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I. 选出你在句子中所听到的内容。(共5小题,计5分)

1. A. hear B. floors C. wishes

2. A. ever B. never C. watch

3. A. under B. on C. the

4. A. wake B. friends C. friendly

5. A. surf B. search C. serve

II. 选出与你所听到的句子意思相近的选项。(共5小题,计5分)

6. A. I‘m busy today. B. I‘m free every day. C. I‘m free today.

7. A. They are wearing red skirts. B. They are buying red skirts.

C. They are putting on red skirts.

8. A. Our school is near the factory. B. Our school is beside the factory.

C. Our school is far from the factory.

9. A. He went to work at 8:30. B. He went to work at 9:30.

C. He didn‘t go home until 9:30.

10. A. Mary sent me some flowers for my birthday.

B. I sent some flowers to Mary yesterday because it was her birthday.

C. I gave Mary some flowers for her sister‘s birthday.

III. 根据听到的内容,选择正确的答语补全对话。(共5小题,计5分)

11. A. It ?s OK. B. Sorry, I‘m afraid I can‘t. C. Yes, please.

12. A. I saw it last night. B. It will be shown tomorrow. C. It‘s very interesting.

13. A. It‘s Friday. B. Thank you. C. It‘s fine.

14. A. With pleasure. B. Thank you. C. I‘m glad to see you.

15. A. No, not at all. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, please.

IV. 根据所听到的对话,选择最佳答案回答所提的问题. (共5小题,计5分)

16. A. Erasers. B. Rulers. C. Boxes.

17. A. Wei Fang. B. Li Lei. C. Sorry, I don‘t know.

18. A. Sunday. B. Saturday. C. Friday.

19. A. Thirteen. B. Thirty-one. C. Fourteen.

20. A. A letter. B. A classmate. C. A pen pal.

V. 根据听到的短文内容,从A、B、C、3个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共5小题,计10分)

21. What was wrong with Lucy?

A. She had a headache.

B. She had a cough.

C. She had a heart illness.

22. How long did Lucy stay in the hospital?

A. About two weeks.

B. More than a week.

C. More than two weeks.

23. When was Lucy given an operation?

A. On the morning of the 16th.

B. On the morning of the 15th.

C. On the morning of her arriving at the hospital.

24. Who told Lucy not to worry before the operation?

A. A nurse.

B. A doctor.

C. Her parents.

25. How did Lucy feel during the operation?

A. Everything is OK.

B. Time went slowly.

C. There was nothing to fear.

VI. 听写写出你听到的短文中所缺的单词。(共10小题,计10分)

Mr. Martin went into his usual teahouse one morning, and sat on one of the seats near the door. Many other people came in, too, but most of them did not stay 26 .

After 27 minutes, a young man and a young woman came in. There were only two 28 seats near the door, one on Mr. M artin‘s left, and the other on his right. The woman sat on 29 , and the young man on the other, but Mr. Martin quickly offered to change 30 with the young man so that he and the young woman could be together.

―Oh, that 31 necessary,‖ the young m an said. When the young man and the young woman 32 side by side, the young man said to the young woman, ―Well, this 33 man wanted us to sit together, so may I 34 myself? My name is Tom. What‘s 35 ?





It is warm and sunny today. I want to go outside and 36 my bike. But it‘s Tuesday, and school comes 37 . So I carry my backpack (背包) to the bus stop. In my backpack there are four heavy textbooks.

38 , s tudents don‘t have to carry their textbooks every day. We have lockers to 39 them at school. Our lessons are in different rooms, so we only have to carry the books for the next class.

But I bring all my textbooks home every day. I 40 two classes–Geometry (几何) and Biology (生物)–at a high school. My locker is in the middle school, so I can‘t put my Geometry and Biology textbooks back. I 41 take them home.

I‘m glad I won‘t have to do this next year, 42 I will be in high school. I will have a locker there.

My parents have told me that when they were at school in China, they carried all their books to and from school. There was no school bus! A heavy backpack makes it 43 to walk quickly. It is bad for the back.

However, I feel 44 with the heavy backpack. It makes me feel very Chinese. Sometimes in my mind (脑海), I see hundreds of Chinese students carrying heavy backpacks just like me. But, of course, I 45 having a locker to carrying a backpack to and from school.

36. A. drive B. ride C. have D. take

37. A. first B. second C. next D. last

38. A. Luckily B. Fortunately C. Usually D. Unusually

39. A. stay B. keep C. sell D. use

40. A. take B. buy C. borrow D. wait

41. A. needn‘t B. have to C. mustn‘t D. should

42. A. so B. though C. because D. because of

43. A. easy B. interesting C. fun D. hard

44. A. interested B. good C. bad D. excited

45. A. like B. would like C. love D. prefer


Bob Parr was a great superhero 15 years ago. People knew him 46 Mr Incredible (不可思议先生). He saved people 47 fought (与…斗争) bad people every day.

Now Bob and his wife, Helen, live in the suburbs (郊区) 48 three kids, Violet, Dash, and Jack. Bob is an office worker. He is so tired of 49 , and he is getting fatter and fatter! 50 he really wants to go back to his 51 life. Bob gets a chance. A mysterious (神秘的) person calls him to a

far away island for a top-secret task (任务)!

But it is 52 a trap (圈套). Someone 53 Syndrome wants to get Mr Incredible into big 54 !

The family of superheroes must come together to 55 Mr Incredible and the rest of the world! Can they do it?

46. A. for B. as C. like D. with

47. A. but B. so C. and D. though

48. A. at B. have C. with D. had

49. A. working B. fighting C. saving D. eating

50. A. But B. For C. So D. Because

51 A. before B. past C. ago D. new

52. A. just B. also C. even D. still

53. A. call B. called C. calls D. calling

54. A. fire B. problem C. trouble D. family

55. A. keep B. save C. fight D. kill


阅读下面的短文,从A、B、C、D 4个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。


Mexico‘s neighbours are the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the south. Mexico is about one quarter the size of the United States. More than 90 million people live in Mexico. The language of Mexico is Spanish. This makes Mexico the world‘s largest Spanish-speaking country.

Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico. The city is also very high. It is 7,349 feet high. This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world. The population of Mexico City grows bigger every day. About 30 million people live there. It has more people than any other city in the world, even more than Tokyo.

Mexico also has its special plants. Many of the foods we eat started in Mexico. Foods like beans, maize, avocados, tomatoes, peanuts, chili peppers, vanilla, and chocolate come from Mexico. Mexico is also famous for its cactus plants. Mexico has more kinds of cactus than any other country!

56. Which of the following pictures is true according to the passage?

M — Mexico, US — the United States, B — Belize

57. Mexico City is ____.

A. the highest capital city in the world

B. the city with the largest population in the world

C. the largest city in the world

D. the capital of the United States

58. We can tell from the passage that ____.

A. Mexico is north of the United States

B. Mexico is the world‘s largest country

C. many foods come from Mexico

D. English is the language of Mexico

59. ―Maize‖ may be ____.

A. a kind of language

B. the name of a city

C. a kind of food

D. a kind of animal

60. Which of the following statements about Mexico is NOT true?

A. Mexico is four times as large as the United States.

B. Mexico has the most kinds of cactus plants in the world.

C. The US is four times as large as Mexico.

D. Chocolate comes from Mexico.


To study all the way to a 12th ―grade‖ might sound strange to you. But not to an American student. Most Americans have six years of primary school and six years of secondary school. Each year is called a grade.

From about age six, American children have six years of primary school. During those six years, the children learn to read and write and do easy maths. They also learn history, science, health and PE. Students in grades one through six usually only have one teacher for each year. They stay in the same classroom with the same students for all of their different subjects.

Secondary school has two parts: junior high school (sometimes called middle school) and high school. In the seventh grade, students begin to learn more subjects. They usually have between six and eight different classes per day. Each class has different students, and each one is taught by a different teacher.

Students have even more freedom in senior high. Most students begin to study a foreign language

like Latin, Spanish or French. There are also classes in business, computers, and also courses like auto mechanics or farming. Besides their required classes, students can also choose a few classes that they‘re interested in, like art, choir or woodworking.

In most places in the US, students can drop out of school at age 16. But most kids choose to stay. After students finish school, they can choose to start working, go to school for two years to learn a profession, or go to college.

61. This passage mainly talks about ____.

A. education in America

B. foreign languages

C. school subjects

D. how to study in American schools

62. Students have _____ years of education before they go to college.

A. 13

B. 12

C. 14

D. 15

63. According to the passage, students in _____ can take the most subjects.

A. primary school

B. junior high

C. senior high

D. middle school

64. The underlined word ―freedom‖ probab ly means ____.

A. interest in learning

B. useful subjects

C. the right to do what you want

D. beautiful colors

65. Which of the following statements is true according to the story?

A. Primary school students have different classmates for different subjects.

B. Senior high students can learn a foreign language.

C. Junior high students have the same classmates for different subjects.

D. Junior high students can choose classes that they are interested in.


The world‘s largest beer festival is going on in Munich, Germany. It started on September 18 and will end on October 3. Millions of visitors go there for fun. Some wear old German clothes. They enjoy the strong beer. They even sing and dance on the tables!

Munich‘s first Oktoberfest was in 1810. It started with the wedding(婚礼) of Prince Ludwig on October 12. People drank beer at the wedding. After that, people have celebrated the Munich beer festival every year. Though its name is Oktoberfest, it begins in September. At this time, people enjoy nice weather.

Visitors can visit large tents (帐篷) full of beer. They can also enjoy live music and other fun things. The festival begins at noon. The head of the city opens the first keg (桶)of beer and says: ―The

keg is ready!‖ Then days of drinking start! You need a strong stomach (胃) for the 16 days of partying. But it is real fun.

66. The beer festival in Munich starts in _____ every year.

A. October

B. September 28

C. November

D. September

67. Which of the following activities is not mentioned (提到) in the story?

A. Singing

B. Drinking beer

C. Staying in hotels

D. Wearing old clothes

68. The beer festival comes from ____ according to the story.

A. a contest (比赛)

B. a wedding

C. a legend (传说)

D. a war (战争)

69. The best title for this passage is ____.

A. A Wonderful Wedding

B. The World‘s Largest Beer Festival

C. A Strong Stomach

D. Beer Tents

70. The underlined word ―live‖ means ―____‖.

A. 活的

B. 精彩的

C. 现场的

D. 居住


Nick Lu:

All of our relatives (亲友) got together to watch TV. The feeling was so nice and special!

Linda Lin:

My family went to Guilin to spend the holidays. It was very beautiful, and we had a great time. We also tried some delicious food there.

Helena Hu:

My family went to my father‘s hometown t o visit my grandparents. It is in a small village. I met all of my cousins and played with them for a week. We celebrated Spring Festival Eve together with fireworks.

Jack Melcom:

My parents don‘t allow me to play computer games on school nights. But dur ing Spring Festival, my father bought a lot of computer games for me as gifts. I felt very happy and excited. I played with them the whole night.

Debbie Zhang:

My father bought me a new blue bike and taught me how to ride it. I tried to practice it with his help. Although I fell down from the bike many times, I finally learned how to ride it. I can ride my new bike to school now!


学校___________________ 姓名__________________ 考号_____________________




71. _______________________________ 72. _______________________________ 73. _______________________________ 74. _______________________________ 75. _______________________________


并列句(Compound Sentence)主语(Subject)宾语(Object) 谓语(Predicate)表语(Predicative) 谓语动词(Predicate Verb) 补语(Complement) 状语(Adverbial) 定语(Attribue) 一般现在时(Simple Present Tense) 现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense) 过去时(Past Tense) 现在进行时(Present Continuous Tense) 将来时(Future tense) 句型(sentence patterns) 教案模板: 一、写作 Teaching Contents(教学内容): Writing a report according to the information collected. Teaching Objectives(教学目标): (1)Knowledge ~ (2)Ability~ (3)Emotional~

Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Teaching Procedures(教学过程): ·Step1 Warming up and lead-in(time) ·Step2 Pre-writing(time) ·Step3 While-writing(time) ·Step5 Summary and homework(time) 二、听说 Teaching Contents(教学内容): These passages are about….. Teaching Objectives(教学目标): (1)Knowledge ~ Students can learn some new words and expressions…. (2)Ability~ Students can improve their listening and speaking skills. (3)Emotional~ Teaching Key and Difficult Points: How to make students improve their listening and speaking skills.Teaching Procedures(教学过程): ·Step1 Pre-listening(time) Ask students some questions. ·Step2 While-listening(time) (1)Listen to the tape and fill in the blank.


试讲就是真实的上课【虽然没有学生,但要假装有,所以要提问,回答,给答案,讨论】给你一份说课和讲课的范例。参考一下 Module 1 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 说课教案 (一)教学内容 1.本课是Unit 2 heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 的第一课时。本单元分别介绍了National hero,History makers,Sports stars 和Superhero。这几篇文章的主题都是hero,但涉及的领域不同,它们融会贯通,承上启下,融为一体。 2.本课是介绍National Hero,是学生比较熟悉和感兴趣的话题,前部分需要介绍杨利伟和神州五号,让学生掌握有关词汇;后一部分是介绍杨利伟乘坐神州五号宇宙飞船遨游太空的情况。 3.本课文出现了较多的定语从句,还有生词较多(有些单词表没有而初中又没有学过),在这样的困难前提下,我引导学生通过culture and background knowledge,结合课本内容丰富自己的知识面,拓宽学生对航天知识的了解,让学生了解航天英雄的成功之路,激发他们的民族自豪感。 (二)学生分析 1.组成情况 职业高中高一学生年龄都在14-16岁之间,大多数学生由于初中的知识基础打得不扎实,而且缺乏主动学习的能动性,自学能力差,对学习没有持有探究性和方向性,也没有养成良好英语学习习惯,所以学习成绩不太理想。 2.学生的知识与技能水平 职业高中招生的学生,基础知识比较薄弱,甚至连音标都不会读,词汇的掌握范围狭窄,影响了阅读,听力和作文。学生的表达能力还是停留在比较低级的水平,面对每幅图片或某个主题只能说出一两句话,而且在阅读上,未能掌握泛读和精读的技巧和方法,课后的预习和复习能力较差,缺乏总结归纳的能力。 3.学生已掌握的学习策略 尽管学生的知识和技能水平一般,但经过了一定时间的训练后,他们还是掌握了pair work, group work, using the culture and background knowledge的阅读技巧。 (三)教学目标 1.通过快速阅读文章,学生能够对每段文章进行归纳总结,准确地把段落主题与所给的headings联系起来。 2.通过仔细阅读,学生能够回答关于文章的细节问题。 3.通过进一步阅读,学生能够学生能用英语对采访自己心目中的民族英雄。并尝试复述课文。 (四)教学策略 教学方法:使用交际法,充分调动学生的积极性,积极参与到课堂教学中,通过师生互动,小组表演的形式,完成各种任务,以达到完成教学任务的途径。 (五)教学过程 第一步导入 T: Good morning, Everyone! Do you like watching movies? Do you know Jet Lee (李连杰)?Do you know one of his famous movie called HERO? What does ‘hero’mean? Who are the heroes in your heart? Do you know Yan Liwei, our national hero? 第二步介绍文章人物 T: Open your books, and turn to page 100 and 101. Let’s read two passages about Shenzhou V


各位评委老师,大家好! 我是来应聘初中英语的一号考生,今天我抽到的试讲题目是《What’s the matter》。导入 Step1 Lead in(5’) Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you again. How are you today? You are fine. You feel bad ! What’s wrong with you, Sarah? You looks pale. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. You’d better go to the see the doctor. You guys should look after yourselves well. Don’t catch cold. As we all know, we may go to doctor’s from time to time. In what condition will you go to see the doctor? Have a talk with your partner and get as much as possible conditions, Ok? Keep your outcome in mind, now let’s come to study Unit2 What’s the matter? 新授 Step2 Presentation(20’) Please turn to Page7 and finish 1a according to the picture, I will give you 2 minutes. Time’s up. Please tell me your answer. Great. You all get the correct answer. Now, I will teach you the pronunciation of these words, please read follow me. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Ok, guys, this time please point to your body while reading, let’s read them again. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Good job! I have an activity for you. Two students a group, one to read and the other to point to the body. Try to remember these words in this process, Ok? If you have any difficulty, ask your partner or put up your hand and ask me. Which one? It’s stomach. Stomach. That’s it. Ok,guys, stop here. It seems that you enjoyed this activity. Very good, I will plan more activities for you in future. Now, please at the PPT. I want to check how many words you have grasped. What’s this? how about this? And this one?Ear or eye? Yeah, it’s eye. Pay attention to them. Guys, look at the pictures here,and tell me what are the students’ problems? How about this one? Yes, he has a headache. And, this one? He has a sore throat. That’s it. But, what would you do if you feel ill? Any advices? Yes, sb. should go to the doctor. As far as I am concerned, sb. should not eat something excitant food. Guys, please turn to page8 and look at Grammar focus. There is something I need to point out. First, the word “should” is like


初中语音课简案 试讲素材 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Listen and Mark the sounds which are linked. 1. My chest hurts. 2. I’ve got a temperature. 3. I’ll write you a prescription. 4. Pick me up at the hospital. 5. I’ll be off work for a week. 6. She will visited you this afternoon. 简案 一.Teaching aims: 1. knowledge aim: Know the regulation of Liaison. 2. Ability aim: Use Liaison to read sentences. 3. Emotional aim: Aware the importance of keeping a balanced diet. 二. Teaching key point How to know the regulation of Liaison. 三.Teaching difficult point How to use Liaison properly. 三.Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming up and Leading in Listen to a tape between a doctor and patient. Step 2: Presentation First, listen this sentences of teaching material, pay attention to the sounds which are linked and marked. Then, encourage the Ss to sum up the sounds which are linked. The teacher tell the regulation of Liaison. Step 3: Practice Activity 1: Ss read these sentences of teaching material following the tape and then read it in pairs to practice the Liaison. Play a game “Whisper” Activity 2: Mark the sound which should be linked. I’ll be back in half an hour. Wha(t) time does he get up every morning. Step 4: Consolidation How to keep a balanced diet? First, Ss work in groups to talk about ways to keep a balanced diet. Second, Ss work on their own to write a short passage. Third, talk about in groups about their advantages and disadvantages. During their conversation, the Ss are reminded to pay attention to the Liaison. Finally, the Ss modify their own writing.


初中英语教师资格证面试真题 【写作】 1.试讲题目:写作教学试讲【2016年5月】 2.内容: Dear Eudora, I am thinking of going on a camping trip in the Northern Territory. But I’ve heard so much about the dangerous creatures in Australia that I’m a bit scared about going out of the city. Perhaps I’d be better staying in Sydney. I know there are lots of interesting things to see there too. What do you think I should do? Bests wishes, Li Haidi 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给段落。 (2)配合教学内容适当板书。 (3)针对该语篇的内容,进行相应的书信写作教学活动。 (4)试讲时间:10分钟。 (5)用英语组织教学。 【词汇】 1.题目:词汇教学试讲【2016年5月】 2.内容: My young people today care about the way they look. They often buy “designer”clothes because they think they look cool. People also think designer clothes are better made. For example, many people think the right running shoes will make you running faster or player better. Of course, this is not always true. It’s the training -not the trainer-that improve you speed or you score. Most people dress in a way that shows off their personality. But if some of us buy expensive clothes just to look cool. what does that say about us? Maybe it’s just clever advertising. 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给课文。 (2)配合教学内容适当板书。 (3)针对所给材料的划线部分,设计短语使用的教学活动。 (4)试讲时间:10分钟。 (5)用英语组织教学。


初中英语教师面试——初中英语教案范例 Unit 6 How do you get to school? 一、教材分析 本单元的中心话题是“Transportation”,围绕“How do you get to school”,“How long does it take?”,“How far is it?”层层展开,并采用“任务型语言教学途径”,编排了一系列凸现“交际功能(Talk about how to get to school)”运用的听说读写综合语言活动,让学生学会谈论如何到达某个地方,距离有多远,要花多长时间等等。这些活动紧贴学生的生活实际,极具真实性,从而使学生的个人经历成为课堂学习的有效图式,有助于学生对所获取的声音和文字英语信息的理解;有助于调动他们用英语表达自己的经验和感受兴趣和热情;有助于促进他们语言功能的运用;有助于提高他们为应用而主动学习和掌握语言知识(词汇和语法结构等)的兴趣。 在教材编排上,Section A是基础,是底线,是学生必须掌握的目标语言;而Section B是Section A的扩展和引申,通过任务型听力来讨论交通工具及方式的最佳组合方式,并通过任务型阅读帮助学生了解不同国家学生上学的交通工具及方式的异同。 二、教学目标 1.语言目标 词汇:subway, take the subway, train, minute, how far, quick, leave for, half, past, bus station, bus ride, stop, bust stop, north, school bus, by boat, must, car, ill, worry 句式:How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How long does it take? It takes ten minutes. How far is it from your home to school? It’s about 10 kilometers. 2.能力目标 (1) 能够谈论如何到达目的地。 (2) 能够谈论自己的日常生活。 (3)能够有效地获取信息和处理信息。 3.情感目标 (1) 学会关注生命与安全;培养时间观念,学会珍惜时间。 (2) 了解朋友及家人的生活。 4.跨学科学习 (1) 社会实践:学习距离、交通方式的表达。 (2) 个性培养:学会合理安排自己的生活,培养时间观念,学会珍惜时间。 (3) 跨文化研究:了解不同国家、不同地区学生上学的交通工具及方式的异同。 三、教学重、难点 通过语言目标的学习,学会谈论如何到达目的地,如何表达距离的远近,如何表达到某地花多长时间,并在生活实际中正确运用所学语言。 四、教法与学法 1. 采用情境法、交际法和“任务型”教学途径,使“英语学习任务化,学习活动生活化”,通过设置多样化的任务,巧妙注意任务的序列性,让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的生活任务,从而培养学生运用英语的能力,(用英语做事的能力)。在教学过程中,坚持“以人为本”,关注学生的情感,关注学生的发展,把说的机会留给学生,把思考的时间还给学生,把做的权利交给学生。


有关语法的词汇: 并列句(Compound Sentence) 主语(Subject)宾语(Object) 谓语(Predicate)表语(Predicative) 谓语动词(Predicate Verb) 补语(Complement) 状语(Adverbial) 定语(Attribue) 一般现在时(Simple Present Tense) 现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense) 过去时(Past Tense) 现在进行时(Present Continuous Tense) 将来时(Future tense) 句型(sentence patterns) 教案模板: 一、写作 Teaching Contents(教学内容): Writing a report according to the information collected. Teaching Objectives(教学目标):

(1)Knowledge ~ (2)Ability~ (3)Emotional~ Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Teaching Procedures(教学过程): ·Step1 Warming up and lead-in(time) ·Step2 Pre-writing(time) ·Step3 While-writing(time) (1)Drafting起草 (2)editing校订修改 ·Step4 Post-writing(选两个样例到屏幕进行讲解) (time)·Step5 Summary and homework(time) 二、听说 Teaching Contents(教学内容): These passages are about….. Teaching Objectives(教学目标): (1)Knowledge ~ Students can learn some new words and expressions…. (2)Ability~

中学英语教师证面试speaking 试讲模板

Speaking teaching( Period 1: 第一课时)开场白 Good morning, everyone. My name is XXX. It’s my pleasure to stand here and show you my trial teaching. I hope you will enjoy my performance and have a great time here. Now Let’s get ready for class. Today we are going to learn xxx. At first, let’s review the words and phrases in the last class. …… Very good. Now, let’s go to the reading part. Please turn to page XXX. Step1.Lead-in Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Yes. We can see……. Then, let’s talk about XXX. Step2. pre-speaking (individual work) Reading the materials on page XX, and ask me please if you having anything confused. Step3. while-speaking (Pair work) Please make a dialogue with your partner using the sentences in this unit. Step4. post-speaking (talk show) Everyone did a good job. Now I need a pair to come here and do a role play. Who wants to have a try. Don’t be shy, show me your passion please. Step 5. Summary That’s the useful expressions of this topic. Let’s go through these points once again. Step6. Homework Preview the next part. 结束语 That’s all for may trial teaching. I've always dreamed to be a teacher,and if I passed the interview, I will have a chance to go further on this soul's journey. Thanks for your listening. 附: Listening comprehensions 1. Present the students the questions before listening to the text 2.Get the students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions.


时态介绍 Part 1 一般现在时(The simple present tense) 表示经常性、规律性或习惯性的动作或状态。

Part 2时态结构 Form 1:句子结构为:主语+动词+其他。三人称单数做主语,动 词用三单形式;其他人称做主语,动词用原形。 eg:I like eating apples She likes eating apples 否定式:主语+don't/doesn’t+动词原形+其它 疑问句:Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其它? Form 2:主+系动词/be动词+其他.根据主语人称选择be动词

1 231The earth goes around the sun.(主语+动词+其他)The sun rises from the east and sets from the west every day (主语+动词+其他) 表示客观真理与名言警句Failure is the mother of success.(主+系动词/be 动词+表语)

1232I am a teacher. I am a mother (主/be 动词+表语) She is a shy girl.(主+系动词/be 动词+表语) 表示目前的情况,能力、 性格和状态等We are hungry and thirsty.(主/be 动词+表语)

1233I go to school at 7o’clock every morning .(主语+动词+其他) They often play basketball after shool.(主语+动词+其他) 表示经常性或习惯性的动 作,经常与表示频率的副 词连用。We have six classes every day.(主语+动词+其他)


并歹U句(Compound Sentence 主语(Subject)宾语(Object) 谓语(Predicate)表语(Predicative) 谓语动词(Predicate Verb) 补语(Complement) 状语(Adverbial) 定语(Attribue) 一般现在时(Simple Present Tense 现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense 过去时(Past Tense 现在进行时(Present Continuous Tense 将来时(Future tense) 句型(sentence patterns) 教案模板: 一、写作 Teaching Contents (教学内容): Writing a report according to the information collected. Teaching Objectives (教学目标): (1) Knowledge ~ (2) Ability~ ⑶ Emotional~

Teaching Key and Difficult Points Teaching Procedures (教学过程): Stepl Warming up and lead-in(time) Step2 Pre-writing(time) Step3 While-writing(time) Step5 Summary and homework(time) 二、听说 Teaching Contents (教学内容): These passages are about Teaching Objectives (教学目标): (1) Knowledge ~ Students can learn some new words and expressions (2) Ability~ Students can improve their listening and speaking skills. (3) Emotional~ Teaching Key and Difficult Points How to make students improve their listening and speaking skills.Teaching Procedures (教学过程): Step1 Pre-listening(time) Ask students some questions. Step2 While-listening(time) (1) Listen to the tape and fill in the blank. (2) Listen again and finish some questions.


一、 1.题目:语音教学试讲2018年1月6日 2.内容 Here are, in front of Peking University, the most famous university in China. The campus is also known as “Yan Yuan”, the garden of Yan. It’s close to the Yuanming Garden and the Summer Palace. The university opened in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty and it was the most important educational institution in the whole of China then. 3.基本要求 (1)朗读所给段落; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对所给材料的内容,设计训练连读的语音教学活动。 (4)用英文试讲; (5)试讲时间,10分钟。 语音教学试讲教案 1. Teaching aims 1) Knowledge aim Students will be able to master the rules of liking. 2) Ability aim Students can train their listening and speaking skills. 3) Emotional aim Students can be more confident in learning English.. 2. Important and difficult points 1) Important point Students will be speaking the linked words correctly. 2) Difficult point Students can use the rules of linking in a real situation. 3. Teaching and learning methods Communicate teaching method; task-based teaching method;group work method; cooperation study method; independent study method 4. Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming up I will present a English song “Valder Fields”  Step 2: Presentation 1)Students will listen to the tape to get the main idea of the passage 2)Students will listen again and understand the whole passage sentence by sentence. 3)Students will listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the passage 4) Students will find out the rules of linking: Like a bridge, joining the words together is called linking. We can join the final consonant of one word with the initial vowel of the following word. Step 3: Practice

2面试-初中英语-听说课(教案 )

【面试-初中英语-听说课-教案】 What are you going to be when you grow up? Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims: 1. Students will be able to know how to use the structure of “be going to”. 2. Students will make conversations with the structure of “how, what, where” questions. Ability aims: 1. Through cooperation and discussion, students’ listening and speaking skills can be developed. 2. Students can get to know how to use the structure “be going to” to express their future plans and can make conversations more authentic. Emotional aims: 1. Students can get more interests in learning English. 2. Students can know how to set up their future plans and how to achieve their dreams. Teaching Key Point: Students can understand the usage of “be going to” and know the usage of it. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. Students can know the usage of “be going to” in the daily life. 2. Students can make use of the structure that they learned in this class. Teaching Methods: Task-based teaching method; Audio-lingual approach; Situational teaching method; Teaching Aids: multi-media Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up and lead-in 1. Daily greeting. 2. Play a guessing game with Ss. Let them guess different names about


初中英语教师资格证面试试讲逐字稿万能模板 1、题目:《How much are these socks?》 2、内容: 3.基本要求 (1)设计一节听说课 (2)全英试讲 (3)配合适当的板书设计

教学设计逐字稿 Good morning,dear judges.I'm the No.4 candidate,app lying for middle school English teacher.It's my g reat honor to be interviewed here.Today my topic is unit 7, how much are these pants ? Now I'll begin my c lass. Leading-in Good morning,boys and girls,it is a fine day,is it? Yes,and my friend will hold the wedding at this weekend,so I want to buy some clothes for the party,could youhelp me?Thank you! Look at the screen,this shop is on sale,on sale,do you know it?For example,the bag was 200 yuan last week,b ut now it's only 100 yuan,the bag ison sale,clea r? So, let's have a look,what can we buy? Presentation Okay,look at the picture,what's this? Do you know ? Yes,shoes,shoes,we will walk with shoes,shoes,shoes,shoes.How about this one? You,please,shirt? Good, pay attention to "sh","J",shirt,sit down,please.Read aft er me,shirt,shirt.And this one? It looks like the letter"T", T- shirt,very good,you wear a T-


初中英语面试教案万能 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

Teaching Aims: Knowledge aim: Students will know Lin Fei’s daily life and some good habits at their home. Ability aim: Students will improve their listening and speaking skills. Emotional aim: After this lesson students would like to learn to arrange their life and form good habit in the daily life. Teaching Key and difficult Points: Teaching Key Points: Students will understand this passage by listening and make a time line of Lin Fei’s life. Teaching Difficult Points: How to describe their own life style of the school day Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up Do a survey:ask students to fill the questionnaire (with different daily activities and time point, students just need to mark the activities in their time) and invite some students to share. Step 2 Pre-listening Show some pictures about Lin Fei’s day and ask students “what does Lin Fei do in a day Step 3 While-listening Play the tape recorder and ask students some question. Q: What is the distance between his school and home Play the tape recorder another time and give students some other questions to practice their listening again. Q1: When should Lin Fei go to school Q2: How long will it take Lin Fei to ride to the bus station

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