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Module 2 No Drugs SectionⅣ导学案 4-外研必修2精品

Module 2 No Drugs SectionⅣ导学案 4-外研必修2精品
Module 2 No Drugs SectionⅣ导学案 4-外研必修2精品

Module 2No Drugs

Section ⅣWriting 导学案






Dear Wang Gang,

I'm sorry to learn that you and some of your classmates have begun to smoke.__________


________________________________________________________________________ Yours,

Li Ming

One possible version:

Dear Wang Gang,

I'm sorry to learn that you and some of your classmates have begun to smoke. I think it is wrong to believe smoking is cool and makes you appear mature. In fact,smoking is not cool but very dangerous.

First,smoking does great harm to health. Scientific research shows that smoking can lead to heart diseases,cancer and other problems. It is reported that about 5 million people all over the world die from diseases related to smoking each year. Second,it is a waste of money to smoke. Some students even steal money to buy cigarettes. Once you are addicted to it,it is difficult to give it up. What's more,smoking can cause fire easily,which may do great damage to your life and your surroundings.

So give up smoking at once. Only in this way can you keep healthy.


Li Ming


人教版四年级上册英语导学案 Unit 1 My Classroom(Part A) 一、学习目标 1、本部分要求会听,说,认读的单词: window oard light picture door Classroom what in the we have new go where 2、本单元要求会听,说的单词和词组: many our seat near classmate have a look 3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。 4、培养学生用英语交流的能力,为学生的进一步学习奠定基础。 二、学习要求 1、能听懂、会说,会用每一课会话。 2、掌握本单元出现的生词,词组和字母。 3、会唱本单元的歌曲。 三、学习重点和难点 1、对于较长的单词如classroom, classmate, 的掌握以及对于第一次出现的词组和短语如have a look的掌握。 2、对于礼貌用语“Thank you , Excuse me, After you”的掌握与应用。 3、描述教室中所有物件,并能据此编出对话。 四、学习过程(见教案) 五、自我检测 1.填入所缺字母,使单词拼写正确,并写出其中文意思。 1、fl r ( ) 2、f n( ) 3、w ll( )

4、l ght( ) 5、p ct re( ) 6、w d ( ) 2.耳聪目明。 ()1、A、hand B、face C、nose D、car ()2、A、farmer B、fish C、doctor D、teacher ()3、A、cat B、egg C、duck D、dog ()4、A、fan B、picture C、small D、floor ()5、A、hamburger B、goose C、ice-cream D、cake 3.我会写(注意大小写)。 1). A______ C 2). _______ f _______ 3). _______ Q _______ 4). ______ F ______ H _______ 5). _______ h _______ 4.我会翻译。 1)、看一看_________ 4)、a big classroom_________ 2)、讲台_____________ 5)、look at 3)、我的同班同学________ 6)五个窗户___ 5.达标检测 ①Good morning! A.Really? ②How many doors do you have? B.Good morning. ③I have a toy dog. C.We have two.


《谏太宗十思疏》学案 《谏太宗十思疏》学案 学习要点 1 学习作者反复开导、循循善诱的劝谏艺术; 2领悟“十思”的积极意义; 3掌握中一些实词的词义和虚词的用法。 重点讲解 题解 “疏”通称“奏疏”。疏,原本是疏通的意思。后作为一种公形式,成了古代官员向帝王进言,以便使下情上达的进谏奏。疏,演变为疏通事理,分条陈述的意思。它起于汉代,后世人们以“奏疏”作为这类进言体的通称。“疏”的用途较广,论谏、陈乞、待罪、推荐、辞官等都可用“疏”。 “谏”是规过劝善的意思,一般用于下对上。规劝的言论也可以称为“谏”,如同学们学过的《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》中的“谏”就是“规劝的言论”的意思。“谏”古代专指用于对帝王、上级、尊长的劝告,规劝其改正不当的言行。 《谏太宗十思疏》选自《魏郑公集》,标题是后人加的。起初称为《十思疏》。标题中的“太宗”是庙号。古代皇帝死后要在太庙立室

供奉,为此就需要立一个名号,这就是庙号。从汉代起,每一个朝代的开国皇帝一般都称为太祖、高祖或世祖,以下称为太宗或世宗。李世民是在其父李渊之后称帝的,庙号为太宗。由此也可推知“谏太宗十思疏”是后人加的题目,李世民活着,是不能称其为太宗的。 “十思”的针对性 1.见可欲,则思知足以自戒 魏征评论:“陛下贞观之初,无为无欲,清静之化,远被遐荒。考之于今,其风近坠……今则求骏马于万里,市珍奇于域外,取怪于道路,见轻于戎狄。” 典型史实:王珪谏太宗出美人 太宗尝闲居与珪宴语,时有美人侍侧,本庐江王瑗之姬,瑗败籍没入宫。太宗指示之曰:“庐江不道,贼杀其夫而纳其室。暴虐之甚,何有不亡者乎?” 珪避席曰:“陛下以庐江取此妇人为是耶,为非耶?”太宗曰:”杀人而取其妻,卿乃问朕是非,何也?”对曰:“……今此妇人尚在左右,窃以圣心为是之,陛下若以为非,此谓知恶而不去也。”太宗虽不出此美人,而甚重其言。 2.将有作,则思知止以安人 魏征评论:“陛下贞观之始,视人如伤,恤其勤劳,爱民犹子,每存简约,无所营为。顷年已,意在奢纵,勿忘卑俭,轻用人力,乃云百姓无事则骄逸,劳役则易使……” 典型史实:张玄素谏修乾阳殿 贞观四年,诏发卒修洛阳宫乾阳殿以备巡幸,玄素上书谏曰:“……


Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World 情态动词+have done的用法 语 境自主领悟 先观察原句后自主感悟①Many people think the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland. ②They also think that there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world. ③But in China,the idea of the dragon may have come from the alligator. ④You might have given your parents more help earlier. ⑤It must have rained last night,for the road was quite muddy. ⑥He can't have forgotten it,for he talked about it yesterday. ⑦You ought to/should have done the job more carefully. ⑧You oughtn't to/shouldn't have asked such a foolish question. 1.①②句表示可能性的推测,意为“可能,也许”。 2.③④句表示对过去发生的事情的推测,意为“可能已经”。 3.⑤句表示对过去事情的很有把握的肯定推测,意为“肯定做过某事”,而⑥句则表示对过去发生事情的有把握的否定推测,意为“不可能做过某事”。 4.⑦句表示“过去本应该做却未做的事”,⑧句则表示“过去本不该发生却发生了的事”。 1.may/might have done sth.表示对过去行为的推测,意为“也许/或许已经做过某事”,might可能性更小,主要用于肯定句和否定句中。 John isn't at home.I think he may/might have gone to school. 约翰不在家,我想他可能去上学了吧。 You might have read about it in the newspapers. 你可能已经在报纸上看到这个消息了。 [名师点津]

外研版高三一轮复习 必修二 Module4 学案

模块知识点回扣 I.运用所学短语完成下列语段 When he began to learn English, he (不喜欢) it, and what’s worse, he even (对……厌烦) it. His English teacher found this and adopted (一系列的) measures to encourage him. With the teacher’s help, he gradually (对……产生兴趣) it. Now he thinks that he is (在最佳状态) in English study. II..单句语法填空 1.In England, it’s easy to tell a person’s class his speech. 2.I believe Peter’s ambition to study in Beijing University will be achieved, it? 3.If we observe someone (run) a red light, we should stop him. 4.He seems very serious, but in fact he has a (delight) sense of humour. 5.(live) in the country means that I can get up at 6:00 in the morning and enjoy the nice fresh air. 6.A series of stimulus policies and supportive measures which are taken by the government (expect) to promote change in the economic environment in this area. 7.It is reported that the driver of the bus, (consider) to be fully responsible for the accidents, was arrested on Monday. 8.—You shouldn’t have treated me that way. My heart is broken. —I’m sorry, Paul. I didn’t mean (hurt) you. 重点单词I1.stand 2.alive 3.scene 4.style 5.imitate 6.destroyed 7.unusual 8.aim II. 1.colorful 2.observation 3.traditional 4.expression 5.adoption 6.exhibition 7.delight;delightful;delighted 8.reality;have realised;realistic 回扣:I 1. was not fond of 2.got tired of 3.a series of 4. developed an interest in 5. at its best II 1. by 2. won’t 3.running 4.delightful 5.Living 6.is expected 7. considered 8.to hurt Book 2 Module 4Fine Arts 重点单词 (Ⅰ)单词拼写 1.I can’t (忍受) working with Jane in the same office. She just refuses to stop talking while she works. 2.He looked dead but his faint pulse proved that he was still (活着的).3.A crowd of onlookers gathered at the (现场) of the crash. 4.Her (风格) of painting has been spoken highly of by other artists. 5.Some of the younger pop brands try to (模仿) their musical heroes from the past. 6.Most of the old part of the city was (毁坏) by bombs during the war. 7.It’s (不寻常的) for people of such different political opinions to be able to walk together. 8.He started with the (目的) of injuring others only to end up by ruining himself. (Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The policy of reform and opening has brought us Chinese people a rich and (colour) life. 2.They were the result of years of careful (observe), thought and study. 3.Women are questioning their (tradition) roles in society, as wives and mothers. 4.We can see from the (express) on his face that everything is going on well. 5.The boy’s (adopt) by the kind old woman changed his whole life.


Introduction and Extensive Reading Learning Aims: 1. To train ability of reading comprehension. 2. Look up the following words and phrases in your dictionary and learn to use them freely: relative,give concerts ,be true of, give life to ,be the same with, depress 3. To skim and scan the passage and answer some questions. Learning Methods: 1.Refer to the reference books and finish the Self-learning Part individually. 2.Scan(跳读) the text to answer the questions of the Cooperation Part in groups. Learning Procedures: Self-learning Part1: Introduction and Vocabulary 课本43页(Ex.1) 1 Which instruments have strings? 2 Which Chinese and western instruments look similar? . 3 Which of the instruments does the musician hold when he/she is playing? Part2: Reading 1). Skim (浏览)the passage to finish 课本44 页(Ex.1) 2).Scan(查读)the passage to finish课本44-46页(Ex.2 Ex3Ex4 Ex.5) Cooperation: 课堂合作 (1) Read the passage and fill in the form阅读课文,填写下面表格: (2) 再次细读课文,回答《创新设计》P46-47页(课文信息理解)问题: ○1_ _ ○2___ ○3___ ○4___ ○5____ ( 3 ) 仔细读课文,完成课文缩写:回答《创新设计》P46-47页问题: ( 4)课后反思: 完成《创新设计》P47页○2阅读《创新设计》P46-47页 After ----classs Test Part4: 浏览创新P47---50, 完成P346 Ex1/2/3 短语填空1—10_____________/_______________/___________________/_________________ ______________/______________/__________________/___________________ 完成句型1---5


小学四年级英语导学案(下) 课题:Module1 Unit1 She’s a nice teacher.主备人: 班级:姓名: 学习目标:1.对自己所熟知的人物、动物等进行外观、性格等方面的 描述。2.学习目标语句:This is …\He’s/She’s…\He’s/She’s a/ an …3.识别单词:nice,shy,clever,naughty,bad,call,answer 导学过程: 一、自主学习,合作探究完成连线 Maomao a clever pupil Ms Smart nice and shy Xiaoyong naughty Parrot a nice teacher 二、达标检测:单项选择 ( )1.This is Amy. _________very nice. A. She’s B. He’s ( )2.Parrot is a very naughty__________. A. panda B. bird ( )3.This is my________. She’s very cute. A. brother B.sister ( )4.He’s a naughty_________. A. boy B. girl ( )5.This is Xiaoyong. _______very clever. A. She’s B. He’s 等级整洁自评时间

市解放路小学四年级英语导学案(下) 课题:Module1 Unit2 He’s cool. 主备人: 班级:姓 名: 学习目标:1.学会描述人物的性格特征。 2.学会用“This is my big brother.”以及“He is cool..”的语言结构。3.识别单词: cool,big,little,cute,aunt,uncle 导学过程: 一、自主学习,合作探究听录音,读对话,完成以下任务 1.翻译 ()1.cool A.冷的B.酷的 ()2.clever A.漂亮的B.聪明的 ()3.nice A.害羞的B.友善的 ()4.nauɡhty A.可爱的B.淘气的 ()5.little A.小的B.大的 二、达标检测 根据短文,判断问题的正误,对的打T,错的打F。 Hello, My name is Doudou. I’m a nice boy. Look at these pictures. This is my mother. She’s very nice. This is my father. He’s very cl And this is my brother. He’s very naughty. I have many friends. My friend , Xiaogang is very cool. My friend , Lili , she’s a bit shy. ( )1. Doudou is a naughty boy. ( )2. Doudou’s father is very clever. ( )3. Doudou’s mother is very cute. ( )4. Xiaogang is very cool.


《谏太宗十思疏》复习学案 ?熟读全文,回答下列问题。 1、文学常识填空 (1)魏征(580~643) 字玄成,巨鹿曲阳(今河北省晋县)人,封郑国公,谥文贞,以直言敢谏著称,史以“”称之。唐代、、史学家。曾主持编撰《隋书》《群书治要》,作《隋书》的序论及《梁书》《陈书》《齐书》的总论,贞观十一年上《十思疏》,有诗五古《述怀》等30多首。魏征一生先后上书二百多次,达数十万言,大都被采纳。他死后,唐太宗悲痛不已,亲自为他写了碑文,并对侍臣说:“,可以正衣冠;以古为 镜,;,可以知得失。魏征没,朕亡一镜矣。” (2)疏,是的一种文体,又称、,多分条陈述。 2、本文阐述了要“”、“”、“”的道理。(用原文词语回答) 3、名句填写 (1)臣闻求木之长者,;欲流之远者,;思国之安者,。(2)凡百元首,承天景命,善始者实繁,。 (3)怨不在大,可畏惟人,,所宜深慎。 4、写作借鉴 (1)写法:本文第一段提出了什么观点?是如何提出的? (2)素材:“读史使人明智”。一千三百年后的今天重温《谏太宗十思疏》,不仅要体味它流畅艺术的文气,还应从字里行间去感受一代忠臣魏征为使唐王朝长治久安而敢于直谏的高度责任感、使命感,时刻胸怀一颗火热的报国心! ?读译全文,完成下列问题 一、掌握下列重点词语 1、浚:必浚其泉源() 2、当:当神器之重() 3、景:承天景命() 4、董:虽董之以严刑() 5、克:克终者盖寡() 6、作:将有作() 7、牧:则思谦而自牧() 8、敬:则思慎始而敬终() 9、黜:则思正身以黜恶() 10、简:简能而任之() 二、通假字 1、振之以威怒() 2、则思无以怒而滥刑() 三、一词多义 1、安: ①思国之安者,必积其德义() ②燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉() ③项王曰:“沛公安在?”()


2020届高考英语Module6Book4第一轮复习学案教学设计 Teaching design of the first round of review a nd study plan for module 6book4 in 2020 coll ege entrance examination

2020届高考英语Module6Book4第一轮复习 学案教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是高中生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 魏桥中学学案 总课时数 科目 高三英语 必修4 使用时间 XX.2 主备人 宋娜娜 使用人

课题名称 module 6 book 4 复习学案学习目标:复习并熟练掌握本单元的基础知识及语法;重点、难点:语法: may have/might have i. 根据所给汉语或所缺单词的首字母,写出单词的正确形式。 1.a ___ is the best form of defense. 2.the giant panda will soon become e ___ . 3.she c ___ the ownership of the land. 4.many people are very concerned about the d___________(毁灭)of the rainforests. 5.you must stay c _____ in case of an emergence. 6.the search was called for the sailors who ___________(消失) in the storm. 7.the custom of arranged marriages will ____________ (存在) in many countries. 8.the knife is not ___________ (锋利) to cut the grass.9.70% of the __________ (表面) of the earth is covered with water. 10.the farm ____________(占面积) an area of 200 square kilometers. 11.on the other hand, it has a ___________ (积极)


Book Two Module 4 Fine Arts – Western,Chinese and Pop Arts Section 1 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary (3课时) 一、学习目标 1、通过自主阅读课文,能够认识课文中的新单词与词汇。 2、通过自主翻译课文,能够掌握课文中重要句型的结构。 3、通过自主阅读课文,能够透彻理解课文内容。 二、使用要求 1、书写要认真规范; 2、教师讲解时,务必用红色笔修正答案。 三、学习内容:Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary 四、学习过程 Pre-reading 同学们,在本部分中,你要掌握这些单词和短语,请自主阅读教材P31-34,然后把它们找出来。 (一)Words:英汉互译 1、嗜好____________ 2、憎恶___________ 3、美术____________ 4、西方的____________ 5、艺术家_________ 6、彩色的____________ 7、当代的__________ 8、令人愉快的________ 9、drawing__________ 10、绘画__________ 11、画家____________ 12、油画___________ 13、ink___________ 14、风景____________ 15、传统的____________ 16、有活力的_______ 17、方面__________ 18、临摹__________ 19、movement__________ 20、观察____________ 21、ordinary_________22、现实__________ 23、风格___________ 24、采纳_____________ 25、以…为目标_________ 26、忍受__________27、不寻常的_________28、consider_____ 29、shrimp___________ 30、can___________ 31、separate__________ 32、mention__________ (二)Phrases:翻译成汉语 1、in arts______________________ 2、be interested in ________________________ 3、art gallery_______________ 4、a great nineteenth-century Chinese artist__________ 5、consider to be_______________ 6、modern art movements____________________ 7、at the same time_____________ 8、aim to do______________________________ 9、in reality__________________ 10、in style______________________________ 11、out of style_______________ 12、get tired of____________________________ 13、be crazy about_____________ 14、develop an interest in____________________ 15、be fond of________________ 16、tell by_______________________________ Step 1 Do the exercise of Part 1 (page 32). Step 2 Fast Reading Read passages A-F on page 33 quickly and then: 1.Match paintings 1-4 with descriptions in paragraphs A-D . 2.Say which paintings are mentioned in paragraphs E and F . Step 3 Careful Reading (一)Read paragraphs A—F carefully and tell the following statements True or False. ( )a. It was Picasso himself who started a mordern art movement —Cubisin. ( )b. Picasso, George Braque and Roy Liechtenstein were from different countries, living in the same century. ( )c. Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong both liked painting in the traditional Chinese


四年级上册英语导学案 设计:备课日期:月日教学日期:月日学习达人:学习课题Unit 1 Nice to meet you! 学习目标1.能听懂、会说本课会话; 2.能运用“Nice to meet you!”问好,并对此问候作出回应; 3.能在适当的场合运用“Hello!”和“Good morning!” 学习重点自我介绍,以及灵活运用“Good morning! Glad to meet you!”向人致意。 学习难点“Hello!”和“Good morning!”的区别。 学习程序 第二课时 一、课前独学 预习单词及课文,请将下列单词和句子在课本中划线并译成中文。 afternoon, this, name, dog, class, grade, Who are you? What’s your name? 【我的疑问】:请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑问的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。 二、有效热身 师生问候。 T:Good afternoon! Ss:Good afternoon! T:Nice to meet you! Ss:Nice to meeet you too! 三、课堂合作和探究 1. 课堂导入师用肢体语言引入问候语,Good morning. Good afternoon. 2. 检查独学小组内自查独学情况,老师抽查。

3. 呈现新句型 Nice to meet you!What’s your name? Who are you? 4.两两合作根据新句型两人一组一问一答。 5.朗读指导学生在组内自己阅读讨论D部分,理解D部分的内容。 6.问答练习学生在组内完成E部分的练习。 7.解决疑问师生合作一起解决预习中遇到的、通过课堂合作探究尚未解决的疑问 四、课堂展示 1 .每个小组成员朗读一遍D部分。 2.小组派代表解说E部分的答案。 五、达标检测 我会做:翻译下列句子。 1. Good afternoon. 2.Who are you? 3.What’s your name? 4.I’m in Class Two, Grade four . 我会写:正确书写句子。 Glad to see you! My name is Lily. 反 思 审批:


谏太宗十思疏教学案 课前导学:《谏太宗十思疏》是魏徵于贞观十一年(637)写给唐太宗的奏章,意在劝谏太宗居安思危,戒奢以俭,积其德义。太宗,即李世民,唐朝第二个皇帝,是中国历史上最有成就的开明君主之一,在他的统治时期,出现了安定富强的政治局面,史称“贞观之治”。“十思”是奏章的主要内容,即十条值得深思的情况。“疏”即“奏疏”,是古代臣下向君主议事进言的一种文体,属于议论文。 文学常识:魏征(公元580—643年)唐初政治家。字玄成,馆陶(今属河北)人。少年出家。曾参加隋末农民起义。后入唐为太子洗马。太宗即位后,被擢为议谏大夫,历任秘书监、侍中等职。参预朝政,先后向太宗陈谏二百余事,是历史上有名的敢谏之臣。后以修史功,进位光禄大夫,封郑国公。曾提出“兼听则明,偏听则暗”,“居安思危,戒奢以俭”,主张“薄赋敛”,“轻租税”,“息末敦本”,“宽仁治天下”等,对太宗的行动及政策措施给以极有益的影响。其言论见于《贞观政要》。 整:文章一开始,作者运用了排喻的手法,作者首先举出“求木之长者,必固其根;欲流之 远者,必浚其泉源”两组比喻,从而引出了“思国之安者,必积其德义”。作者先设置这样两个形象性和哲理性都很强的比喻,而后引出了自己要表达的真实意图,这种手法的应用是有很强的说服力。如果作者开篇不用这十分形象的排喻,而只是简单地讲述抽象的道理,是很难吸引对方,使对方理解信服。作者引喻用得好,好就好在比喻用得“巧”、“俗”、“切”。比喻的应用使抽象的道理形象化、具体化,使深奥的问题通俗化。刘勰在《文心雕龙·论说》中所说的:“喻巧而理至”讲的就是这个道理。设喻明理,比喻不但要设得巧,而且喻体要浅显通俗,树木、江河,处处可见,人人熟悉。所讲的道理也是人人皆知,不难理解的通俗事理。刘勰在《文心雕龙·比兴》中说:“比类虽繁,以切至为贵”。文章中比喻运用的“切”,实际上就是喻体与本意要相切合,要抓住重点,选最集中、最深刻、最精彩的喻体来表现本意,作者用十分熟悉的树木,泉源,用这些微不足道的事物,引出国之大政,平易而自然。 使用了排喻的方法开篇后,作者又以三个“不”字的排比句从反面来说明问题,“源不深而望流之远,根不固而求木之长,德不厚而思国之安”。从而进一步强调了作者的政治意图。作者使用的言辞尖锐,用反激法去激发对方。作者指出,自己所列举的比喻和叙说的是连自己这样愚笨的人都明白的道理,何况英明圣哲的皇帝。然后作者很明确地向唐太宗指出,做为一国之主的帝王,身负重任,就要在安乐时想到危难,尽量避免奢侈,要提倡节俭。不然的话就会做出象伐根而求树茂,塞水而望流长一样的愚蠢事。这里,在文章结构上前呼后应,环环紧扣,充分表达了作者进谏规讽的本意。 紧接着作者向唐太宗指明历史上的君王,一开始创业时大多都能兢兢业业,而善始善终的就不多了。作者这里用了一个反问句来说明“创业容易,守业难”的道理。作者同时明确地告诫唐太宗,不要危难忧患时诚心待人,而成功后就放纵,傲慢待人。并指明,对人以诚相待,仇敌也团结成为一个整体;傲慢待人,即使是亲人也会众叛亲离。对人民使用高压钳制,用威势来统治他们,会造成他们与你貌合神离,表面十分顺服而实际上却十分怨恨。作者这里指出被激怒的百姓是十分可畏的。并再次用一个真切生动的比喻来说明帝王与百姓之间的辩证关系。作者将百姓妙喻为水,将帝王比喻为行船。水能浮载行船,但也可以将行船


1. invent, discover, find 与find out 的区别:(Introduction) invent —“发明”以前不曾有的事物 discover—“发现”客观存在而不为人知的事物 find—“找到,发现”,强调结果 find out—“发现,查明,弄清楚”,强调过程 联想:(发明n. ) 发明者(n. ) (发现n.) 发现者(n.) found (vt.)—(p.f)—(p.p)() Ex. ①As we know, it was Thomas Edison who the electric light and Columbus that America. ②My pen is missing. And I can’t it anywhere. ③Have you why he was late today? ④It’s known to all that the PRC in 1949. 2. In the rice-growing world, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading figure. ①rice-growing (meaning), 结构为 e.g. meat—eating animals 讲英语的国家(联想:英语口语) 热爱和平的 ②leading: adj.最重要的,主要的 e.g. She was invited to play the leading role in the new film. (译) 男主角女主角 ③figure n.数字;人影,体型;人物;画像,塑像 v.描述,塑造;计算;估计;揣测 e.g. The little boy is good at figures. She does exercise regularly to (保持体型) 短语:figure out 合计为,计算出;解决;理解,领会 figure up 把……加起来 e. g. Can you (解决)the problem in 5 minutes? 3. …he began experiments in crop breeding. First Yuan Longping experimented with different types of rice. ◆experiment n. 实验,试验v.做实验 Ex. 用…做实验在…方面进行实验: 给…做实验: 进行实验,做实验:/ / / an experiment e. g. 我们每周做两次物理实验。 译: 4. He thought that the key to feeding people w as to… ◆the key to…的关键(钥匙,办法,答案)to 为词,后接。 拓展:练习的答案;课文注释 公园的入口处对…的访问 e. g. 学好英语的关键是记忆。 译: 5. This was a breakthrough. Researchers were brought in from all over China to develop the new system. ①breakthrough n.突破,重大发现或惊人的进展 短语:make a breakthrough e. g. China has made a breakthrough at landing the moon. ②bring in 引入;带进;赚钱;收(庄稼) e. g. a. Many modern technigues (引入)since the 1980’s. b. When the earthquake occurred, the PLA men were brought in to protect the people’s lives and properties. 拓展bring about ; bring back bring down ;bring forward bring on ; bring out bring up 6. 50 thousand square kilometers of rice fields were converted to growing vegetables and…


Module 4 Unit 1 Advertisements 学案4 Task I. Teaching Aims: 1. To learn how to listen for statistics and descriptions 2. To learn how to state opinions and give supporting reasons 3. To learn how to use different sentence types correctly. II. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Skills building 1: listening for statistics and descriptions 1) how to read statistics correctly 2) when listening we should care about: (1) an increase (2) a decrease (3) no change (4) trends (5) a range (6) a limit 3) listening practice on Page 12 4) completing a bar chart\ Step 2 Skills building 2: stating opinions and giving supporting reasons 1) how to state opinions and give support reasons 2) pair-work 3) talk about advertisements: 4) ask Ss to finish A---conduct a survey. 5) help Ss to finish B---role-play. 6) get Ss to finish C---writing. Step 3 Skills building 3: using different sentence types correctly 1) Help Ss to understand different sentences types with the help of the table. 2) Ask Ss to finish the practice on Page 16. 3) Write an advertisement 4) Ask Ss to finish Ex. A on Page 17. 5) Have Ss finish Ex. B on Page 17. Step 4: Homework III. Language points: 1. expressions for describing the following: 1) 增长There was an increase of 42 percent. The price has gone up / increased / risen by 5 percent. Four times as many people used our products last year. 2) 下降There was a decrease of 40 per cent. The figure decreased / fell / dropped by 16.5 per cent.

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