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Unit 1

1.This research seems to lend some validity(有力的)to the theory that the drug might cause cancer .

2.In a number of developing countryies ,war has been an additional impendiment (障碍)to progress .

3.Anthea was about to play her trump card (王牌卡);without her signature none of the money could be released .

4.I flunked(挂科)my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college .

5.I didnt want to lose my composure(镇静)in front of her .

6.The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority (优先).

7.For three hours a committee of state senators listened to a parade(一系列)of local residents giving their opinions.

8.Thousands of lives will be at stake(在危机关头)if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.

9.Brierley's book has the merit(优点)of being both information and readable .

10.I think there was a conspiracy(阴谋)to keep me out of the committee .

Unit 2

1.It is not easy for chinese people to respond properly to others compeliments and

equally difficult for them to accept criticisms gracefully(优雅).

2.We shoud be truly thankful to Mr Deng Xiao Ping for taking the plunge(做一个决定)and initiating the economic reform in china .

3.Unfortunately ,television studio are strangely designed and dressing -rooms are often miles away from the studios ,so we had to find a place where she and her entourage(随从人员)could relax in comfort without the need to climd stairs .

4.What is the use of whining about (发牢骚)you bad luck ?It is more important to find the real cause of your misfortune .

5.The rising real estate prices thwarted(阻碍)his ambition of owning a house of his own in the big city ,disappointed ,he returned to his hometown .

6.The old women sat silently beside her collapsed house ,her eyes brimming with (充满)tears and hatred .

7.He writes clearly and lightheartedly about the 100 best rivers and gives his expert advice on how to navigate(航行)their reaches .

8.Outside the forest the snow was already six inches deep and growing steadily , relentlessly (无情地,残忍地)deeper .

9.There is no doubt that his duty extends to informing his patient ,if asked ,of the nature of his illness and its likely prognosis (预测,诊断)

10.Those who are climbing the career ladder fast may use alcohol as a booster to help them to achieve,and those who recognize that that they have failed to reach the top may also turn to alcohol ,in an attempt to bolster(支持,提升)their failing self-image.

11.A typically chinese countryside house is one whose eaves protrude(伸出,突出)over the wall.

12.The ship came back from the region that had just been attacked by a strange disease.Thus the health officials placed all its crew in quarantine (检疫)

Unit 3

1.Given the sophistication(成熟)of modern machines, there is little that require manual labor .

2.After the police released their report ,john was exonerated(开脱) from all responsibility for the accident .

3.The world constructed by online games seems to many youngsters a reasonable surrogate(代理)for "real life ",although what they see is not real in the least .

4.In a speech at the Congress ,the president extolled(赞美)the virtues of free enterprise andexpressed his distaste for the blatant hegemony in IT industry .

5.He soon became notorious because he enjoyed deriving perverse(倒行逆施)satisfaction from embarrass ing people .

6.I endorse(赞同,支持,认可签署)everything that has been said from both side of the House in support and admiration of him and of the courage and fortitude that he and his family have displayed.

7.The opposition members of the parliament derided(嘲笑,嘲讽)the government 's response to the crisis .

8.The poor women was defrauded (骗取)of her money by a dishonest

accountant .

9.The other guests were stunned into silence as h began swinging into the

gaggle(a gaggle of 一群) of giggling photographers and kicking at tem frantically .

10.Back to the us,the sly businessman was faced with racketeering(敲诈勒索)charges that may send him to life imprisonment .

Unit 4

1.It is certainly undemocratic ,and many people are beginning to feel that it borders on(相当于) the unconstitutional .

2.Traditionally ,organizations are constructed pyramidally; with a hierarchy(阶级资料)most powerful at the top and progressively less so as the pyramid spreads downwards .

3."No theory explains everything ,"she remarks ."yet it is just the desire to explain everything which is the spur(刺激,激励)of theory .

4.The archaeologist in the film knew that there was a curse(祸因,诅咒)upon anyone who entered the pyramid .

5.I have always belived tourism has an important part to play in the spreading of understanding between countries ,as well as being a catalyst(促进) for economic development .

6.Her body looked diminished,almost shriveled(枯萎)in the huge

chair ,and her hands on the arms began very gently to shake .

7.The talks will not be easy and the fundamental differences between the parties remain as potentially irreconcilable(不可调和的)as ever .

8.A real love song is infinitely more appropriate for christmas than a trashy song cooked up(编造) as a commercial gimmick .

9.A local builder offered to knock down the remain of the house in exchange for the materials he could salvage(抢救).

10.Edward now wore the manic look of some animal transferred into the wrong environment ,as though he might run amok(四处狂奔) .or bite .

11.Alan attempted to read every press clipping ,interview anyone who ever knew the movie star ,and cobble together(拼凑) a book out of it .

12.Some sociologists tend to bemoan(哀悼)the loss of community in the face of modern urbanism ;there is a wistful longing for the past in their analysis of the modern word .

Unit 5

1."You just can't escape the fact(忽略事实) that we're in a transformational period,"Cole said,"The old way is not survivable.Investors,managers and laborers all have accepted that big things have to be done."

2.I think you've just put a finger on (指出) the biggest problem facing the Conservative party in this election.

3.The great conundrum(谜)of my life is that my public career continues to flourish and expand even at a time when the music I love,the music I write ,the

music I champion,the music on which I am the world's leading expert,is utterly out of fashion in every segment of musical society.

4. Flummoxed(使…混乱)by the surreality of history and the mind boggling changes unleashed in the 60s,many writers in that era became minimalists,withdrawing,turtlelike,inside their own homes and heads.

5.Hannah Arendt's clear message is directed at the citizens of democratic societies that the raison d’etre of politics is freedom.

6.According to a survey of college graduates recently released by the government's Council of Labor Affairs(CLA),the average starting monthly salary for college graduates in 2006 decreased,which reveals stagnation(停滞)in economy.

7.Financial incentives(鼓励机制)are said to exist where an agent can expect some form of material reward-especially money-in exchange for acting in a particular way.

8.Girls from dalit families,the lowest in the caste hierarchy in India have the yearning(渴望) for formal school education.

9.The heated argument is getting out of control,And it must be admitted that Challenger is provocative(煽动的)in the last degree,but Summerlee has an acid tongue,which makes matters worse.

10.Malaise(不舒服,不适)is a feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness,an out of sorts feeling,often the first indication of an infection or other disease.

unit 1P20

semiliterate a. 半文盲的

trump card 王牌

get by 通过

settle down 静下来

dropout n. 辍学

do-gooder n. 帮倒忙的人

impediment n. 妨碍

charmer n. 可爱的人、魔术师

steely a. 钢的

flunk v. 失败、不及格

at stake 危急关头

composure n. 沉着、冷静

parade n. 游行、检阅

sail v. 航行、起航

testimony n. 证据、证言、证明

follow through 坚持到底

conspiracy n. 阴谋、共谋

doom v. 注定、判决、使失败

unit 2 P55

propose v. 提议、求婚

knockoff n. 赝品

windex v. 清洁剂

take the plunge 冒险尝试;采取决定性步骤maid of honor 伴娘

matrimonial a. 婚姻的

bridesmaid n. 伴娘

pastel a. 彩色粉笔

taffeta n. 塔夫绸

consignment n. 托付entourage n. 随从groomsman n. 伴郎

courtship n. 求爱(期)、求婚publicist n. 公关、宣传人员monomaniacal a. 偏执狂pharmacist n. 药商、药剂师whine v. 哀诉、抱怨

thwart v. 阻扰、妨碍cathedral n. 大教堂quarantine v. 对...检疫、隔离petite a. 娇小的、柔弱的

brim v. 充满、溢出

navigate v. 驾驶、领航

eerily adv. 可怕的reminiscent a. 怀旧的

drab a. 单调的

relentlessly adv. 残酷的

dank a. 阴湿的

tattered a. 破烂的

prognosis n. 预知、病状的诊断trickle v. 滴、掉眼泪decadent a. 颓废的

incision n. 切开、切口

bolster v. 支持、支撑

chemo n. 化疗

poach v. 水煮、偷猎consummately adv. 完美的myriad n. 许多、无数

protrude v. (使)突出、(使)伸出raspy a. 刺耳的

unit 3 P90

disingenuousness n. 不诚信

withering a. 使人难忘的

endorse v. 赞同

sequential a. 连续的、相继的testimony n. 证词、证据

nicotine n. 尼古丁

sophistication n. 复杂、诡辩、老于世故allure n. 诱惑力、魅力

extol v. 颂扬、赞颂

clad a. 穿衣的、覆盖的

the better part of 大多数

pathology n. 病理学

perverse a. 反常的、任性的、堕落的exonerate v. 使免罪

epidemiological a. 流行病学的landmark n. 里程碑

bronchogenic a. 支气管原的

surrogate n. 代理人、替代品、替身deride v. 取笑

exhaustively adv. 用尽一切的memorandum n. 备忘录disinformation n. 假信息

obfuscate v. 使模糊

spike v. 阻止、用钉子钉牢racketeering n. 诈骗

gaggle n. 一群

skeptic n. 怀疑(论)者、无神论者defraud v. 欺骗某人

pandemic n. 流行病

advocacy n. 鼓吹、提倡

unit 4 P124

blessing n. 祈福

curse n. 咒骂

chitchat n. 闲聊

detritus n. 碎石、岩屑

suck v. 吸允

con a. 哄骗的

harry v. 折磨、掠夺、骚扰

snoop v. 窥探

shrivel v. 枯萎

barrage n. 弹幕、阻塞nanosecond n. 毫微秒

cook up 迅速做好饭菜、编造、策划catalyst n. 催化剂、刺激因素

mind-boggling a. 警告

hassle v. 打扰

irreconcilable a. 无法调节的salvage v. 营救

far-flung a. 广泛传播的

visceral a. 不理智的、本能的

peck v. 攻击

lust n. 欲望

hierarchy n. 等级制度

buffer n. 缓冲地带

purveyor n. 供货商

prurient a. 好色的、淫乱的spew v. 呕吐、喷出

vile a. 恶劣的、卑鄙的

run amok 胡作非为

cobble togethet

border on 接界、相邻于、近似于lapse n. 流逝、失效

gentility n. 有教养

lowercase a. 用小写字母的snippy a. 尖刻的、语言唐突的archive n. 档案(馆)

curator n. 馆长、监护人bemoan v. 抱怨

muser v. 召集、对……点名multitude n. 大量

spur n. 刺激、鼓励

unit 5 P186

innovation n. 改革、革新define v. 下定义、限制

put a finger on sth.

lend oneself to 屈服于quantifiable a. 可以计量的rocket v. 飞驰、迅速增加conundrum n. 难题、谜语

craft v. 精工细作

flummox v. 使困惑、使混乱malaise n. 病态、不满、无奈stagnation n. 停滞不前

green innovation 绿色创新yearning n. 强烈的愿望incentive n. 刺激、激励provocative a. 挑衅的、煽动的perpetual a. 永久的

ingenuity n. 创新

unit 6 P221

reiterate v. 重申

benign a. 良性的

transcend v. 超越unprecedented a. 前所未有的resilience n. 抵抗力disruptive a. 破坏性skyrocket v. 突升

laxity n. 疲软

fiscal a.财政的

sluggishness n. 发展缓慢的incur v. 引起

intensification n.加剧,剧烈array v. 部署、排列

folly n. 愚蠢荒唐事讽刺剧adversity n. 逆境

rigor n. 严厉的

dissipate v. 浪费、使、、、消散embody v. 表达、陈述covenant v. 盟约契约bypass v. 忽视conflagration n. 冲突subdue v. 征服抑制减轻

revealing a. 启示,揭示

revealingly adv. 启发人地袒胸露肩地vilify v. 诽谤中伤


英语单词记忆的词根词缀总结 一. 常见的前缀 1.表示否定意义的前缀 1)纯否定前缀 a-, an-:asymmetry(不对称)anhydrous(无水的) dis-:dishonest, dislike in-, ig-, il, im, ir:incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregular ne-, n-:none, neither, never non-:noesense neg-:neglect un-:unable, unemployment 2)表示错误的意义 male-, mal-:malfunction, maladjustment(失调) mis-:mistake, mislead pseudo-:pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience 3)表示反动作的意思

de-, defend, demodulation(解调) dis-, disarm, disconnect un-, unload, uncover 4)表示相反,相互对立意思 anti-, ant- :antiknock( 防震), antiforeign,(排外的) contra-, contre-:contro-, contradiction, controflow(逆流) counter-:counterreaction, counterbalance ob-, oc-, of-, op-:object, oppose, occupy with-:withdraw, withstand 2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀 1)a- 表示“在……之上”,“向……” aboard, aside, 2)by- 表示“附近,邻近,边侧” bypath, bypass(弯路) 3)circum-, circu-, 表示“周围,环绕,回转”Circumstance(境遇、状况), circuit(圆圈)


PC:Personal Computer,个人计算机、个人电脑,又称微型计算机或微机。 NC: Network Computer,网络计算机。 MPC: Multimedia Personal Computer,多媒体个人电脑。 MMX: 是MultiMedia eXtensions(多媒体扩展)的缩写,是第六代CPU芯片的重要特点。MMX技术是在CPU中加入了特地为视频信号(Video Signal),音频信号(Audio Signal)以及图像处理(Graphical Manipulation)而设计的57条指令,因此,MMX CPU极大地提高了电脑的多媒体(如立体声、视频、三维动画等)处理功能。 Intel Pentium 166MHz MMXTM: Intel Pentium是英特尔(Intel)公司生产的“奔腾”CPU。 意为“Registered”(注册商标)。166MHz 指CPU时钟频率,MHz即Mega Hertz的缩写。MMXTM中的TM 是“Trade Mark”的简写,意为“注册商标”。 OOP: Object Oriented Programming,面向对象的程序设计。所谓“对象”就是一个或一组数据以及处理这些数据的方法和过程的集合。面向对象的程序设计完全不同于传统的面向过程程序设计,它大

脑编程的一股势不可挡的潮流。 28VGA: 28是指彩色显示器上的黄光网点间距(点距),点距越小的显示器,图像就越细腻、越好,这是因为彩色屏幕上的每个像点都是由一组红、绿、蓝光汇聚而成的,由于在技术上三束光还不能100%地汇聚在一点上,因此会产生一种黄光网点的间隔,这种间隔越小,屏幕上显示的图像越清晰。VGA是Video Graphics Array(视频图形阵列)的缩写。 FAT:Allocation Table,文件分配表,它的作用是记录硬盘中有关文件如何被分散存储在不同扇区的信息。 EPA:Environmental Protection Agency的简称,美国环境保护署。EPA于1992年宣布了“能源之星”(Energy Star)计划,并得到了国际社会的积极响应。只要启动电脑,过不了几秒钟就能见到屏幕上出现“能源之星”的标志。能源之星的目标是当电脑系统的各个部件不活动时自动进入低功耗状态,当部件的能动性恢复(即当键盘、鼠标等被使用)时,电脑系统自动回到完全清醒的状态。对于符合能源之星规范的产品,EPA将发给能源之星标志“EPA POLLUTION PREVENTER”,意为“美国环境保护署认可的防污染的节能产品”。


四种方法快速记忆英语单词 通常情况下,学生总会在处于毫无意识的拼读单词的状态下,记忆单词。这样,不但没能有效的记忆单词,很可能在这个过程中,逐渐对这种重复式的单词记忆产生厌倦,从而导致对英语学科的失去兴趣。然而,单词的记忆并不是杂乱无章的,下面是的小编为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢 一、联想记忆法 即在记忆单词的过程中,要注意观察单词与单词之间在形、音、义等方面的内在联系,在迅速地记住新词的基础上,复习旧词,而且通过分析思考,使有限的单词知识转化为无限的理解新词的能力,从而熟悉单词的变化规律,更加系统,全面地记忆单词。 (一)记忆新词联想复习旧词 1. 词形:新mushroom 旧broom, room 新quite(很,十分) 旧quiet(平静的,安静的) 新thirsty(口渴的) 旧thirty(三十) 2. 词义:同义词记忆: 新seat 旧sit 新arrive 旧reach 新fast、quick旧quickly、soon , 新high旧tall, 新say、tell旧speak、talk, 新plenty of 、a great deal of旧many、much、a lot of 反义词记忆:

新heavy旧light, 新tall旧short, 新fast旧slow, 新come旧go, 新buy旧sell, 新small旧big 新fat旧thin, 新lend旧borrow, 新hungry旧thirsty, 3. 语音:新flour 旧flower 新write 旧right 4.词性:lift(名词,电梯)lift(动词,举起,抬起) quiet(形容词,安静的,平静的)quiet(动词,使安静,平静) green(形容词,绿色的)greens(名词,青菜) bear(名词,熊) bear(动词,忍受) book(名词,书)book(动词,预定) notice(名词,布告,通知)notice(动词,通知,注意到) bear(名词,熊) bear(动词,忍受) 4. 构词:新happiness 旧happy, happily 5. 用法:新wear 旧put on, have on, dress (二)回忆旧词 联想解释新词新词:unusual 回忆旧词并联想:happy (adj.快乐),unhappy (vi.不快乐),usually (adv.经常得) usual(adj.平常的) 推理思考并得出:unusual (adj.不平常的) 其实,在英语中这种


常用词根词缀总结 前缀 1、ab--表示反常,否定,离开abnormalabsent 2、ante--在、、、..、.之前anteroomantecedent 3、anti--防止,反对antiwar antifreeze 4、auto--自动的automobile autorun 5、bi--两个,双bicyclebilateral 6、co--一起,共同cooperate coexist 7、com--一起,共同combine compete 8、contra--相反contrastcontradict 9、de--往下,离开,减少decrease devalue 10、dis--表示否定dislike disappear 11、ex--向外,以前的exportex-wife 12、extra--超过extraordinary 13、fore--在、、、、、、之前forehead foresee 14、hemi--一半hemisphere hemicycle 15、homo--相同的homosexual 16、il--表示否定illegal illiterate 17、im--表示否定impossible impolite 18、in--表示向内,也表否定indoorindependent 19、inter--在.、、.、.、之间,彼此international interchange 20、ir--表示否定irregular irrelative 21、kilo--千(构成名词,常用于计量单位) kilometer kilogram 22、mid--中,中部midnight midlife23、mini--小的,迷您的miniskirt ministate 24、mis--坏的,错误misuse mistake 25、non--表示否定nonstop nonhuman 26、out--外面,超过outgoing outsize 27、over--过度,覆盖overwork overcoat 28、pre--在、..、、、、.之前prehistorypreschool


电脑基本英语单词.txt男人的承诺就像80岁老太太的牙齿,很少有真的。你嗜烟成性的时候,只有三种人会高兴,医生你的仇人和卖香烟的。 2 回复:【基础】电脑基本英语单词^-^ CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元 mainboard主板 RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器 Floppy Disk软盘 Hard Disk硬盘 CD-ROM光盘驱动器(光驱) install安装 monitor监视器 keyboard键盘 mouse鼠标 chip芯片 CD-R光盘刻录机 HUB集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator,调制解调器 P-P(Plug and Play)即插即用 UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)不间断电源 BIOS(Basic-input-Output System)基本输入输出系统 CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)互补金属氧化物半导体 setup安装 uninstall卸载 wizzard向导 OS(Operation Systrem)操作系统 OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化 exit退出 edit编辑 copy复制 cut剪切 paste粘贴 delete删除 select选择 find查找 select all全选 replace替换 undo撤消 redo重做 program程序 license许可(证) back前一步 next下一步


英语单词分类汇总表 1、性别及家庭成员 boy 男孩girl 女孩mother 母亲father 父亲 grandpa 爷爷(口语)grandma 奶奶(口语)grandmother 祖母[‘ɡr?nd?m?e?] grandfather 祖父[‘ɡr?nd?fɑ:e?] dad 爸爸(口语)[d?d] mum 妈妈(口语)[m?m] uncle 叔叔[‘??kl] aunt 阿姨[ɑ:nt] sister 姐妹[‘sist?] brother 兄、弟[‘br?e?] Ms 女士[miz] Mr 先生[‘mist?] Miss 小姐[mis] 2、动物animal [‘?nim?l] panda 熊猫[‘p?nd?] monkey 猴子[‘m??ki] dog 狗[d?ɡ] cat 猫[k?t] bird 鸟[b?:d] bee 蜜蜂[bi:] bear 熊[b??] horse 马[h?:s] pig 猪[piɡ] duck 鸭子[d?k] rabbit 兔子[‘r?bit] tiger 老虎[‘taiɡ?] lion 狮子[‘lai?n] chick 小鸡[t?ik] fox 狐狸[f?ks] hen 母鸡[hen] cow 奶牛[kau] cock 公鸡[k?k] 3、数字 one 一[w?n] two 二[tu:] three 三[θri:] four 四[f?:] five 五[faiv] six 六[siks] seven 七[‘sevn] eight 八[eit] nine 九[nain] ten 十[ten] eleven 十一[i’levn] twelve 十二[twelv] thirteen 十三[?θ?:’ti:n] fourteen 十四[‘f?:’ti:n] fifteen 十五[‘fif’ti:n] sixteen 十六[sik’sti:n] seventeen 十七[?sevn’ti:n]eighteen 十八[?ei’ti:n] n ineteen 十九[‘nain’ti:n] twenty 二十[‘twenti] twenty-one 二十一thirty 三十[‘θ?:ti] forty 四十[‘f?:ti] fifty 五十[‘fifti] sixty 六十[‘siksti] seventy 七十[‘sevnti] eighty 八十[‘eiti]

初中 最常见词根词缀总结

初中常用词根词缀总结 前缀 1、ab--表示反常,否定,离开abnormal absent 2、ante--在.......之前anteroom antecedent 3、anti--防止,反对antiwar antifreeze 4、auto--自动的automobile autorun 5、bi--两个,双bicycle bilateral 6、co--一起,共同cooperate coexist 7、com--一起,共同combine compete 8、contra--相反contrast contradict 9、de--往下,离开,减少decrease devalue 10、dis--表示否定dislike disappear 11、ex--向外,以前的export ex-wife 12、extra--超过extraordinary 13、fore--在......之前forehead foresee 14、hemi--一半hemisphere hemicycle 15、homo--相同的homosexual 16、il--表示否定illegal illiterate 17、im--表示否定impossible impolite 18、in--表示向内,也表否定indoor independent 19、inter--在.......之间,彼此international interchange 20、ir--表示否定irregular irrelative 21、kilo--千(构成名词,常用于计量单位)kilometer kilogram 22、mid--中,中部midnight midlife 23、mini--小的,迷你的miniskirt ministate 24、mis--坏的,错误misuse mistake 25、non--表示否定nonstop nonhuman 26、out--外面,超过outgoing outsize 27、over--过度,覆盖overwork overcoat 28、pre--在........之前prehistory preschool 29、re--重复,重新rebuilt reconsider 30、step--后,继的stepfather stepchild 1


日志 [转] 电脑常用英语单词2009-9-15 18:05阅读(4)转载自罂粟花 下一篇:时云|返回日志列表 ?赞 ?已成功转载 ?分享 ?评论 ?复制地址 ?更多 Accesstime存取时间access存取accuracy准确性adnetworkcookies 广告网络信息记录软件Add-ons附软件Address A Active-matrix主动距陈Adaptercards适配卡Advancedapplication 高级应用Analyticalgraph分析图表Analyze分析Animations动画 Applicationsoftware应用软件Arithmeticoperations算术运算 Audio-outputdevice音频输出设备Accesstime存取时间access存取 accuracy准确性adnetworkcookies广告网络信息记录软件Add-ons附软件Address地址Agents代理Analogsignals模拟信号Applets程序 Asynchronouscommunicationsport异步通信端口Attachment附件 B Barcode条形码Barcodereader条形码读卡器Basicapplication基础程序 Binarycodingschemes二进制译码方案Binarysystem二进制系统Bit比特 Browser浏览器Busline总线Backuptapecartridgeunits备份磁带盒单元 Bandwidth带宽Bluetooth蓝牙Broadband宽带Browser浏览器 Business-to-business企业对企业电子商务Business-to-consumer企业对消费者Bus总线 C Cables连线Cell单元箱Chainprinter链式打印机 Characterandrecognitiondevice字符标识识别设备Chart图表Chassis支架Chip芯片Clarity清晰度Closedarchitecture封闭式体系结构Column列Combinationkey结合键computercompetency计算机能力connectivity连接,结点Continuous-speechrecognitionsystem连续语言识别系统Controlunit操纵单元Cordlessorwirelessmouse无线鼠标Cablemodems有线调制解调器 carpaltunnelsyndrome腕骨神经综合症CD-ROM可记录光盘CD-RW可重写光盘CD-R可记录压缩光盘Channel信道Chatgroup谈话群组 chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs)]氯氟甲烷Client客户端Coaxialcable同轴电缆coldsite冷战Commerceservers商业服务器Communicationchannel信道 Communicationsystems信息系统Compactdiscrewritable Compactdisc光盘computerabuseamendmentsactof19941994计算机滥用法案computercrime计算机犯罪computerethics计算机道德computerfraudandabuseactof1986计算机欺诈和滥用法案computermatchingandprivacyprotectionactof1988计算机查找和隐私保护法案Computernetwork计算机网络computersupportspecialist计算机支持专家 computertechnician计算机技术人员computertrainer计算机教师 Connectiondevice连接设备Connectivity连接Consumer-to-consumer个人对个


如何快速记忆英语单词 1.综合九种记法,不怕任何单词 特注:无论任何单词,不管是词根词缀法还是奇特联想法,如果你在其它地方找不到某个难词的记忆窍门,你都可以在《三三速记英语词汇》丛书里面碰碰运气,说不定就有意外的惊喜!说明:综合运用九种记忆方法,针对不同特点的单词配附恰当的记忆窍门,就不怕任何单词难记。这里不仅对传统的记忆方法做了合理改良,而且在记忆方法的创新上也有突破。《三三速记英语词汇》将中国传统的说文解字原理与西方流行的奇特联想记忆法融为一体,对于英语单词有望形生义的速记功效,可以牢牢地记住单词的词义和拼写形式。在《三三速记英语词汇》丛书中,约30% 的单词能用英语本身固有的偏旁部首(词根、词缀)以形释义;另外约50% 的单词可用读者已熟悉的英语单词、汉语拼音作为偏旁部首进行创造性的说文解字,其余的单词则可在音、形、义方面进行奇特联想记忆,从而使得英语单词的识记变得事半功倍,趣味盎然。 一、合成记忆法 有些汉字,比如“明““解“等属于合成字。“日“即太阳,是白天光明的来源;“月“即月亮,是黑夜光明的来源;所以“明“就“日“和“月“两个字合成而来。又,古时候人们宰牛是将“刀“放在“牛“的“角“后开始将其解体的,所以,“解“字就由“角““刀和“牛“三个字合成而来。在英语词汇里有与此类似的合成词,这些合成词是由两个或两个以上的具有独立意义的子词组合而成的,而且合成词的意义通常就是其构成中子词意义的叠加与复合。根据子词与合成词的内在关系记忆英语单词,就好比是对合成汉字进行“以形说义“一样。所以,我们把合成记忆法看作是英语单词“说文解字“之一。 1. football n. 足球,足球比赛〔foot脚、足,ball球;主要靠脚踢来进行的球赛〕 2. himself pron. 他自己,他亲自〔him他,self自己〕 3. overcome vt. 战胜,克服〔over越过,come来;努力地越过各种障碍而来〕 4. sometime ad. 将来某个时候,过去某个时候〔some某一,time时候〕 5. widespread a. 分布广的,散布广的〔wide宽广的,spread散布、蔓延〕 二、构词分析法


小学英语单词大全(人教版) 一、学习用品 pen钢笔pencil铅笔pencil-case(pencil-box)铅笔盒 ruler尺子eraser(rubber)橡皮crayon 蜡笔sharpener卷笔刀book书bag(schoolbag)书包 story-book故事书comic book连环漫画册notebook 笔记本 post card明信片newspaper 报纸magazine杂志 二、人体 head头face脸hair头发nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛ear耳朵arm胳膊shoulder肩膀hand 手finger手指leg腿knee膝盖foot脚toe脚趾tail尾巴 三、动物 cat猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭子rabbit兔子horse马elephant大象ant 蚂蚁kangaroo袋鼠monkey猴子fish鱼bird鸟panda熊猫bear熊lion狮子tiger老虎sheep绵羊goat山羊cow奶牛donkey驴 四、人物 friend朋友boy男孩girl女孩sister姐妹brother兄弟mother(mom)妈妈father(dad)爸爸uncle叔叔man男人woman 女人Mr先生Miss小姐,老师lady女士parents父母grandparents 祖父母grandpa爷爷,外公grandma奶奶,外婆people人 aunt阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈son儿子principal校长 cousin堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹classmate同班同学

university student大学生pen pal 笔友pal朋友,伙伴 五、职业 teacher老师student学生doctor医生nurse护士driver司机farmer农夫singer歌手writer作家actor 男演员actress女演员artist艺术家,美术家TV reporter电视台记者engineer工程师accountant会计师policeman警察salesperson 售货员cleaner 清洁工baseball player 棒球运动员assistant助手六、颜色 red红色blue蓝色yellow黄色green绿色white白色black黑色pink粉色purple紫色orange橘色brown棕色 七、食品 rice米饭bread面包beef牛肉milk牛奶water水egg蛋fish 鱼肉tofu豆腐cake蛋糕hot dog热狗hamburger汉堡包noodles面条meat肉chicken鸡肉pork猪肉mutton羊肉vegetable蔬菜soup汤ice-cream冰激凌Coke可乐juice果汁tea 茶coffee咖啡(breakfast 早餐lunch午餐dinner晚餐,正餐) 八、水果和蔬菜 apple苹果banana香蕉pear梨orange橘子peach桃子grape葡萄watermelon西瓜strawberry草莓coconut椰子pineapple菠萝eggplant茄子green beans青豆,绿豆,四季豆cucumber 黄瓜tomato番茄potato土豆onion 洋葱carrot胡萝卜cabbage 卷心菜九、衣服


英语字根 1.ag=do,act 做,动 2.agri=field 田地,农田(agri也做agro,agr) 3.ann=year年 4.audi=hear听 5.bell=war战争 6.brev=short短 7.ced,ceed,cess=go行走 8.cept=take拿取 9.cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀 10.circ=ring环,圈 11.claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫 12.clar=clear清楚,明白 13.clud=close,shut关闭 14.cogn=known知道 15.cord=heart心 16.corpor=body体 17.cred=believe,trust相信,信任 18.cruc=cross 十字 19.cur=care关心 20.cur,curs,cour,cours=run跑 21.dent=tooth牙齿 22.di=day 日 23.dict=say说 24.dit=give给 25.don=give给 26.du=tow二 27.duc,duct=lead引导 28.ed=eat吃 29.equ=equal等,均,平 30.ev=age年龄,寿命,时代,时期 31.fact=do,make做,作 32.fer=bring,carry带拿 33.flor=flower花 34.flu=flow流 35.fus=pour灌,流,倾泄 36.grad=step,go,grade步,走,级 37.gram=write,draw写,画,文字,图形 38.graph=write,records写,画,记录器,图形 39.gress=go,walk 行走 40.habit=dwell居住 41.hibit=hold拿,持 42.hospit=guest客人 43.idio=peculiar,own,private,proper特殊的,个人的,专有的


、 计算机常用英语词汇大全 CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元 mainboard主板 RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器 Floppy Disk软盘 Hard Disk硬盘 CD-ROM光盘驱动器(光驱) , monitor监视器 keyboard键盘 mouse鼠标 chip芯片 CD-R光盘刻录机 HUB集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator,调制解调器 P-P(Plug and Play)即插即用 , UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)不间断电源 BIOS(Basic-input-Output System)基本输入输出系统 CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)互补金属氧化物半导体

setup安装 uninstall卸载 wizzard向导 OS(Operation Systrem)操作系统OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化、 exit退出 edit编辑 copy复制 cut剪切 paste粘贴 delete删除 select选择 find查找 · select all全选 replace替换 undo撤消 redo重做 program程序 license许可(证) back前一步 next下一步

] finish结束 folder文件夹 Destination Folder目的文件夹 user用户 click点击 double click双击 right click右击 settings设置 … update更新 release发布 data数据 data base数据库 DBMS(Data Base Manege System)数据库管理系统view视图 insert插入 object对象 ; configuration配置 command命令 document文档 POST(power-on-self-test)电源自检程序 cursor光标


英语单词快速记忆法 你是否曾因长时间苦苦背单词而感到单调乏味?你是否曾因遍寻不着有效的记忆法而事倍功半?本文将解决你这些的烦恼!它能让你不再挫败、不再乏味,甚至还能事半功倍,它会让你爱不释手,让它助你摆脱记忆盲点,行之有效地学习单词吧! 英语和汉语一样,也是经历了一个漫长发展过程的人类语言,最初同样是用简单的发音(伴以动作)描述自己所要说明的事物,这些语言区别于发音口形,语音的轻、重、缓、急等等。人们最初的交流、沟通,无法利用抽象媒介,只有利用随时随地都能沟通的形象媒介。 1自然拼读法 英语是拼音文字,所有的词汇都是由26个字母拼出来的,而在成千上万的不同拼法中,基本发音因素却只有39-47个,这说明26个字母与基本音素间是有着一定的关联的。但是,英语是属于比较深奥的拼音文字,也就是说26个字母与基本音素之间没有一对一的对应关系,而是一对多和多对一的复杂关系,这对学习英语词汇的发音和拼写无疑增加了难度。尽管如此,人们还是总结出了很多发音规律,这些规律对于绝大多数英文词汇都是适用的,这就是自然拼音法。英文的26个字母,分为元音和辅音,其中元音只有5个,即a,e,i,o,u,其余字母均为辅音。对于大多数辅音来说,它们的发音是一对一的,而有少数几个辅音字母,每个字母有两个或以上的发音。 字母与发音一一对应的辅音: b--ball/d--dog/f--fish/h--hat/j--jump/k--kite/l--leg/m--man/n--not/p--pen/q–quick/r--run/s--sun/t--ten/v--vest/w/--water/z--zoo (注意q与u总是连在一起的)


考研英语词汇分类总结 考研英语词汇分类总结 abnormal a.反常的,不正常的 [记忆方法] ab-开头,表示反的(在a字母开头的词汇中,非常普遍),normal正常的aboard ad.在船(飞机,车)上,上船(飞机,车); prep.在(船,飞机,车)上,上(船,飞机,车) [记忆方法] board n.木板, 甲板(参见另一记忆文章) abroad ad.到国外,在国外;到处 abolish v.废除,取消 [发音记忆] 剥离没有了废除,取消 [类比记忆] -rupt 打断的 abrupt a.突然的,意外的;(举止,言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的 bankrupt a.破产的银行的(经营)被打断的rupt破产了 bankruptcy n.破产;v.使破产 corrupt v.贿赂,收买;a.腐败的,贪污的 从内部core(核心) 被打断的rupt被收买,贿赂了 erupt v.(尤指火山)爆发 e-向外 interrupt v.中断,遮断,阻碍;打断(话),打扰在中间inter 被打断rupt [分类记忆] -stract 拉 abstract a.抽象的;n.摘要,提要;v.提(抽取) attract v.吸引,招引,引诱,引起(注意等) attractive a.有吸引力的,引起兴趣的,动人的 contract n.契约,合同,包工;v.缩小,缩短;订(约) 大家扯皮的结果订立合同 distract v.分散,打扰;迷惑,扰乱 dis-往外拉 extract v./n.拔出,抽出;摘录 ex-出来,出去 extraction n.抽出,拔出 subtract v.减(去) sub-下面的,往下面拉减少 tractor n.拖拉机,牵引车 [记忆方法] a开头的字母,如果它的后面接的是双写的辅音字母的话,那么考虑该词词义是不是加强后面的核心词的作用,ac-加强,celer-速度,ate放在词尾表示动词加速度加快,促进。 accelerate v.加快,促进反义词 decelerate 减(慢)速度 accent n.腔调,口音;重音(符号) ac-表加强 access n.接近,进入;入口,通道,入口;接近(或进入)的方法 have/gain access to可以获得 ac-加强,强调可行性,过得去 accessory n.附件,配件;a.附属的 accept v.接受,认可;同意,认可-cept接受 acceptable a.可接受的 acceptance n.接受,验收;承认,认可 concept n.概念,观念,思想 con-共同的,-cept接受共同接受的东西概念(性的) conception n.概念,观念;设想,构想


A Active-matrix主动距陈 Adapter cards适配卡 Advanced application高级应用Analytical graph分析图表 Analyze分析 Animations动画 Application software 应用软件Arithmetic operations算术运算 Audio-output device音频输出设备Access time存取时间 access存取 accuracy准确性 ad network cookies广告网络信息记录软件 Add-ons附软件 Address地址 Agents代理 Analog signals模拟信号 Applets程序 Asynchronous communications port异步通信端口 Attachment附件 B Bar code条形码 Bar code reader条形码读卡器 Basic application基础程序 Binary coding schemes二进制译码方案Binary system二进制系统 Bit比特 Browser浏览器 Bus line总线 Backup tape cartridge units备份磁带盒单元 Bandwidth带宽 Bluetooth蓝牙 Broadband宽带 Browser浏览器 Business-to-business企业对企业电子商务 Business-to-consumer企业对消费者Bus总线C Cables连线 Cell单元箱 Chain printer链式打印机 Character and recognition device字符标识识别设备 Chart图表 Chassis支架 Chip芯片 Clarity清晰度 Closed architecture封闭式体系结构Column列 Combination key结合键 computer competency计算机能力connectivity连接,结点 Continuous-speech recognition system 连续语言识别系统 Control unit操纵单元 Cordless or wireless mouse无线鼠标Cable modems有线调制解调器 carpal tunnel syndrome腕骨神经综合症CD-ROM可记录光盘 CD-RW可重写光盘 CD-R可记录压缩光盘 Channel信道 Chat group谈话群组chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) ]氯氟甲烷Client客户端 Coaxial cable同轴电缆 cold site冷战 Commerce servers商业服务器Communication channel信道Communication systems信息系统Compact disc rewritable Compact disc光盘 computer abuse amendments act of 19941994计算机滥用法案 computer crime计算机犯罪 computer ethics计算机道德 computer fraud and abuse act of 1986计算机欺诈和滥用法案 computer matching and privacy protection act of 1988计算机查找和隐


英语单词快速记忆 英语单词记忆一直以来都是初中学生普遍认为的一大难题。其实,大多数初中学生都走入了记忆单词的误区——机械式的死记硬背。通常情况下,学生总会在处于毫无意识的拼读单词的状态下,记忆单词。这样,不但没能有效的记忆单词,很可能在这个过程中,逐渐对这种重复式的单词记忆产生厌倦,从而导致对英语学科的失去兴趣。然而,单词的记忆并不是杂乱无章的,这里给大家介绍几种比较有效的方法: 一、复合记忆法 即在记忆单词的过程中,尽可能调动自己的多个感觉器官参加记忆活动。也就是说,我们在记忆的过程中,尽量一边用眼睛看单词,用耳朵听单词的发音,用嘴跟读单词,用手拼写单词。 二、联想记忆法 即在记忆单词的过程中,要注意观察单词与单词之间在形、音、义等方面的内在联系,在迅速地记住新词的基础上,复习旧词,而且通过分析思考,使有限的单词知识转化为无限的理解新词的能力,从而熟悉单词的变化规律,更加系统,全面地记忆单词。 (一)记忆新词联想复习旧词 1. 词形:新mushroom旧broom, room 新quite(很,十分)旧quiet(平静的,安静的) 新thirsty(口渴的)旧thirty(三十) 2. 词义:同义词记忆:新seat旧sit 新arrive旧reach 新fast、quick—旧quickly、soon , 新high—旧tall, 新say、tell—旧speak、talk, 新plenty of 、 a great deal of—旧many、much、a lot of 反义词记忆:新heavy—旧light, 新tall—旧short, 新fast—旧slow, 新come—旧go,新buy—旧sell,新small—旧big 新fat—旧thin, 新lend—旧borrow, 新hungry—旧thirsty, 3. 语音:新flour旧flower 新write 旧right 4.词性:lift(名词,电梯)—lift(动词,举起,抬起) quiet(形容词,安静的,平静的)—quiet(动词,使安静,平静) green(形容词,绿色的)—greens(名词,青菜) bear(名词,熊) —bear(动词,忍受) book(名词,书)—book(动词,预定) notice(名词,布告,通知)—notice(动词,通知,注意到) bear(名词,熊) —bear(动词,忍受) 4. 构词:新happiness旧happy,happily 5. 用法:新wear旧put on,have on,dress


计算机常用英语词汇表 高频700单词 一、硬件类(Hardware) ('hɑ:dwε?) CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元('sent?'pr?uses?'ju:nit)Main board主板(mein b?:d) RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存)('r?nd?m '?kses 'mem?ri) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器(ri:d '?unli 'mem?ri) Floppy Disk 软盘('fl?pi disk) Hard Disk 硬盘(hɑ:d disk) CD-ROM 光盘驱动器(光驱) monitor 监视器('m?nit?) keyboard 键盘('ki:b?:d) mouse 鼠标(maus) chip 芯片(t?ip) CD-R 光盘刻录机 HUB 集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator, 调制解调器('m?udem'm?djuleit?di:'m?djuleit?) P-P(Plug and Play) 即插即用(pl?ɡplei) UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply) 不间断电源(?nint?'r?pt?b?l

pau?s?'plai) BIOS(Basic-input-Output System) 基本输入输出系统('beisik 'input 'autput 'sist?m) CMOS(Complementary- Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) (k?mpli'ment?ri 'met?l '?ksaid semik?n'd?kt?)互补金属氧化物半导体 setup安装(set?p) uninstall卸载(?nin'st?:l) wizzard向导('wiz?d) OS(Operation System)操作系统(?p?'rei??n 'sist?m) OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化('?fis ?:t?'mei??n) edit编辑('edit) copy复制('k?pi) cut剪切(k?t) paste粘贴(peist) delete删除 (di'li:t) select选择 (si'lekt) find查找 (faind) select all全选 (si'lekt ?:l) replace替换 (ri'pleis) undo撤消 (?n'du:) redo重做 ([ ri:'du:) program程序('pr?uɡr?m)


孩子怎样快速背单词? 现在孩子学英语,父母都早早开始抓起,生怕在英语启蒙方面晚他人一步。瑞思学科英语资深教育专家对当前家长们的教育焦虑感同身受。“父母之爱子(女),则为之计深远”,在教育子女的问题上也是如此,那么如何有效地教孩子学习英语单词,特别是初次接触英语的孩子,在忘记单词上又有哪些秘诀呢?今天来一一盘点。 1、一口气背诵法 一口气内将一个句子尽可能多读几遍,将一段对话尽可能用最少的气读完,经过这样的反复操练地背诵很容易,而且通过这样的训练可以在讲英语时底气十足、气势逼人! 2、影子背诵法 “影子”(Shadow)背诵法也是目前最有效的背诵方法之一。具体做法是,把录音机的声音开到很大,跟着录音进行背诵,就像影子一样,和录音保持你能跟上的速度,一般保持相差2~3个单词的距离,你的耳朵和嘴巴全部用起来了,这样印象也就特别深刻!而且,你的听力也得到了大幅度的提升!这也是非常适合幼儿英语学习的绝妙方法。 3、零碎时间背诵法 零碎时间学习英语最有效!把零星时间最有效地利用起来,这一方法比较适合有一定自制力的少儿英语学习者和儿童英语学习者具体做法是,将收集到的好句子、对话抄在小纸条上或卡片上,随身携带,利用每日三餐前后、睡觉前、等车、上学、放学路上,不断地刺激大脑,再难的句子都能背出来。 4、同声传译背诵法 请你的伙伴说中文,你立刻脱口而出英文;说英文,你立刻脱口而出中文。通过中英文自由转换帮助背诵,效果特别好!与此同时还可以快速提高你的口译能力。要想达到这样的同声传译并非易事,需要下大力气才能做到。 5、想象背诵法 没有语言环境就自己创造语言环境!背句子的时候花一点时间先想一下,想象你在什么时候、什么地方可以将用到这个句子,再开始背诵,想象可以帮助加深记忆,这样不但让你更有兴趣背诵,背起来更容易,同时也开发了你的想象力。 6、卖弄背诵法 背诵了很多句子和对话,如果没有机会使用,很快就淡忘了,所以一定要找机会将学过的英语卖弄出去。可以向老外炫耀、向朋友炫耀、向老师炫耀、向家长炫耀、向同学炫耀,找不到人就对着镜子、对着墙壁炫耀。甚至对着天空炫耀。通过炫耀,学过的英语将真正成为你自己的财富! 7、听写背诵法

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