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Unit 1

1.This kind of medicine has the power to poison.

b)resist(抵抗,对抗)答案 b) 这种药具有抗毒的作用。

2.He is easily so I do not like to talk with him.


答案 d) 他很容易动怒,所以我不喜欢跟他交谈。

3.I am to believe that he won't come back to see his wife again.


答案 a) 我倾向于相信他不会再来见他的妻子。

4.Before you mail this letter,you shoule check again whether you have it or not.


答案 d) 在你邮寄这封信之前,你应该再检查一下是否把它密封好了。

5.After talking for nearly ten hours,he to the government's pressure at last.

b)yielded(使屈服)答案 b) 在讲了近10个小时之后,他最后屈服于了政府的压力。

6.My hands and feet were with cold as I waite for the bus.

c)stiff(不易弯曲的, 硬的)

答案 c) 在我等公交车的时候,我的手和脚冻得僵硬。

7.This problem is beyond his ability and he can not it.

d)solve(解决; 解答)

答案 d) 这个问题超出了他的能力范围,他解决不了它。

8.When you buy the spare parts for your car,try to get the ones from the authorized dealer.

a)genuine(真的)答案 a) 当你买你骑车的备用零件时,设法去真正的授权经销商。

9.If you use ,you can get a higher quality picture.


答案 d) 如果你使用幻灯片,你能得到高质量的图。

10.Who this country,the people or the president?This question is not easy to answer.


答案 d) 谁管理这个国家,人民还是总统?这个问题不是那么容易回答的。

11.I decided to pay a visit to my former teacher as soon as I .

d)finished what I was doing

答案 d) 我决定一做完我正在做的事,就去看望我以前的老师。

12.We see the lightning it happens,but we hear the thunder later.

a)the moment 答案 a) 我们看到闪电发生的那一刻,但是我们听到的却是雷声。

13.Girl ,she is much naughtier than a boy.

b)though she is

答案 b) 尽管她是个女孩,但是她比一个男孩子还要淘气。

14.--- in this street?

---I think Mr.black is the richest man.

b)Who do you think is the richest man.

答案 b) --你认为这条街上最富的人是谁?--我认为 Black 先生是最富有的人。

15. computers are of great benefit to the development of science and technology.

d)The fact is that

答案 d) 事实上,计算机对于科学技术的发展有很大的好处。

16.Living things are dying out quickly.Let's ask destroying them in the past years.

c)what part people have been played in d)people have been playing what part

答案 c) 生物正在讯速的消亡。我们想知道在过去几年中人类在其中的作用(或扮演了什么角色)。

17.No matter how fast we worked, .

a)we couldn't catch up with them b)and we couldn't catch up with them

c)so we couldn't catch up with them d)but we couldn't catch up with them

答案 a) 不管我们工作有多快,我们都无法赶上他们。

18.The reason why I gave in is if I didn't.

a)because she would be disappointed b)that she would be disappointed

c)because she would be have adisappointment d)for she would be disappointed

答案 b)我之所以让步,是因为如果我不让步的话,她会失望。主语是reason时,表语从句用that引导

19.The workers were making so much noise in the workshop,and the boss hurriedly went to see 。

a)what the matter was b)what was the wrong

c)what wrong was d)what was the matter

答案 d)工人们在车间里的制造了很大的噪音,老板慌忙去看发生了什么事儿。

what is/was the matter的语序在任何情况下都不变化,因为what在句中作主语。

20. method you choose, so long as you finish the job on time.

a)It isn't matter to me what b)What doesn't matter is that

c)It doesn't matter to me which d)No matter which

答案 c) 只要你能按时完成任务,选择哪种方法,都是无所谓的。

matter作动词时, 意为“要紧,有关系”, 常用于否定或疑问句中。


1.This year our university does not have any _____ to continue the international student exchange program.

A)function(功能) B)fundamental(基本的; 重要的) C)funeral(葬礼) D)funds(资金)

答案 D 今年我们大学没有任何资金继续进行国际交流生项目

2. Who is the patient being ____on?

A)painted(着色的) B)operated(操作的) C)tied(约束) D)fetched(接来, 取来)

答案 B 哪一个是要做手术的病人?

3.Mary is ____ of music but I am not .

A)pause(暂停) B)adventure(冒险活动) C)grammatical(符合语法规则的) D)fond(喜欢的)答案 D Mary喜欢音乐,而我不喜欢。

4. This man has been proved ____ of murder.

A)guilty(内疚的,有罪的) B)spoil(腐败) C)flash(发出闪光) D)curious(好奇的)答案 A 这个男人已经被证明犯有谋杀罪

5. The international situation is very _____in the Middle East.

A)delicious(美味的) B)perfect C)delicate(微妙的) D)percent(百分数)

答案:C 当前,中东的国际形势是十分微妙的。

6. Even though he knew that I should study, he still _____ me to go to the movies.

A)recognized(公认的) B)extended(伸展的) C)persuaded(说服) D)unexpected(意外的)答案 C 尽管他知道我应该学习,但他仍然劝说我去看电影。

7. We _____ that it will take another four months to finish this plan.

A)grant(准许) B)estimate(估计估价) C)council(理事会) D)check(检查)

答案 B 我们估计,将需要另外四个月的时间才能完成这个计划。

8. He read the paper several times but be still ____ some printer’s error.

A)overlooked(被忽视) B)ignored(被忽略的) C)noticed(注意) D)outlined(轮廓)答案 A 他读了好几次文件,但是仍然互视了一些打印错误。

9. She often talks with a ____ appearance but in fact she is always telling lies.

A)tidy(整齐的) B)sincere(诚实的) C)worship(崇拜) D)merry(愉快的)

答案 B 她经常以真诚的外观说话,但实际上她总是说慌。

10. If the students can not support themselves during their study in university , they may ask for a student _____ from the government.

A) menu(菜单) B)spoon(勺) C)loan(借出) D)bond(债券,联系)

答案 C 如果学生在他们读大学期间,不能养活自己,那他们可以跟政府要求学生贷款。

11. We’ve already sent out the invitation cards, but we don’t know how many people ____.

A) come B)came C) are coming D)have come

答案C 我们已经把邀请函寄出去了,但是我们不知道会有多少人来。

12. There was a knock at the door. It was then second time someone ___ me that evening.

A)had interrupted B) to have interrupted C)to interrupt D)would have interrupted 答案A 有人在敲门。这已经是那晚第二次有人打搅我了。

13. They told me that by the end of the month they ___ in this house for 10 years.

A)has lived B)has been living C)will have lived D) would have been living.

答案 D 他们告诉我,到本月底,他们就在这所房子里住了10年了。

14. By the time he retires John ____ here for 30 years.

A)has taught B)has been teaching C)will have been teaching D)has been taught

答案 C 他退休的时候约翰已经教了30年了。

15. The thing talked about in this report _____ over a year ago.

A) has taken place B)took place C)had taken place D)were taken place

答案 B 这个报告讨论的是一年前接管的地方。

over a year ago这个时间状语表明句子要用过去式,排除A 和C,take place 就等于 happen,不需要用过去式,排除D

16. Will you go to the theatre this evening? I will if I ____ no visitors.

A)have B)shall have C) will have D) am having

答案 A 你晚上会去影院看电影吗?我会去,如果没有人来串门的话。

17. The pen of yours is better than the one I ____ yesterday.

A) bought B)had bought C) was bought D) had been bought

答案 A 你的笔比我昨天买的好。

18. He ____ several books on computer in the past few years.

A)has translated B)translated C) had translated D) was translating

答案 A 他在过去几年里翻译了一些计算机方面的书籍。

19. I met him in the street the other day. We ___ each other for many years.

A)have not seen B)had not seen C)did not see D)have not been seeing

答案 B 前几天我在街上遇到他。我们有很多年没有见到对方了。

20. Don’t throw your cigarette in the grass. That ___ a fire.

A)is to start B)would start C)will start D)will be starting

答案:C 不要把烟扔在草地上,这将引起火灾。

Unit 3

1. English has become a communication _ for people from different countries.

A) merit优势 B)stream潮流 C)enjoyment乐趣 D)medium手段

答案 D 英语已经成为不同国家人民建交流的工具

2. During the eight years war,many people ___ their blood for their country.

A)shed流出 B)tempted引诱 C)reserved储备 D)deboted献身的

答案 A 人民为他们的国家已经浴血奋战了八年

3. You have greatly __us. What you have done is not what you told us about several weeks ago.

A)disappointed失望 B)deserted荒芜的C)clarified洋参(疑错)D)opposed反抗

答案 A 你使我们很失望,你的所作所为并不是你几星期前告诉我们的

4. Before you begin writing your paper,please write a(n)_D_first. Then we can have a better idea about what you are going to talk about.

A)origin出身 B)detail细节 C)example例子 D)outline提纲

答案 D 在你下笔之前请先立个提纲,这样你就能对你所要表述的内容有个好的思路。

5. If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a _ for me. A) chapter章回 B) ceremony典礼 C) chamber房间 D) challenge鞭策

答案 D 如果问我因何要在美国学习,答案是这样能使我奋进

6. A __ political and economic situation is very important for the development of any country.

A. stain污染

B. stables稳定的

C. peaceful温和的

D. pink粉红色

答案 B 一种稳定的政治经济条件对一国发展至关重要

7. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your __ in college.

A) performance表现成就 B) policy政策 C) smart整齐的 D) statement说明

答案 A 奖金不仅取决于你的研究生入学成绩,而且更取决于在校的成绩。

8. The World Trade Center is often called a __ Building,because it is made up of two identical buildings.

A) Alike相同 B) Folk双亲 C) Twin双 D) Former前者,旧的

答案 C 世贸大厦经常被人称作双子大厦,因为它是由两座完全相同的建筑构成

9. It is impossible for us to ___ such a difficult task within the limited time.

A) fuel刺激 B) frown皱眉 C) fulfill完成 D) frost霜冻

答案 C 对于我们而言在有限时间内完成这个困难的任务,几乎是不可能的。

10. Please do not __ when somebody else is talking,

A) intend打算 B) interpret解释 C) interrupt打断 D) invest投资, 投入

答案 C 在别人谈话时请不要打断

11. I was __ work last week, but I changed my mind.

A) to start B)to have started C) to be starting D) to have been starting

答案 B 我本该上周就开始工作了的,但最后我改变了主意

12. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent , and rational are inclined ___ high levels of self-confidence.

A) possess拥有 B) have possessed C) to possess D) possessing

答案 C 父母严格、始终如一并且理性的孩子拥有更高的自信

13. It’s pay-day, and they are waiting __

A) for paying B) to be paid C) to be paying D) to have paid

答案 B 今天是发工资的日子,他们等候发薪

14. The play __ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

A) produced B) being produced C) to be produced D) having been produced

答案 C 下月即将上演的戏剧瞄准要是反映本土文化

15. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ___ whether they will enjoy it.

A)to see B)to be seen C)seeing D)seen

答案 B 一次国外旅行对这对老夫妇肯定是好的,但是他们能否喜欢这次旅行尚待考察。


16. Sandy could do nothing but __ to his teacher that he was wrong.


B.to express


D.to admit

答案 A 桑迪无事可做,除了向老师认错

选A,句中的but不是连词“但是”,而是介词“除…之外”,当前面有实义动词do的不同形式时,后面用but do sth.;否则,则要用but to do sth.结构,故只能选A,“桑迪无事可做,除了向老师承认他错了。”,再如:

He could do nothing but stay at home.

I have no choice but to study hard. 17. I’m going to the supermarket this afternoon.Do you have anything __?

A) to be buying B) to buy C) for buying D) bought

答案 B 我下午要去超市,你有什么东西要让我买吗?

18. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role ___ in making the

earth a better place to live.

A) to have played B) to play C) to be played D) to be playing

答案 B 他将告诉我们为什么,她会对我们每人所扮演的把地球打造的更适宜生存的角色有如此强烈


19. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companier

are striving __ their products more competitive

A) to make B) making C) to have made D) having made

答案 A 为了在国际市场中增加更多的市场,许多国有企业努力使他们的企业更具有竞争力。

20. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered __ clear warning before

firing any shots. A) to issue发放 B) being issued C) to have issued D) to be issued

答案 A 一位军队发言人强调说,所有士兵没被要求在开火射击之前都要发出清晰的警告

Unit 4

1. As a commander, you should not ______ the soldiers to unnecessary danger.

A)express B)explode C)exploit D)expose暴露

答案:D)expose 作为一个指挥官不应该暴露士兵不必要的危险。 expose ...to 固定搭配

2. This newspaper often ______ the government’s opinion, not the public opinion.

A) affects B)reacts C)reflects D)recognizes

答案:C)reflects 这家报纸经常反映政府的意见,而不是民意。

3. Although in great danger, the wounded still did not want to ____ from the front.

A) feedback B)backward C)withdraw D)departure

答案:C)withdraw 虽然在巨大的危险,伤员仍然不想从前线撤回.

4. This movie has a _____ ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.

A) dramatic B)original C)considerable D)temple

答案:A)dramatic 这部电影有一个戏剧性的结局。你无法想象,谁最终会被杀死.

5. During the graduation _____, the president gave a wonderful opening speech.

A) evolution B)sign C)individual D)ceremony

答案:D)ceremony 在毕业典礼上,主席发表了精彩的开幕词.

6. The dog ___ the rabbit but could not catch it.

A) ceased B)chained C)checked D)chased

答案:D)chased 狗追兔子,但不能抓住它

7. If your letter is over weight, you must pay for the _____ .

A) excess B)exceed C)checked D)chased

答案:A excess 如果你的信超重,你必须支付超出的部分.

8. In the class the teacher asked the students to _____ their bad habits.

A) weaken B)omit C)overcome D)overtake

答案:overcome 在课堂上老师要求学生克服不良生活习惯。

9. When you study in the United States, usually you have to buy your own health _____.

A) insurance B)expense C)evidence D)payment

答案:insurance 当你在美国学习,通常你要自己买医疗保险。

10. Chocolate and ice-cream have different _____.

A) favor B)favorites C)fever D)flavors

答案:flavors 巧克力和冰淇淋的味道不同。

11. Certainly I posted your letter — I remember ______ it.

A)posting B)to post C)to be posting D)have posted

答案:A)posting 我当然给你寄过信了-我记得寄过它.

12. They must be at home —there’s a light _____ in the bedroom.

A)to shine B)to be shining C)shining D)having shined

答案:C)shining 他们一定在家里 - 卧室里有盏灯开着。

13. Mr. Smith dislikes _____ such clothes but his wife likes _____ them.

A) to wear, to wear B)to wear, wearing C)wearing, to wear D)wearing, wear

答案:C)wearing, to wear 史密斯先生不喜欢穿这样的衣服,但他的妻子喜欢穿。

14. When you’re learning to drive, _____ a good teacher makes a big difference.

A) have B)having C)and have D)and having

答案:B)having 初学驾驶如有好的教师指导,差别很大。

15.____ this report _____ in such a short time was quite a difficult exercise.

A) Getting, done B)Get, done C)To get, to do D)Getting, to do

答案:A)Getting, done 在这么短的时间完成这份报告是相当困难的

注意句子的谓语是was,getting this report done in such a short time是动名词短语,用做

句子主语。又因this report与do为被动关系,故用done。

16. I regret _____ what I said. I shouldn’t have said it.

A) to say B)saying C)to be saying D)said

答案:B)saying 我懊悔讲了我讲的话。我是不应当这样讲的。

17. He was lucky and narrowly missed _____.

A) to injure B)injuring C)to be injured D)being injured

答案:D)being injured 他很幸运,差点被砸到而受伤。

18. I understand _____ to discuss the matter.

A) your not wanting B)not your waiting C)you not to want D)you to not want

答案:A)your not wanting 我理解你不想讨论此事。

19. Don’t be late. No one would like _____.

A)to be kept waiting B)being kept waiting C)to be kept to wait D)being kept to wait

答案:A)to be kept waiting 不要迟到。没有人会喜欢被久等

20. He can’t make himself _____. His spoken English really needs _____.

A) understand, improving B) understood, improving

C) understand, to improve D) understood, to improving

答案:B) understood,improving 他不能让自己的理解。他的英语口语实在需要改进

II. Reading Comprehension

Unit 5

1.This is an ___ that will not be easily forgotten. 答案:C

A. impact

B. academic

C. insult

D. alternative这是一种侮辱,不会轻易忘记的。

2.Please ___ me for my rudeness. I really do not know the custom here. 答案:D


B. comfort

C. execute

D. forgive请原谅我的无礼。我真的不知道这里的习俗。

3.Water and air are ___ to human beings . We can not live without them . 答案:D


B. function

C. definite

D. essential水和空气对人类来说是至关重要的。没有他


4.When the airplane takes off, the passengers are told to ___ their seat belts. 答案: D

A. fountain

B. fix

C. tight

D. fasten当飞机起飞后,乘客被告知要系好安全带。

5.This is not what we asked you to do. You can not get more pay for the _ work. 答案:D

A. owing

B. device

C. tired

D. extra这不是我们所要求你去做的事。你不能得到更多的额外


6.My throat is ____. I cannot speak any more. 答案:A

A. sore

B. purchase

C. glow

D. faint 我的喉咙痛。我不会说更多。

7.Many years ago, a lot of factories were _from big cities to the mountainous areas in case

of war. 答案:A

A. transferred

B. transformed

C. transmitted

D. transported


8. He said in his letter that he would __ some photographs but I couldn’t find anything

in the envelope . 答案:C

A. case

B. double

C. enclose

D. nonsense


9.Many English words are __ from Latin. 答案:D

A. displayed

B. spread

C. lost

D. derived 很多英语单词源于拉丁文。

10.I feel ___ to say that I can not believe what he said. 答案:C

A. wanted

B. observed

C. obliged

D. wandered我觉得说得离题,我不能相信他说的话。feel

bliged to do sth感觉有必要做某事主观性比较强

11 _with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.答案:D

A. Compare

B. When comparing

C. Comparing

D. When compared


12.The music of the film __by him sounds so __. 答案:D

A. playing ,exciting

B. played, excited

C. playing ,excited

D. played , exciting


13. __ against the coming hurricane, they dared not leave home. 答案:A

A. Warned

B. Having warned

C. To warn

D. Warn 针对即将到来的飓风警告,他们不敢离开家。

14.In __ countries , you can’t always make yourself __ by speaking English. 答案:C

A.English-speaking , understand

B. English-spoken, understand

C.English-speaking, understood

D. English-spoken, understood


15. After __the old man, the doctor suggested that he __a bad cold. 答案: C

A. examining, should catch

B. examined, had caught

C. examining, had caught

D. examined, catch


16.__,Tom jumped into the river and had a good time in it . 答案:B

A. Be a good swimmer

B. Bering a good swimmer

C. Having been good swimmer

D. To be a good swimmer


17.___ how to read the new words, I often look them up in the dictionary. 答案:D

A. Having not known

B. Not know

C. Don`t know D Not knowing


18.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see __ the next year.答案:C

A. carry out

B. carrying out

C. carried out

D. to carry out


19. He returned from abroad ___that his mother had been badly ill. 答案:D

A. heard

B. having been heard

C. having phoned

D. having been phoned


20. The research is so designed that once __ nothing can be done to change it .答案:D

A. begins

B. having begun

C. beginning

D. begun


Unit 6

1.The doctors __ the medicines to the people in the flood area.

A)distributed 分发,分配 B)packed 打包 C)prayed 祈祷 D)undertook 承受,承担

答案:A 医生们把药品分配给洪灾区的灾民们

2.Much of the news provided by this newspaper is __ ,not foreign.

A)domestic 国内的 B)strain 紧张,拉紧 C)purchase 购买 D)murder 谋杀

答案:A 这份报纸大多数新闻是国内新闻,没有国际新闻。

3.He tried to __ relations with his former wife but he failed.

A)measure 测量 B)maintain 保持,维持 C)shelter 改变 D)reply 回复

答案:B 他试着和他的前妻维持关系,可是不行(他失败了)

4.He __ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find

a better job.

A)resolved 下决心 B)resorted 凭借,求助 C)requested 要求 D)reserved 保留,储存

答案:A 他下决心以后努力学习,以便他有更多的机会找到一个心仪的工作

5.The _work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.

A) research 研究 B)rescue 拯救,援救 C)vessel 容器 D)vast 巨大,广阔的

答案:B 搜救工作持续了一周多的时间,可是还是没有走失小男孩的任何消息。

6.Many kinds of animals are believed to have __ from the earth.

A)withdrawn 撤退,离开 B)vanished消失 C)found 发现D)hung 挂,悬垂

答案:B 据悉,有很多种的动物都已经从地球上消失了。

7.The engineers in this lab spent several weeks __ their plans for the new bicycle.

A)counting 计算,计数 B)stripping 剥夺,拆卸 C)elaborating 详细说明,用心制作 D)casting


答案:C 这个实验室的工程师们花费了数周用心地制做了新自行车的开发计划。

8.Pine trees are usually believed to __ cold weather.

A)guard 防止,警惕 B)accomplish完成,实现 C)roar叫喊,喧闹 D)endure 忍受,忍耐

答案:D 松树通常被公认为可以抵御寒冷的天气。

9.Free medical service is __ to nearly all the college students in china.

A)favorite 喜欢的 B)available 可利用的 C)convenient 便利的 D)average 平均的

答案:B 免费的医疗服务对于几乎全部的中国大学生都可用。

10.After working for twenty hours without any rest,the doctors were __ .

A)exhausted耗尽的,疲惫的 B)mounted裱好的 C)wrapped有包装的 D)restored 恢复,回归

答案:A 连续20小时无休息的工作之后,医生都已经筋疲力尽了。

11.I can’t find my umbrella.I __ it on the bus.

A)may lost B)must have left C)could have forgotten D)should have left

答案:B 我找不到我的雨伞了,我一定是把它落在公交车上了(must have done)

12.As I have nothing to do now,I __ as well go with you.

A)could B)should C)would D)might

答案:D 反正我也没有什么事做,我可以跟你一起去。


13.Mary is wet through.She __ in the river.

A)can have fallen B)must have fallen C)may fall D)should have fell

答案:B 玛丽都湿透了,她一定是掉河里了

14.I want to go shopping,but you __ with me.

A)need not go to B)do not need go C)need not go D)need go not

答案:C 我想去逛街,但是你就不必跟着我了。

15.They __ holding a meeting in the classroom at this moment.

A)might be B)can be C) ought to be D)should have been

答案:A 他们现在有可能在教室开会。(可能性较小的一种猜疑)

16.“May I take the instrument out of the laboratory?”“No,you __ .”

A)may not B)can not C)might not D)must not

答案:D 我能把这个设备带出实验室吗?不,不行。

17.You __ starting your work.It’s already eight o’clock.

A)must be B)might be C)ought to be D)can be

答案:C 已经八点了,你应该开始你的工作了。(should be 或者ought to be )

18.I am sorry that she __not be so careless.

A)may B)can C)must D)should

答案:D 很抱歉,她不应该这么粗心。(should not be )

19.You __ come over yourself. You could have given me a ring instead.

A)needn’t have B)shouldn’t have C)can’t have D)mustn’t have

答案:A 你其实不必亲自过来,打个电话就可以了(事实上没有打)

20.I won’t allow you to swim across the river,even if you _do it.The current is too swift.

A)may B)dare C)must D)should

答案:B 就算是你敢,我也不会让你游泳渡河,因为水流太急了。

Unit 7

1. The college students in china are ____ from smoking on campus because this will do them

no good.

A)discouraged(阻止) B) observed(观察到的) C)obeyed( 服从) D) obtained(获得)

答案:A 中国的大学生在校园里是不鼓励吸烟的,因为这对他们没有好处。

2. Professor Smith is also the ____ of the international program office. If you have any

problem when you study here, you may go to him for help

A) detective(侦探) B) president(总统;国家主席) C)manager(经理) D)director(主管)

答案:D 史密斯教授也是国际项目办公室的主管,如果你在这里学习上有任何的问题,你可以去找他


3. We won’t allow any foreign country to ___ in our internal affairs.

A)devote(献身;致力) B)district(地区, 区域) C)interfere(干预) D) wander(漫步)

答案:C 我们不允许任何外国干涉我们的内政。

4. We can not ___ all the magazines together.

A)route(路线) B)draw(绘画) C)thread(线) D)bind(捆绑)

答案:D 我不能把所有的杂志捆在一起。

5. What he said in the meeting _____ everybody present.

A)disgusted(厌恶的) B)dismissed(开除的) C)disposed(乐意...的) D)eliminated(除去)

答案: A 他说出席会议的每个人都感到厌恶。

6. Some lazy men would rather ____ than work.

A)indicate(标示, 指示) B) declare(宣布) C)solve(解决) D)starve(饥饿)

答案:D 有些懒惰的男人,宁愿饿死也不工作。

7. This boy was _____ for what he had done in the class.

A)scolded(被责骂的) B)overcome(克服) C)inclined(有…意向的) D)displayed(装备模型)

答案:A 这个男孩因为上课时所做的事情而受到责骂。

8. Some states in the United States ___ people to carry guns.

A)apply(申请) B)charm(魅力) C)ignore(忽视) D)forbid(禁止)

答案:D 美国的一些州是禁止人们携带枪支的。

9. Carelessness made him fall in his job _____.

A)interview(面试) B)intention(意图) C)stomach(胃) D)stocking(长袜)

答案:A 粗心使他倒在了工作面试上。

10. Sometimes it is very difficult to ____ some of the English words, even the native speaker

can not help.

A)decrease(缩短) B)create(创建) C)define(解释) D)delight(快乐)

答案:C 有时候是很难解释一些英语单词的,甚至是母语的人也没有办法。

11. If there were no subjunctive mood, English ____ much easier.

A) will be B)would have been C)could have been D)would be

答案:D 如果没有虚拟语气,英语讲简单很多。

12. If it ____ next week, the crops would be saved.

A)rains B) will rains C)would rain D)should rain

答案:D 如果下周下雨的话,那庄家就一定得救了。

13. If I _____ it, I would do it in a different way.

A) were to do B) do C)had done D) was to do

答案:A 如果我这样做的话,我将会做一个不同的方式。

14. Supposing the weather ____ bad, where would you go?

A)is B)will be C)were D)be

答案:C 假如天气不好的话,你会去哪里?

15. If he _____, he_____ that food.

A)was warned; would not take B)had been warned; would not have taken

C)Would be warned; had not take D)would have been warned; had not taken

答案:B 如果他被警告了,他就不会吃那些食物了。



if he had been warned 如果他被警告了(事实上过去没有人警告他),he would not have taken

that food 他就不会吃那食物(事实上过去他吃了,而且还发生了某种后果,所以是完成时,在过


16. If my lawyer ____ her last Saturday, he ____ me from going.

A)had been; would have prevented B)had been; would prevent

C)were; would prevent D)were; would have prevented

答案:A 如果我的律师上周六她在这儿,她肯定会阻止我去。

该题考查虚拟条件句中主句和从句的时态。只要考生抓住题干中last Saturday这一时间状语,便可


17. ---Do you think the thief entered through the windows?

---No, if he had, I don’t believe, _____ broken the living-room’s window.

A)he would have B)he must have C)he had D) should he have

答案:D 你认为小偷是从窗户进来的?不如果他这样,我不相信,他得打破起居室的窗户。

18. ____ it _____ for you help, I couldn’t have made any progress.

A)had; not been B)Should; not been C)Did; not been D)Not; been

答案:A 要不是你的帮助,我不可能得到任何进展。

19. _____ today, he would get there by Friday.

A)Would have left B)Was he leaving C)Were he to leave D) If he leaves

答案:C 如果他今天离开的话,那他下周五将抵达那里。

20. It is ordered that a new bridge ____ over the wide river.

A)should be built B)would built C)will be built D)built

答案:A 这是命令在那大河上建立一座新桥。

Unit 8

1、She was pale with after working for three shifts in succession.

A) cold 冷 B) fright 受惊吓 C) emotion 情绪,感情 D) fatigue 疲劳,疲惫

答案 D 连续上了三个班次之后,她因过度疲劳而显得苍白。

2、What a person says or does today agrees with what he said or did yesterday.

A)harmonious 和谐,调和 B) consistent 始终如一,坚持的 C) constant 稳定的 D)sensible 明


答案 B 始终如一的人他今天说的话做的事和过后说的话做的事总是保持一致。

3、What sort of can you get for the night in a city like this?

A) commission委任,委托 B) treatment治疗,处理 C) accommodation住宿 D) recommendation


答案 C 在这样的城市,你晚上怎样安排住宿呢?

4、As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals a substance

to absorb harmful chemicals.

A) relieve 减轻,救济 B) release 释放 C) dismiss 解散,开除 D) discard 丢弃,抛弃

答案 B作为抵御空气污染危害的一种措施,很多植物和动物都会释放出一种物质来吸收有害化学物


5、He his sorrow beneath a cheerful appearance.

A) concealed 隐藏,掩盖 B) retained 保持,留住 C) kept 保持 D) shielded 遮蔽,挡开

答案 A 他用快乐的外表来掩饰自己悲伤的情绪

6、As your instructor advised, you ought to spend your time on something


A) worthwhile 值得做(形容词) B)worth 值得(worth doing 固定搭配) C) worthy 有价值的 D)

requesting 请求,要求

答案 B 正如你的导师建议的那样,你应该花更多的时间在一些值得去研究的课题上。

7、Some of the most important concepts in physics their success to these mathematical


A) oblige 施恩惠,帮忙 B) owe (owe the success to sth. 归功于 C) contribute 贡献 D)

attribute 归因于,归咎于

答案 B 物理学中的一些很重要的概念都归功于数学体系

8、An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of .

A) urgency 催促,强求 B) danger 危险 C) emergency 紧急情况 D) crisis 危机

答案 C 救护车常常有特权,因为它通常处理一些紧急情况。

9、Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is loud continuous noise.

A) subjected to 受到,经受 B) filled with 填充 C) associated with 联合 D) attached to 附


答案 A 应该施行一定的举措来减少处于高强度的持续噪音环境中的时间

10、Are there any for believing that there is life on other planets?

A) facts 事实 B) foundations 基础 C) grounds 根据,基于 D) bases 基础

答案 C 有什么依据让我们相信在别的星球上也是有生命的

11、The picture shows us ?

A) what does the temple look like B) that what the temple looks like C) how the temple looks

like D) what the temple looks like

答案 D 这副画给我展示了寺庙的样子(what 引导的宾语从句)

12、 accompany the minister to Africa was not discussed at the meeting.

A) What will B) If he will C) With whom D) Who will

答案 D 谁将陪同非洲总理的问题在会上没有被讨论

13、 sales of beef in China will increase.

A) It is reported when B) It reports that C) It has been reported that D) It is reporting


答案 C 据报道,在中国的牛肉销售将会增加。

14、He had found out .

A) that she was absent B) how she was absent C) why she was absent D) where she was absent

答案 C 他已经知道了为什么她会缺席的原因

15、The fire destroyed was in the building.

A) what B) which C) that D) all

答案 A 大火烧毁了楼里所有的东西,(what引导的宾语从句)

16、 troubles him is he should ask for help.

A) What, whom B) That, who C) Which, that D) How, what

答案 A 困扰他的事物就是他应该向谁请求帮助 What 引导的主语从句和 whom引导的宾语从句。

17、I really can’t tell you is the correct answer. You must find it out yourself.

A) that B) if C) how D) which

答案 D 我不能告诉你正确的答案,你必须要自己解决。

18、We are delighted by with the computer.

A) what a good job you have done B) what have you done a good job C) what did you do a good

job D) what a good job you did

答案 A 我们都很高兴,你能用电脑把工作完成得这么好,(what引导的感叹句句型)

19、Has it been announced the conference is to be held tomorrow?

A) what B) how C) when D) where

答案 D 有没有通知明天的会议要在哪里举行?

20、 leaves the room ought to lock the door.

A) Anyone B) The person C) Whoever D) Who

答案 C 无论谁最后一个离开教室都应该把门锁了。

Unit 9

1. More than two hundred years ago the United States from the British Empire and became

an independent country.

A. got off(下车)

B. pulled down(放下)

C. dropped off(减少)

D. broke away(逃脱)

答案:D 两百多年前美国脱离了大英帝国成为一个独立自主的国家。

2. News writers are expected to be clear and accurate; the form in which they write or speak

is to that requirement.

A. superior(上级的)

B. secondary(次要的)

C. inferior(较低的)

D. contrary(相反的)


3. The wine glasses were so that I was afraid to carry them home by bus .

A. delicate(易碎的)

B. flexible(易弯曲的)

C. shaky(摇晃的)

D. tender(脆弱的)


4. It is well known that knowledge is the condition for expansion of mind.

A. incompatible(互不相容)

B. incredible(难以置信)

C. indefinite(不确定的)




5. Much of the equipment was lying because of a lack of spare parts.

A. helpless(无助的)

B. vacant (空虚的)

C. idle (闲置的)

D. lonely(寂寞的)


6. When confronted with such questions , my mind goes , and I can hardly remember my

own date of birth.

A. dim(暗淡的)

B. blank(空白的)

C. faint(微弱的)

D. vain(虚荣的)


7. The poor reception on your TV is probably due to outside .

A. interference(干扰)

B. inaccessibility(无法理解)

C. interruption中断

D. irregularity



8.Too much to X-ray can case skin burns , cancer or other damage to the body.

A. disclosure(披露)

B. exhibition (展示)

C. contact(接触)

D. exposure (暴露)


9. The latest survey of 50 young couples in that city shows the average cost for a wedding

has doubled the of 1986.

A. size(尺寸)

B. number(数)

C. figure(数字)

D. quantity(数量)


10. It was only after the failure of the talks that the government decided to to force.

A. use(使用)

B. resort(凭借)

C. apply(应用)

D. employ(雇佣)


11. The book is now out of stock.

A. which he bought it last week

B. which he bought last week

C. which bought last week


he had bought


12. The policeman was talking to the driver .

A. who broke the speed limit

B. which broke the speed limit

C. whose speed limit broke

D. why broke the speed limit


13. Those were the soldiers to rescue the trapped miners .

A. whose was the responsibility

B. from whom the responsibility was

C. whose responsibility was

D. from who was the responsibility


14. I’m amazed at what I have seen and he has told me?

A. all what

B. that

C. which

D. all that


15. Sound waves travel in the air in much the same way water waves spread on the water.

A. as

B. that

C. where

D. in which


16. I think the day will finally come air pollution can be put under control.






17. He is the man I suppose is capable of finishing this task.



C.to whom



18. The only thing can be done is to stop them from going there.

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. who


19. He found a box he put all his books.




D.in which

答案:D 他找到了一个放了他所有书的箱子。

20. All is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.

A. which is needed

B. of needed

C. that is needed

D. what is needed


Unit 10

1.Gasoline is processed from _____ oil.

A)crude 天然的 B)raw 生的 C)rough 粗糙的 D)tough 艰苦的答案:A汽油是由原油加工成的。

2.The doctor is trying to save the patient by every means _____ .

A)imaginative 虚构的 B)imaginable 可能的 C)imaginary 虚构的 D)imagination 想象力


3.He was killed in a traffic _____ in 1999.

A)incident 事变 B)event 事件 C)incidence发生(率), 入射D)accident事故


4.The young couple is _____ in their own factory.

A)industrial 从事工业的 B)industrious 勤勉的 C)indulge 满足 D)individual 个人的


5.Generally speaking,the blind are _____ to light.

A)insensible无感觉的B)insensitive不敏感的C)insecure不安全的, D)insignificant无关紧要的

答案:B 一般说来,盲人对光没有感觉。

6.We should keep a(n) _____ eye on the prisoners every moment.

A)jealous 戒备的 B)envious 嫉妒的 C)jealousy 嫉妒 D)envy 嫉妒


7.Don’t waste time;let’s _____ hands in the business.

A)join 结合 B)connect 连接 C)combine 连接 D)join in 加入


8.As a doctor,I’m very interested in medica l _____

A)magazine B)journal C)periodical D)technical

答案:B作为医生,我对医学期刊十分感兴趣。 journal与periodical,magazine这三个词均表“杂志”。 journal“专刊”,正式用语,多指学术性刊物或描述当前人们关心事情的刊物;periodical “期刊、杂志”,多指定期发行的刊物,如周刊、月刊,不指日刊;magazine主要指一种常带插图并收集各种各样的文章、故事、诗歌、评论等的期刊。

9.When you fill in the application form, please use your _____ address so that we can contact you easily later.

A)traditional 传统的 B)plain 简单的 C)permanent 永恒的 D)principal重要的


10.John _____ to be a polite man,but in fact he is very rude.

A)pretends 伪装 B)assures 保证 C)affords 给予 D)melts融化

答案:A John伪装成绅士的样子其实他是很粗鲁的。

11.She was just about to open the window _____ she saw the dog chasing the cat in her garden.

A)since 自以来 B)after 在之后 C)before 在之前 D)when当时


12.They were all wet through _____ they were caught in the rain.

A)before 在之前 B)because 因为 C)if 如果 D)when当时答案:B他们被雨淋了所以都湿透了。

13.I have been waiting for him _____ he left.

A) since 自以来 B)because 因为 C) when 当时 D)after在之后


14.He is sure to call you _____ he has finished writing a letter.

A)as soon as 一…就 B)as C)until 在以前 D)since自以来答案:A他必定一写完信就去找你。

15.Hardly had he jumped out of the car _____ it blew up.

A)than 比 B)while 当时 C)when 当时 D)as当时


16.Don't interrupt others _____ they are speaking.

A)as B)until C)while D)after 答案:C其他人讲话的时候请不要打断。

17.We must speed up, _____ we don't have much time left.

A)when B)after C)while D)as 答案:D我们必须要赶紧加快速度了,因为我们没有多少时间了。

18.It was not long _____ the old man died.

A)after B)before C)as soon as D)while

答案:B那个老男人去世没有多长时间。Long before:在。。以前很久

19. _____ you know the significance of this economic reform,you should not complain.

A)When B)Now that C)Until D)Although


20.I am determined to succeed _____ I failed.

A)if B)where C)so long as D)whatever

答案:B 我有决心要在曾失败的地方取得成功(从哪跌倒从哪爬起来)

Unit 11

1.Even though he has lived in China for many years,Mark still can not himself to the Chinese customs.

A)adopt B)adjust C)adapt 适应 D)accept

答案:C 尽管他已经在中国住了很多年,但是Mark他自己仍然不能适应中国风俗。

2.He tried to with the manager for has salary.

A)evaluate B)object C)bargain 讨价还价 D)pause

答案:C 他为了薪水试着去跟经理谈判

3.To some ,Mary still does not understand this unit.But she herself does not believe so.

A)extend B)part C)extent 程度 D)content

答案:C 从某种程度上说,Mary仍然不能理解这个单位,但是她自己并不这么认为。

4.Great Britain and France will hold a regarding some European economic problems.

A)conference 会议 B)reference C)conversion D)cooperation

答案:A 英国和法国将就一些欧洲的经济问题举行一次会议。

5.Since he often travels on business,he can himself to sleeping in any place he can find.

A)make B)accustom 习惯 C)force D)let

答案:B 由于他经常出差,所以他习惯于在任何地方都能找到睡觉的地儿。

6.He has much time and energy for his invention.

A)contained B)proceeded C) consumed 消耗的 D)paid

答案:C 为了他的发明,他花费了很多的时间和精力。

7.A good teacher always tries to students to ask question.

A)encourage 鼓励 B)obey C)recall D)spread

答案:A 一个好的老师总是鼓励学生们问问题。

8.If you want to see the chairman of the department,you’d better make an with his secretary first.

A)admission B)agreement C)appointment约会约定 D)alphabet

答案:C 如果你想去看系主任,你最好首先跟他的秘书预约一下。

9.They say the new film is a(n) picture so they won’t go to see it.

A)internal B)odd C)interesting D)dull 无趣的呆滞的

答案:D 他们说这个新电影是个单调乏味的片子,所以他们不去看它了。

10.The judge the murderer to twenty years in prison.

A)required B)ordered C)indicated D)sentenced判决

答案:D 法官判杀人犯20年徒刑。

11.Please let me know you need my help.

A)because B)while C)as D)if

答案:D 如果你需要帮助的话,请让我知道。

12.They worked day and night they could earn more money.

A)until B)so that C)in order D)so as

答案:B 他们日夜工作,以使得他们能挣到更多的钱。

13.It was such a strong earthquake it caused great damage to this area.

A)because B)as C)since D)that

答案:D 这是一场如此强烈的地震以致于对该地区引起了巨大的破坏。

14.Speak louder please everyone can hear you.

A)in order B)so as C)so that D)if

答案:C 请大点声,好让每个人都听到你讲的话。so that everyone can hear you.目的状语从句

15.He agreed to lend me the money I promised to pay the money back next week.

A)as if B)while C)that D)on condition that如果

答案:D 他答应把钱借给我,条件是我保证下周还钱。

16.You'd better set your alarm clock you should oversleep.

A)before B)if C)while D)lest 以免

答案:D 你最好设置一下你的闹钟,以免你睡过头。

17.Batteries should be kept in dry places electricity should leak away.

A)for the reason B)for fear that以免 C)because of D)since

答案:B 电池应放在干燥的地方,以免漏电。

18.You can not see the doctor you have made an appointment with him.

A)if B)when C)after D)unless 除非

答案:D 除非你跟医生有预约,否则你不能去看医生。

19.You can do it well you keep trying.

A)as long as 只要 B)in order that C)so that D)though

答案:A 只要你继续努力,你可以做的很好。

20.We'd better remind him of the date he forgets.

A)now that B)even if C)in case 如果 D)whatever

答案:C 如果他忘记了约会,我们最好提醒他一下。

Unit 12

1. This university has_____ a great deal since our last visit.

A) appeared 出现 B) altered 改变 C) approached靠近 D) admired 钦佩

答案:B 这所大学自我们上次访问后,有了很大的改变。

2. She is narrow minded and always _____ what other people have.

A) jealous 妒忌的 B) owes 欠,感激,感恩 C) misses 错过 D)envies 嫉妒

答案:D 她是狭隘的,并且经常嫉妒别人的所有。

3. When he woke up from his dream, the f rightened boy tried to _____ his mother’s arm.

A) grape 葡萄 B) grey 灰色 C) grip 握住抓住 D)grave 严重

答案:C 当他从梦中醒来的时候,这个受惊的小男孩试图抓住他妈妈的胳膊。

4. Mary has never been _____ a ship.

A) abroad B) aboard C) above D)absorb

答案:B Mary 从来没有在船上。

5. The modern camera lens may be coated with more than ten _____ for each piece of its glass.

A) levels B) stories C)layers D)formations

答案:C 目前相机的镜头的每块玻璃上能够加以超过10种的涂层。

6. The thief was _____ by the police at the railway station.

A) carpet 地毯 B)mined 开采 C)captured 抓获 D)mounted 安装

答案:C 小偷在火车站被警察抓获。

7. In fact, there is no _____ liberty in any country.

A) adequate 充足 B) absolute 绝对 C) private 私人 D)practical 实际

答案:B 事实上,没有任何一个国家是绝对自由的。

8. There is too much noise outside. I can not _____ my attention on my work.

A) connect 联络 B) flat 平面 C) fill 填写满足 D)concentrate 集中

答案:D 外面有太多的噪音。我不能在工作上集中注意力。

9. While studying at U.C.L.A., Mr. Wang _____ his old friend, whom he has not seen for nearly twenty years.

A) encountered B) whispered C) swung D)maid

答案:A 在U.C.L.A学习的时候,王先生于今年了将近20年未曾谋面的老朋友。

10. The _____ production of engines in our factory has doubled this year.

A) manual手工的,体力的 B) annual每年的,年度的 C) amount数(量);总额 D) alike同样的,相像的答案:B 我们工厂今年发动机的年产量翻了一番。

11. You must hand in your paper on Monday, _____ you haven’t finished it.

A) no matter how B) whenever C) even if D) wherever

答案:C 周一你必须上交报告,即使你尚未完工。

12. It is easier to catch a sleeping lion _____ the one that’s awake.

A) that B) than C) when D) which

答案:B 抓一只睡觉的狮子比抓清醒的要容易很多。

13. The nurse treated the patient _____ he were her own brother.

A) like B) as C) even if D) as if

答案:D 护士对待病人,就像是她的亲兄弟一样。

14. _____ he was in poor health, he kept on working.

A) Because B) As C) Although D) However

答案:C 尽管他身体不好,但他还在工作。

15. We’ll try to finish the work in time _____ we are short of manpower.

A) in spite of B) until C) before D) though

答案:D 我们将尽力完成这工作,尽管我们人手短缺。

16. You mustn’t be too proud of yourself _____ you have made much progress.

A) even if B) as C) because D) since

答案:A 你不能让自己太骄傲,即使你取得了很大的进展。

17. You have to hold on, _____ difficulties you meet.

A) however B) whatever C) no matter D) how

答案:B 你要挺住,无论你碰到什么困难的事儿。

18. _____ hard I tried, I could not memorize the whole text.

A) However 无论如何不管怎样 B) Because 因为 C) As 既然 D) Though 虽然

答案:A 不管我尽了多大努力,我也不能熟记课文。

19. _____ people might say, we still trust you as we did before.

A) No matter what 无论什么 B) Even though 即使 C) What D) However 不管怎样

答案:A 不管别人怎样说,我们仍然相信你,就像以前一样。

20. The number of people who travel by air in China _____.

A) is larger than before B) is biggest now

C) are larger than ever D) as larger as before.

答案:A 在中国乘飞机出行的人多于以往。

Unit 13

1. The Foreign Minister made an excellent ___on the current international situation.

A) committee B) command C) comment D) commission

答案 C 外交部长对当前的国际形势做出了一个很好的评论

2. They ___ cattle mainly for the international market.

A) carpenter B) district C) ox D) breed

答案 D 他们养牛主要针对国际市场。

3. He went to the dance last night but couldn't find a ___because of his strange clothes.

A)pond B)saddle C)partner D)salad

答案 C 他去了昨晚的舞会,但因为他奇怪的衣服找不到一个舞伴。

4. Her father will never ___of her going to study in the United States alone.

A) prove B) agree C) admit D) approve

答案 D 她的父亲不会赞成她独自去美国学习。

5. I wish I could ___ you somehow for your kindness.

A) straw B)issue C) reward D) own

答案 C 我希望我能报答你的好意。

6. Our teacher was ___ by the funny story.

A) naked B) yielded C) amused D) expanded

答案 C 我们的老师被幽默的故事逗乐了。

7. The young people made a new ___ to the governor

A) proposal B) submerge C) tendency D) thread

答案 A 年轻人向主管提出了一条新建议。

8. In the film we saw last night, the hero ___his wife to death with his sword.

A)throat B)thrust C)trust D)thread

答案 B 昨晚我们看到在这部影片中,英雄用他的刀剑穿透了他的妻子。

9. If there is no other way to save a ___ person in a tall building on fire, fire fighters

may spread a net into which the person can jump.

A)volt B)wrapped C)trapped D)deserted

答案 C 如果没有其他的方法可以救出在一幢着火高楼里的被困人员,消防队员可以张开一张大网,以


10. Since 1978, many new ____have been developed in our university to meet the increasing

demands of the students.

A) disciplines B) entrances C) checks D) flames

答案 A 自从1978年以来, 为了满足学生们日益增长的需求,我校已经发展了许多新的学科。

11. John doesn't like modem painting, ____.

A) so do I B) not do I C) neither do I D) nor am I

答案 C 约翰不喜欢现代绘画,我也不喜欢。

12. When ____the truth, she stopped crying.

A) told her B) told C) telling D) to be told

答案 B 她停止了哭泣,开始说实话。

13. ___with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

A) When compared B) while compared C) Comparing D) Compare

答案 A 相比整个地球的大小,世界上最高的山看起来并不高。

14. At the bus stop ___ a soldier and two young people on their way to the train station.

A) sits and waits B) were C) is D) was

答案 B 在公共汽车站是一个军人和两个年轻人他们在去火车站的路上。

15. ___that the pilot couldn't fly through it.

A) The storm so severe was B) Such was the storm severe

C) So the storm was severe D) So severe was the storm

答案 D 如此严重的风暴,飞行员不能飞。

16. ___will he be able to pass the exam.

A) Only if he works hardly B) Only with hard work

C) In spite of his hard work D) With hard work

答案 B 只有努力工作,他将通过这次考试。

17. ___ explain the whole matter to him, he still didn't understand.

A) Tried as I had to B) Hard I tried to C) As I tried hard to D) Hard as I tried to

答案 D 尽自己最大的努力试图解释整件事给他,他还是不懂。

18. Not only ___, but he also was a playwright.

A) Bush was a poet B) Bush were a poet C) was Bush a poet D) did Bush be a poet

答案 C 布什不仅是一个诗人,但他也是一位剧作家。

19. Under no circumstances ___leave the house.

A) is he allowed to B) he is allowed to C) will allow him to D) he will be allowed to

答案 A 在任何情况下,他可以离开这所房子。

20. ___all this happened.

A) It was Monday night that B) That was on Monday night

C) It was Monday night who D) It was on Monday night that

答案 D 它是在星期一晚上发生了这一切。

Unit 14

1. How can we finish the work in the ____of any other helpers?

A)era 时代 B)haste 急忙,匆忙 C)spare 空闲,空余D)absence 缺席,缺少

答案:D 我们怎么才能在没有其它人帮助的情况下完成这项工作

2. The wounded soldiers’ blood ___the ground red at the front.

A)died 死(原型die) B)dumped 倾倒,倾销 C)drew 拖,拉 D)dyed 染色,着色(原型dye)

答案:D 在前线,受伤士兵的鲜血把地面染成了红色。

3. There are two governments in this country.But neither of them is regarded as the__

_one by the other.

A)panel 仪表板,面板 B)legal 合法的 C)purple 紫色的 D)republic 共和的

答案:B 这个国家有两个政府,可是没有哪个政府认为对方是合法的。

4. The question then ___:What are we going to do when we graduate from the university?

A)raises 上升,饲养(举起或托起它物) B)arouses 唤醒,引起 C)arises 出现,发生 D)rises


答案:C 问题也随之而来:大学毕业以后我们要去干什么?

5. The ___between the two playing periods of a football game is only a few minutes.

A)internal 中间 B)reserve 保留,后备 C)interval 间隙,空隙 D)radium 镭

答案:C 足球比赛的中场休息间隙只有短短几分钟。

6. What we need to learn is how to put theory into ___when we begin our fieldwork here.

A)appearance 表现,外貌 B)application 应用,申请 C)accomplish 完成D)achievement 收


答案:B 当我们在现场工作时,我们需要学习的就是如何把理论付诸于实际。

7. It is a ___truth that man is the only animal that has the power to speak and reason.

A)worthy 值得 B)virtual 致命的 C)universal 宇宙的,普遍的 D)indefinite 模糊的,不确定

答案:C 人是唯一有说话和推理能力的动物,这一观点是公认的。

8. His speech ___the young people to continue their study.

A)glanced 扫视,一瞥B)delayed 延迟 C)inspired 启发,激励 D)created 创造

答案:C 他的演讲激励年轻人继续他们的学业。

9. The ground around here is mostly ___and not very good for farming.

A)board 广阔 B)clay 粘土 C)kid 小孩 D)wax 蜡,蜡状物

答案:B 这一带的土壤几乎都是粘土,不适于耕种。

10. Some people say that education is the best ___for children.

A)investigation 调查,研究 B)organization 组织 C)investment 投资 D)origin 起因,起源

答案:C 有人说,教授是对孩子最好的投资。

11. ___of the land in that district ___covered with trees and grass.

A)Two fifth,is B)Two fifth,are C)Two fifths,is D)Two fifths,are

答案:C 这一地区五分之二的土地总覆盖着树木和草坪(Two fifth of the land 作为集团名词,表


12. There ___ a dictionary and several books on the desk.

A)are B)must C)have been D)is

答案:D桌上有一本字典和几本书.(There be 的句型在确定系动词时遵循就近法的原则)

13. No teacher and no student ___.

A)are admitted B)is admitted C)are admintting D)is admitting

答案:B 老师和学生都不允许。(no one , no body 均表示单数概念)

14. All but one ___ here just now.

A)is B)was C)has been D)were

答案:D 除了一个,所有人刚才都在这里。(系动词根据but前面的名词的单复数决定)

15. The writer and singer ___ here.

A)is B)are C)were D)do

答案:A 那个作家兼歌手在这里(The writer and the singer 作家和歌手,表示两个人,The writer

and singer作家兼歌手,表示一人身兼两职)

16. As I have a meeting at four,ten minutes ___ all that I can spare to talk with you.

A)are B)was C)is D)were

答案:C 因为我四点还有会,所以我只有十分钟的时间和你谈(Ten minutes虽然是名词的复数形式,


17. In those days John with his classmates ___ kept busy preparing for the exam.

A)is B)are C)was D)were

答案:C 这些天,John和他的同学一直都忙于准备考试。(系动词要根据With前面的名词的单复数


18. The Smith’s family,which ___ rather a large one, ___ very fond of their old


A)were,were B)was,was C)were,was D)was,were

答案:D Smith一家,一个非常大的家族,家里的每个人都很喜欢他们的房子(当表示家族时,family


19. What the teacher and the students want to say ___ that either of the countries _


A)are,are B)is,is C)are,is D)is,are

答案:B 老师和学生们想说的事,每一个国家都很美。(what引导的主语从句,表示单数概念,either


20. He is the only one of the students who ___ a winner of scholarship for three years.

A)is B)are C)have been D)has been

答案:D 他是唯一一个三年里都拿奖学金的学生。(表示唯一时,系动词要用单数,同时for three years,


Unit 15

1 She likes the_____flower instead of the natural one.

A) article文章 B) adventure冒险 C)ancient古老的 D) artificial人造的、假的

答案:D 她喜欢假花而不是真花。

2 This highway runs_____to the railway.

A) identical相同的 B)suitable适合的 C)parallel 平行 D)distribution分发

答案:C 高速公里与铁路平行。

3 The rent for this house is $250.But you need also pay $50 first as the___.

A)deposit定金 B)council法庭 C)desired渴望的 D)submitted听从、提交

答案:A 房租是250美元,但是你需要先交50做为定金。

4 The rebuilding plan was_____to the committee.

A) taped带子 B)admitted 承认 C)desired 渴望 D)submitted听从

答案:D 重建计划已经提交给了委员会。

5 Jack London worked very hard and finally he___success.

A)made B)found C)sought追求 D)achieved实现

答案:D 捷克伦敦一直很努力的工作,最终他成功了。

6 It"s just a(n) ____bite.There is nothing to worry about.

A)vessel容器 B)temple庙宇 C)insect昆虫 D)arbitrary随心所欲

答案:C 只是小昆虫叮咬了一下,没什么事,不必担心。

7 Jack is____of stealing the books from the library.

A)accused控告 b)witnessed见证 C)strained紧张 D)found发现

答案:A 捷克被控告从图书馆偷书。

8 Metals expand when they are heated and ___when cooled.

A)indicate指示 B)eliminate消除 C)conquer克服 D)contract收缩

答案:D 金属热胀冷缩。

9 In order to ____a good knowledge of English ,he gave up his job and went to study in an

English school. A)require要求 B)inquire咨询 C)acquire获得 D)address地址

答案:C 问了获得更好的英语知识,他放弃了工作去一个英语学校学习了。

10 He checked carefully to___the possible errors in his design.

A)eliminate排除 B) exceed超过 C)enlarge扩大 D)vibrate震动

答案:A 他仔细的检查目的是排除设计中出现错误的可能性。

11.—Someone is at the door.


A)What is it B) Who is it C)Who is he D)Which one is it

答案 C 有人在门口。谁啊?

12.They believe their duty to look after the morals of those who live in poverty.

A)that B) this C)it D)what

答案 C 他们认为自己有责任照顾那些生活在贫困以下的人们。

13.A solar dayis the length of time the Earth to revolve once around the sun.

A)takes B) takes it C)he takes D)it takes

答案 D一个太阳日是地球环绕太阳一周的时间

14. from the sun that we get light and heat.

A)It is B) It was C)That is D)That was

答案A 这是我们得到的来自太阳的光和热。

15.Though no one knew ,it would be the last time he would be present at the bank.

A)that B) it C)so D)this

答案B 虽然没人知道它,但这将是它最后一次出现在银行里。

16.—When can we come to visit you?

--Any time you feel .

A)one B) for it C)like it D)so

答案 C 我们什么时候可来?什么时候都可以。

17. happened that she was not at home when I called.

A)It B) What C)That D)This

答案 A 当我打电话时,她凑巧不在家。

18.The man is so badly injured that I’m afraid he has .

A)over B) died C)been caught D)had it

答案 D 这个男人的伤太重了我恐怕他差不多要挂了。

19.I consider advisable to tell her beforehand.

D) it

答案 D 我认为最好事先告诉她。

20. always so with boys.

A)It is答案 A 男生们就是这样。

Unit 16

1.Students with problems may apply for student loans.


答案 B 有经济问题的学生可以申请学生贷款。

2. Both sugar and salt can in water.


答案 C 糖和盐能够溶解在水中。

3. I have not heard anying from him since his .

A)departure 答案 A 自从他离开后,我没有收到他的任何的来信。

4. Without a proper education ,people could all kinds of crimes.

C)commit 答案 C 没有一个适当的教育,人们可能会犯各种各样的罪行。

5. Several loudspeakers are from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly.


答案 D 几个扬声器挂在天花板上,这样我们就能很清楚的听到演讲者的声音。

6. This morning in the class,our teacher lost his at last because he could not stand


A)temper 7. It is not--- for me to return all the books to be the library now

because I still need some of them for my research.


8. When traveling alone in the mountains, you’d better take a with you in case you

get lost.

A)compass 。

9. As a teacher, you should not the students form asking questions in class.

B)restrain 答案 B 作为一个老师在课堂上你不应该约束询问问题的学生。

10. If you have any problems during your study here, please do not to call me for help.

A) hesitate 答案 A 如果在这里的学习中,碰到任何问题时,请毫不犹豫的向我打电话寻求帮


11.He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a .

C)chemist 答案 C 他在化学方面是一个专家。我们所有的人都叫他化学家

12.---What are you doing here?

---Oh, my teacher asked me to write a passage about in English.

---You can write a passage in English?

C) 600 words,600-word

答案 C 你在这正在做什么,我的老师叫我写一篇约600字的英问短文.你能写英文短文?

13.No one should enter the spot without the of the police.

A)permit B)permission C)permitting D)permittence

答案 B 没有警察的允许没有一个人能进入这个地方。

14.You must come with us to the police .Our head is waiting for you.

A)headquarters 答案 A 你必须和我们一起来警局总部我们的领导正在等你。

15.The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a smile.


答案 D 这个店主用一个职业的微笑欢迎所有的顾客。

16.The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in .

B)length 答案 B 长城在长度上超过了6000千米。

17.How he is! He is always acting .He is really a .

A)foolish, foolishly, fool

答案 A 他是多么傻他总是充当着傻人他真是个傻子。

18.The necklace that she lost is very expensi ve. It’s of great .

B)value 答案 B 他丢掉的项链是非常昂贵的。它是很有价值的。

19.We have to learn technology from other countries.


答案 D 我们不得不从其他国家学习先进技术。

20.Mr.Black is an in the army, not an in the government. You can not easily find

him in his .

D)officer, official, office

答案 D Mr.Black 在军队中是一个公务员,在政府中他不是一个官员,在他的办公室里你不能容易的



历年解剖学单选题50题含答案 单选题 1、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 2、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 3、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000

C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 4、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 5、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题

6、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 7、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 8、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C

人一共有206块骨头 单选题 9、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 10、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 11、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000

C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 12、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 13、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题


中考英语单选训练精华版 1. How often ______ she exercise? B: Twice a week. A. do B. does C. doing D. did 2. I ______ like to drink milk. A. not B. doesn’t C. don’t D. no 3. Good food and exercise ______ me to study better. A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help 4. Is her lifestyle the same ______ yours or different? A. as B. in C. at D. to 5. I like ____ for breakfast. A. a book B. a ruler C. an egg D. a sofa 6. The ____are $21. A. glasses B. shoe C. table D. bike 7. Tennis ____ my favourite sport. A. are B. is C. am D. be 8. I have a tennis and my friend Jim ____ two tennis rackets. A. have B. play C. plays D. has 9. “Let’s play computer games.” “That ____ interesting.” A. looks B. sounds C. listens D. reads 10. My father likes football. But he ____ it. He only ____ football matches on TV! A. plays, watches B. play, watch C. doesn’t play, watches D. plays, doesn’t watch 11. Maybe you should __________ . A. call in her B. call up her C. Call her in D. call her up


单选题 A开头 1、安理会所表决的非程序事项,以包括常任理事国在内的(9)个理事国的(可决)票决定。 B开头 2( D )把危机国际民用航空机场安全的暴力行为定为犯罪。D. 蒙特利尔公约的补充议定书 3 ( D )不能行使紧追权。 D. 民用商船 4 ( A )被视为是近代国际法形成的标志的事件之一。A. 威斯特伐利亚和会的召开 5( B )被视为是近代国际法形成的标志的事件之一。B.《战争与和平法》的发表 6被誉为国际法创始人的是荷兰著名法学家( B )。B. 格老秀斯 C开头 1除群岛国的情形外,领海基线向陆一面的海域叫做( C )。C. 内水 2 从国际法角度来看,只有曲入陆地的海域面积( B )以湾口宽度为直径的半圆面积才称为海湾。 3处理国际组织日常工作的常设机构是(D)安理会 D开头 1 第一个惩治危害国际民航安全的非法行为的国际公约是( A )。A. 东京公约

2第一次确立了国家领空主权原则,奠定了航空法的基石的公约是( A )。A. 巴黎公约 3第一次海洋法会议于( D )年在日内瓦召开。D. 1958 4地面国家为了维护本国的经济利益,有权保留(A )。 A. 国内运输权 5对于发生在公海上的船舶碰撞或其他航行及船长或其他服务人员的刑事或纪律责任事项,由( C )专属管辖。 C. 船旗国或有关人员所属国 6 对中华人民共和国的承认,属于对( C )的承认。C. 新政府 7对于宽大陆架国家确定大陆架的宽度从领海基线量起最多可划到(B ) B. 350海里 8当条约与我国法律抵触时,( B )。B. 条约优先于宪法以外的法律 当某一国际条约与联合国宪章发生冲突时,通常的原则是( A )。A. 在维持国际和平与安全的必要范围内,联合国宪章优先 G开头 1关于国家行使自卫权,下列哪个说法是正确的? B. 可以单独自卫,也可以集体自卫 2关于不动产的国家继承,应适用( C )。 C. 随领土转移原则 3 关于国际法效力依据问题下列学者持实在法学派观点的是(A)A奥本海 4关于国家管辖豁免问题C立场在19世纪末期由比利时和意大利等国的司法判例正式确认。C.限制主义 5关于国家管辖豁免问题,(B)立场在19世纪初得到英美等国的司法判例的确认,19世纪末以前一直得到几乎所有西方国家的司法实践和学者的普遍支持。 B.普遍主义


人体解剖学(专升本)练习题1.(单选题) 解剖学常用术语,近足者为()(本题3.0分) A、上 B、下 C、近侧 D、远侧 E、前 2.(单选题) 属于面颅骨的是()(本题 3.0分) A、额骨 B、下鼻甲 C、蝶骨 D、颞骨 E、枕骨 3.(单选题) 胸骨角平对( )(本题3.0分) A、第1肋 B、第2肋 C、第3肋 D、第4肋 E、第5肋 4.(单选题) 成人的红骨髓存在于()(本题3.0分) A、指骨 B、尺骨 C、桡骨 D、胫骨 E、髂骨

5.(单选题) 伸肘关节的肌肉是()(本题3.0分) A、肱二头肌 B、胸大肌 C、前锯肌 D、肱三头肌 E、三角肌 6.(单选题) 膈肌上的腔静脉裂孔有何结构通过()(本题3.0分) A、主动脉 B、下腔静脉 C、迷走神经 D、食管 E、胸导管 7.(单选题) 不属于上消化道的器官是()(本题3.0分) A、咽 B、食管 C、胃 D、十二指肠 E、空肠 8.(单选题) 十二指肠大乳头位于()(本题3.0分) A、十二指肠上部 B、十二指肠降部 C、十二指肠水平部 D、十二指肠升部 E、十二指肠球部 9.(单选题) 胆囊的主要功能是()(本题3.0分)

A、分泌胆汁 B、吸收胆汁 C、储存和浓缩胆汁 D、分泌和排泄胆汁 E、分解胆汁 10.(单选题) 阑尾根部的体表投影在()(本题3.0分) A、脐与左髂前上棘连线的中、外1/3交点处 B、脐与左髂前上棘连线的中、内1/3交点处 C、脐与右髂前上棘连线的中、内1/3交点处 D、脐与右髂前上棘连线的中、外1/3交点处 E、左、右髂前上棘连线的中点 11.(单选题) 开口于上鼻道的鼻旁窦是()(本题3.0分) A、额窦 B、上颌窦 C、蝶窦 D、筛窦前群 E、筛窦后群 12.(单选题) 喉腔最狭窄的部位在( )(本题3.0分) A、喉口 B、前庭裂 C、喉前庭 D、声门裂 E、声门下腔 13.(单选题) 右肺分几大叶()(本题3.0分)


单选专题训练(一) 1. China has ______ long history and she is the first country to invent printing in ______ history. A. a; the B. /; / C. a; / D. /; the 2. In Martin Luther King’s time, the money spent on educating a black child was just one fourth of ____ on each white child. A. that spent B. what to be spent C. it had been D. which was spent 3. After 20 years in an African country, I returned home and found it changed ______recognition. A. over B. beyond C. more than D. out of 4. Do you know the of the saying I just referred to? A.resource B.source C.course D.cause 5. ______criticize my son, I______ help him find a more effective way to learn English. A. Rather than; prefer to B. Other than; would rather C. Rather than; would like to D. Better than; had better 6.By the end of this year, 160 new students ___ in the English Department of this world famous university. A.have enroll B.will have enrolled C.have been enrolled D.will have been enrolled 7. The handbook gives ________ details about the functions of this washing machine. A. steady B. secure C. potential D. precise 8. Parents and their children often disagree about the amount of freedom and responsibility that young people ______. A. would have B. are having C. are to have D. are about to have 9. All flights ________ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train . A. had been canceled B. was canceled C. having been canceled D. being canceled 10.After the meeting, Premier Wen Jiabao walked onto the platform, _____ himself in a chair and prepared for answering questions. A. seating B. seated C. being seated D. had seated 11.Not having finished his homework, _____ to watch TV. A. mother forbade him B. so he was forbidden C. he forbade D. he was forbidden 12. The magician picked some persons from the audience _____ and asked them to help him with the performance. A.by accident B.in vain C.at random D.on average 13. That is the only way we can imagine ______ the overuse of water in students’ bathroom. A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce 14. Before I buy a car, I would like to have a mechanic, whom I truly trust, ______.


国际公法 单项选择题 18世纪末,( A )首先提出编纂国际法的倡仪。A. 边沁 18世纪末开始,一些国家宣布的领海法令大体上都按照( B )确定领海宽度。B. 大炮射程论 1702年,荷兰著名法学家( C )在他发表的《海洋领有论》中提出把海洋区分为领海和公海,指出领海属沿岸国主权管辖,公海则不属于任何国家。 C. 宾刻舒克 A开头 安理会所表决的非程序事项,以包括常任理事国在内的()个理事国的( D )票决定。D. 9 可决 B开头 ( D )把危机国际民用航空机场安全的暴力行为定为犯罪。D. 蒙特利尔公约的补充议定书 ( D )不能行使紧追权。 D. 民用商船 ( A )被视为是近代国际法形成的标志的事件之一。A. 威斯特伐利亚和会的召开 ( B )被视为是近代国际法形成的标志的事件之一。B.《战争与和平法》的发表 被誉为国际法创始人的是荷兰著名法学家( B )。B. 格老秀斯 C开头 除群岛国的情形外,领海基线向陆一面的海域叫做( C )。C. 内水 从国际法角度来看,只有曲入陆地的海域面积( B )以湾口宽度为直径的半圆面积才称为海湾。 处理国际组织日常工作的常设机构是(D)。D. 行政机关 B. 等于或大于 D开头 第一个惩治危害国际民航安全的非法行为的国际公约是( A )。A. 东京公约 第一次确立了国家领空主权原则,奠定了航空法的基石的公约是( A )。A. 巴黎公约 第一次海洋法会议于( D )年在日内瓦召开。D. 1958 地面国家为了维护本国的经济利益,有权保留(A )。A. 国内运输权 对于发生在公海上的船舶碰撞或其他航行及船长或其他服务人员的刑事或纪律责任事项,由( C )专属管辖。 C. 船旗国或有关人员所属国 对中华人民共和国的承认,属于对( C )的承认。C. 新政府 对于宽大陆架国家确定大陆架的宽度从领海基线量起最多可划到(B ) B. 350海里 当条约与我国法律抵触时,( B )。B. 条约优先于宪法以外的法律 当某一国际条约与联合国宪章发生冲突时,通常的原则是( A )。A. 在维持国际和平与安全的必要范围内,联合国宪章优先 G开头 关于国家行使自卫权,下列哪个说法是正确的?B. 可以单独自卫,也可以集体自卫 关于不动产的国家继承,应适用( C )。 C. 随领土转移原则 关于国际法效力依据问题下列学者持实在法学派观点的是(A)A奥本海 关于国家管辖豁免问题,(C)立场在19世纪末期由比利时和意大利等国的司法判例正式确认。C.限制主义 关于国家管辖豁免问题,(B)立场在19世纪初得到英美等国的司法判例的确认,19世纪末以前一直得到几乎所有西方国家的司法实践和学者的普遍支持。B.普遍主义 关于国际法与国内法的关系,(A)主张二元论平行说。A.奥本海 关于国家行使自卫权,下列哪个说法是正确的(B)B.可以单独自卫,也可以集体自卫 关于国籍丧失,以下哪项说法是错误的(C)。C. 国家公务员和退伍军人不得退出中国国籍 关于联合国安理会,下列说法错误的是( D )。D. 联合国秘书长和国际法院的法官由安理会选举 国际法上的承认在承认国与被承认国之间引起一系列法律后果,下列哪个说法是正确的( D )。 D. 建交是承认的一种表现形式 国家依法赋予出生国籍的原则之一是(D)D.出生地主义 国际法委员会于()年经选举正式成立。A. 1948 国际法基本原则有。B. 强行法性质 国家领土自然划界的方法有(A) A.以山为界 国家通过使领馆对在国外的本国国民的合法权益进行保护叫做(B)B.外交保护 国际法优先说的著名代表人物是(B)B.美国的凯尔森 国家的核心构成要素是(D)D.主权 国家间的国际法官方编纂活动始于( C )。C. 19世纪初 国家可以自由决定与其他国家缔约、建交、结盟或进行其他往来,不受他国或国际组织的支配和任何形式的干涉,

人体解剖生理学 单选题

人体解剖生理学单选题 胆汁中与消化有关的成分主要是(胆盐) 蛋白质食物可使机体额外产热量增加( 30% ) 胃酸的生理作用不包括(促进维生素 CO2在血液中运输的主要形式是( C.NaHCO3) A 安静状态下,细胞内K+外流属于( C.依靠离子通道转运的易化扩散 ) 不是肾上腺皮质分泌的激素是(肾上腺素) B 不至于引起血糖升高的激素是( D.甲状旁腺素) 不属于甲状腺激素生理作用的是(减慢心率和减弱心肌收缩力) 不属于类固醇激素的是(.肾上腺素) C 参与生理性止血的血细胞是( D.血小板) 测定基础代谢率的条件,不包括( B.睡眠状态) 成人的脊髓下端位于( C.第1腰椎下缘 ) D 大量饮水引起尿量增多的相关因素不包括( B.醛固酮分泌减少) 胆汁中与消化有关的成分主要是(C.胆盐) 蛋白质食物可使机体额外产热量增加(C.30% ) 蛋白质主要以下列哪种形式吸收( E.氨基酸) 当视近物时,光线聚焦在视网膜上,主要通过调节(晶状体曲率半径) 当外界温度等于或高于体表温度时,机体散热的方式是(D.蒸发) 第1秒末用力肺活量正常值为( C.83% ) 第VI对脑神经是( D.展神经 ) 第X对脑神经是( E.迷走神经 ) 调节胰岛素分泌的最重要因素是(血糖水平) 动脉血压波动于80~180mmHg范围时,肾血流量仍保持相对恒定,这是由于(A.肾脏的自身调节)动脉血压形成的前提条件是( B.循环血量和血管容积适应) 窦房结细胞作为心脏跳动的正常起搏点是因为( D.自律性最高) 窦房结细胞作为心脏跳动的正常起搏点是因为(自律性最高) 对O2运输的叙述,错误的是( D.CO与Hb的结合力小于O2与Hb的结合力) 对机体能量代谢影响最大的因素是( A.肌肉活动) 对葡萄糖重吸收部位的叙述,正确的是(A.近球小管) 对葡萄糖重吸收部位的叙述,正确的是(近球小管) E 二氧化碳引起的呼吸变化主要刺激的是(B.中枢化学感受器) F 防止左心室的血液逆流入左心房的瓣膜是( A.二尖瓣 ) 房室延搁的生理意义是( E.使心房、心室不会同时收缩) 房室延搁的生理意义是(使心房、心室不会同时收缩) 肺换气的动力是( B.气体的分压差) 肺换气的动力是(气体的分压差) 肺活量等于( C.潮气量与补吸气量和补呼气量之和) 肺泡通气量是指( E.等于(潮气量?无效腔气量)×与呼吸频率) 分布于心血管腔面的是( C.内皮) 分布于心血管腔面的是( 内皮 )


Unit 5 ( )21. Helen doesn’t feel well today, so I am taking ______ place to give you English lessons. A. her B. my C. the D. a ( )22. Miss Li, a tall woman ______ dark curly hair, teaches us Chinese. A. about B. in C. with D. for ( )23. I ______ come and visit you in America if I have free time next year. A. might B. need C. mightn’t D. needn’t ( )24. Mr. Smith plans ______ here much longer because he has lots of things to do. A. to keep B. keep C. to stay D. stay ( )25. —My life seems ______ because I only do a little housework every day. —Well, you can join a club or read some books. A. educational B. successful C. difficult D. meaningless ( )26. That magazine my father often reads ______ once a month. A. brings out B. comes out C. takes out D. looks out ( )27. —Why are you late for work again? —The ______ is that I lost my keys to the car. A. reason B. rule C. message D. question ( )28. Jack is friendly and he is ready ______ us when we need it. A. choosing B. to choose C. helping D. to help ( )29. Many people know the actor because he has ______ in lots of famous films. A. reached B. appeared C. swung D. touched ( )30. —When do you expect Sara ______ home? —Before 5:00 p.m. I have something important to tell her. A. come B. to come C. to leave D. leave ( )31. Tony is wearing a hat ______ mine, and Tom also ______ wearing such a hat. A. like; like B. likes; like C. likes; likes D. like; likes ( )32. You don’t need to ______ to go to the club — jeans and a T-shirt are OK. A. stay up B. make up C. dress up D. cut up


【单项选择题】国际公法重点复习题 第一章引论 1、被誉为国际法创始人的是荷兰著名法学家( B )。 A、克林顿 B、格老秀斯 C、普芬道夫 D、瓦特尔 2、下列哪个选项属于确定国际法主体资格的条件?( C ) A、具有固定的居民 B、有确定的领土 C、有直接承受国际法上权利和义务的能力 D、有普遍管辖权 3、18世纪末首次将调整国家之间关系的法律称为国际法的学者是( B )。 A、格劳秀斯 B、边沁 C、奥本海 D、卢梭 4、国际法基本原则有( B )。 A、任意法的性质 B、强行法性质 C、国内法性质 D、硬法的性质 5、国际法的官方编纂始于( A )。 A、19世纪 B、18世纪 C、20世纪 D、17世纪 6、首先提出和平共处五项原则的国家是( B )。 A、中国与前苏联 B、中国和印度 C、中国与法国 D、中国与菲律宾 7、确定国际法主体资格的条件之一是( C )。 A、具有固定的居民 B、有确定领土 C、有直接承受国际法上权利和义务的能力 D、有普遍管辖权 8、确立现代国际法基本原则的最重要的国际条约是( A )。 A、《联合国宪章》 B、《巴黎非战公约》 C、《芝加哥民用航空公约》 D、《日内瓦公约》

9、确定现代国际法基本原则的基本文件是( A )。 A、《联合国宪章》 B、万隆会议最后文件 C、1970年《国际法原则宣言》B、《给予殖民地人民独立宣言》 10、国际法的官方编纂始于( A )。 A、19世纪 B、18世纪 C、20世纪 D、17世纪 11、最先把国际法著作系统的译成中文的是( C )。【补充】 A林则徐B严复 C丁韪良D张之洞 12、国际法编纂的意义在于( C )。【补充】 A国际立法 B 使国际法汇总成册 C 使国际法法典化D编辑成册便于查阅 第二章国家 1、主权是国家最重要的属性,这表明( D )。 A、主权不可分割,但可部分让予 B、主权并非国家固有的,而是国际法赋予的 C、主权是国家在国际法上所享有的权利 D、主权不可分割,不可让予 2、学者对国家承认的效果从理论上提出了两种主张,其中之一是( A )。 A、宣告说 B、平行说 C、自然法学说 D、实在法学说 3、国家作为国际不当行为的主体,不仅包括国家本身的行为,也包括可归因于国家的行为,下列行为中哪一项不应视为国家行为?( C ) A、国家机关的行为 B、军队的行为 C、叛乱运动的机关的行为 D、成为一国新政府或导致组成一个新国家的叛乱活动的行为 4、现代国际法不承认国家有( A )。【补充】 A域外庇护权B领土庇护权 C领水庇护权D领域庇护权 5、关于不动产的国家继承,应适用( B )【补充】 A与所涉领土实际生存原则 B 公平原则 B 随领土转移原则 D 协商原则 6、关于国家行使自卫权,下列哪个说法是正确的( B )。【补充】 A仅指单独自卫B可以单独自卫,也可以集体自卫


解剖学选择题50题含答案 单选题 1、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 2、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 3、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000

C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 4、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 5、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题

6、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 7、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 8、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C

人一共有206块骨头 单选题 9、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 10、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 11、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000

C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 12、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题 13、人一共有多少块骨头? A.100 B.1000 C.206 D.0 答案:C 人一共有206块骨头 单选题


第一部分95道 ( ) 1. Where Uncle Sun yesterday? A. was B. were C. did D. does ( ) 2. They going to see Mr. Sun tomorrow. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( ) 3. Some are in the river and some are games. A. swiming, playing B. swimming, playing C. swimming, playing D. swimming, playing ( ) 4. Where is Dick? He to the reading-room. A. has been B. went C. has gone D. goes ( ) 5. Mark Twain, an American writer, everybody here. A. knows B. is known as C. is known to D. is known for ( ) 6. I hope he will come to see me before he here. A. leave B. leaves C. will leave D. left ( ) 7. My teacher told me that Australians English. A. spoke B. speak C. speaks D. are speaking ( ) 8. I think she right now. A. reading B. reads C. is reading D. read ( ) 9. ---- Where are the children?


国际公法试题答案 一、单选题(共20个题,每题1分,总共20分) 1.外国人可以享有国民待遇的权利是( C ) A.选举和被选举权 B.担任政府公职的工作权 C.民事权利 D.成为军人的权利 2.根据《外层空间条约》和《月球协定》等文件的规定,各国可以( C ) A.将月球据为己有 B.在月球进行战争 C.自由探索和利用外空和天体 D.先占天体 3.外国船舶在别国领海的唯一权利是享有无害通过权,根据《海洋法公约》规定,“无害”一词的含义是哪项( B ) A.不违反国际惯例 B.不损害沿海国的和平、安全或良好秩序 C.不损害其他国家的领海航行权 D.不违反沿海国的法律规章 4.W因为沿海国,V国因其未发表任何关于大陆架的法律或声明并且未在大陆架上进行任何活动,在W国不知道的情况下,在W国毗连区海底进行科研钻探活动。下列判断哪个是正确的?( D ) A.根据海洋科研自由的原则,V国行为合法 B.因W国从未提出大陆架的主张,V国行为合法 C.V国行为非法,应当立即停止但无须承担相应的责任考试大论坛 D.V国行为非法,应当立即停止并承担相应的责任 5.下列关于大陆架的表述,哪项是错误的?( C ) A.沿海国的大陆架包括其领海以外依其陆地领土的全部自然延伸,扩展到大陆边外缘的海底区域的海床和底土 B.国家对其大陆架的资源具有主权权利及相应的管辖权,但它又不属于国家的领土,国家对其大陆架不具有领土的完整主权,大陆架上仍允许他国保持某些权利,且不影响其上覆水域及其上空的地位 C.沿海国为勘探大陆架和开发其自然资源的目的对大陆架行使主权权利,但这种权利不是专属的

D.大陆架不仅是沿海国陆地领土在其领海之外的延伸,而且是该国管辖范围之内的海底区域 6.八角岛是位于乙国近海的本属于甲国的岛屿。40年前甲国内战时,乙国乘机强占该岛,并将岛上的甲国居民全部驱逐。随后乙国在国内立法中将该岛纳入乙国版图。甲国至今一直主张对该岛的主权,不断抗议乙国的占领行为并要求乙国撤出该岛,但并未采取武力收复该岛的行动。如果这种实际状态持续下去,根据国际法的有关规则,下列判断哪一项是正确的?( D ) A.根据实际统治原则,该岛在乙国占领50年后,其主权就归属乙国 B.根据时效原则,该岛在乙国占领50年后,其主权将归属乙国 C.根据实际统治和共管原则,乙国占领该岛50年后,该岛屿主权属于甲乙国共有 D.根据领土主权原则,即使乙国占领该岛50年后,该岛屿主权仍然属于甲国 7.甲国人兰某和乙国人纳某在甲国长期从事跨国人口和毒品贩卖活动,事发后兰某逃往乙国境内,纳某逃入乙国驻甲国领事馆中。兰某以其曾经从事过反对甲国政府的政治活动为由,要求乙国提供庇护。甲乙两国之间没有关于引渡和庇护的任何条约。根据国际法的有关规则和制度,下列哪一项判断是正确的?( D ) A.由于兰某曾从事反对甲国政府的活动,因此乙国必须对兰某提供庇护 B.由于纳某是乙国人,因此乙国领事馆有权拒绝把纳某交给甲国 C.根据《维也纳领事关系公约》的规定,乙国领馆可以行使领事裁判权,即对纳某进行审判并做出判决后,交由甲国予以执行 D.乙国可以对兰某的涉嫌犯罪行为在乙国法院提起诉讼,但乙国没有把兰某交给甲国审判的义务 8.下列关于国籍的表达,哪一项是正确的?( A ) A.国籍实质上是一种公民资格,表明个人对特定国家的隶属关系 B.一个人取得某一国家的国籍,只有依法纳税,才能受其管辖和保护 C.国籍的主要作用是在个人和特定的国家之间建立一种一般的、临时的、表面的法律联系 D.凡是具有本国国籍的人即是本国人,否则即是外国人 9.根据国际法学理论,下列关于国际法的说法哪个是错误的?( D ) A.国际法具有强制力,依靠国家单独或集体行动来实现 B.国际法具有强制力,依据一般认为是产生于国际交往和发展需要的、国家之间的协


1.计数肋骨序数的骨性标志是( ) A 隆椎 B 胸骨角 C 肋弓 D 肩峰 答案【B】 2.属于关节的辅助结构是( ) A 筋膜B骺软骨 C 关节盘 D 关节软骨 答案【C】 3.有关肌的叙述那项是错的( ) A 骨骼肌又称随意肌 B 每块肌肉是一个器官 C 肌肉血液供应受阻引起瘫痪 D 每块肌肉由肌腹和肌腱二部组成答案【C】 4.胃的叙述中那一项是对的( ) A 分为底.体.颈.管四部 B 入口为幽门,出口为贲门 C 大部分在右季肋区 D 胃幽门括约肌为平滑肌 答案【D】 5.肾的正确叙述是( ) A 右肾较左肾略高 B 从腹前壁可触及肾外形 C 肾表面包裹一层纤维膜 D 肾髓质主要由肾柱构成 答案【C】 6.咽( ) A 鼻咽部有梨状隐窝 B 口咽部有咽鼓管咽口 C 腭扁桃体位于鼻咽部外侧壁 D 是消化道与呼吸道的交叉路口答案【D】 7.前列腺( ) A 在尿生殖膈的下方 B 其后方有一横行的前列腺沟 C 尖朝上,底朝下 D 后面邻直肠 答案【D】 8.右主支气管( ) A 比左主支气管粗 B 为完整的软骨环所环绕 C 比左支气管长 D 与左主支气管相比,近似水平位答案【A】 9.男性尿道有二个弯曲,即( ) A 耻骨上曲和耻骨下曲 B 耻骨前曲和耻骨后曲 C 耻骨前曲和耻骨上曲 D 以上均不对 答案【D】 10.腹膜内位器官有( ) A 肝 B 胆囊 C 胰 D 乙状结肠 答案【D】 11.卵圆窝位于( ) A 室间隔上部 B 房间隔 C 右心房前壁 D 左心房前壁答案【B】

12.下列结构中那个是与深感觉传导通路无关的结构( ) A 脊神经节 B 脊髓灰质后角 C 薄束核.楔束核 D 内侧丘系 答案【B】 13.管理腮腺分泌活动的神经是( ) A 下颌神经 B 舌咽神经 C 面神经 D 迷走神经 答案答案【B】 14.坐骨神经( ) A 一般由梨状肌上孔出骨盆 B 发自腰丛 C 支配大腿后群肌 D 支配大腿内侧肌群 答案【C】 15.主动脉弓( ) A 弯向右后方 B 凸侧发出左.右无名动脉(头臂干) C 在第六胸椎水平移行为降主动脉 D 弓下缘借动脉韧带连于肺动脉分叉处左侧 答案【D】 16.门静脉( ) A 收集胃肠肾胰脾的静脉血 B 行于肝镰状韧带内 C 直接注入下腔静脉 D 由脾静脉和肠系膜上静脉汇合成 答案【D】 17.胸导管收集( ) A 左半身的淋巴液 B 右半身的淋巴液 C 上半身的淋巴液 D 左半身和右侧下半身的淋巴液 答案【D】 18.虹膜( ) A 为无色透明之膜,有折光作用 B 占外膜前1/6 C 呈圆盘状,中央有孔叫瞳孔 D 位于晶状体与玻璃体之间 答案【C】 19.中耳鼓室( ) A 为一密闭之小腔 B 内含三个半规管 C 借鼓膜与内耳相隔 D 以上全不是 答案【D】 20.成人脊髓下端水平达( ) A 第一骶椎水平 B 第一腰椎下缘 C 第三腰椎下缘 D 椎管末端 答案【B】 21.蛛网膜下腔( ) A 位于硬膜与蛛网膜之间 B 脑和脊髓的蛛网膜下腔互不相通 C 腔内含有脑脊液 D 经室间孔与脑室系统相通 答案【C】 22.腹股沟管( )

武汉中考单选 单项选择专项训练十套题 (有答案)

单项选择专项训练<一> 26、—Are you new here? —No, I`m not. I in this school. A、study B、have studies C、had studied D、studied 27、—When Mr Black to our country? —Last year. A、did; come B、do; come C、had; come D、have; come 28、—Where is Mr Brown? —He Shanghai to visit his uncle. A、had gone to B、has gone to C、had been to D、has been to 29、He his homework this time yesterday. A、is doing B、was doing C、did D、will do 30、Even the top students in our class can`t work out the problem, so it be very difficult. A、may B、must C、can D、need 31、—How many of these books have you read? —of them, every one. A、Many B、Some C、All D、None 32、—Hi, Tony, you won an award yesterday, didn`t you? —Yes, I also got some money. I`m going to the bank to the money. A、save B、steal C、collect D、raise 33、—Would you like to watch soap operas with me? —Yes, . A、I would be B、I like C、I`d like to D、I do 34、—May I put on this skirt, Mum? —No, it has . Nobody likes it. A、got off B、broken down C、gone out D、given up 35、—What`s the use of the books? —Well, they us with knowledge. A、give B、provide C、carry D、take 36、—Li Lin, is it OK for you to go to your grandpa`s house alone? —No problem. I you as soon as I there. A、call; get B、will call; get C、call; will get D、will call; will get 37、Cars should near schools. A、speed up B、speed down C、slow up D、slow down 38、Could you tell me ? A、how can I get to the post office B、which the way is to the post office C、how I can get go the post office D、where is the post office 39、When did she France? A、reached B、got to C、arrive in D、arrive at 40、—I had a really nice wecked in the country. — . A、Oh, that`s very nice of you B、Congratulations C、It`s a pleasure D、I`m glad to hear that 单项选择专项训练<二> 26、—Are you a worker here? —Yes. I in this factory. A、have worked B、had worked C、work D、worked 27、—When you the computer? —I can`t remember when. A、have; bought B、had; bought C、do; buy D、did; buy 28、—I want to be a doctor. —Doctors in every part of the world. A、need B、are needing C、are needed D、will need 29、—The Blacks have the Hainan lsland. —Oh, really? I have never there before. A、gone to ; been to B、been to ; gone to C、gone to ; been D、gone; been 30、—Are you interested in going to the English party? —Yes, . A、I would be B、I like C、I do D、I`d like to 31、—How do you like the trousers? —I`m afraid they`re too big. You should try a smaller . A、piece B、one C、copy D、pair 32、—What do you do on weekends? —I like to at the sports club with my friends. A、hang out B、walk out C、give out D、look out 33、—These T-shirts are usually $35 each. —But I hear today they have a piece of $19 in the shopping center. A、possible B、special C、cheap D、common 34、—Can I just put the things here? —You should make it a rule to leave things you can find them again. A、when B、where C、then D、which 35、—What else can I do for you? —If someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a . A、message B、letter C、motice D、sentence 36、—Have you done your school report get? —No, I`ll finish in ten minutes. A、another B、other C、more D、less 37、—Would you mind if I smoke here? — . A、Yes, please B、No, please C、Yes, You can D、No, please don`t 38、It`s very difficult to learn English well, but you can`t . A、put it up B、take it up C、look it up D、give it up 39、Many cartoons are adventure stories with educational , putting ideas of love and beauty into children`s hearts. A、titles B、minds C、advantages D、themes 40、—It`s fun to chat with friends on the internet. —Really? Will you please show me the computer? A、what to use B、how to use C、how can I use D、why I use

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