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Unit2 this is my sister说课稿

Unit2 this is my sister说课稿
Unit2 this is my sister说课稿

Unit2 this is my sister.

Good morning, evering one! I’m Zhang Yuehong. I’m fro m li Dian middle school Anlu. now I’ll say the period one of unit2 this is my sister .go for it! I’ll say the lesson for five parts.1.Analysis of teaching materil.2.Teaching me thods.3.Guid of study ways.4.Teaching procedures.5.Teaching effect prediction。

一.Analysis of teaching materil

(一) Status and fuction

the main topic of this unit is family tree.in this unit the Ss will learn to speak the new words of family members and introduce the family members to others. This is a topic that is related to their daily life. So it can raise their learning interests and improve their spoken English.

(二) Teaching aims and demands

1.knowledge objects

In this lesson Ss should master the new words “grandfather,grandmother,grandparent,father,mother,parent,brot

her,sister,friends…”and so on.at the same time they also should know how to use these sentences “this/that is my mother/father/brother…these/thosearemyparents/grandparents/

sisters/friends..”and know how to answer the questions“who’s

she? Who are they?”

2.Ability objects

in this lesson I’ll mainly train the Ss’abilities of listening and speaking and develop the Ss’abilities of communication by learning the useful vocabularies and structures.

3.Moral objects

In this lesson the Ss should learn how to work with others and help each other .how to impress their own ideas during the communication.

4.Explain the letters in “family”“f”means “father”, “a”means “and”… This activity can educate ss to love their families.

5.Teaching keys and difficulties

According to the teaching aims. I think the focus of this lesson are the new expressions of family members and help the ss to communicate with each other. The difficulty is distinguish the use of “this” and “that”“these” and “those”.

二.Teaching methods

In this lesson I’ll mainly use the “task-based language teaching”method ,and it will be used in the whole lesson it think it’s helpful to develop the Ss’thought. I’ll also use “situational language teaching”method. It can provide enough listening and speaking situations for Ss . I think teaching methods are the keys to success.

三.Guide of studying ways

In order to guide the Ss better.develop the Ss’abilities.in this lesson ss will learn how to be a good language learner .and how to cammunicate with others.it will very helpful for their learning in the future. i think good studying ways can help the ss to be a good language learner.

四.Teaching procedure

step1.Warming up

I play the ppt and ss sing the familysong.this activity can Active classroom atmosphere.


1. In order to form a better English surrounding for ss. attract the ss’ attention. I’ll show ss a famous person’s family photo to lead what we will learn today. the ss may have more interesting to discuss people. I think a good beginning is a half of success.

2.Let the ss look at the picture.ask:whose family photo is it?how many people in his family.then help the ss answer:this is xia yu’sfamily photo.there are 5 people.

3.Then write the key words on the board and use this picture to teach the new words :mother. father. brother .sister. friend ect and lead the ss to read after me one by one

4.ask the ss to imagine he or she is xia yu ,and begin to indruduce

“his or her”family:this is my father and that is my mother.these are my parents.this is my brother.that is my sister.those are my grandparents. Let the ss pay more attention to “this” and “that” “these”and “those” .

This activity can help ss to learn the key words and Sentence patterns Step3 finish1a

Then move to the 1a in this unit to practice more. This activity can not only help the ss grasp the meaning of these new words. but also remember the words easily.

Step4.Listening practice in 1b

Ask the ss to finish 1b.i think it’s easier for them to do it right now.in order to improve listening ability.i’ll ask them to read the dialogue. Because listening is insparable from reading.this activity can not only help the ss grasp the meaning of these new words .but also improve the ss’ listening skills.


Ask ss to take out the photos of their families and have conversations with each other. Then let someone show their conversations to the class. The ss at this age enjoy showing themselves.so it can also improve their studying interests. I think it’s most important during studying. Because interest is a best teacher .

Step6. Play games

Game 1. the game of Identifying the generation.

Each group send a player to join in the game every time. the player draws out a picture and make a sentence according to the picture .

For example: “this /that is my…or these/those are my…”draw out “grandfather/grandmother/grandparents”, Add 3 scores,draw out “father/mother/parents” add2 scores,draw out “sister/brother/friend”add1scores。After several turns, add up the scores. Students and I applaud to encourage the winning groups . game2. The quick quiz game

For example: I say: “father” a student says:”this/thatismyfather.”I say:”parents”a student says:”these/thosearemyparents.”I f the answer is right,record 5 points for his or her group.

step7.Summary and homework

1.S um the new words and Sentence patterns in this unit.

2.S um”this/thatis(Singular is)these/thoseare(plural are),Highlight the

teaching keys and difficulties.

3.h omework

let ss draw a photo of their families by themselves and

introduce their families using the words and sentences that

they have learned.

Board Design

The design of the writing on the blackboard .They are some new words and useful expressions. The new words are on the right and the useful expressions are on the left. It's brief and to the point.

Unit2 this is my sister

singular plural

This/that is my friend Jane. These /those are my brothers.

Father parents


Grandmother grandparents


Who’s she?Who’re they?

She’s my sis ter. They ‘re my grandparents.

五.Teaching effect prediction。

Look at the whole class of design ideas .based on teacher assessment and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/875152399.html,bine with teaching keys and difficulties, and the characteristics of English subject, use of multimedia assisted teaching, from the visual, listening, speaking etc. to enable students to get exercise, they are in a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere, to achieve the initial use of the ability of English communication


This is my head. 杨佳 一、学情分析 本课的教学对象是一年级学生。他们对英语的学习才刚刚起步,因此,在新语言点的学习过程中,教师要尽可能多地创造较好的语言环境,让学生充分感受语言、学习语言和正确地运用语言,培养学生良好的学习习惯和浓厚的学习兴趣,因此教师备课时应考虑到诸多方面,以便收到最佳的学习效果。 二、教学目标 1、知识目标:能够听懂、会说并认读身体部位的词汇:head, nose,face,ear,mouth等,能够运用句型This is my …来介绍身体部位。 2、技能目标:培养学生听,做,说,读的能力以及言语表达能力。 3、情感目标:激发和培养学生学英语的兴趣,使其主动参与课堂实践活动,有效参与小组合组学习,从而培养学生合作意识和集体主义精神。 三、教学的重点与难点 本课的重点是能够听懂、会说并认读人体各部位的词汇,难点是head与mouth 的发音以及运用简单的句型This is my……进行描述。 四:教具准备 多媒体课件、生词卡片、录音机等等。 五:教学过程 Step 1. Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing an English song.《Ten Little Fingers》 (课件显示内容) 教师与学生一起边唱歌谣边做相应的动作。 3.Free talk

(课前将学生分为8个动物组,分别为cats, dogs,elephants,monkeys,tigers,rabbits,cows,lions) T:Wow,we have so many animals in our class. Hello,dogs/good morning ,cats/how are you ?monkeys(设计意图:运用句型This is……,为新授做铺垫) Step 2. Presentation 1.T:today ,we have another two friends come to our class.Now,please guess,who are they?(PPT)学生猜:cat,monkey,monster,Lingling,panda T:oh ,yes ,they are Panpan and baby panda.(ppt) Panpan is teaching baby panda about their organs,let’s watch the video and see how many parts does Panpan teache.(观看视频) T:how many parts? Ss:5/6/7(ppt出示小panda) T:let’s check.one ,two...six parts. (ppt呈现任务) 2.T:After this class,we will have a jigsaw game and you should introduce your organs. 3.(老师带盼盼的头饰) T;Look ,who am I? Ss:Panpan. T:Yes,I am Panpan. (在黑板上贴熊猫身体) T:Oh,this is my body.What’s missing?(指着头部缺失部分) 引出单词head.教读2遍,跟着老师摆动头,边摆动边说head,then check in groups,小组长带着组员进行练习,再check T;my head,my bag,can you guess the meaning? Ss:我的 T:Yes,can you have a try?my...(抽生举例) 黑板上贴句子This is my head. 教师教读两遍,由小老师教读并抽小组检测。 出示eye.


《交通规划》课程教学大纲 课程编号:E13D3330 课程中文名称:交通规划 课程英文名称:Transportation Planning 开课学期:秋季 学分/学时:2学分/32学时 先修课程:管理运筹学,概率与数理统计,交通工程学 建议后续课程:城市规划,交通管理与控制 适用专业/开课对象:交通运输类专业/3年级本科生 团队负责人:唐铁桥责任教授:执笔人:唐铁桥核准院长: 一、课程的性质、目的和任务 本课程授课对象为交通工程专业本科生,是该专业学生的必修专业课。通过本课程的学习,应该掌握交通规划的基础知识、常用方法与模型。课程具体内容包括:交通规划问题分析的一般方法,建模理论,交通规划过程与发展历史,交通调查、出行产生、分布、方式划分与交通分配的理论与技术实践,交通网络平衡与网络设计理论等,从而在交通规划与政策方面掌握宽广的知识和实际的操作技能。 本课程是一间理论和实践意义均很强的课程,课堂讲授要尽量做到理论联系实际,模型及其求解尽量结合实例,深入浅出,使学生掌握将交通规划模型应用于实际的基本方法。此外,考虑到西方在该领域内的研究水平,讲授时要多参考国外相关研究成果,多介绍专业术语的英文表达方法以及相关外文刊物。课程主要培养学生交通规划的基本知识、能力和技能。 二、课程内容、基本要求及学时分配 各章内容、要点、学时分配。适当详细,每章有一段描述。 第一章绪论(2学时) 1. 交通规划的基本概念、分类、内容、过程、发展历史、及研究展望。 2. 交通规划的基本概念、重要性、内容、过程、发展历史以及交通规划中存在的问题等。

第二章交通调查与数据分析(4学时) 1. 交通调查的概要、目的、作用和内容等;流量、密度和速度调查;交通延误和OD调查;交通调查抽样;交通调查新技术。 2. 交通中的基本概念,交通流量、速度和密度的调查方法,调查问卷设计与实施,调查抽样,调查结果的统计处理等。 第三章交通需求预测(4学时) 1. 交通发生与吸引的概念;出行率调查;发生与吸引交通量的预测;生成交通量预测、发生与吸引交通量预测。 2. 掌握交通分布的概念;分布交通量预测;分布交通量的概念,增长系数法及其算法。 3. 交通方式划分的概念;交通方式划分过程;交通方式划分模型。 第四章道路交通网络分析(4学时) 1. 交通网络计算机表示方法、邻接矩阵等 2. 交通阻抗函数、交叉口延误等。 第五章城市综合交通规划(2学时) 1. 综合交通规划的任务、内容;城市发展战略规划的基本内容和步骤 2. 城市中长期交通体系规划的内容、目标以及城市近期治理规划的目标与内容 第六章城市道路网规划(2学时) 城市路网、交叉口、横断面规划及评价方法。 第七章城市公共交通规划(2学时) 城市公共交通规划目标任务、规划方法、原则及技术指标。 第八章停车设施规划(2学时) 停车差设施规划目标、流程、方法和原则。 第九章城市交通管理规划(2学时) 城市交通管理规划目标、管理模式和管理策略。 第十章公路网规划(2学时) 公路网交通调查与需求预测、方案设计与优化。 第十一章交通规划的综合评价方法(2学时) 1. 交通综合评价的地位、作用及评价流程和指标。 2. 几种常见的评价方法。 第十二章案例教学(2学时)

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