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唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第1句A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force. 单词:effort努力;dreadful可怕的;handicap障碍;proper适当的。结构:A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, (第一个并列句)//but, if properly handled,(条件状语)//it may become a driving force(第二个并列句)译文:长时间不费吹灰之力就可以获得成功,这样的经验可能会成为一种可怕的障碍,但是,如果处理得当,就会成为一个积极的推动力。

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第2句When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.单词:glow 发光;competitor 竞争者,compete 竞争;parallel平行的,相似;unparalleled 无比的,无双的,无匹的;scale 规模。结构:When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War,(时间状语从句)// it had a market eight times larger than any competitor,(主句)//giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.(ing分词短语在句子末尾一般表示结果)译文:二战结束之后,美国恰好进入了这样的一个辉煌时期时,它拥有的市场比任何竞争者大八倍,这使其工业的经济规模举世无双。


唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第4句America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.单词:prosperous 繁荣的;destroy 破坏。结构:America and Americans were prosperous (主句)//beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians (介词短语做状语)//whose economies the war had destroyed.(定语从句)译文:美国及其人民之富裕,远非欧亚人民所能够想象,而后者的经济受到了战争的破坏。

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第5句It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer.单词:inevitable 不可避免的;primacy 首位,至高无上;narrow 变窄。结构:It was inevitable (形式主语)//that this primacy should have narrowed(主语从句的主干)as other countries grew richer.(状语从句)译文:随着其他国家越来越富有,美国的这种领先地位逐渐下降已经不可避免。(注意primacy这个词,它比较抽象,大家可以返回前文看看,这个this primacy到底指的是哪些领先的“高大上”地位。还有就是,大家要及时回头复习,复习,复习,力图掌握住句子。)

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第6句Just as inevitably, the retreat from

predominance proved painful.单词:retreat 撤退,后退;predominance 优势,主

导地位。结构Just as inevitably, the retreat from predominance proved painful.(简单句,注意just as inevitably是承接上一句话It is inevitable that…而言。)译文:从优势地位上退下来的痛苦也是不可避免的。(注意这里的翻译技巧:如果直接翻译是:同样不可避免的是,从优势地位上的后退证明是痛苦的。这里“后退证明是痛苦的”比较不通顺,不如把“痛苦的”这个形容词翻译为名词“从优势地位上退下来的痛苦”,再结合前面“不可避免”,改为“痛苦是必可避免的”就通顺一点了。这里说明,翻译中不一定英语形容词,汉语就一定是形容词,词性是可以转化的,前提是“大意相同”,再追求“译文通顺”。“词性转换”这一技巧,可以看看我《拆分组合》第二章。)

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第7句By the mid-1980s Americans had found themselves at a loss over their fading industrial competitiveness.单词:fade褪色,逐渐消失。结构:By the mid-1980s Americans had found themselves (主干)//at a loss over their fading industrial competitiveness.(介词短语充当宾语补足语)(这个句

子的结构,如果大家不太理解宾语补足语没有关系,但是一定要知道at a loss这个词组,并且后面习惯接over。)译文:到了20世纪80年代中期,面对其日益衰退的工业竞争力,美国人感到不知所措。

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第8句Some huge American industries, such as consumer electronics, had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition.单词:shrink (shrank shrunk) 萎缩,退缩。结构:Some huge American industries, (主语)//such as consumer electronics, (插入语)//had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition.(谓语)译文:面对国外竞争,一些像消费电子产业之类的

大型美国工业已经萎缩或渐渐消失。还可以翻译为:一些大型美国工业,如消费电子产业,在来自国外产品的竞争之下,已经逐渐萎缩或者慢慢消失。(今天给大家讨论两点。其一,插入结构的翻译,可以像第一个译文那样,“往前放,去修饰自己所修饰的中心词”。但是,汉语语言本来就很松散,所以,仍然可以直接翻译,如第二个译文一样,“摆在原来位置”即可。其二,大家可以适当关注文章的整个语篇的连贯。这个逐句译,我每天也同时在微博发布,昨天黄培辰老师就讨论到了关于这个retreat这个词,用得很微妙。可能作为学生,你们感受不到英语的那种微妙,但是大家不妨关注一下这个文章,到现在的句子中有几个用词,如:retreat, fading, shrink, vanish这是一组;还有prosperous, primacy, predominance这又是一组;与此类似的还有,你们自己找找?)(加油,欢迎邀



唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第9句和第10句By 1987 there was only one American television maker left, Zenith. (Now there is none: Zenith was bought by South Korea's LG Electronics in July.)译文:到1987年,美国只剩下一家电视生产商,即: Zenith。(现在一家也没有了:Zenith在7月被韩国LG电子公司收购。)(这两句话比较简单。不过需要关注一下专有名词,在阅读中难免会碰到很多专有名词,人名地名国家名商标名。翻译的时候,基本原则是按照习惯翻译,实在不注明的可以按照英译。比如这里South Korea肯定是习惯上的国家名称,不能翻译错误,也不能抄英语。而Zenith和LG是两家电子公司,其实都挺有名的,我们一般习惯知道LG,也就叫英语LG了;Zenith其实也是有点名气的,但是在中国知道的不多,那就不妨直接用英语了。还有一个问题是括号,英语的括号和汉语括号作用几乎一致,所以,英语用括号,汉语也用括号。)

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第11句和第12句Foreign-made cars and textiles were sweeping into the domestic market. America's machine-tool industry was on the ropes.单词:sweep 扫,打扫;扫过,掠过;rope 绳子。译文:外国制造的汽车和纺织品横扫国内市场。美国的机床工业也命悬一线。翻译技巧:大家可以注意一下sweep into和on the rope这两个词组的翻译,比较好玩。sweep是“扫”的意思,sweep into比较好理解,汉语也有这样的意象“横扫,涌进”。而rope是“绳子”的意思,on the rope朗文词典的英文解释为:to be in a very bad situation, in which you are likely to be defeated.中文正好有类似的说法“命悬一线”。所以,有时候翻译好玩就在于此,英语这样说,汉语也这样说,正好两种语言都有契合的地方。大家以后在学习中可以多找找这样的契合点。当然,也有截然不同的地方,我们以后碰到再说。(广告:欢迎加入微信平台:victorjingtang)

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第13句For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors, which America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty.单词:semiconductor 半导体;casualty伤亡者,事故中受损失的物品。结构:For a while it looked(主句的主语和系动词)// as though the making of semiconductors,(as though连接的表语从句的主语)//which America had invented /and which sat at the heart of the new computer age, (并列的两个定语从句)//was going to be the next casualty.(表语从句的谓语部分)译文:美国发明了半导体,并且它在新的计算机时代也具有核心地位,但是有一段时间,半导体制造业似乎将成为要一个受害者。翻译技巧:译无定译。就是说,翻译,没有固定的译文;译文,没有最好,只有更好。所以,我们一般来说,翻译只有“参考答案”,绝对没有一个所谓的“标准译文”。为什么会说起这个问题,是因为昨天晚上11点多在从石家庄回北京的路上,和一个同学讨论起了我们前面的几个句子,他给我看到的译文,明显比我的译文更好。比如前面2000年第1篇第四句,我的译文是“美国及其人民之富裕,远非欧亚人民所能够想象,而后者的经济受到了战争的破坏。”而他译文是:对于经济受到战争的破坏的欧洲和亚洲来说,美国的繁荣及其人民的富裕超出了他们的想要。大家感受一下这位同学的译文和我的译文中不同的地方,琢磨一下,他的译文是好一些。大家自己思考,看看是否能发现,他的译文好在哪里。所以,以后,我每一次发的译文,你觉得你的译文明显比我的译文好,请告诉我,我们讨论。我期


唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第14句和第15句All of this caused a crisis of confidence. Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted.译文:所有的这一切使得人们的自信心开始动摇,美国人不会再理所当然地认为他们就该兴旺发达。翻译技巧:1.这是文章的第三段的前两句话,注意开始的All of this的所指,这是英语的一种语篇衔接手段。英语句子和句子之间,段落和段落之间,都是有非常紧密的关系,逻辑是很清晰的。2.注意,我对crisis of confidence和stopped taking prosperity for grated的翻译,我是考虑了一点时间的,不知道大家是否还有更好的翻译。虽然“信心危机”在汉语里面一直在用,但是,总觉得有点“欧式汉语”的嫌疑,我比较守旧,顽固不化,所以,总想避免用这样的“欧式汉语”。对stopped taking prosperity for grated的翻译也有同样的考虑。期待你们有更好的译文来说服我吧。广告:欢迎邀请周围喜欢英语的朋友加入“考研阅读逐句译,微信公众平台victorjingtang”。欢迎转发我每天的微信和微博。当然,更欢迎指正问题。

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第16句They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing, and that their incomes would therefore shortly begin to fall as well.结构:They began to believe (主句)//that their way of doing business was failing, (that引导的宾语从句)//and that their incomes would therefore shortly begin to fall as well.(and并列的第二个宾语从句)译文:他们开始相信自己的商业经营方式是失败的,并相信不久他们的收入也会因此而下降。翻译技巧:注意这里and并列的两个宾语从句,翻译的时候采用“重复法”,重复前面的动词,“相信…并相信…”。大家还要注意判断and是并列的谁和谁,这个句子很好发现,and 后面有that,所以前面也一定有一个that相并列。以后碰到难一点的and并列我们再讨论。

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第17句The mid-1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes of America's industrial decline.

单词:inquiry 询问,调查;decline 下降。

译文:80年代中期,人们对美国工业衰退的原因作了一次又一次的调查探究。翻译技巧:1.注意掌握短语inquiry into…是“调查”的意思,例如牛津词典上有这么一个例句:call for a public inquiry into safety standards,意思是“要求公开调查安全状况”。2.注意英语用时间做主语的现象。如果直接翻译是“80年代中期带来了一次又一次对美国工业衰退的原因的调查”。但是,汉语语言比较主观,比较爱用人做主语。所以,调整为汉语就是“在80年代中期,人们对…做调查”。这里采用“增词法”,增加了一个暗含的“人们”这个泛指的主语。这种用时间、用物做主语的现象,大家以后多关注,多体会,甚至可以试图用到作文中去。

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第18句Their sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competition from overseas.单词:sensational 轰动的,群情激动的;耸人听闻的;极好的。译文:有时候,他们的会发现一些耸人听闻的调查结果,这些调查结果总是提醒我们注意,来自海外的

竞争日益剧烈。翻译技巧:这个句子其实理解起来很简单,翻译起来,要说清楚不容易。我对上述译文其实也并不那么满意。查了查新东方李剑老师的译文,我一般参考他的译文比较多,他翻译为“他们有时有些惊人的发现,警示人们小心日益增长的海外的竞争。”这个译文比我的译文简洁易懂,汉语本来就是意合的语言,所以,剑剑老师的译文在于精。但是有一点问题就是原文的意思本来是“他们有时候会有怂人听闻的调查结果,这个结果中充满着警告,警告是海外竞争越来越多”。所以,剑剑老师的一文中,be filled with这一层含义有点丧失了。还有,大家注意两个稍微有点抽象的名词“findings”和“warnings”,还有就是findings were filled with warnings about…这个句型。their sensational findings本来是“他们的耸人听闻的发现”,翻译的时候一定要增加动词,比如说,剑剑老师增加为“他们有惊人的发现”,我增加为“他们会发现耸人听闻的调查结果”。注意这里的findings应该是何上文有一个inquiry遥相呼应的。还有一个代词their,想想是与那些词相互衔接的?这是本段的最后一句话,注意复习,注意回头重新看看全文,确保掌握。对这个句子还有更好的译文,可以和我提出讨论。欢迎指正。(硬广告:考研阅读逐句译,尽在唐静微博平台victorjingtang,欢迎加入,欢迎转载,欢迎你的考研战友们加入!哈哈。)


唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第19句和第20句How things have changed! In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling.单词:solid固体的,坚固的;struggle 争斗,挣扎,艰难的前进。结构:In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth(主句)//while Japan has been struggling.(状语从句)译文:世事难料啊!在1995年,美国可以骄傲地回顾过去5年稳健的发展,日本却一直在苦苦挣扎着前行。翻译技巧:引申!第一个感叹句How things have changed!如果直接翻译是“事情已经变化了啊”,这样的译文可以接受,可是原文的语气等感情色彩没有清楚地传达出来。可以进一步引申,既然是“事情已经变化了”,中文就可以找相应的说道“事情变化”的词组,比如“今非昔比,世事难料”等都是可以的。大家还可以注意我对第二个句子中的词组look back on sth.(回顾)的翻译,我采用“增词法”,增加了一个“骄傲地”回顾,其实是与后面的日本“苦苦挣扎”相照应的。

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第21句Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle. 单词:attribute sth. to sb. orsth. 认为某事物属于某人[某事物],认为某事物由某人[某事物]引起或产生;solely 唯一,单独,只,仅仅;devalue 贬值,降低重要性。译文:几乎没有美国人将这个发展单纯地归因于美元贬值或商业周期循环这些显而易见的原因。翻译技巧:要注意三个地方。其一,代词this指代的是上文中上一句话出现的“美国发展,日本举步维艰”的情况,这里提及的是美国人,所以this 尤其是“美国的Solid growth”。其二,such…as…是一个固定词组,一般翻译的顺序是“诸如…之类的…”,有时候也可以直接翻译为“…,比如…”。其三,这里有两个专业术语,一个是devalued dollar,这个好理解,也为人所熟知“贬值的美元,美元贬值”。另一个专业术语则相对陌生,the business cycle,直译是“商

业循环”,也有人翻译为“景气循环”,我们大概也能理解。是指做生意,有生意号的时候,也有生意差的时候,不可能你一直都会生意好。做阅读理解大概这样理解到就可以了。但是做翻译,如果不是考试,如果是给你一本翻译书,最好要“求甚解”。我大概用google查了一下,有一段中文定义比较靠谱:“景气循环。在高度繁荣的自由经济社会,进入工业化之后,都会产生景气循环。在此循环系统中,经济衰退与经济复苏轮替出现,并反映在工业生产、利润、投资、物价和就业等种种经济指标(economic indicators)之中。其循环过程分为繁荣(prosperity)、衰退(recession)、萧条(depression)与复苏(recovery; revival)四个阶段。理论上,每一循环的长度约为8至12年。”如果我们以后工作中,有机会去做翻译,也得这样,“求真”,弄清楚本质,这样才能翻译好。

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第22句和第23句Self-doubt has yielded to blind pride. “American industry has changed its structure, has gone on a diet, has learnt to be more quick-witted,” according to Richard Cavanaugh, executive dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.单词:yield 生出,产出;yield to 屈服,让步;变形,折断;被某事物替换或者代替;wit 用措辞构想等产生幽默的能力;机智的人;悟性,智力,理解力;quick-witted 机智的,巧妙的。译文:于是,自我怀疑变成了盲目骄傲。“美国调整了产业结构,精简了产业机构,学会了灵活应对”,哈佛大学肯尼迪管理学院行政院长理查德·卡佛纳(Richard Cavanagh)如是说道。翻译技巧:1.承上启下。注意Self-doubt has yielded to blind pride.这个句子在本段落中“承上启下”的作用。翻译的时候,为了连接顺畅,可以增加“于是,如今,现在”这种词。不过,大家可以上下看看文章,找找,哪些句子说的是美国人的“自我怀疑”,那些句子说的是“盲目骄傲”?在回看原文的过程中,也对前面的句子进行复习。2.比喻。英语原文有个暗喻,即American industry “has gone on a diet, has learnt to be more quick-witted”.众所周知“工业是不能节食的”,人才能节食。这个暗喻是为了上文的“has changed its structure”并列。翻译的时候,考虑到说“工业节食”不太符合汉语习惯,直译的话,这个比喻不好理解,所以,我们就把比喻意义去掉,直白地翻译出来说是“美国工业精简其机构”。考虑到说“美国工业学会反应更加迅速”能让大家理解,所以可以直译了。3.并列结构的翻译。第23句不但有比喻,还是一个并列谓语句,主语是“美国的工业”,谓语有三个动词“改变其结构,进行节食,学会反应更快”。那大家注意,我没有用“美国的工业”做主语来翻译,而是用“美国”做主语来翻译了。这是我为了在汉语译文中也尽可能求“并列”而做的一种“补偿”。我的译文不一定就好,但是我愿意这样尝试翻译给大家,喜欢翻译的人可以体会。不喜欢翻译的人,直接忽略这个问题。(4月19日于重庆)

唐静考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第24句“It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving t heir productivity,” says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC.单词:institute会,协会,学院,机构;think-tank 智囊团,专家小组。结构:It makes me proud to be an American just to see (主句)//how our businesses are improving their productivity.(宾语从句)译文:华盛顿特区的智囊团——卡托研究院的史蒂芬·莫尔(Stephen Moore)也说:“我们的企业正在努力提高生产率,仅看到这一点,作为一个美国人,我就感到自豪。”翻译技巧:直接引语。英汉语两种语言都有引用别人的话,一般

原文引用的,用引号。这里要说的是,一般“某某说/认为/讲到/谈起”这样的话,可以在直接引语前面,也可以搁在整个句子末,都是可以的。大家可以看看这一句和上一个句子的翻译,感受一下。(4月19日晚于重庆)考研阅读逐句译2000年第1篇第25句And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on this period as “a golden age of business management in the United States.”译文:哈佛商学院的威廉·萨尔曼(William Sahlman)相信人们若要回顾这段时期,将把它视为“美国企业管理的黄金时代”。翻译技巧:再谈“专有名词”的翻译。今天有同学在我的私人微信上发问,说,老师:“你干嘛在专有名词翻译成汉语以后再加上括号把英语也注上了呢?”。这位同学比较心细,问得好。实话说,如果你们要应付考试,真没有必要像我这样加一个括号多此一举。人名地名专有名词,在考研这个层面的考试上,最重要的一点就是“著名的专有名词一定要按照汉语习惯翻译”。知道了这一点,足以应付考研翻译了。比如本句华中的Harvard,就没有必要整成“哈佛(Harvard)”,因为它太著名了,如果是考研,这种著名的地方也不能翻译错。比如你把Harvard Business School 翻译为“哈夫商业学校”,那就太缺乏常识了,考研的话,就该判错。而我个人在平时做翻译的时候,不著名的专有名词,我一般会跟一个括号,把英语标注在上面,怕引起误解。个人觉得做样做,在翻译中更严谨一点。




考研英语历年阅读理解真题精析--2000年part4 Part Four Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. But increasingly the Japanese are seeing a decline of the traditional work moral values. Ten years ago young people were hardworking and saw their jobs as their primary reason for being, but now Japan has largely fulfilled its economic needs, and young people don't know where they should go next. The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs. In a recent survey, it was found that only 24.5 percent of Japanese students were fully satisfied with school life, compared with 67.2 percent of students in the United States. In addition, far more Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than did their counterparts in the 10 other countries surveyed. While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics, Japanese education tends to stress test taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self-expression. "Those things that do not show up in the test scores - personality, ability, courage or humanity - are completely ignored," says Toshiki Kaifu, chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's education committee. "Frustration against this kind of thing leads kids to drop out and run wild." Last year Japan experienced 2,125 incidents of school violence, including 929 assaults on teachers. Amid the outcry, many conservative leaders are seeking a return to the prewar emphasis on moral


Text1 Habits are a funny thing. We reach for them mindlessly, setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine. “Not ch In but habit rules the unreflecting herd,” William Wordsworth said in the 19th century. the ever-changing 21st century, even the word “habit” carries a negative connotation. So it seems antithetical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation. 习惯是件有趣的事情。我们无意识间养成了一些习惯,我们的大脑是自动运 转的,轻松进入熟知套路所带来的不自觉舒适状态。“这并非选择,而是习惯控 制了那些没有思想的人”,这是威廉?华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)19世纪时 说的话。在现在这个日新月异的21世纪,甚至习惯这个词本身也带有负面涵义。 因此,在创造和革新的背景下来谈论习惯,似乎显得有点矛盾。 But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel synaptic paths, and even entirely new brain cells, that can jump our trains of thought onto new, innovative tracks. But don’t bother trying to kil off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the hippocampus, they there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately ingrain into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads. 但大脑研究人员发现,当我们有意识地培养新的习惯的时候,我们创建了平 行路径,甚至是全新的脑细胞,可以让我们的思路跳转到新的创新轨道上来。但 是,不必费心试图摈弃各种旧习惯;一旦这些程序惯例融进大脑,它们就会留在 那里。相反,我们刻意培养的新习惯会创建平行路径能避开原来那些老路。 “The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder,” says D Markova, author of “The Open Mind” and an executive change consultant for Professional Thinking Partners. “But we are taught instead to ‘decide,’ just as decide is to kill off president calls himself ‘the Decider.’” She adds, however, that “to all possibilities but one. A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many other possibilities.” 大学英语

2000-2013年考研英语历年真题和答案(英语一) 免费

2013年考研英语(一)真题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that ___1___ the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by ___2___ factors. But Dr Simonton speculated that an inability to consider the big ___3___ was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. ___4___, he theorized that a judge ___5___ of appearing too soft ___6___crime might be more likely to send someone to prison ___7___he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day. To ___8___this idea, they turned their attention to the university-admissions process. In theory, the ___9___ of an applicant should not depend on the few others___10___ randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr Simonton suspected the truth was___11___. He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews ___12___ by 31 admissions officers. The interviewers had ___13___ applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale ___14___ numerous factors into consideration. The scores were ___15___ used in conjunction w ith an applicant’s score on the GMAT, a standardized exam which is ___16___out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her. Dr Simonton found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one ___17___ that, then the score for the next applicant


考研英语阅读 (1) To paraphrase 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke, "all that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing." One such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of the theory that animals have rights ruling out their use in research. Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care. Leaders of the animal rights movement target biomedical research because it depends on public funding, and few people understand the process of health care research. Hearing allegations of cruelty to animals in research settings, many are perplexed that anyone would deliberately harm an animal. For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested in animals-no meat, no fur, no medicines. Asked if she opposed immunizations, she wanted to know if vaccines come from animal research. When assured that they do, she replied, "Then I would have to say yes." Asked what will happen when epidemics return, she said, "Don't worry, scientists will find some way of using computers." Such well-meaning people just don't understand. Scientists must communicate their message to the public in a compassionate, understandable way-in human terms, not in the language of molecular biology. We need to make clear the connection between animal research and a grandmother's hip replacement, a father's bypass operation a baby's vaccinations, and even a pet's shots. To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst. Much can be done. Scientists could "adopt" middle school classes and present their own research. They should be quick to respond to letters to the editor, lest animal rights misinformation go unchallenged and acquire a deceptive appearance of truth. Research institutions could be opened to tours, to show that laboratory animals receive humane care. Finally, because the ultimate stakeholders are patients, the health research community should actively recruit to its cause not only well-known personalities such as Stephen Cooper, who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research, but all who receive medical treatment. If good people do nothing there is a real possibility that an uninformed citizenry will extinguish the precious embers of medical progress. 18世纪政治家埃德蒙·柏克曾说过类似这样的话,“被误导的运动要想成功,所需的只是好人不作为。”现在,就有这样一个运动正在寻求终止生物医学的研究,因为有这样一种理论说,动物享有权利禁止它们被用于实验。科学家应该对动物权利鼓吹者做出强有力的


2013年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section ⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that 1 the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by 2 factors. But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big 3 was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. 4 , he theorised that a judge 5 of appearing too soft 6 crime might be more likely to send someone to prison 7 he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to probation on that day. To 8 this idea, he turned to the university-admissions process. In theory, the 9 of an applicant should not depend on the few others 10 randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr Simonsohn suspected the truth was 11 . He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews, 12 by 31 admissions officers. The interviewers had 13 applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale 14 numerous factors into consideration. The scores were 15 used in conjunction with an applicant's score on the Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT, a standardised exam which is 16 out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her. Dr Simonsohn found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one 17 that, then the score for the next applicant would 18 by an average of 0.075 points. This might sound small, but to 19 the effects of such a decrease a candidate would need 30 more GMAT points than would otherwise have been 20 . 1.[A] grant [B] submits [C] transmits [D] delivers 2.[A] minor [B]objective [C] crucial [D] external 3.[A] issue [B] vision [C] picture [D] moment 4.[A] For example [B] On average [C] In principle[D] Above all 5.[A] fond [B]fearful [C] capable [D] thoughtless 6.[A] in [B] on [C] to [D] for 7.[A] if [B]until [C] though [D] unless 8.[A] promote [B]emphasize [C] share [D] test


2000年考研英语1真题 Section I Structure and V ocabulary Part A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (5 points) Example: I have been to the Great Wall three times 1979. [A]from [B]after [C]for [D]since the sentence should read, “I have been to the Great Wall three times since 1979.” Therefore, you should choose [D]. 1.As I’ll be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate 1 from you now and then telling me low everyone is getting along. [A]hearing [B]to hear [C]to be hearing [D]having heard 2.Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, 2 to find it locked. [A]just [B]only [C]hence [D]thus 3.Doctors see a connection between increase amounts of leisure time spent 3 and the increased number of cases of skin cancer. [A]to sunbathe [B]to have sunbathed [C]having sunbathed [D]sunbathing 4.Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods, you are not entitled 4 a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery. [A]to [B]with [C]for [D]on 5.on a rainy day I was driving north through V ermont 5 I noticed a young man holding up a sign reading “Boston”. [A]which [B]where [C]when [D]that


2000年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I: Structure and V ocabulary Part A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (5 points) Example: I have been to the Great Wall three times ________ 1979. [A] from [B] after [C] for [D] since The sentence should read, “I have been to the Great Wall three times since 1979.” Therefore, you should choose [D] Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [■] 1.As I’ll be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate ________ from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along. [A] hearing [B] to hear [C] to be hearing [D] having heard 2.Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, ________ to find it locked. [A] just [B] only [C] hence [D] thus 3.Doctors see a connection between increase amounts of leisure time spent ________ and the increased number of cases of skin cancer. [A] to sunbathe [B] to have sunbathed [C] having sunbathed [D] sunbathing 4.Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods, you are not entitled ________ a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery. [A] to [B] with [C] for [D] on 5.On a rainy day I was driving north through Vermont ________ I noticed a young man holding up a sign reading “Boston”. [A] which


ase to conduct a broad review of business-method patents. In re Bilski, as the case is known, is “a very big deal,” says Dennis D. Crouch of the University of Missouri School of Law. It “has the potential to eliminate an entire class of patents.” 现在,该国最高专利法院似乎完全准备好要缩减商业方法专利,因为商业方法专利自从十年前第一次批准授予以来一直有争议。在一项使得知识产权律师们议论纷纷的提议中,美国联邦巡回上诉法院声称它将利用某个具体案件来对商业方法专利进行广泛的复审。密苏里大学法学院Dennis D. Crouch说,“正如人们所知道的那样,Bilski案例是一件非常大的事情”它可能将消除整个专利类别”。 Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents with its 1998 decision in the so-called State Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. That ruling produced an explosion in business-method patent filings, initially by emerging Internet companies trying to stake out exclusive rights to specific types of online transactions. Later, more established companies raced to add such patents to their files, if only as a defensive move against rivals that might beat them to the punch. In 2005, IBM noted in a court filing that it had been issued more than 300 business-method patents, despite the fact that it questioned the legal basis for granting them. Similarly, some Wall Street investment firms armed themselves with patents for financial products, even as they took positions in court cases opposing the practice. 对于商业方法诉求的限制是个戏剧性的彻底变化,因为正是联邦巡回法院自己引进了这种专利。那是在1998年,对于所谓的美国道富银行的案件中,联邦巡回法院做出了判决,批准了筹集共同基金资产的方法具有专利权。这一裁决使得商业方法专利文件以几何数级增加,起初只是一些 注:to the punch的英文解释为to the first blow or to decisive action ― usually used with beat 所以这里翻译为“先下手为强”或“抢占先机”。 The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market. The Federal Circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard by all 12 of the court’s judges, rather than a typical panel of th ree, and that one issue it wants to evaluate is whether it should “reconsider” its State Street Bank ruling. 前面提到的Bilski案例涉及到一份已申请的方法专利,即关于能源市场的风险规避方 The Federal Circuit’s action comes in the wake of a series of recent decisions by the Supreme Court that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders. Last April, for example, the justices signaled that too many patents were being upheld for “inventions” that are obvious. The judges on the Federal Circuit are “reacting to the anti-patent trend at the Supreme Court,” says Harold C. Wegner, a patent attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School. 联邦巡回法院的这一裁决效仿了最高法院。最高法院最近做出了一系列的判决,缩小了专利持有者的受保范围。例如,去年四月,法官们认定太多的专利授予了一些显而易见的


2000年全真试题 Part ⅠClose Test Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points) ①If a farmer wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide gap between his consumption and his production. ②He must store a large quantity of grain 1 consuming all his grain immediately. ③He can continue to support himself and his family 2 he produces a surplus. ④He must use this surplus in three ways: as seed for sowing, as an insurance 3 the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a commodity which he must sell in order to 4 old agricultural implements and obtain chemical fertilizers to 5 the soil. ⑤He may also need money to construct irrigation 6 and improve his farm in other ways. ⑥If no surplus is available, a farmer cannot be 7 . ⑦He must either sell some of his property or 8 extra funds in the form of loans. ⑧Naturally he will try to borrow money at a low 9 of interest, but loans of this kind are not 10 obtainable. [139 words] 1.[A]other than [B]as well as [C]instead of [D]more than 2.[A]only if [B]much as [C]long before [D]ever since 3.[A]for [B]against [C]of [D]towards 4.[A]replace [B]purchase [C]supplement [D]dispose 5.[A]enhance [B]mix [C]feed [D]raise 6.[A]vessels [B]routes [C]paths [D]channels 7.[A]self-confident [B]self-sufficient [C]self-satisfied [D]self-restrained 8.[A]search [B]save [C]offer [D]seek 9.[A]proportion [B]percentage [C]rate [D]ratio 10.[A]genuinely [B]obviously [C]presumably [D]frequently Part ⅡReading Comprehension Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (40 points) Passage 1 ①A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force. ②When the United States entered just such a glowing


2013年考研外语阅读理解第一篇全文翻译 注释:本文为书评,即对于某本畅销书的内容的评价,书评是考研外语中常见的一类文章,几乎每年都有,不过指望能得出什么固定模式是不可能的,因为你无法预测到底哪本书或者哪类书能上榜,更无法断定写这个评论的会是谁。该书为伊丽莎白席琳所著《时尚》,批评美国人(其实不光是美国,稍微有点钱的都这个德行)疯狂购买时尚服装,全然不管这些衣服到底能穿几次,更遑论环保和可持续发展。说实话,翻译本文时,我总想起一句很经典的话,女人总是对着装满衣服的柜子抱怨没衣服穿。 In the 2006film version of The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda Priestly, played by MerylStreep, scold her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesn’t affect her. Priestly explains howthe deep blue color of the assistant’s sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to departmentstores and to the bargain bin in which the poor girl doubtless found her garment. 在2006年上映的“穿普拉达的女王(直译,不过我更欣赏另外一个译名,时尚女魔)”中,由梅丽尔斯特里普(人名不必译出)出演的米兰达普利斯特里臭骂她那个倒霉助手的原因就一个,不解风情(unattractive 一词我移到了这里,不然放在前面前后叠句,削弱语言效果),居然不懂时尚。普利斯特里宣称,这蠢丫头的衣服竟然是深蓝色的,这种款式

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