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Class:__________ Name:__________ No: __________ Score: __________


1.Most of the wedding ______________(客人)had left.

2.I skimmed through it to get a g______________ impression of the text.

3.'Where does it hurt?' she asked in a g______________ voice.

4.Check your spelling and g______________.

5.The man g______________ nervously at his watch.

6.They achieved their g______________ of increasing sales by five percent.

7.Pencils are g______________ according to softness.

8.G______________, my ankle got better.

9.I smiled a polite ______________(问候), but the woman hardly acknowledged me.

10.If you g______________ correctly, you have another turn.

11.The younger g______________ doesn't know what hard work is.

12.He ______________(指引) us through the narrow streets to the central mosque.

13.There will be tax increases on a wide range of ______________(商品货物) and services .

14.Many people ______________(聚集) in the main square and supported him.

15.______________(一般地) speaking, Japanese cars hardly breaks down.

16.Our ______________(地理) teacher graduated from a famous university.

17.Foreign ______________(政府) have been thinking highly of China's progress in industry.

18.It was my first job after ______________(毕业), so I valued it.

19.The islands b______________ to China were once controlled by foreigners.

20.The exercise was ______________(超出) the abilities of most of the class.

21.My kids spend hours ______________(聊天) on the phone to their friends.

22.He failed because of a moment of c______________.

23. A sentence can be ______________(划分)up into meaningful parts.

24.She rushed d______________ and burst into the kitchen.

25.On e______________ the classroom, the students began to study carefully.

26.The car is quite small, ______________(尤其)if you have children.

27.This small town is by far the ______________(远) place that little Tom has been to.

28.The professor took the Nobel Price for peace in his ______________(五十).

29.A______________ earnings in the country are about $500 a month.

30.There are more than two thousand of us, not c______________ the crew.



1. A new theatre ______________ (build) here. They hope to finish it next month.

2. The report said that the UFO ______________(travel) east to west when he saw it.

3. This is the first time I ______________ (watch) such an exciting game.

4. When I got there, I ______________ (tell) that he ______________ (go) to Shanghai.

5. We ______________ (hope) to catch the 9:30 train, but found it was gone.

6. I ______________ (live) in Xi’ an for ten years by next May.

7. It’s high time we ______________(have) a holiday.

8. The last time I went to my hometown, a big factory ______________(build) there.

9 Great changes _______________(take place) in the city, and lots of factories have been set up.

10. They got married last week after they ______________ (engage) several years. ;

11. When the speaker entered the hall, all the listeners ______________(seat) .

12. The Anti—Japanese War ______________ (break out) in 1937 and it lasted eight years.

13 Unless he ______________ (promise) to help us, we shall lose the game.

14. You don’t need to describe her. I ______________(meet) her several times.

15. Don’t you know it’s the first time he ______________(attend) this kind of meeting?

16. What he said just now ______________(remind) me of the American professor.

17. The professor ______________(refer) to at the meeting is from Beijing university.

18. In the United States, lunch ______________(provide) for students for free at school.

19. --- What shall we do this weekend? --- I suggest _______________(visit) the Dinosaur park.

20. They ______________ (run out) of their water and food, which worried them a lot.

21. We should ______________ (inform) of how the work is getting on.

22. Greatly ______________ (affect) by his son’s failure, the father was in low spirits.

23. Whenever he had time, he _______________ (help) his mother with housework.

24. I ______________(leave) when it began to rain.

25. You’d better come tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon I _______________(see) a friend off at the airport.

26. Such a terrible murder must ______________(look into) by the police.

27. Better ______________(not believe) her story.

28. Mr. Black is a person fond of ______________(praise).

29. She ______________(marry) to that man for 3 years.

30. My little daughter can never keep still while her photograph _______________(take).

31. They will go outing if it _______________(not rain) this Sunday.

32. By the end of last week, four large bridges _______________(build) over the river.

33. In yesterday’s physics exam, John got better marks than _______________(expect).

34. The sports meet the students had been looking forward to _______________(hold) yesterday.

35. They insisted that they _______________(not see) the men he had mentioned.



1-5 guests general gentle grammar glanced

6-10 goal graded Gradually greeting guess

11-15 generation guided goods gathered Generally

16-20 geography governments graduation belonging beyond

21-25 chatting carelessness divided downstairs entering

26-30 especially farthest fifties average counting


1. is being built

2. was traveling

3. have watched

4. was told; had gone

5. had hoped

6. will have lived

7. had

8. was being built/had been built

9. have taken place 10. had been engaged 11. were seated 12. broke out 13. promises 14. have met 15. has attended 16. reminded 17. referred 18. is provided 19. visiting 20. had run/ were running 21. be informed 22. affected 23. would help 24. was leaving 25. will be seeing 26. be looked into 27. not believe 28. being praised 29. has been married 30. is taken 31. doesn’t rain 32. had been built 33. expected/ had been expected 34. was held 35. didn’t see


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 1 n.吉他v.唱;唱歌v.游泳v.跳舞;舞蹈 2 v.画n.国际象棋下国际象棋v.说;说话 3说英语v.参加;加入n.俱乐部;社团 4…擅长于……n讲述;告诉n故事;小说 5 v.写作,写字n.演出;表演v.展示;conj.或者6v. n说话;谈话…跟……说n.(中国)功夫 7 n.鼓敲鼓n.钢琴弹钢琴 8 n.小提琴拉小提琴adv也;而且 9 n人;人们家,活动本部.adv到家;在家10…善于应付……的;对……有办法 11v.使成为;制造结交朋友adv.在今天 12在某方面帮助(某人)中心,中央 13. n.周末. (在)周末 14 v教,讲授n.音乐家莉萨(女名) 15吉尔(女名)彼得(男名)

Unit2 What time do you go to school 1向上起床;站起v.穿衣服n.连衣裙 2穿上衣服v.刷刷净n.刷子n.(pl. teeth)牙齿 3 n.v淋浴;淋浴器(间)洗淋浴 4adv.通常地;一般地四十 5.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀adv从不;绝不 6adv. adj早(的)num.五十n.工作;职业 7n.& v.工作n.电视台;车站广播电台 8adv.(表示整点)…点钟n.晚上;夜晚 9adj奇怪的;滑稽好笑的v.n锻炼;练习 10. (在)周末adj.& adv.最好的(地) 11n.一半,半数prep.晚于;过(时间)adj.过去的12n.一刻钟;四分之一n.家庭作业 13做作业v 跑;奔 14 v打扫;弄干净;adj干净的n.&v.行走;步行15散步走一走 16adv很快地adv或者;也(用在否定词组后)17要么……要么……;或者……或者…… 18. 大量;许多大量;许多 19adv.有时v.有…的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味20n.生活,生命里克(男名)吉姆(男名) 21斯科特(男名)托尼(男名)


人教版英语七年级下册词汇练习题 七年级新目标英语下册专项复习──词汇练习 1.A waiter works in a ________. 2.A __________ works in a school. 3.A doctor works in a _________. 4.A. ___________________ works in a supermarket. 5. A reporter works for a __________. 6.You can see ____________ in a movie. 7._________ me, _______ there a bank ________ here? 8.There’s bank _________ Free Street. 9.It’s down Ocean Street ________ the right. 11.He can ______ the guitar very well. 12.He is ______ computer games. 13.There ______ many ________ in the zoo. 14.Would you like some cold ______? 15._______ are my new shoes? 16.Do you find something interesting ____ football? 17._______you want to ______ a doctor? 18.Nurses help _______ . 19.Can you _______ Chinese food? 21._______ your last birthday party great? 22.I go to ________ early, I can read English. 24.I work late. I ’m very _____ when people go out to dinners. 23.My desk is on the ________左(边 ). Her desk is on the _______右(边 ). 25. There is a(图书馆)in our school. It’s_______ to the teacher’s office. 27.Pandas are very shy. Please be ______! 28There’s a big house ______ a beautiful garden.


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 七年级英语(下)单词测试1 姓名:成绩: 1、跳舞; 舞蹈 2、下国际象棋 3、说英语 4、擅长于… 5、故事;小说 6、弹钢琴 7、拉小提琴8、人们9、善于应付……的10、结交朋友11、在某方面帮助某人12、中心13、(在)周末14、教;讲授15、音乐家16、起床17、穿上衣服18、牙齿(复数)19、洗淋浴20、通常地21、四十22、绝不23、广播电台24、……点钟25、锻炼26、最好的27、过去的 28、四分之一29、做作业30、干净的31、散步32、或者…或者…33、有时34、品尝;滋味35、乘地铁36、骑自行车37、一百38、分钟39、千米 40、每天41、开车42、村庄;村镇

43、在……和……之间44、桥45、害怕 46、离开47、梦想48、成为现实 49、到达50、听……51、打架;战斗52、抱歉的53、外面的54、重要的 55、穿校服56、安静的57、练习 58、清洗餐具59、铺床60、脏的 61、厨房62、可怕的63、对某人要求严格 64、记住65、遵守规则66、保持;保留67、学会68、熊猫69、大象 70、长颈鹿71、动物72、美丽的73、有点儿74、澳大利亚75、南非76、睡觉77、友好的78、忘记;遗忘79、地点80、水81、处于(极大)危险之中 82、超过83、由……制成的84、看报纸 85、做汤86、洗87、看电影 88、房子89、喝茶90、明天 91、超市92、美国93、另外的;其他的94、年轻的95、儿童(复数)96、怀念;思念

97、美味的98、迷路99、更多(的) 100、工作(可数) 七年级英语(下)单词测试2 姓名:成绩: 1、多云的 2、晴朗的 3、天气 4、捎个口信 5、难题 6、再一次 7、温暖的8、加拿大9、夏季 10、度假11、欧洲12、高山 13、国家14、雪人15、多雨的16、邮局17、餐馆18、医院19、在…对面20、在…前面21在…的后面22、沿着(这条街)走23、向左转24、十字路口25、花时间26、爬27、阳光 28、免费的29、喜欢阅读30、钱31、直的32、中等身高33、重的34、中等身材35、今晚;36、一点;少量37、电影院38、英俊的39、演员 40、金黄色的41、嘴42、艺术家


七年级下单词测试 Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-

2013年最新人教版七年级英语 下册单词测试 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 1.吉他 ___________ 2.唱;唱歌___________ 3.游泳___________ 4.跳舞;舞蹈____________ 5.画___________ 6.国际象棋___________ 7.下国际象棋___________ 8.说话___________ 9.说英语___________ 10.参加;加入___________ 11.俱乐部;社团___________ 12.擅长于……___________ 13.讲述;告诉___________ 14.故事;小说___________ 15.写作,写字___________ 16.演出;表演 v.展示;___________ 17.或者___________ 18.说话;谈话___________ 19.跟……说 ___________ 20.(中国)功夫___________ 21.鼓 ___________ 22.敲鼓___________ 23.弹钢琴___________ 24.小提琴___________ 25.拉小提琴___________ 26.也;而且___________ 27.人;人们 ___________ 28.家,活动本部.adv到家;在家 ___________ 29.善于应付……的;对……有办法 ___________ 30.使成为;制造___________ 31.结交朋友___________ 32.在今天___________ 33.在某方面帮助(某人) ___________ 34.中心,中央___________ 35.周末 ___________ 36.(在)周末___________ 37.教,讲授 ___________ 38.音乐家 ___________ Unit 2 What time do you go to school 1.向上___________ 2.起床;站起 3.穿衣服___________ 4.连衣裙___________ 5.穿上衣服___________ 6.刷刷净 n.刷子___________ 7.牙齿___________ 8.淋浴;淋浴器(间)___________ 9.洗淋浴___________ 10.通常地;一般地___________ 11.四十___________ 12.表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀___________ 13.从不;绝不___________ 14.早(的)___________ 15.五十___________ 16.工作;职业___________ 17.工作___________ 18..电视台;车站___________ 19.广播电台___________ 20.表示整点)…点钟___________ 21.晚上;夜晚___________ 22.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的___________ 23.锻炼;练习 ___________ 24.(在)周末___________ 25.最好的(地)___________ 26.一半,半数___________ 27.晚于;过(时间)adj.过去的 ___________ 28.一刻钟;四分之一___________ 29.家庭作业___________ 30.做作业___________ 31.跑;奔___________ 32.打扫;弄干净;adj干净的 ___________ 33.行走;步行___________ 34.散步走一走___________ 35.很快地___________ 36.或者;也(用在否定词组后) ___________ 37.…要么……要么……;或者……或 者……___________ 38.大量;许多___________ 39.大量;许多___________ 40.有时___________ 41.有…的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味 ___________ 42.生活,生命 ___________ Unit 3 How do you get to school 1.火车___________ 2.公交车 ___________ 3.地铁 ___________ 4.乘地铁___________ 5.骑 n旅行___________ 6.自行车___________ 7.骑自行车___________ 8.六十___________ 9.七十___________ 10.八十___________ 11.九十___________ 12.一百 ___________ 13.分钟___________


七年级英语(下)单词测试1 姓名:成绩: 1、跳舞; 舞蹈 2、下国际象棋 3、说英语 4、擅长于… 5、故事;小说 6、弹钢琴 7、拉小提琴8、人们9、善于应付……的10、结交朋友11、在某方面帮助某人12、中心13、(在)周末14、教;讲授15、音乐家16、起床17、穿上衣服18、牙齿(复数)19、洗淋浴20、通常地21、四十22、绝不23、广播电台24、……点钟25、锻炼26、最好的27、过去的 28、四分之一29、做作业30、干净的31、散步32、或者…或者…33、有时34、品尝;滋味35、乘地铁36、骑自行车37、一百38、分钟39、千米 40、每天41、开车42、村庄;村镇43、在……和……之间44、桥45、害怕 46、离开47、梦想48、成为现实

49、到达50、听……51、打架;战斗52、抱歉的53、外面的54、重要的 55、穿校服56、安静的57、练习 58、清洗餐具59、铺床60、脏的 61、厨房62、可怕的63、对某人要求严格 64、记住65、遵守规则66、保持;保留67、学会68、熊猫69、大象 70、长颈鹿71、动物72、美丽的73、有点儿74、澳大利亚75、南非76、睡觉77、友好的78、忘记;遗忘79、地点80、水81、处于(极大)危险之中 82、超过83、由……制成的84、看报纸 85、做汤86、洗87、看电影 88、房子89、喝茶90、明天 91、超市92、美国93、另外的;其他的94、年轻的95、儿童(复数)96、怀念;思念97、美味的98、迷路99、更多(的)100、工作(可数)

七年级英语(下)单词测试2 姓名:成绩: 1、多云的 2、晴朗的 3、天气 4、捎个口信 5、难题 6、再一次 7、温暖的8、加拿大9、夏季 10、度假11、欧洲12、高山 13、国家14、雪人15、多雨的16、邮局17、餐馆18、医院19、在…对面20、在…前面21在…的后面22、沿着(这条街)走23、向左转24、十字路口25、花时间26、爬27、阳光 28、免费的29、喜欢阅读30、钱31、直的32、中等身高33、重的34、中等身材35、今晚;36、一点;少量37、电影院38、英俊的39、演员 40、金黄色的41、嘴42、艺术家 43、描述44、另一;又一45、最后46、罪犯47、面条48、土豆(复数)


外研社七年级英语下册单词短语综合测验 Module 1 c_________ 蜡笔e__________ 橡皮擦g________手套 p_________紫色的c___________ 照相机w__________ 表; 手表s___________ 香肠;腊肠d_______ 鸭s___________ 奇 怪t______ 录音带;录像h_____________ 百t____________ 千 ____________ 首先; 第一____________ 小心(对待) ...... ___________ 从现在开始____________匆匆忙忙 ______________几百; 成百上千_____________寻找 Module 2 P______演奏;弹奏t________网球p_________钢琴 c________俱乐部b__________布告板t________教; 讲 m__________班长; 监督员r________乐意的p_________承诺; 保证f_____健康的;强健的b_______最好的s________得分; 成绩t______ 整齐的; 整洁的b____________ 美的; 美丽的 w__________焦虑; 担心e__________ 每个人 ___________仅此而已____________担心…… _____________与某人相处融洽___________乐于做某事 ____________正如; 正像

Module 3 p_________ 野餐h_________ 家务劳动s________ 愚蠢的; 傻气的f_________ 极好的f__________ 面向未来的; 向前f______迷; 支持者c_________为……喝彩d_________在......期间M_____5月c_________ 乡下; 乡村s________第二c________收集l________垃圾c_________ 营地;帐篷A___________ 澳大利亚的b___________海滨; 海滩 ____________观光___________ 暑假___________ 复习;练习__________ 交朋友___________ 过得愉快 Module 4 c_________粉笔r_______直尺c_________改变; 变化f___________将来;未来n_______需要q_________问题 l________水平f_______(时间)空闲的; 空余的r______雨; 雨水m_________机器r________机器人s________太空; 空间t_________交通j_____ 堵塞; 拥挤h________繁重的; 沉的l_________轻的; 轻松的; 少量的s________短的;短暂的;矮的r______升起; 上升 ______________不再……_____________交通堵塞


七年级(下)英语单词表 1. ________ n.好朋友;伙伴 2. ________笔友 3. ________加拿大 4. ________法国 5. ________日本 6. ________美国 7. ________澳洲;澳大利亚 8. ________新加坡 9. ________英国 10. ________n. 国家 11. ________悉尼 12. ________纽约 13. ________巴黎 14. ________多伦多 15. ________东京 16. ________v.居住 17. ________ n.语言 18. ________n.日语;日本人 19. ________n. 世界 20. ________n.法国人;法语 21. ________ n.(pl.)爱好 22. ________v.讨厌;不喜欢; 23.________n.邮件;邮递 24.________n.办公室;事务所25.________邮局 26.________n.图书馆 27.________ n.餐馆;饭店 28.________n.银行 ________ 街;街道 29.________n.超级市场 30.________n. 街;街道 31.________付钱;支付 32.________n.投币式公用电话 33.________n.公园 34.________abbr.(=avenue)大街;林荫道 35.________n.大街;林荫道 36.________n.中央;中心 37.________n.桥 38.________n.邮件;邮政 39.________adv.在那里 40.________prep.在---附近 41.________prep.横过;在对面 42.________在---对面 43.________prep.紧靠---的旁边;贴近 44.________ 紧靠---的旁边;贴近;最接近 45.________ 介于(两者或多者)之间 46.________ 前面;前边 47.________在---前面 48.________在---之后 49.________n.附近;街区;附近地区 50.________adv.直接地;就;只;仅仅51.________adv.一直;直接 52.________v.转弯;转变方向 53.________adv.﹠n.向左;左边 54.________adv.﹠prep.向下;下去;沿着 55.________adv.﹠n.向右;右边 56.________在右边 57.________ adj.开着的;营业中的 58._______n.市场;市集 59.________ adj.清洁的;干净的 60.________adj.宁静的 61.________adj.肮脏的 62.________n.房子;住宅 63.________int. 欢迎 64.________n.菜园;花园 65.________n.区域;地方 66.________v.享受---的乐趣;欣赏 67.________n.散步;步行 68.________散步 69.________v.穿过;通 70.________n.开始 71.________n.旅行;游历 72.________v.参观;游览 73.________n.地方;地点 74.________n.愉快;开心 75.________玩得开心 76.________conj.(表条件)如果 77.________adj.饥饿的 78.________v.到达;抵达 79.________n.路;路线;路途 80.________ v.乘;坐;搭(车、船) 81.________n.出租车;的士;计程车 82.________n.飞机场 83.________v.通过 85.________v.希望;盼望;期待 86.________pron.您的;你的(用在信末署名前,做客套语) 87.________n.(澳洲)树袋熊;考拉 88.________n.老虎;虎 89.________ n.大象 90._______ _ n.海豚 91.________n.熊猫 92.________n.狮子 93.________n.企鹅 94.________n.长颈鹿 95.________n.动物园 96.________adj.可爱的;聪明的 97.________n.地图;图 98.________adj.聪明的;漂亮的 99.________n.动物 100.________ n.方框;盒;箱 101.________有几分


仁爱版英语七年级下册各单元单词检测试 卷 Unit 5Topic 1 How do you usually come to school? 大门 *对...也一样 乘(车等);靠近;在…旁;在...时间,由 地下铁道;地铁交通 总是,一直;永远 *快点儿;加油;来吧 *走路,步行 *去上学 飞机 火车,培训,训练 船,轮船 小船,小舟 女士(对婚姻状况不明的女子的称呼) 奶奶;外婆 组,群 平日 早地,早的 鸟 捉住;接住;赶上;染上 软体虫,蠕虫 有时 很少;不常 步行;散布 决不,从来没有 骑;乘车,乘车旅行 公园,停放 家庭作业 *做家庭作业 观看;注视;当心,注意,手表,表 电视;电视机 *看电视 生活;生命;人生 美国人,美国的;美国人的 还是,或;否则 很少的,不多的,不多,少数 *吃午饭*在学校;在上课 (一)天,(一)日;白天 休息;其余的人(物);歇息 *休息 打;玩;游戏;播放,玩耍;戏剧 篮球 足球(运动) 游;游泳 *去游泳 *等等 球;舞会 比赛;运动;游戏 更,另外,(much或many的比较级)讲话,交谈,演讲 听;仔细听 *听 音乐;乐曲 图书馆,图书室 必须,应当;必定是,必须做的事 第一;首次;最初, 读,朗读 一次;从前,一度,一旦 星期,周 两次;两倍 每一,每个的 开始;着手 *上课 一会儿,虽然;在…的时;和…同时 床 *睡觉 Unit 5 Topic 2 He is running on the playround. 使得;做,制造 卡片;名片;纸牌 乏味的,无聊的 很快,马上,不久 跑,奔跑 操场,运动场 跳舞 体育馆,健身房;体操


人教版“七年级”下册英语单词表 Unit1 好朋友笔友加拿大法国日本美国澳洲;澳大利亚 新加坡英国国家悉尼纽约巴黎 多伦多东京居住语言日语;日本人 世界法国人;法语爱好讨厌;不喜欢 Unit2 邮件;邮递办公室;事务所邮局图书馆餐馆;饭店银行超级市场街;街道付钱;支付投币式公用电话公园大街;林荫道中央;中心桥 邮件;邮政在那里在---近旁横过;在对面在---对面紧靠--的旁边;贴近介于---之间紧靠---的旁边;最接近前面;前边在---前面在---之后附近;邻近直接地;就;只;仅仅 一直;直接地转弯;转变方向向左;左边向下;下去;沿着向右;右边在右边开着的;营业中的市场;市集清洁的;干净的宁静的肮脏的房子;住宅欢迎菜园;花园区域;地方 享受-的乐趣;欣赏散步;步行穿过;通过开始旅行;游历参观;游览地方;地点 愉快;开心玩得开心如果饥饿的到达;抵达路线;路途乘;坐;搭出租车;的士; 飞机场; 通过希望;盼望; 你的(用在信末署名前)

(澳洲)树袋熊老虎;虎大象海豚熊猫狮子企鹅长颈鹿 动物园可爱的;聪明的地图;图聪明的;漂亮的动物方格;盒子有几分南;南方; 非洲宾戈丑陋的;难看的聪明的;机灵的友好的美丽的;美好的害羞的;怕羞的草 其他的;另外的睡;睡觉在---期间在晚上;在夜里叶;树叶懒惰的;懒散的肉;肉类放松;休息 Unit4 商店;店铺助手;助理店员医生记者;通讯员男警察侍者;服务员医院 银行职员现在;此时担任主角;主演女警官;女警察护士钱;金钱给;授予 获得;得到;购买;拿来穿;戴制服不时;有时在---期间;在(一段时间)之内危险的小偷;贼晚;迟到在外;向外谈话;谈论车站;政府机关的署;局电视台警方;警察警察局 报纸辛苦地;努力地作为按照;根据夏季;夏天故事;小说杂志;期刊年轻的, 年纪小的戏剧;剧本新闻;消息孩子(复数) 国际的教;讲授技能;技巧先生;阁下女士;夫人 Unit5 打扫;清除读;阅读通过;以---的方式公寓;住宅电视节目当然;的确等待;等候 玩具西;西方;西方的活动买东西;购物购物商场;商业街水池;水塘照像机鸟


2012新版英语七年级下单词表 Unit 1 1.吉他____________ 2.唱歌____________ 3.游泳____________ 4.跳舞、舞蹈____________ 5.画____________ 6.国际象棋____________ 7.下国际象棋____________ 8.说;说话____________ 9.说英语____________ 10.参加;加入____________ 11.俱乐部、社团____________ 12.擅长于……____________ 13.讲述;告诉____________ 14.故事;小说____________ 15.写作;写字____________ 16.演出;节目;给……看;展示____________ 17.或者;也不(用于否定句)____________ 18.说话;交谈____________ 19.跟……说____________ 20.(中国)功夫____________ 21.鼓____________ 22.敲鼓____________ 23.钢琴____________ 24.弹钢琴____________ 25.小提琴____________ 26.拉小提琴____________ 27.也;而且____________ 28.人;人们____________ 29.家;活动本部;到家;在家____________ 30.善于应付……的;对……有办法____________ 31.使成为;制造____________ 32.结交朋友____________ 33.在今天____________ 34.在某方面帮助(某人)____________ 35.中心;中央____________ 36.周末____________ 37.在周末____________ 38.教;讲授____________ 39.音乐家____________ Unit 2 40.向上____________ 41.起床;站起____________ 42.穿衣服;连衣裙____________ 43.穿上衣服____________ 44.刷;刷净;刷子____________ 45.牙齿____________ 46.淋浴;淋浴器____________ 47.洗淋浴____________ 48.通常地;一般地____________ 49.四十____________ 50.哇;呀____________ 51.从不;绝不____________ 52.早(的)____________ 53.五十____________ 54.工作;职业____________ 55.工作____________ 56.电(视)台;车站____________ 57.广播电台____________ 58.……点钟(表示整点)____________ 59.晚上;夜晚____________ 60.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的____________ 61.锻炼;练习____________ 62.(在)周末____________ 63.最好的;最好地;最____________ 64.组;群____________ 65.一半;半数____________ 66.晚于;过(时间)过去的____________ 67.一刻钟;四分之一____________ 68.家庭作业____________


七下词汇专练及答案 A. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. Our English teacher tells us s in English. 2. I want to t to them and play games with them. 3. He is not at school and he is at h . 4. Can I m friends with you? 5. Linda can play basketball on the w . B. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. Mike ________(步行) to school every day. 2. I don’t have much ________(工作) to do today. 3. Julie’s father is ________(四十) years old. 4. Dave plays the drums at seven at ________(晚上). 5. A ________(四分之一) of the students in our class like vegetables. C. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. That’s a ________(fun) story. 2. They do ________(they) homework at 8:00 in the evening. 3. Bill ________(clean) his room on Saturdays. 4. My father usually takes a ________(shower) in the morning. 5. The small dog only has three ________(tooth). D. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. There are n students in the small school. Forty of them are boys and fifty are girls. 2. Bob has a car and he d it to work every day. 3. There is a bus stop b the library and the club. 4. My parents are busy and I have to l with my grandparents. 5. He thinks his dream can come t . E. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. It’s ten ________(kilome ter) from the bus station to my school. 2. What does your friend ________(think) of the book? 3. There are two ________(boat) in the river. 4. Jane ________(cross) the bridge to school every day. 5. The students are all from one ________(village). F. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. We must a at school on time. 2. Bob has to do the d after dinner. 3. You can l to music in the hallways. 4. My father is tired and he needs to r . 5. There are many people in the store. It’s very n .


七下 Unit 1get up起床;站起 guitar吉他dress穿衣服;连衣裙 sing唱;唱歌get dressed穿上衣服 swim游泳brush刷;刷净;刷子 dance跳舞;舞蹈tooth (pl. teeth)牙齿 draw画shower淋浴;淋浴器(间) chess国际象棋take a shower洗淋浴 play chess下国际象棋usually通常地;一般地speak说(某种语言);说话forty四十 speak English说英语wow哇;呀 join参加;加入never从不;绝不 club俱乐部;社团early早(的) be good at…擅长于…fifty五十 tell讲述;告诉job工作;职业 story故事;小说work工作 write写作;写字station电(视)台;车站 show演出;节目;给…看;展示radio station广播电台 or或者;也不(用于否定句)o'clock(表示整点)……点钟talk说话;交谈night晚上;夜晚 talk to…跟……说funny奇怪的;滑稽好笑的kung fu(中国)功夫exercise锻炼;练习 drum鼓on weekends(在)周末 play the drums敲鼓best最好的;最好地;最piano钢琴group组;群 play the piano弹钢琴half一半;半数 violin小提琴past晚于;过(时间);过去的play the violin拉小提琴quarter一刻钟;四分之一 also也;而且homework家庭作业 people人;人们do (one's) homework 做作业 home家;活动本部;到家;在家run跑;奔 be good with…善于应付…的;对…有办 法 clean打扫;弄干净;干净的make使成为;制造walk行走;步行 make friends结交朋友take a walk散步;走一走 today在今天quickly很快地 help (sb) with sth在某方面帮助(某人)either也(用在否定词组后) center (=centre)中心;中央either…or…或者…或者 weekend周末lot大量;许多 on the weekend(在)周末lots of大量;许多 teach教;讲授sometimes有时 musician音乐家taste有…的味道;品尝;味道七下 Unit 2life (pl. lives)生活;生命 up向上


1-4单元单词默写 1.皇宫,宫殿n. 2. 紧邻,在…近旁prep. 3.镇,城镇n. 4.加拿大n. 5.法国n. 6.日本n. 7.俄罗斯n. 8.英国abbr. 9.伦敦n. 10.国家n. 11.首都n. 12.英里n. 13.花园,果园n. 14.公寓,套房n. 15.中心n. 16.起居室,客厅n. 17.合用,分享vt. 18.卧室n. 19.自己的adj. 20.浴室n. 21.阳台n. 22.海滩n. 23.海n. 24.餐厅n. 25.零num. 26.百num. 27.千num. 28.百万num. 29.英尺n. 30.平方的adj. 31.米,公尺n. 32.面积n. 33.超过prep. 34.叉n. 35.冰箱n. 36.刀及复数n. 37.台灯n. 38.淋浴器n. 39.沙发n. 40.录像n. 41.可以,也许v. 42.信息,音信n. 43.双的,双倍的adj. 44.书房n. 45.机器n. 46.地,田n. 47.邀请vt. 48.停留,逗留vt. 49.家庭影院 50.洗衣机51.足球场52.稍个口信 53.属于某人自己的54.满是 55.与某人合用/分享某物 1.我的pron. 2.没有什么pron. 3.元n. 4.罐,听n. 5.披萨饼n. 6.安静的adj. 7.空气n. 8.新鲜的adj. 9.本地的adj. 10.慢跑锻炼n. 11.地铁n. 12.著名的adj. 13.西方的adj. 14.歌剧n. 15.剧场n. 16.错过,失去vt. 17.向前,前进adv. 18.很快,不久adv. 19.明信片n. 20.钥匙n. 21.你的pron. 22.我们的pron. 23.他们的pron. 24.她的pron. 25.笔盒,笔袋n. 26.到处,遍及27.钥匙扣n. 28.期待,盼望29.交流学生30.等一会儿 31.作品n. 32.绘画,油画n. 33.划vt. 34.旅馆n. 35.拥有vt. 36.家乡n. 37.饲养vt. 38.生长,发育v. 39.小麦n. 40.友好的adj. 41.嗅,闻到vt. 42.驾车送v. 43.金銮宝座44.艺术品(复数) 1.邻居n. 2.将,会model. 3.访问者n. 4.像,类似prep. 5.服务员n. 6.居民区n. 7.愿意帮忙的adj. 8.志愿者n. 9.社区n. 10.技能n. 11.问题n. 12.某事pron. 13.工程师n. 14.检查vt. 15.损坏了的adj. 16.某人pron. 17.修理vt. 18.任何人pron. 19.学院n. 20.幸运的adj. 21.后天

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