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1. acceptable adj. 可以接受的

It’s not socially acceptable for parents to leave children unattended at that age.


accept v. accept the challenge/ blame/ responsibility/sb’s apology接受挑战、责备、责任、某人道歉accepted adj. generally/ commonly/ widely accepted最广为接受的

acceptance n【u】gain/ find acceptance 被接受,受到欢迎

2. according adv.

according to 根据,按照

Everything went according to the plan.一切按计划进行。

according as 根据(决定是这样还是那样)要看。。。来决定

You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad.你要被表扬或责备要看你工作好或坏。

accordingly adv.


You told me to lock the door and I acted accordingly.你告诉我锁门,我照做了。


He was too sick to stay. Accordingly, we sent him home.他不舒服不能久留,因此我们送他回家了。accordance n.

in accordance with按照

3. all right


例1:Is that all right for you? I have done it according to your instructions.


例2:All right, see you later.行,一会见!


The girl will be all right. She is very healthy.这女孩会好的。她很健康。


Did you get the picture finished all right?图片处理完成的还顺利吧?

4. beginning n. 开始,开端

in the beginning 起初

at the beginning of在。。。的一开始

from beginning to end从开始到结束

begin v. began begun to begin with

beginner n. 初学者,生手

5. blonde n. 金发的人,浅色头发的人 a beautiful blonde 金发美女

adj. 金色的,浅色头发的

6. career n. 职业,专业,事业

a career soldier / politician /diplomat 职业军人、政治家、外交官

career counselor 就业顾问、就业指导

After sever years in teac hing, I’m ready for a career change.教了几年后我准备换职业。

7.claim v / n

vt. ①声称,断言,主张

例1:Doctors claim to have discovered a cure for the disease.


例2:The report claims that 78% of male high school students have used illegal drugs.





A terrible earthquake struck Sichuan Province on May 12, ____ tens of thousands lives.

A. claiming

B. claimed

C. causing

D. caused

n. ①赔偿,索赔compensation claims 补偿金

②所有权,权利lay claim to 声称对。。。的所有权

8. clause n. ①从句,分句noun clauses ②(法律文件中的)条款

a contract clause契约条款

I was angry (= main clause) because he came late (= dependent clause).


9. client n. ①客户,顾客= customer ②接受救济的人,救济对象

10. clue n.


search for / find clue寻找线索

②谜语或问题的提示give sb a clue给某人提示

③not have a clue = have no clue 对。。。一无所知

He doesn’t seem to have a clue about the business.他好像对商业一无所知。

v. clue sb in 给。。。提供线索,告知

He clued me in on how the computer system works.他告诉我电话系统是如何工作的。

adj. clueless 对。。。一无所知

11. code n.

①行为准则,道德规范 a moral code

②规定,法典,法规building code

③代码,密码,代号break / crack a code 破译密码


①Their report also referred to other research showing that this response of behaving well when

watched is somehow coded into humans and people respond this way unconsciously, or without realizing it.

② The underline word coded is closet in meaning to ___B__


B. programmed

C. forgotten

D. leaned

12. collapse v. /n.


Part of the floor collapsed as a result of water damage.部分楼层因为水的损坏而倒塌。

② (因病或受伤)突然倒下,晕倒

He collapsed at the meeting.他在会场晕倒。


The US auto industry nearly collapsed due to increased foreign competition.



She finally collapsed in a chair.她最后瘫倒在椅子里。


When folded in this way, the map collapses to pocket size.用这种方式折叠,地图可变成口袋大小。

13. combination n. 结合,联合,混合

例1:Experts believe that a combination of bad weather and human error led to the accident.


例2:Use of the drug in combination with diet changes will help you lose weight.


v. combine combine sth with sth把。。。与。。。相结合

Diets are most effective when combined with exercise.节食与锻练相结合最有效。

adj. combined 联合的,共同的

Only with combined efforts can we succeed.只有共同努力我们才会成功。

14. commission n. 调查团,考察团,委员会

例1:The planning commission will allow 200 extra homes to be built on the site.


例2:Each dealer makes a 20% commission on his sales. 佣金,酬金

例3:He has received a c ommission from the bank. 委托

例4:The car is insured, but it is out of commission. 坏了,不能使用了.

v. 委托某人做

He commissioned his lawyer to look into the case.他委托律师去调查此事。

commit v. committed committed 犯错,做

commit suicide/ crimes自杀、犯罪

be committed to doing 致力于

make a commitment to do sth 承诺做

15. concerned adj. 关心的,担心的

concerned parents 焦虑的家长

be concerned about / for /that 担心

be concerned in/that 与。。。有关,有牵连

as far as sb is concerned 就。。。而言

concerning= regarding = with / in regard to 关于

Everyone concerned in the accident was questioned by the police.

Concerned that he has no qualification in this field, he attended night school.

The report concerning the market made the manager bothered.

v./ n. concern 关心

show/ express concern about 关心

The movie concerns life.这部电影和生活相关。

16. confidence n. 信心

gain / lose confidence 获得、失去信心

lack confidence 缺少信心

do sth with confidence 满怀信心做某事

confidence-building measures/ steps 增强自信的措施

confident adj. be confident about对。。。有信心

confidential adj. 机密的,机要的 a confidential report机密报告

17. considerate adj. 周到,体贴

be considerate to / towards 对。。。周到,体贴

It is considerate of sb to do sth某人很周到地做某事

It is very considerate of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep.


considerable adj 大量的 a considerable amount of research大量的调查

consideration n. take sth into consideration/ account考虑到。。

considering= given 考虑到

consider v.考虑,认为

18. application n. 申请书

job applications 求职申请

application form 申请表

The article discusses the application of this theory to actual economic practice.


apply v.

apply to sb for sth 向某人申请

apply sth to sth 把--- 应用到

apply to sb. 适用于

apply oneself to doing 致力于专心于

applicant n. 申请人

appliance 【c】n home appliances 家用电器

19. contract (n) 契约;合同

a contract of employment 雇用合同 a temporary contract 临时合同

break (the terms of) the contract. 违约drawing up (= writing) a contract. 起草合同

sign/enter into contract 签合同be under contract为于你签合同的人工作

They will only agree to sign the contract if certain conditions are met.


V [ + to infinitive ]

contract in/out phrasal verb UK同意参与;定约加入/定合同把某工作承包出去

They contracted to work fixed hours each week. 他们订立合同确定每周固定的工作时间。They contracted in to the share deal. 他们同意参与这桩股票交易。

20. cope (v)(成功的)应付,对付

It must be difficult to cope with / deal with three small children and a job.

The tyres on my car don't cope very well on wet roads.

I have never driven a big van before, but I’m sure I can cope.

21. council (n) 委员会;理事会

the United Nations Security Council 联合国安理会

The town/city council is/are responsible for keeping the streets clean.


22. critical 极为重要的,关键性的

Parental attention is critical to the child’s socialization.


Finding the source of the gas leak was of critical importance.



She is very critical of the way we bring up our children.

I don’t want to be over critical, but isn’t all of this completely unnecessary?


His last film won/received critical acclaim (= was praised by film critics).

a critical analysis of Stevens’ poem 对Steven 的诗所做的评判性的分析


Both drivers are critical/in a critical condition (= so badly hurt that they might die) after the 120mph crash.

22. criticism 评论,意见;批评,指责

The designs for the new mosque have attracted widespread criticism.

The government is currently facing severe criticism.

I think he felt discouraged because of all the criticism he'd received.

literary criticism 文学评论

If you've got any constructive (= positive) criticism of the project, I'd be glad to hear it. 有建设性的意见

23. criticize 批评;指责/ 评论

Ron does nothing but criticize and complain all the time.

The government is being widely criticized in the press for failing to limit air pollution.

We're a group of artists who meet to discuss things and criticize each other's work.

Criticizing your own work is very difficult.

24. demanding 费力的,需要技能的/苛求的,要求过高的

She's a very demanding child.她是个特别需要费神的孩子

a demanding job/task 一份费力的工作

She's hoping to find a job which is more demanding intellectually.

Police work is physically demanding and stressful.

Her mother could be very demanding at times.

25. deny 否认,否定

I saw you, so don’t try to deny it !

[ + that ] Neil denies that he broke the window, but I'm sure he did.

[ + -ing verb ] Neil denies breaking the window.

there's no denying =it is true

There's no denying that this has been a difficult year for the company.

26. discipline 纪律;纪律状况/自制能力/处罚,惩处,处分

parental/military/school discipline

There should be better discipline in schools.

I don't have enough ( self ) discipline to save money

That child needs discipline. 那个孩子应给与处罚

(good) discipline

Maintaining classroom discipline (= control of the students) is the first task of every teacher.

27. display 展示;陈列/ 显示,显露(情感,态度或才能)

There were photographs of all her children proudly displayed on the mantelpiece.

The British traditionally tend not to display much emotion in public.

All the musicians displayed considerable skill.

28. domestic 国内的/家用的,家中使用的/关于家庭和生活的,家事的

domestic airlines/flights 国内航班

The domestic market is still depressed, but demand abroad is picking up.

domestic appliance/ equipment 家用电气/设备domestic life 家庭生活

domestic violence/problem/trouble 家庭暴力/问题/麻烦domestic harmony 家庭和睦

This week's broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.

29. educational 教育的;与教育有关的/ 有教育意义的

Work experience is an important educational experience for young people. (= a new experience from which he can learn) .

The educational system was a model for those of many other countries.

The equipment could be used for a variety of educational purposes.

30. effective 产生预期效果的,有效的/引人注意的/生效的/实际的,事实上

opposite ineffective (n) effectiveness

It's an extremely effective cure for a headache.

The lighting for the production made a very effective use of shadow.

Yoga is a very effective technique for combating stress.

This style of decoration is simple yet effective.

The new laws will become effective next month.

31. elderly 年老的;渐老的

elderly relatives/parents

An elderly couple live next door.

Please give up your seat to an elderly or disabled person if they require it.

She was too elderly and infirm to remain at home.

the elderly = old people considered as a group 老人,上了年纪的人

The city is building new housing for the elderly.

32. emphasize 强调,着重

[ + question word ] I'd just like to emphasize how important it is for people to learn foreign languages.

[ + that ] He emphasized that all the people taking part in the research were volunteers.

She emphasized the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet.

It should be emphasized that flying is a very safe way to travel.

Tight jeans will only emphasize any extra weight that you are carrying.(to make something more obvious)

33. employer 雇用者,雇主

She was fired after she was caught stealing from her employer.

It's about time employers realized that staff who are happy work more efficiently.

34. employment 职业,工作unemployment ( 反义词)

student seeking employment after college 毕业后求职的大学生

in employment = doing a job 在业full employment 充分就业

35.enable vt. 使能够,使有机会;使。。。成为可能

However , many students and parents oppose this opinion, saying that canceling the separation of subjects means putting more pressure and burdens on students ,while focusing on fewer courses enables students to excel in specific areas.

36. English n. 英语,英文

speak _____ English _______ English language世界各地的英语world Englishes

adj. 英格兰的,英格兰人的,英语的

37.ensure vt. =make sure 保证,担保,确保

The book ensured his success.

Please ensure that all lights are switched off.

07 湖南)Having ensured that the doors were closed and that all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.

38.entitle vt. entitle sb to do 使享有权利,使符合资格;给。。。命名

Everyone is entitled to voice their own opinion. 每个人都有权利发表自己的观点。

a poem entitled “Love”______________

n. entitlement 权利,资格;有权利得到的东西,应的数额可数

This may affect your entitlement to compensation. 这会影响你索赔的权利。

pension entitles 养老金数额

39. environmental adj. 自然环境的,生态环境的,有关环境的

环境污染/问题/保护environmental pollution/ problem/ issues/protection

Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster unless we completely change the way we live.

environmentally adv.


environmentally friendly way of life = _____________________way of life

n. environment 环境,客观环境; 自然环境to protect the environment

令人愉快的工作环境 a pleasant working environment

They have created an environment _______ productivity should flourish .

40.establish vt. =set up 建立,创立,设立

The committee was established in 1999.

The school has established a successful relationship with the local community.


establish sb/sth /yourself as sth 或得接受,得到认可,使立足,使稳固

He has just set up his own business but it will take him a while to get established.


vt. 查实,确定,证实

Police are still trying to establish the cause of the accident.

established adj. 已经确立的,已或确认的,确定的;成名的,公认的,著名的

They are an established company with a good reputation.


establishment n. 建立,确立创立;机构,大型组织,企业,旅馆

the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries 国家间外交关系的建立

41.everythhing pron.. 每件事,所有事物,一切;形势,情况,生活;最重要的东西;最要紧的事

How is everything with you?

My family means everything to me.

and everything 以及其他,等等

他向我讲了小宝宝和其他的事情She told me about the baby and everything .

05辽宁五校联考)What he said is _________ but practical since _________ depends on “if”.

A. anything; everything

B. nothing ; everything

C. everything ; anything

D. none ;everything Hurry up if you want to buy something for the party, as there is hardly ______ left in the fridge.


B. anything

C. nothing

D. everything

In our daily life ,money is very important in a way, but it isn’t ________>

A. everything

B. something

C. anything

D. nothing

42.export sth to vt.出口,输出; 传播,输出(思想或活动)

90% of the rice are exported to Japan.


launch a ban on the export of beef major exports

43.extent=degree n. 到。。。的程度to a certain /some extent


To a certain extent , we are responsible for this tragic situation.

He had changed to such an extent that I no longer recognized him..

To what extent do you agree with his opinion?

07重庆)Human facial expression differ from those of animals in the extent ,__________

they can be controlled on purpose.

A. with which

B. to which

C. of which

D. for which

n. 大小,面积,范围

You can see full extent of the beach from here . 你从这儿可以看到海滩的全景

44. fascinating adj. 极有吸引力的;迷人的;有趣的= attractive=charming=appealing

It’s fascinating to see how different people approach the problem.

fascinated be fascinated to see…/ by sth 对入迷的,极感兴趣的

fascinate vt. 深深吸引;迷住China has always fascinated me.

fascination n. 魅力,极大的吸引力可数;入迷,着迷不可数

The fascination of the game lies in trying to guess what your opponent is thinking.


the public’s enduring fascination with/for the Royal Family 公众对于皇室经久不衰的兴趣

45. fashion n.. 流行款式,时兴式样

come into fashion be in /out of fashion(be old-fashioned/be out of dated)

follow the fashion

Now in our school there is a hot pursuit of fashion.

fashionable adj. 流行的,时髦的

46. formal adj. 适合正式场合的;正规的;庄重的; 正式的;(informal)

He has no formal teaching qualifications .


Getting approval for the plan is a purely formal matter; nobody will seriously oppose it.


adv. formally

vt. formalize 使。。。成为正式的;使定形

a highly formalized system of assessment 一套十分固定的评估体系

n. formality 正式手续;例行公事。The interview is merely a formality.

47. fund n 基金;专款可数a disaster relief fund 一笔赈灾专款

funds 资金raise funds for 为。。。筹集资金

a fund of knowledge 丰富的知识

vt. 为。。。提供资金,拨款给 a program funded/financed by government =a _________ program 48.gap n 开口;豁口;缺口;裂口

间断,间隔;They met again after a gap of twenty years.

There is a big age gap between them.

分歧;隔阂;差距narrow / bridge the generation gap

the gap between rich and poor 贫富差距

49.heating n. 供暖;供暖系统设备turn off the heating

heated adj. 愤怒的;激烈的;十分激动的Our class had a heated discussion on the problem 加热了的 a heated swimming pool (unheated)

heat vt 加热n. 热,;温度;高温,热的环境the afternoon heat午后的热浪

愤怒激动;压力He replied the question with heat in his voice.

Can she take the heat of this level of competition.

hot adj.

50.hell n. 不可数苦难的经历;悲惨的境况

Being totally alone is my idea of hell on earth. 完全的孤独对我而言就是置身人间地狱。

He went through hell during the trial. 在审讯期间他吃尽了苦头。

见鬼,该死Go to hell!

What the hell do you think you are doing? 你到底知不知道自己在干什么?

give sb hell 让某人受罪,不好受/ 呵斥

a/one hell of a … 及其,非常a hell of a party 非常棒的一个聚会

play hell with sb/sth 对。。。造成严重影响;严重损害

51.historical adj 有关历史的,历史学的

historical background/ research 历史背景/ 研究

a historical novel 一部历史小说

historic adj. 历史上重要的,名垂青史的,有历史意义的

a historic building / occasion 有历史意义的建筑物/ 一个历史时刻

make history/go down in history

in/throughout history

There have been many changes in _______ history of ______ English language.

52. ideal n.“完美的人或事物”(常做单数)ideal of sth

She is looking for a job, but hasn’t found her ideal yet.

It’s my ideal of what a family home should be.

“完美境界的标准” (常做复数)

political ideals 政治理想

He finds it hard to live up to his ideals.

拓展:adj. ideal for sb/sth 理想的; adj. idealistic 理想主义的

adv. ideally ; n. idealism 理想或唯心主义;n. idealist vt. idealize

53. identify vt. 确认,鉴别~sb/sth as sb/sth

Can you identify your umbrella among these?

She identified the man as her attacker.

~ sth with sth 认为某食物与另一事物等同

~ oneself with sb/sth 与……有关联……

~ with sb 与……产生共鸣,谅解,同情

One can’t ~ happiness with wealth. 幸福与财富不能混为一谈

He refused to ~ himself/ become identified with the new political party.

I didn’t enjoy the book because I couldn’t ~ with any of the main characters.

拓展: identification (不可数名词)鉴别;(缩写ID )身份证明书

identity n 身份 : There is no clue to the identity of the thief.

Identity card ( ID card)

54. illustrate vt. 为…… 作插图或图表:

~ a book, magazine, lecture etc; a well-~d textbook (用示例,图表等)说明或阐明 To ~ my point, I have done a comparative analysis.

Last year’s sales figures are ~d in Figure2.

表明或显示为(某事物)的例证:This behaviour ~s your selfishness.

The incident ~s the need for better security measures.

拓展: illustration n. 插图,图解,图示

illustrative adj. 解说性的,作说明用的: an illustrative example

illustrator n. 为书制作插图的人

The teacher wrote an example on the blackboard to ______ the point.

A. illustrate

B. suggest

C. express

D. recognize

55. imagination n. 想象,想象力 in one’s ~/ according to one’s ~/ beyond ~/ rich ~

His writing lacks ~.

Use your ~ to find an answer.

拓展: imaginative adj 富有想象力的,爱想象的 ------ full of imagination

imaginary adj 想象中的, 假想的,虚构的

imaginable adj 可以想象的

It is an ________ story. He is an _______ child/writer.

We had the greatest difficulty ________ getting here in time.

Image vt ???????-+-+...

......be to sb sth

doing sb clause wh clause that im agine

It’s never a good idea to imagine that the family member who was entrusted with the job of map reading actually knows where the family is. (09福建.阅读理解)

I imagined him to be very strict.

(1) It’s difficult to imagine his ________ the decision without any consideration.

A. accept

B. accepting

C. to accept

D. accepted

(2) ——Look! He’s running so fast!

——Hard to ________ his legs were once broken. (07浙江)

A. know

B. imagine

C. realize

D. find

56. immediate adj 立即的 take ~ action

I want an ~ replay.

目前的,当前的(常作定语)Our ~ concern is to help the families of those who died.

直接的(作定语) The ~ cause of death is unknown.

(在时空上、关系上)最接近的,紧接的 What are your plans for the ~ future?

There is no post office in the ~ neighbourhood.

~ly adv. 立刻,立即 adj 一……就……=as soon as…

I recognized her ~ly I saw her

I’m sure that your lecter will get ____ attention. They know you’re waiting for the reply. (09全国Ⅱ)

A. continued

B. immediate

C. careful

D. general

When you arr ive at the hotel, you’ll notice the friendly staff, who will make your holiday a wonderful dream.

A. sensitively

B. scarcely

C. immediately

D. obviously

57. imply vt. -implied –implied暗示,暗指-indicate

His silence implied agreement


Freedom does not necessarily imply responsibility.

The fact she was here implies a degree of interest.

58. impressive adj. 给人以深刻印象的

an ~ ceremony, building, speech, performance

His collection of paintings is most impressive.

拓展: impress vt. ~ sb withsb/sth 使……钦佩……

~ sth on/upon sb 使意识到(重要性或严重性等)

~ sth/oneself on/upon sth 使铭记,给……留下深刻印象的

He impressed us deeply with what he said at the party.

Her words impressed themselves on my memory.

The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.

impression n. make a strong ~ on sb/ give sb the ~ of (doing) sth/ be under the ~ that……有某种(错误的)想法

His first speech as President made a strong ~ on his audience.

I was under the ~ that you were coming tomorrow.

59. improvement n. 改善,改进~ in/on sth

cause a clear/significant/ marked ~ in working conditions

a slight, gradual etc ~ in the weather; home ~s 住宅的装修

There is room for further ~ in your English.

拓展: improve vt------ become better

His work is improving slowly./ Her health is gradually improving.

The post office aims to improve its quality of service.

improve on/upon sth 改进或生产出比某物更好的事物

The German girl improved on her previous best performance in the 100 meters.

Thoman Alva Edison didn’t “ invent” the light bulb, but rather he ______ a 50-year-old idea, which is not well-known. (05江苏金太阳六)

A. improved upon

B. took down

C. put up

D. broke away

60. including prep 包含,包括

The band played many songs, including some of my favorites.

注意: including prep 包含,包括,后接名词或代词;included adj 包含的,只能置于名词或代词后面;include 后的宾语只是整体的一部分;contain后的宾语指的是整体的全部

(1)This book ______ 18 articles, ______ three written by my father.

A. contains, include

B. includes, containing

C. contains, including

D. includes, contained

(2). Detailed instructions are ______ in the booklet, ______ the way you get there.

A. including, included

B. included, including

C. including, including

D. included, included

用include, contain 的正确形式填空:

The tour ________ a visit to the Science Museum.

The people died in the car accident, ________ two children./ two children ________

The atlas ________ 40 maps, ________ three of Great Britain.

61. industrial adj 工业的,用于工业的,工业发达的

~ workers 产业工人;~ development 工业发展;an ~ country, society etc

拓展:industrialism n. 工业主义;industrialist n. 工业家;industrialization n.

industrialize/ industrialize vt 使…… 工业化…… the ~d nations 工业化国家练一练: The most important thing about cotton in history is ______ part that it played in ______ Industrial Revolution. (04重庆)

A. / ; /

B. the; /

C. the; the

D. a; the

62. inflation n. 通货膨胀,物价上涨control inflation

63. inner adj 里面的,内向的,内部的,接近中心的

an inner room/ countyard, inner London 伦敦市中心区

(指感情)内心的,未表达出来的------ unexpressed

If she had inner doubts, it was not apparent to anyone.

Inner beauty is more important than outer beauty./ Instead of concentrating on outer beauty, we should concentrate on inner beauty.

64. install vt. ~ sth in sth 安装,设置(设备,家具等)

He will ~ a heating or lighting system in a building.

~ sb/oneself in sth 将某人安顿或安置在某处

They will be comfortably installed in a new home.

She installed herself in her father’s favourite armchair.

~ sb as sth(以例行仪式)是某人就新职a priest in office; He was installed as President last May.

Installation n.

65. instance n. 例子,实例instance of sth; for instance = for example

I can quote you several instances of her being deliberately rude.

In most instances (cases), the pain soon goes away.

拓展:at the instance of 应某人的(紧急)请求或建议

in the first instance = in the first place 首先,第一

in this instance = in this case 在这种情况下

instant adj/n 即刻的,立即的;紧急的;瞬息

I don’t like to drink instant coffee. (速溶咖啡)

We should attend to the o ld man’s instant needs.

练一练: ------ Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?

------ Yes, I gave it to her ________ I saw her.

A. while

B. immediate

C. once

D. the instant

66. intelligent adj 聪明的,有才智的,有头脑的

The student gave an ~ answer.

Someone as ~ as you should go far.

He is an ~ boy, but he is very unsure of himself.

拓展:intelligence n. 智力;脑力;情报

He is a person of high, great, average, little, low intelligence.

67. interested adj be interested in sb/sth 对…… 感兴趣的,关心的

be interested in sth 处于或利益地位的,有关系的

I tried to tell him about it, but he just wasn’t interested.

I shall be interested to know what happens.

As an interested party, I was not allowed to vote.

interest n 兴趣,趣味(不可数);利益,好处(复数);利息(不可数);vt. 使感兴趣

a place of interest ; sth be of general ~; sth be of no ~ to sb

show/have/take (an) ~ in sth; lose ~ in……; to sb’s ~; with ~

The famous scientist watched the little boys playing football with interest.

What interests me is the teaching method that she adopts.

He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them __in his lectures. (07江苏)

A. interested

B. interesting

C. interest

D. to interest

68. internal adj 内部的,体内的;(指考试等)校内的

They are holding an internal inquiry to find out who is responsible.

The medicine is not for internal use. 这种药不可以内服

69 investigate adj to examine a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the

truth 调查,侦查

The police are investigating the murder./the crime.

We are of course investigating how an error like this could have occurred.

investigation investigative

70 involve v. to include someone or something in something, or to make them take part in or feel part

of it 牵涉,牵连,包含,是不得不

The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.

The operation involves putt ing a small tube into your heart.

It would be difficult not to involve the child's father in the arrangements.

involve in 使牵涉进去,使陷入,使承担Joan was involved in this trouble

involve with 和……混在一起,和……有密切关系

He become involved with criminals.

nouns involvement adjectives involved uninvolved verbs involve

an involved reason/excuse/argument

The plot of the film was too involved - I couldn't understand it.

71 issue n.(刊物的)一期,(书籍的)一次印刷,问题,争论之点,结果,结局

Have you seen the lastest issue of the magazine? The issue of pay is their main concern.

The issue of the concert is very uncertain.

(be) at issue 讨论/争论的问题,待决定The ownership of the property is at issue.

They launched a vehement attack on the government's handling of environmental issues.

72 item n. 1.一项(节目等),项目(可数)

the last item on the list

The restaurant has a long menu of about 50 items.

Several items of clothing (= clothes) lay on the floor.

2. 一条消息(可数)an item of news / a news item

There are no items of interest in today’s newspaper.

item by item

Buyers from stores are given the opportunity to go through fashion collections item by item and place orders.

73 joint adj.联合的,共同的,

a joint bank account 联合账户

The project was a joint effort/venture between the two schools (= they worked on it together) . (共同努力)

The two Russian ice-skaters came joint second (= They were both given second prize) in the world championship.

They were joint owners of the house.

The two companies have cooperated in joint ventures for the past several years.


74 justify v.1.证明……正确、正当、有理

I can't really justify taking another day off work.

Are you sure that these measures are justified?

2. justify sth/yourself ( to sb) 对……做出解释;为……辩护

If you justify yourself, you give a good reason for what you have done

It was the only thing that I could do - I don't have to justify myself to anyone.

75 keen adj.

1. very interested, eager or wanting (to do) something very much

They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.

Joan wanted to go to a movie but I wasn't keen (= I didn't want to go) .

She's a keen tennis player

She's keen on (playing) tennis.

UK My son's mad keen on cycling.

He's rather keen on a girl in his school (= he is very attracted to her) .

keen adj. STRONG

2. extreme or very strong

Many people are taking a keen interest (= a very great interest) in the result of the vote.

3. very good or well developed

a keen sense of smell

keen adj. SHARP

4. LITERARY very sharp

a keen north wind

76. later adv. later /?le?.t? r / /-t??/ adverb

1. at a time in the future or after the time you have mentioned

He'll be back later.

We could always go later in the season.

Police questioned him and he was later arrested.

2. later on

at a time in the future, or after the time you have mentioned

What are you doing later on this evening?

Shall I go and fetch her later on?

Later on, we could go and have a meal if you like.

3. no/not later than

not after

She said she'd prefer us to arrive no later than nine o'clock.

77 layer n. layer / noun [ C ]

a level of material, such as a type of rock or gas, which is different from the material above or

below it, or a thin sheet of a substance

the ozone layer

A thick layer of clay lies over the sandstone.

There was a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water.

We stripped several layers of paint off the door.

Cover the meat with a layer of cheese.

Women have a layer of subcutaneous fat , which provides them with better insulation than men.

The eruption had covered the town with a fine layer of ash.

A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room.

If the first layer isn't dry before you add the next one, the colours will run into each other .

78 leadership n. Nouns lead leader leadership Adjectives lead leading Verbs lead

1. the set of characteristics that make a good leader

What the company lacks is leadership.

He lacks leadership qualities/skills.

2. the position or fact of being the leader

The group flourished under her firm leadership.

R&M gained market leadership (= sold more goods than other companies) by selling products that were of superior quality.

3. the leadership

the person or people in charge of an organization

There is growing discontent with the leadership.

The election for the leadership of the council will take place on Tuesday.

79 liberal adj. 1. respecting and allowing many different types of beliefs or behaviour

a liberal society/attitude

Her parents were far more liberal than mine.

opposite illiberal or intolerant

liberal adj. POLITICS

2. (of a political party or a country) believing in or allowing more personal freedom and a

development towards a fairer sharing of wealth and power within society

Liberal adj. GENEROUS

3. FORMAL giving or given in a generous way

He was very liberal with the wine.

liberal adj. NOT EXACT

4. not exact; without attention to or interest in detail

a liberal interpretation of the law

Espousal of such liberal ideas won't make her very popular around here.

Despite his apparent liberal views, he's really something of a puritan.

His natural supporters are the urban poor, and educated people of a liberal turn of mind.

He has very liberal attitudes towards sex.

My family are very liberal-minded.

80. literally adv. 1. INFORMAL used to emphasize what you are saying

He missed that kick literally by miles.

I was literally bowled over by the news.

2. having the real or original meaning of a word or phrase

They were responsible for literally millions of deaths.

We live literally just round the corner from her.

You'll lose marks if you translate too literally (= one word at a time) .

3. INFORMAL simply or just

Then you literally cut the sausage down the middle.

81. lost adj. lost adj. PLACE UNKNOWN

1. not knowing where you are and how to get to a place

I got lost in the London Underground.

You look lost - can I help you?

2. If something is lost, no one knows where it is

Things tend to get lost when you move house.

Lost: black cat with white paws.

Mikey turned up with the lost book.

lost adj. CONFUSED

3. not knowing what to do in a new situation

It was his first day in the office and he seemed a bit lost.

lost adj. ATTENTION

4. giving so much attention to what you are doing that you are not conscious of anything else that is happening around you

Ann was completely lost in her book.

Stick to the main roads and you won't get lost.

When you got lost in the forest you must have been very frightened.

He gazed pensively at the glass in front of him, lost in thought.

My letter must have got lost in the post.

After three days lost in the mountains, all the climbers arrived home safe and sound.

82. lump n. 1. a piece of a solid substance, usually with no particular shape

a lump of coal a sugar lump

You don't want lumps in the sauce.

2. INFORMAL a separate large amount

I'll be getting the insurance money in two lumps.

Lump noun. [ C ] IN THE BODY

3. a hard swelling found in or on the body, especially because of illness or injury

She found a lump in her breast.

lump noun [ C ] PERSON

4. INFORMAL a heavy, awkward, stupid person

Come on, you great lump, get up from in front of that television and do some work.

bring a lump to your throat

to give you a tight feeling in your throat because you want to cry

It was quite a moving speech - it almost brought a lump to my throat.

My clay pot ended up as just a shapeless lump.

He had a lump on his head the size of an egg.

There were lumps of mud all over the carpet.

He ate an enormous lump of cheese.

My custard always has lumps in it.

83 marvellous adj. extremely good

He's done a marvellous job of the decorating.

It took me ages to get it right, but it was a marvellous feeling when I did.

It's marvelous how everyone's tried to help.

He was a truly marvellous storyteller.

We've achieved some marvellous results with this new drug.

A marvellous reception awaited me on my first day at work.

From the garden there was a marvellous view over open countryside.

From the restaurant there was a marvellous prospect of Sienna and the countryside beyond.

That was a marvellous backhand volley.

The concert was absolutely marvellous.

84. massive adj. very large in size, amount or number

They've got a massive house.

She died after taking a massive overdose of drugs.

If the drought continues, deaths will occur on a massive scale.

85 membership n.

1. [ U ] the state of belonging to an organization

You have to apply for membership UK of / US in the sports club.

a membership fee/card

Annual membership (= the amount you have to pay to join a particular organization for one year) is £25.

2. [ C + singular or plural verb ] all the people who belong to an organization

Our membership is/are divided on the issue.

The society has a very large membership (= number of members) .


noun [ C ] (书面或口头的)消息,信息,音信

a. If I'm not there when you phone, leave a message.

b. I got a message that she'll be late.

c. The film's message is that rich and poor are alike.

短语:get the message理解明白别人的暗示

I never answer his calls and I ignore him every time I see him, so you'd think he'd get the message.

get the message across使领悟,明白

We need to get the message across that too much sun is dangerous.

verb [ T ]给某人消息

I messaged him yesterday but haven't had a reply.

noun messenger信使,邮递员,通信员

The documents were delivered by special messenger.

a messenger boy

87. migration noun [ C or U ] 迁移,移居,迁徙

There was a mass migration of poverty-struck farmers into the cities.

verb migrate迁徙;移居

1.In September, these birds migrate 2000 miles south to a warmer climate.

2.Mexican farm workers migrate into the US each year to find work at harvest time.

3.Trade is migrating from local shops to the larger out-of-town stores.

noun migrant移民;迁徙动物

adj migratory eg: migratory birds候鸟

88. misery noun 痛苦,悲惨,痛苦的事情,不幸的事

eg:1Ten years of marriage to him have made her life a misery.

2.Oh come on, don't be such a misery!

3.Stop being such an old misery guts!

短语:put sth out of its misery 消除某物的忧虑

put sb out of their misery消除某人的忧虑

We try to put our students out of their misery and give them their exam results as early as possible.

make one’s life a misery使别人遭殃,让人痛苦

adj miserable痛苦的,非常难受的,可怜的

I spent a miserable weekend alone at home .

adv miserably 痛苦地,可怜兮兮地

89. moreover adv此外,而且

The whole report is badly written. Moreover, it's inaccurate.

90.mug noun [ C ]

1. 大杯,缸子

I made myself a large mug of cocoa and went to bed.


his ugly mug

3. 笨蛋,傻瓜

He's such a mug, he believes everything she tells him.

mug verb [ T ] -gg- (公开)行凶,打劫

He was mugged in broad daylight.

noun mugger [ C ]抢劫犯,拦路抢劫者

91.mum noun [ C ] also mummy

All the mums and dads are invited to the school play at the end of the year.

扩展:1.mumble verb [ I or T ] 嘟哝,口齿不清的说

She mumbled something about being too busy.

92.mummy noun

1. (儿语)妈咪( US mommy )

Could I speak to your mummy please, Phoebe?

2木乃伊(especially in ancient Egypt) a dead body that is prevented from decaying by being treated with special substances before being wrapped in cloth

习语:mummy's boy听话的孩子

a boy or man who appears to do whatever his mother tells him to

93.muscle noun


短语:neck/back/leg/stomach muscles /facial muscles

These exercises build muscle and increase stamina.


1.This magazine has considerable financial muscle and can afford to pay top journalists.

2.The company lacks the marketing muscle to compete with drug giants.


短语:muscle in

I hear Mark's muscled in on our meeting.

扩展:muscle-bound adj(运动过度造成的)肌肉粗大僵硬的

94.nasty adj

1. 极差的,令人厌恶的,令人不悦的

a nasty shock/surprise

1.There's a nasty smell in here.

2.He had a nasty cut above the eye.

3.She has a nasty habit of picking on people in meetings.

2. 不友好的

Don't be so nasty to your brother - he's four years younger than you!

3. 危险的,严重的

1.In an emergency you could get out through a window, but it would be a nasty drop.

2.The situation could turn(= become) nasty at any moment.

4. 无礼的,思想肮脏的,下流的

She said some quite nasty things about him.

短语:have a nasty feeling 有不好的感觉,有不祥的预兆

I've got a nasty feeling that I forgot to tell Joe I couldn't come.

cheap and nasty便宜质量低劣的东西

a nasty piece of work 恶棍,令人讨厌的人,靠不住的人

to get nasty翻脸,变凶

95.negotiation noun [ C or U ] 谈判,协商,磋商

1.The agreement was reached after a series of difficult negotiations.

2.The exact details of the agreement are still under negotiation.

3.Negotiation for the pay increase is likely to take several week.

短语:in negotiation with 与……进行谈判

the negotiation table 谈判桌

negotiator noun [ C ]谈判代表,协商者

Some very skilful negotiators will be needed to settle this dispute.

verb negotiate和谈,谈判,协商

Negotiate with sb for/about sth

The government will not negotiate with them

96.nonsense noun


1.This report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper.

2.You mustn't upset your sister with any more nonsense about ghosts.

3.It’s (a) nonsense to say that he's too old for the job.

2. [ U ] 胡扯,胡言乱语,没有意义的东西

The translation of the instructions was so poor they were just nonsense.

短语:make (a) nonsense of sth 使……价值大打折扣,使……先得荒诞

His repeated lack of promotion makes nonsense of the theory that if you work hard you'll be successful.

not stand any nonsense拒绝接受不好或愚蠢的行为

The new teacher won't stand any nonsense.

nonsense verse noun (nonsense poem)没有意义的诗歌

a load of crap/nonsense/rubbish不真实的东西,质量不好的东西

1..He liked the second series and I thought it was a load of crap.

talk nonsense ALSO talk rubbish 讲废话

Is it just me or was she talking nonsense in the meeting?

97.odd adj


1.Her father was an odd man.

2What an odd thing to say.

3The skirt and jacket looked a bit odd together.

4.It's odd that no-one's seen him.

5.It must be odd to live on the 43rd floor.


1.She does the odd teaching job but nothing permanent.

2.You get the odd person who's rude to you but they're generally quite helpful.

3. (数字)基数的

1.3, 5, 7 are all odd numbers.

2.The houses on this side of the street have all got odd numbers.

4. 不成对的,不同类的

He's got a whole drawer full of odd socks.

短语:the odd one/man out 与其他不同或合不来的人或物,异类

a person or thing that is different from or kept apart from others that form a group

1.Guess which number of the following sequence is the odd one out.

2.She was always the odd one out at school - she didn't have many friends.

98. oddity noun [ C ] 古怪反常的人或物,怪现象

Even today a man who stays at home to look after the children is regarded as something of an oddity.

oddly adv (in a strange or surprising way)反常地,怪异地

Didn't you think she was behaving rather oddly at the party yesterday?

99. opposition noun


Eg:1.There is a lot of opposition to the proposed changes.

2.The unions are in opposition to the government over the issue of privatization.


The opposition has/have some good players so it should be a tough match.

adj opposite

1. 完全不同

You'd never know they're sisters - they're completely opposite to each other in every way.


1.My brother and I live on opposite sides of London.

Prep. opposite在……对面,在……另一边

1.We're in the building opposite the government offices.

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