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how to find true love 如何找到真爱

how to find true love 如何找到真爱
how to find true love 如何找到真爱

How to Find True Love

While “How to Get Over a Breakup” was the number one requested article topic I’ve written on, it’s not surprising that a close second is the topic of How to Find True Love. Here’s an email from one reader:

“I’ve realized that one of my main goals is to find a worthwhile and long term relationship. I noticed you have entries on how to keep

a relationship and on how to end a relationship so would you consider

writing an entry on what you perceive to be the best way to find a

worthwhile relationship. How to avoid making the same mistakes,

overcoming fears, keeping up motivation after failure etc.”

– Gary (Dublin, Ireland)

Regardless of our culture, our level of education or economic status, at the depth of all of us are the same desires- to love, to be loved, and to be happy.

Of course we could add other desires to this list, like money and wealth and fancy things, but when you drill into these things, the reason for wanting them is so that we can appear more desirable, and will hopefully be loved and accepted.

If love is something so fundamentally important to us, then why is it that we have so many issues and misunderstandings in the area of finding it? I think the answer is simple, that most of us have never been educated in this fundamental area of our development. Chances are, you didn’t grow up with parents who were relationship experts, and we certainly didn’t study relationships in our high school curr iculums. For most of us, it’s been an adventure in trial and error and learning through pain and heart-break. But is there an easier way?

In light of Valentine’s Day approaching this week, I am going to touch on one of my favorite topics of all time: finding love.

Personal Story

I spent most of my time in my late teens and early twenties on finding love, or so I thought at the time. In actuality I was seeking self-acceptance, approval and identity. I was deeply insecure and had a great fear of being alone. I jumped from relationship to relationship, all the while searching for myself. But the act of seeking self-worth through my external relationships took me further from that which I longed.

I’ve always been an ambitious person and in addition to my job, I’ve often worked on side projects and other interests. But whenever I found myself in a relationship, I would drop everything that was important to me and would focus exclusively on the person I was dating. You see, I didn’t respect myself, and I thought that finding someone to love me was more important than anything else. During these time-consuming romantic courtships, I was distancing myself further from my passions, my purpose and my true self.

Looking back, I had entered many of these relationships out of infatuation or loneliness. It was the fear of abandonment or the guilt of obligation that kept me in these relationships. I often got into and remained involved in relationships for the wrong reasons. I would convince myself that no one else out there would love me, and so I settled. Despite my surface appearance, I was deeply unhappy.

My freedom day came roughly two years ago. In a state of deep depression over unsatisfied relationships and through a growing despise of my gross dependencies on them, a miraculous understanding came to me and I experienced a moment of clarity. At that moment I made a vow to end the pain. (Read my detailed journal entry from that day here.)

I started to devour as much material and wisdom as I could find on the topic of relationships, and studied (and continue to study) with relationship expert Alison Armstrong. I have come a long way from being that insecure little girl, and have learned much about myself in the process. Most importantly I discovered that once I started to truly love myself, and to focus on my own inner peace and wellness, true love came looking for me.

Problematic Relationship Patterns

Let’s first look at some common relationship problems and why many romantic partnerships do not work out.

1. Ego, Fear, & Emotional Insecurities

As with material possessions or professional achievements, relationships give our ego a method by which to identify who we are to the outside world. The problem is that we attach so much of our identity to the external appearance of our relationships that we lose touch with the parts of ourselves that are wise and conscious. The attachment to this false identity leads to a feeling of desperation rather than fulfillment. After all, without the relationship, or the job, or whichever other false identity we have chosen, who would we be?

Besides the ego identification, it’s easy to develop a dependency on companionship. That independent person that we once were starts to evaporate. Our mind becomes fogged and as our self-identification begins to attach itself to the other person, unconsciously or consciously, we become afraid to lose that person. We become dependent on that person and fearful of loneliness.

Out of our emotional insecurities, we start to become needy and to seek out validation from our partner. So, instead of focusing on the celebration of love and partnership, it becomes a game of how to protect ourselves from loss.

2. Communication of Needs

Out of a desire to avoid appearing needy and out of a fear of losing our partner, we start to filter what we say. In doing so, we do not communicate our needs clearly, openly or bravely. We somehow become convinced that our partner

will magically know what to do to fulfill our needs. When our needs are not met, we secretly blame the other person and begin to resent them. When we are unhappy, our partner will pick up on the cues, and in turn, secretly resent us, thus starting a vicious cycle in the silent destruction of a romantic partnership.

So much of what needed to be said was not said, and bad feelings are bottled up and start to accumulate for both parties. Have you ever had a friend come to you and complain about all of the things they are unhappy about with their partner?

Those are the kinds of things they should be telling their partner, if they actually want a change.

Worse yet is when one partner openly communicates their needs only to find that the other party is simply not listening, or does not fully acknowledge what was said, or makes them feel guilty for having those needs.

3. Bad Fit and Settling by Default

Deep down, we are all really good people. But this doesn’t mean that any combination of two good people will make a good partnership. There is such thing as a bad fit, and it is okay to admit it.

The best fits are ones where the most important values for both people are met. They must have life goals that align with one another and have a mutual attraction, understanding, and level of respect for each other. Both people must be committed to making the partnership their top priority.

Sometimes, even when we realize that our relationship isn’t a good fit, we justify staying in it with what seem like logical reasons. We may feel that we won’t find another person who accepts and loves us as much as the current partner. Or we may be afraid to be alone, so we simply settle by default. Each time we are reminded of the bad fit, we brush it under the rug and distract ourselves with some other thought.

We may feel that we are doing a service to the other person by staying in the relationship, but in reality, we are hurting them by not being honest with them and ourselves. And we are accumulating bad feelings and bad energy in our inner space.

Who Is Your Ideal Mate?

We all have a rough idea of what our perfect partner is like: beautiful, or smart, or rich, or educated, or tall, or petite, or pale, or dark, or handsome, or fit, with this car, or with that house or whatever else that strikes our fancy.


The problem comes when we find ourselves in a relationship and we are constantly comparing our partners with this conjured-up ‘perfect’ person. When that happens, we stop appreciating our partner for all the beautiful qualities they do possess.

The truth is this perfect person does not exist. More importantly, we may not actually needall of these qualities in a partner to be extraordinarily happy.

What we need is to identify the most important qualities that we must have in order to feel satisfied and fulfilled (more on creating a must-have list below). By not having identified the must-have qualities in our chosen life partner, we end up settling, and since the person cannot give us the things we truly need, we start to resent them. This will snowball into larger issues.

For example, if height is something that is really important to you, and your partner does not meet that height requirement, regardless of how much they try, they will never grow taller or shrink shorter, and this will bug you and affect your union.

In life, we will get random results if we have not specified what we want. Identifying and understanding what it is that we need in a relationship, allows us to set clear intentions, and in doing so, moves us closer to realizing our intended desires.

Identifying Must-Haves

Here’s a very affective exercise that I picked up from Alison Armstrong that will help you discover and identify the must-have qualities in your partner. I highly

recommend taking at least 10 minutes to go through this, even if you are presently

in a relationship.

Grab a pen and some paper. Find a place where you won’t be interrupted. Turn off the phone, the TV, the computer.

Ready? Here we go:

Step 1. The Perfect Image

On a blank piece of paper, list out all the qualities that your ideal partner will have. What kind of characteristics and qualities do you truly desire? Be creative and open. Use a bullet pointed list, not sentences. List out as many as possible, and use as many pieces of paper as needed.

Be as specific as you can. Get into details like physical attributes, values, lifestyle, views on money, spiritual beliefs, personality traits, hobbies, abilities, age, habits, profession, tastes, etc.

For physical attributes, include things like height, weight, body type, hair color, ethnicity, or anything that you would want if you had your choice in creating your ideal partner.

Step 2. Minimum Requirements (MR)

Minimum requirements are qualities you need from your partner, and without them, you will feel unwell or unsatisfied.

Go through each quality from step 1 and test it with this question:

“Would I rather be alone than be with a person who wasn’t [insert quality]?”

If the answer is yes, mark MR next to the quality, otherwise, leave it blank.

Don’t worry if your list sounds superficial or ridiculous. One MR item on my list is “Great dancer with rhythm and groove”, which may seem like a trivial or petty quality for some people, but is a deal breaker for me.

Step 3. Screening MRs

Now, filter through the MR list, for each item with the MR label, ask the following question:

“If a person had all the other qualities on my MR list, am I willing to let this quality go?”

If the answer is yes, cross out that MR.

The Selection Process

I believe it is crucial to identify and clearly communicate our relationship expectations and personal timelines early on in the dating phase. So often, we get into relationships with silent expectations of a future event that is important to us, thinking that our partner will come around to it when the time is right, only to find out several years later that things will never work out the way we expected. Some common unspoken issues of this nature revolve around marriage, children, financial goals, and even which city you settle down in.

First, be clear with yourself on these types of issues. Understand what kind of commitment you are looking for in a relationship, how you feel about children and where you plan to live. There are no wrong answers, but be honest and specific about what you are looking for in the current stage of your life.

Next, tell yourself that on all of your first dates, you will be clear with people about your relationship expectations and timeline, if any. It can be a scary and awkward experience at first, but it will become less of a nerve racking experience over time. And just think of all the time and emotional energy you are saving by being open from the get-go, instead of setting silent expectations that can lead to disappointment.


On my first dates with any guy, I found that telling them my expectations was pretty nerve-racking, especially for men I was really attracted to, since they could

potentially run the other way. I would begin to tell myself that this would be too much of a shocking conversation for most people to handle on a first date. Why not just wait until date 5 or 6, when I know that he really likes me? The answer is that by then I would have emotionally attached myself to this person and would then be in a situation where I would either have to settle for less than what I wanted, or break it off. It would have been much better to have learned on the first date whether or not we were a good fit.

Personally, I was looking for a husband and to start a family. I would tell them that I wanted to get married before I turned 30 and to start making babies within two years of getting married. Oh, and I would also like to have two children. “Are you okay with that timeline?” I would ask them. The men who were okay with my timeline stayed and the ones w ho weren’t went away. No hurt feelings and everyone wins.

Many of us have latched onto this concept of finding “the one” person out there for us, and so we linger in every relationship that pops up, fearing that we might miss out on “the one”. Think about the fact that there are 6.8 billion people on the planet. Doesn’t it make more sense that “the one” is more likely to be “the

one-hundred-thousand”? I genuinely believe that there are a countless number of people out there who will be great fits for us, an d it’s just a matter of filtering through potential partners until we find one of them.

As such, communicating your desires, needs and expectations, ahead of time, becomes crucial. For example, if having children is of utmost importance to you and your partner is set against having kids, then likely the relationship will not last and both parties are wasting time in the process.

Dating shouldn’t be about settling out of a fear that a better fit might not come along. I believe that dating is about identifying the qualities you need in a person and in a relationship, and then “filtering” through as many people as it takes until you find someone who possesses all the important qualities that you need.

Have you ever had the experience of shopping for a car, and found that once you targeted in on the exact make, model, and color you wanted, you began to see

that car everywhere? From my personal experience, I found that once I became clear with what I needed and expected in a partner and in a relationship, more eligible bachelors who had those qualities started showing up in my life.

Love Yourself First

As I mentioned in the article How to Overcome Breakups, the art of loving yourself is not only important in the healing process from love lost, but also in finding love. I believe that we cannot truly allow others to love us, until we first love ourselves.

Another way of looking at this is to imagine each person in a relationship as a wooden stick. If one person is independent and the other is dependent, it’s like one stick is standing perfectly vertical and the second stick is leaning against the vertical stick. If the vertical stick moves horizontally, the leaning stick will fall. When two people are both independent and joined together through love, it’s like two sticks standing vertically. When they join together, they become a larger and stronger stick and they become interdependent and stronger. If one stick moves horizontally, the other stick will move with it.

Practice loving yourself: take yourself on a date, do things that please and relax you, spend quality time with yourself, write love letters to yourself, practice saying and feeling “I love you” in the mirror.


Additionally, the practice of loving yourself makes you a more attractive person to the outside world.

When you truly love yourself, you will exude and spread a magnetic energy to those around you. Before you know it, you will be surrounded by those attracted to you for who you really are.

Forgiving Our Ex’s

When we hold onto unresolved issues from previous relationships, they become emotional baggage in our future relationships. I’ve found forgiving your ex’s to be a liberating exercise that contributes to the wellbeing of yourself and your future relationships.

A few years ago I sat down with, or phoned, several of my ex-boyfriends, and apologized for hurt feelings I may have caused, and expressed and forgave them for my own hurt feelings from the relationship. This experience brought closure to those relationships, removed the baggage, and allowed new friendships to develop.

A Few Words On Sex

For those of us who are sexually active, I would like to point out one thing. When you have an orgasm, there is a chemical change that takes place in your body. In particular, your body releases a hormone called oxytocin that binds you emotionally to the other person. For a man, the effects of this hormone last for 48 hours. For a woman, the effects last for 14 days.

This explains why, after having sex with someone who is clearly a bad fit for us, we can end up in a relationship with them, even if it’s for a shor t amount of time. Far too often, these relationships can turn into long term relationships that ultimately end badly.

It is recommended by relationship experts to not have sex during your dating and selection process unless you are okay with being emotionally bound to that person or having that person be emotionally bound to you for 14 days. Alison recommends not having sex with someone unless they fit all the qualities on your MR list.

For more information on this topic, read chapter four of “The Female Brain“, by Dr. Louann Brizendine.

Parting Words

People often ask, “Where should I go to find this person?” The logical answer provided by most is to go to places where such a person would hang out, but this practice can often lead to disappointment. My suggestion is to go through the exercises above to gain clarity on what you need and the types of relationships you want. Then spend time practicing the art of self-loving, while being open to the idea of your ideal mate entering your life. I would not actively seek it. Instead spend your efforts on self development.

As with all things of the heart, there is an ingredient of magic in finding love. There are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. Love is beautiful and unpredictable. The best thing we can do is to start to become the most outstanding person possible. The universe will know when we are ready, and when we are, true love will happen, unexpectedly.

* Got a love story you want to share? Share your thoughts and stories with us in the comment section. See you there!


短篇校园爱情文章大全 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 短篇校园爱情文章大全篇1:懵懂的爱 大学校园里一排青青的柳树下走着一男一女,男孩叫杨庆,性格沉稳,不爱张扬。 女孩叫梅子,性格文静,话不多。两个人默默的走了很久,杨庆几次欲言又止,他喜欢梅子很久了,从上学的第一天看见她,她那张纯真的脸就烙在了他的心理,他总想梅子应该会明白他的心意。所以他不需要表白,反正俩人兴趣相投、心灵相惜,何须言语。 梅子不是没感觉,可她不确定,她一直在心里揣测,是爱自己吧?可为什么他从不表白?要说他对自己没意思,那眉目间对自己的眷恋又是什么? 这种事杨庆不说,梅子是绝不会问的。一来二去大学三年的时光就要过去了,杨庆还是没有任何表示,梅子黯然的想也许是她考虑错了,杨庆本就不喜欢自己,只是把自己当成好朋友罢了,如此一想梅子的心凉了,从此她特意躲着杨庆,想用逃避来忘掉心里隐隐的痛。 杨庆不知道梅子为什么突然不理他了,他很彷徨也很恐惧,特别是看见梅子和男生走在一起的时候,心就像被撕裂一般的痛楚,最后他终于忍无可忍,在梅子和一个男生走出教室的时候他跟了出来,在后面大叫了一声:“梅子......”

可这一刻他却失去了勇气,用自己勉强能听见的声音问:“梅子你能帮我抄点东西吗?我一会等着要用。” 梅子有些失望,淡淡的说道:“今天不行我要出去。” 杨庆急了,抓耳挠腮的堵在过道上,想说什么却说不出来憋的脸通红。 男生拉了拉梅子的胳膊说:“梅子咱们走吧!” 梅子点点头,杨庆只好心不甘情不愿的让开了道。就在梅子和他擦身而过时,杨庆脑袋轰的一声,然后失控的大喊:“阿梅,别去!” 梅子停了停后继续向前走去。 杨庆在她身后用蚊子一样的声音说道“我爱你......” 梅子浑身一震转过头去,见杨庆脸色通红。她问:“你刚才说什么?” 杨庆急促不安的站在那里,双手紧紧的握在一起,提高了一点音量,“梅子,我爱你......” 梅子等这句话不知道等了多久,只感觉鼻子一酸,眼泪扑哧扑哧的掉了下来...... 短篇校园爱情文章大全篇2:说不出的我爱你 说起青梅竹马这回事,我没有任何的发言权。我因为搬家太频繁,在青梅竹马这件事从一开始就输在了起跑线上。 对于青梅竹马这回事,老钱的故事就比我丰富得多。 老钱在穿着开裆裤的时候就认识了郭婷,那时候他一点都不喜欢郭婷,因为郭婷从不爱和他玩。我插嘴,这不是废话吗,老钱你从小


只有真心,才有真情;只要珍惜,才有永恒 缘聚缘散间,才知道相守很难;分分合合里,才知道永远很远。将心比心,才有知心;以心暖心,才有恒心。守住心中的风景,才是最美;拥有不变的感情,才是最真。爱,就是让一个人住进另一个人心里。简单的,只有思念,只有挂牵;幸福的,偶尔甜蜜,偶尔伤感。无欲无求,无关风月,只因心已相连;无怨无悔,无关距离,只因情已刻骨。爱到深处,是无言;情到浓时,是眷恋。不求彼此拥有,只愿一生相守;不求海枯石烂,只愿心灵相伴。最真的爱,是心灵深处的语言…… 生命中,有的人在你眼前,不要忽视了有的人还在你身后。默默的付出,从来不求回报;静静的陪伴,从来不言不语。欢笑时的围绕,不如落泪时的拥抱;得意时的追捧,不如失意时的依靠。不惊不扰的人,未必无情无义;轰轰烈烈的来,未必长长久久的守。最深沉的爱,总是默默无声;最暖心的情,总是一路同行。那么多的人走进生命,真正停留的能有几个;那么多的风景掠过眼前,真正记住的能有几处。风景错过了,可以再看;感情失去了,不可能重来。 最幸福的感受,就是有人惦念;最真实的感动,就是有人心疼。语言不在于华丽,而在于入心;感情不在于热烈,而在于真心。情有冷暖,缘有聚散,惺惺相惜才能永远;爱有浓淡,心有真假,心心相印才有温暖。真心的付出,才有真情的收获;用心的呵护,才有心灵的相守。一生何求,只要有人知冷知暖,足够!许多的爱不用说,用心感受;许多的情不用听,时间证明。路过你的,只是一时痴迷;真爱你的,才会不离不弃。 遇见不论早晚,真心才能相伴;朋友不论远近,懂得才有温暖。轰轰烈烈的,未必是真心;默默无声的,未必是无心。把一切交给时间,总会有答案。平淡中的相守,才最珍贵;简单中的拥有,才最心安。一路走来,其实我们都在寻找一个可以说心里话的人。快乐有人分享,就会加倍;痛苦有人分担,就会减半。无论何种心情,只要有人懂,就是最好的安慰。陪伴于无形,是心与心的对语;感动于无声,是魂与魂的聆听。互诉的是心声,给予的是心疼;相通的是心灵,滋润的是生命。感情,就是以心交心,以情暖情。 不是所有的爱都能拥有,彼此都在,就是最真的承诺;不是所有的情都能倾诉,彼此都懂,就是最好的感受。默契不语,却心灵相通;春去秋来,却真情依然。没在身边,却在心里;没有牵手,却有挂牵。走进的是心灵,拥有的是感动。心的贴近,温暖着飘零;情的真诚,呵护着生命。阳光暖在身上,真情暖在心上。真正对你好的人,是不需要回报的。陪伴,无怨无悔;付出,全心全意。无论何时何地,以心作陪;无论天涯海角,以情相暖。

纵横美国-新世纪走遍美国第45集: True Love 真爱(一)

纵横美国/新世纪走遍美国第45集:True Love 真爱(一) True Love 1 真爱1 Hello? Nancy? 你好?南茜? Oh. She must be at the retirement home with her uncle. 噢。她一定在退休之家和她叔叔在一起。 Retirement home? 退休之家? Yeah. He just went to live there. 是的。他刚刚去那儿生活。

That must be rough, especially at Christmas. 一定很难,特别是在圣诞节。 Yeah. 是啊。 Would you like to open your present? 你想打开你的礼物吗? I'd love to. I have a present for you, too... under the Christmas tree. 我当然愿意。我也有礼物给你… 在圣诞树下。 Well, you open your gifts first. 好,你先打开礼物。 All right. 好的。 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your friend, Alex.' “圣诞快乐,新年好。你的朋友,阿里克斯”。 He made the statue at school. 他在学校做的这雕像。 'Mighty Casey at the Bat'... What a riot! I'll keep it forever. It's so cute. All right, now you open your present. “拿球棒的神力凯西”… 多有趣的人!我会永远保留的。真可爱。好了,现在你打开礼物。


关于青春的散文一: 活一场青春无悔 无论青涩稚嫩是否逐渐褪去,但无论如何请你且行且珍惜。你所选取的路,笑着闹着,纵使是哭着跪着,你也要坚持且有目的的走完,永远不好忘记为何启程,也不好忘记自我的初衷,不好去为了个稍微的最优而赶路,但这一路上无论简单平凡还是轰轰烈烈,在你回忆起来时一点要有好处,而且无悔青春。 致内心 请你永远怀有一颗对未来有着满满憧憬的心。拥有用心向上,面朝阳光喜笑颜开,能够发现自我所拥有的幸福,自我懂得创造幸福,要做一个有着,满满幸福感的女子。 不需要有多大的野心,但必须要有自我的追求,有自我的梦想并执着钟爱于它。你所追求的,喜欢它你能拥有它给你带来的愉悦,执着于它你能感觉到所追求过程中创造的好处,而且找到自我的价值。 请活出自我想活的样貌。不好去攀比,不好变得虚荣,不好堕落,不好失去自我,同时不好去自卑,不好委屈了自我,不好勉强自我。做自我,不需要太多,活出自我想活的样貌,自我知道好不好就好,自我感觉到愉悦就好。但必须要清楚自我想要的是什么,自我想要干什么,自我想要活出什么样的人生。如果距离自我所渴望的还有距离就请反思自我加以改善,如果到达了,期望你能以一种虚怀若谷的心态,以未满的心态追求更好的自我。 致情感 你成长的每一步都会随即而来的许许多多不一样的情感。有些让你在哭中学习并领悟成长,有些在笑里疯着闹着学着长大。 陪你笑笑闹闹真心待你的人该珍惜,让你哭的人也请学习并领悟感谢。每一个人经过你的性命,无论是陌路还是挚友,每一个人的存在必然会教会你一些东西,在别人有声还是无意中会影响你改变你,会有人对你热情关爱,也会有人对你冷漠隔阂。有人夸奖你那就当然会有人抨击你。但无论这样,学习并领悟感恩不好去埋怨。正因她们所给予的,到最后才让你构筑了一个强大的内心世界。 你还会应对各种各样的人,物,事。我期望你能够逐渐的学习并领悟处理好,而这一步也许很难,但这是你务必学习并领悟的。 你所拥有的要珍惜。 你所失去的就放宽心,让过去的过去。 你所拥有的每一份情感,无论悲与喜,不用去刻意逃避,有一天你能够很坦然的把以前哭得痛彻心扉的事情笑得倾国倾城的讲出来。 你只是需要等待,更好的自我的到来。


最新的关于真情的句子大全 1、人间处处有真情。真情是一轮暖阳,温暖你的心;真情是一把火,照亮你人生的道路。 2、真情是精神花园中盛开的珍贵花朵,在爱的呵护下也许会永生开放;但也有可能发生枯萎。当真情枯萎时,人应该不只是悲伤,更要反思。人应学会将已变质的过去的“真情”埋葬,聪明人总是将埋掉的“真情”作为下一轮真情的养料。 3、有的人来到你身边,是告诉你什么是真情;有的人,是告诉你什么是假意;就像有的人来到你身边是为了给你温暖,有的人是为了使你心寒。这一切都是生命的礼物,无论你喜欢与否也要接受,然后学着明白它们的意义。 4、真情,是无私的奉献;真情,是真诚的情谊;真情,是纯洁的爱。在我们的身边,处处有真情。 5、人类需要重新诞生,这,并不是真的诞生,而是一种精神的诞生,人类的精神与思想需要重新诞生,当你给予时,却要求对方要有所回报,那么,真情将会很快离你而去,当你失去了真情时,你,就失去了生命的真谛。

6、真情的生存离不开阳光的沐浴、雨露的滋润。真情只能用心去感悟,用默契来表达。如果人的心里世俗的尘土积淀的太厚,为利所忙为名所累,在他的心里不会出现真情。只有拂去心灵上积淀的尘土,把心中所有的欲望全部抛开,心灵得到净化,才能把真情藏在心底,自己静静地品尝。 7、真情,一个独特的词,它既不华丽,也不优美,却珍藏了人心底最宝贵的东西——情感。一个人可以没有爱情、亲情,但一定会有情感,有一份真情。 8、友情是一样帮你克服困难的利器,它会陪你出生如死。当你有困难是它会不牺一切代价帮你战胜困难。但它有时却很虚假,当你有权有势时它就在你身边但当你日落西山时,它就会在你面前消失,所以它只能在困难中体现。 9、若是有真情,爱意如溪水,若是有真爱,爱意如阳光,若是两情相悦,又岂在朝朝暮暮,女子淡淡的情愫,深深地想念,浓浓的爱意,蜜蜜的言语,醉了他的情,醉了他的意。 10、说到亲情,我深感内疚,每次自己受伤的时候最先想起的就是父母,总会让他们跟着一起伤心难过;我想好好的问自己为什么总是长不大?为什么总让父母放心不下?但是父母的关心,总能温暖我

英语作文-True Love(真爱)

Cal 郭磊 41251128 Accelerated Class 6 True Love Makes Us Invincible Individuals live with many factors, such as money, social status and love. Money is the basis of existing in modern society. Social status can help you win admiration. However, love is the only thing to bring us hope and happiness, which is more important than anything else in our life. On the one hand, for an individual, love means the driving force of living. On the other hand, love as a strong bond between people makes our world harmonious and warm. Now that love is such a big deal, what is true love? I remembered I saw a word about true love somewhere really made sense, which said LOVE IS A BREAKING OF SELF-CENTEREDNESS. Thinking about it, considering more for others and being willing to devote may be the only way to judge whether it’s true love or not. When we fall in love with someone or something, we are far from selflessness. It seems much better to be a giver than to be a receiver. For example, in a family, parents are always unilateral protectors and helpers till their kids get the ability to love than give it in return. There needs more sharing and respect equally between lovers or friends. A person who is selfish won’t get happiness from love because he doesn’t understand the truth of it. When we meet true love, positive affection will led to the growth of our minds and spirits. In another word, we will become strong enough and never give up fighting


关于真情的句子 本文是关于好词好句的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 关于真情的句子 1、人间处处有真情。真情是一轮暖阳,温暖你的心;真情是一把火,照亮你人生的道路。 2、我理解了真情,学会了真情,与时我也懂得了真情懂得了真情。那一份希望希望之火在我心中被静静的点燃,享受真情的呵护,最后终于被熊熊的烈火燃烧起来! 3、亲情不是每一刻都表现的轰轰烈烈。有细腻如水的母爱,有沉默如石的父爱,有凉爽如雨的兄弟。他们以他们独特的方式在关心和爱护着我们。朋友!还等什么?把心打开,让爱进来。 4、真情,是无私的奉献;真情,是真诚的情谊;真情,是纯洁的爱。在我们的身边,处处有真情。 5、亲情是世界上最坚不可摧的东西,它是任何东西都无法摧毁的,当你病了的时候,它会给你带来关心;当你冷的时候它会给你温暖;当你灰心丧气时它会给你信心。这就是亲情。 6、真情的生存离不开阳光的沐浴、雨露的滋润。真情只能用心去感悟,用默契来表达。如果人的心里世俗的尘土积淀的太厚,为利所忙为名所累,在他的心里不会出现真情。只有拂去心灵上积淀的尘土,把心中所有的欲望全部抛开,心灵得到净化,才能把真情藏在心

底,自己静静地品尝。 7、若是有真情,爱意如溪水,若是有真爱,爱意如阳光,若是两情相悦,又岂在朝朝暮暮,女子淡淡的情愫,深深地想念,浓浓的爱意,蜜蜜的言语,醉了他的情,醉了他的意。 8、说到亲情,我深感内疚,每次自己受伤的时候最先想起的就是父母,总会让他们跟着一起伤心难过;我想好好的问自己为什么总是长不大?为什么总让父母放心不下?但是父母的关心,总能温暖我这颗受伤的心。为了让父母少操心、少牵挂,我只能慢慢的让自己变得强大,强大到不怕任何的风吹雨打。 9、有的人来到你身边,是告诉你什么是真情;有的人,是告诉你什么是假意;就像有的人来到你身边是为了给你温暖,有的人是为了使你心寒。这一切都是生命的礼物,无论你喜欢与否也要接受,然后学着明白它们的意义。 10、真情是干旱时节的一滴水,虽然只是那小小的一滴,却可以滋润一棵嫩芽,保持着那一份鲜活的绿,虽然只是那小小的一滴,却很难寻觅。 11、也许,知足才是一种最大的幸福;也许,快乐才是人生最终的追寻;也许,真情才是连接真谛的生命之桥! 12、情很难让人悟出真谛,悟出真情的深刻含义就更是难上加难了。我个人不成熟的认为:真情是高山上流下来的泉水,利剑很难把它斩断。是冬天的一缕阳光,给人带来温暖。是春天的丝丝细雨,滋润人们干渴的心田。是一张无形的呵护网,让人感到安全。是一棵


神奇:一个能助你找到真爱的数学公式! Mathematics is probably not a subject that many people find sexy, but it could hold the key to finding true love. 数学对于许多人来说可能并不性感,但是它却是帮你找到真爱的关键。 Mathematicians have developed a series of theories that can help people find the perfect partner. 数学家们推理出一系列定理来帮助人们找到完美的另一半。 These include tips such as not trying to hide the less attractive parts of your appearance in your online dating profile pictures and looking for people who had fewer colds as a child. 这些定理小贴士包括:不要试图在自己在线约会的简历上掩盖自己的外在不足;寻找儿时很少感冒的对象。 They have also proposed mathematical approaches to finding the perfect wife or husband - by not choosing to settle down until after the age of 22 years old. 他们同时用数学方法建议大家,要寻找完美的老公或老婆,请不要在22岁前稳定下来。 Dr Hannah Fry, a lecturer at University College London and author of a new book on The Mathematics of Love, outlined the theories at the Oxford Literary Festival. Hannah Fry博士,来自伦敦学院大学的学者,同时也是这本名为《爱情数学》的新书作者,在牛津文化节上罗列了一系列的定理。 She said that choosing friends who are slightly less attractive than you when going out looking for love could also bring advantages. 她说:选择比自己魅力小的人一同出去猎艳对自己来说更有优势。 This is known as the Discreet Choice Theory, where the presence of an irrelevant alternative can change how you view your choices. 这就是谨慎选择理论,当毫不相干的替代者出现时会改变人们做选择的想法。 THE MATHEMATICS OF FINDING TRUE LOVE 找到真爱的数学方法 In her book, Dr Hannah Fry suggest a number of techniques to help people find true love. 在她的书中,Hannah Fry博士提供了一系列帮助人们寻找真爱的技巧。


写给儿子的一封信 我的儿子: 写这信给你,基于三个原因: 1、你正站在人生节点上:回首,是悄然溜走的童年时光,向前,青春的帷幕徐徐向你开启。 2、有些话,我们不跟你说,没有人会跟你说。 3、彼此约定:我们好好工作,你好好读书,谁也不让谁操心。 (一)关于目标:人可以没有伟大理想,但不能失去目标。在一考定终身的体制下,不管你平时多么努力、多么用功、多么厉害,只要考砸了,就会被淘汰!你应该明白,作业多、书包重、没日没夜去学习,不是大人无情,而是现实残酷! (二)关于定位:在家里,独生子女个个都是小皇帝,但在学校,皇帝太多,没人会把你当回事!除非你的成绩更优秀、你的才艺更出众、你的表现更出色,老师还当你是块宝。社会也一样,以后,你要成为富人还是穷光蛋,要住平房还是别墅,要别人瞧不起还是尊重,都靠自己负责。 (三)关于学习:在学校,学习是主要的,但不是唯一的,学习好却体质差,这与“读书读书、越读越猪”没二样。同学间搞聚会,要比就比:20岁比学历、30岁比能力、40岁比阅历、50岁比财力、60岁比体力、70岁比病历、80岁翻黄历,人生几十载,归根到底就是比身体,儿子,好好锻炼吧。 (四)关于未来:一个人的未来由知识、能力、态度决定。知识可以通过学习获得,能力也可以在实践中增长,而态度却由习惯养成。你在良好习惯培养上,有时缺乏持之以恒的精神。现在,端正态度还来得及。未来,我希望你所做的一切,是既利已又利人。 (五)关于自己:在学校,老师没有义务对你好,除非你首先尊重老师,同学没有义务关心你,除非你首先关心同学;在你的一生中,也没有人有义务要对你好,除了我和你爸。不要以为世界少了自己,地球就转不

true love英语作文优秀范文

true love英语作文优秀范文 当你经历过爱与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的,才会知道什么才是真爱,也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。下面是整理的true love英语作文,以供大家学习参考。 true love英语作文:True Love Makes Us Invincible Individuals live with many factors, such as money, social status and love. Money is the basis of existing in modern society. Social status can help you win admiration. However, love is the only thing to bring us hope and happiness, which is more important than anything else in our life. On the one hand, for an individual, love means the driving force of living. On the other hand, love as a strong bond between people makes our world harmonious and warm. Now that love is such a big deal, what is true love? I remembered I saw a word about true love somewhere really made sense, which said LOVE IS A BREAKING OF SELF-CENTEREDNESS. Thinking about it, considering more for others and being willing to devote may be the only way to judge whether it’s true love or not. When we fall in love with someone or something, we are far from selflessness. It


关于青春的懵懂的爱情故事 1.单恋是一朵娇美的花 我第一次见到她是她站在讲台上略有些生涩地介绍自己。她的温文尔雅、博学多识, 还有那具有穿透力的声音,连带她始终微笑着的大气淡定便深深地刻在了我的脑海之中, 挥之不去。是的,就在那一瞬,我喜欢上了她,而且整整喜欢了十五年,几乎占据了我的 青春岁月。 单恋是一朵娇美的花我想见到她,但又怕见到她。我每天坐在靠窗的角落固执地看着 她从办公室匆匆走出,然后在她走进教室的那一刻,我又不由自主地低下了头。因为我怕 别人甚至她看出我的心思,而只有在她讲课的时候,我才可以正大光明地展露我心中的爱慕。 我和她有着别人羡慕的亲密互动,而且理由恰当。我自认文笔还算不错,从小到大都 是语文老师的宠儿,但在她的面前我却有些不太自信。她也会经常把我的作文当作范文在 班上朗诵,但她也总会委婉含蓄地指出我的缺点。她会说如果没有这些错别字会更好,如 果字迹再清晰些会更佳。有一次我审题有些偏离了中心,她鼓励我说虽然立意有些失误, 但语言却很美。我把这些时常在脑海中回忆,让我恋得有些沉醉。 我的潜意识里又希望能跟她更熟悉些,我也在刻意地寻找着这样的机会。一次她下课 后走出教室,却忘了带走讲桌上的钥匙,我在后面想都没想拿起钥匙就追了出去。我看到 她正站在单车旁,低着头焦急地在包里翻找着什么,我连忙喊她道:“老师,您把钥匙落 在讲桌上了。”她惊愕地抬起头笑道:“看我这记性,我还以为弄丢了呢!谢谢你!” 我看着她单车上娇弱的身影,抬头看操场上的旗子,心里头想着:“今天是顺风,那 她应该骑得不必那么辛苦了吧!” 教师节快到了,班上想给每位老师买些小礼物表达我们的心意,前提是不必太贵,但 要贴心,而且要根据每个老师的特点准备。于是班长让同学们各抒己见,我说语文老师有 咽炎,我们可以给她准备水杯和咽炎片。所以当她看到这些的时候感动得有些语塞,而我 心里却很高兴。 她总是能游刃有余地处理着和我们的关系,遵守着来而不往非礼也的古训。中秋节我 们没能赶上放月假,每个同学都垂头丧气且唉声叹气。而她来了,不仅给我们带来了月饼,还有玉米、花生、瓜子、糖果等。有个女同学跑过去抱着她说着心里话,我在心里想我要 是那个女生该有多好。 我以为我可以就这样,若即若离地跟着她长长久久地走下去。可是,每年面临的文理 分科把我们拆散了。她教了隔壁班,每天从我们班经过。我还能看见她,但心里却有些不 是滋味,空落落的。我想起她给我们读过的《致橡树》,所以我决定,我必须要长成她身


只有真心,才有真情;只要珍惜,才有永恒 风景错过了,可以再看;感情失去了,不可能重来。缘聚缘散间,才知道相守很难;分分合合里,才知道永远很远。将心比心,才有知心;以心暖心,才有恒心。守住心中的风景,才是最美;拥有不变的感情,才是最真。 最真的爱,是心灵深处的语言。最幸福的感受,就是有人惦念;最真实的感动,就是有人心疼。语言不在于华丽,而在于入心;感情不在于热烈,而在于真心。情有冷暖,缘有聚散,惺惺相惜才能永远;爱有浓淡,心有真假,心心相印才有温暖。真心的付出,才有真情的收获;用心的呵护,才有心灵的相守。 爱,就是让一个人住进另一个人心里。简单的,只有思念,只有挂牵;幸福的,偶尔甜蜜,偶尔伤感。无欲无求,无关风月,只因心已相连;无怨无悔,无关距离,只因情已刻骨。爱到深处,是无言;情到浓时,是眷恋。不求彼此拥有,只愿一生相守;不求海枯石烂,只愿心灵相伴。 许多的爱不用说,用心感受;许多的情不用听,时间证明。路过你的,只是一时痴迷;真爱你的,才会不离不弃。遇见不论早晚,真心才能相伴;朋友不论远近,懂得才有温暖。轰轰烈烈的,未必是真心;默默无声的,未必是无心。把一切交给时间,总会有答案。平淡中的相守,才最珍贵;简单中的拥有,才最心安。 世界上最温暖的事,莫过于有人懂有人疼。微笑,因一个人而起;痛苦,因一

个人而生。一次冷落,会闷闷不乐;一句想你,会倍感幸福。付出了所有,也心甘情愿;失去了自我,也义无反顾。真正的在乎了,才会走进心里;确实的沦陷了,才会情不自禁。爱的世界里,从来没有公平可比,只看你的心愿不愿意。只有真心,才有真情;只要珍惜,才有永恒。 不是所有的爱都能拥有,彼此都在,就是最真的承诺;不是所有的情都能倾诉,彼此都懂,就是最好的感受。默契不语,却心灵相通; 春去秋来,却真情依然。没在身边,却在心里;没有牵手,却有挂牵。走进的是心灵,拥有的是感动。心的贴近,温暖着飘零;情的真诚,呵护着生命。阳光暖在身上,真情暖在心上。真正对你好的人,是不需要回报的。陪伴,无怨无悔;付出,全心全意。无论何时何地,以心作陪;无论天涯海角,以情相暖。 欢笑时的围绕,不如落泪时的拥抱;得意时的追捧,不如失意时的依靠。不惊不扰的人,未必无情无义;轰轰烈烈的来,未必长长久久的守。最深沉的爱,总是默默无声;最暖心的情,总是一路同行。那么多的人走进生命,真正停留的能有几个;那么多的风景掠过眼前,真正记住的能有几处。 快乐有人分享,就会加倍;痛苦有人分担,就会减半。无论何种心情,只要有人懂,就是最好的安慰。陪伴于无形,是心与心的对语;感动于无声,是魂与魂的聆听。互诉的是心声,给予的是心疼;相通的是心灵,滋润的是生命。感情,就是以心交心,以情暖情。

英语美文晨读:True Love 真爱

英语美文晨读:True Love 真爱 True Love 真爱 An ancient Hebrew text says: "love is as strong as death." 一篇古代希伯来文说到:“爱和死一样强烈” It seems that not everyone experiences this kind of strong love. 好像不是每个人都经历了这种强烈的爱。 The increasing poverty, crime and war tell us that the world is in desperate need of true love. 日益增加的贫穷,犯罪和战争告诉我们这个世界极度需要真爱。 But, what is true love? 但是,真爱是什么? Love is something we all need, but how do we know when we've experienced it? 爱是我们都需要的东西,但是我们怎么知道什么时候经历了爱? True love is best seen as devotion and action, not an emotion. 真爱最好被看成是奉献和行动,而不是情感。 Love is not exclusively based on how we feel. 爱不完全是基于我们的感觉。 Certainly our emotions are involved, but they can not be our only criteria for love. 当然我们的情感也涉及到了,但是情感不能成为我们对爱的唯一标准。 True love is when you care enough about another person that you would lay down your life for them. 真爱是当你们足够关心在乎另一个人,你们愿意为他们放弃自己的生命。When this happens, then love truly is "as strong as death."


关于青春懵懂爱情的句子 关于青春懵懂爱情的句子 1.恋爱就像看电视,手握遥控器,充满期待地等待好节目,最后精疲力竭倒头睡去,然而第二天你还忍不住要来等。 2.一份恋爱,只需冲动一时;一场婚姻,却要用心一世。因为,恋爱是浪漫的,婚姻却是现实的。 3.恋爱就象喝茶,倒掉的都是茶,喝下去的都是水,但是你从不承认自己喝的是白开水,却总是吹嘘自己喝的茶有多么多么名贵。 4.恋爱就象手机,总是谣传要单向收费,却永远出不了台,最后你才发现,谣言发源地不是用户自己,就是没有手机的所谓专家学者。再以后,你不得不说服自己,双向收费是多么合理合法。 5.恋爱就像导演,打出的旗号无一不是艺术至上,其实都是以貌取人。 6.恋爱就像看电视,手握遥控器,充满期待地等待好节目,

最后精疲力竭倒头睡去,然而第二天你还忍不住要来等。 7.恋爱就像某些领导,口口声声表示要扶植新人,但进入操作层面,新人却总是发现自己无法与老人抗衡。 8.恋爱就像某些人眼中的“革命”,标榜着自己多么高深莫测、多么洁白无暇,但归根结底,还是免不了直奔主题:请客吃饭。 9.后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪。后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误。所以不要后悔。 10.请珍惜你身边默默爱你的人。或许,有一天当他真的离开了。你会发现,离不开彼此的是你,不是他。 11.我们一生当中,并不可能只爱一个人,但往往有一个人让你笑得最甜,让你痛得最深,往往有一处美丽的伤口,成为你身体上不能愈合的一部分!因为陌生,所以勇敢,因为距离,所以美丽。 12.你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;你逝去的时候,你笑着,而周围的人在哭!一切都是轮回!我们都在轮回中! 13.快乐要有悲伤作陪,雨过应该就有天晴。如果雨后还是


《真爱同心》观后感10篇 以下是为大家整理的《真爱同心》观后感10篇的相关范文,本文关键词为真爱同心,观后感,10篇,,您可以从右上方搜索框检索更多相关文章,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注我们并推荐给您的好友,您可以在观后感中查看更多范文。 《真爱同心》是一部由克里斯·哥伦布执导,朱莉娅·罗伯茨/苏珊·萨兰登/艾德·哈里斯主演的一部剧情/喜剧/家庭类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。 《真爱同心》观后感(一):母亲对孩子的爱 电影要慢慢的看,也要静静的看,有感动,但更温情。母亲与继母有争执,但对孩子的爱是一致的。故事的矛盾冲突不是很激烈,但仍不失为一部好电影。 《真爱同心》观后感(二):甜蜜的眼泪~~ 这部影片并没有选择一个沉重的角度来描述现在普遍存在在家庭中的一系列矛盾,但这些温馨与快乐却比其他电影中直接表现的悲

痛情节更赚情感和眼泪,可见影片细节的拿捏真是恰到好处.个人很喜欢,而且又有JuliaRoberts这个大美女! 《真爱同心》观后感(三):真爱,真的爱 说过,这个国庆大部分movie时间属于大嘴。 这部片子,看得我热泪盈眶,有这样的后母也是一种莫大的幸福吧。有时候,两个人,可能都是好人,但是真的不是适合生活在一起的人。与其所谓的为了孩子也要在一起,还不如彼此解脱,也给孩子真正的幸福和生活的快乐。 中国人远没有外国人活的洒脱,希望以后会越来越好。 《真爱同心》观后感(四):爱与包容 这是一个每个人都出于爱实现包容并共同面对生活的苟且的故事。 1.以爱情为筹码在婚姻的赌桌上博弈,输了失去最初的筹码,赢了获得家庭和孩子。 他们虽然输掉了最初的筹码,但在离开赌桌后仍竭力保全了孩子与感情。 2.亲子关系中相当重要的一点即为父母者在自我和孩子之间的平衡,这事关爱和牺牲。亲生父母的爱包含着爱情和亲情,但继父母则需出于爱情产生亲情。 3.教育不是让孩子成为父母,而是让他们成为自己。但这点怎么做到我也不知道。 4.承担别人的孩子需要深厚的爱和巨大的勇气,交付自己的孩子

英语作文 True Love 真爱

Cal 郭磊 Accelerated Class 6 True Love Makes Us Invincible Individuals live with many factors, such as money, social status and love. Money is the basis of existing in modern society. Social status can help you win admiration. However, love is the only thing to bring us hope and happiness, which is more important than anything else in our life. On the one hand, for an individual, love means the driving force of living. On the other hand, love as a strong bond between people makes our world harmonious and warm. Now that love is such a big deal, what is true love? I remembered I saw a word about true love somewhere really made sense, which said LOVE IS A BREAKING OF SELF-CENTEREDNESS. Thinking about it, considering more for others and being willing to devote may be the only way to judge whether it’s true love or not. When we fall in love with someone or something, we are far from selflessness. It seems much better to be a giver than to be a receiver. For example, in a family, parents are always unilateral protectors and helpers till their kids get the ability to love than give it in return. There needs more sharing and respect equally between lovers or friends. A person who is selfish won’t get happiness from love because he doesn’t understand the truth of it. When we meet true love, positive affection will led to the growth of our minds and spirits. In another word, we will become strong enough and never give up fighting due to starting serving those we love. So that we can say, true love not only brightens


青春懵懂精选作文六篇 1懵懂的青春青春期的困惑,少女的懵懂。当身边出现成双成对的身影,女孩投之以不屑的目光,自以为他们的行为很幼稚。因为年纪稍长,眼中的他们都是 当那个年轻、活泼、灵动的他出现时,女孩的心乱了,一向活泼好动的她每当在他面前时立即变得不知所措,脸红心跳,说话都变得颠三倒四。心中升起粉红色的泡泡。总想在他面前竭力表现,以突出自己的不同,既希望他注意自己,又不希望他注意自己。因为他看向她时,她感觉自己的脸几乎可以到达着火点了。在这种矛盾中她越陷越深,她总以崇拜的目光望着他,总是无意识的想起他,甚至有异性接近他时,一整天不开心。 他与别人不同,他比她大四五岁。他说话幽默幽默,又知识渊博,年轻又有能力。他身上总有种魔力,让人想要亲近他。女孩在心情跌入低谷时是他的出现,拯救了被心魔折磨得体无完肤的女孩。她有一次痛苦的经历,也因为这样女孩变得多疑、感伤,留下了很深的心理阴影,不想向父母倾诉,怕他们更担忧。所以,他的出现就像是一株救命稻草,让在悬崖边摇摇欲坠的她看到了希望,他就是他黑暗中的唯一一点光亮。 原来,这就是喜欢的感觉吗,这种新奇的感觉让她无法自拔,为了成为和他一样出色的人,女孩更努力的学习,这个信念一直支撑着她,只为心中的那份温暖能永远属于她。

不久后,她总能看到他脸上不同于从前的笑,对,他的脸上总有幸福的感觉。果然,女孩千方百计的探听到他有了女朋友,且不久就要定亲,她感觉一道可怕的雷正中她头顶,穿过心脏直达四肢,四肢生硬的仿佛忘记了走路。 她苦笑,终究只是一个甜蜜的噩梦啊,如今梦醒一切又回到了原位。她不会再不切实际的幻想了,就让她的一厢情愿到此结束吧。她相信她事业有所成就时,她的温暖自会出现吧。 2懵懂的青春夜深凝想看天巢,望断满空孤星廖。沙卷炊烟飞萦绕,百花掉,万里冷月暴风啸。独倚高楼叹夜好,人不为己枉年少。懵懂的青春正如生命一样对每个人来说只有一次,珍惜的人万分庆幸,因为青春是美妙的。但对于那些想得到你却得不到你的人,青春又是多么残酷,在世界的每一个地方,都有无数人在坚持与放弃之间痛苦挣扎。相对永恒的宇宙,人的青春真是匆匆来又匆匆去。 冬天的雪很美,为我们青春展示了春夏秋所不曾拥有的独特的绝妙景致:每天清晨推开门出去时,刺骨的寒风呼呼地吹着,不时地向我袭来。寒风呼啸着,树上的叶子已经落光了,只剩下光秃秃的树干。无叶的树左右大肆摇摆,虽是冬天,但仍有枯叶在风中飞舞,一人单独走在铺满白雪的银路上,忽见眼前一处,染染鲜血已侵透厚厚白雪,使这块雪与其它雪相比,大显不同……我们的青春就像如此,自认出淤泥而不染,但身体、心灵已被污浊之气侵蚀的不堪入目。蓦然回首看自己的青春、万种豪迈,像是一番凛冽浓郁的冬季风景,活出与众

付出真心 倾注真情 构建和谐校园

付出真心倾注真情构建和谐校园 学校是一个小社会,更是一个大家庭。如何使这个大家庭真正充满亲情,“把师生当亲人”付出真心、倾注真情和谐之花必将满园绽放。 一、真心关爱,把老师当亲人 由于农村小学教师的缺编,我校每位教师至少要代四至五门课程,繁重的工作压力使不少教师忽略了对自身健康的关注。为此,我校积极响应中心学校号召,于4月17日组织我校全体教师进行了全面体检,让每位清楚了解自身健康状况。学校还为每位在职教师入了人平70元的意外伤害保险,让每位教师的安全有了保障。为了让每位教师能安心教学,不疲于家与校的频繁奔波,学校开办了集体小食堂。通过召开生活会列出丰富的食谱,饭菜力求大众口味,避免辛辣,让生活科学化、规律化。 我校郝老师,是位细心而热心的教师,她经常从电视或网络上学习一些养生保健常识。学校以此为契机,请郝海燕老师为全体教师作了多次养生保健知识讲座,学校还购买了一些养生保健书籍,供教师们课余时间阅读,根据书中的介绍,在不同的季节学校会煮一些葱姜汤或绿豆汤等供教师饮用。此举深受教师们赞誉。在郝海燕老师的带动下广大教师的保健意识逐渐增强。合理的饮食,加上科学的调理,郝欲香、张伟老师多年的胃肠病在这里有了明显好转。 为了丰富教师课余生活,学校每月举办一次文体竞赛活动,每次都会给优胜个人或小组准备一些相征性的奖励。每次活动教师们总是全员参与,为的是能体验那份拼搏的激情。 激情在这里燃烧,亲情在这里绽放。每逢教师过生日,我们总会简单的小聚,几杯水酒,声声祝福,让人倍感温馨。教师生病住院,学校领导都会真诚看望。生活上,我们真心关爱,工作上,我校更是大力支持,为了提高工作效率,我校在经费紧张的情况下,购置了一台电脑和一台激光打印复印一体机,并与佘营小学联合,在全镇率先推行了电子备课,既减轻了教师负担,又提高了工作效率。在学校管理中,我校充分发扬民主,让每位教师分管学校一方面工作,人人参与管理。在制定学校管理制度上,我们充分考虑教师个体差异,让制度层次化,既约束人,又温暖人,包容但不纵容,偏爱但不偏袒,校园处处流淌着和谐。二、倾注真情,把学生当亲人

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