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(绍兴文理学院 法学院,浙江 绍兴312000)

摘 要:世谱、宗谱、家谱,总称谱谍,



中图分类号:G 127 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-293X (2006)02-0018-03

第26卷第2期2006年4月 绍 兴 文 理 学 院 学 报JOURNA L OF SH AOXI NG UNI VERSITY V ol.26N o.2Apr.2006













第2期 刘亦冰:绍兴《姒氏世谱》的史料价值

02 绍兴文理学院学报(哲学社会科学) 第26卷On the Historical Value of The Si Family’s G enealogy

Liu Y ibing

(Law School,Shaoxing University,Shaoxing,Zhejiang,312000)

Abstract:This paper attempts to establish the historical value and significance of The S i Family’s G enealogy.The author argues that the his2 torical document is largely reliable,systematic in tracing the family tree,and contains valuable historical data with regard to population stud2 ies,folklore studies and s ociology,which can help extend the scope of Y ue Culture S tudies.

K ey w ords:The S i Family’s G enealogy;value of historical documents;reliability;evidence


X iaohuangshan Hill:An Archaeological Examination

Wang X inxi

(History Department,School of Humanities,Hangzhou T eachers C ollege,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310012)

Abstract:New S tone Age relics discovered at X iaohuangshan Hill,located in G anlin C ounty,Shenzhou,Shaoxing,are by far the oldest ones ever found in Cao’e River basin.It is believed that they can date back to8,000-10,000years ag o.The author maintains that this impor2 tant archeological discovery can help enhance our understanding of the New S tone Age cultural types within the boundary of Zhejiang province as well as their interrelations.It will touch off a heated discussion and investigation of the origins and ev olution of New S tone Age culture in Zhejiang and the country’s s outheast coastal area.

K ey w ords:X iaohuangshan Hill;New S tone Age;archaeological culture;research
