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南京大学英语language help
南京大学英语language help

Unit 4
Part Three Exploring the Field
debase: reduce in quality or value; degrade[降低身份,贬低?的意
When We Abuse Animals We Debase Ourselves
Barbara Cook Spencer
? Moving a cow by chaining it to a tractor and dragging it by its legs says a lot about how
we perceive and value animals. When the Humane Society video that showed this and other brutal slaughterhouse treatment made the rounds on the Internet a few weeks ago, it caused public shock and led to a federal investigation. But there’s a deeper lesson that all of us — whether or not we eat meat — need to take to heart: we degrade ourselves when we degrade animals.
Moving a cow by…says a lot about how we perceive and value animals: When we tie a cow to a tractor and drag its legs in order to move it, we are telling the world that we regard animals as inferior beings and never care about them. The video made by the Humane Society showed this violent scene and similarly cruel behaviors toward animals in the slaughterhouse. A few weeks ago the video spread wide online and it attracted a lot of public attention. Even the federal government decided to conduct an investigation about it. [“把一头牛捆在拖拉机
上,然后拖着它的腿来搬动它”这种行为很清楚地说明了我们人类是怎样 看待和珍惜动物的。几周前, “仁爱协会”在互联网上发布视频揭露这样 一幕以及其他一些屠宰场如何残忍地对待动物, 视频的流传引起了公众的 震惊,同时也促使联邦政府的介入调查。]
make the rounds: (亦作 go the rounds) be passed on from person to person

we degrade ourselves when we…: When we fail to show due respect to animals, we are in fact showing contempt for ourselves. [我们贬低动物的同时,也在贬低
? Much as bullies demoralize themselves when they dominate or ride roughshod over
those who are meek, vulnerable, or defenseless, it should be obvious that human beings are the ones demoralized by the commission of inhumane acts.
Much as…of inhumane acts.: Bullies like to use their strength to control or harm those who are weak and when they do this, they lose their morality. In a similar manner, when we human beings display cruel behaviors, we lose our humanity. (bully: a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate the weaker; dominate: have power or influence over; roughshod: of a horse having shoes with nail heads projecting to prevent shipping; meek: quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; vulnerable: exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed; demoralized: corrupt the morals of someone commission: the action of committing a crime or offence; inhumane: without compassion for misery or suffering, cruel )[当暴徒欺压
或者用他们的铁蹄践踏那些温顺、脆弱、毫无抵抗能力的弱者时, 他们败坏了自己的人格,与此同出一辙,显然,人类因为自身一些 不人道的行为而人格尽失。]
? Over the years, many have been caught up in the debate over what is, or is not, man’s
obligation to animals. But the debate is transcended by the growing realization that neither our civilization nor our planet will survive unless human beings grow richer in moral qualities like mercy, kindness, compassion, and self-control.
obligation: n. a duty or commitment[(法律或道义上的)责任] transcend: to go beyond the limit of [超越;
清晰的意识超越了] 即:这个争论已经被不断
But the debate…and self-control: Gradually people realize that our civilization and the earth will not sustain

unless we human beings are merciful, kind, sympathetic, and have self-control. So the old debate about what is or is not man’s duty to animals has lost its meaning—because this is not about obligation, it’s
Yet in order to establish a platform for speaking out against cruel and painful
about our own existence in the future. [但是这个争论已经
被人们慢慢建立起来的一种全新的认识取代,那就是,除非人类变 得更加富有同情心、善良、仁慈和自制,否则,不管是人类文明还 是这个地球都不可能得以生存。]
laboratory experiments and slaughtering techniques, animal rights advocates are often asked to prove that animals have a moral sense and can feel physical and emotional pain.
platform: a raised structure for people to stand on
to establish a platform for: to provide a stage for [表 But even if animals… of them.: Even if we can prove that animals do not have morality or sense of pain, it
? But even if animals could be proved amoral and immune to pain, human beings would
have no basis for even careless treatment of them. Most of us were taught as children to take good care of inanimate objects, even though they feel no pain and have no moral sense. We are taught to treat fine books with virtual esteem. We are taught that it is actually a crime to vandalize buildings, cars, and other inanimate objects.
cannot become a reason that we treat animals in a brutal way. [然而,即便能证明动物没有道德感,也没有疼痛感,
人类也没有理由对待他们不好, 哪怕是漠不关心。 (careless treatment 字面意思是“马虎地对待”,言下之意是对待动物不那么细心呵护, 这里转译为“漠不关心”)]
virtual esteem: real respect [网上这篇文章原文用的是 virtual reverence)[(指对书本怀有)真正的敬重] vandalize: v. deliberately destroy or damage inanimate: adj. showing no sign of life, lifeless set … aside: to put…aside…[把?搁在一边]
? But even setting aside the degradation brought upon the humans who commit acts of
cruelty, research has consistently revealed evidence of the morality and sentience of the
degradation: n. the process of reducing to a lower rank[降级] research has consistently…world.: Different researches have come up with similar findings that animals do have

nonhuman world. By now documentaries abound in which we can see Earth’s creatures disciplining members of their own species for “crimes” within their communities . Conversely we’ve also seen them care for each other, as well as for members of other species, in the most intelligent, unselfish, courageous, and tender ways.
the sense of morality and the ability to perceive or feel this world.
[不断有研究揭示动物世界也有道德准则和感知 能力的证据。 (consistently: these research findings agree with
one another; sentience: the ability to feel or perceive things)]
documentary: n. a film or program that provides a factual report on a particular subject [纪录片;纪实节目;纪实小说] abound: vi. have in large numbers or amounts Earth’s creatures disciplining members…: In many films or programs we find that the animal world also have rules for its members to follow. When someone disobeys them, “he” will be punished like a criminal in much the same sense as in human society. [地球上的
动物也会给其群体中的 “犯罪”成员进行行为规范。]
conversely: on the contrary[反之]
? This evidence of morality in nonhumans tells us that mankind and “creature-kind” are
inextricably woven together, not separate “worlds” attempting coexistence.
mankind and “creature-kind” are…:mankind and animals are living together in the same world, side by side, exerting impact on each other, becoming an
indispensable part of each other. They are inseparable. It’s not that they live in two independent worlds.
和其他动物类密切相连,而不是试图并存的两个独立世界 . 这里的
? We may not be linked by trunks and tusks, wings and beaks, but I have yet to think of
a single quality associated with the best in mankind that is not expressed by animals and often — as with loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, and forgiveness — more perfectly.
creature-kind 应是仿 mankind 生造的一个词.]
We may not be linked by…: Animals are connected to us not because we look the same—atcually we do not, e.g. we do’t have elephants’ trunk and tusk or birds’ wings and beaks. We are similar because animals have shown all

the best qualities that human beings have. Examples include loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, and forgiveness. In fact, animals have shown these virtues in their better forms.
[我们不是因为都长着同样的长鼻子、尖獠牙,或者同样的 翅膀和喙才紧密相连的。我想不出人类拥有的最美好的品德——忠 实,真诚,智慧,宽容——有哪一样不同样在动物世界里存在,甚 至做得更完美。]
? Our differences appear to lie more in the complexity with which we express our
commonly held qualities. In fact, the caring, thoughtful observation of animals has taught, and can continue to teach, vital lessons about what we ourselves are and what we can accomplish.
Our differences appear to…: Human being differs from animal in the way they show the best qualities that they both have (e.g. loyalty, sincerity, wisdom etc.). Human being perhaps employs a more complex method while animal has this more straightforward manner.
[我们(即人跟动物)的不同之处在于表达这些共有的 品德的时候,其复杂程度不一样。]
incompatible: to be different in nature as to be incapable of
? We learn from an elephant, for example, that power and gentleness are not
incompatible. We learn from any gazelle the naturalness of grace. Our dear dogs or cats teach us that happiness doesn’t come from outside ourselves—from the act of acquisition— but is something we bring to the simplest object or experience. From birds, we’ve learned the concept of flight. And from any animal we can learn that we don’t outgrow childlikeness when we enter maturity, because childlikeness is a quality of thought, not a condition of age.
coexisting [不兼容的
(compatible: 相互兼容的)]
gazelle: a small, slender antelope found in open country in Africa and Asia (产于非洲亚洲的一种小羚羊) 瞪羚。 We learn from any gazelle…object of experience.: By looking at the gazelle, we understand that grace can be a natural trait, not an acquired character. When we see dogs and cats get so much fun by simply playing with an object or experience something, we learn that happiness is not from the outside world, not by obtaining something—it comes from our inner heart.

是来自于外界或者说来自于获取,而是来自于任何一件小东西或我 们任何一次简单的经历。]
…we don’t outgrow…: Observing animals, we learn that we won’t automatically lose the good qualities which are normally associated with a child (e.g. innocence) when we grow old, because these qualities have to do with how we look at the world. They are not necessarily associated with one’s age. [从动物身上我们知道我们并不会因
…when we abuse childlike qualities in animals…we are well on our way …: When we take advantage of those good qualities in
(11) In fact, when we abuse childlike qualities in animals — when we take advantage of trust, sweetness, simplicity, or innocence, for example — we are well on our way to the abuse of children. For decades, researchers, child and animal protection professionals, and educators have been pointing to the correlation between the treatment of animals and the treatment of children.
animals and abuse these animals, we will very likely do the same to our children. For years, concerned people like researcher and educators have discovered close similarity between the way we treat animals and the way we treat our children. [当我们利用动物身上信任、愉悦、纯朴、天真这些品德时,
我们同样也陷入糟践我们自己的孩子的泥潭。几十年来,研究者、专门 保护儿童和动物人士以及教育家们都指出,人类在对待动物和对待孩子 上的表现具有相关性。]
(12) But it’s perhaps the almost inexplicably deep love that we’re able to share with creatures that explains what a magnificent symphony we can be. Symphonies aren’t composed of inferior and superior tones and passages. Their beauty is in the unity of the
inexplicably: ?explicable: adj. able to be accounted for or understood; inexplicable: unable to be explained or accounted for …symphony we can be…: we can build a harmonious relationship.

simple and complex, the obvious and subtle, the audacious and demure. What matters in music is that each tone or passage be allowed to contribute its full value, however meek that value.
There is no distinction between inferior and superior creatures. Creatures are diversified, the simple and complex, the brave and the shy, all living together in harmony. A specific kind of creature could have smaller values compared to other species though, it contributes to the harmony and should not be treated unfairly. [共同构成的美妙交响乐。构成交响乐的音符和乐章不分高
(13) In the same way, our moral obligation toward animals isn’t a question of what a superior being owes an inferior one. Unselfish affection takes the simple and complex, the bold and the meek in creation, accords each creature its full value, and blends all into a single symphony. Treating animals with the utmost dignity and respect is really the “Golden Rule” of conduct toward all species. (770 words)
放和端庄的统一。在音乐领域里,重要的是要让每一个音符和章节都能 够发挥其最大价值,即便它的价值很微小。]
Unselfish affection takes the simple…(Sorry, I found it almost impossible to explain this sentence in brief, simple English. So I finally gave up. Anyone who is interested could try this.
Then you’ll beat the teacher~~)[无私的爱(这里可能隐指上帝用他
博大、无私的爱创造了纷繁的世界)在创造的过程中既接受了简单的, 也接受了复杂的,既接受了大胆的,也接受温顺的,充分展示每一个物 种的价值,把所有生物融进同一首交响乐的乐章。]


研途宝考研https://www.wendangku.net/doc/955752381.html,/ 距离复试成绩公布已经有两个多月了,前天通知书到了终于心里面踏实了,想着该写点啥,自己也从论坛里面收获了不少,想着也该回馈一下了。不知道现在来写会不会被鄙视。废话不多说了,进入正题吧。首先介绍下,我是英语语言学方向的,是二战的,略悲剧,今年的初试成绩也献个丑吧,政治66,日语90,基础英语113,语言学109。因为是二战党,所以两年复习的方式不太一样,不过并不代表第一年的复习是徒劳的,正是有了第一年的经验,我第二年才比较顺利的。 政治 首先说说政治吧,我其实政治真的不怎么样,高中学的理科,不过,从我两年的经验来说,我觉得政治这东西说难不难的,说易不易的。我政治每次都是很晚才开始复习的,都是考前两个月突击一下的,第一年没经验报了个班,感觉没啥用。因为不喜欢政治所以很晚才开始复习,但是又因为时间很短,所以我就在考前两个月把一些重点背一背,特别是大题要多背背,我第二年就拿肖秀荣的什么重点的书背的,到时候答题就胡吹乱侃的,一些细节的东西直接pass,毕竟要充分利用好时间嘛,至于选择题可以做做真题模拟题什么的,特别推荐肖秀荣的那个押题版,我感觉他的那本书两年都救我于水火之中,我第二年考前一天晚上狂背那个最后四套题,效果是立竿见影。我政治学得挺差的,我这个是没办法的办法,大家要想多考点分就下点功夫吧。不过南大也不要求政治很高,过线即可,关键是专业课嘛。 日语 日语我可是花了不少时间了,我是从大一开始学日语的,因为本科略差,所以励志考研就很早开始准备了,日语我开始是自学新编,后来又报了班,最后选择南大之后就换成了新标了。日语首先把语法基础打牢了,主要就是新标的那些吧,然后最苦逼的就是背单词了,南大的日语词汇占了四分之一了,而且日语单词有时候读起来很熟悉,可是又想不起来,所以日语单词一定要一遍又一遍的背,我一战的时候是语法单词都顾及,到了二战的时候因为语法已经很熟悉了,几乎第二年日语就是背单词,不过单词容易忘所以特别是临考的时候要多背几遍,我考前两天就拿政治和日语单词背的。技巧方面我是这样的,把假名抄在一张纸上,然后看着假名默想汉字,反之一样,如果比较容易想起来的就可以少复习了,如果老是觉得记不起来就抄到另一张纸上作为重点背诵,就这样一遍一遍的假名汉字,汉字假名轮换的背。我感觉把假名汉字放一起好像都会,分开了就不定能想起来了。




题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 内容: He would rather __________ his opportunity to study abroad than leave the research unfinished. A、make up B、take up C、give up D、put out 正确答案:C 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 内容: Her low voice and shy smile soon made her a _____________ among her room-mates. A、favorite B、favorable C、favourable D、favor 正确答案:A 题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 内容: When you return to your study, your mind ___________ and you'll learn more. A、refresh B、be refreshed C、will be refreshed D、will refresh 正确答案:C 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 内容: The nationality of the murderer still remains _____________ to the police. A、unnecessary B、unexpected C、unique D、unknown 正确答案:D 题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 内容: Because of my poor English, I'm afraid I can't make myself __________. A、understand B、to understand C、understanding


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南大网院统考英语B上 unit4 答案(94分)

您的总分是:94 交际用语(共5小题,每小题4分,满分20分) 1. ----Can you go to the concert with us this evening? ----______ A.No,I already have plans. B.I'd love to,but I'm busy tonight. C.No,I really don't like being with you D.I'm ill,so I shouldn't go out. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】B 2. ----We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us? ----____________________. A.Yes,it's very kind of you B.Of course not. I have no idea C.No,I can't D.That's all set 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】A 3. ----Why not join us in the game,Kitty? ---- _____________,but I have to do my homework first. A.Let's go B.I'd like to

C.Yes,please D.It's a pleasure 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】B 4. ----Would you like to come to my birthday party next Sunday? ----Oh,thanks a lot_____. A.Yes,please B.Yes,1 would C.I'd 1ove to D.I've no idea 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C 5. ----Would you come to the party tonight? ----Yes,___________. A.I would be B.I like C.I do D.I'd like to 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】D 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分) Passage 1

南京大学 大学物理 期末样卷

1 /20 2 /20 3 /20 4 /20 5 /20 6 /20 Optional /20 Sum /100 Name Dec. 24, 2003 Wednesday Department SID University Physics Sample Problems for Final Examination School of Intensive Instruction in Sciences and Arts, Nanjing University Physical Constants Electron charge magnitude 191060.1?×=e C Dielectric constant of vacuum 120 1085.8?×=εF/m Permeability of vacuum 70104?×=πμN/A 2 V acuum speed of light 81000.3×=c m/s Electron rest mass 231Mev/c 511.0kg 1011.9=×=?e m Proton rest mass 227938.3MeV/c kg 10672.1=×=?p m Neutron rest mass 227MeV/c 6.939kg 10675.1=×=?n m Atomic mass unit 227MeV/c 5.931kg 10660.1amu 1=×=? Electron volt (eV) 1eV=191060.1?×J Planck constant Js 1063.634?×=h Boltzmann constant eV/K 1062.8J/K 1038.1523??×=×=B k Bohr radius 259.00=a Angstroms Select five out of following six problems. 1. (20pts). (a) In Compton scattering, find the maximum increase of the wavelength of the photon. (b) If the wavelength of the scattered photon is the twice of the wavelength of the incident photon, what is the minimum energy of the incident X-ray? 2.(20 pts) (a) Write the time-dependent Schr?dinger equation and the stationary (time independent) Schr?dinger equation for a particle of mass m moving in the one-dimensional harmonic potential 22 1)(kx x U =


2008年南京大学963英语语言学考研真题及详解 I. Write the international phonetic alphabet for the following words. (12/150) (1) hypothesis (2) academician (3) verbatim (4) technique (5) capacity (6) standardize (7) guarantee (8) paradigm (9) primarily (10) rhetoric (11) procedure (12) originate 答案: (1) [] (2) [] (3) [] (4) [] (5) [] (6) [] (7) [] (8) [] (9) [] (10) [] (11) [] (12) [] II. It often happens in English that when two words are put together in a compound word, the pronunciation of the compound word will be different from that of the two separate words. For instance, cup+board→cupboard; the pronunciation will become/. Similar changes will happen when two words are put together in a phrase. Transcribe the underlined part of each of the following phrases in the International Phonetic Alphabet as they are actually pronounced. (16/150)


题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 Nancy was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital. –Oh, really? I ________. I am going to visit her. ?A、hadn’t know ?B、don’t know ?C、didn’t know ?D、haven’t known 学员答案:c 说明: 本题得分:2.5 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the British Museum? --Sorry, I’m a stranger here. --___________. ?A、Thanks, anyway ?B、It doesn’t matter ?C、Never mind ?D、No problem 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2.5

Susan is absent from today’s writing class. _________ ? As far as I know, she has never missed a class. ?A、How come ?B、So what ?C、Why ?D、What for 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2.5 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 Don’t you feel surprised to see George at the meeting? —Yes. I really didn’t think he _______here. ?A、has been ?B、had been ?C、would be ?D、would have been 学员答案:c 说明: 本题得分:2.5


文学院本科人才培养方案和指导性教学计划 (汉语言文学专业) 一、学院简介 2007年5月,经学校批准,南京大学中国语言文学系更名为南京大学文学院。文学院下设四系二部:文学系、语言学系、戏剧影视艺术系、文献学系和大学语文部、国际汉学部。现有两个本科专业,即汉语言文学专业和戏剧影视文学专业。 文学院的前身中国语言文学系系由原南京大学中文系与金陵大学中文系合并而成。南京大学肇始于1902年建立的三江师范学堂,金陵大学则肇始于1888年美国基督教会在南京建立的汇文书院。两校均开设国文课程。1905年,三江师范学堂正式更名为两江师范学堂。1914年重组为南京高等师范学校,正式设立中文系。在其后的国立东南大学、第四中山大学、江苏大学、国立中央大学和南京大学等各个历史阶段,中文系均为学校的重要系科。汇文书院于1910年与宏育书院合并为金陵大学,并于同年设立中文系。1951年金陵大学与金陵女子文理学院合并为公立金陵大学。1952年,南京大学文、理学院与金陵大学文、理学院合并为南京大学,两校中文系也随之合并为南京大学中文系。 九十多年来,许多国学大师和著名学者先后执教我院,如李瑞清、黄侃、吴梅、方光焘、胡小石、吕叔湘、汪辟疆、陈中凡、罗根泽、唐圭璋、潘重规、杨晦、钱南扬、朱东润、洪诚、陈白尘、陈瘦竹、程千帆等等,为我院打下了坚实的学术基础,形成了优良的学术传统。经过九十余年的发展,我院已是历史悠久、学术水平高、师资力量强、学科梯队合理、课程设置完备、办学经验丰富、具有鲜明特色的海内外知名的中文院系,累计培养学生5000多人。 目前我院拥有一级学科(中国语言文学)博士学位授予权,一级国家重点学科,一个博士后流动站,一个省级重点学科(戏剧戏曲学),两个教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地(中国现代文学研究中心和中国语言战略研究中心),一个国家人才培养基地(文科基础学科中国语言文学学科人才培养和科学研究基地)。有13个博士点,13个硕士专业,1个艺术专业硕士(MFA)培养点,综合实力位居全国重点大学文学院/中文系前列。 本科生培养历来是我院人才培养的中心工作,1992年,我院被国家教委确定为第一批文科教学改革基地,1995年被批准为第一批国家文科基础学科中国语言文学学科人才培养和科学研究基地,1998年接受教育部中期检查,被评为优秀基地,2001年通过教育部评估验收,被批准挂牌。现有国家级精品课程4门(中国古代文学、中国现当代文学、古代汉语和文学概论),国家级优秀教学团队1个(中国古代文学)。近5年来,我院教师在核心期刊上发表论文540多篇,出版专著210多部,承担省级以上项目49多项,获省部级以上奖励25项。 我院拥有雄厚的师资力量,目前在编教师83人,年龄结构合理,实现了年轻化。其中教授39人,副教授21人。博士生导师37人。教师中具有博士学位的60人。我院教师爱岗敬业,教风良好,在学校组织的历次教学评估中,优良率均在95%以上。有多位教师被本科生评为“我最喜爱的老师”。进入新世纪以来,我院获得国家级教学成果一等奖2项,省级教学成果特等奖2项,其他教学奖励多项。 近年来,我院办学条件日益改善。院图书馆藏书丰富,达34万多册。其中有线装书库、30年代特藏书库、文革专题书库、影视资料库、本科生必读书等特色收藏。院图书馆面积近1000平方米,阅览条件优越,有专门的电子阅览室,资料检索方便。我院还配有教学电脑50余台和一些教学实习专用器材,有1个实习机房、1个多媒体阅读机房和3个多媒体报告厅。此外,我院还建有2个文科实验室,即社会语言学实验室和影视制作实验室,其中社会语言学实验室是我国第一家社会语言学实验室,2007年8月,经教育部批准,在社会语言学实验室的基础上成立了“中国语言战略研究中心”。


交际用语(共5小题,每小题4分,满分20分) 1. — Did you get to the airport on time — ______ was very excited when getting there. got to the railway station twenty minutes earlier. did, but we were almost late. don’t like traveling by air. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C 2. — Congratulations! You won the first prize in the English contest.— ______ , well, I beat the others. , no, I didn’t do it well. you very much. ’s a pleasure. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C 3. —1 want to go to New Jersey. What’s the fare — ______

me ’m sorry. , I don’t understand. , please. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】A 4. — Do you mind if I share the table with you There is no empty one.— ______ , sure. not. Sit down, please. , I can’t. , I can share. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】B 5. —Haven’t seen you f or ages! What are you busy doing now — ______ am not in the city now. hair is getting a bit longer. , thanks for coming. am working part time in a bookstore, you know. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】D 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)Passage 1

南大网络教育统考英语 B上 Unit3单元测试答案

您的总分是:100 交际用语(共5小题,每小题4分,满分20分) 1.----You shouldn‘t have chosen that kind of book for me. ----_______. A.Oh,don’t complain about a gift. B.Sorry. I’ll give you a better one next time. C.What’s wrong with you? D.What can I do for you? 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】B 2. ----How could you say that? ----_______ I didn‘t mean to hurt you. A.Excuse me. B.I won’t regret. C.I‘m really sorry. D.That’s all right. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C 3. ----Everyone blames Dick for breaking the window. ----_______ He was busy doing his homework then. A.It‘s unfair. B.He is to blame.

C.Why not? D.Not surprising. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】A 4. ---- You haven't paid for it yet. ---- _______. A.Oh, I'm really very sorry. B.No trouble at all. C.That’s nothin g D.Never mind. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】A 5. ----______________. I don't want to interrupt you but … ---- It's quite all right. Can I help you? A.Sorry. B.Hello. C.Pardon me. D.Excuse me. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】D 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分) Passage 1


南京大学非英语专业研究生 英语课程评析 吴晓曼 (南京大学研究生院,南京,210093) 摘要:非英语专业研究生英语(第一外语)是在校研究生重要的公共学位课程,在校研究生必须通过研究生英语才能取得相应的学位,因此研究生英语课程设置是各高校研究生培养部门和教师、研究生关注的焦点。本文就南京大学非英语专业研究生英语课程设置以及取得的成效作出评析。 关键词:研究生英语、课程、评析 非英语专业研究生英语(第一外语)(以下简称研究生英语)课程是在校研究生重要的公共课,之所以冠以重要二字,是因为《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》中把研究生通过研究生英语的考试作为取得学位的必要条件,因此研究生英语的课程设置就成为各高校研究生培养部门、任课教师和研究生关注的焦点。本文从研究生院管理的角度,对我校研究生英语课程设置及取得的成效作出评析。 一、困惑中选取目标 随着我国加入WTO,国际交流日益频繁,科技进步日新月异,社会对高学历人才的外语要求也逐步提高。非英语专业研究生英语教学虽然取得长足进步,研究生英语水平也有较大的提高,但仍然不能满足社会期望。社会对英语运用能力的要求越来越高与目前的教学现状产生差异和矛盾,使得人们对目前的英语教学进行深刻的反思。如何改革英语教学这一问题已引起人们的广泛关注。面临教学与社会要求相脱节的困境,大部分高等院校都在探索新的研究生英语课程设置,进行了有益的开创性工作。

外部形势逼人,内部状况也不容乐观。随着研究生招生规模的大幅度增加,在校研究生的数量也急剧增加,下表是1998年—2002年我校入学新生情况: 近五年来新生人数一直呈增长态势,增长了将近2.5倍,而我们的英语教师却一直没有增加,硕士生英语教师基本上保持在8人左右,其中还有2名教师是专门教听力课程的。近五年来教师和学生的比例从1∶152增长到1∶362,博士生英语教师3人,其中2名教师也是专门教授听说课程,在现有条件下,如果不进行教学改革,那么研究生英语教学将无法进行。 我们连续两年在硕士生、博士生中进行了问卷调查,对于研究生英语教学重点问题,超过80%学生认为应:加强听、说交际能力,开设会话课;提高对外交流的文字能力,开设翻译和写作(应用文)课,尤其是学术写作;分系科开设诸如法律英语、商务英语、计算机英语、地学英语。这说明了以往的课程设置忽略了对学生应用语言的技能的培养,在最高学历层次博士生上仍然有张不了嘴、开不了口的“哑吧英语”现象。针对这种缺陷以及学生迫切希望提高英语运用能力的要求,我们在设置研究生英语课程时力求以提高学生语言运用能力为主要目标和出发点,开设各种形式和内容的英语课程,力戒把研究生英语当成大学英语的简单的延伸, 二、实践中日趋完善 随着研究生招生规模的逐年增长,在校研究生不仅从数量上大大增加,从层次上来讲也增加了,以前只有硕士和博士两个层次,现在又增加了各种专业学位。学生的英语水平参差不齐,既有水平很高的学生,也有基础相对较差的学生,因此,研究生英语课程的设置要尽量满足各种层次学生的需要,以不同程度地提高他们的英语水平。我们的具体做法是: 1、硕士生英语


2011年南京大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷 (总分:54.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、名词解释(总题数:5,分数:10.00) 1.Define the following terms. Support your definition with one or two appropriate examples.Ambiguity(分数: 2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.metalanguage(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.minimal pair(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.neologism(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.euphemism(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 二、单项选择题(总题数:10,分数:20.00) 6.The word "edit" is formed through the process of______.(分数:2.00) A.blending B.back-formation https://www.wendangku.net/doc/955752381.html,pounding D.derivation 7.By______, it is sometimes meant that the form of a word or sign partially or fully conveys the meaning of the word or sign.(分数:2.00) A.arbitrariness B.creativity C.duality of structure D.iconicity 8.Assimilation occurs in the articulation of the word "______".(分数:2.00) A.invincible B.inconvenience C.inherent D.inadequate 9.Deletion occurs in the articulation of all the words below except "______".(分数:2.00) A.debt B.rhetoric C.style D.flight 10.The primary stress of the word "______" falls on the first syllable.(分数:2.00) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/955752381.html,parable B.resistible C.considerable D.negotiable 11.All the following words except "______" are dynamic verbs.(分数:2.00) A.boost B.discourage C.unpack D.concern


翻译 Unit 4 第45 题:So, do not blame your lack of success (or perceived lack of success) on your background or innate talents (or perceived lack of talents). A.所以,不要责备自己不够成功(或者你只是自己感觉自己不成功),责备自己的背景或天赋不足(或者你只是自己感觉缺乏天赋)。 B.所以,不要责备自己不够成功(或者你只是自己感觉自己不成功),真正的原因却是自己的背景或天赋不足(或者你只是自己感觉缺乏天赋)。 C.所以,如果你未获成功(或者你只是自己感觉自己不成功),不要把它归咎于你的生活背景和你的天赋(或者你只是自己感觉缺乏天赋)。 正确答案:C 第41 题:Remember that the cards you’re dealt in life are far less important than the way you play your hand. A.须记住,人生中发给你的牌远不如你玩牌的手法重要。 B.须记住,人生里遇到的牌远没你手里有的牌重要。 C.须记住,人生里你打的牌远没你玩手段重要。 正确答案:A 第45 题:Quincy Jones lived a life of poverty, conflict and constant stress and deprivation growing up, but he says that his home life and loneliness caused him to practice piano for hours on end as an escape. A.昆西·琼斯在贫穷、冲突、经常性的压力和被剥夺了快乐的环境中长大,但他说为了逃避他的家庭生活和孤独,最后他还是得以练习了好几个小时的钢琴。 B.昆西·琼斯在贫穷、冲突、经常性的压力和匮乏中长大,但他说他的家庭生活


人员构成: 姓名性别出生年月职称学科专业在教学中承担的工作 丁言仁男1948.11 博导应用语言学“英语语言通论” 陈新仁男1967.10 教授语用学、修辞学“英语语言学导论”“英语语言通论” 王文宇女1974.1 副教授应用语言学“英语语言通论”、“论文写作与研讨” 周丹丹女1970 讲师英语语言文学“英语语言学”网络课程答疑张翼男1980.3 助教理论语言学“英语语言学”网络课程更新 教学队伍整体结构 本课程的教学队伍中有2名正教授,1名副教授,1名讲师,1名助教,其中博导1人,硕导2人,博士4人,硕士1人,有2人从事英语理论语言学研究,3人从事英语应用语言学研究,50岁以上1人,30-50岁以上3人,不足30岁1人,主持课程负责人毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学,主讲教师陈新仁毕业于广东外语外贸大学,其他三位教师毕业于南京大学,因此,整个队伍学缘结构、学历结构、知识结构、职称结构、年龄结构等都非常合理,既有经验丰富、成果累累的老教师,也有年富力强的青年教师。师生比例1:10左右。队伍中,陈新仁博士多来一直从事“英语语言学概论”的教学工作,对该课程的教学工作形成了比较多的感性认识,并从2002年起开始参与“英语语言通论”王文宇博士擅长外语学习与教学研究,参与“英语语言通论”团队教学工作,并独立承担“论文写作与研讨”系列讲座。周丹丹博士主要负责“英语语言学概论”网络课程的答疑。张翼硕士目前主要参与实践环节的指导,同时协助维护“英语语言学概论”网络课程的更新。 教学改革与教学研究 1、重新定位“英语语言学”课程定位和目标,将该课程从选修课提升为专业必修课,将该课程从一门知识型课程界定为一门知识传授


南京大学网络教育学院 “大学英语(一)”课程补考试卷 提示:答案文档直接在学生平台提交 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共50分) 1、The church bells keep me from _____________. A.sleep B.slept C.sleeping D.to sleep 2、He spent some time trying to _____ out what Kurt would be doing. A.figure B.consider C.turn D.watch 3、______________ go to a doctor unless you really suffer. A.No B.Never C.Do not D.Only 4、The computer has changed so many _____________ of life. A.areas B.sections C.aspects D.sides 5、She has ___________ in her daughter's good judgment. A.believe B.belief C.believable D.believed 6、Nearly half the population _____ by the sudden spread of the previous disease. A.will be wiped out B.was wiped out C.have been wiped out D.are wiped out 7、They will not go swimming if it __________ tomorrow. A.rain B.will rain C.rained D.rains 8、He is _____ of everyone who disagrees with him. A.doubt B.distrust C.suspicious D.uncertain 9、__________ the most enjoyment from your valuable antiques, read as much as you can on the subject. A.Getting B.Got C.To get D.Get 10、What ____________ have you planned for this evening? A.entertain B.entertaining C.entertainment D.entertainingly 11、She ______________ her duty next week. A.is taking off B.is taking up C.takes in D.takes away 12、He made some _______________ remarks on his ______________ poem. A.favorite,favorite B.favorite,favorable C.favorable,favorable D.favorable,favorite 13、The house ______________ at the corner of the street was built in 1949. A.standing B.stand C.stood D.to stand 14、The weather is not very pleasant, but ____________ the fog has gone. A.at most B.at best C.at last D.at least 15、Do it now. ______________ it will be too late. A.Since B.And C.But D.Otherwise 16、It gave them ___________ from their labors. A.relax B.relaxing C.relaxation D.being relaxed 17、Did the medicine have a good _____________? A.influence B.affect C.effect D.result 18、You will not pass the examination, ____________ you work harder. A.if B.because C.unless D.in case 19、Circumstances can develop and strengthen and deepen one's ______________. A.body B.brain C.character D.spirit 20、The old Muslim temple ______________ a lot of stories about the war. A.speaks B.tells C.says D.announces 21、In some big cities, ancient houses exist side ___________ side with modern buildings. A.into B.to C.of D.by 22、I don't like to read such books; besides, I _____________ the time. A.have B.don't have C.have no D.am not having 23、In ancient times people used to _____________ that the earth was flat. A.think B.thinking C.thought D.thinks 24、This product is excellent: it is of the highest ______________. A.qualify B.quality C.quantity D.quantify 25、He would rather __________ his opportunity to study abroad than leave the research unfinished. A.make up B.take up C.give up D.put out 26、Richard went to the shop because he ___________a suit for his job interview. A.need to buy B.needed to buy C.needed buy D.did need buy 27、Wet weather may __________ for a few more days. A.continued B.continual C.continue D.continuous 28、This song reminds me __________ France during the Revolution. A.to B.of C.in D.on 29、She was about to leave ___________ the telephone rang. A.when B.at the same time C.while D.since 30、Sandy could do nothing but ____________ to his teacher that he was wrong. A.admit B.admitted C.admitting D.to admit 31、The floor __________ washing every Monday. A.demands B.requires C.asks D.requests 32、I'll talk to you about it ___________ when you are free. A.some time B.sometimes C.sometime D.other time 33、The girl often spends a lot of time ___________ herself. A.to dress B.dressing C.dress D.dresses 34、I'm afraid your bike is ___________ the way. Would you mind taking it away? A.by B.in C.on D.at 35、A computer can only do ___________ you instruct it to do. A.how B.after C.what D.when

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