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Event Description ACCOUNT_DATA_INITIALIZED This event is not yet documented ACCOUNT_MESSAGES_AVAILABLE This event is not yet documented ACCOUNT_MESSAGES_BODY_LOADED This event is not yet documented ACCOUNT_MESSAGES_HEADERS_LOADE


This event is not yet documented

ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED Fires when the player earns an achievement

ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID Fires when an item, spell or other entity that can be placed into an action bar slot is removed from the cursor

ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED Fires when the main action bar changes pages

ACTIONBAR_SHOWGRID Fires when an item, spell or other entity that can be placed into an action bar slot is picked up onto the cursor

ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED Fires when the contents of an action bar slot change

ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN Fires when the cooldown for an action bar item begins or ends

ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_STATE Fires when the state of an action bar item changes

ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_USABLE Fires when an action becomes usable or unusable

ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED Fires when the player (with Dual Talent Specialization enabled) switches talent builds

ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED Fires when a non-Blizzard addon attempts to use a protected API

ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN Fires when a non-Blizzard addon attempts to use a protected API

ADDON_LIST_UPDATE This event is not yet documented

ADDON_LOADED Fires when an addon and its saved variables are loaded

ARCHAEOLOGY_CLOSED Fires when the archeology panel is


ARCHAEOLOGY_FIND_COMPLETE This event is not yet documented ARCHAEOLOGY_SURVEY_CAST This event is not yet documented

ARCHAEOLOGY_TOGGLE Fires when the archeology panel is opened or closed.

AREA_SPIRIT_HEALER_IN_RANGE Fires when the player enters into the area of effect of a spirit healer that periodically resurrects nearby player units

AREA_SPIRIT_HEALER_OUT_OF_RANG E Fires when the player enters leaves the area of effect of a spirit healer that periodically resurrects nearby player units

ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE Fires when the availability of information about an arena opponent changes

ARENA_PREP_OPPONENT_SPECIALIZA TIONS Fires when the availability of information about an arena opponent specialization change. Used by pre-arena specialization detection UI.

ARENA_SEASON_WORLD_STATE Fires when the arena season changes

ARENA_TEAM_INVITE_REQUEST Fires when the player is invited to join an arena team

ARENA_TEAM_ROSTER_UPDATE Fires when roster detail information for one of the player's arena teams becomes available

ARENA_TEAM_UPDATE Fires when the player joins or leaves an arena team

ARTIFACT_COMPLETE Fires when an artifact is completed (solved project)

ARTIFACT_DIGSITE_COMPLETE This event is not yet documented

ARTIFACT_DIG_SITE_UPDATED Fires when a new archaeology digsite appears on the map, or an old one disappears

ARTIFACT_HISTORY_READY Fires when the created artifact listing data of the player becomes available.

ARTIFACT_UPDATE Fires when the artifact display should be updated

AUCTION_BIDDER_LIST_UPDATE Fires when information becomes available or changes for the list of auctions bid on by the player

AUCTION_HOUSE_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with an auction house

AUCTION_HOUSE_DISABLED Fires when the server refuses to give the player access to the auction house because it is disabled

AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW Fires when the player begins interaction with an auction house

AUCTION_ITEM_LIST_UPDATE Fires when the information becomes available for the list of auction browse/search results

AUCTION_MULTISELL_FAILURE Fires when an auction house multisell could not complete for any reason

AUCTION_MULTISELL_START Fires when the player starts a multisell in the auction house

AUCTION_MULTISELL_UPDATE Fires when one of the auctions in an auction house multisell has successfully been created

AUCTION_OWNED_LIST_UPDATE Fires when information becomes available or changes for the list of auctions placed by the player

AUTH_CHALLENGE_UI_INVALID This event is not yet documented

AUTOEQUIP_BIND_CONFIRM Fires when the player attempts to equip an item which will become soulbound in the process

AUTOFOLLOW_BEGIN Fires when the player starts following another character

AUTOFOLLOW_END Fires when the player stops following another character

BAG_CLOSED Fires when one of the player's containers is closed

BAG_OPEN Fires when one of the player's containers is opened

BAG_UPDATE Fires when the contents of one of the player's containers change

BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN Fires when the cooldown begins or ends for an item in one of the player's containers

BAG_UPDATE_DELAYED This event is not yet documented

BANKFRAME_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with a bank

BANKFRAME_OPENED Fires when the player begins interaction

with a bank

BARBER_SHOP_APPEARANCE_APPLIED Fires after changes to the player's appearance have been purchased at a barber shop

BARBER_SHOP_CLOSE Fires when the player ends interaction with a barber shop

BARBER_SHOP_OPEN Fires when the player begins interaction with a barber shop

BARBER_SHOP_SUCCESS Fires immediately when changes to the player's appearance have been purchased at a barber shop

BATTLEFIELDS_CLOSED Fires when the UI is no longer available for queueing for an arena or specific battleground instance

BATTLEFIELDS_SHOW Fires when the UI becomes available for queueing for an arena or specific battleground instance

BATTLEFIELD_MGR_EJECTED Fires when the player has been removed from a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)

BATTLEFIELD_MGR_EJECT_PENDING Fires when the player will be removed from or cannot yet enter a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)

BATTLEFIELD_MGR_ENTERED Fires when the player has been accepted into a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)

BATTLEFIELD_MGR_ENTRY_INVITE Fires when the player is invited to enter a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)

BATTLEFIELD_MGR_QUEUE_INVITE Fires when the player is invited to queue for a world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)

BATTLEFIELD_MGR_QUEUE_REQUEST_ RESPONSE Fires in response to the player's attempt to enter or queue for a world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)

BATTLEFIELD_MGR_STATE_CHANGE Fires when the player's state changes in the queue for a world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)

BATTLEFIELD_QUEUE_TIMEOUT Fires when a battleground queue expires BATTLEGROUND_POINTS_UPDATE This event is not yet documented BATTLEPET_FORCE_NAME_DECLENSIO


This event is not yet documented

BATTLETAG_INVITE_SHOW This event is not yet documented BATTLE_PET_CURSOR_CLEAR This event is not yet documented

BILLING_NAG_DIALOG Fires when a message should be shown about the player's paid game time expiring soon

BIND_ENCHANT Fires when the player attempts to an enchant an item which will become soulbound in the process

BLACK_MARKET_BID_RESULT This event is not yet documented BLACK_MARKET_CLOSE This event is not yet documented BLACK_MARKET_ITEM_UPDATE This event is not yet documented BLACK_MARKET_OPEN This event is not yet documented BLACK_MARKET_OUTBID This event is not yet documented BLACK_MARKET_UNAVAILABLE This event is not yet documented BLACK_MARKET_WON This event is not yet documented BN_BLOCK_FAILED_TOO_MANY This event is not yet documented BN_BLOCK_LIST_UPDATED This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_CLOSED This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_CREATE_FAILED This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_CREATE_SUCCEED


This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_INVITE_FAILED This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_INVITE_SUCCEED


This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_JOINED This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_LEFT This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_JOINED This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_LEFT This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_UPDATED This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_BLOCKE


This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_UNDELI


This event is not yet documented BN_CHAT_WHISPER_UNDELIVERABLE This event is not yet documented

BN_CONNECTED Fires when the player connects to https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8911871137.html,

BN_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_CHANGED Fires when the player's https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8911871137.html, custom message (broadcast) is changed

BN_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_LOADED This event is not yet documented

BN_DISCONNECTED Fires when the player disconnects from https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8911871137.html,

BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_OFFLINE Fires when one of your RealID friends logs off

BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_ONLINE Fires when one of your RealID friends log on

BN_FRIEND_INFO_CHANGED This event is not yet documented BN_FRIEND_INVITE_ADDED This event is not yet documented BN_FRIEND_INVITE_LIST_INITIALI


This event is not yet documented BN_FRIEND_INVITE_REMOVED This event is not yet documented BN_FRIEND_INVITE_SEND_RESULT This event is not yet documented BN_FRIEND_LIST_SIZE_CHANGED This event is not yet documented BN_FRIEND_TOON_OFFLINE This event is not yet documented BN_FRIEND_TOON_ONLINE This event is not yet documented BN_INFO_CHANGED This event is not yet documented

BN_MATURE_LANGUAGE_FILTER Fires whenever the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8911871137.html, mature language filter setting is changed.

BN_NEW_PRESENCE Fires when information about a new https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8911871137.html, presence is available

BN_REQUEST_FOF_FAILED This event is not yet documented BN_REQUEST_FOF_SUCCEEDED This event is not yet documented BN_SELF_OFFLINE This event is not yet documented BN_SELF_ONLINE This event is not yet documented BN_SYSTEM_MESSAGE This event is not yet documented BN_TOON_NAME_UPDATED This event is not yet documented BONUS_ROLL_ACTIVATE This event is not yet documented BONUS_ROLL_DEACTIVATE This event is not yet documented BONUS_ROLL_FAILED This event is not yet documented BONUS_ROLL_RESULT This event is not yet documented BONUS_ROLL_STARTED This event is not yet documented

CALENDAR_ACTION_PENDING Fires when a change to the calendar is in progress

CALENDAR_CLOSE_EVENT Fires when the player ends viewing or editing details of a calendar event

CALENDAR_EVENT_ALARM Fires when a calendar event is soon to begin

CALENDAR_NEW_EVENT Fires when an event created by the player is added to the calendar

CALENDAR_OPEN_EVENT Fires when the player begins viewing or editing details of a calendar event

CALENDAR_UPDATE_ERROR Fires when a calendar-related error message should be displayed

CALENDAR_UPDATE_EVENT Fires when details become available for the event being viewed or edited

CALENDAR_UPDATE_EVENT_LIST Fires when the list of events visible on the calendar changes

CALENDAR_UPDATE_GUILD_EVENTS This event is not yet documented

CALENDAR_UPDATE_INVITE_LIST Fires when the invite/signup list is updated for the event being viewed or edited

CALENDAR_UPDATE_PENDING_INVITE S Fires when the player receives new calendar event invitations

CANCEL_LOOT_ROLL Fires when the player cancels a loot roll

CANCEL_SUMMON Fires when a summons offered to the player is canceled

CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED This event is not yet documented CHALLENGE_MODE_LEADERS_UPDATE This event is not yet documented CHALLENGE_MODE_MAPS_UPDATE This event is not yet documented CHALLENGE_MODE_NEW_RECORD This event is not yet documented

CHANNEL_COUNT_UPDATE Fires when the number of members in a world or custom chat channel changes

CHANNEL_FLAGS_UPDATED Fires when information about a channel for the channel list display changes

CHANNEL_INVITE_REQUEST Fires when a player is invited into a chat channel

CHANNEL_PASSWORD_REQUEST Fires when the player attempts to join a password protected channel

CHANNEL_ROSTER_UPDATE Fires when the list of members in a channel changes

CHANNEL_UI_UPDATE Fires when information for the channel list display changes

CHANNEL_VOICE_UPDATE Fires when a member in a voice chat channel starts or stops speaking

CHARACTER_LIST_UPDATE This event is not yet documented

CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED Fires when the player's amount of available talent points changes



This event is not yet documented

CHAT_MSG_ACHIEVEMENT Fires when a nearby character earns an achievement

CHAT_MSG_ADDON Fires when an addon communication message is received (see

[[docs/api/SendAddonMessage|`SendAddon Message()`]])

CHAT_MSG_AFK Fires when an automatic AFK response is received

CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE Fires when an Alliance-related battleground system message is received

CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE Fires when a Horde-related battleground system message is received

CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL Fires when a general battleground, zone or world message is received

CHAT_MSG_BN_CONVERSATION Fires when you type a message in chat or when you recive a message from another player using https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8911871137.html,

CHAT_MSG_BN_CONVERSATION_LIST This event is not yet documented

CHAT_MSG_BN_CONVERSATION_NOTIC E Fires when you join a conversation channel (private channel for you and your friends) on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8911871137.html,

CHAT_MSG_BN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT This event is not yet documented

CHAT_MSG_BN_INLINE_TOAST_BROAD CAST Fires whenever a user changes their broadcast message on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8911871137.html,

CHAT_MSG_BN_INLINE_TOAST_BROAD CAST_INFORM Fires when the player sends a new broadcast (online message)



This event is not yet documented

CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER Fires when you receive a whisper though https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8911871137.html,

CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER_INFORM Fires when you send a whisper though https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8911871137.html, (arguments are similar to `CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER`)



This event is not yet documented

CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL Fires when a message is received in a world or custom chat channel

CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_JOIN Fires when another character joins a world or custom chat channel monitored by the player

CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LEAVE Fires when another character leaves a

world or custom chat channel monitored by the player

CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LIST Fires in response to a channel list query (e.g. `/chatlist`)

CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE Fires when certain actions happen on a world or custom chat channel

CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE_USER Fires when certain actions pertaining to specific members happen on a world or custom chat channel

CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE Fires when the player gains or loses reputation with a faction

CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_GUILD_XP_GAIN Fires when a guild experience gain message appears in chat

CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN Fires when the player gains honor points

CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_MISC_INFO Fires for miscellaneous messages to be displayed in the combat log, such as loss of equipment durability upon death

CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN Fires when the player gains experience points

CHAT_MSG_CURRENCY This event is not yet documented

CHAT_MSG_DND Fires when an automatic DND response is received

CHAT_MSG_EMOTE Fires when a custom emote message is received.

CHAT_MSG_FILTERED Fires when the player attempts to send a chat message which is blocked by the spam filter

CHAT_MSG_GUILD Fires when a message is received in the guild chat channel

CHAT_MSG_GUILD_ACHIEVEMENT Fires when a member of the player's guild earns an achievement

CHAT_MSG_IGNORED Fires when an automatic response is received after whispering or inviting a character who is ignoring the player

CHAT_MSG_INSTANCE_CHAT This event is not yet documented CHAT_MSG_INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER This event is not yet documented

CHAT_MSG_LOOT Fires when receiving notice that the player or a member of the player's group has looted an item

CHAT_MSG_MONEY Fires when the player receives money as


CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE Fires when a nearby NPC performs emote text

CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_PARTY Fires when an NPC speaks to the player's party chat channel

CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_SAY Fires when a nearby NPC speaks (visible only to players in the immediate area)

CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_WHISPER Fires when an NPC whispers to the player

CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL Fires when an NPC yells (visible to players in a wide area or the entire zone)

CHAT_MSG_OFFICER Fires when a message is received in officer chat.

CHAT_MSG_OPENING Fires for messages about the player "opening" a world object

CHAT_MSG_PARTY Fires when a message is received in the party chat channel

CHAT_MSG_PARTY_LEADER Fires when a Party Leader types in chat CHAT_MSG_PET_BATTLE_COMBAT_LOG Fires during combat in pet battles. CHAT_MSG_PET_BATTLE_INFO This event is not yet documented

CHAT_MSG_PET_INFO Fires for pet-related messages normally displayed in the combat log (e.g. summoning or dismissing a pet)

CHAT_MSG_RAID Fires when a message is received in the raid chat channel

CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_EMOTE Fires when a raid boss performs emote text

CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_WHISPER Fires when a raid boss whispers to the player

CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER Fires when a message is received in the raid chat channel from the raid leader

CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING Fires when a raid warning message is received

CHAT_MSG_RESTRICTED Fires when the player attempts to send a chat message which is disallowed because the player is on a trial account

CHAT_MSG_SAY Fires when the player or a nearby character speaks (visible to other nearby characters)

CHAT_MSG_SKILL Fires when skill related messages are received.

CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM Fires when a system message is received

CHAT_MSG_TARGETICONS Fires when a target icon message is sent in chat.

CHAT_MSG_TEXT_EMOTE Fires when the player receives a standard emote (e.g. `/dance`, `/flirt`) message

CHAT_MSG_TRADESKILLS Fires when the player or a nearby character performs a trade skill recipe

CHAT_MSG_WHISPER Fires when the player receives a whisper from a player character

CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM Fires when the player sends a whisper to a player character

CHAT_MSG_YELL Fires when the player or another player character yells (visible to other characters in a wide area)

CHAT_SERVER_DISCONNECTED This event is not yet documented CHAT_SERVER_RECONNECTED This event is not yet documented

CINEMATIC_START Fires when an in-game-engine cinematic begins to play

CINEMATIC_STOP Fires when an in-game-engine cinematic stops playing

CLEAR_BOSS_EMOTES This event is not yet documented CLIENT_ACCOUNT_MISMATCH This event is not yet documented CLIENT_CONVERTED This event is not yet documented CLIENT_TRIAL This event is not yet documented

CLOSE_INBOX_ITEM Fires when the mail message being viewed is no longer available

CLOSE_STATUS_DIALOG This event is not yet documented

CLOSE_TABARD_FRAME Fires when the player ends interaction with a tabard designer

CLOSE_WORLD_MAP Fires when the world map should be hidden in response to external conditions

COMBAT_LOG_EVENT Fires when an event to be displayed in the combat log is received

COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED Fires when a combat log event is received

COMBAT_RATING_UPDATE Fires when the player's combat rating statistics change

COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE Fires when a message is received which can be displayed by the default UI's floating combat text feature

COMMENTATOR_ENTER_WORLD This is a Blizzard internal function

COMMENTATOR_MAP_UPDATE This is a Blizzard internal function COMMENTATOR_PARTY_INFO_REQUEST This event is not yet documented COMMENTATOR_PLAYER_UPDATE This is a Blizzard internal function COMPACT_UNIT_FRAME_PROFILES_LO


This event is not yet documented

COMPANION_LEARNED Fires when the player learns to summon a new mount or non-combat pet

COMPANION_UNLEARNED Fires when the player unlearns a mount or a companion

COMPANION_UPDATE Fires when new information about the player's mounts and non-combat pets is available

CONFIRM_BEFORE_USE This event is not yet documented

CONFIRM_BINDER Fires when the player attempts to set a new Hearthstone location

CONFIRM_DISENCHANT_ROLL Fires when the player attempts to roll disenchant for an item which Binds on Pickup

CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL Fires when the player attempts to roll for a loot item which Binds on Pickup

CONFIRM_SUMMON Fires when a summons is offered to the player

CONFIRM_TALENT_WIPE Fires when the player attempts to unlearn talents

CONFIRM_XP_LOSS Fires when the player attempts to resurrect at a graveyard spirit healer

CORPSE_IN_INSTANCE Fires when the player (dead, in spirit form) approaches the entrance to the instance in which his corpse is located

CORPSE_IN_RANGE Fires when the player (dead, in spirit form) approaches near enough to his corpse to return to life

CORPSE_OUT_OF_RANGE Fires when the player (dead, in spirit form) moves too far away from his corpse to resurrect

CRITERIA_COMPLETE This event is not yet documented CRITERIA_EARNED This event is not yet documented

CRITERIA_UPDATE Fires when information about achievement criteria or player statistics becomes available

CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE Fires when new information for the currency list is available

CURRENT_SPELL_CAST_CHANGED Fires when the player starts or stops (cancels or finishes) casting a spell

CURSOR_UPDATE Fires when the mouse cursor image or contents is changed

CVAR_UPDATE Fires when the value of a configuration variable is updated

DELETE_ITEM_CONFIRM Fires when the player attempts to delete an item

DISABLE_DECLINE_GUILD_INVITE This event is not yet documented DISABLE_LOW_LEVEL_RAID This event is not yet documented

DISABLE_TAXI_BENCHMARK Fires when a flight path benchmarking session ends or is canceled

DISABLE_XP_GAIN Fires when the player disables experience point gains

DISCONNECTED_FROM_SERVER This event is not yet documented DISPLAY_PROMOTION This event is not yet documented DISPLAY_SIZE_CHANGED Fires when the screen resolution changes

DUEL_FINISHED Fires when a duel in which the player is participating ends

DUEL_INBOUNDS Fires when the player reenters the duel area after leaving its boundaries

DUEL_OUTOFBOUNDS Fires when the player begins to move outside the boundaries of a duel area

DUEL_REQUESTED Fires when the player is challenged to a duel

ECLIPSE_DIRECTION_CHANGE This event is not yet documented EJ_DIFFICULTY_UPDATE This event is not yet documented EJ_LOOT_DATA_RECIEVED This event is not yet documented ENABLE_DECLINE_GUILD_INVITE This event is not yet documented ENABLE_LOW_LEVEL_RAID This event is not yet documented

ENABLE_TAXI_BENCHMARK Fires when taxi benchmarking mode is enabled

ENABLE_XP_GAIN Fires when the player re-enabled experience point gain after disabling it

ENCOUNTER_END Fires after a raid encounter ended. ENCOUNTER_START Fires when a raid encounter starts. END_BOUND_TRADEABLE Fires when the player attempts an action

which will make a looted Bind on Pickup

item no longer tradeable



This event is not yet documented

EQUIPMENT_SETS_CHANGED Fires when the player's list of equipment sets changes

EQUIPMENT_SWAP_FINISHED Fires when the process of switching equipment sets is complete

EQUIPMENT_SWAP_PENDING Fires when the player begins to switch equipment sets

EQUIP_BIND_CONFIRM Fires when the player attempts to equip an item which will become soulbound in the process

EXECUTE_CHAT_LINE Fires when a chat message is encountered in a running macro

FORCE_DECLINE_CHARACTER This event is not yet documented FORCE_RENAME_CHARACTER This event is not yet documented

FORGE_MASTER_CLOSED Fires when the reforging panel has been changed

FORGE_MASTER_ITEM_CHANGED Fires when the active item in the reforging panel changes

FORGE_MASTER_OPENED Fires when the reforging panel has been opened

FORGE_MASTER_SET_ITEM Fires when the player adds an item to the reforging panel

FRAMES_LOADED This event is not yet documented

FRIENDLIST_UPDATE Fires when the content of the player's friends list becomes available or changes

GAME_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED This event is not yet documented

GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED Fires when item info requested by GetItemInfo() becomes available, if it wasn't already, through a disk seek or a net request

GET_PREFERRED_REALM_INFO This event is not yet documented GLUE_SCREENSHOT_FAILED This event is not yet documented GLUE_SCREENSHOT_SUCCEEDED This event is not yet documented GLUE_UPDATE_EXPANSION_LEVEL This event is not yet documented

GLYPH_ADDED Fires when a glyph is inscribed into the player's spellbook

GLYPH_DISABLED Fires when a glyph slot is no longer available

GLYPH_ENABLED Fires when a glyph slot becomes available

GLYPH_REMOVED Fires when the player removes an inscribed glyph

GLYPH_UPDATED Fires when information about the player's inscribed glyphs becomes available

GMRESPONSE_RECEIVED Fires when the player receives a response to a GM ticket

GMSURVEY_DISPLAY Fires when the player is invited to participate in a GM feedback survey

GM_PLAYER_INFO This is a Blizzard internal function GOSSIP_CLOSED Fires when an NPC gossip interaction ends

GOSSIP_CONFIRM Fires when the player is requested to confirm a gossip choice

GOSSIP_CONFIRM_CANCEL Fires when an attempt to confirm a gossip choice is canceled

GOSSIP_ENTER_CODE Fires when the player attempts a gossip choice which requires entering a code

GOSSIP_SHOW Fires when an NPC gossip interaction begins

GROUP_JOINED This event is not yet documented GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE Fires when composition of party change.

GUILDBANKBAGSLOTS_CHANGED Fires when information about the contents of guild bank item slots changes or becomes available

GUILDBANKFRAME_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with the guild bank

GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED Fires when the player begins interaction with the guild bank

GUILDBANKLOG_UPDATE Fires when information for the guild bank transaction or money log becomes available

GUILDBANK_ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED Fires when an item in the guild bank is locked for moving or unlocked afterward

GUILDBANK_TEXT_CHANGED Fires when the text associated with a guild bank tab is changed

GUILDBANK_UPDATE_MONEY Fires when the amount of money in the guild bank changes

GUILDBANK_UPDATE_TABS Fires when information about guild bank tabs becomes available

GUILDBANK_UPDATE_TEXT Fires when text associated with a guild bank tab becomes available

GUILDBANK_UPDATE_WITHDRAWMONEY Fires when the amount of money the player can withdraw from the guild bank changes

GUILDTABARD_UPDATE Fires when the player's guild tabard design changes.

GUILD_CHALLENGE_COMPLETED This event is not yet documented GUILD_CHALLENGE_UPDATED This event is not yet documented

GUILD_EVENT_LOG_UPDATE Fires when information for the guild event log becomes available

GUILD_INVITE_CANCEL Fires when an invitation to join a guild is no longer available

GUILD_INVITE_REQUEST Fires when the player is invited to join a guild

GUILD_MOTD Fires when the guild message of the day is updated

GUILD_NEWS_UPDATE Fires when the Guild News are updated

GUILD_PARTY_STATE_UPDATED Fires when the guild state of the current dungeon changes

GUILD_PERK_UPDATE Fires when the guild gains or loses a perk

GUILD_RANKS_UPDATE Fires when unit is promoted or demoted within the guild

GUILD_RECIPE_KNOWN_BY_MEMBERS This event is not yet documented

GUILD_REGISTRAR_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with a guild registrar

GUILD_REGISTRAR_SHOW Fires when the player begins interaction with a guild registrar

GUILD_RENAME_REQUIRED This event is not yet documented GUILD_REP_UPDATED This event is not yet documented GUILD_REWARDS_LIST This event is not yet documented

GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE Fires when new information about the contents of the guild roster is available

GUILD_TRADESKILL_UPDATE This event is not yet documented GUILD_XP_UPDATE Fires when the Guild XP is updated

IGNORELIST_UPDATE Fires when the content of the player's ignore list becomes available or changes

IGR_BILLING_NAG_DIALOG Fires when a message should be shown

about the player's paid-per-hour game

time expiring soon

INCOMING_RESURRECT_CHANGED Fires when a resurrection spell is cast INELIGIBLE_FOR_LOOT This event is not yet documented

INSPECT_ACHIEVEMENT_READY Fires after the player attempts to compare achievements with another character, indicating that achievement information for the other unit has become available

INSPECT_HONOR_UPDATE Fires when information about the inspected unit's PvP activities becomes available

INSPECT_READY Fires when inspect information not readily available is now ready

INSTANCE_BOOT_START Fires when the player will soon be ejected from an instance

INSTANCE_BOOT_STOP Fires when the warning countdown for ejecting the player from an instance is canceled

INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_ENGAGE_UNIT Fires when a boss has been engaged in an instance

INSTANCE_GROUP_SIZE_CHANGED This event is not yet documented

INSTANCE_LOCK_START Fires when the player will soon be saved to an instance

INSTANCE_LOCK_STOP Fires when the warning countdown for saving the player to an instance is canceled

INSTANCE_LOCK_WARNING This event is not yet documented INVENTORY_SEARCH_UPDATE This event is not yet documented

ITEM_LOCKED Fires when an item in the player's bags or equipped inventory is locked for moving

ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED Fires when an item in the player's bags or equipped inventory is locked for moving or unlocked afterward

ITEM_PUSH Fires when the player receives an item ITEM_RESTORATION_BUTTON_STATUS This event is not yet documented

ITEM_TEXT_BEGIN Fires when the player begins interaction with a readable item or world object

ITEM_TEXT_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction

with a readable item or world object

ITEM_TEXT_READY Fires when text changes or becomes available for the readable item or world object with which the player is interacting

ITEM_TEXT_TRANSLATION Fires when a "translation" progress bar should be displayed while the player interacts with a readable item or world object

ITEM_UNLOCKED Fires when an item in the player's bags or equipped inventory is unlocked after moving

ITEM_UPGRADE_MASTER_CLOSED Fires when Item Upgrade Window closes.

ITEM_UPGRADE_MASTER_OPENED Fires when the Item Upgrade Window is shown.

ITEM_UPGRADE_MASTER_SET_ITEM Fires when an Item is placed into the window for Upgrade.

ITEM_UPGRADE_MASTER_UPDATE Fired when an item has successfully been upgraded.

KNOWLEDGE_BASE_ARTICLE_LOAD_FA ILURE Fires when a knowledge base article fails to load

KNOWLEDGE_BASE_ARTICLE_LOAD_SU CCESS Fires when the contents of a successfully loaded knowledge base article become available



Fires when a knowledge base query fails

KNOWLEDGE_BASE_QUERY_LOAD_SUCC ESS Fires when results of a successful knowledge base query become available

KNOWLEDGE_BASE_SERVER_MESSAGE Fires when the knowledge base server message changes or becomes available

KNOWLEDGE_BASE_SETUP_LOAD_FAIL URE Fires when the knowledge base's default listing fails to load

KNOWLEDGE_BASE_SETUP_LOAD_SUCC ESS Fires when the knowledge base's default listing becomes available

KNOWLEDGE_BASE_SYSTEM_MOTD_UPD ATED Fires when the knowledge base system's message of the day changes or becomes available

KNOWN_TITLES_UPDATE Fires when the number of titles available to the player changes

LANGUAGE_LIST_CHANGED Fires when the list of known languages changes.

LAUNCHER_LOGIN_STATUS_CHANGED This event is not yet documented

LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB Fires when a spell is learned inside of a given spell book tab, including when spells are learned upon changing the active talent spec.

LEVEL_GRANT_PROPOSED Fires when the player is offered to instantly gain a level thanks to a Recruit-A-Friend partner

LFG_BONUS_FACTION_ID_UPDATED This event is not yet documented LFG_BOOT_PROPOSAL_UPDATE This event is not yet documented

LFG_COMPLETION_REWARD Fires when the player receives the completion reward for a randoms LFG dungeon

LFG_INVALID_ERROR_MESSAGE This event is not yet documented

LFG_LOCK_INFO_RECEIVED Fires when LFR information is available LFG_OFFER_CONTINUE This event is not yet documented

LFG_OPEN_FROM_GOSSIP This event is not yet documented

LFG_PROPOSAL_FAILED This event is not yet documented

LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW Fires when the LFD system has found a possible group

LFG_PROPOSAL_SUCCEEDED Fires when an LFD group was successfully formed

LFG_PROPOSAL_UPDATE Fires when a potential group member accepts or declines the LFD offer

LFG_QUEUE_STATUS_UPDATE This event is not yet documented LFG_ROLE_CHECK_HIDE This event is not yet documented LFG_ROLE_CHECK_ROLE_CHOSEN This event is not yet documented LFG_ROLE_CHECK_SHOW This event is not yet documented LFG_ROLE_CHECK_UPDATE This event is not yet documented LFG_ROLE_UPDATE This event is not yet documented

LFG_UPDATE Fires when information about the player's LFG system settings changes or becomes available

LFG_UPDATE_RANDOM_INFO Fires when instance information is available for populating the LFD frame



This event is not yet documented LF_GUILD_MEMBERSHIP_LIST_UPDAT This event is not yet documented


LF_GUILD_POST_UPDATED This event is not yet documented

LF_GUILD_RECRUITS_UPDATED This event is not yet documented

LF_GUILD_RECRUIT_LIST_CHANGED This event is not yet documented LOADING_SCREEN_DISABLED This event is not yet documented LOADING_SCREEN_ENABLED This event is not yet documented LOCALPLAYER_PET_RENAMED Fires when the player's pet is renamed LOGIN_STARTED This event is not yet documented LOGIN_STOPPED This event is not yet documented

LOGOUT_CANCEL Fires when the logout countdown is aborted

LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM Fires when the player attempts to loot a Bind on Pickup item

LOOT_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with a lootable corpse or object

LOOT_HISTORY_AUTO_SHOW This event is not yet documented LOOT_HISTORY_FULL_UPDATE This event is not yet documented LOOT_HISTORY_ROLL_CHANGED This event is not yet documented LOOT_HISTORY_ROLL_COMPLETE This event is not yet documented LOOT_ITEM_AVAILABLE This event is not yet documented LOOT_ITEM_ROLL_WON This event is not yet documented

LOOT_OPENED Fires when the player begins interaction with a lootable corpse or object

LOOT_ROLLS_COMPLETE This event is not yet documented LOOT_SLOT_CHANGED This event is not yet documented

LOOT_SLOT_CLEARED Fires when the contents of a loot slot are removed

LOSS_OF_CONTROL_ADDED This event is not yet documented LOSS_OF_CONTROL_UPDATE This event is not yet documented LUA_WARNING This event is not yet documented

MACRO_ACTION_BLOCKED Fires when a macro script attempts to use a protected API

MACRO_ACTION_FORBIDDEN Fires when a macro script attempts to use a protected API

MAIL_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with a mailbox

MAIL_FAILED Fires when an outgoing mail message fails to send


GM命令大全魔兽世界GM命令 20自抗35454 20抗暗35458 20抗奥地利35455 20抗火35456 20抗冰35457 8总抗力37889肩部 30杀伤10致命一击35417 15闪避10防御35402 35治疗返回4蓝色35404 18方法创伤10方法爆发35406 12方法创伤15方法爆发35437 22治疗返回6蓝色35435 20AP 15致命一击35439 10闪避15防御35433 7总阻力35441腿部 66治疗20 31490 35 然而,如果你不镶嵌宝石,那它就是垃圾。下面给出的高等级宝石的标识是最高等级,没有更低的等级。原材料地球风暴钻石25867 46 天火钻石2586蓝宝石32228祖母绿32249红宝石32227红宝石32216燃烧石32231狮子眼32229七彩 18抗5%抗晕25896 12防御恢复生命25898 26治疗减少威胁25897 1993近战伤害有一定几率眩晕25899 12智力有一定几率回复攻击25901 12分钟3%突然攻击32409 14突然攻击1%法术反射25890 5%几率减半25893 24强度移动速度25894 12突然攻击5%抗固定25895有几率提高攻击速度32410 14法伤5%昏迷抗性32641 24力量5 运行速度28556红色和黄色凹槽 5 6向伤害32218 11治疗5智能32219 5击中5分钟32220 5暴力10AP 32222 5暴力5强制32217 5击中6向伤害32221 47

红色和蓝色凹槽 11治疗6电阻31117 10AP 6电阻31118 11治疗背部2蓝色32216 5力7电阻32211 5敏感度7电阻32212 10AP 7电阻32213 10AP背部2蓝色32214 6方法伤害7电阻32215黄色蓝色坦克 5防御7抗性32223 5方法爆发6穿透32224 5智力返回2蓝色32225 5爆发7抗性32226蓝色插槽 返回4蓝色32202 15抗性32200 10精神32201 13穿透32203黄色插槽 10智力32204 10致命一击32205 10命中32206 10致命一击322206 我不会说任何关于过去的事情,但是待定是新的!史诗死亡骑士缰绳13335金色狮鹫兽25470黑色狮鹫兽25471白色狮鹫兽25472快速蓝色狮鹫兽25473快速红色狮鹫兽25527快速绿色狮鹫兽25528快速紫色狮鹫兽25529棕黄色双足飞龙25474蓝色双足飞龙25475绿色双足飞龙25476快速红色双足飞龙25477快速绿色双足飞龙25531快速黄色双足飞龙225 Illex 29746大号紫色赛乐克29747红鹰28927蓝鹰29220黑鹰29221紫鹰29222 49 快粉色陆地鹰28936快绿色陆地鹰29223快紫色陆地鹰29224烈马缰绳30480 深蓝色塔巴克坐骑缰绳29227 32829 318339 199银塔巴坐骑缰绳29229 31831 31832铜塔巴坐骑缰绳29230 31833 31834白塔巴坐骑缰绳29231 31835 31836


调出宏命令的编辑窗口有两种方式: 1.在聊天栏输入/MACRO后回车。 2.按ESC调出系统菜单选择【宏命令设置】 看见了吧? 弹出一个窗口,上面有【新建】和【退出】两个按钮。点【新建】,又会弹出一个窗口。五颜六色的图标包括了WOW几乎所有的技能图片,随便选一个你喜欢的,它就是你设置的宏命令的图标了,给它取个名字吧!方便你用的时候好找。然后回到第一个窗口,它的下半部分是一个输入栏(别说找不到…),在里面输入宏的内容,然后点【退出】。 我们以牧师为例:选中牧师“复活术”的图标,在名称处填写‘复活’。返回到第一个窗口在输入栏中输入下面的命令: /me 开始施放复活术 /me 的复活术被%t抵抗 /me 开始变得愤怒了 /me 获得了狂暴效果 /me 施放皮鞭失败:%t对此免疫 /me 施放辣椒水失败:%t爱吃川菜 /me 开始施放色诱术(空格,空格…….)%t 复活了! /施放复活术(等级 1) PS:一定要注意%t是在英文输入下输入的。中文输入法下是全角模式不被系统接收。HOHO~接下来你要做的就是把这个代表你宏命令的图标用鼠标左键拉到快捷栏里,可以设定热键来使用,也可以用鼠标点击。反正是想怎么用就怎么用…,使用方式和普通技能相同 最后留给大家一个思考题,在上面的例子中,“/me”、“%t”“/施放”都是什么作用,牧师职业的玩家可以自行制作后观看效果,可以更改文字,以加强抓狂效果:非牧师职业可以找牧师借鉴。牧师就是好!就是好! 宏命令的初级教程(上) 有了前两章的基础,大家对魔兽世界的宏命令应该有了一定的认识。下面我将对宏命令做出更加详细的介绍, 魔兽世界的宏命令大概有几千个,在初级教程里面将讲解最常用的命令,实现的功能也相对简单。有些人在此时可能在想编写一个宏可以完成一套攻击动作,如“换武器――施法――换回武器”等等。这确实是一套连续动作,不过能实现这套动作的叫外挂而不是宏,魔兽的宏不支持带有冷却时间的技能连续使用,因此那些想要自动完成某套动作的玩家你们的白日梦可以醒醒了。^_^ 我这样说是不是会很打击大家的信心啊?好了。我们赶快开始。举个例子先:网上一个很经典的宏例子 /Kneel /say 如果你不嫁给我,那么我就一辈子不起来…” 这样你的人物就会先下跪再说:"如果你不嫁给我,那么我就一辈子不起来…" 在这里用到两个宏命令/Kneel和/say,宏命令是不分大小写的。/kneel是个下跪的动作,/say后面的文字会以普通对话的形式在游戏中表现出来。我们可以变化一下。 /Kneel /y 如果你不嫁给我,那么我就一辈子不起来…” 最后的话是大喊而不是普通对话。大喊是用红字表示出来的。同理,我们可以把/say、/y 变成/g(工会说话),/p(小队说话),把/kneel变成/dcane(跳舞)等等。


accoun set addon admin 1 回车accoun set addon admin 2 回车是这个....我玩的是大芒果3.22,猪猪那个win7玩不起的 首先选定自己,按回车打开聊天窗口,输入: .sethp 1000000000000000000000 就可以了. 此外还有: .setlevel 60 (设定人物级别,最大255级) .setcp 51(设定天赋点数,最大无限) .setxp XXX(设定人物的经验植) .kill (杀死人物/NPC,影响荣誉值) .killallnpc(杀死周围所有NPC,通常你要是在主城这么干的话,你的主城声望马上变仇恨,所有卫兵见了都会攻击你.) =========================================================== 常用GM命令: GM指令功能再所有命令前面要加一个点例如加天赋命令.setcp 100 加100点天赋点数。加一个18格的包包 .add 1456 1456是代码。学习技能举例(锻造).learn 2018 300 300 2018是技能代码,300是技能熟练程度。升级(可以直接调级数,但是这样天赋点数好象没有,所以直接调经验).setxp 50000 这个就是加5W经验。 还有一些命令使用时要点好自己的头像,对NPC的命令,就要点NPC Where 告诉你所在世界的具体位置 Help 列出可用的指令 Addgo 在你的坐标添加游戏对象 Add 添加物品到你的背包中 Addnpc 添加NPC到世界里 Del 删除目标选项范围:物品和NPC Setlevel 设置目标选项范围:个人或NPC的等级 Setmodel 给NPC或个人设置模型样式,所谓的外观 Save 保存世界文件 Rehash 重新定义 Flag1 设置debug标记 Ppon 打开pp系统 Ppoff 关闭pp系统 Broadcast 向全世界发布消息(GM发公告使用) Turn 转动NPC面朝你 Come NPC来到你的位置 Go 去世界坐标参数: Gotrigger 进入世界所定义的大范围的位置,参数: trigger_number Kill 杀死选择的NPC或个人 Killallnpc 杀死一定范围的NPC的形象 Delallcorp 删除全世界的尸体


黄猫、灰猫、黑斑白猫、虎皮猫 道具名:猫笼(黄猫)、猫笼(灰猫)、猫笼(黑斑白猫)、猫笼(虎皮猫)方位:艾尔文森林(45,51) 商贩:冬妮?安萨妮娅 定价:36银币 黄纹兔 道具名:兔笼(黄纹兔) 方位:冻石农场,丹莫罗(63,50) 商贩:亚尔琳?冻石 定价:20银币 黑色猫头鹰、棕色猫头鹰 道具名:黑色猫头鹰、棕色猫头鹰 方位:达纳苏斯(70,45) 商贩:夏琳奈尔 定价:50银币 黑色王蛇、棕色蟒蛇、赤练蛇 道具名:黑色王蛇、棕色蟒蛇、赤练蛇 方位:奥格瑞玛(25,57) 商贩:克萨迪斯 定价:50银币 草原土拨鼠 道具名:土拨鼠哨 方位:雷霆崖(63,59) 商贩:哈尔帕 定价:50银币 蟑螂 道具名:蟑螂 方位:幽暗城(67,45) 商贩:杰雷米亚?派森 定价:50银币 红尾鹦鹉、金翼鹦鹉 道具名:鹦鹉笼(红尾鹦鹉)、鹦鹉笼(金翼鹦鹉) 方位:港务局,藏宝海湾,荆棘谷 商贩:纳尔克 定价:40银币、50银币 灰色小鸡 道具名:灰色小鸡

方位:闪光平原,千针石林(78,75) 商贩:大法师提尔斯 定价:1金币 白猫(限量) 道具名:猫笼(白猫) 方位:运河区,暴风城 商贩:利尔?迪米 定价:60银币 备注:迪米偶尔会在暴风城西北的运河附近走动,每周两次。 林蛙、树蛙(限量) 道具名:林蛙盒、树蛙盒 方位:暗月马戏团 商贩:弗里克 定价:25银币、1金币 掉落宠物 昏迷的掘地鼠 道具名:昏迷的掘地鼠 使用限制:使用1次 地区:巴尔莫丹,贫瘠之地 掉落NPC:掘地鼠 掉落概率:2% 绿翼鹦鹉 道具名:鹦鹉笼(绿翼鹦鹉) 地区:死亡矿井(地下城) 掉落NPC:迪菲亚海盗 掉落概率:15% 黑尾白猫 道具名:猫笼(黑尾白猫) 地区:死亡矿井(地下城) 掉落BOSS:曲奇 掉落概率:13% 黑纹灰猫 道具名:猫笼(黑纹灰猫) 地区:达拉然,奥特兰克山脉 掉落NPC:达拉然书记员、达拉然守卫、达拉然法师、达拉然召唤师掉落概率:达拉然书记员15%,其他小于0.1%。



WarpTen : 快速建造 IocainePowder : 快速死亡 WhosYourDaddy : 无敌 KeyserSoze [amount] : 得到黄金[数字] LeafItToMe [amount] : 得到木头[数字] GreedIsGood [amount] : 得到黄金+木头PointBreak : 得到食物 ThereIsNoSpoon : 得到魔力 TheDudeAbides : cooldown(CD归零)StrengthAndHonor : nodefeat ItVexesMe : novictory WhoIsJohnGalt : 搜索 ISeeDeadPeople : 显示地图 Synergy : 科技树 RiseAndShine : 黎明 LightsOut : 黄昏 DaylightSavings [hour] : 时间[数字] SharpAndShiny : 升级 Motherland [race] [level] : 升级 [人物] [级别] somebobysetupusthebomb : 击败敌人AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs : 完全胜利

无限力量:thereisnospoon(魔法无限)? somebodysetupusthebomb =立即战败? ItVexesMe =不会被判定获胜? StrengthAndHonor =不会被判定战败? thereisnospoon =法力无限? WhoIsJohnGalt =研发加速? WarpTen =快速建筑? SharpAndShiny =建筑物升级? Synergy =科技全开? WarpTen 快速建造? WhosYourDaddy 无敌? ThereIsNoSpoon 魔力无限? ISeeDeadPeople 显示地图? SharpAndShiny 升级? SombodySetUpUsTheBomb 击败敌人? 在游戏中按下回车,输入以下密码后再按下回车即可:iseedeadpeople 地图全开? allyourbasearebelongtous 立即获胜? somebodysetupusthebomb 立即失败? thereisnospoon 无限魔法? whosyourdaddy 无敌模式? strengthandhonor 在胜利或者失败了之后继续玩? warpten 快速建设?


1.暗影步+闷棍 这个宏需要跃出近战范围,但它能有效地在猎人用闪光弹照出你之前把他闷棍,也能在目标移动的太远,超出范围之前闷了他。 #showtooltip /cast 暗影步 /cast 闷棍 2.暗影步+肾击 对于使用肾击,这个宏非常有效。为了使用这个宏,你得先跑出近战范围或者背对你的目标,以免在使用暗影步之前使用肾击 #showtooltip 肾击 /cast 暗影步 /cast 肾击 3.暗影之舞+匕首+伏击 注意:宏中你的匕首名称需改成你自己使用的匕首名称,才可正常使用!当你在暗影之舞时,装备匕首使用能够使用伏击。也可以使用其他起手/潜行技能,因为它们并不基于副手武器伤害。将暗影之舞放到你的第二动作条上。 #showtooltip 暗影之舞 /equipslot 16 你的匕首名称 /cast 暗影之舞 /swapactionbar 2 4.暗影之舞+匕首+伏击—换回原来的装备 注意:宏中你的武器名称需改成你自己使用的武器名称,才可正常使用!在暗影之舞结束后,用这个宏在你使用出血之前换回你的慢速主手武器 #showtooltip 出血(等级 4) /equipslot 16 你的武器名称 /cast 出血(等级 4) /startattack 5.出血+自动攻击 这个宏的意义在于,如果能量不足,将会自动开始自动攻击,而不是使用其他技能 #showtooltip 出血 /startattack /cast 出血 6.冷血剔骨 一键冷血剔骨 /cast 冷血 /cast 刺骨 7.闷棍+平砍 闷棍同时平砍目标,而且不会将对方打醒。因为会使你脱离潜行状态,所以你需要额外的10


/help 列出常用指令帮助 /assist [名字] 协助你当前所选择的目标,或者指定的目标 /cast spell 施放指定的法术,可以包含法术的等级。比如: "/cast Slow Fall", "/cast Polymorph(Rank 2)" /afk [文字] 开启AFK模式显示你要离开一会儿,再输一次/afk关闭AFK模式。 /combatlog 导出你的战斗信息到(wow目录)LogsPlayerCombatLog.txt 文件里。 /dnd [文字] 开启DND模式表示“请勿打扰”,再输一次/dnd关闭DND模式。 /duel [名字] 要求与你锁定的目标决斗,或者要求与指定的目标决斗。 /yield (/forfeit) 在决斗时投降。 /emote 文字 (/em, /me) 表示接下来的文字是动作。 /exit 退出游戏。 /follow (/f) 自动跟随当前目标。 /ignore 名字忽略目标玩家。 /inspect (/ins) 查看目标玩家的装备。 /logout (/camp) 坐下并且登出。 /macro 打开宏设置界面。 /macrohelp 给出关于设置宏的帮助。 /played 显示你游戏人物的在线时间。 /pvp 在接下来的5分钟内开启PVP模式。 /raid 文字 (/r) 在RAID频道里说话。 /random 数字 [数字2] (/rnd, /rand) 扔出一个从1到某个数字范围内的随机数字,或者是两个数字范围之间的随机数字。 /remfriend 名字 (/removefriend) 把一个好友从你的好友列表里去掉。


魔兽世界335单机变态技能.txt看一个人的的心术,要看他的眼神;看一个人的身价,要看他的对手;看一个人的底牌,要看他的朋友。明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了希望。1:BUFF类 1。1,伤害加成类BUFF(以下所有BUFF可同时开),全开的效果就是裸奔打100倍HP的25人英雄小阿,普攻一拳打死。 莫格莱尼之力(53642) 150码距离立即获得大领主达瑞安·莫格莱尼之力。你造成的伤害、生命力和生命力恢复速度大幅提升。你是无坚不摧的黑暗之力!(无时间限制,3W血,2000%伤害,每秒回血30%) 狂放的愤怒(39869)立即与战刃分离的埃辛诺斯之魂震怒,造成的伤害额外提高500%,并使移动速度提高200%。(无时间限制) 狂暴(45078)立即伤害提高500%(无时间限制)。 狂暴(47008)立即使施法者的攻击速度提高150%,造成的所有伤害提高900% ,持续30分钟。 狂暴(26662)立即使施法者的攻击速度与移动速度提高150%,造成的所有伤害提高500% ,持续5分钟。同时免疫嘲讽效果。 狂暴(72525)立即造成的伤害提高240%。攻击与施法速度提高160%。(无时间限制) 奥斯里安之力(25176)立即伤害提高300%。无时间限制 斑比纳的复仇(48869)立即使施法者的攻击速度提高150%,造成的所有伤害提高2000% ,持续5分钟。 督军之怒(36453)立即使施法者的攻击速度提高70%,造成的物理伤害提高75%,持续10分钟。(可以叠加10次,相当于700%攻速,750%伤害) 疯狂之怒(44806)立即使施法者的攻击速度提高10%,造成的物理伤害提高10%,持续10分钟。(可以叠加50次,相当于500%攻速,500%伤害) 魔性注入(44505)立即注入恶魔能量,使其造成的伤害及攻击速度提高,持续10秒。(伤害提高2000%,攻速提高100%) 天神下凡(24646)立即增加所造成的伤害500%,但降低移动速度75%。持续15秒。 恶魔形态(40506)立即伤害提高500%,DEBUFF类,无敌或自杀可解除此状态,无时间限制。 狂暴(62555)伤害提高500%。攻击速度提高150%。持续时间: 10 分钟


1.常用的宏命令 1.1常用的宏命令 1.1.1.释放技能命令 ●/cast 释放一个或多个技能,可以加入一些条件判断,是最常用的命令 ●/castsequence 依次释放释放数个技能,同样可以加入一些条件判断,常见于所谓的"无脑宏" ●/use 使用一个物品,可以直接用物品名称也可以用物品栏位置 1.1. 2.动作命令 ●/cancelform 取消变形 ●/cancelaura 取消状态或增益 ●/startattack 开始攻击,一般写不写差别不大,释放技能会自动开始攻击的 ●/stopattack 停止攻击,与startattack相反,用于防止破除控制等功能,也不大会用到 ●/target /targetenemy 切换目标,用到的也不多,抓贼宏会用到,更多时候需要的反而是不切换目标的情况下对特定目标释放技能 ●/mount 召唤坐骑 ●/dismount 解散坐骑 1.1.3.语言表情命令 ●/1 /2 /3 /4 在不同的频道里面说话,1综合,2交易,3本地防务,4寻求组队

●/s /y /p /ra /bg 在不同的范围说话,s说,y喊,p小队,ra团队,bg战场 ●/e 做出一串表情,同时也可以/+内置表情 1.1.4.特殊命令 ●#showtooltip 显示技能描述,可以指定技能名或是缺省,让你的界面更有可读性●/focus 指定某个目标为焦点目标 ●/clearfocus 清除焦点目标 ●/stopmacro 停止宏,可加入条件判断 ●/console /script 控制命令,抓贼宏会用到 1.2常用的条件判断 1.2.1.目标条件判断 ●help noharm 目标为友方 ●harm nohelp 目标为敌方 ●exists 目标存在 ●dead nodead 目标死亡/存活 1.2.2.自身条件判断 ●stance:1/2/3/4/5/6 form:1/2/3/4/5/6 处在某形态中,对应为 野性:1熊,2水栖,3豹,4旅行,5飞行


最新魔兽命令大全魔兽世界“/”命令大全魔兽世界gm命令大全魔兽世界宏命... /agree (同意) /amaze (吃惊) /angry (愤怒) /apologize (道歉) /applaud (喝彩) /applause (鼓掌) /beckon (招收) /beg (乞求) /belch (响嗝) /bite (啃咬) /bleed (流血) /blink (眨眼) /blood (流血) /blow (喘气) /blush (脸红) /boggle (犹豫) /bonk (巨响) /bored (无聊) /bounce (弹跳) /bow (鞠躬) /brb (即回) /burp (打嗝) /bye (再见) /cackle (尖笑) /calm (镇静) /cat (猫) /catty (阴险) /cheer (欢呼) /chew (咀嚼) /chicken (小鸡) /chuckle (咯咯地笑) /clap (鼓掌) /cold (感冒) /comfort (安慰)

/congrats (恭喜) /congratulate (庆贺) /cough (咳嗽) /cower (退缩) /crack (响指) /cringe (奉承) /cry (哭泣) /cuddle (拥抱) /curiouse (好奇) /curt /curtsey (女子,屈膝礼)/dance (跳舞) /disappointed (失望) /doh (巨响) /doom (厄运) /drink (饮) /drool (流口水) /duck (鸭子) /eat (吃) /eye (注视) /farewell (辞别) /fart (放屁) /fear (害怕) /feast (宴会) /fidget (烦躁) /flap (学小鸡拍打翅膀)/flex (炫耀力量) /food (饮食) /frown (皱眉) /gasp (喘气) /gaze (凝视) /giggle (傻笑) /glad (高兴) /glare (怒视)


技能名称需要 等级 职业 闪电链 等级 6 70萨满 闪电链 等级 5 63萨满 闪电链 等级 4 56萨满 闪电链 等级 3 48萨满 闪电链 等级 2 40萨满 闪电链 等级 1 32萨满 闪电箭 等级12 67萨满 闪电箭 等级11 62萨满 闪电箭 等级10 56萨满 闪电箭 等级9 50萨满 闪电箭 等级8 44萨满 闪电箭 等级7 38萨满 闪电箭 等级 6 32萨满 闪电箭 等级 5 26萨满

闪电箭 等级 4 20萨满 闪电箭 等级 3 14萨满 闪电箭 等级 2 8萨满 闪电箭 等级 1 1萨满 Ron's T est Spell #4 24法师 装死 等级 2 1盗贼 技能名称需要 等级 职业 装死 等级 1 1盗贼 装死 等级 3 1盗贼 割碎打断 0德鲁伊 Armor Penetration 182 0盗贼 摧毁复仇之灵 70术士 Armor Penetration 56 0盗贼 活动炸弹 等级 1 60法师

元素诅咒 32术士 强化变形术 0法师 强化变形术 0法师 强化十字军打击 0圣骑士 强化地缚图腾 0萨满 强化暗言术:灭 0牧师 强化心灵尖啸 0牧师 强化闪电箭 等级 3 0萨满 强化震击 0萨满 强化纠缠根须 0猎人 强化多重射击 0猎人 Kyle's T est for Mod Healing 等级 5 0圣骑士返回裂隙 首页上页12 3 45678910...下页尾页 技能名称需要 等级 职业

传送:祖阿曼副本 20法师 责罚 70牧师等级 6 责罚 60牧师等级 5 责罚 50牧师等级 4 责罚 40牧师等级 3 责罚 30牧师等级 2 责罚 20牧师等级 1 鱼叉 1法师等级 1 召唤餐桌 70法师等级 1 缴械射击 38猎人 Armor Penetration 1400 0盗贼 Armor Penetration 98 0盗贼 Armor Penetration 49 0盗贼 复仇角斗士的生存图腾 0萨满


.gm on 开启GM模式次代码必须小写 .gm off 关闭GM模式次代码必须小写 .additem # 增加物品代码为#的物品到所选玩家背包 .additemset # 增加套装代码为#的一些物品到所选玩家背包 .bank # 打开仓库 .levelup # 为目标(或自己) 增加#级 .taxicheat on/off 开启/关闭所有飞行路线 .explorecheat 1/0 开启/关闭所有探索地图 .revive 复活当前目标(复活自己需/G启用工会频道后使用) .start 脱离卡死(回城) .dismount 下马 .die 杀死目标 .cooldown 重置目标所有技能冷却时间 .guid 显示当前目标生物的 GUID .allowmove 允许或禁止你所选择的生物移动 .gps 显示角色或生物的坐标(x,y,z) 地图标号和地区 .go $x $y $z $mapid 转到对应map的指定坐标(x,y,z)处 .goname * 传送自己到名为*的人物处 .namego * 传送名为*的目标到自己所在处 .commands 显示你的帐号可以使用的命令 .cooldown 立即使目标的魔法冷却 .respawn 立即刷新身边最近的生物或游戏目标 .gm visible on/off 使GM是否对玩家可见 .password $old_password $new_password $new_password 更改你账号的密码 .modify命令: .modify money # 为目标(或自己) 增加#铜 .modify hp # # 将目标的HP设置为#/# .modify mana # # 将目标的MP设置为#/# .modify rage # # 将目标的怒气值设置为#/# .modify energy # # 将目标的能量值设置为#/# .modify speed # 将目标移动速度设定为初始速度的#倍(#=0.1-10) .modify bwalk # 将目标移后退度设定为初始速度的#倍(#=0.1-10) .modify swim # 将目标游泳速度设定为初始速度的#倍(#=0.1-10) .modify fly # 将目标飞行速度设定为初始速度的#倍(#=0.1-10) .modify aspeed # 将目标所有速度设定为初始速度的#倍(#=0.1-10) .modify scale # 将目标体积设定为初始状态的#倍(#=0.00-3) .modify mount # 为目标召唤一种坐骑(#=1-69) .modify honor # 增加目标的荣誉点数#(#=1=2147483646) .modify arena # 增加目标的竞技场点数#(#=1=2147483646) .modify integral # 修改目标的积分为#(#=0-999999) .modify drunk # 修改目标的醉酒度为#(#=0-100)


宏命令全表 本文WOWWiki共享维护Subelf译 有些命令需要参数,而部分命令的参数则是可以省略的。比如/join可以接受两个参数,一个是可选的,另一个则是必需的,我们用/join <频道名称> [密码]来表示。也就是说“<>”中的是必需的,“[]”中的则是可选的。 一、基本命令 协助[单位],也就是选择[单位]的目标。如果没有指定[单位],当前目标将作为 使用<技能>。 为自己装备<物品>。 自动跟随[玩家]。如果没有指定[玩家],当前目标将作为参数。 掷骰子,获得一个[下限]到[上限]之间的随机数。如果只指定了一个参数值,那么范围就是从1到这个指定的值。如果没有给出任何参数,那么范围就是从1到100。如果你在小队或团队中,附近的队员可以看到你得到的随机数,范围和/say 相同。

显示服务器时间。 向[玩家]发起交易。如果没有指定[玩家],当前目标将作为参数。 定[搜索内容],那么会进行一个默认的搜索,并打开搜索对话框显示结果。 二、聊天命令 下面这些是用于玩家交流的命令,如果没有特别设定,聊天内容都是用当前的语言发送的。比如暗夜精灵选择用达纳苏斯语后人类就看不懂他说的是什么了。 表情的作用是向周围发送一个“玩家名<表情>”的信息,和/say类似。不过当敌对阵营玩家收到信息后只会显示“玩家名做了一些奇怪的动作”。 向战场团队频道发送[信息]。 给最近向你发送悄悄话的玩家发送<信息>。 说话,向周围发送<信息>,附近的玩家都可以收到。 仅向<玩家>发送<信息>。 三、在线状态 你“处在暂离状态”的自动回复。该回复也可以通过设置[信息]修改。

切换勿扰状态。玩家向你发送悄悄话时将在你名字左侧显示“勿扰”,并得到你“请勿打扰”的自动回复。该回复也可以通过设置[信息]修改。 四、好友列表 参数。如果当前目标也不存在,好友列表框将会弹出。 将[玩家]添加到忽略名单,如果没有指定[玩家],则将你的当前目标作为参数。 你将不会收到任何来自被忽略的玩家发送的信息。 为参数。 为参数。 五、小队、团队命令 邀请[玩家]加入队伍,如果没有指定[玩家],则将你的当前目标作为参数。至 将[玩家]开除队伍,如果没有指定[玩家],则将你的当前目标作为参数。至少需要助理权限。 队长权限 向团队发送[警告信息],队员收到信息后将有警告音,并且屏幕中将会显示[警告信息]。至少需要助理权限。 向全团发送就位确认询问,所有队员需要在30秒内做“是”或“否”的选择。 之后将收到全团就位情况的统计结果。至少需要助理权限。 六、战利品分配


一、基本宏命令 1.什么是宏? 宏是由一组宏命令组成的。以下是一些普通宏命令: ?/say (/s) ?/whisper(/w, /talk, /t) ?/emote(/e, /em, /me) ?/dance ?喜爱PVP的人,应该不会忘了这个:/spit 利用宏,我们可以把这些宏命令放到技能栏上点击使用,而且可以同时做多个动作。写宏 的时候,每条动作写在一行上,就像在聊天界面中输入的一样。比如,让你的角色喊一声 “Everybody, dance now!”然后开始跳舞的宏: /y Everybody, dance now! /dance 一个基本完整的宏命令列表可以参考这里:[《宏命令全表》],不过个别新添加的宏命 令还没有被收录。WoWWiki有很多关于宏的资料,尤其是脚本和/run命令(后面将会提到)。 注:我先在此说一下,宏的执行是立即进行的。这意味着当你点击技能栏上的一个宏时, 宏命令会一条接一条地执行,执行完后才会返回游戏控制。这将会产生两个重要问题:第 一,如果写了一个会执行很长时间的宏(如:/run for i=1, 1000000000 do end),游戏 会被卡死,直到它执行结束;第二,也是更重要的一点,那就是宏命令不可能具有延时功 能。这一现象在我们熟悉/cast之类的命令后就可以很清楚地感觉到。而一些提供了延时 执行命令功能的插件,只能是能执行一些所谓的“良性命令”,如交谈、表情和对于其他 插件命令的调用(不过战斗中更换武器是可以进行的)。 2.怎样写宏? 首先,打开你的宏窗口:单击主菜单上的“宏”按钮,或者在聊天界面中输入/macro(/m)回车。在宏窗口的顶端,可以看见两个标签:“通用宏”和“<你的角色名>的专用宏”。通用宏被存储在账号专有的文件夹中,被所有角色共享。而角色专用宏则存储在角色自己的文件夹下,是角色专用的(废话……囧)。在标签下面是18个存放宏的栏位。再往下是一个栏位,用于显示当前选中的宏;还有一个“修改名称/图标”的按钮,用于修改选中的宏。然后是一个用于显示、编辑当前宏的文本框。最下面是三个按钮,傻子也能看出它们是干什么的。 如果要创建一个宏,首先单击窗口下方的“新建”按钮,这时窗口旁边会显示一个对话框,用于选择图标和输入宏的名称。如果选择了第一个图标(就是那个很红很暴力的问号),WoW会自


完美版魔兽世界GM命令大全 魔兽世界单机版gm命令大全,首先确认建立gm帐号!所有的gm号令都是按回车之后输入.号令数据(注重:绝对于是不要忘了点以及空格)(另有要端选本身的人士才有效) 改等级:.setlevel数据 改经验:.setxp数据 钱用号令改没完,至少我不懂患上,你可以加物品(代码:7)卖可值1000金(跟据差别的单机版本有可能有所差别) 加物品:.add物品代码 顶级设备代码: 声誉兵器(同盟-群落): 18825-18826盾 18827-18828斧 18830-18831双手斧 18833-18835弓 18838837弩 18838-18840匕首 18843-18844主手拳套 18847-18848副手拳套 18855-18860枪 18865-18866单手锤 18867-18868双手锤, 18869-18871长柄 18873-18874法仗 18878877双手剑 声誉勋章(群落-同盟): 18848856猎人 18834-18854兵士 18849-18857响马 18850-18859法师 18851-18862牧师 18852-18858方士 18853-18863患上鲁伊 18845萨满 18864圣骑士 元帅套装 元帅猎装16462-1646465-16468 元帅魔装17578-1758117583-17584 元帅德装16448-1645216459 元帅制服1644616453-16457 元帅袈裟1643716440-16444 元帅佑护16471-16476 元帅战甲16477-1648016483-16484 元帅神服17602-176051760717608


猎人攻击停顿 /script T,F=T or 0,F or CreateFrame("frame")if X then X=nil else X=function()local t=GetTime()if t-T>1 then RepopMe() AcceptResurrect() AcceptXPLoss():Click()T=t end end end F:SetScript ("OnUpdate",X) 染血币虚弱复活宏小号摔死然后点一下宏如果没复活手动点一下天使姐姐就行了,两个号之间保持一定距离5码以上不然会有buff刷的时候不要动 /petattack 宠物攻击 /petstay 停留 /petfollow 跟随 /petpassive 被动模式 /petdefensive 防御模式 /petaggressive 主动攻击 /run t={} for i=1,GetNumGroupMembers() do n,r=UnitName("raid"..i) r=n and (r or GetRealmName()) t[r]=t[r] and (t[r]+1) or 1 end for k,v in pairs(t) do SendChatMessage(k.."人數:"..v,"raid") end 服务器检查 /run C_BlackMarket.RequestItems()N=C_BlackMarket.GetNumItems()for i=1,N do M=select(1, C_BlackMarket.GetItemInfoByIndex(i))D=select(16, C_BlackMarket.GetItemInfoByIndex(i))if M=="迅捷祖利安猛虎" then C_BlackMarket.ItemPlaceBid(D, 9530000000)end en 黑市秒杀


魔兽争霸DOTA各版本命令大全:游戏模式游戏命令英雄类 命令 一、主要游戏模式 1 下面的主要游戏模式每局只能选择一个 2 有些主要模式和二级游戏模式不能共存,都列出来了 3 常规模式:如果什么都不输入,15秒后自动默认常规模式。玩家只能选择自己方酒馆的英雄 4 全选模式:-ap/-allpick 玩家可以选择所有酒馆的英雄 5 全体随机模式:-ar/-allrandom 玩家从所有酒馆的范围里自动随机得到一个英雄。和反转模式不兼容。 6 团队随机模式: -tr/-teamrandom 玩家从自己方酒馆里随机得到一个英雄。和反转模式、死亡竞赛模式不兼容。 7 模式随机: -mr/-moderandom 随机从全体随机模式,全选模式,团队随机模式和常规模式中选择一个模式。和反转模式、死亡竞赛模式不兼容。 8 联赛模式: -lm/-leaguemode 需要10个玩家,团队交替选英雄,按(1-2-2-2-2-1)的顺序,第一玩家的团队是随机的。每个玩家有20s选择一个英雄,否则随机产生一个英雄。只能够选择自己方酒馆里的英雄。除了以下二级模式外其他不兼容,例外:洗牌模式,交换禁止模式,禁止重选模式,雪地地形模式。 9 随机征召模式: -rd/-randomdraft 22个随机英雄从所有酒馆里选出来,并且放在地图左上的树林中。然后玩家按照联赛模式选择这些英雄。与镜像竞赛模式,死亡竞赛模式,全敏捷英雄模式,全智力英雄模式,全力量英雄模式,相同英雄模式,反转模式不兼容。

10 阵容投票模式: –vr/-voterandom 3种随机的阵容将被选择,每个玩家都可以投票。需要两边玩家数相同才能使用此模式。与镜像模式,死亡竞赛模式,全敏捷英雄模式,全智力英雄模式,全力量英雄模式,相同英雄模式,反转模式不兼容。当随机阵容选举模式选择后,30秒内各个玩家可以投票,如果不投,将自动随机投,如果投票是平局,将随机选择一个选项。各个玩家只能投一票。输入 -option 1 或者 -option 2 或者-option 3来投票。 11 扩展联赛模式: -xl/-extendedleague 需要10个玩家。在前20秒内,2方的团队领导(蓝色和粉红色玩家)可以在所有英雄里移除4个英雄。然后玩家像联赛模式那样选英雄。除了以下二级模式外其他不兼容,例外:洗牌模式,交换禁止模式,禁止重选模式,雪地地形模式。 12 单选方案模式:-singledraft or -sd (swiss) 系统随机给出力量、敏捷、智力三种类型英雄各一个放在你的能量圈中供选取 13 队长模式:-captainmode or -cm 由双方队长(蓝色和粉红色玩家)各BAN4 个英雄,接着队长按1-2-2-2-2-1的顺序为队友选择英雄,英雄选择完毕后,双方队员挑选所要的英雄 二、二级游戏模式 要选择下面的二级游戏模式,应该和主游戏模式在同一句话中一起输入。 1 死亡竞赛: -dm/-deathmatch 如果你的英雄死了,你会在复活时间到的时候重新选一个英雄。如果主游戏模式是随机,那么你将随机得到那个英雄。如果一个团队有44次死亡,或者基地被拆,团队就输了。与全敏捷英雄模式,全智力英雄模式,全力量英雄模式,相同英雄模式,反转模式,镜像竞赛模式不兼容。 补充说明:第一个玩家可以在选择死亡竞赛模式后15秒内输入下面的命令,需要分开输入。


大芒果WOW BT技能 1:BUFF类 1。1,伤害加成类BUFF(以下所有BUFF可同时开),全开的效果就是裸奔打100倍HP 的25人英雄小阿,普攻一拳打死。 莫格莱尼之力(53642)150码距离立即获得大领主达瑞安·莫格莱尼之力。你造成的伤害、生命力和生命力恢复速度大幅提升。你是无坚不摧的黑暗之力!(无时间限制,3W血,2000%伤害,每秒回血30%) 狂放的愤怒(39869)立即与战刃分离的埃辛诺斯之魂震怒,造成的伤害额外提高500%,并使移动速度提高200%。(无时间限制) 狂暴(45078)立即伤害提高500%(无时间限制)。 狂暴(47008)立即使施法者的攻击速度提高150%,造成的所有伤害提高900% ,持续30分钟。 狂暴(26662)立即使施法者的攻击速度与移动速度提高150%,造成的所有伤害提高500% ,持续5分钟。同时免疫嘲讽效果。 狂暴(72525)立即造成的伤害提高240%。攻击与施法速度提高160%。(无时间限制) 奥斯里安之力(25176)立即伤害提高300%。无时间限制 斑比纳的复仇(48869)立即使施法者的攻击速度提高150%,造成的所有伤害提高2000% ,持续5分钟。 督军之怒(36453)立即使施法者的攻击速度提高70%,造成的物理伤害提高75%,持续10分钟。(可以叠加10次,相当于700%攻速,750%伤害) 疯狂之怒(44806)立即使施法者的攻击速度提高10%,造成的物理伤害提高10%,持续10分钟。(可以叠加50次,相当于500%攻速,500%伤害) 魔性注入(44505)立即注入恶魔能量,使其造成的伤害及攻击速度提高,持续10秒。(伤害提高2000%,攻速提高100%) 天神下凡(24646)立即增加所造成的伤害500%,但降低移动速度75%。持续15秒。


考格威尔(Cogwheel's)宏命令完全指南 Cogwheel著 WOWWiki共享维护 Subelf译版权所有请勿用于商业用途 一、基本宏命令.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1. 什么是宏? ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。 2. 怎样写宏? ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。 3. 施放法术 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 i. 关于技能名称和等级的说明...................... 错误!未定义书签。 4. 使用物品或者饰品 .................................. 错误!未定义书签。 i. /use <装备栏> ................................. 错误!未定义书签。 ii. /use <背包> <栏> ............................. 错误!未定义书签。 5. 集成多个动作 ...................................... 错误!未定义书签。 6. 选择目标 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 i. 其他选择命令.................................. 错误!未定义书签。 7. 控制宠物 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 i. /petattack .................................... 错误!未定义书签。 ii. /petfollow ................................... 错误!未定义书签。 iii. /petpassive, /petdefensive 和 /petaggressive 错误!未定义书签。 iv. /petautocaston 和 /petautocastoff ............ 错误!未定义书签。 8. 宏在动作栏的显示控制 .............................. 错误!未定义书签。 9. 其他的命令 ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。 i. 装备物品...................................... 错误!未定义书签。 ii. 队列施法或使用物品........................... 错误!未定义书签。 iii. 随机施法或使用物品.......................... 错误!未定义书签。 iv. 攻击......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 v. 技能栏控制.................................... 错误!未定义书签。 vi. 移除增益效果................................. 错误!未定义书签。 vii. 退出形态.................................... 错误!未定义书签。 viii. 中止施法................................... 错误!未定义书签。 ix. 终止一个宏:/stopmacro ....................... 错误!未定义书签。 x. 解散坐骑...................................... 错误!未定义书签。 xi. 保存一个目标用于后续动作..................... 错误!未定义书签。 xii. 模拟点击.................................... 错误!未定义书签。 10. 进阶:脚本................................... 错误!未定义书签。 i. 脚本有哪些限制?.............................. 错误!未定义书签。 ii. 什么是脚本?................................. 错误!未定义书签。 二、命令条件语.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1. 什么是命令条件语? ................................ 错误!未定义书签。 2. 可以使用条件语的命令 .............................. 错误!未定义书签。 3. [target=]条件语 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。 4. 语法 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。 i. 条件语语法简介................................ 错误!未定义书签。 ii. 条件语法..................................... 错误!未定义书签。

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