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The Influence of Cultural Differences on Chinese-English









The Influence of Cultural Differences on Chinese-English



Ning tong

Academic Adviser: Cheng Fenglian

A thesis submitted to the Department of

Foreign Languages of Xi’an Eurasia University

In partial fulfillment of requirements

For the degree of

Bachelor of Arts



Xi’an, China

March, 2011


In writing this thesis, I have benefited from the presence of my teachers and my classmates. They generously helped me collect materials I needed and made many invaluable suggestions. I hereby extend my grateful thanks to them for their kind help, without which the paper would not have been what it is.

Particularly, I am deeply indebted to Cheng Fenglian, who guided me throughout my writing of this thesis. Her standards of academic excellence have made my revision an exciting and gratifying experience.

Furthermore, none of this would have been possible without the help of those individuals and organizations hereafter mentioned with gratitude: the Foreign Language Department, the University Library and its staff.

The Influence of Cultural Differences on Chinese-English



With wider and wider opening to the world, rapid development of science and technology, increasing exchange of international cultures, and fast progress of economic globalization, as a bridge of inter-cultural communication, is playing a more and more important role. But the differences between Chinese and western cultures often influence Chinese-English translation, and bring difficulties in the comprehension and expression. This paper mainly analyzes and discusses the above subject in terms of religious cultural background, value orientation and custom. Its aim is to push forward the development of translation discipline.

Key words: cultural difference; C-E translation; religious background; value; custom.





The Influence of Cultural Differences on Chinese-English


Chapter 1


Cultural infiltration and communication among different nations have been constantly deepening with the developments of society, economy, politics, science and technology, etc. Translation plays an important role in such cultural communication. It is not only the switch of two languages, but also the communication between two cultures. Therefore, translation research has been transformed from traditional linguistic contrasting research to culture translation research. As Eugene A. Nida (2001) says that translation is the communication between two cultures, and for a really successful translator, being familiar with two cultures is more important than mastering two languages. However, different nations have different cultures. As far as Chinese and English are concerned, culture differences are big and obvious, which has been a hot potato of the translator.

Because there are great differences in values, religious background, historical background, natural environment and social customs between Chinese and English languages, many words in each language have their own unique cultural meaning. During translation, even if the translator understands the original language very well, meaning lost is unavoidable in the translated version because of culture differences. In《文化交流与翻译》Cultural Exchange and Translation Mr. Xu Chongxin points out that“译入语这一方

所有的,往往为译出语那一方所无;译出语的读者由于历史文化背景的种种因素,在阅读本国作品时产生强烈反应的东西,对译入语读者来说,可能引不起同样的反应。但这完全不是由于译者理解上或表达上的缺陷造成的,而是因为一方的语言文化里所有的往往为另一方所无,译者不能‘无中生有’;一方的语言文化里非常敏感牵动情感的事物对另一方不能直觉地产生类似的作用。译者无权为了产生‘等效’而随意改动形象。”Therefore, one culture entering into another culture by translation always causes meaning gap between the original culture and target culture. However, how to reduce the meaning gap between the two languages or how to compensate meaning lost is a hard problem faced by the translator. Domestication and foreignization are two translation strategies which have aroused great controversy in translator. Eugene A. Nida and Lawrence Venuti are the two well-known representatives respectively. The author thinks that the translator can adopt either domestication or foreignization according to the type of the original text, the purpose of the translation, and the reader etc. Besides, some approaches to translation are put forward to try to make the translated meaning more close to the original meaning, such as word-for-word translation, replacement, descriptive translation etc.

Chapter 2

Reasons for Cultural difference

2.1 Religious Cultural differences

Religious culture is formed by religious belief and consciousness. It expresses cultural differences of different nation in terms of advocate and taboo. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are regard as the three biggest religions in china. These three religious play a very significant role in Chinese culture and have quite deep influences on the Chinese people. Such as the Jade Empire of Taoism, the Hades of Buddhism, Dragon Empire in fairy tales, the Pan Gu, who created the word, and the Heaven, who rules the world. However, all these concepts do not exist in European and American?s mind. Most of westerns are in belief of Christian. They believe that God creates the world and everything in the world is arranged in the will of God. So we should pay attention to the cultural differences. Now, take the following expressing as example:

Man proposes, god disposes

Man proposes, heaven disposes

These two translation are the same meaning: 谋事在人,成事在天。Chinese is influenced deeply by Buddhism, they believe?Heaven?, and the Christianism have a big effect on western, they believe ?God?. Above two religion culture have a great difference on habits of mind and language expression. So the choice of translation should be according to the translator?s position to make decision.

In religious culture, although some words have equivalents in Chinese and English,

we should also pay attention to the different religious culture information in translation. For example, the meaning of 龙and dragon are the same, but their connotation and religious culture information are totally different.

To westerners, the dragon is the symbol of evil, a fierce monster that destroys and therefore must be destroyed. It is a reptile without high status.

But on the contrary, the dragon in china has some colorful meaning. It symbolizes holiness holiness, nobleness, auspicious, and national ethos. There has a legend story in ancient china, the dragon comes form the heaven one day, so the emperor named himself as dragon, and the descendents of him are called 龙子the son of the emperor, the prince or 龙孙the son of the prince. Everything are used by the emperors are connected with the word of 龙the dragon.龙廷the court, 龙袍the gown of the emperor ,龙床the bed of the emperor, etc. The dragon also symbolizes the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, and Chinese are called the descendants of the dragon.

2.2 Value Differences

Each culture has its distinct value systems and orientations. Values are often revealed in behavioral patterns, community relationships, rituals, and cultural artifacts that make it possible for us to recognize and experience each other.

2.2.1 Collectivism and Individualism

Individualism and collectivism exist in all cultures, but it is obvious that the Chinese culture stresses collectivism while the Western culture emphasizes individualism. In other

words, the Chinese people are more group-oriented while the Westerners are more self-oriented.

The Chinese people have a strong sense of team and group. According to an investigation, more than half of the people investigated said that they valued the honor of group. Oneness between man and nature results in collectivism orientation. The Chinese people hold that the interests of the family, of the society and of the country should have the first priority and if necessary, the individual interests can be overlooked and even sacrificed. In handling the relation between individuals and the collective, people are required to conform to the convention, to restrain them and to keep in line with the collective or the leader. In collectivistic culture in China, the concepts such as …we?, independence, duties, obligations, needs and views of in-groups are valued and belonging to the groups is emphasized.

Contrary to the Chinese people, the western culture worships individualism. For instance, in the west, you could not open a closed door without permission, unless it is your own or one clearly in public places. Nor do you enter a private house without first being asked to come in. This reveals that the westerners show adequate respect for other?s privacy, which is one of the embodiments of individualism. In individualistic cultures, people are more self-oriented and the concepts such as …I?, independence and self-reliance are emphasized. Individual goals are more important. The westerners like to be treated as an independent one and refuse to be called the representative of a group although they do not hesitate to join in some organization or clubs. They rely on themselves and regard it as shame to depend on others, even their own parents. They value privacy and feel insulted if

it is invaded. Individual identity, individual rights and individual needs are emphasized over ?we? identity and the interests of the group, and the obligations and commitment.

The collectivism orientation of Chinese culture and the individual orientation in the western culture determine different characters and ways to attend to business of the Chinese people and the westerners. In their respective languages and works, this kind of difference can be found here and there.

2.2.2 Stability and Change

Although the history of china has experienced many changes, it followed a cycle of one stable dynasty following a social upheaval. Unification and stability was the most important feature throughout the history, which included the stability of family, society, country and that of an individual?s social status, location, public relations. People get used to emphasizing the customs and beliefs from the past and being content with their lot. They regard it as eternal happiness to abide by the law and behave themselves and live and work in peace. There is an Chinese saying …家和万事兴?. It can be translated into English as …if the family members are in harmony, then everything will flourish?.

The westerners might be puzzled when they read such a sentence because they seldom relate booming of anything to the stable family relation. They believe that …no change, no progress?. The western culture is derived from ancient Greek ocean culture. At that time, many activities on the sea formed the westerners? orientation towards change. Being curious and trying to seek change became the features of ocean culture. To most westerners, change indicates breaking convention and renovation. People will never satisfy with the

achievement they have got. They try their best to adapt to changes and refuse to be restrained by the tradition, the family, the economic and educational systems and their own capability. To them, change equals development, improvement, growth and the future.

2.3 Customary Cultural Differences

The customary cultural difference refers to the culture formed by the nation?s custom and tradition, which infiltrates in the daily life and communication activities. So it will have different culture rules and tradition in greetings, farewells and even some color.

2.3.1 Greetings and Farewells

When two Chinese meet, they may ask: 吃了吗?It is nothing more than a Chinese way of saying hello or hi. If the greeting is put literally into English have you eaten yet? Or have you had your lunch? It will sound rather unusual.

There is a similar Chinese greeting, such as 上哪儿去啊?到哪儿去啊?which if translated literally, would be where are you going? Or where have you been? The natural reaction of most English-speaking people to this greeting would most likely be it’s none of your business!

When people part, they usually say good-bye, bye-bye. Similar expressions are found in almost all languages. But in fixed conversational formulas that precede good-bye, there may be interesting differences, as in Chinese when a distinguished guest drops in for a visit, or if the visitor is one with whom the hosts are not very familiar. When such a guest leaves, the Chinese custom is for the hosts to see the visitor to the door or gateway. It is customary

for the guest to say to his hosts 请留步。The final words of the hosts are usually 慢走,走好,慢点儿骑。None of these should be translated directly. Stay here would sound strange; go slowly, walk slowly or ride slowly would be equally so.

2.3.2 Colors

Anther important symbol of customary cultural difference is the cultural associations of certain colors. The “colorful” phrases and expressions in both English and Chinese will be discussed.

Red is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions, which is true in English-speaking countries as well as in china. for example, red-letter days(念日,喜庆的日子)----holidays such as Christmas and other special days. These days are printed in red on calendars, rather than in black for ordinary days. Another example is to paint the town red(狂欢,胡闹)----meaning to celebrate wildly, to go out to drink and have a good time; roll out the red carpet for someone(铺红地毯,隆重欢迎某人)----meaning to give a lavish welcome.

White to most Chinese and westerners, white had certain similar connotations: purity, innocence. In the Chinese expression红白喜事,would be confusing to most westerners. It would probably be best not to translate the colors at all and merely say weddings and funerals. This is because white is the traditional color for brides at western weddings. To have white at funerals would be offensive; to have funeral described as happy occasions(喜事)would be absolutely shocking to westerners, although the expression reflect a certain philosophic attitude towards death of the Chinese.

Blue is usually associated with unhappy feeling in English, which will be a little strange to the Chinese. In a blue mood, having the blues means a sad, gloomy or depressed mood. Similar in meaning is a blue Monday---the first day of work or school after a pleasant, happy weekend. For example:

It was blue Monday and he just did not feel like going back to work


Chapter 3

Two Cultural Translation Strategies

(Foreignization and Domestication)

3.1 The Definition of Foreignization

Foreignization: a translation strategy or method aiming to preserve the values of the SL culture. It is source-language-culture-oriented and strives to preserve as much as possible the original flavor in order to retain the foreignness of the source language culture.

3.2 The Definition of Domestication

Domestication: a translation strategy or method aiming to conform to the values that dominate the TL culture. It refers to target-language-culture-oriented translation in which expressions acceptable in target language culture are exploited in order to make the translated texts intelligible and suitable for the target text readers.

3.3 Two Strategies in Practical Translating

From the analysis above, it can be concluded that whether to take foreignization or domestication for cultural elements is a complicated problem. They are a dialectical unity of contradictions, which are complementary to each other and have its respective characteristic.

Each strategy has its value, and so far as the real translating practice is concerned, foreignization is preferred with domestication as its supplement. The reasons can be

summarized as follows: firstly, it is impossible to use just one strategy in the process of translating; secondly, the TL-readers will read a smooth target text and learn about other cultures at the same time; thirdly, the target culture will absorb the essences from the source culture to enrich and promote itself; fourthly, foreignization and domestication are always in change; fifthly, the opening-up and the intercommunication with other nations require learning other cultures and, at the same time, promulgating the status of the Chinese culture.

We can summarize that both of the two strategies may be justified in their own right if we take into consideration the different purpose of translation, the type of source texts, intentions of the author and the stages of cultural communication. Each strategy has its advantages and limits. It is impossible for one to translate a piece of writing or a book using only one translation strategy, because either the advocating of foreignization or domestication are actually indispensable and supplementary to each other and the idea that truly successful translation should depend on the unity of the two strategies.

This paper holds the view that the Chinese translators should take priority of foreignization could provide opportunities for readers to learn about and absorb from other cultures. The abuse of domestication would obstruct culture communication. Although foreignization would make the translation not so fluent and natural, it could help the readers to experience the alienation of other cultures and promote their own culture. As for the translation of the Chinese classical works, translators should pay special attention to the Chinese culture?s promulgation. Only in this way, can we protect and develop the Chinese culture and enhance the cultural exchange and communication all over the world.

Chapter 4


This paper is an attempt to study translation from a cross-cultural perspective, for in this global village of ours, cultural exchange and convergence are powerful trends. Translation as an important means of intercultural communication, builds the bridge over gulfs between two different cultures as well as two languages. Scholars in the translation field have come to realize that they have much in common with experts in cultural anthropology, and they have felt the need to look beyond the confines of linguistically oriented translation study and search for cross-cultural approached.

Among all the problems in translation, difficulties arising out of differences of cultures constitute the most serious problems for translators and have produced the most far-reaching misunderstandings among readers. The question of how to successfully solve the problem becomes one of the central issues in the translation field.

Taking the translation between English and Chinese as an example, in this paper, we mainly probed into the problem in two ways. One is the discussion of semantic non-equivalence caused by cultural differences, namely the non-equivalence of referential meaning, the non-equivalence of pragmatic meaning, and the non-equivalence of intralingual meaning. The other is the exploration of two main translation methods in dealing with cultural differences. i.e. the foreignization method and the domesticating method. Cultural factors in translation necessitate decision-making on translation methods, but it is a complicated job. The choice of methods is a result influenced by many factors

such as the purpose of translation, the text type, the readership, the translator?s attitude the source and target language cultures, etc. Each method is justified in its own way, and what left for a translator is to exert his utmost to achieve a balance between the two.

As a concluding remark, we should point out that culture-oriented views in translation are subject to considerable differences in assessment. Comparative studies on cultures do shed light on methods in translation of cultures factors, but the study of culture can never cover all the aspects of translatology, which should be focused on the text-linguistic model (Neubert1992) and the way the text is related to the situational context. Being a tentative research, this thesis remains open to a further discussion and improvement in the future.


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弟子规 班级 姓名

dìzǐ guī 弟子规 zǒng xù 【总叙】 dìzǐ guī shèng rén xùn shǒu xiào tìcì jǐn xìn 弟子规圣人训首孝悌次谨信 fàn ài zhòng ér qīn rén yǒu yú lìzéxué wén 泛爱众而亲仁有余力则学文 rùzéxiào 【入则孝】 fùmǔ hū yìng wù huǎn fù mǔ mìng xíng wùlǎn 父母呼应勿缓父母命行勿懒fùmǔ jiào xū jìng tīng fù mǔ zéxū shùn chéng 父母教须敬听父母责须顺承dōng zé wēn xiàzéqìng chén zé xǐng hūn zédìng 冬则温夏则凊晨则省昏则定chū bì gào fǎn bìmiàn jū yǒu cháng yèwúbiàn 出必告反必面居有常业无变shì suī xiǎo wù shàn wéi gǒu shàn wéi zǐ dào kuī 事虽小勿擅为苟擅为子道亏wù suī xiǎo wù sī cáng gǒu sī cáng qīn xīn shāng 物虽小勿私藏苟私藏亲心伤qīn suǒ hào lìwèi jùqīn suǒ wù jǐn wèi qù 亲所好力为具亲所恶谨为去 shēn yǒu shāng yíqīn yōu dé yǒu shāng yí qīn xiū 身有伤贻亲忧德有伤贻亲羞 qīn ài wǒ xiào hé nán qīn zēng wǒ xiào fāng xián 亲爱我孝何难亲憎我孝方贤 qīn yǒu guòjiàn shǐgēng yíwúsèróu wú shēng 亲有过谏使更怡吾色柔吾声 jiàn búrùyuèfùjiàn hào qìsuítàwúyuàn 谏不入悦复谏号泣随挞无怨 qīn yǒu jíyào xiān cháng zhòu yèshìbùlí chuáng 亲有疾药先尝昼夜侍不离床 sāng sān nián cháng bēi yè jū chùbiàn jiǔ ròu jué 丧三年常悲咽居处变酒肉绝 sān g jìn lǐ jìjìn chéng shìsǐ zhě rúshì shēng 丧尽礼祭尽诚事死者如事生


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品味人生 1、不管鸟的翅膀多么完美,如果不凭借空气,鸟就永远飞不到高空。想象力是翅膀,客观实际是空气,只有两方面紧密结合,才能取得显着成绩。 2、想停下来深情地沉湎一番,怎奈行驶的船却没有铁锚;想回过头去重温旧梦,怎奈身后早已没有了归途。因为时间的钟摆一刻也不曾停顿过,所以生命便赋予我们将在汹涌的大潮之中不停地颠簸。 3、真正痛苦的人,却在笑脸的背后,流着别人无法知道的眼泪,生活中我们笑得比谁都开心,可是当所有的人潮散去的时候,我们比谁都落寂。 4、温暖是飘飘洒洒的春雨;温暖是写在脸上的笑影;温暖是义无反顾的响应;温暖是一丝不苟的配合。 5、幸福,是一种人生的感悟,一种个人的体验。也许,幸福是你风尘仆仆走进家门时亲切的笑脸;也许,幸福是你卧病床上百无聊赖时温馨的问候;也许,幸福是你屡遭挫折心灰意冷时劝慰的话语;也许,幸福是你历经艰辛获得成功时赞赏的掌声。关键的是,你要有一副热爱生活的心肠,要有一个积极奋进的目标,要有一种矢志不渝的追求。这样,你才能感受到幸福。 6、母爱是迷惘时苦口婆心的规劝;母爱是远行时一声殷切的叮咛;母爱是孤苦无助时慈祥的微笑。 7、淡淡素笺,浓浓墨韵,典雅的文字,浸染尘世情怀;悠悠岁月,袅袅茶香,别致的杯盏,盛满诗样芳华;云淡风轻,捧茗品文,灵动的音符,吟唱温馨暖语;春花秋月,红尘阡陌,放飞的思绪,漫过四季如歌。读一段美文,品一盏香茗,听一曲琴音,拾一抹心情。 8、尘缘飞花,人去楼空,梦里花落为谁痛?顾眸流盼,几许痴缠。把自己揉入了轮回里,忆起,在曾相逢的梦里;别离,在泪眼迷朦的花落间;心碎,在指尖的苍白中;淡落,在亘古的残梦中。在夜莺凄凉的叹息里,让片片细腻的柔情,哽咽失语在暗夜的诗句里。 9、用不朽的“人”字支撑起来的美好风景,既有“虽体解吾犹未变兮”的执着吟哦,也有“我辈岂是蓬蒿人”的跌宕胸怀;既有“我以我血荐轩辕”的崇高追求,也有“敢教日月换新天”的豪放气魄。33 我是一只蜜蜂,在祖国的花园里,飞来飞去,不知疲倦地为祖国酿制甘甜的蜂蜜;我是一只紫燕,在祖国的蓝天上,穿越千家万户,向祖国向人民报告春的信息;我是一滴雨点,在祖国的原野上,从天而降,滋润干渴的禾苗;我是一株青松,在祖国的边疆,傲然屹立,显示出庄严的身姿。 10、母爱是一滴甘露,亲吻干涸的泥土,它用细雨的温情,用钻石的坚毅,期待着闪着碎光的泥土的肥沃;母爱不是人生中的一个凝固点,而是一条流动的河,这条河造就了我们生命中美丽的情感之景。 11、青春是盛开的鲜花,用它艳丽的花瓣铺就人生的道路;青春是美妙的乐章,用它跳跃的音符谱写人生的旋律;青春是翱翔的雄鹰,用它矫健的翅膀搏击广阔的天宇;青春是奔腾的河流,用它倒海的气势冲垮陈旧的桎梏。 12、失败,是把有价值的东西毁灭给人看;成功,是把有价值的东西包装给人看。成功的秘诀是不怕失败和不忘失败。成功者都是从失败的炼狱中走出来的。成功与失败循环往复,构成精彩的人生。成功与失败的裁决,不是在起点,而是在终点。


Word2013设置封面不加页码的方法步骤详 解 Word2013设置封面不加页码的方法步骤详解 Word2013设置封面不加页码的步骤 1、首先打开word2013点击菜单上的插入-页码,选择页面底端,随便选择一个样式; Word2013设置封面不加页码的步骤图1 2、接着切换到设计选项卡下,在首页不同前面打上勾; Word2013设置封面不加页码的步骤图2 3、然后点击页码-设置页码格式选项; Word2013设置封面不加页码的步骤图3 4、接着在弹出来的页码格式界面中,在页码编号下选择起止页码,将其改为0即可。 Word2013设置封面不加页码的步骤图4 word2013设置横向打印的两种方法 word2013设置横向打印的两种方法 word2013设置横向打印的方法一 步骤一:打开需要打印的文档,点击右上角的【文件】 步骤二:在文件下找到【打印】,点击【打印】

步骤三:选择打印机 步骤四:在下方找到【纵向】 步骤五:点击修改选择为【横向】 步骤六:在页面右方可以看到页面的预览效果 步骤七:如果需要设置页边距等,可以点击下方的【页面设置】 步骤八:在这里也可以设置页面打印的方向 word2013设置横向打印的方法二 步骤一:适用于不太适应wps文字新界面的用户。首先打开你的wps文字软件,并打开你将要打印的文档,将需要打印的文档进行适当的排版,直到排版满足你的要求。 步骤二:将鼠标移到wps软件的左上角wps文字处,点击后面的那个折叠小三角形,打开子菜单项。 步骤三:在展开的子菜单中选择文件,接着继续选择页面设置,从而进入到页面设置对话框。 步骤四:在页面设置对话框中,选择页面距,再选择方向,在方向里选择纵向。 步骤五:选择好后,你可以继续设置需要纵向打印的页码范围,应用范围。都设置好后,最后点击右下角的确定按钮,就可以了。 步骤六:接着又将鼠标移到wps软件的左上角wps文字处,但不是点击后方的折叠小三角形,而是点击wps文字,展开其子菜单,并选择打印预览。 步骤七:在打印预览界面查看页面是否满足你的打印要求,不满足则返回修改至满足你的要求。若满足,则单击左上角wps 文字处旁的打印预览按钮,选择打印,再选择展开后的打


眼镜店各种记录表格封面及内容质量管理体系 文件宣贯登记表 年度培训计划 培训实施记录 设备台帐 计量器具台帐及周检计划 设施维护/修记录 受控文件台帐 文件发放登记表 文件借阅/复制记录 文件更改申请表 年采购计划 供方评价表 合格供方名单 供方供货记录 返工返修产品记录 质量分析 及纠正预防措施处理单 客户回访记录 主要用户档案 加工过程检验记录 镜架进货检验记录

镜片进货检验记录 眼镜产品检验记录 验光过程检验记录 (一) 质量管理体系文件宣贯记录表宣贯时间: 宣贯地点: 宣贯人: 记录人: 参加宣贯人员: 宣贯记录: (二) 2006 年度培训计划 序号培训内容参加范围时间安排其他 总结2005年,制定2006年全体员工 2005.12..30 1 工作计划及目标 对新营业员进行岗前培训王园园,王杰 2006-1-27 2 验光技术培训及考核全体员工 2006-2-10 3 接待顾客技巧全体员工 2006-2-20 4 对2006年上半年工作总结全体员工 2006-07-5 5 制定并安排暑假促销活动全体员工 2006-07-20 6 对全体员工进行技术培训全体员工 2006-11-10 7 及练兵考核 制定/日期: 批准/日期: (二) 培训实施记录 时间培训教师培训主题地点培训方式 培训内容

参加 培训 人员 有效性评价 (二) 设备台帐 设备名称型号规格编号生产厂购置日期备注 苏州六六公司 2002.06 检影镜 YZ-24 1 瞳距尺 (0—150)mm 海通光学2002.06 2 验光镜片箱连云港天诺仪2002.06 232 3 器公司 视力箱哈尔滨教学仪/ 4 2002.06 器二厂 烘热器 / 5 国产 2002.06 磨边机 600SX3 6 日本 2002.06 定中心仪 600SX3 7 日本 2002.06 模板机 600SX3 8 日本 2002.06 HN-20 浙江临海眼镜倒边机 9 2006.06 设备公司 打孔机 TC-3 上海驰豪眼镜10 2002.06 设备公司 开槽机 AC 浙江临海眼镜11 2002.06 设备公司 (二) 计量器具台帐及周检计划店名:宁阳姜玉坤眼镜分店仪器名 型号编号生产厂检定日期有效期检定单位下一次检定时间称


如何设置页眉页脚 2009年04月22日星期三 05:28 P.M. 1、如何设置页眉页脚? “视图”→“页眉和页脚”,将会打开页眉页脚编辑工具栏,同时切换到页眉编辑状态,只要在相应的地方输入内容即可。 2、什么是“分节符”,如何设置? “分节符”就是把文档从插入的分节符处分为两节,可以对每节的页面、格式进行单独设置。 设置方法:“插入”→“分隔符”,选择“分节符类型”里的“下一页”即可在指定位置插入分节符。 3、文档中有封面有正文,封面中不需要页眉页码,而正文要设置,怎么做? ①、在封面尾插入“分节符”将封面与正文分节:光标调至要插入分节符的地方,“插入”→“分隔符”→“分节符类型”“下一页”; ②、进行页眉页码编辑:“视图”→“页眉和页脚”,输入页眉内容及插入页码,这时封面和正文都将会有页眉和页码; ③、取消每节的“同上一节”设置,以便对每节进行单独编写:将光标调至第2节(即正文所在节)在页眉,点击页眉页脚编辑工具栏上的“同前”,这样就是取消“同上一节”的设置,使得两节的页眉可以分别设置(因为默认设置为“同前”),否则无论修改哪一节,另一节都会跟着改变的,同理,页脚也同样处理。 ④、取消封面页眉文字:光标调至第1节的页眉,删除页眉文字,此时将还有默认下划线存在,同样取消页码即可; ⑤、删除页眉中的下划线:全选页眉(注意,一定要将段落标记也选入。也可以三击鼠标左键),“格式”→“边框和底纹”→ “边框”→“无”,注意对话框右下解的“应用范围”应该是“段落”,再点击“确定”即可取消下划线; ⑥、在正文页眉或页脚设置页码:若直接插入页码,会将封面页做为第1页,顺序下排。这时,只要选中页码,点击页眉页脚编辑工具栏中的“设置页码格式”→“页码编排”→“起始页码”,输入相应数字即可。(想从哪个页数开始都行) 这样设置下来,封面既无页眉也无页码。当然,第①~③顺序不要变,后面几项可以颠倒顺序。举一反三,对于对章节或多封面的文档,重复使用这些设置即可做到每章节页眉不同,页码不同了。 4、带表格的文档,排版时总是会将编辑好的表格打乱,怎么办?


相册尺寸表 琉璃相册跨页及封皮尺寸(宽x高单位:厘米分辨率254) 7寸跨页25.4x17.5 封面13x18.5 8寸跨页30.5x20 封面15.5x20.5 10寸跨页35.6x25 封面17.9x25.5 12寸跨页40.5x29.8 封面20.9x31.1 冰雕19.6x29.8 14寸跨页50.8x35 封面25.5x36 16寸跨页52x37 封面25.9x38.1 冰雕25x37 18寸跨页61x44 封面30.7x45.2 冰雕30x44 6x 6寸跨页30.5x15 封面16x16 冰雕14.5x14.5 8x 8寸跨页40.5x20 封面20.5x20.5 冰雕19.6x19.6 10x10寸跨页50.8x25 封面25.5x25.5 冰雕24.8x24.8 12x12寸跨页61x30 封面30.5x30.5 冰雕30 x30 15x15寸跨页75x37 封面38x38 特4x12寸跨页21x29.8 封面11x31.1 特5x14寸跨页25.4x35 封面13x36 特6x12寸跨页30.5x30 封面15x30.5 横版琉璃相册跨页及封皮尺寸(宽x高单位:厘米分辨率254) 7寸跨页12.5x35.6 封面17.9x12.7 8寸跨页15x40.5 封面20.3x15.5 10寸跨页17.5x50.8 封面25.4x17.9 12寸跨页20x61 封面31.1x20.9 14寸跨页24.5x71 封面36x25.5 16寸跨页25x75 封面38.1x25.9 18寸跨页30x89 封面45.2x30.7 对开册琉璃相册跨页及封皮尺寸(宽x高单位:厘米分辨率254) 对开12寸左跨页40.5x29.8 左封面20.9x31.1 右跨页21x29.8 右封面11x31.1 对开16寸A尺寸左跨页50.8x35 左封面25.5x36 B尺寸左跨页52x37 左封面25.9x38.1 右跨页25.4x35 右封面13x36 右跨页26x37 右封面13x38.1 注意: 以上琉璃相册尺寸均可制做皮面册。钢琴烤漆相册封面是跨页的一半。冰雕相册有黑色和白色两种。普通杂志册跨页跟琉璃相册的一样,封面高和跨页高一样,封面宽是相册页数x2毫米加跨页宽。软包杂志册封面是跨页尺寸左右各加2.5厘米中间书脊(10页以下)加2厘米,上下各加2厘米(宽加7厘米,高加4厘米)。 所有相册跨页及封皮(封皮尺寸不规则是为的容易与其它照片区分开而加深颜色)严格按以上说明尺寸设计,否则会出现内芯及封皮裁切过度或尺寸偏小及封皮颜色偏浅。 由于相册制作时需要裁切,设计时不可过满(相册内页和封面设计时人物、文字不要离边缘太近,上下左右离画面边缘各一厘米做渐变效果,严禁留白边),以免齐边裁切后伤图。成品相册的尺寸会比原照片尺寸要小一点。(1厘米以内)
