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Available online at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7218814470.html,

Discrete Mathematics283(2004)289–293



Edge choosabilityof planar graphs without small cy cles

Li Zhang?,Baoyindureng Wu

Graph Theory and Combinatorics Laboratory,Institute of Systems Science,

Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,100080Beijing,PR China Received5March2003;received in revised form29December2003;accepted21January2004


We investigate structural properties of planar graphs without triangles or without4-cycles,and show that every triangle-free planar graph G is edge-( (G)+1)-choosable and that everyplanar graph with (G)=5and without 4-cycles is also edge-( (G)+1)-choosable.

c 2003Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.

Keywords:Planar graph;Cycle;Edge choosability


All graphs considered in this paper are?nite,loopless and without multiple edges.Let G be a plane graph.V(G),E(G) and F(G)shall denote the set of vertices,edges and faces of G,respectively.We say two vertices u and v are adjacent if there is an edge in G joining them;the edge is denoted by uv∈E(G).N G(v)(or N(v))denotes the set of vertices adjacent to v in G.The degree of v,written as d G(v),or simply d(v),is the number of vertices in N G(v).We denote by (G)and (G)the minimum and maximum degrees of vertices of G,respectively.For a face f∈F(G),let V(f)be the set of vertices on the boundaryof f.The degree of f,denoted by (f),means the number of edges on the boundaryof f,where each cut-edge is counted twice.A face f is called simple if the boundaryof f is a cycle.We say v is incident with f,or f is incident with v if v∈V(f).A vertex v is called a k-vertex(or k+-vertex)if d(v)=k(or d(v)?k).We de?ne k-face and k+-face similarly.Obviously,each k-face for36k65is a simple face when (G)?2.A triangle of a graph G is synonymous with a cycle of length3.Let T(v)and Q(v)denote the set of3-and4-faces that are incident with the vertex v,respectively.

An edge-k-coloring of G is a mapping from E(G)to the set of colors{1;2;:::;k}such that (x)= (y)for any adjacent edges x and y of G.The graph is edge-k-colorable if it has an edge-k-coloring.The chromatic index (G)is the smallest integer k such that G is edge-k-colorable.The mapping L is said to be an edge assignment for a graph G if it assigns a list L(e)of possible colors to each edge e of G.If G has some edge-k-coloring such that (e)∈L(e)for all edges e,then we saythat G is edge-L-colorable or is an edge-L-coloring of G.We call G is edge-k-choosable if it is edge-L-colorable for everyedge assignment L satisfying|L(e)|?k for all edges e.The list chromatic index l(G) of G is the smallest integer k such that G is edge-k-choosable.

The following conjecture is well-known on edge choosability.

Conjecture1.1.If G is a multigraph,then l(G)= (G).

?Corresponding author.Tel.:+86-108-268-2022;fax:+86-106-263-3766.

E-mail addresses:zhangli@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7218814470.html,(L.Zhang),baoyin@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7218814470.html,(B.Wu).

0012-365X/$-see front matter c 2003Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


290L.Zhang,B.Wu /Discrete Mathematics 283(2004)289–293

This conjecture has been proved for a few special cases,such as bipartite multigraphs [3],complete graphs of odd order [4],multicircuits [11],line-perfect multigraphs [8],and planar graphs with (G )?12[2].Vizing (see [7])proposed a weaker conjecture as following.

Conjecture 1.2.Everygraph G is edge-( (G )+1)-choosable.

An earlier result of Harris [5]shows that l (G )62 (G )?2if G is a graph with (G )?3.This implies Conjecture 1.2for the case (G )=3.Juvan et al.[6]settled the case of (G )=4.For some special cases such as complete graphs [4],graphs with girth at least 8 (G )(ln (G )+1:1)[7],and planar graphs with (G )?9[1],Conjecture 1.2has also been con?rmed.Wang and Lih [9]proved the conjecture for everyplanar graph G with (G )=5and without 6-cycles.Also,in [10]the same authors proved that everyplanar graph G without 5-cycles is edge-( (G )+1)-choosable.In this paper,we will show that Conjecture 1.2holds for triangle-free planar graphs,and planar graphs with (G )=5and without 4-cycles.

2.Structure of plane graphs without some small cycles

First,we give some additional symbols and concepts that will be used later.Let G be a plane graph.De?ne a weight function w on elements of V (G )∪F (G )byletting w (v )=2d (v )?6for v ∈V (G )and w (f )= (f )?6for f ∈F (G ).Applying Euler’s formula |V (G )|?|E (G )|+|F (G )|=2and the handshaking lemmas for vertices and faces for a plane graph,we have

x ∈V (G )∪F (G )w (x )= v ∈V (G )(2d (v )?6)+ f ∈F (G )

( (f )?6)=?12:

We call w the normal weight .In the proofs of Lemmata 2.1–2.3below,we will obtain another weight function w by transferring the normal weights of vertices to their incident faces.For v ∈V (G )and f ∈F (G ),let z (v;f )be the amount of weights that transferred from v to f .

Lemma 2.1.Let G be a triangle-free plane graph with (G )?5.If d (x )+d (y )? (G )+3for every edge xy ∈E (G ),then (G )=5and G contains a 4-face incident with two 3-vertices and two 5-vertices .

Proof.Suppose G is a triangle-free plane graph such that (G )?5and d (x )+d (y )? (G )+3for everyedge xy ∈E (G ).It follows that (G )?3,and for anyedge uv ∈E (G ),if d (u )=3,then d (v )= (G ).Let w be the normal weight of G .Then w (v )?0for anyvertex v and w (f )?0for any6+-face f .We obtain the new weight function w according to the following rule.

Rule.Transfer w (v )=d (v )from each vertex v to every face f incident with v .

Thus w (v )?0for each vertex v ∈V (G )and for a simple face f ,w (f )=w (f )+ v ∈V (f )w (v )=d (v ).Since we discharge weights from one element to another,the sum of total weights is kept ?xed during the discharging.Thus x ∈V (G )∪F (G )w (x )=?12,which implies that there must be a 4-or 5-face f in G such that w (f )?0.Let f ?be

such a face.Note that for a vertex v ∈V (f ),z (v;f )=w (v )=d (v )=(2d (v )?6)=d (v )?12when d (v )?4.This im-plies that f ?is incident with some 3-vertices.Let v 1∈V (f ?)be a 3-vertex,and v 2and v 3be the two vertices in N (v 1)∩V (f ?).As we have seen before,v 2and v 3are (G )-vertices.Thus we shall conclude that f ?must be a 4-face incident with two 3-vertices and two 5-vertices simplybychecking that w (f ?)?0if f ?satis?es anyof following cases:Case 1: (G )?6.Since w (v )=d (v )=(2d (v )?6)=d (v )?1for d (v )?6,we have z (v i ;f ?)?1for i =2;3,and hence w (f ?)?w (f ?)+1×2?0.Case 2: (G )=5and f ?is a 5-face.We have z (v i ;f ?)?45for i =2;3,and hence w (f ?)?w (f ?)+45×2?0.Case 3: (G )=5and f ?is a 4-face with onlyone 3-vertex.We have z (v i ;f ?)?45for i =2;3.Let v 4∈V (f ?)be the fourth vertex except for v 1;v 2and v 3,then z (v 4;f ?)?12,and so w (f ?)?w (f ?)+45×2+12

?0.Lemma 2.2.Let G be a planar graph with (G )?6.If G does not contain 4-cycles ,then there is an edge xy ∈E (G )such that d (x )+d (y )6 (G )+2.

L.Zhang,B.Wu /Discrete Mathematics 283(2004)289–293291


Proof.Suppose there is a plane graph G without 4-cycles such that (G )?6and d (x )+d (y )? (G )+3for each edge xy ∈E (G ).Then, (G )?3and if one end vertex of an edge has degree 3,then the other must have the maximum degree (G ).Let w be the normal weight of G .We obtain a new weight function w bydischarging some weights from vertices of G to its incident faces.It is done bythe following rule.

Rule.From each 4+-vertex ,transfer 13to each of its incident 5-faces ,nd then divide the rema iningweig hts to its incident 3-faces .Since we discharge weights from one element to another,the sum of total weights is kept ?xed during the discharging,thus x ∈V (G )∪F (G )w (x )=?12.On the other hand,we will get a contradiction byshowing that w (x )?0for any x ∈V (G )∪F (G ).Bythe discharging rule,it is easyto see that w (x )?0for anyvertex and 6+-face.Let f be a face with (f )∈{3;5}.We consider the following cases.Case 1: (f )=5.If there is no 3-vertex in V (f ),then bythe rule,z (v;f )?13for anyvertex v ∈V (f ).Thus w (f )?w (f )+13×5?0.If there exists a 3-vertex v ∈V (f ),then there are at most two 3-vertices in V (f )since d (x )+d (y )? (G )+3?9for all xy ∈E (G ).We have w (f )?w (f )+13×3?0.Case 2: (f )=3.Let v ∈V (f )be a 4+-vertex.Since G contains no 4-cycles,no two triangles share with one common edge.Therefore,|T (v )|612d (v )and there are at most d (v )?|T (v )|5-faces incident with v .Hence bythe rule,we have z (v;f )?[2d (v )?6?13(d (v )?|T (v )|)]=|T (v )|?[4d (v )?12?d (v )=3]=d (v )?113?12=d (v ).Denote V (f )={v 1;v 2;v 3}.If there is a 3-vertex in V (f ),say v 1,then d (v 2)=d (v 3)= (G ).Moreover,z (v i ;f )?113?12=d (v i )?53since (G )?6for i =2;3.So we have w (f )?w (f )+53×2?0.Now assume that there is no 3-vertex in V (f )and d (v 1)6d (v 2)6d (v 3).Since d (x )+d (y )? (G )+3?9for everyedge xy ∈E (G ),there are at least two 5+-vertices in V (f ).Thus d (v 3)?d (v 2)?5and d (v 1)?4.Since z (v i ;f )?113?12=d (v i ),we have z (v 1;f )?23and z (v i ;f )?1915for i =2;3.Therefore,w (f )?w (f )+23+1915×2?0.So there exists an edge xy ∈E (G )such that d (x )+d (y )6 (G )+2.

From Fig.1,we can see that the result of Lemma 2.2does not hold for the case of (G )=5.In fact,it is a graph with (G )=5and without 4-cycles such that d (x )+d (y )?8for anyedge xy ∈E (G ).However,we can prove the following result.

Lemma 2.3.Let G be a planar graph with (G )=5.If G does not contain 4-cycles ,then there is an edge xy ∈E (G )such that d (x )+d (y )68.

292L.Zhang,B.Wu /Discrete Mathematics 283(2004)289–293

Proof.Suppose there is a plane graph G with (G )=5and without 4-cycles such that d (x )+d (y )?9for each edge xy ∈E (G ),then (G )?4.Let w be the normal weight of G .We will obtain a new weight w bydischarging some weights from vertices of G to their incident faces.

Rule.Transfer 1from every vertex to each of its incident 3-fa ces a nd then divide the rema iningweig hts to its incident 5-faces .

Next,we will check that w (x )?0for anyelement x ∈V (G )∪F (G ).Note that w (v )?2and |T (v )|62for every v ∈V (G )since 46d (v )65and no two triangles share with one common edge.This implies w (v )?0for each v ∈V (G ).It is obvious that w (f )=w (f )?0for a 6+-face f ,and w (f )=0for a 3-face f .Now let f be a 5-face.Since d (x )+d (y )?9for everyedge xy ∈E (G ),no two 4-vertices are adjacent in G .Hence there are at least three 5-vertices in V (f ),and we have w (f )?w (f )+3×23=1?0.However,?12= x ∈V (G )∪F (G )w (x )= x ∈V (G )∪F (G )w (x )?0,a contradiction.So there must be an edge xy ∈E (G )such that d (x )+d (y )68in G .

Corollary 2.4.Let G be a planar graph with (G )?6.If d (x )+d (y )? (G )+3for each edge xy ∈E (G ),then G contains a triangle .

Proof.It is immediate from Lemma 2.1.

3.Application to edge choosability of graphs

We will use the following results in the proofs of Theorems 3.1and 3.2.Let G be a connected graph (not necessarily planar).It is well-known that G is edge-( (G )+1)-choosable for (G )62and in particular is edge-2-choosable if G is an even cycle.From the results of [5,6],G is edge-( (G )+1)-choosable if (G )=3or 4.

Theorem 3.1.Every triangle-free planar graph G is edge -( (G )+1)-choosable .

Proof.We onlyneed to prove the theorem for (G )?5.Byinduction on |E (G )|.The theorem holds triviallyfor graphs G with |E (G )|63.Let L be an edge assignment of G such that |L (e )|= (G )+1for each e ∈E (G ).If there exists an edge xy ∈E (G )such that d (x )+d (y )6 (G )+2,then G ?xy has an edge-L -coloring .We can color xy with some color from L (xy )that was not used by on the edges adjacent to xy .So now we assume that d (x )+d (y )? (G )+3for each edge xy ∈E (G ).This implies that G contains a 4-cycle C incident with two 3-vertices and two 5-vertices byLemma 2.1.Since no two 3-vertices are adjacent in G ,let C =v 1v 2v 3v 4v 1be a 4-cycle of G with d (v 1)=d (v 3)=3;d (v 2)=d (v 4)=5.Then G =G \E (C )admits an edge-list coloring with edge assignment L restricted to G .For all v i v i +1∈E (C ),let L ?(v i v i +1)=L (v i v i +1)\{ (e )|e ∈E (G )is incident with v i or v i +1},where i =1;2;3;4and i +1is taken modulo 4.Thus |L ?(v i v i +1)|?2for all v i v i +1∈E (C ),and then the 4-cycle C admits an edge-list coloring with edge assignment L ?.We obtain an edge-list coloring of G with edge assignment L .

Theorem 3.2.If G is a planar graph without 4-cycles ,then G is edge -t -choosable ,where t =7if (G )=5,otherwise t = (G )+1.

Proof.We proceed byinduction on |E (G )|.The result is trivial for graphs G with |E (G )|63.Now we assume that G is a plane graph without 4-cycles and (G )?5.Let L be an edge assignment of G such that |L (e )|=t for each e ∈E (G )(i.e.t =7if (G )=5,otherwise t = (G )+1).First,suppose (G )=5.ByLemma 2.3,there is an edge xy ∈E (G )such that d (x )+d (y )68.The induction hypothesis implies that G ?xy has an edge-L -coloring .Since xy is adjacent to at most 6edges in G and |L (xy )|=7,we can color xy with some color from L (xy )that was not used by on the edges adjacent to xy .Now,suppose (G )?6.ByLemma 2.2,there exists an edge xy ∈E (G )such that d (x )+d (y )6 (G )+2.Also,G ?xy has an edge-L -coloring .We can color xy with some color from L (xy )that was not used by on the edges adjacent to xy .

It seems that the method of discharging weights does not work for proofs of edge choosabilityfor planar graphs without cycles of length 4,or 6when (G )=5.

L.Zhang,B.Wu/Discrete Mathematics283(2004)289–293293 Acknowledgements

We would like to express our gratitude to both referees for their careful reading and helpful comments.In particular, we are indebted to one of them for pointing out a aw in the proof of Theorem3.2.


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June 1,2010 Dear Professor Smith, I am Huming and I ' ma linguistics student at our university. The aim that I am writing to you is to apply for a teaching assistant ' s in adva nee. The post that I prefer is suitable for me because I used to be a teach ing assista nt. Would you be kind eno ugh to give me a cha nee to be in terviewed? If not possible, what kind of opport unity would you be able to offer to me ? Thank you for your help. I ' m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sin cerely, Humi ng 2.邀请(发出邀请、接受邀请、谢绝邀请) ⑴发出邀请:邀请的内容和原因、具体的内容和地点、表达邀请人届时见到邀请人的喜悦和希 望受邀人接受邀请、希望回信(也可不提及) ⑵接受邀请:表达收到邀请的感激、确定能过得很愉快、保证能准时到达/抱歉要晚些到、想帮 忙做准备工作(也可不提及)、很期待参加被邀请的此活动 (3)婉拒邀请:表达收到邀请的感激、表明不能参加的原因、对错过此活动表示遗憾和抱歉、如果情况需要,对主人举办该活动表示祝贺 例文: Oct.20 (1) Dear Meili, We are going to have a music appreciati on eve ning in our classroom this coming Saturday. This time is 7:30 pm. Symphony No.9 by Beethove n will be on the programme. We would like to have you join us ,as we know you are one of the classical music lovers. Drop me a line if you are in terested. Hop ing to see you on Saturday. Yours, Wangfang

三星NOTE2 N719官方原版Mf3系统上G网(移动网GPRS)方法

三星NOTE2 N719官方原版Mf3系统上G网(移动网GPRS)方法一.补丁前: 1.系统必须升级到4.1.2(本人在线升级到官方MF3系统)。 2.root获取最高权限。(本人用“百度一键root”成功,注意root后商家不保修);安装re管理器(root explorer),没有上网找。 3.为安全起见,安装前请先用recovery备份系统,以免不能开机时恢复系统(开机进入CWM模式可以恢复)。(手机自带恢复系统没有备份功能,本人嫌手机刷入CWM recovery麻烦,没有备份系统,要有砸砖的准备,嘻嘻,没那么恐怖,最后成功) 4.下载N719_MF3 20130720.rar(链接) 5.解压得到: 二.安装到手机: 1.把这几个文件复制到手机里任意文件夹(这个不用教了吧)。 2. 用re管理器把framework.odex和framework2.odex文件分别替换system/framework/framework.odex和framework2.odex(先删除或改名原文件,再替换) 3. 用re管理器把systemUI.odex和SecPhone_CHN_DUOS.odex文件分别替换system/app/systemUI.odex和SecPhone_CHN_DUOS.odex(先删除或改名原文件再替换) 4、重启手机。 注意:适合官方原版4.1.2 Mf3/MD4(system目录下面必须有对应的ODEX文件即同名替换)!! 三、使用方法: 1、第一次使用 设定-无线和网络-更多设置-移动网络-去掉勾选CMDA选项卡的移动数据/漫游数据-去掉勾选GSM选项卡的移动数据/漫游数据(双卡移动数据及漫游数据都不要打勾)2、以后每次使用只需在下拉菜单中操作:屏幕顶部下拉—〉移动数据关闭-〉点击CDMA01或GSM02按钮选择默认的主卡(下图所示切换)—〉移动数据打开

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初有小成!!!!!!!!!!! 2.下载小米刷机工具miflash,下载地址:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7218814470.html,/shuaji-39 3.html

安装刷机工具,解压上面下载下来的MiFlash工具包,然后在解压出来的文件夹里直接找到exe格式的文件进行安装,直到安装完成。 3.下载刷机包,下载地址:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7218814470.html,/list-169-1-7-4-1-2 在rom下载频道下方,按图示选择固件版本,至于是稳定版还是开发版凭个人喜好,选择线刷包下载 。 下载在桌面吧,好找!!!然后解压出来


2012专四Note预测10:Refusal Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60words based on the following situation: Y our foreign friend, Jimmy, want you to be his Chinese tutor. But you are so busy with your study that you cannot help him. Write him a note, declining him and explaining why. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. 范文 April 12, 2010 Dear Jimmy, Thanks a lot for trusting me and asking me to be your Chinese tutor! But as you know, I am a senior student and must finish all courses and papers this term. I am so busy with my courses and papers that I cannot help you. I am sorry for that! I can recommend you a good Chinese tutor if you need. Yours, Lily 2012专四Note预测9:Buying A Gift Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60words based on the following situation: Jenny, your classmate, is thinking of buying a gift to her mother for Mother's Day, And you would like to recommend a good book to her. Write a note, telling her about the book and explain why you think it's a suitable gift. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. 范文 April 12, 2010 Dear Jenny, I heard that you were thinking of buying a gift to your mother for the coming Mother's Day, and I would like to recommend a good book to you. Letters to Mum is a book in which 100 sons' and daughters' letters to their mothers are collected. These letters are so moving that I believe your mother will like to read them very much. Yours, Mary 2012专四Note预测8:Complaint Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60words based on the following situation: You need to have your dorm light repaired, and you told the dorm keeper several times. But nobody comes to repair the light for you by now, Write a note to school administrate office to complain for that. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. 范文 April 12, 2010 Dear Sirs of school administrate office, I am sorry that I have some complaint to make. My dorm light has gone wrong since last Monday, and I have told the dorm keeper several times. However, nobody has come to repair the light by now. It's so inconvenient that I have to study in my classmates' dorm every night. Would

三星手机NOTE2 N7100验机大全和实用技巧教程

1.出厂日期查询方法: 第一种方法:进入拨号输入 *#197328640# 进工程模式;依次 选择第二项,第二项,第四项 点菜单键再点Key Input输入值2; 再点菜单键点Key Input输入值2; 再点菜单键点Key Input输入值4; 就可以看到cal date:显示出厂日 期。 第二种方法:s/n推算,s/n第4、5 位为年,月,第4位:C代表2012 年,第5位:123456789abc代表1- 12月(正常cal时间与sn时间应该在 同一个月份)*#12580*369# 本帖隐藏的内容2.看通话时间: *#*#4636#*#* 这是看通话时间的 在1分钟以内才是正常的(一分钟都 不算正常,可以用来推测是否是返 修机之类的) 3.测试有无锁三键及刷机次数: 音量下键+HOME键+电源键,如果 能出现机器人挖煤的动画,就是无 锁三键,反之就是锁三键. 只要关机>按电源键+音量下键+中间 的HOME键,等待刷机模式出现,再按 一下音量上键查看资料,就会显示出 有没有刷过机如果没刷过机,第三行 会写着NO,如果刷过机,就会写着YES 及刷过的次数,检查完成后再按十秒 电源键就会退出模式 4.测试有无网络锁 *#7465625# 这是看是不是锁机只 要是OFF就是正常,“network lock”值为"disable"表示无网络锁, 值为"enable"表示有锁。 还有一个方法是查版本:*#1234#,如 果显示为: PDA:I900DZHG1/DZHG1

手机:NSPRO 一定有锁. 5.识别机器的原产地 第一种方法:在待机状态下,点击拨 号键 输入: *#1546792*#,然后进入工 程模式,选择Preconfiguration 这时会提示输入密码,输入: *#81230*# 然后确认, 如果JS没有更改过"select a counrty"这一栏,就是您机器的产地, 由此,可以辨别出是港版还是欧版或亚太版. 若第一种方式没反应,不可以用, 可尝试下面的方法 第二种方法:进入拨号界面,要知道IMEI只要输入*#06#就能够查到了, 之后立即核对盒子条码和机身IMEI 是否相同,再输入*#272* [IMEI]#,会出现3个字母,此为销售地,例如是TGY,就是代表香港 (这个指令可以切换机器的所在地 属性,所以慎选切换) 6.屏幕检测: *#0*#工程测试买机必测 第一行三个原色测试 第二行1听筒2振动3亮度 降低 第三行1照相2磁传感器3 触摸屏 第四行1休眠模式2扬声器3 附属键 第五行1 前摄像头2 led指示灯 里面有“LCD TEST",按“RED”全屏显红色,按“green” 全屏显绿色, 按“blue”显蓝色,如要返回测试菜单,请按中间的确认键,退出按挂 机键。 7.IMEI 码检验: 输入*#06# ,查看手机内存中的IMEI 码,记住这个号码,然后输入*2767*3855# 进行i9300码片复位,手机会自动重启, 最后再输入*#06# ,查看这个IMEI 码有没有改变,如果这个号码与手

英语专业四级note writing讲解

Notes must be precise and to the point; the style is casual. In notes of introduction, the following are usually included: 1.The name of the person to be introduced 2.His/Her identity 3.The purpose of the introduction 4.Appreciation Sample 1 12 July, 2005 Dear Mr. Sullivan, This is to introduce Mr. Hu Ming. He is a linguistics student at our university. Mr. Hu is looking for a teaching assistant’s post. Any assistance rendered him would be highly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Geoffrey Jackson Sample 2 12 July, 2005 Dear Mr. Keller, This is to introduce Ms. Ruby Hermann. Ms. Hermann is a well-trained, experienced and conscientious secretary. Her former employers have all found her competent. She left her former post because it took her too long to get to the office. You told me last Saturday that your secretary had left you. You may interview Ms. Hermann and see if she can fill the vacancy. I can vouch for her honesty. Henry Monroe Sample 3 12 July, 2005 Dear Mr. Wang, Liu Li is an English literature student. She is presently working on a paper on modern English literature. I would appreciate it if you could help her locate some reference books she needs badly. Thank you. Liang Beijun Sample 4 12 July, 2005 Dr Hope, This is to introduce my friend Wayne Morris who has stomach trouble. He has been suffering for two weeks now. He has been to several hospitals and given various drugs, but there has been no effect. He is still not cured. I’d appreciate it if you could give him a thorough examination. Thank you. Sally Simpleton


红米NOTE(增强版)/红米NOTE详细参数对比 基本曝光日期:2014年手机类型:3G手机,智能手机,拍照手机,平板手机 屏幕触摸屏类型:电容屏,多点触控主屏尺寸:5.5英寸 主屏材质:TFT材质(LTPS技术)主屏分辨率:1280x720像素屏幕像素密度:267ppi 屏幕技术:GFF全贴合技术窄边框:5.11mm 屏幕占比:68.81% 网络网络类型:双卡双模3G网络:移动3G(TD-SCDMA),联通2G/移动2G(GSM)支持频段:2G:GSM 900/1800/1900 3G:TD-SCDMA 1900/2010MHz WLAN功能:WIFI 导航:GPS导航,A-GPS技术,电子罗盘连接与共享:OTG,蓝牙4.0 硬件操作系统:MIUI V5(支持Android4.2)核心数:真八核/八核 CPU型号:联发科MT6592 CPU频率:1741MHz/1433 MHz RAM容量:2GB/1GB ROM容量:8GB 存储卡:MicroSD卡扩展容量:32GB 电池类型:可拆卸式电池电池容量:3200mAh 理论通话时间:2280分钟(2G)理论待机时间:775小时 摄像头摄像头:内置摄像头类型:双摄像头(前后) 后置摄像头像素:1300万像素前置摄像头像素:500万像素 传感器类型:CMOS 闪光灯:LED补光灯 光圈:f/2.2 视频拍摄:1080p(1920×1080,30帧/秒)视频录制720p(1280×720,30帧/秒)视频录制 拍照功能:曝光补偿,感光度(ISO3200),白平衡,HDR,全景模式,连拍,自动对焦 外观造型设计:直板机身颜色:象牙白色手机尺寸:154x78.7x9.45mm 感应器类型:重力感应器,光线传感器,距离传感器,陀螺仪 机身接口:3.5mm耳机接口,Micro USB v2.0数据接口 手机重量:199g 其他外观参数:可选配多彩保护套 服务与支持音频支持:支持mp3/acc/amr/ogg/m4a/mid/wma/flac/ape/aac等格式 视频支持:支持mp4/h.263/h.264/rmvb/flv720p等格式 图片支持:支持JPEG/PNG/GIF/BMP等格式 常用功能:计算器,备忘录/日程表/记事本/收音机/电子书/闹钟/日历/录音机/情景模式/主题模式商务功能:手机防盗,骚扰拦截,病毒查杀,权限管理,流量监控 附件包装清单:主机 x1,锂电池 x1,数据线 x1,充电器 x1,说明书 x1 保修信息保修政策:全国联保,享受三包服务质保时间:1年 质保备注:主机1年,电池6个月,充电器1年客服电话:400-100-5678 电话备注:周一至周日:8:00 - 18:00(仅收市话费) 详细内容:自购机日起(以购机发票为准),如因质量问题或故障,凭厂商维修中心或特约维修点的质量检测证明,享受7日内退货,15日内换货,15日以上在质保期内享受免费保修等三包服务!注:单独购买手机配件产品的用户,请完好保存配件外包装以及发票原件,如无法提供上述凭证的,将无法进行正常的配件保修或更换。


Unit1 Text A Translation 1.After months of researching Northwestern on the Web and grilling friends,teachers and advisers who had gone there,Maxine pinned her hopes on getting accepted. 经过数月在网上搜集并研究西北大学和仔细研究询问到西北大学的朋友,老师和咨询顾问,玛克辛最终希望自己被西北大学录取。 2.For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall,that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. It turns out the odds of getting into a selective college have never been worse. 对于像玛克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们会沮丧的发现这一梦想难以实现,考入一所知名院校的机会从未如此渺茫。 3.But when you see a kid collapse with grief because they didn’t get in,well,that’s not fun. 但是当你看到一个孩子因为被录取感到伤心而一蹶不振,那可不是闹着玩的。 4.College counselors say that as schools get choosier,parents have grown more resigned to the realities of kids’ prospects. 大学咨询人员说由于学校对录取越来越慎重,家长已经比过去更能平静地对待孩子被大学录取几率渺茫的事实了。 5.College admissions offers are split. On the one hand,they say they don’t like being forced to reject so many worthy kids. On the other hand,they’re enjoying--and profiting from--the attention. 校方招生主管意见不一。一方面,他们说他们不愿意被迫拒绝这些优秀的孩子。另一方面,他们正在享受这种关注的乐趣,并从中获利。 6.At some colleges the bumper crop of applications is causing crowd-control problems. For years Rutgers University has run a private bus to ferry prospective students and their parents around its sprawling New Brunswick,N.J.,campus. 在一些院校,申请者激增引发了校园过度拥挤的问题。多年来,罗格斯大学为正在扩大的新布朗斯维克校区增开一趟专用车,接送未来的学生和家长。 7.By 2015 the number of high-school graduates will begin to drop back out of the stratosphere. But admissions directors are ready worrying about the shrinking pool of future applicants,especially the sliver of those who can afford to foot the $40,000 annual tab. 到2015年,高中毕业生的数量将开始回落。但是招生主管们已经开始担忧申请者数量缩减的问题,尤其是为数不多的每年有能力支付4万美元费用的那部分申请者。 8.”I know I’m one of many,but that doesn’t mean I’m not smart and driven and ready to be a committed student.” “我知道我是众多未被录取的申请者中的一位,但这并不说明我不优秀,我不努力,我不是一名上进的学生。

解决红米note 用USB连接电脑所遇到的MTP驱动问题

解决红米note用USB连接电脑所遇到的MTP驱动问题。这个帖子是送给那些乱搞自己的驱动,现在装不上的童鞋的。这个确实可以令电脑安装mtp驱动,图片是其他机型的,原理相同,可用。 查看了一些网上的资料,据说mtp驱动要在Windows Media Player11 下有比较好的支持,所以建议大家先升级Windows Media Player11 。 如果连接电脑没显示MTP驱动,请先下载Windows MediaPlayer11 安装好连接电脑就看到MTP驱动了。 如果你的电脑XP系统,无法安装Windows MediaPlayer11,请参考下面的方法安装:看到部红米note米粉反馈,用uSB连接XP系统的电脑,,选择MTP后,无法正常安装驱动,当然也就不能正常连接了,而Windows7系统的电脑却正常,其实原因很简单,XP系统缺少相应的组件,安装一个Windows Media Player 11即可,但安装Windows Media Player 11需要验证你的系统是否是正版,只有正版系统才可以安装,而我们大部分使用XP的,都是盗版,怎么办?不用急下面我来教你怎么操作。 先下载下面的2个文件解压放到一起 文件1 文件2 然后安装里面的wmfdist11.exe文件,再安装wmp11.exe文件,再安装umdf.exe文件和Windows XP-MSCompPackV1-x86.exe文件,注意顺序,有网友反馈,安装顺序不正确,可能不成功。 就可以正常安装MTP驱动了,如果此时还不成功,可能需重启电脑。

1.开始-设置-控制版面-管理工具-计算机管理-设备管理器 右击MTP-属性-详细信息 USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX 记下VID和PID后面的四位XXXX 2.右键我的电脑-资源管理器 找到c:\windows\inf\wpdmtp.inf打开, 如果找不到,应该是隐藏了。这要到控制版面-文件夹选项-查看-选显示隐藏文件(给大家一个小窍门,直接复制c:\windows\inf\wpdmtp.inf到开始的运行内直接运行就可以调出) 找到 [Generic.NTx86] %GenericMTP.DeviceDesc%=MTP, USB\MS_COMP_MTP %GenericMTP.DeviceDesc%=MTP,USB\VID_xxxx&PID_xxxx&MI_00 [Generic.NTamd64] %GenericMTP.DeviceDesc%=MTP, USB\MS_COMP_MTP


高考英语满分作文:Note(便条) Dear Alice. I wonder if you eould lend me your Chinese-English dictionary. I will return it three days later. Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English. However, I often meet some Chinese words which I don't know how to say in English. So I have to turn to the Chinese-English dietionary for help from time to time. But mine is lost. I will take good care of your dictionary. I will definitely not damage it. Thank you very much! Jenny 亲爱的艾丽丝: 我想知道你能否把你的汉英词典借给我,三天后还给你。现在我正在把一篇重要的中文文章翻译成英文。不过我经常遇到一些不知如何用英语表达的词,所以我必须时不时地求助于汉英词典,但是我的丢了。我会好好爱护你的词典,绝不损坏。非常感谢! 珍妮 5月15日 May 15th Dear Alice, Would you please lend me your Chinese-English dictionary? I will give it back three days later. Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English. In the article I often find Chinese words which I cannot translate into English, so I often need a Chinese-English dictionary' But I

三星Galaxy note2 N7100 Odin3刷机教程

【教程】三星Galaxy note2 N7100 Odin3刷机文件及相关刷机专业术语解析 中英文翻译: Start:开始 Reset:重设 ID:COM:端口号(一般第一个端口在你手机插上是会高亮的) Re-Partition:重新分区 AutoReboot:自动重启(是刷机后自动重启!不是每次正常开机完了自动重启,这不是Odin 造成的!) F.ResetTime:重设工厂时间 Flash Lock:固件锁 Dump:读取 Phone EFS Clear:清除手机EFS文件系统(就是那个/efs文件夹,这个一般不要管,除非你刷机刷到机器提示无法挂载efs目录) Phone Bootloader Update:更新手机的Bootloader(没事千万别选) Control Panel:控制面板 PIT:分区映射表 BOOTLOADER:引导程序 PDA:ROM文件就是这个 PHONE:基带 CSC:运营商设置FILE[DUMP]:dump文件(一般只有做ROM的才会用这个) 常用刷机文件说明 1.PIT:分区映射表:PIT其实不是刷到手机中的文件,而是一个奥丁工具用来刷机的配置文件,里面记录的是手机各个分区的信息。刷机的时候,奥丁依据这个配置将ROM内的分区镜像恢复到指定的分区中。如果勾选了“重新分区(Re-Partition)”,则依据这个配置重新分配分区。PIT中指定了各个区的大小,所以不同的PIT只不过代表了分区大小不一样而已。类似电脑中的一键分区。 2. BOOTLOADER:引导程序。Bootloader相当于电脑里面的BIOS(基本输入输出系统)。手机一开机,控制手机的就是Bootloader。我们通常所说的进入Bootloader,实际上是指进入Bootloader的工程模式,既是刷机模式。(不常用,基本只使用其它四个文件或者只选择PDA文件刷即可) 3.PDA:PDA文件是整个ROM的核心内容,系统。一般是个tar包,完整的内容包括下面几个文件boot.bin、sbl.bin、param.lfs、zlmage、factoryfs.rfs、rfs。 4.Phone:也叫Modem,管理无线通讯的。如果发现自己手机上网慢,信号不好可以换刷基带。

红米NOTE 移动版精简列表

红米NOTE 移动版精简列表部分精简列表:以下程序删除并不会影响系统 1 AirkanPhoneService.apk 2 BaiduNetworkLocation.apk 3 BasicDreams.apk 4 BugReport.apk 5 CertInstaller.apk 6 cit.apk 7 DrmProvider.apk 8 Email.apk 9 Exchange2.apk 10 Galaxy4.apk 11 GameCenter.apk 12 GameCenterSDKService.apk 13 HoloSpiralWallpaper.apk 14 HTMLViewer.apk 15 jjhome.apk 16 jjmms.apk 17 LiveWallpapers.apk 18 MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk

19 MiuiVideo.apk 20 NoiseField.apk 21 Paymentservice.apk 22 PhaseBeam.apk 23 SharedStorageBackup.apk 24 SuperMarket.apk 25 UserbookProvider.apk 26 UserDictionaryProvider.apk 27 VisualizationWallpapers.apk 28 Voiceassist.apk 29 WAPPushManager.apk 极致精简 注:极致精简版是全功能版的深度精简版本,在全功能的基础上精简了大量很少用到的APP 和冗余,请认真查看极致精简版的精简列表,以便了解哪些功能被剔除。 1 AdupsFota.apk 2 AdupsFotaReboot.apk 3 ApplicationsProvider.apk 4 Browser.apk 5 Calculater.apk 6 Calendar.apk 7 CalendarProvider.apk 8 cit.apk

三星GALAXY note2(N7100)刷机教程详细图文解说

注意刷机有风险本人只在自己的机器上测试,刷机和ROOT带来的一切问题与本人无关 三星Note2线刷教程: 刷机准备工具: 1 三星的KIES(目的是此软件有三星最新产品的驱动,安装完毕后请重启一次电脑) 2 odin3刷机工具 3 ROM(下载好后如压缩包后缀为.ZIP 请解压出文件,如解压后的文件后缀为.tar.md5 那么请重命名给.md5这个去掉,得到.tar的文件.) 三个文件的下载地址在最下面 开始三星Note2刷机的步骤: 1.备份好手机里的重要资料(切记备份一下重要资料,刷机后双W会丢失手机里的数据) 2.手机进入设置-开发者选项-USB调试(勾选上) 3.手机关机,同时按住(音量下键+HOME键+电源键)5秒左右,会出现下图样子

看到上图后按下音量上键, 然后会出现安卓小绿人,如下图

这时连接电脑(请把数据线插入电脑主机的后端USB 插孔上,前端USB插孔很有可能供电不足)。 4.在电脑端打开Odin软件,odin软件会识别手机识别成功后会在ID:COM处显示黄色如下图

5.选择软件中的PDA ,找到您下载好的ROM(.tar的那个)然后点打开 6.选择start(开始) 7.电脑端软件左上角出现绿色进度条为刷机中,手机端也会有进度条如下图

可以点根烟喝杯水了, 出现下图中的PASS即表示刷机完成

刷机后会自动开机进入系统,刷机后第一次进入系统时间比较长,(如果15分钟还没进去,强制关机,进入下一步,如果可以直接开机,那么也请您进行下一步,清空手机垃圾缓存) 8.手机关机,同时按住(音量上键+HOME键+电源键)5秒左右 手机进入3E模式,如下图


英语note范文英语note的标准格式应该是便条note 下面是范文 May 15th Dear Alice. I wonder if you eould lend me your Chinese-English dictionary. I will return it three days later. Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English. However, I often meet some Chinese words which I don’t know how to say in English. So I have to turn to the Chinese-English dietionary for help from time to time. But mine is lost. I will take good care of your dictionary. I will definitely not damage it. Thank you very much! Jenny 亲爱的艾丽丝: 我想知道你能否把你的汉英词典借给我,三天后还给你。现在我正在把一篇重要的中文文章翻译成英文。然而我经常遇到一些不知

如何用英语表达的词,所以我必须时不时地求助于汉英词典,但是我的丢了。我会好好爱护你的词典,绝不损坏。非常感谢! 珍妮 5月15日 首先要在右上角写上日期 其次是称呼dear sb,注意这里要用逗号 然后正文写下来。。。 在又下角写下署名Yours, xxx 就像 may 25th ,xx Dear xxx, Yours sincerely,

三星Galaxy note2 n7102刷机失败变砖后救砖教程

三星Galaxy note 2联通版(n7102)变砖施救方案,救砖不愁三星n7102刷机失败怎么救砖?仔细搜索下会发现网上的三星Galaxy note2 n7102救砖教程很少,救砖难度立即加大!合格的手机玩家依然选择自己手动给三星n7102救砖。下面这篇三星n7102救砖教程是小编精心整理出来的,详细介绍三星note2 n7102变砖施救方法和注意事项,希望有需要的朋友都来参考并提建议,合众人之力攻破三星n7102变砖问题! 三星n7102救砖准备 手机关机,电池有50%以上电量,建议数据线连接手机后插在主机箱后面的USB插口,避免断电断网情况。三星note2 n7102救砖工作使用完美刷机的“一键修复”功能来完成,下载完成安装。 启动三星n7102救砖软件 双击软件图标启动软件,点击页面上方和下方的“一键修复”按钮都能进入救砖页面。

确认三星n7102救砖 此时页面显示部分手机品牌,点击“Samsung”按钮,页面出现三星系列手机,在搜索框内输入手机型号,如“7102”,点击筛选出的“Galaxy Note2(n7102)”手机 图案。之后,弹出确认是否要给三星n7102救砖对话框,阅读完后选择“确定”。

确认三星note2 n7102救砖后,软件提示需要手动进入修复模式,具体步骤可以参照下面的示意图。

这时救砖工具会提示你选择手机版本,操作这步要以手机进入“Warning”后屏幕显示的语言为准,手机屏幕显示简体中文即为“国行版”,而手机屏幕显示除简体中文外的语言包括英文或繁体中文等等即为“国际版”。 三星n7102救砖正在进行 软件开始给三星n7102救砖,大概需要5-10分钟甚至更长,这段时间不要对手机、数据线和电脑主机进行任何额外操作,以免影响救砖软件运行,解决三星note2 n7102刷机失败变砖怎么救砖关键在这一步,耐心等待! 三星n7102救砖成功 直到救砖软件页面自动切换为修复成功页面,点击“完成”,这是三星n7102救砖终结步骤,等待手机自动重启,第一次开机时间较长!


红米Note增强版配备了5.5英寸1280x720像素,机身内存为2GB。现在我们就来介绍如何使用刷机大师来为红米Note增强版刷机,教大家如何给红米Note移动版一键刷YunOS系统。 红米Note移动版刷机工具准备 ?刷机工具下载:刷机大师下载 ?刷机包可以去ROM基地下载,也可以直接在刷机大师里面下载。 ?红米Note移动版YunOS刷机包下载:红米Note移动版YunOS刷机包 红米Note移动版刷机前置条件 ?手机电量充足,建议50%以上电量剩余。 ?保证手机内置存储或手机外置SD卡至少有大于ROM包100M以上的剩余容量。?红米Note移动版还没获取root权限?看这个教程:红米Note一键root权限获取教程 红米Note移动版刷机步骤方法 手机连接刷机大师 下载刷机大师解压后安装,开启手机USB调试模式后 (如何开启调试?),连接到刷机大师会自动安装手机端驱动,使手机保持正常的开机状态。

进行ROOT 点击“更多工具”,选择“ROOT大师"对红米Note移动版一键ROOT ,等待ROOT成功后自动重启。 数据备份 点击“更多工具”,选择“备份大师"对你的手机进行数据备份。

搜索红米Note移动版的刷机包 选择红米Note移动版的刷机包或者是点击刷机大师里面的ROM基地,然后搜索红米Note 移动版,点击进去就可以见到红米Note移动版的ROM包。 选择红米Note移动版的YunOS刷机包 在红米Note移动版的刷机包的列表里面,你可以看到有种类繁多的第三方ROM系统,选择你要下载YunOS刷机包。 一键刷机 准备好ROM,我们就可以开始一键刷机了,刷机开始之前中刷机大师会对手机和对刷机包进行检查,点击“浏览”选中刚才下载好的ROM,别忘了按照提示备份好联系人、短信和应用哦。

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