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1. How does Gulliver end up stranded in Lilliput?

(A) He survives a shipwreck

(B) His crew abandons him

(C) He is dropped there by an enormous eagle

(D) He stops there for provisions and is trapped while he sleeps

2. How do the Lilliputians offer Gulliver something to drink?

(A) They break down their town reservoir

(B) They divert a river

(C) They summon the rains

(D) They roll out barrels of wine

3. How does Gulliver earn the title of Nardac in Lilliput?

(A) By capturing the Blefuscudian fleet

(B) By putting out the fire in the empress’s quarters

(C) By showing lenience toward a group of soldiers who earlier attack him

(D) By helping the Lilliputians construct a new palace

4. Instead of killing him outright, the Lilliputians decide on which of the following punishments for Gulliver?

(A) Blinding him and slowly starving him to death

(B) Exiling him

(C) Cutting off his hands

(D) Poisoning him

5. What is the line of doctrine over which the Blefuscudians and Lilliputians differ?

(A) “All true believers shall break their eggs at the small end.”

(B) “All true believers shall break their eggs at the big end.”

(C) “All true believers shall break their eggs as they see fit.”

(D) “All true believers shall break their eggs at the convenient end.”

6. Who is Gulliver’s main caretaker in Brobdingnag?

(A) The farmer

(B) The queen

(C) Reldresal

(D) Glumdalclitch

7. How does Gulliver leave Brobdingnag?

(A) He builds himself a sailboat

(B) He is exiled

(C) He is carried away by a giant eagle

(D) He is taken back to England by Don Pedro

8. Who first discovers Gulliver in Brobdingnag?

(A) The farmer

(B) A field worker

(C) Glumdalclitch

(D) Lord Munodi

9. What does the farmer make Gulliver do in order to earn money?

(A) Perform tricks for spectators

(B) Spy on neighboring farmers

(C) Work in the fields

(D) Kill rats

10. Who is Gulliver’s main enemy in the royal court of Brobdingnag?

(A) The dwarf

(B) The king

(C) The queen

(D) Reldresal

11. What human invention does Gulliver propose to the king of Brobdingnag that the king finds revolting?

(A) Gunpowder

(B) Christianity

(C) Lawyers

(D) Lying

12. How does Gulliver end up in Laputa?

(A) Pirates attack his ship

(B) His crew mutinies

(C) He is shipwrecked

(D) He stops there for provisions

13. What do “flappers” do for the people of Laputa?

(A) Keep them cool by fanning them

(B) Protect them from birds and insects

(C) Keep them engaged in conversations

(D) Introduce them to other people

14. Why does Gulliver seem stupid to the Laputans?

(A) He does not speak their language

(B) He is ignorant of music and mathematics

(C) He is unwilling to use a flapper

(D) He does not understand how the floating island works

15. Why does Gulliver summon the shades of RenéDescartes and Pierre Gassendi to talk to Aristotle?

(A) Descartes and Gassendi were supporters of Aristotle’s theories

(B) Descartes, Gassendi, and Aristotle were all political satirists

(C) Descartes and Gassendi were philosophers who revised many of Aristotle’s theories

(D) Descartes and Gassendi were friends of Swift

16. Why is Gulliver exiled from the land of the Houyhnhnms?

(A) He urinates on the queen’s palace

(B) He steals from his Houyhnhnm master

(C) The Houyhnhnms decide that it is not right for a Yahoo to live among them

(D) The Houyhnhnms decide to exterminate the Yahoos

17. Why is Lord Munodi looked down upon by the government in Lagado?

(A) He uses traditional methods of agriculture and architecture

(B) He is ignorant of music and mathematics

(C) He breaks his eggs on the little end

(D) He once tried to lead a coup against the current government

18. Who are Gulliver’s closest friends after he returns from his time with the Houyhnhnms?

(A) His wife and children

(B) Lord Munodi

(C) Two horses

(D) Don Pedro de Mendez

19. How does the king of Luggnagg dispose of his enemies in the court?

(A) By slipping poison into the wine they drink to his health

(B) By poisoning the floor they are required to lick as they approach him

(C) By poisoning their clothes

(D) By exiling them from the island

20. On which island is Gulliver given the opportunity to summon the shades of the dead?

(A) Luggnagg

(B) Glubbdubdrib

(C) Laputa

(D) Lagado

21. What is different about the Struldbrugs of Luggnagg?

(A) They are immortal

(B) They are blind

(C) They have no capacity for memory

(D) They have no need to consume food

22. Which of the following kinds of specialized language does Swift not ridicule?

(A) Legal

(B) Naval

(C) Culinary

(D) Scientific

23. Which of the human societies that he visits does Gulliver find most appealing?

(A) Lagado

(B) Brobdingnag

(C) England

(D) Blefuscu

24. Which of the following adjectives best describe Gulliver’s personality in the first three voyages?

(A) Direct and perspicacious

(B) Cynical and bitter

(C) Gullible and honest

(D) Kind and condescending

25. Which of the following places does Gulliver visit last?

(A) Brobdingnag

(B) Lilliput

(C) Houyhnhnmland

(D) Laputa


《英美文学》(03119)复习大纲 第一部分英国文学 一、课程简介 本课程简要介绍英国各个历史断代的主要文学文化思潮,文学流派,主要作家; 本课程要求学生掌握英国文学史上各个时期的文学特点,出现的文学流派以及该时期一至两位重要作家的文学生涯,创作思想,艺术特色及代表作品;并要求学生做到在掌握有关知识理论的基础上使之转换这能力,即能用有关知识和理论来分析英国文学中的相关问题。 二、课程重点章节简介: 第一章:古代与中世纪英国文学 1. <<贝尔武夫>> 2. 乔叟及其代表作 第二章: 文艺复兴时期 1. 文艺复兴的定义 2. 萨士比亚的戏剧及十四行诗 3. 培根的代表作 第三章: 十七世纪英国文学 1.弥尔顿的代表作<<失乐园>>、诗剧<<力士参孙>>的主要内容及<<


第四章: 启蒙运动时期 1.新古典主义 2.伤感主义 3.笛福及代表作 4.蒲伯及代表作 第五章: 浪漫主义时期 1.浪漫主义时期文学的特点 2.彭斯的创作特点及代表作 3.华兹华斯的创作特点及代表作 4.拜伦诗歌的特点及代表作 第六章: 维多利亚时期 1.维多利亚时期的文学特点 2.布朗蒂姐妹的代表作 第七章: 现代时期 1.现代主义文学 2.汤姆斯.哈代创作特点及代表作 3. D.H.劳伦斯创作特点及代表作 三、本课程重点和难点内容简介 第一章:古代与中世纪英国文学: 1.<<贝尔武夫>>简介及在英国文学史上的意义。

2.乔叟及其代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》对英国文学做出的贡献。3.名词解释“骑士抒情诗” 第二章: 文艺复兴时期: 1.文艺复兴时期的时间界定 2.“文艺复兴”的名词解释 3.“人文主义” 的名词解释 4.莎士比亚的“Sonnet 18”的主题 5.哈姆雷特的性格分析 6.英语解释《论学习》中的句子 第三章: 十七世纪英国文学: 1.英语解释弥尔顿《失乐园》选段中的句子 2.《失乐园》的主要内容和意义 3.《失乐园》中撒旦的人物分析 第四章: 启蒙运动时期: 1.启蒙运动时期的界定 2.新古典主义的基本主张和特色 3.伤感主义的名词解释 4.《鲁滨逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的人物分析 5.蒲伯的《论批评》的主题


向学生推荐阅读书目 A.S. Byatt:Possession Charles Dickens:David Copperfield Doris Lessing:The Grass Is Singing Emily Bronte:Wuthering Heights Henry James: Daisy Miller James Joyce:A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man John Galsworthy:The Man of Property Joseph Conrad:Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim Lewis Carroll: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Oscar Wilde:The Picture of Dorian Gray Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure Island Rudyard Kipling: Kim Sir Walter Scott: Ivanhoe Thomas Hardy:Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure Virginia Woolf:Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse William Golding:Lord of the Flies William Thackeray:Vanity Fair 期刊 1.English Language Learning 2.English Digest 3.College English 4.China Today

英美文学 试卷

广东商学院硕士研究生入学考试试卷 考试年度:20010年考试科目代码及名称:807-英美文学适用专业:050201-英语语言文学 [友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!] I. Define the following five terms. (25 points in all, 5 points for each) 1. Symbol 2. The English Renaissance 3. Naturalism 4. Romanticism 5. Transcendentalist Club II. Multiple choice. In this part, there are 20 statements or questions; in each of them, there are four choices marked by A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE answer that is the most suitable to the statement or question. (20 points in all, 1 point for each) 1. Geoffrey Chaucer, the “___________” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London in or about the year 1340. A)Father of English literature B)founder of British literature C)Father of English poetry D) compiler of Canterbury Tales 2. Which of the following is not John Milton's works? A) Paradise Lost B) Paradise Regained C) Samson Agonistes D) Ulysses 3. “My Last Duchess” is a poem that best exemplifies Robert Browning?s ________. A) sensitive ear for the sounds of the English language B) excellent choice of words C) mastering of the metrical devices D) use of the dramatic monologue 4. Shakespeare?s four great tragedies are: Hamlet, Othello, ______ and ______. A) King Lear…Romeo and Juliet B) King Lear…Macbeth C) King John…Julius Caesar D) King John…The Merchant of Venice 5. The greatest English critical realist novelist was ______ , who criticized the bourgeois civilization and showed the misery of the common people. A) Charles Dickens B) Emily Bronte C) W.M. Thackeray D) Charlotte Bronte 6. Richard Brinsley Sheridan?s famous comedy, ________ written in 1777, is considered his masterpiece.


Part One:English Poetry 1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 ?Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer?s day? And who could `thee` be? Because summer?s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love. ?What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why? Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May. ?How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line? Thee is more beautiful than summer. ?What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal? Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal. ?What figures of speech are used in this poem? Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on . ?What is the theme of the poem? Love conquers all, Beauty lives on. 2. Thomas Nashe Spring ?Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images. There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!” The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people?s relationship. ?Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem? In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ]. 3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning ?What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die? Why does the speaker forbid mourning? No, it is about the lover s?separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife?s love is sacred, he didn?t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.

845 英美文学基础知识及运用

电子科技大学 2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:845英美文学基础知识及运用 注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。 1. Name a representative work by the following writers and then give a brief summary on the writer’s literary contribution. (20 points) 1Earnest Hemingway 2William Wordsworth 3John Milton 4William Blake 5Jane Austen II Define the following literary terms (30 points) 1 Soliloquy 2 Elegy 3 Sonnet 4 Stream of consciousness 5 Aestheticism 6 Imagism III Read the following selected passages and answer the questions briefly. (50 points) 1 What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable in action, how like an angle in apprehension, how like a god! Questions: 1)Identify the title of the play from which the passage is selected and its author. (2 points) 2)In what way does the passage reflect humanistic spirit? (3 points) 2One short sleep past, we wake eternally, And death shall be no more; Death, thou shall die. Questions: 1) Identify the title of the poem from which the lines are selected and its author. (2 points) 2) Make a comment on the poet’s attitude towards death and its significance? (3 points) 3 My thoughts were now wholly employed about securing my self against either savages, if any should appear, or wild beasts, if any were in the island, and I had many thoughts of the method how to do this, and what kind of dwelling to make, whether I should make me a cave in the earth, or tent upon the earth.


要通过《英美文学选读》这门课考试,不是考前“冲刺”一类的短训能奏效的。这门课难就难在它的阅读量很大,它包括英国和美国的诸多作家的诸多作品,而每一部作品就是一部书。现行统一教材在作家和作品的选取方面尽管已经是精而又精了,但还是不得不采用节选的办法来压缩篇幅。即便如此,为了更好地理解作品,考生还不得不在对整部作品了解的基础上,在教师指导下反复阅读节选,才能对节选部分的内容以及思想有较好的理解。不过文学阅读也有规律可循。下面的文字就“选读”课的性质、阅读时读取什么信息、现行试题各个部分的考查点是什么、如何回答简单论述题等问题,给考生一点提示,希望能对考生学习、复习《英美文学选读》课提供一些帮助。 第一部分《英美文学选读》课的性质 一、《英美文学选读》课的重点是作品顾名思义,“英美文学选读”是有选择地阅读英美文学史上有影响作家的重要作品,熟知作品内容,了解大多数批评家和读者已经接受的对这些作品主题的表述,并能从作品中找到、列举出证明这些表述的细节。这样的定义里有三个要注意的问题。一是作品内容,二是作品里的细节,三是节作品主题。三个同等重要,学习者不能只取其一。以小说为例,所谓作品内容,是指情节(plot)、场景(setting)、人物(characters)、语气(tone)、以及语言(style)。情节是指故事里所展示的事件和这些事件按作家意愿有序的安排,如事件发生的背景、事件中涉及的人物、事件本身(即冲突)、以及解决冲突的办法和结果。情节就是故事;没有情节就没有故事;熟知情节是理解文学作品,特别是小说和戏剧的第一、也是不可缺少的一步。不掌握故事情节,对作品进行深入分析就无从谈起。有故事当然就有人,对人物的分析是对作品分析的核心。语气是指作者在他/她刻画人物、安排情节、描写场景时所持的态度,而作者的态度直接影响我们对作品思想的理解。作者要表达自己对人物、事件的态度,只有通过文字才能与读者交流,而不同的作家使用语言的风格(style)是不一样的。如果掌握了以上内容,就掌握了细节,之所以把细节单列出来,是因为多数考生只记得大概情节,考试中不能用具体的细节进行人物或思想分析、评述,空话太多。劳伦斯小说《儿子与情人》(Sons and Lovers)里,成年的保罗是如何仍然生活在他母亲的掌控之下的细节,是分析这部作品里的人物和主题的关键,不能引用相关细节作为根据,分析就失去了基础。阅读文学作品一定要在一般性的了解情节的基础上,尽量记一些细节,细节显示考生对作品的熟悉程度。主题是对作品思想的高度概括。教材里作家作品概述和作品简介(斜体部分),对作品主题已有简明准确的表述,考生不可不读。对这些表述的理解,又是以考生对作品内容、细节的掌握为基础的。作品内容、细节、主题是考生学习的重点。 两点说明: (一)这里我们姑且不讨论新批评对作者和作品关系的观点,也不去讨论接受美学和读者反映理论,本科阶段没有开设文学批评理论课,没有必要进行那样的讨论,教师也不要引入类似的话题,以免造成不必要的困惑。 (二)从历年考题来看,作家的生卒年月、家庭背景、接受教育情况、作品发表年代等都不在考察范围,考生不必在这些方面浪费时间。目前市场上有一些英美文学教材和辅导材料在作家生平上花费了相当的篇幅,有的甚至远远超过了对文学作品本身的介绍和分析,这类书籍对考生复习没有多大帮助。教育部组织专家编写的现行教材尽管可以再修改、完善,但它的最大好处是它给考生提供了学生最需要的作品概要和精确而恰当的分析(教材里作品前的斜体部分),对考生从作品全貌理解文学作品很有帮助。 二、文学作品与文学史的关系关于文学作品和文学史哪个在先、以及哪个更重要的问题,我们还是留给专门的学者去争论,我们要搞清楚的是考生学习过程中应该以哪一个为重点的问题。前面讲选读课的性质时已经讲过,《英美文学选读》课的重点是作品,以往考试所包括的内容也充分说明了这一点,似乎没有争论的必要。但我们不得不考虑另一个无法回避的问题:如何对待教材中每个文学阶段前对该时期影响文学作品的经济、文化、社会、思想思


英美文学选读-阶段测评4 成绩:30分 一、Multiple Choice 共40 题 题号: 1 本题分数:2.5 分 ( )is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th—century “stream—of—consciousness” novels and the founder of psychological realism. A、Theodore Dreiser B、William Faulkner C、Henry James D、Mark Twain (P498.para.2)亨利.詹姆斯是美国现实主义文学大师,他的作品往往涉及美国之外的主题,其作品的风格是“心理活动”。被誉为20世纪美国意识流文学的先驱。 标准答案:C 考生答案:D 本题得分:0 分 题号: 2 本题分数:2.5 分 Closely related to Dickinson’s religious poetry are her poems concerning( ),ranging over the physical as well as the psychological and emotional aspects of death. A、love and nature B、death and universe C、death and immortality D、family and happiness (P518para2)迪金森的诗歌涉及宗教和爱情两方面,而其涉及宗教的诗歌往往是以死亡和永恒为主题的,所以答案是C。 标准答案:C 考生答案:A



英美文学试卷A 共9页第 I. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). (10 x 1’=10’) 1. ( ) Chaucer is the first English short-story teller and the founder of English poetry as well as the founder of English realism. His masterpiece The Canterbury tales contains 26 stories. 2. ( ) English Renaissance is an age of essay and drama. 3. ( ) The rise of the modern novel is closely related to the rise of the middle class and an urban life. 4. ( ) The French Revolution and the American War of Independence were two big influences that brought about the English Romantic Movement. 5. ( ) Charlotte’s novels are all about lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for life and love. Her novels are more or less based on her own experience and feelings and the life as she sees around. 6. ( ) The leading figures of the naturalism at the turn of 19th century are Thomas Hardy, John Galsworthy and Bernard Shaw. 7. ( ) Emily Dickinson is remembered as the “All American Writer”. 8. ( )The Civil War divides the American literature into romantic literature and realist literature. 9. ( ) Mark Twain is the first American writer to discover an American language and American consciousness.


英语专业主要课程简介 1E10935, 1E10905综合英语(一)(二)学分:6.0,6.0 Integrated English I,II 1E10915, 1E10925 综合英语(三)(四)学分:6.0,6.0 Integrated English III, IV 预修课程: 无 内容简介:本课程是一门综合英语技能课, 通过传授系统的基础语言知识(语音、语法、词汇、篇章结构、语言功能等),对学生进行严格的基本语言技能(听、说、读、写、译)训练,培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力。通过不同文体的学习,了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点,扩大词汇量,同时指导学生学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对中西文化差异的敏感性。教师鼓励学生积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动以获得基本的语言交际能力,并达到新《大纲》所规定的听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求。 推荐教材:《综合教程》(1—4册),何兆熊主编,上海外语教育出版社 主要参考书:《综合教程》(1—4册,教师用书),何兆熊主编,上海外语教育出版社《英语语音语调教程》,王桂珍,高等教育出版社 《College English》,周珊风、张祥保,商务印书馆 《College English》,胡文仲等编著,商务印书馆 《新编英语语法教程》,章振邦,上海外语教育出版社 1E10854,1E10824 英语阅读(一)(二)学分:2.0,2.0 English Reading I,II 1E10834,1E10844 英语阅读(三)(四)学分:2.0,2.0

English Reading III,IV 预修课程:无 内容简介:本课程主要培养学生的阅读兴趣和良好的阅读习惯,扩大词汇量,拓宽文化视野,提高人文素质。主要内容包括通过上下文辨认理解难词和推测词义;理解句子的含义,包括句面意思,句子隐含的意思和句间关系;理解段落的意思,包括段落大意,重要信息,段落内部和段落间的关系;掌握全文的中心思想和大意,以及用以说明中心思想和大意的事实,例证和论点;了解作者的态度、观点、意图和感情等等,并对文章做出判断和推理。通过课堂训练和实践,使学生掌握和运用各种阅读技能,提高迅速、准确捕捉信息的能力、综合概括、分析推理、判断及解决问题的能力。 推荐教材:《新编英语泛读教程》,王守仁,上海外语教育出版社 主要参考书:《英语快速阅读》,汪士彬,南开大学出版社 1E10755,1E10725英语听力(一)(二)学分:2.0,2.0 English Listening I ,II 1E10735,1E10745 英语听力(三)(四)学分:2.0,2.0 English Listening III ,IV 预修课程:无 内容简介:英语听力课充分利用现代信息技术,激发学生的学习兴趣。通过各种内容的听力训练,帮助学生克服听力障碍,培养学生的听力技能(包括抓关键词与句,能推测内在含义,释意复述等);学习对所听材料进行推理和分析的方法,使学生听懂并理解英语国家人士在交际场合中的各种英语和非专用英语的讲话;听懂有关政治、经济、历史、文化、教育、语言、文学、科技等方面的一般讲话内容及其后的问答;听懂并理解VOA或BBC节目中有关政治、经济、文化、教育、科技等方面的记者现场报道。


必读英美文学经典作品20本 American Literature 1、The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Howthorne《红字》霍桑著 小说惯用象征手法,人物、情节和语言都颇具主观想象色彩,在描写中又常把人的心理活

动和直觉放在首位。因此,它不仅是美利坚合众国浪漫主义小说的代表作,同时也被称作 是美利坚合众国心理分析小说的开创篇。 2、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 《哈克贝利.芬历险记》 简称《赫克》是美国文学中的珍品,也是美国文化中的珍品。十六年前【1984】 ,美国文坛为《赫克》出版一百周年举行了广泛的庆祝活动和学术讨论,也出版了一些研究马克吐温,特别是他的《赫克》的专著。专门为一位大作家的一本名著而举行如此广泛的纪念和专门的研究,这在世界文坛上也是少有的盛事。这是因为《赫克》的意义不一般. 美国著名作家海明威说, "一切现代美国文学来自一本书, 即马克吐温的《赫克尔贝里芬历险记》……这是我们所有书中最好的。一切美国文学都来自这本书,在它之前,或在它之后,都不曾有

过能与之媲美的作品。 3、The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James 《贵妇画像》 亨利.詹姆斯著】 美国小说家亨利·詹姆斯的《贵妇画像》自问世以来一直受到文学评论界的关注,专家学者已从各个不同角度对女主人伊莎贝尔·阿切尔作了深入细致的研究。本文试图从一个全新的视角,即跨文化交际角度,剖析伊莎贝尔在婚姻方面所作的选择。文章指出她是该小说中跨文化交际的最大失败者,并对其失败原因作了分析。希望在跨文化交际日益频繁的今天我们都能从伊莎贝尔的生活经历中得到某种启发。


英美文学 玄学派:是指17世纪英国文坛出现的一个独特的诗歌流派。英国诗人约翰·邓恩是这个流派的代表人物,他因在诗歌中精妙地运用“奇喻”的比喻手法而蜚声文坛。它们往往以精致典雅的形式表现情感与观念的矛盾,把古典主义的性情与浪漫主义的风骨很好地融合到了一起。骑士文学盛行于西欧,反映了骑士阶层的生活理想。骑士精神和道德是上层社会的贵族文化精神,它是以个人身份的优越感为基础的道德与人格精神,但它也积淀这西欧民族远古尚武精神的某些积极因素。 三联剧:在古希腊悲剧创作中,有一类悲剧均由三部分组成,每部分即能独立存在,各部之间又有紧密联系。这种剧合则为一,分则为三,代表作家为埃斯库罗斯。 文艺复兴:是指13世纪末在意大利各城市兴起,以后扩展到西欧各国,于16世纪在欧洲盛行的一场思想文化运动,带来一段科学与艺术革命时期,揭开了近代欧洲历史的序幕,被认为是中古时代和近代的分界。 人文主义:是文艺复兴核心思想,是新兴资产阶级反封建的社会思潮,也是资产阶级人道主义的最初形式。它肯定人性和人的价值,要求享受人世的欢乐,要求人的个性解放和自由平等,推崇人的感性经验和理性思维。 七星诗社:是16世纪中期法国的一个文学团体,是由七位人文主义诗人组成的文学团体。他们中以龙沙和杜贝莱最著名。七星诗社的诗人们从事过各种创作,他们的诗声望很高,但他们的主要贡献却是对于法语改革的主张。 狂飙突进运动:是18世纪德国文学界的运动,是文艺形式从古典主义向浪漫主义过渡时的阶段,也可以说是幼稚时期的浪漫主义。但其中心代表人物是歌德和席勒,歌德的《少年维特的烦恼》是其典型代表作品,表达的是人类内心感情的冲突和奋进精神。 伤感主义:18世纪后期欧洲资产阶级启蒙运动中的一种文艺思潮,也称为“主情主义”。该派的得名,源与英国作家斯特恩的小说《在法国和意大利的感伤的旅行》。该派作家崇尚感情,把感情看的高于“理性”,因而强调文学的主要任务是细致刻画任务的心理动态和描写人物的不幸遭遇,以便唤起读者在感情上的同情和共鸣,表达出对当时贵族阶级的理性主义和古典主义的反抗。伤感主义把个人主义和主观幻想的因素带进文艺,代表作家有英国的斯特恩,理查逊,法国的卢梭(如《忏悔录》《遐想录》),伏尔泰,德国的歌德,里希特,海涅等等。 “梅塘集团”是十九世纪法国文坛由以左拉为核心的六位作家组成的文学创作团体。因在巴黎郊外左拉的梅塘别墅为主要活动场所而得名。一八七O年开始的普法战争,法国战败,被


英美文学选读-阶段测评3 成绩:87.5分 一、Multiple Choice 共40 题 题号: 1 本题分数:2.5 分 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8d12490434.html,wrence’s novels( )are generally regarded as his masterpieces. A、The Rainbow,Women in Love B、The Rainbow,Sons and Lovers C、Sons and Lovers,Lady Chatterley’s Lover D、Women in Love,Lady Chatterley’s Lover (P370.para2)劳伦斯的成名作是《儿子和情人》,而其代表作是《虹》和《恋爱中的女人》 标准答案:A 考生答案:A 本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 2 本题分数:2.5 分 T.S.Eliot’s poem( )is heavily indebted to James Joyce in terms of the stream - of -consciousness technique,also a prelude to The Waste Land. A、―Prufrock‖ B、―Gerontion‖ C、The Hollow Men D、Lyrical Ballads (P358.para3)―Gerontion‖是一部用戏剧式独白写成的诗歌,是《荒原》的前奏曲,也采用了意识流派的文风。 标准答案:B 考生答案:B

本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 3 本题分数:2.5 分 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8d12490434.html,wrence’s autobiographical novel is( ). A、The Rainbow B、Women in Love C、Sons and Lovers D、Lady Chatterley’s Lover (P369.para1)劳伦斯的作品大多都是从心理上去探求让人的本能的,同时也反映人性中最内在的东西。其作品《儿子和情人》真实地反映了自己在童年时期的家庭状况,被视为其半自传体小说。 标准答案:C 考生答案:C 本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 4 本题分数:2.5 分 The typical representatives of G.B.Shaw’ s early plays are( ). A、Man and Superman,The Apple Cart B、Widowers’ House,Mrs. Warren’ s Profession C、Candida,Mrs. Warren’ s Profession D、The Apple Cart,Widowers’ House (P321-322)。萧伯纳的第一步剧作是Widowers’ House,写于1892年;第二部剧作是Mrs. Warren’ s Profession,写于1893年。 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 5 本题分数:2.5 分 It was only after the publication of( )that https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8d12490434.html,wrence was recognized as a prominent novelist.


2004年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英美文学选读试题 (课程代码0604) 全部题目用英文作答,并将答案写在答题纸相应位置上,否则不计分。 PART ONE (40 POINTS) Ⅰ.Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your correct answer on the answer sheet. 1.“And we will sit upon the rocks, /Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,/By shallow rivers to whose falls/Melodious birds sing madrigals.” The above lines are taken from ______. A. Milton’s Paradise Lost B. Marlowe’s “The Passionate shepherd to His Love” C. Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18” D. John Donne’s “The Sun Rising” 2.The English Renaissance period was an age of ______ . A. poetry and drama B. drama and novel C. novel and poetry D. romance and poetry 3.Here are four lines taken from Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene: “But on his brest a bloudie Crosse he bore,/The deare remembrance of his dying Lord,/For whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore,/And dead as living ever him adored.” Who is the “dying Lord” discussed in the above lines? A. Beowulf B. King Arthur C. Jesus Christ D. Jupiter 4.In Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, Antonio could not pay back the money he borrowed from Shylock, because ______. A. his money was all invested in the newly-emerging textile industry B. his enterprise went bankrupt C. Bassanio was able to pay his own debt D. his ships had all been lost 5. Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18? A. The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature. B. The speaker satirizes human vanity. C. The speaker praises the power of artistic creation. D. The speaker meditates on man’s salvation. 6. In English poetry, a four-line stanza is called ______. A. heroic couplet B. quatrain C. Spenserian stanza D. terza rima 7. “Let not Ambition mock their useful toil,/Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;/Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile /The short and simple annals of the poor.” The above lines are taken from . A. Alexander Pope’s Essay on Criticism B. Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan” 1word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.


英美文学方向硕士研究生阅读书目 如果你希望走学术之路,请按下列书单阅读一些初步的书目。这里开列的是中文书目,红色标注为必读书目,未标注的也为重要的通识性基本书目。暂时没有开英文书目,原因有三,一是从中文书目中可以推导自己应该读哪些英文书目,二是“阅读量要求”部分已经涵盖了相当的英文阅读量,三是课题教学有相应的英文阅读书目要求。当然,我有可能在适当的时候推出英文书单。 阅读量要求: 1. 熟悉掌握西方重要文论家的重要文论30部(篇以上) 2. 研究小说要求阅读英美小说20部以上 研究诗歌要求阅读英美重要诗人30人以上 3. 通读自己感兴趣的领域的文学发生背景、基础理论、专题研究15部(篇) 4. 自己打算研究的作者的著作和相关研究成果30部(篇)以上 5.一套比较权威的文学史书籍 1.文学与宗教: 《拯救与逍遥》,刘小枫著,上海三联书店2001年。 《宗教与文学》,加德纳著,江先春等译,四川人民出版社1998年。 《基督教的底色与文化延伸》,杨慧林著,黑龙江人民出版社2002年。 《神学与当代文艺思想》,伯尔等著,徐菲等译,上海三联书1995年。

《欧洲中世纪诗学》,陆扬著,上海社会科学出版社2000年。 《诠释学、宗教、希望》,特雷西著,冯川译,上海三联书店1998年。 《天路、人路:英国近代文学与基督教思想》,卞昭慈著,四川大学出版社2001。 《伟大的代码——圣经与文学》,弗莱著,郝振益等译,北京大学出版社1998年。 《神力的语言》,弗莱著,社会科学文献出版社。 2.文学理论 《西方文论关键词》,赵一凡主编,外语教学与研究出版社2005年. 高等教育出版社推出的《二十世纪西方文论选》和《西方文论史》(红色封面) 《二十世纪美国文论》,盛宁著,北京大学出版社1994年 《镜与灯》 二十世纪西方文论也可参阅下列书籍: “20世纪西方文论研究丛书”(共9册),王岳川主编,山东教育出版社1998年: 《“新马克思主义”文论》 《精神分析文论》 《形式主义文论》 《现象学与解释学文论》 《存在主义文论》 《接受反应文论》 《后结构主义文论》 《女权主义文论》 《后殖民主义与新历史主义文论》
