条件下,为了保证土壤不产生盐碱化和作物不受盐害,所要求保持的地下水最小埋深。 D、在一定的自然条件和农业技术措施条件下,为了保证土壤不产生盐碱化和作物不受盐害,所要求保持的地下水最大埋深。 2.对于控制一定地下水位要求的农田排水系统,下列哪种说法是正确的?() A、在同一排水沟深度的情况下,排水沟的间距愈大,地下水位下降速度愈快,在一定时间内地下水位的下降值愈大,在规定时间内地下水位的下降值也愈大。 B、在允许的时间内要求达到的地下水埋藏深度ΔH一定时,排水沟的间距愈大,需要的深度也愈大。 C、在允许的时间内要求达到的地下水埋藏深度ΔH一定时,排水沟的间距愈小,需要的深度也愈大。 D、在同一排水沟间距的情况下,排水沟的深度愈小,地下水位下降速度愈快,在一定时间内地下水位的下降值愈大,在规定时间内地下水位的下降值也愈大。

3.设计排涝标准时,需选择发生一定重现期的暴雨,一般选择标准是?() A、1-5年。 B、5-10年。 C、10-15年。 D、15-20年。 4.对渍害最不敏感的作物是?() A、小麦; B、玉米; C、高粱; D、水稻。 5.特别适宜防治土壤次生盐碱化的农田排水方式是?() A、明沟排水; B、竖井排水; C、暗管排水; D、暗沟排水。 6.在进行排水沟设计时,用来校核排水沟的最小流速的设计流量是?() A、排涝设计流量; B、排渍设计流量; C、日常排水设计流量; D、排涝模数。 7.农田长期渍水不会造成下列后果? A、土壤的透气性很差。 B、土层都处于强烈的氧化状态。 C、利于硫化氢等硫化物的形成,对作物根系产生永久性伤害。 D、有机质矿化程度低,分解释放的有效养分少,不能满足作物生长的需要。 8.防治土壤盐碱化的水利技术不包括?() A、明沟排水 B、井灌井排 C、灌水冲洗 D、放淤改良 9.什么叫计划用水?() A、灌溉水量的分配方法。 B、就是按作物的需水要求与灌溉水源的供水情况,结合渠系工程状况,有计划地蓄水、引水、配水与灌水。 C、是指灌溉水在灌区各级渠系调配、管理的方式。 D、是指灌溉水通过各级渠道流入田间的方法。 10.灌区用水计划一般来说有哪四种主要类型?() A、水源引水计划、渠系配水计划与田间的用水计划等。 B、水权集中、统筹兼顾、分级管理、均衡受益。 C、年度轮廓用水计划、某灌季全渠系用水计划、干支渠段用水计划及用水单位的用水计划。 D、上下结合、分级编制,统一调度、联合运用。

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