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中图分类号:H0-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-2643(2002)03-0037-04





一是后缀派生法,即把-al ,-sion ,-tion ,-ment 等后缀分别加在不同的动词词尾,在句法研究中这种词称为动词派生名词

(deverbal noun );二是零位派生法(zero derivation ),也就是说不借助后缀直接由动词转化为名词,本文将这种词称为动词转类名词(conversion noun )。例如:

(1)the conclusion of difficult negotiations (2)the for mulation of export sales contracts

(3)the participation in GATT

(4)the involvement in international economy and trade activi -

ties (5)a declin e in industrial production and a marked u ptu rn in inflation

(6)the fall in the growth rate of the world economy 1.2动词名词化结构的两种形态


常见的形式有两种:一是动词原来所带的客体由一个介词(其中及物动词由介词of )或不定式符号to 引导,接在动词派生名词或动词转类名词后面,形成一个后置修饰语,而主体往往以名词的属格形式转化为动词派生名词或动词转类名词的前置修饰语。例如:

(7)Recently China reduced tariffs substantially .(8)China 's recent substantial reduction of tariffs (9)Ericsson studied the target market carefully .(10)Ericsson 's careful study of the target market

(11)The new -to -export firm failed to treat international distrib -

utors on an equal basis with domestic counterparts .(12)the new -to -export firm 's failure to treat international dis -

tributors on a equal basis with domestic counterparts 二是客体和主体均转化为后置修饰语,客体在前,由一个介词(其中及物动词由介词of )或不定式符号to 引导;主体在后,通常由介词b y 引导。例如:

(13)Last year Hans Materials Co .Ltd .invested 625projects

DOI :10.16482/j .sd w y37-1026.2002.03.017

in China.

(14)the investment of625projects in China by Hans Materials Co.Ltd.

(15)Companies involved in international trade use the host country's materials,products,facilities and services.

(16)the use of the host country's materials,products,facili-ties and services by companies involved in international trade

(17)Top management is committed insufficiently to overcome the initial difficulties and financial requirements of exportin g.

(18)insufficient commitment by top management to overcome the initial difficulties and financial requirements of exportin g





(19)The intro duction of p recious metals(i.e.,gold and sil-ver)to pay fo r goo ds can be considered the forerunner of the foreign exchange market.


(20)A ttendance to various kinds of tr ade talks and use o f info r-matio n and data gathered by G A TT can help China to work out a more correct trade policy.


(21)Res to ratio n o f its signatory pa rty status in G A TT will add China's initiative in world affairs,especially in world trade.


(22)A nother impediment to the free flo w of go ods between na-tions is the possible introduction of artificial barriers to trade,such as tariffs or quotas.


(23)The Chinese govern ment announced a unilateral r eduction of customs duties on225pro ducts.


(24)Much of the remainder of the GATT is des igned to pre-vent evasion of the tariff o bligations of articleⅡby the use of notar-iff barriers.


(25)In the1980s China had numerous restrictions on the uti-li zation of fo reign capital by the tertiary indu stry.


(26)The greatest benefits the accession to WTO will bring to China are a gr eat push to the reforms and o pening dr ive in the coun-tr y but there is also a real challenge.




(27)It follows that the birth of the Euro will not affect Eu rop e-an enterpris es'expl oration of the Chines e mar ket.


(28)One of the features of Beijing's utilizatio n of for eign cap-ital in1993was the s ubstantial increase in invest ment from world fa-mous transnational corporations.


(29)I'm glad to hear your pos itive ass essment of the US econo-my.


(30)Critics argue the problem was their common dep endence on a distorted or immatu re fo rm of capitalism,now des cribed pejora-

tively as a“cro ny capitalism”,but pre viously extoll ed as“The As ian Model”.


(31)The refus al of Congr es s to p rovide a dditional funds fo r the IM F may play the same role as Smoot-Hawley tariff did in precipi-tating the Great Depression.


(32)Since the establishment of diplo matic relations between the two countries in1992,government trade agreements and investment protection agreements have been signed.


(33)It is estimated that China's wheat import will increase from2million tons to5million tons,which will res ult in los ses ab out5.5billio n yu an to Chinese far mers every year.


(34)Sino-US economic and trade exchanges and co-operative efforts have been harmed by the U S decision to block the sale of a telecommunications satellite to As ia-Pacific Mo bile Telecommunica-tio ns,says a Chinese Govern ment official.






(35)OPEC=The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun-tries 欧佩克

(36)EEC=European Economic Community 欧共体

(37)C MEA=Council for Mutual Economic Aid 经互会

(38)APEC=As ia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经合组织

(39)ITT=International Telephone and Telegraph (美)国际电话电报公司

(40)PNOC=Philipp ine National Oil Company 菲律宾国家石油公司

(41)CCPIT=China Council for the Promotion of International Trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会

(42)In January1995,G ATT was transformed into the WTO. At that time,the W TO seemed access ible to China and the goal could be achieved soon.





(43)B=Thai Bhat 泰国铢

(44)F=Florin Guilder 荷兰盾

(45)$=The US Dollar 美元

(46)£=Pound Sterlin 英镑

(47)gal=gallon 加仑

(48)cwt=hundred weight 英担

(49)l=litre 升

(50)Havin g suffered heavy losses,we cannot but claim from you for$100,000.


使用与翻译货币和度量衡名称时一定要弄清它们各自的意义,切不可相互混淆。例如,$既可代表“美元”,又可代表其他国家或地区的货币,如A$(Australian dollar),澳元; Can$(Canadian dollar),加拿大元;HK$(Hong Kong dollar),香港元;NZ$(New Zealand dollar)新西兰元;S$(Singapore dollar),新加坡元。$还并非都译为“元”,如NT$(New Tai-wan dollar),新台币。有时,$只是一种符号,并不需要译出

来,如Cz$(Brazilian Cruzado),巴西克鲁扎多;M$(Malay s ian Ringgit),马来西亚林吉特;Mex$(Mexican Peso),墨西哥比索等。



(51)B L=bill of lading 提单

(52)L C=letter of credit 信用证

(53)VAT=value added tax 增值税

(54)COD=cash on delivery 交货付款

(55)FAS=free alongside ship 船边交货

(56)We are prepared to accept payment by confirmed irrevoca-ble L C available by draft at sight instead of T T reimbursement. (TT=telegraphic transfer)


(57)The Bank of China declined to negotiate the payment be-cause the B L weight differs from that as stipulated in the L C.


(58)A further point to bear in mind is that the export sales contract also embraces a further contract as found in the delivery terms which may be CIF,Ex-Wo rks,FO B etc.


以上各例中的专业术语是经贸英语所特有的,也是固定的表达方式,因此翻译时应该做到准确和规范。尤其是有的缩略语的意义并非一种,翻译时就应该格外小心。如(55)例中的FAS除了是常用的价格术语外,还可以是商品的等级,译为“一等品和二等品”(firsts and seconds),以及(美)“农产品外销局”(Foreign Agricultural Service)的意思。



(59)LCL=less than carload lot 零担货

(60)NLT=not later than 不迟于

(61)DD=date of delivery 交货日期

(62)RYL=regarding your letter 关于来函

(63)OAA=one after another 一个接一个

(64)DOC NT RC VD PLS CHCK N RPL=The docu ments have not been received.Please check and reply.


(65)YTLX918N936WL RVRT NX MON.=We will re-vert your telex918and936next Monday.




经贸英语的词汇按其意义和用途,大致可以分为普通词汇、半专业词汇和专业词汇三类。普通词汇是各语域通用的语言共核部分,各类文体通用,如代词、连词、数词、形容词、介词等,因此往往不是经贸英语翻译的难点所在;专业词汇是经贸英语所特有的固定表达方式,不仅出现频率低,而且绝大多数为单义词,使用的范围也狭窄,所以翻译时选择词义的困难不会太大,误译较少。半专业词汇是由普通词汇转化而来的,不但使用频率高,而且绝大多数一词多义,是经贸英语翻译的重点词汇。例如,形容词firm在日常用语中有“坚固的”、“坚硬的”、“结实的”、“稳固的”、“沉着的”、“坚定的”、“坚决的”、“坚强的”、“坚贞的”、“强有力的”、“严格的”、“表明决心的”、“健壮的”、“健全的”、“确定的”、“明确的”等词义(陆谷孙,1989:1195),在经贸英语中则有“确认的”(契约)、(价格)“坚挺的”、(报盘)“有效的”、(报盘)“不可撤消的”等词义。再以docu ment,negotiate和instrument为例。在一般的英语中它们最常见的意思分别为“文件”、“可磋商的”、和“器具”,但在下面这句经贸英语里却分别译为“提单”、“可转让的”和“票据”:

(66)However,by requirin g that the consignee be the shipper and by requiring the shipper to endorse the bills of lad ing in blank, the document b eco mes a negotia bl e instrument wherein the title to the merchandise goes with possession of the bills of lading.



这是英汉文化差异导致的词汇空缺现象。我们翻译时应该考虑译入语的语言习惯和文化习惯来重构原作者的意图。杨译为“your esteemed son”和“your noble son”,不太符合英语表达习惯。笔者认为去掉修饰语,直接译为“your son”更容易被译入语的读者接受。




[1]Hawkes,David.The Story o f the Stone.Penguin Books,





[4]杨宪益等译.A D ream o f Red M ansions.Peking:Foreign

Language Press,1978.



On Translation of Addressing-terms in A Dream of Red M ansions

PAN Ming-xia

A bstract:In A D ream o f Red Mans io ns,a traditional Chinese masterpiece,a variety of characters are created;therefore,many an addressing-term,which mostly reflects the use and complexity of the relationship between people in ancient Chinese culture,has laid an ob-stacle on translating it into Englis h.This thesis tends to dwell on the translation of addressing-terms from the following three aspects:cont-ext,different bod ies of communication and cultural d ifferences.

Key words:addressin g-terms;cultural differences;translation



经贸英语在其发展过程中还吸收了不少外来词。如来自拉丁语的ad valorem(duty),“从价(税)”和ad hoc(arbitra-tion),“专门(仲裁)”;来自德语的zum Beispiel,“例如”和Kapi-tal,“资本”;来自法语的en route,“在途中”和vis-a-vis,“和……相对”;来自意大利语的del credere,“保付货款佣金”;和来自西班牙语的Sociedad en Comandita,“股份有限公司”等。外来语拼写独特,翻译时要探本寻源,弄准词义,但由于词义较单一,通常不是经贸英语翻译的难点所在。























Characteristics and Translation of Words in English for Business and Economics

DUN Guan-gang

A bstract:This paper attempts to study the features and translation of words in En glish for business and economics through four as-pects,namely,verbal nominalizations,abbreviations,semi-technical words and loan words.

Key words:English for bus iness and economics;characteristics of words;translation


Introduction 绪论 0.1 The nature and Domain of English lexicology 英语词汇学的定义及研究范围 Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words. 词汇学是语言学的一个分支,研究词汇的起源和意义。 English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages. 英语词汇学研究英语词汇的形态结构、词的对应及其语义结构、词义关系、词的历史演变、词的构成及词的用法等。 English lexicology is a theoretically-oriented course. 英语词汇学是一门理论性课程。 It is chiefly concerned with the basic theories of words in general and of English words in particular. 该课程主要论述词汇学的基本理论,特别是英语词汇的理论知识。 However, it is a practical course as well, for in the discussion, we shall inevitably deal with copious stocks of words and idioms, and study a great many usage examples. 但是,英语词汇学也是一门实践性课程,在该书的论述中,我们将遇到大量的词汇和习语,学习大量词汇用法实例。 Naturally, there will be a large quantity of practice involved. 当然,同时还要接触到大量的词汇练习。 0.2 Its Relation to Other Disciplines 英语词汇学与其它学科的关系 English lexicology itself is a subbranch of linguistics. 英语词汇学是语言学的一个分支。 But it embraces other academic disciplines, such as morphology, semantics, etymology, stylistics, lexicography. 但它却与其他学科相关,如形态学、语义学、词源学、文体学和词典学等。 Each of them has been established as a discipline in its own right. 而这些学科都各成一门学科。 Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words, primarily through the use of morpheme construct. 形态学是语法学的一个分支,主要通过运用词素(形位)结构研究词的结构或形式。 This is one of the major concerns of lexicology, for we shall discuss the inflections of words and word-formation and examine how morphemes are combined to form words and words to form sentences. 这是词汇学研究的主要内容之一,因为研究词汇就必需讨论的屈折变化和构词法,考察词素如何构成词、词如何构成句子。 Etymology is traditionally used for the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words. 词源学研究词的形式和意义的起源及其历史变化。 Modern English is derived from the languages of early Germanic tribes with a fairly small vocabulary. 现代英语源于词汇量颇小的古日尔曼语。 We shall study how this small vocabulary has grown into a huge modern English vocabulary and explain the changes that have taken place in the forms and meanings of words. 我们将研究这门词汇量很小的语言是如何发展成为词汇量庞大的现代英语,并解释英语词汇的形式和意义是如何变化的。 Stylistics is the study of style. 文体学研究文体。 It is concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic elements in a particular context for special effects. 主要对语用者在特定语境中如何选择语言要素(即如何选择用词、句型等)以达到特定的表达效果进行观察研究。 Among the areas of study: lexis, phonology, syntax, graphology, we shall concentrate on lexis, exploring the stylistic values of words. 在文体学所研究的词汇、音系学、句法学和书写法范围中,我们主要研究词汇,探讨词汇的文体价值。Lexicography shares with lexicology the same problems: the form, meaning, origins and usages of words, but they have a pragmatic difference. 词典学和词汇学探讨同样的问题:词汇的形式、意义、词汇的起源及用法,但两者在语用上还有差异。 A lexicographer’s task is to record the language as it is used so as to present the genuine picture of words to the reader, providing authoritative reference, whereas the student of lexicology is to acquire the knowledge and information of lexis so as to increase their lexical awareness and capacity of language use. 词典学家的任务是实录词汇的用法并把词汇用法的真实情形呈现给读者,为其提供权威性的参考;而词汇学家则是研究词汇的知识和信息,以增强读者对词汇的了解和语言的使用能力。 Though English lexicology has a wide coverage of academic areas, our task is definite and consistent. 英语词汇学的研究范围很大,但我们的任务是明确而系统的。 That is to study English words in different aspects and from different angles. 即从不同角度研究英语词汇的各个方面。0.3 Method of Study 英语词汇学的研究方法 There are generally two approaches to the study of words, namely synchronic and diachronic. 一般来说,词汇研究有两种


第三部分:词汇与结构(2016年4月统考)翻译版 1.55个标成红色的题目,重点复习,得分值6分 2.次重点41个为除红色外4月出现频率较高的题目,分值为4分,重点掌握 内部资料请勿传播,复习本资料无需看其他额外资料,词汇结构虽然功在平时,但临考前的准备也必不可少,本部分考5题共10分,基础较差的先重点温习标注红色的55题。 -------- 以下红色1-55 需重点掌握,得分值6分,每5小题后面KEY为答案-------- 1.It was well known that Thomas Edison the electric lamp. 众所周知,托马斯.爱迪生发明了电灯。 A.discovered B.invented C.found D.developed 2.The top of the Great Wall is for five horses to go side by side. 长城上面宽到足以能让五匹马并行。 A.wide B.so wide C.wide enough D.enough wide 3.Measles a long time to get over. 麻疹需要很长一段时间才能治好. A.spend B.spends C.take D.takes 4.-Do you want to wait? 您愿意等吗? -Five days too long for me to wait. 五天等待的时间对于我来说太长了。 A. was B.were C.is D.are 5.There a book and some magazines on the desk.桌子上有一本书和一些杂志。 A.is B.are C.have D.has KEY:BADCA 补充:I don’t know ___B___ to deal with such matter.我不知道如何处理这类问题。A. what B. how C. which D. / 6.This kind of material expands the temperature increasing. 这种材料随温度的升高而膨胀。 A.to B.for C.with D.at 7.People at the party worried about him because no one was aware he had gone.晚会上的人都为他担忧,因为没人知道他去哪儿了。 A.of where B.of the place where C.where D.the place 8.A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him to the door. 火警突然响起使他匆忙走到门口。 A.hurrying B.hurried C.hurry D.to hurry 9.No matter , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely. 不管雪下的多大,两个小姐妹还是安全地把养拢起来赶回了家。 A.it was snowing hard B.hard it was snowing C.how it was snowing hard D.how hard it was snowing 10.There’s lots of fruit the tree. Our little cat is also in the tree.树上长了许多果实,我们的小猫也在上面。 A.in B.at C.under D.On


设计的分类(英语) 1 设计Design 2 现代设计Modern Design 3 工艺美术设计Craft Design 4 工业设计Industrial Design 5 广义工业设计Genealized Industrial Design 6 狭义工业设计Narrow Industrial Design 7 产品设计Product Design 8 传播设计Communication Design 8 环境设计Environmental Design 9 商业设计Comercial Design 10 建筑设计Architectural 11 一维设计One-dimension Design 12 二维设计Tow-dimension Design 13 三维设计Three-dimension Design 14 四维设计Four-dimension Design 15 装饰、装潢Decoration 16 家具设计Furniture Design 17 玩具设计Toy Design 18 室内设计Interior Design 19 服装设计Costume Design 20 包装设计Packaging Design 21 展示设计Display Design 22 城市规划Urban Desgin 23 生活环境Living Environment 24 都市景观Townscape 25 田园都市Gardon City 26 办公室风致Office Landscape 27 设计方法论Design Methodology 28 设计语言Design Language 29 设计条件Design Condition 30 结构设计Structure Design 31 形式设计Form Design 32 设计过程Design Process 33 构思设计Concept Design 34 量产设计,工艺设计Technological Design


Unit 1 外资企业foreign enterprise 合资企业joint venture 合作企业cooperative enterprise 龙头企业 a locomotive 国有企业state-owned enterprise 私营企业privately-owned enterprise 荣誉企业honorable enterprise 优质企业qualified enterprise 一级企业class A enterprise 跨国公司multinational company 母公司parent company 子公司subsidiary company 总公司head office 分公司branch office 代表处representative offices 上市公司listed company 私人股份有限公司private limited company 拳头产品core product 环保产品environment-friendly product 专业生产经营specialize in, engage in, handle a range of business including… 占地面积cover an area of… 年产量with an annual output 具有自营进出口权being entitled to self-import and self-export rights 奉行坚持..原则;以..宗旨,在…方针指 导下 abide by the principles of …, adhere to the aims of…, based on the motto of the company 产品销往products have been distributed to 获得奖项rank the titles 通过ISO9000 质量认证 be granted the Certificate of ISO9000 International Quality System unit 2 ?维持升幅to an increase sustain) ?到达最高点to reach a peak ?保持不变to remain constant/ stable ?降到最低点to bottom out ?正值…之际on the occasion of ?代表on the behalf of ?承蒙盛情邀请at the gracious invitation of ?年会annual meeting ?商界的朋友们friends from the business community ?marketing presentation营销报告会 ?sales representative 销售代表 ?sales record 销售记录 ?customers’satisfaction顾客满意度 ?manufacturer 生产商 ?retailer 零售商 ?merchant wholesaler 批发商 ?commission agent 佣金代理商 ?facilitating agent 服务代理商 ?经销渠道distribution channel ?营销目标marketing objective ?战略营销strategic marketing ?目标市场target market ?潜在的风险和potential threats and opportunities ?可控因素controllable components ?销售业绩sales performance Unit 3 1、Business relations and cooperation business connections business cooperation technological cooperation scope of cooperation mutually beneficial relations close relationship to cement / continue / enlarge / promote / improve / maintain / interrupt / restore / speed up / reactivate business relationship to reach an agreement to make a deal 2、Investment a heavy /a long-term/ a profitable/ a safe and sure investment foreign direct investment (FDI) portfolio investment investment environment investment intent/ partner exclusively foreign-owne enterprise joint venture cooperative enterprise equity joint venture contractual joint venture 3、Form of Trade merchandise exports and imports service exports and imports bilateral trade leasing trade processing with supplied material processing with imported materials processing with supplied sample assembling with supplied parts 4、Describing products genuine article imitation low-priced goods low quality goods inferior goods superior quality unfinished products top grade goods showy goods high-tech products durable consumer goods modern and elegant in fashion complete in specifications sophisticated technology attractive and durable skillful manufacture 5、Credit commercial credit trade reputation


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译-N篇 2010年9月 N.Y. 纽约 nab 逮捕 nabe 电影院 nabi 伊斯兰教先知 nabob 印度长官 nabobery 财主去处 nabobess 女财主 nabobism 巨富 Naboth 拿伯 Naboth's vineyard 为别人所垂涎之物 nabs 家伙 nacarat 桔红色 nacelle 引擎机舱 nacre 珠母贝 nacred 真珠质的 nacreous 真珠质的 Naderism 纳德运动 nadir 最低点 nae 不的 naevi 痣 naevus 痔 nag at 唠叨 nag 敦促 nag 老马 nagana 那加那病 nagger 爱唠叨 nagging 唠叨的 naggish 爱唠叨的 nagual 守护神 Nahum 那鸿 naiad 水中仙女 naif 像孩子的 nail a lie to the counter 拆穿西洋镜 nail clippers 指甲钳 nail down to 束缚 nail down 用钉钉住 nail file 指甲锉 nail one's colors to the mast 明确且坚持自己的要求 nail polish 指甲油 nail puller 起钉钳 nail scissors 修甲小剪刀 nail up 钉牢

nail 指甲 nail-biting 束手无策 nail-clippers 指甲刀nailbrush 指甲刷 nailer 敲打工人 nailery 制钉工厂nailhead 钉头 nailhole 钉眼 nailing 敲钉的 nailless 没有指甲的naillike 像指甲的 nailsick 不结实的nainsook 薄棉织物 naira 奈拉 Nairobi 奈洛比naissance 诞生 naive 天真的 naively 天真烂漫地naivete 纯真 naivety 天真烂漫 naked call 无担保承购期权naked eye 肉眼 naked 裸体的 nakedize 成为裸体nakedly 赤裸裸nakedness 裸 naker 定音鼓 Nakhodka 不冻港 naled 二溴磷 namable 可定名的namaste 合十礼namaycush 湖红点鲑namby-pamby 感伤的name after 按...命名name brand 名牌 name it 讲出来 name plate 名牌 name sb for 把...命名为name 名字 name-calling 骂人 name-child 起名 name-drop 抬高身价name-dropping 提高身份nameable 可命名的


Between..and…在..之间 Country of origin and manufacture生产国别和制造厂商 Time of shipment装运期限 Port of shipment)装运口岸 Port of destination 到货口岸 Be liable for 对…负责 On account of由于 Attribute to 造成 Take measures采取措施 Shipping mark唛头 Gross weight毛重 Net weight净重 Do not stack up side down此端向上 Handle with care小心轻放 Keep away from moisture切勿受潮 Terms of payment付款条件 Payment by L/C信用证付款 Payment by collection信托付款 Payment by M/T信汇付款 In case of在情况下,以某种方式 Freight to collect运费到付 Insurance policy/certificate保险单/证明 War risk兵险 Breakage and leakage破碎渗漏 In the event of在发生情况下if Upon arrival of在到达之时 Invoice of quintuplicate发票5份 Packing list in duplicate装箱单2份 Certificate of quality质量证明 Technical document技术资料 Foundation drawings基础图 Wiring instructions布线说明 Terms of shipment装运条款 Shipping agent装运代理人 In the matter of如有。。if Be free from defects不存在缺陷 For a period of 2 years from the date of purchase自购买之日起两年内Warranty 保修期 Batch number批号 Forwarder 代运人 Shipment date装运日期 Design specification设计规格 Risk assessment风险评估


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德观 2 中国与日本茶文化的比较 3 网络英语的构词方式 4 翻译中的文化差异 5 从美国梦看美国社会流动机制 6 探析《老人与海》的主题 7 Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter Viewed from the Humanistic Perspective 8 赫尔曼?梅尔维尔《白鲸》中的生态主义解析 9 An Analysis of The Bible’s Influence on British and American Literature 10 计算机辅助教学在英语教学中的作用 11 An Analysis of Main Characters in Wuthering Heights 12 论《英国病人》中角色的自我认知 13 个体取向与集体取向对中美商务交流的影响 14 汉英姓氏文化差异 15 探析王尔德童话中的死亡主题 16 运用概念整合理论解读英语幽默理解障碍 17 初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策 18 19 《等待野蛮人》中的寓言式写作手法 20 On Wisdom of Tao in Tao De Jing and the Subjectivity of Translator--Based upon Translations of Wu(无)and You(有) 21 An Analysis of Translation of Road and Traffic Public Signs 22 象征主义视角下《致海伦》中的意象美 23 A Brief Analysis of Willy Loman’s Tragedy in Death of a Salesman 24 中式英语成因之分析 25 The Use of Symbols in A Farewell to Arms 26 管窥世纪年代以前的朴素社会语言学思想 27 论汉语新词语的英译 28 丁尼生《鹰》与休斯《鹰之栖息》的对比分析 29 A Study on English and Chinese Euphemisms from the Perspective of Cultural Difference 30 寻找真正的自我 31 浅析库尔特?冯尼古特《猫的摇篮》中的黑色幽默 32 广告英语的语言特征 33 On Translation of Symbolism in Pop Songs with a Case Study of Hotel California 34 霍桑的罪恶观在《红字》中的体现 35 面部表情和目视行为的跨文化研究 36 探析《劝导》中安妮的成熟形象 37 工业化进程下人的主体性的追问——梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》 38 论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识 39 从《红字》看霍桑对清教主义的批判与妥协 40 A Contrastive Study on Language Features of Chinese and English Proverbs


Monster怪物r Prayer祈祷 Off and on有时 Take hold Assignment工作,任务 Turn out编写,制造 Paragraph段落 Agony极度痛苦 Assign分配 Anticipate期望 Tedious乏味的,冗长的Reputation名声,名誉 Inspire激励,鼓舞 Formal刻板的,正式的 Rigid严格的 Out of date过时的 Prim古板的,循规蹈矩的,整洁的Sevre朴素的,严重的,剧烈的 Jaw颌,鄂 Comic滑稽的,喜剧的 Antique古物,玩物 Tackle处理,应付 Essay散文 Distribute分发,分配 Finally最终,终于 Face up to勇敢的接受或对付 Scan浏览,粗略的看 Spaghetti意大利面 Title标题,题目 Extraordinary不同寻常的,奇特的Sequence一连串相关的事物,顺序Image形象,印像 Vivid生动的,逼真的 Adult成年人 Recall回想起,回忆起 Social社会的,社交的,交谊的Respectable可敬的,体面的,文雅的Put down写下 Recapture再现,再次经历 Violate违背,违反 Compose创作 Turn in交(作业) Command命令,指令 Discipline惩罚,纪律What’s more而且,此外 Hold back控制 Avoid避免 Calling职业,使命 Career生涯,事业,职业 Seal印章,图章 Essence本质,精髓 Tradition传统 Award授予,给予 Maintain保持,维持 Look forward to盼望 Participate in参加 Registration等级,注册 Fee费 Gym健身房,体育馆 Compare to相比,比得上 Plus加上 Tie平手,不分胜负 Drown out淹没 Here and there各处 Filter渗过,渗透 Resign顺从,听任,辞职 Make it办成,做到,赶上Principal校长,院长 Policy方针,政策 Regarding关于,至于 Dignity尊严 Represent代表,象征Expectation期待,预期Significance意义,意思 Spring up迅速生长或出现Delicate脆弱的,柔软的 Drag拖着脚步走 Exception例外 Tremble颤抖,哆嗦 Yell叫喊 Innocent天真无邪的,清白的 Pat轻拍 Slap掌击 Fright惊吓 Engrave刻上 Oasis绿洲 Erase擦掉 Ba lost in/lost oneself in专心致志于



English Lexicology(英语词汇学) 1.English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.英语词汇学旨在调查和研究英语单词和单词的等价物的形态结构,其语义结构、关系、历史发展、形成和用法。 2.English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学),stylistics (文体论)and lexicography(词典学) Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabulary 1.Word(词的定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence 词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用。 2.Sound and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”词语是一个符号,代表着世界上其他的事物。每种世界文化已经赞成一定的读音将代表一定的人,事,地方,特性,过程,行动,当然是在语言系统之外。这种象征性的联系几乎总是主观的,并且“在代表事物和思想的声音和实际的事物和思想之间没有法定关系” 3.Sound and form(读音和形式):不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other内因是因为英语字母表采用罗马字母,罗马字母没有独立的字母代表每个读音,因此一些字母代表两个读音或者组合在一起发音。


浅谈商务英语翻译 随着全球经济一体化和我国的国际贸易往来不断加强,涉外商务活动已经深入到各个企业,商务英语是国际贸易以及营销等领域不可缺少的重要沟通工具。以下首先介绍商务英语的内涵及特点,然后,着重举例阐述商务英语翻译的技巧,探索提升商务英语翻译质量的有效措施。 一、商务英语的内涵 商务英语属于专门用途英语的范畴,具有十分丰富的商务理论及实务信息,涉及外贸函电、报关实务、市场营销、经济管理、金融财政、财务会计、现代物流、国际支付与结算、涉外保险、贸易合同等商务活动。在这些涉外商务领域中所使用的英语一般统称为商务英语,它具有明确的商务特色,是商务沟通的必备语言,所以翻译必须了解商务英语的特征和熟悉商务情境,否则翻译效果就会大打折扣,影响到商务活动,一旦翻译失误或错译,将给委托方造成损失。在这种情况下,高效实用的商务英语翻译起着不可或缺的桥梁作用。 二、商务英语的特点 普通英语词语的商务含义 例如:We will cover All Risks and War Risk for you.

该句子中cover本来是“遮盖,涉及”之意,但在本句商务含义中指“给…投保”。因此该句应翻译为:我们将为你方投保一切险和战争险。 丰富的专业术语 商务内容范围广,涉及国际贸易、经济、金融、保险等多个领域,而每个领域都有自己的专业术语,如国际贸易方面的CIF成本、保险费加运费,B/L提单;经济方面的Gross National Product,demand curve;金融方面的foreign exchange ,Financial Lease;保险方面的Force Majored,Deposit Insurance等。译者必须懂得商务英语所涉及学科领域的相关知识,避免专业术语词汇普通化而造成误解和经济损失。 语言简洁正式,使用缩略词 商务英语作为一种专门用途英语,以传达具体信息为目的,具有简约性的特色,突出的表现就是大量使用缩略词,并以正式的语言表达交易的严肃性及有效性。商务英语的缩略词都在实践中经过了长期使用,已经被人们广泛接受,其意义十分明确,翻译时无需解释。但是要准确地翻译缩略词,则一定要知道缩略词的全称,并且理解其意义。 行文礼貌委婉 商务英语行文力求委婉礼貌。因为商务交流关涉到双方企业形象,委婉礼貌的用语可以使双方在融洽的气氛中交


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译-X篇 2010年9月 X chromosome X染色体 X factor 未知因素 X particle X粒子 X ray X光 x-axis X轴 x-coordinate 横坐标 X-disease 角化过度 X-film 限制级电影 x-height X坐标 x-high x高度的 X-irradiate 以X光照射 X-radiate 以X光照射 x-ray therapy X光治疗法 x-ray X光照片 Xanadu 华厦 xanthate 黄酸盐 xanthein 黄色色素 xanthene 两本骈派仑 Xanthian 赞西亚的的 xanthic acid 黄原酸 xanthic calculus 膀胱结石 xanthic 黄色的 xanthin 叶黄素 xanthine 黄嘌呤 xanthinuria 黄嘌呤尿 Xanthippe 悍妇 Xanthium 苔儿属 xanthocarpous 有黄色果实的 xanthochroi 金发白种人 xanthochroic 金发白种人的 xanthoconite 黄砷硫银矿 xanthodont 有黄齿的 xanthogenate 黄原酸盐 xanthoma 黄瘤 xanthomatosis 黄瘤病 xanthopathia 黄肤症 xanthophyl 黄色色素 xanthoproteic 黄色蛋白质的 xanthoprotein 黄色蛋白 xanthopsia 黄视症 xanthopsy 黄视症

xanthosiderite 黄针铁矿xanthosis 黄肤症xanthospermous 有黄色种子的xanthous 黄色的Xanthoxylum 秦椒属植物xcopy 复制文件 Xe 氙 xebec 小三桅船 xeme 北极鸥 xenelasia 抗拒外人条例xenial 异花受粉的 xenium 宾客礼物 xenix UNIX操作系统xenocentric 喜外国之文化的xenocryst 捕获晶xenodiagnosis 异体接种诊断法xenodocheum 对外旅馆xenodochium 救济院xenogamy 异花受粉xenogenesis 自然发生xenogenetic 自然发生的xenomania 外国迷xenomorphic 他形的 xenon 氙 xenophile 喜爱外国人xenophobe 仇外 xenophobia 仇外xenophobic 恐惧外国人的xenotime 磷钇矿 xeransis 干燥 xeranthemum 干鲜花卉植物xerantic 除湿的 xerarch 干旱地发展的 xeric 干躁的 xeroderma 干皮病xerodermia 皮肤干燥症xerography 静电复印术xeroma 干眼病 xeromorphy 旱性形态植物xerophagy 严斋 xerophil 旱生植物xerophilous 好干燥的xerophily 适旱性xerophobous 避旱的


retire v. 退休 sack v. n. 解雇 sales rep(representative)销售代表salesman n. 销售员 scientist n. 科学家 secretary n. 秘书 shop assistant 售货员 shopkeeper n. 店主 skilled workers 技术工人 specialist n. 专家 specialize in v. 专长 staff recruitment 雇员招聘 supervisor n. 主管人 temporary job 临时职业 to apply for 申请 to take on 雇佣 typist n. 打字员 unemployment n. 失业 vacancy n. 空缺(职位) wholesaler n. 批发商 workforce n. 劳动力 TYPES OF COMPANY BUSINESS 行业名称 banking n. 银行业 construction n. 建筑业correspondence n. 通信 education n. 教育 electronics n. 电子学 entertainments n. 娱乐 finance n. 财经,金融 health n. 保健 import/ export n.v. 进/出口 manufacture n. 制造业 press n. 报刊,新闻界 printing n. 印刷业 producing n. 生产业 programming n. 编程 publishing n. 出版 science n. 科学 telecommunications n. 通讯 trade union n. 工会 transporting n. 运输 DIVISIONS DEPARTMENTS 公司部门accounts n. 会计部administration n. 行政管理部 advertising n. 广告部 assembly line 装配线 assembly plant 装配工厂 canteen n. 餐厅,小卖部 clinic n. 门诊所 customer account 帐务部 distribution n. 分销部 financial services 财务服务部 forwarding company 运输公司 group n. 集团 head office 总部 headquarters n. 总部 human resources 人力资源部 maintenance n. 维修部 management n. 管理部 marketing n. 营销部 packaging n. 包装部 personnel n. 人事部 production n. 生产部 public relations 公关部 purchasing n. 采购部 quality control 质量管理部 research and development 调研部 sales n. 销售部 training n. 培训部 wages and salaries 工资部 常用缩略语表 accounts帐目 aerospace太空 algebra(alg)代数学(代数) anatomy(anat)解剖学(解剖) architecture(archit)建筑学(建筑) arithmetic(arith)算术(算术) art艺术 astronomy(astron)天文学(天文) ballet芭蕾舞 biblical圣经的,圣经中的(圣经) biology(biol)生物学(生物) book-keeping传记 botany(bot)植物学(植物) business贸易(贸易) chemistry (chem)化学(化学) cinema电影 commerce(comm)商业(商) computer(comp)电子计算机(计算机) cricket 板球戏 ecclesiastical(eccles)教会的(教会) engineering(eng)工程学(工程) electricity(electr)电学(电) farming 农业 finance(fin)财政学(财政) football足球 gambling赌博 geology(geol)地质学(地质) geometry(geom)几何学(几何) grammar(gram)文法(文法) history(hist)历史(史) journalism新闻学 legal法律 linguistics(ling)语言学(语言) mathematics(maths)数学(数学) mechanics(mech)机械学(机械) medical(med)医学(医) meteorology(met)气象学(气象) military(mil)军语(军) music音乐 mythology(myth)神话 nautical(naut)航海(航海) pathology(path)病理学 philosophy(phil)哲学(哲) phonetics(phon)语言学(语言) photography(photo)摄影术(摄影) physics(phys)物理学(物理) physiology(physiol)生理学(生理) politics(pol)政治学(政治) psychology(psych)心理学(心理) racing赛马,赛车 radio telegraphy(radio)无线电报(无线 电) rugger橄榄球 science 科学 sport运动 tennis网球 theatre 戏剧 trigonometry(trig)三角学(三角) zoology(zool)动物学(动物) centre of population 城市 city 城 capital 首都 metropolis 大都市 centre 市中心(美作:center) shopping centre 商业区 municipality 市政当局 municipal 市的,市政的 district 区 residential area 居区,住宅区 urban 市区的 suburb 近郊区 outskirts 郊区 slums 贫窟,贫区 shantytown 贫区 village 村 hamlet 小村 hole, dump 狭小破旧的住房 locality 所在地 Chinese quarter 唐人街 extension 范围,扩展 house 房子 building 楼房 skyscraper 摩天楼 flat 居住单元,套房 shop, store 商店 department stores 百货公司 bazar, bazaar 市场 market 市场,集市 junk shop 旧货店 newsstand 报摊 Commodity Exchange 商品交易所 Stock Exchange 贡交易所 town hall 市政厅 Lawcourt 法院 church 教堂 cathedral 大教堂 chapel 小礼拜堂 cemetery 墓地,公墓 grave, tomb 坟,墓 school 学校 university 大学 library 图书馆 theatre 剧院(美作:theater) museum 博物馆
