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“An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” – Loki reminds us that effective leaders recognize things they can control vs. things they cannot.

要有自知之明:“靴子和蚂蚁没有瓜葛。”(蚂蚁暗指人类,靴子指天神,说的是人类的渺小) - 洛基提醒我们,有效力的领导者能认识到自己的可控因素和不可控因素。

“War isn’t won by sentiment. It’s won by soldiers.” –Al Capone once said, “You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone.”

带上枪与玫瑰:“战争不能感情用事,是战士们的献血换来的。”- 阿尔·卡彭曾经说过,“ 你带着一把枪和一张嘴比你只带着一张嘴要走得远”

“Looks like Earth might need something a little old-fashioned.” – When trying times come, a return to the fundamentals is often the best course of action.

回归传统:“看来地球可能需要一些传统的东西。” - 在艰难时期来临时,回归到根本往往是最佳行动方案。

“We need a plan of attack.” –Rogers “I have a plan –ATTACK!” responds Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. Leaders are people of action and make things happen.

要制定计划:“我们需要进攻计划。” - 罗杰斯“我有一个计划- 进攻!”回应了小罗伯特·唐尼扮演的托尼·斯塔克。领导者是实干者,并推动事情发生。

“We’re (not) a team…We’re a time bomb.” – Leaders understand that chemistry is just as important as competence.

外力和人力都很重要:“我们(不是)一个团队......我们是一颗定时炸弹。” - 领导人明白,人与人之间的化学反应和个人能力都很重要。

“You people are so petty…and tiny.” – Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth, reminds leaders that they are rendered small when they act petty.

单靠领导者一个人的能力毕竟有限:“人类如此渺小......微小。” - 克里斯斯沃思扮演雷神,提醒领导要清楚自己的能力有限。

Skill To Task –Because of his military background, Captain America handles all logistics and assignments when the climatic battle with alien forces takes place in New York City. When operating in a team environment, always assign tasks based upon skill.

按个人技能分配工作任务- 因美国队长有军事背景,所以在纽约与外星人打气候战时委以处理一切后勤任务。在团队环境中工作,要始终坚持按技能分配任务的原则。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7f187216.html, The Value Of A Team – No single Avenger could have stopped Loki and his army. However, collectively they were able to achieve their objective.

团队价值- 势单力孤的复仇者可能无法阻止洛基和他的军队,不过,在集体的力量下还是实现了自己的目标。

Humor – Near the end of the movie, The Hulk twice did something absolutely hysterical. There are very few things leaders can do to endear themselves to others more than use humor。

领导者要有幽默感- 影片接近结尾处,绿巨人两次歇斯底里发了飙。领导者要让自己变得受众人喜爱,没有比幽默更好的方法了。

Leadership Is Earned –People follow accomplishment. The NYPD did not want to follow Captain America’s instructions until he easily dismantled four aliens. Then they quickly carried out his plans.


Opportunities Are Often Disguised As Problems –The use of a nuclear bomb by Iron Man, which had the potential for massive damage, was used for good. Great leaders see great opportunity where others see a lack of options.

机会往往伪装成麻烦呈现在你面前- 钢铁侠利用具有大规模破坏的威力的核弹是出于好的目的。伟大的领导者抓住了巨大的机遇,而别人只觉得无路可走。


穿靴子的猫 马尔科姆·阿瑟 献给尼科——弗雷德·马塞利诺 有个磨坊主生了三个儿子。他死后,留给三个儿子的遗产只有磨坊、驴和猫。三个儿子没有请律师,因为他们知道,要是请了律师,他们就会花光所有的遗产。没过多久,他们就把遗产分配好了。大儿子分到了磨坊,二儿子分到了驴,留给小儿子的只有一只猫。 小儿子因此很不高兴。:“我的两个哥哥可以一起干活,过上体面的生活。”他说,“可是我呢,等我吃掉猫肉,再用猫皮做副手套之后,就会饿死。” 那只猫听了他的话,却装作没听见,它带着严肃和同情的神情说:“别担心,我的主人。你只要给我一个口袋和一双靴子,让我能穿过荆棘,那么你就会知道,情况没有你想得那么糟糕。” 猫的主人不太相信这番话,可是他很快想起来,这只猫曾有过一些非常机敏的表现,比如,它能直立行走,还曾藏在面粉里装死来抓老鼠。于是他心想:好吧,干嘛不让它试一下呢? 那只猫得到了它要的东西。它穿上了漂亮的靴子,把口袋搭在肩上,用两只前爪握住袋口的绳子,去兔子多的林子了。 猫在口袋里装了些糖和苦菜,诱捕那些年幼的兔子。因为幼兔没有经验,会毫不顾忌地把鼻子伸进口袋里。 不一会儿,一只傻乎乎的幼兔就走进了口袋。猫一抽袋口的绳子,毫不留情地杀死了兔子。 猫得意地带着兔子去了王宫,要求见国王。 它被带到了国王的房间里,一到那儿,它便深深鞠了个躬,说:“陛下,我家主人卡拉巴斯侯爵(这是猫为它主人捏造出来的头衔)吩咐我将这只野兔献给陛下,以示敬意。” “告诉你的主人,”国王说,“我非常高兴接受他的礼物,代我衷心的谢谢他。” 猫拿着口袋出去了,这一次,它藏在一片麦田里。当两只山鹑走进口袋里的时候,它一抽绳子,把它们双双全捉住了。

海底总动员 剧本

-Kid A: Whoa. Cool. -Kid B: Save you life! -Kid A: Ah, you guys made me ink. -Nemo: What's that? -Kid B: I know what that is. Sandy Plankton, can tell it, he saw one. He called…he said it, was called a…a butt. -All: Whoa. Wow. -Kid C: That's a pretty big butt. -Kid B: Oh, look at me. I'm going to touch the butt. -All: Ah-choo! Whoa! -Kid A: Oh, yeah? Let's see you get closer. -Kid B: OK. Beat that. -Kid A: Come on, Nemo. How far can you go? -Nemo: My dad says it's not safe. -Marlin: Nemo! No! -Nemo: Dad? -Marlin: You were about to swim into open water. -Nemo: No, I wasn't. -Marlin: Good thing I was here. If I hadn't shown up… -Kid A: He wasn't going to go. -Kid B: Yeah, He was too afraid.


PUSS IN BOOTS Act 1 Only a cat Miller: My sons,I am very sick. I am going to die . Oldest Son:Father,you must not die. Second Son and Youngest Son:(crying)Father… Miller: My sons,I have a mill, a donkey and a cat. My oldest son, I give the mill to you. My second son, I give the donkey to you. My youngest son, I give the cat to you. (The miller dies.) Youngest son:(sighing)Oh no,only a cat! Puss: What can I do with it? I will die of hunger. Don't worry, Master. Give me boots and a bag. Then I will work for you. (The youngest son buys boots and a bag for his cat.) Youngest son: Here are the boots and the bag. Puss: (wearing them)Master, do I look good? From now call me Puss in Boots! 请学员用语言点造句(每个句型造至少3个)1、病了be sick (1)我病了 (2)他病了 (3)你病了 (4)我们病了 (5)他们病了


The discussion on I think this movie is very meaningful. I like it very much. You must think so too. You must all have a lot to say. But according to what we have appointed, I’m the Chair, so please let me show you my opinion first. The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy\'s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle. As far as I’m concerned, this movie shows us three things: freedom, friendship, and hope. If we take a movie as a novel, then


《轻松英语名作欣赏》小学版——穿靴子的猫 Puss in Boots(穿靴子的猫) Chapter1 Only a Cat (第1章只有一只猫) 词汇总结 本章节词汇 old 年老的 miller 磨坊主 three 三(个) son 儿子 sick 生病的 die 死 soon 很快 本章节拓展词汇 there is 有,那儿有 has有;吃(have的第三人称单数现在式); three三,三个 本章节词汇 call 叫,呼唤 mill 磨坊 donkey 驴 give 给 second 第二(个) young 年轻的 本章节拓展词汇 and 和 oldest最老的(old的最高级);最旧的 to到;向;(表示时间、方向)朝…方向 youngest最小的儿子;年纪最小的人 本章节词汇 sigh 叹气 hunger 饥饿 worry 担心 master 主人 boot 靴子 bag 口袋 work 工作 本章节拓展词汇 only只,仅仅; for为,为了

本章节词汇 buy 买 wear 穿,戴 call 称呼,取名 puss 猫 本章节拓展词汇 本章节24个词汇 Chapter2 Presents for the King(第2章给国王的礼物)词汇总结 本章节词汇 put 放 some 一些 food 食物 into 到…里 rabbit 兔子 see 看见 jump 跳 catch 捉住 本章节拓展词汇 本章节词汇 sire 陛下(旧称) ask 问 marquis 侯爵 answer 回答 本章节拓展词汇 goes 前进;行走(go的第三人称单数形式) King 国王;最有势力者 present 礼物 from来自,从 who 谁 本章节词汇 day 天 skylark 云雀 third 第三(个) parrot 鹦鹉 本章节拓展词汇 本章节词汇 happy 高兴的 with 对于


肖申克的救赎影评英文 肖申克的救赎影评英文 I think this movie is very meaningful. I like it very much. You must think so too. You must all have a lot to say. But according to what we have appointed, I’m the Chair, so please let me show you my opinion first. The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy\'s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other


海底总动员、字幕版、方便对应视频查找(另有剧本版) [00:33.77]-Wow, -Mmm,? [00:37.01]-Wow, -Mm-hmm,? [00:40.14]-Wow, -Yes, Marlin,? [00:42.31]No, I see it. It's beautiful.? [00:44.45]So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view...? [00:47.02]you didn't think you'd get the whole ocean, did you?? [00:51.22]Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here.? [00:56.06]Did your man deliver, or did he deliver?? [00:58.03]-My man delivered. -And it wasn't so easy.? [01:00.36]Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place.? [01:03.70]You better believe they did-- every single one of them.? [01:06.17]Mm-hmm. You did good.? [01:08.24]And the neighborhood is awesome.? [01:20.88]So, you do like it, don't you?? [01:22.59]No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it.? [01:26.09]But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable...? [01:29.06]with the great schools and the amazing view...? [01:31.36]but do we really need so much space?? [01:33.13]but do we really need so much space?? [01:33.46]Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about.?


【主持词大全】 《穿靴子的猫》这篇格林童话故事,大家知道?下文是相关的中英文对照,欢迎大家阅读与学习。 从前,有一个磨房主,死的时候给他那三个儿子留下的唯一财产仅仅是一个磨坊,一头驴和一只猫。这点儿遗产很快就被儿子们瓜分一空,既没有公证人也没有律师到场,因为他们一来,肯定就会把这些东西据为己有。 老大拿走了磨坊,老二带走了那头驴,最后只有那只猫留给了老三。老三只分得了这么一丁点儿财产,难免伤心难过,他可怜巴巴地说“我的两个哥哥只要合伙就不难谋生,我呢,只有一只猫,如果我把它吃了,只能用它的皮做个手筒来暖手,最终免不了还得饿死街头。” 这些话都让那只猫听了去,它却假装什么也没有听见,只是一本正经地对他说“我的主人,你用不着垂头丧气,只要你给我一个口袋,再让人给我做一双能穿着它在树丛中走动的靴子就行了。你也会发现,你分得的这份财产并不是那么糟糕。” 不管怎么说,这只猫还确实有点表演的天赋和狡猾的心眼。它在捉老鼠的时候,不管是大老鼠,还是小耗子,都逃不出它的手掌心。它总有办法藏在面粉里或是倒挂着装死,就在老鼠放心大胆地走进它时,它才会突然跃起抓住老鼠。主人对它的所作所为还是有点了解的,所以并没有丧失信心。尽管对猫的话将信将疑,主人还是按照猫说的将它要的东西准备齐全了。 猫拿到靴子后,马上就穿在了脚上。它将口袋悬挂到脖子上,用爪子将口袋上的绳子勒紧,然后就跑进了一个到处都是兔子的养兔场。它将麸子和生菜叶放进口袋中,四仰八叉地躺在地上装死。它计划着在那里守株待兔,等着某个不谙世事的年轻兔子前来自投罗网。口袋里的那些东西是用来吸引兔子上钩的。 它刚一躺下去,就有一只不怎么聪明的小兔子钻进了它的口袋,机灵的猫立即收紧绳子,将兔子装在了口袋里。猫很是洋洋自得,带着它的战利品到王宫里求见国王。猫被引领到楼上国王的房间,只见它卑躬屈膝地对国王说“尊敬的国王陛下,我仅代表卡拉巴司侯爵向您敬献他最珍爱的兔子。”这只猫竟然自作主张将它的主人封为卡拉巴司侯爵。 王回答说“告诉你的主人,很感谢他的礼物。我很高兴他能惦记着我。” 还有一次,猫躲在一片麦田里,依旧张开着它的那个大口袋。这次,居然逮着了两只鹌鹑。猫如法炮制,同样以卡拉巴司侯爵的名义将这两只鹌鹑进献给国王。国王仍旧高高兴兴地收下了这份礼物,还给了猫一点赏钱。 猫在两三个月里持续不断地以卡拉巴司侯爵的名义向国王进献不同的礼物,当然这些礼物都是它用相同的手段获得的。 终于,有一天,它得知国王将要带着宝贝公主到河边游玩,那个公主可是世上独一无二的大美女。猫对它的主人说“如果你能照着我说的话做,你的好运气就会来了。很简单,你


黑暗孤独中只有思想 真正不灭的希望在哪里。也许,仅仅只是在我们自己心里的那一念之善罢了。 当我们心存着仁慈,以平常之心去对待所有对我们公平或者不公平的事情。 不管我们遇到的是一种什么样的状况。我们总能泰然处之并且找到通往救赎的天堂之路。 ——火神纪。题记。 史蒂芬·金编剧、蒂姆·罗宾斯和摩根·弗里曼主演、弗兰克·达拉邦特执导的第一部银幕作品。在现在看来似乎都是鼎鼎大名的这些人们,在这部电影公映的1994年的时候,最著名的也许只有史蒂芬·金和摩根·弗里曼。在当年来说,这部电影不敌同年问鼎奥斯卡的《阿甘正传》也许也就不那么奇怪了。 这是一部极其轻缓的电影。我喜欢这部电影那种娓娓道来的语调以及这种大气的节奏。这种感觉似乎只能在某种伟大的作品上才能看到;比如之前说到的《阿甘正传》。最好的电影在节奏上来说似乎只有两种,类似这种轻缓的或者那种快节奏以营造紧张气氛见长的。 说这是一部不朽的电影也许一点也不夸张,就算它在奥斯卡的角逐上失利了,可是同样改变不了这种现实。至少这是一部在你看完了之后永远也不会忘记的电影。电影用第三人称的旁白描绘了肖申克监狱二三十年间所发生的所有事情,以瑞德的视角描绘了安迪的作为和因为他而得到救赎的肖申克监狱。 大量的旁白和第三人称的视角赋予了这部电影既主观而又客观的叙述角度;而不管任何一种叙述角度都好,只要运用得当其实并没有优劣之分的,可是在我的个人喜好来说,我相对比较喜欢这种叙述方式。因为很安静,一直很安静,不带半点狂躁的味道。讲述者在安静地诉说,而我在安静地倾听。这就是我所说的那种轻缓味道里最安静的味道。 而不可否认的是,这种味道和这部电影的救赎主题是如此相得益彰的。所以,是不是也可以因此说,这部电影的这种叙述方式和主题是如此统一而给了这部电影有了那种足以让人迷醉的光茫呢。至少说,这是一部把这种叙述方式运用得当并且成功的电影。 一部伟大而不朽的作品似乎只要在我们谈及某种东西的时候就能让我们立刻联想到这部作品。比如监狱、救赎、希望、努力……我们会想到这部电影。 【关键词:黑暗】 在很多人的定义里,这首先是一部嘲讽美国司法制度和狱政制度的电影。因为如果不是因为司法制度上的错判的话,安迪是不会进入肖申克监狱;而如果不是因为狱政制度上阴暗腐败的话,安迪也不会成为诺顿的洗黑钱机器也不会有了后面的整个故事。然而在我的定义里,这部电影首先定义上应该是一部有关人性黑暗以及救赎的电影,如果把它定义在司法制度和狱政制度上的讽世之作的话反正局限了这部电影本身的那种更深一层的意义而让这部电影显得肤浅了。 在我看来,不论是司法制度上的漏洞或者是狱政制度上的阴暗腐败,其根本依旧还是人性上的阴暗和贪婪。如果说,安迪的错判入狱还仅仅只是因为司法制度上的错判,那么后来安迪得到了一个推翻错误回归到自由社会的机会,可是这个机会却威胁到了典狱长诺顿的安全和洗黑钱系统的整体流程的话,那么,这个机会被诺顿的彻底扼杀就完整地体现了这种人性上的黑暗。 人性是所有一切社会规则和法规的根本。不管多健全的制度最终依旧只能靠人去操作运转,而如果操持着整个制度的人本身依旧带着贪婪的欲望去观摩这一切的时候,他们总能找


海底总动员英语经典台词 精彩对白 Crab#1: Hey. 螃蟹甲:嗨! Crab#2: Hey. 螃蟹乙:嗨! Crab#1: Hey. 螃蟹甲:嗨! Crab#2: Hey. 螃蟹乙:嗨! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dory: How about we play a game? 多莉:我们玩个游戏怎么样? Marlin: All right. 马林:行啊。 Dory: Okay, I'm thinking of something orange, and it's small... 多莉:好,我正在想着一种橙色的东西,并且它很小…… Marlin: It's me. 马林:是我。

Dory: Right! 多莉:猜对了! [Later] Dory: I'm thinking of something orange and small... (过了一会)多莉:我在想一种橙色的小东西…… Marlin: Me again. 马林:还是我。 Dory: All right, Mr. Smartypants... 多莉:好吧,聪明人。 [Later] Dory: ... It's orange and small, and has stripes... (又过了一会)多莉:……它是橙色的并且很小,还有条纹…… Marlin: Me, and the next one - just a guess - me. 马林:是我,我猜下一个……还是我。


Reading Report Name of book: The Shawshank of Redemption(a short story from his sample reels named Different Seasons) Writer’s name: Stphen King who is one of the most popular thriller writers. Summary: This story happened in 1947.Andy was a banker. One day he knew that his wife was detailed, and he planned to kill her and her lover after drank so much. Finally, Andy gave up his plan. But others found that they were killed in the bed that night. Andy was arrested because he was accused to be the murder who had the reason to kill the two people, and no ones believed he was innocent. The result is that Andy had to spend the whole in Shawshank prison. Red(Ellis Boyd Redding) had been spent a long in the prison, he could get almost anything if you have enough money. The first goods Andy asked Red to buy was a hammer which used to carve, and he said he could hide it so that guards could not find. They became friends after Andy bought some goods. Once, Andy heard guards were talking about tax, and he said to them that he could help them reduce taxes illegally. As for change, they had to give him and his partners 3 bottles of beer. Red knew


The Shawshank Redemption When prison shows up in front you, which film firstly comes into your mind, Felon, Prison Break, Escape Plan, or maybe other Hollywood blockbusters? For me, The Shawshank Redemption is the one. As lots of people said, all of men have to watch this film, if don’t, they will definitely regret in their life. However, I can’t totally agree with this kind of opinion. Even though there is no leading actress in the film, it has nothing to with the audiences’ genders, because no matter what you are, as a flesh-and-blood human being, you can feel the passion and insistence of pursuing hope, freedom in this film, meanwhile, you also can realize how upset and pitiful an institutionalized person can be. It was the first year of my college life when I watched The Shawshank Redemption. I’ve watched it for more than five times until now, and each time I got different experience and feelings about this special artwork. At the first time, I just thought lots of people liked it, because so many friends around me were talking about it very often. Then I told myself maybe I should watch it in order to find some similarities with others. Although this film hadn’t had exciting fights and many world-known stars for me two years ago, it still made a deep impression on me and made me

海底总动员 台词

Fish A:Too loud! Too loud for me! 太大声!太大声了! Darla:Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一闪一闪亮晶晶 Starfish:Find a happy place! Find a happy place! 我要搬走,找个安全的地方! Nurse:Darla, your uncle will see you now. 妲拉,你叔叔可以见你了 Dentist:All right, let's see those pearly whites. 来,给我看看你的牙齿 Darla:I'm a piranha. They're in the Amazon. 我是食人鱼。我住在亚马逊河 Dentist:And a piranha's a fish, just like your present. 食人鱼是鱼,你的礼物也是鱼 Darla:I get fishy, fishy 我要小鱼儿 Dentist:Oh, no. Poor little guy. 糟了,可怜的小家伙 Fish B: He's dead. 他死了。 Fish A:Sharkbait! 鲨鱼饵! Darla: Fishy, fishy, fishy! 小鱼儿 Dentist : Must've left your present in the car, sweetie. I'll go and get it. 你的礼物在我的车上。我这就去拿。 Fish A: He's still alive! - He's not dead! 他还活着他没死 Fish B: What's happening? Why is he playing dead? 他怎么了?他干嘛装死呢? Fish C: He's gonna get flushed down the toilet. 为了被冲下马桶 Fish B:He's gonna get out of here! - He's gonna get flushed! 他有救了。他要被冲走。 Fish A:What a smart little guy! Oh, no! Not the trash can! 他真聪明。噢,别丢进垃圾桶! Fish B: Nemo! No! 尼莫!不! Nigel:Hey! I found his dad! - Where's Nemo? 我找到他爸爸了。尼莫呢? Marlin:Dentist! - He's over there! 牙医!在那里! Marlin:What's a dentist? Nigel, get in there! 牙医是什么东东?祖哥快进去


肖申克的救赎观后感英文 肖申克的救赎观后感英文(一) Shawshank Redemption is a film co-operated by white people and black people. It told a story about the life in the prison. A man called Andy Dufresne, was sent into the prison, Shawshank, for he murderer his wife and her lover in bed. However, he was innocent as he said. The new days in the prison were hard to live. It’s violent, heartless and cruel. A month later, Andy began to make friends with other prisoners. One of them called Red, who could get anything what he wanted. Andy bought a mallet from him and started his plan to escape. During this time, he did many things: expanding the library, caving stones, making tainted money for the prison governor, etc. It took him 20 years to tunnel secretly and he successfully escaped from the prison. Before that, Andy had told his best friend Red that his dream---Zihuatanejo, a warm place without memory. After escaping, Andy lived a free life in another identity and made the prison governor arrested. Several years later, Red was approved to leave. He had lived inside for 40 years. He was institutionized. Sometimes he thought of getting back again as he didn’t belong the world, but he didn’t, for the promise to Andy. Finally, in Zihuyatanejo, they met. It is a good film. The cruel prison life terrified me and the friendship moved me. The story goes to a happy ending---redemption. 肖申克的救赎观后感英文(二) Based on the Stephen King (non-horror) novella “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption”, this is a simple story of hope made remarkable by the interaction between the two lead characters. Both Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman do a fine job in terms of making their roles genuine and appealing, and also in the way they work so well together.

海底总动员Finding Nemo原版英文台词

================================= MARLIN:Wow. CORAL:Mmm. MARLIN:Wow. CORAL:Mmm-hmm. MARLIN:Wow. CORAL:Yes, MARLIN:. No, I see it. It's beautiful. MARLIN:So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn't think that we we're gonna get the whole ocean, did you? Huh? [sighs] Oh yeah. A fish can breath out here. Did your man deliver or did he deliver? 1 CORAL:My man delivered. MARLIN:And it wasn't so easy. CORAL:Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. MARLIN:You better believe they did--every single one of them. CORAL:Mm-hmm. You did good. And the neighborhood is awesome. MARLIN:So, you do like it, don't you? CORAL:No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. But MARLIN:, I know that the drop off is desirable with the great schools and the amazing view and all, but do we really need so much space? MARLIN:Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. They deserve the best. Look, look, look. They'll wake up, poke their little heads out and they'll see a whale! See, right by their bedroom window. CORAL:Shhh, you're gonna wake the kids. MARLIN:Oh, right. Right. CORAL:Aww, look. They're dreaming. We still have to name them. MARLIN::You wanna name all of 'em, right now? All right, we'll name this half MARLIN:Jr. and then this half Coral Jr. Okay, we're done. CORAL:I like Nemo. MARLIN:Nemo? Well, we'll name one Nemo but I'd like most of them to be MARLIN:Jr. CORAL:Just think that in a couple of days, we're gonna be parents! MARLIN:Yeah. What if they don't like me? CORAL:MARLIN:. MARLIN:No, really. CORAL:There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one of them is bound to like you. CORAL:What? MARLIN:You remember how we met? CORAL:Well, I try not to. MARLIN:Well, I remember. 'Excuse me, miss, can you check and see if there's a hook in my lip?' CORAL:MARLIN 2 'Well, you gotta look a little closer because it's wiggling'. CORAL:Get away! MARLIN:Here he is. Cutie's here! Where did everybody go? MARLIN:[gasps] Coral, get inside the house, Coral. No, Coral, don't. They'll be fine. Just get inside, you, right now.


海底总动员电影英文台词完整版带时间 Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

海底总动员、字幕版、方便对应视频查找(另有剧本版)[00:33.77]-Wow, -Mmm,? [00:37.01]-Wow, -Mm-hmm,? [00:40.14]-Wow, -Yes, Marlin,? [00:42.31]No, I see it. It's beautiful.? [00:44.45]So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view...? [00:47.02]you didn't think you'd get the whole ocean, did you?? [00:51.22]Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here.? [00:56.06]Did your man deliver, or did he deliver?? [00:58.03]-My man delivered. -And it wasn't so easy.? [01:00.36]Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place.? [01:03.70]You better believe they did-- every single one of them.? [01:06.17]Mm-hmm. You did good.? [01:08.24]And the neighborhood is awesome.? [01:20.88]So, you do like it, don't you?? [01:22.59]No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it.? [01:26.09]But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable...? [01:29.06]with the great schools and the amazing view...? [01:31.36]but do we really need so much space??
