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She Walks in Beauty的英文鉴赏

She Walks in Beauty的英文鉴赏
She Walks in Beauty的英文鉴赏

The Appreciation of She Walks in Beauty Byron is one of the most excellent representatives of English Romanticism and one of the most influential poets of the time. His literary career was closely linked with the struggle and progressive movements of his age. He opposed oppression and slavery, and has an ardent (passionate) love for liberty. He praised the people’s revolutionary struggles in his works. His poems are favorites of the British workers and the laboring people of other countries. Byron’s poems show energy and vigor, romantic daring (bold, brave) and powerful passion. He stands with Shakespeare and Scott among the British writers who exert the greatest influence over the mainland Europe and the Chinese youth greatly. But some critics think many of his lines are harsh (unkind), rugged (rough) and not rhythmical. Some poems show his individual heroism and pessimism.

"She Walks in Beauty” is frequently considered one of his most powerful works.It is an eighteen-line poem, much shorter than Byron's famous narrative poems, like Childe Harold's Pilgrimage or Don Juan. But despite its relative brevity, "She Walks in Beauty" has become one of the most well-known and easily recognized poems written by Byron. It is a lyric poem centering on the extraordinary beauty of a young lady. Lord Byron wrote the poem in

1814 and published it in a collection, Hebrew Melodies, in 1815. As the name of the volume suggests, the poems in that volume were written to be set to music.

On the evening of June 11, 1814, Byron attended a party with his friend, James Wedderburn Webster, at the London home of Lady Sarah Caroline Sitwell. Among the other guests was the wife of Byron’s cousin, the beautiful Mrs. Anne Beatrix Wilmot, who was newly widowed and wore a black mourning gown brighten with spangles. Her exquisite good looks dazzled Byron and inspired him to write “She Walks in Beauty.”

As the title says, She walks in beauty, the main theme of the poem is the description of a lady, the enumeration of certain qualities that the author considers give her beauty. The introduction of the verb to “walk”in the title is important because it gives connotations of advancing, not only in space but also in time. It makes reference to the movement of walking, introducing the reader this way into a reading which is going to be constant through out the entire poem. The poem uses images of light and darkness interacting to describe the wide spectrum of elements in a beautiful woman's personality and looks.

Unlike common love poetry, which makes the claim that its subject is filled with beauty, this poem describes its subject as

being possessed by beauty. This woman does have beauty within her, but it is to such a great degree that she is actually surrounded by it, like an aura. To some extent, her positive attributes create her beauty, and so the poem makes a point of mentioning her goodness, her serenity, and her innocence, which all have a direct causal effect on her looks.

The three six-line stanzas of this poem all follow the same rhyme scheme and the same metrical pattern. There are only six rhyming sounds in this eighteen-line poem because the poem rhymes ababab, cdcdcd, efefef . Oftentimes poets use their poetic structures to mirror what the poem's chief concerns are. Poetic form—stanzas and meter—and content—what the poem's subject is—are almost always related. The meter is also very regular—iambic tetrameter.

The pairing of two rhyming sounds in each stanza works well because the poem concerns itself with the two forces—darkness and light—at work in the woman's beauty, and also the two areas of her beauty—the internal and the external. The rhyming words themselves, especially in the first stanza, have importance: notice how "night" rhymes with its opposites, "light" and "bright," in the same way that this woman contains the two opposing forces in her particular type of beauty.

The first couple of lines can be confusing if not read properly. Too often readers stop at the end of the first line where there is no punctuation. This is an enjambed line, meaning that it continues without pause onto the second line. That she walks in beauty like the night may not make sense as night represents darkness. However, as the line continues, the night is a cloudless one with bright stars to create a beautiful mellow glow. The first two lines bring together the opposing qualities of darkness and light that are at play throughout the three verses. The remaining lines of the first verse employ another set of enjambed lines that tell us that her face and eyes combine all that's best of dark and bright. No mention is made here or elsewhere in the poem of any other physical features of the lady.

The focus of the vision is upon the details of the lady's face and eyes which reflect the mellowed and tender light. She has a remarkable quality of being able to contain the opposites of dark and bright. The third and fourth lines are not only enjambed, but the fourth line begins with an irregularity in the meter called a metrical substitution. The fourth line starts with an accented syllable followed by an unaccented one, rather than the iambic meter of the other lines, an unaccented syllable followed by an accented one. The result is that the word "Meet" receives attention, an emphasis.

The lady's unique feature is that opposites "meet" in her in a wonderful way.

The second verse tells us that the glow of the lady's face is nearly perfect. The shades and rays are in just the right proportion, and because they are, the lady possesses a nameless grace. This conveys the romantic idea that her inner beauty is mirrored by her outer beauty. Her thoughts are serene and sweet. She is pure and dear. The last verse is split between three lines of physical description and three lines that describe the lady's moral character. Her soft, calm glow reflects a life of peace and goodness. This is a repetition, an emphasis, of the theme that the lady's physical beauty is a reflection of her inner beauty.

Lord Byron greatly admired his cousin's serene qualities on that particular night and he has left us with an inspired poem. Before you go any further, we should warn you: "She Walks in Beauty" is not a love poem. Sure, it's a celebration of a woman's beauty, but the speaker never says he's in love with her. He just thinks she's really, really gorgeous. The poem is about an unnamed woman. She's really quite striking, and the speaker compares her to lots of beautiful, but dark, things, like "night" and "starry skies." The second stanza continues to use the contrast between light and

dark, day and night, to describe her beauty. We also learn that her face is really "pure" and "sweet." The third stanza wraps it all up –she's not just beautiful, she's "good" and "innocent," to boot. The theme of the poem is the woman's exceptional beauty, internal as well as external. The first stanza praises her physical beauty. The second and third stanzas praise both her physical and spiritual, or intellectual, beauty.

Byron presents an ethereal portrait of the young woman in the first two stanzas by contrasting white with black and light with shadow in the same way that nature presents a portrait of the firmament—and the landscape below—on a cloudless starlit evening. He tells the reader in line 3 that she combines “the best of dark and bright” (bright here serving as a noun rather than an adjective) and notes that darkness and light temper each other when they meet in her raven hair. Byron's words thus turn opposites into compeers working together to celebrate beauty.


When you have a kid who you care so much that anything he wants comes before your own desires When you have a kid who is so much in need for your affection and understanding that no matter what is bothering him you're willing to do anything to make him smile When you have a kid who is so dependent on you that no matter what obstacles you face you have to be forever confident in front of him giving him the sense of security When you have a kid whatever your goals are for your life you're so willing to put him ahead before all your goals sometimes even give up your dreams for his needs but you'd consider yourself lucky indeed being in love with someone in this wide world so deep you try to make everything easy for him to grow up into a loving,strong adultThank god for giving me this chance let me experience what love,giving,and voluntary sacrifice are all about


经典英语美文欣赏80篇(适用于成人) 英语美文欣赏80篇 01-The Love of Beauty 英语美文欣赏80篇 02-The Happy Door 英语美文欣赏80篇 03-Born to Win 英语美文欣赏80篇 04-Work and Pleasure 英语美文欣赏80篇 05-Mirror,Mirror-What do I See 英语美文欣赏80篇 06-On Motes and Beams 英语美文欣赏80篇 07-An October Sunrise 英语美文欣赏80篇 08-To be or not to be 英语美文欣赏80篇 09-Gettysburg address 英语美文欣赏80篇10-First Inaugural Address

英语美文欣赏80篇11-American black bears 英语美文欣赏80篇 12-Coal-fired power plants 英语美文欣赏80篇 13-Statistics 英语美文欣赏80篇 14-Obtaining Fresh water from icebergs 英语美文欣赏80篇 15-The source of Energy 英语美文欣赏80篇 16-Vision 英语美文欣赏80篇 17-Folk Cultures 英语美文欣赏80篇 18-Bacteria 英语美文欣赏80篇 19-Sleep 英语美文欣赏80篇 20-Cells and Temperature 英语美文欣赏80篇21-Youth 英语美文欣赏80篇 22-Three Days to See 英语美文欣赏80篇 23-Companionship of Books 英语美文欣赏80篇24-If I Rest,I Rust 英语美文欣赏80篇 25-Ambition 英语美文欣赏80篇 26-What I have Lived for 英语美文欣赏80篇 27-When Love Beckons You 英语美文欣赏80篇 28-The Road to Success


英文诗歌短篇励志经典|英语诗歌经典100篇 咖啡苦,回味无穷;伤痛苦,心里铭记;磨难苦,励志人心;感情苦,更显真心;生活苦,倍加珍惜。苦,让我们感谢生活;苦,让我们看到真心:虽苦犹甜。小编精心收集了短篇励志经典英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇1 ON CHANGES Irene Dunlap Change is the only absolute in the world, the only thing that you can depend on. Nothing stays the same. Tomorrow will come, bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings. You can hold on to the past and get left in the dust; or, you can choose to jump on the ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind. 论变化 艾琳·邓莱普陈采霞译 变化是世界上 惟一绝对的东西, 是惟一 你能相信的事情。 没有什么能一成不变, 明天将来临, 它会带来 新的开始,并且有时 还会带来意想不到的结局。 你可以抓住过去, 蒙受遗弃; 或者,你可以选择 跃上生命之车 进行一次新的冒险, 凭借坚持不懈 和广阔的胸怀。短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇2 THE VALUE OF TIME Katharine Sun


Sun smile 阳光般的微笑 The sun shone brightly on the ground in front of her feet as she pondered the reality of light. 太阳光芒四射地照耀这她脚前这片大地。她在沉思,思考着阳光是怎么一回事: How did light get here? Who made it and why? 它是怎么来到这儿的?谁让它来的?来做什么? She instinctively stepped into the sun spot and instantly felt warmer, brighter, and fuller of life and energy. 她下意识地踏进阳光里,整个人立刻觉得暖和,清醒起来,浑身充满了生机和活力。 The sun wrapped her in comfort and stability for, if nothing else,she could always count on the sun waking her up most mornings. 阳光笼罩着她,她感到很舒服很踏实,如果没有其他事情,大多数早晨,她都会让阳光叫她起床。

Its predictable radiance felt like the mother she never had as her childhood was characterized more so by pain and heartache than comfort and love. 太阳那如期而至的光芒就像妈妈一样,虽然她从来就没有感受过母爱,她的童年记忆里满是痛苦和伤心,而不是关怀和爱。 She stepped out of the sunlight and felt that all-too-familiar anxious pang in the pit of her stomach as she remembered how horrible it was to live in her childhood home. 她从阳光里走出来,一阵再熟悉不过的恼人的悲痛袭击了她的胸口,让她回忆起童年时的可怕生活。 Memories flooded her mind as she unsuccessfully tried to block them out by thinking good thoughts. 她努力朝好的方面想,希望能抵挡住如洪水般泛滥的痛苦回忆,但是无济于事。 Oh how she wished she could curl up in the middle of the sun and allow its love to encase her for all eternity. 她是多么希望可以蜷缩在温暖的阳光里,让太阳的爱包裹着她直到永远。 But, no, she was stuck here on earth with those who didn't feel the sun's rays the same way she did,who didn't feel deeply connected to this amazing source of life. 然而,这是不可能的。她只能在这儿,和其他人一起。其他人不像她一样渴望阳光,也不曾觉得自己与这神奇的生命之源有什么紧密联系。 All she could do was stand in the sun on occasion and shut out the rest of the world for a little while. 她唯一能做的就是偶尔站在阳光里,和阳光以外的世界短暂地隔离。 Maybe if she stood here long enough they would cease to exist. 她想也许只要一直站在阳光里,外面的世界也就不复存在了。


英语歌曲鉴赏有感 90后的我们身在这个处处充斥着音乐的时代。每当我走在上,大街周围的各种服装店,理发店,超市甚至一些小饭店都传来各种各样的歌曲,而我自己也能随时哼上几句。这让我深深的感觉到音乐是人们生活中必不可缺少的一部分。 在这繁忙的大学课程中,我很有幸的报了《英语歌曲鉴赏》这门课程,更幸运的是我们的老师授课非常认真负责,有声有色,每一节课都让我们听一些各种各样的英文经典歌曲,有时还让我们看一些英语电影。一学期下来让我们受到音乐的美好熏陶,获益匪浅。 历史上的很多名人都说过音乐的重要性。例如:尼采曾经说过:“没有音乐,生命是没有价值的。”贝多芬也说过:“音乐是比一切智慧、一切哲学更高的启示。”这些都充分说明了音乐对我们生活的重要性。《英语歌曲鉴赏》这门课程使我对音乐的理解更加深刻。音乐作为一种艺术历史悠久。岁月把音乐分成不同的类别,不同类别的音乐对人有不同的作用。热情、乐观的音乐可以使人心胸开阔、奋发向上;宁静祥和的音乐可以使人心平气和、心情安定、沉着冷静地对待一切;欢快的音乐可以使人摆脱冷落孤寂的心境。总之,受音乐的甘露滋润的心灵会更加美好。 世界上的音乐种类繁多,语言的差异也造成了音乐的差异。不同语言的地区也产生了不同风格的音乐。虽然英语歌曲只是音乐组成中的一部分,但是它也能给我们带来不一样的感受,也能让我们感受到英语国家那独特的文化。 自从我听英语歌曲以来,我最喜欢听的英语歌曲是westlife(西城男孩)的My love,不过我也非常喜欢听他们唱的其他歌曲。另外,我还喜欢听justin bieber的baby等英语歌曲。我们的老师在给我们上课时也向我们介绍过他们的歌曲。经过我的了解,westlife是在1998年成立的爱尔兰男子歌唱团体。Westlife在爱尔兰和英国走红,在非洲、澳大利亚和亚洲也很受欢迎。虽然他们现在已经解散了,但是我还是喜欢听他们所唱


经典英文诗歌赏析(全) 一 nothing gold can stay 1简介:《美景易逝(Nothing Gold Can Stay)》罗伯特弗罗斯特 的代表作之一。此诗于1923年写就,即于当年十月在《耶鲁杂志(The Yale Review)》上刊印出版,随后就被收录到弗罗斯特的一本名为 《新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire)》的诗集中。 2诗歌翻译: Nothing gold can stay 岁月留金 Nature's first green is gold, 大自然的第一抹新绿是金, Her hardest hue to hold. 也是她最无力保留的颜色.。 Her early leaf's a flower; 她初发的叶子如同一朵花,; But only so an hour. 不过只能持续若此一刹那。 Then leaf subsides leaf, 随之如花新叶沦落为旧叶。 So Eden sank to grief. 由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切, So down gose down to day, 破晓黎明延续至晃晃白昼。 Nothing gold can stay. 宝贵如金之物岁月难保留。 3诗歌赏析:这首诗揭示了一切真切而美好的事物最终定会逐渐消失的哲理。它同时也使用了独特的技巧来表现了季节的变化。想到了 小时了了,大未必佳。一切都是转瞬即逝的,浮世有的仅仅转丸般的 繁华。 二 the road not taken 1诗歌简介:这首名诗《The Road NotTaken》形式是传统的抑扬 格四音步,但音步可变(含有很多抑抑扬的成分);每节的韵式为abaab 。


精选英语美文赏析 优美的文字于细微处传达出美感,并浸润着人们的心灵。通过英语美文,不仅能够感受语言之美,领悟语言之用,还能产生学习语言的兴趣。度过一段美好的时光,即感悟生活,触动心灵。下面是为大家带来精选英语美文赏析,希望大家喜欢! 精选英语美文:无需苦苦寻找诚实的人 I BELIEVE in people. However much of a mess we seem to make of the world, it is people who have brought about all the progress we know, and I don't mean just material progress. All have been for-mulated and expressed by men and women. Even when people make mistakes it seems to me they usually make them from right motives. Most of us want to do good. I believe in people because I have seen a great many of them in different parts of the world. I would rather trust my own experience and observation than the cynical remarks of unhappy men. My belief not only has given me a happy life but has made possible any really useful work I have done. Of course I like people, too. As a newspaperman for twenty years in this country, Europe and Australia, I met all


英语歌曲欣赏与英语写作--公开课教案(原创) 发布者:王建发布时间: 2011-10-21 9:52:07 言有心声,有感而发 ——英语歌曲欣赏与英语写作 萧山十中王建江 2011.10.21 Teaching aims: 1.to improve ss’ writing skills 2.to improve ss’ awareness of culture difference, especially in thinking mo del Teaching Procedure Part1. Lead-in:(6 minutes) Activity 1 How to improve writing skills by enjoying the English songs 1.to learn the different thinking model between the western people and Chinese 2.to improve writing skills by writing out ss’ own feeling about songs Activity 2 different thinking models between the western people and Chinese 1.Writing is different from translating 2.Thinking models of western people ①focus on details ②focus on the logical relations between details 3.Thinking models of Chinese people: reserved Activity3: What is detail and logical relations? 1.“Do you love me?” the answer from a western person 2.“Do you like my class” the answer from the Chinese ss. 3.“Do you agree with me?” (2006.浙江卷) Activity 4: different thinking model and the songs 1. An English song: “I love you, because you are so beautiful, like a lily in the spring garden” 2. A Chinese song: “你问我爱你有多深我爱你有几分你去想一想你去看一看月亮代表我的心” 3. Conclusion: English: abstract→concrete Chinese: reserved Part2: Before Writing (14 minutes)


英语美文欣赏 第一篇:A Grain of Sand 一粒沙子William Blake/威廉.布莱克To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild fllower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. 从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂,把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰。 第二篇:Love Your Life 热爱生活Henry David Thoreau/享利.大卫.梭罗However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love your life,poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-house.The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palace.The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.Most think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means.which should be more disreputable.Cultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sage.Do not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,Turn the old,return to them.Things do not change;we change.Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. 不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。它不像你那样坏。你最富有的时候,倒是看似最穷。爱找缺点的人就是到天堂里也能找到缺点。你要爱你的生活,尽管它贫穷。甚至在一个济贫院里,你也还有愉快、高兴、光荣的时候。夕阳反射在济贫院的窗上,像身在富户人家窗上一样光亮;在那门前,积雪同在早春融化。我只看到,一个从容的人,在哪里也像在皇宫中一样,生活得心满意足而富有愉快的思想。城镇中的穷人,我看,倒往往是过着最独立不羁的生活。也许因为他们很伟大,所以受之无愧。大多数人以为他们是超然的,不


2013-2014学年第一学期英文经典歌曲赏析课论文机械学院材料124 郭凯凯 201206395 歌曲《Take Me Home,Country Roads》反应出的70年代回归传统潮流 歌曲主题:《Take Me Home,Country Roads》创作于1971年,主要反映了 美国70年代,嬉皮士们在经历了60年代的社会动荡不安、冷战阴影、越南战争和反主流文化产生的反文化潮流之后的一种回归传统的潮流。 歌曲背景和文化观念:20世纪50年代美国经济出现了持续的繁荣,美 国人的富足,赋予出生于1946-1964年的“婴儿潮”一代在农业社会无法想象的自由。他们有条件上较好的学校,读较好的书,有较好的老师。教育程度的不断提高使“婴儿潮”一代开阔了眼界。受过高等教育的人对政治、性、养育子女和宗教所采取的态度更为开明,更容易接受社会、技术和文化变革的事实,自我意识也更加强烈。进入60年代,他们从电视上看到了越南战场上美军的溃退和死亡,肯特大学的“五四惨案”,约翰?肯尼迪、罗伯特?肯尼迪和马丁?路德?金遇刺,以及“水门事件”。于是在60年代“婴儿潮”一代掀起了一场反文化运动,这包括校园民主运动、妇女解放运动、黑人民权运动、反战和平运动、环境保护运动、同性恋者权利运动等方面的政治“革命”,也包括摇滚乐、性解放、吸毒、嬉皮文化,及神秘主义和自我主义的复兴等方面的文化“革命”。到70年代中期,“婴儿潮”头一年出生的人已年近30岁,到了成家立业的年龄,他们的注意力开始转向如何面对来自工作和家庭等方面的压力。于是这些脱离社会,追求自由和民主,生活在自然村里的嬉皮士们开始思念家乡,思念亲人,开始向保守主义回归。 歌曲翻译: 简直是天堂啊!西弗吉尼亚,兰岭山,谢纳多阿河。那里的生 命年代久远,比树木古老,比群山年轻,象和风一样慢慢生长。乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。 我的全部记忆都围绕着她,矿工的情人,没见过大海的人儿。天空灰蒙蒙的昏暗一片,月光朦朦胧胧,我的眼泪汪汪。乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。 早晨她把我呼唤,我听到了她的声 歌曲分析:歌曲第一段通过歌唱家乡西弗吉尼亚的兰岭山和谢纳多河像天 堂一样美表达嬉皮士对家乡的思念,想要回到家乡,回到自己本该属于的地方。第二段描述自己的记忆和自身的处境表达了嬉皮士们对家乡亲人和亲情的思念。其中歌词 “Dark and dusty,painted on the sky.Misty tasty of moonshine,teardrop in my eye.”表现出嬉皮士们内心世界暗淡、凌乱,和在月光下对家人对家乡亲情的渴望。第三段描述出嬉皮士们听着无线广播仿佛又听到清晨母亲对自己的呼唤和那充满慈爱的声音。其中 “That I should have been home yesterday,yesterday. ”表示嬉皮士们对


Friends or 'Enemies?' When I was younger, my Dad used to tell me: "Boys don't want to be your friend." He then left the rest to my imagination. At the time, I didn't agree. I thought: I can crack a good joke, I know how to shoot a hoop, and I'm a cheerful person (but not in an annoying way). What kind of boy wouldn't want to be around that kind of girl? Turns out, my Dad was right. Not to be all "Samantha Brick" about it, but in my experience, single, heterosexual men aren't actively looking for an exclusively platonic relationship with a woman they find sexually attractive. This of course is not a revolutionary concept. In fact, it seems pretty natural to me. Now, I will be the first to say that it is really and truly the most wonderful thing in the world if the attraction is mutual. But the Powers That Be seem to like to play these complicated little mating games with humans where the guy we want to re-enact scenes from 9? Weeks with sees our attractiveness level as akin to that of a discarded dishcloth, and the most physical we could see ourselves being with the guy who actually likes us is a game of ping pong over an especially long table. All of which means that someone usually ends up getting rejected. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I have struggled with the scenario where I am not interested in a man romantically, but I want to keep him as a friend because he is funny and I enjoy his company, or he has shown himself to be that rare specimen known as "a nice, genuine person, " or he simply doesn't mention his therapist in every other sentence. Rather than string him along and give him hope, I feel compelled to somehow communicate to him sooner rather than later that we'll just be staying friends, nothing more. Otherwise, I think I am being unfair to him. Why should he waste his romantic stamina on me when there are loads of other single women out there who might fall instantly in love with him? The thing is, it can sometimes be tricky to reject a man and keep him as a friend. If the operation is not executed carefully, you may end up creating a "menemy." It requires a certain amount of skill to be able to turn down a man's sexual advances or romantic gestures and then get him to agree to meet you for blueberry pancakes the following weekend and chat about the latest Woody Allen film. Some men aren't satisfied with just that. I'm not clear why. What's so bad about friendship? Everyone needs buddies. But I've seen men react poorly or simply fall off the face of the earth. I get it -- their feelings are hurt. None of us likes getting rejected. But in my experience, some men find it especially soul-crushing. I am only bringing all of this up because I recently had to go through this scenario again. I had spent some time cultivating a friendship with a man who, in my defense, I thought was gay. So I didn't see the harm in him buying me the occasional falafel, or accepting an invitation to see a film with him. Isn't that what friends are for? But a mutual friend shed light on his sexual orientation (straight) and suggested that his intentions -- and attentions -- weren't platonic. He had never "made the moves" but now it was all crystal clear -- that explains the way he had looked at me that time the tahini sauce dribbled down my chin! Since he had clearly been too timid to express his feelings, I thought I would be clever this time and subtly mention the dates I had been going on, focusing on the one guy I was kind of keen on, so that he would know that I was "unavailable" for heavy petting and those sorts of activities, but that I was available for things like roller skating, falafel-eating and shooting the breeze. Doesn't that sound nice? That way, he would known not to try to lean in for a kiss, and I wouldn't have to pull the Stevie Wonder dance and dodge him went he went for it. It was like pre-rejection, yet I was sparing his feelings because he didn't even have to put himself out there! I really thought I was being brilliant. It backfired, of course. Said man ended up sending me an email rant accusing me of being insensitive by talking about other men when he had "feelings for me." As if I am psychic, by the way, just because I am a woman! How was I supposed to know that? I think in his mind we were dating. In my mind, he was my new gay BFF. In the end, I got mad at him for getting mad at me, and now the friendship has ended. And I have created yet another "menemy." Look, I have also tried the direct thing: "I really like you, but only as a friend, " but you can only do that when the guy has made his intentions clear, and in my experience, they either cope okay (though rarely do I feel much enthusiasm for friendship after that), or they really don't cope well. I also tried the thing where you make them think they are rejecting you, but it gets quite confusing and only works if the guy isn't very sharp, and why would I -- or you -- be hanging out with someone not that sharp in the first place? As we all remember, Billy Crystal's character says men and women can't be friends in When Harry Met Sally because the sex stuff gets in the way. I do have single, male, heterosexual friends with whom I have an easy, non-romantic rapport, but I honestly don't know if they would walk away if I was sprawled naked on a bed calling out to them. I may not be everybody's cup of tea, but sometimes, I wonder if they wonder. And they may wonder if I wonder. If so, I hope they'll keep it to


Introduction of someone’s watching over me Name:胡旭 Class:计算机113 Student ID:1110210071 Someone’s watching over me is a song recorded by American singer Hilary Duff for her self-titled third studio album in 2004. Hilary Erhard Duff is a woman of many talents for she is an American actress, singer-songwriter, entrepreneur, model, producer and author. She starts her entertainment career at pretty young age. In fact, this song is written for the film raise your voice in which Duff stars.In the movie, which is set at a performing arts summer school, Duff's character, Terri, writes the song with her fellow student Jay, played by Oliver James, and performs it at the film's climax in front of the students, staff and parents.Musically, "Someone's Watching Over Me" is a moderately paced pop song, moving at a tempo of 78 beats per minute. What impress me most is its lyric from which I realize that no matter what happens in life, hold on and keep going forward for there is always someone watching over you and back you up. Life is full of happiness as well as dilemma, all one can do is to enjoy what makes him laugh and go through what makes him suffer. Remember that someone is always accompanying you. This is really a thought-provoking song. In the different period of one’s life,


精选优秀经典的英语诗歌 【导语】英语在诗歌方面还有很多参考的,下面就由苏阳文斋给大家分享一下精选优秀经典的英语诗歌,大家一起来看看吧! 【篇一】精选优秀经典的英语诗歌 Is Heaven a Physician? Is Heaven a Physician? Is Heaven a Physician? They say that He can heal - But Medicine Posthumous Is unavailable - Is Heaven an Exchequer1? They speak of what we owe -

But that negotiation I’m not a Party to - 【篇二】精选优秀经典的英语诗歌 A throe upon the features A throe upon the features - A hurry in the breath - An ecstasy1 of parting Denominated “Death” - An anguish2 at the mention Which when to patience grown, I’ve known permission given

To rejoin its own. 【篇三】精选优秀经典的英语诗歌 Annunciation He has come from the garden, leaving no shadow, no footprint in the dew: They hold each other's gaze2 at the point of balance: everything streaming towards this moment, streaming away. A word will set the seed of life and death, the over-shadowing of this girl by a feathered dark.

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