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仁爱英语八年级上册第二单元unit2 topic 2 课文知识点讲解

Section A


1. I watched a soccer game last night and went to bed very late. 昨天晚上我在电视上看了场足球赛,很晚才上床睡觉。

watch 主要用于观看电视节目、球赛、游戏和话剧等。如:

We watched a play in the theater yesterday. 昨天我们在剧院看了一场话剧。

【辨析】(1)read 主要用于读书、看报等。如:

My mother likes reading newpapers. 我妈妈喜欢看报纸。

(2)see 和watch 有相似之处,用于观看比赛、电视节目、演出、电影等。但see主要强调看的结果。



Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。

2. Staying up late is bad for your health. 熬夜很晚对你的健康不利。

(1) stay up 熬夜, 如:we stayed up until midnight to see the New Year coming.

(2)在这里staying up 是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。有时候动名词也可作主语。如:

Dancing is fun. 跳舞是一种乐趣。

Smoking is bad for you. 吸烟对你有害。

(3) be good /bad for 对……有益/害。如:

Walking is good for our health.散步对我们的健康有益。

3. I must have a good rest. 我必须好好休息。


(1).must表示主观看法,意为“必须、一定”。如:You must stay here until I come back.在我回来之前你必须呆在这儿。Must I hand in my homework right now?我必须现在交作业吗?

(2)其否定形式mustn’t表示“一定不要” “千万别” “禁止,不许”.如:You mustn’t

play with fire. 你不许玩火。You mustn’t be late.你一定不要迟到。

(3)对must引导的疑问句,肯定回答为must,否定回答为needn’t 或don’t have to .如:—Must I finish my homework?我现在必须完成作业吗?—No, you needn’t.不,你不必。

(4)must表示有把握的推测,用于肯定句。如: The light is on, so he must be at home now.灯亮着,他现在肯定在家。

(5)must 可以用来表示肯定的推测其否定形式为can’t. 如:

The light isn’t on, so he can’t be at home now.灯没有亮,他肯定不在家。

4. Put litter into the dustbin. 把垃圾放入垃圾箱。


(2)put into 把...放入...

5.Doing morning exercises every day. 每天早上做早操。

exercise 是“体操,操练”,是可数名词,故加s。如:Doing eye exercises is good for our eyes.


Swimming is good health. 游泳时有益的活动。

6. Keeping fingernails long. 留长指甲。

keep 是英语中用法灵活的动词之一,学过的用法归纳如下:


Please keep quiet / silent! 请保持安静!

After the accident, he still kept alive. 这次事故之后,他仍然活着。


1. 保管;保存;保留。如:

Keep the change. 零钱不用找了。

Please keep these things for me while I am away. 在我离开期间,请你替我保管这些东西。

2. 赡养;饲养。如:

Does he earn enough to keep himself and his family? 他的收入够养活他自己和他的家人吗?

I used to keep sheep in my childhood. 我在孩提时常常养羊。

3. 经营。如:

Her father kept a grocer's shop for a number of years. 她父亲开了几年杂货店。

4. 坚持;继续。后面如接动词,要用V-ing 形式作宾语。如:

If you keep (on) practising your spoken English, you'll soon make great progress. 如果你坚持练习英语口语,你很快就会取得很大的进步。

5. 阻止;阻碍。常用于keep sb/sth from doing sth 结构中,其中介词from 不能省略。如:

The heavy rain didn't keep them from watching the football match. 大雨没能阻止他们观看足球赛。

6. 保持。其后常接复合宾语,表示使(某人或某物)保持某种状态或使某一动作继续。

① keep + sb/sth + 介词。如:

If your hands are cold, keep them in your pockets.


② keep + sb/sth + 形容词。如:

These gloves will keep your hands warm. 这种手套保暖好。

It will keep you active during the day. 它会使你一天保持活力。(后面课本会出现)

③ keep +sb/sth + 副词。如:

The cold weather kept us indoors.


④ keep + sb/sth + V-ing 形式,表示“让某人/ 某物一直……”,强调动作的持续性。如:

I'm sorry I've kept you waiting. 很抱歉,让你久等了。

⑤ keep + sb/sth + V-ed 形式,表示“让某人/ 某物一直被……”,宾语是V-ed


She kept her eyes shut and stayed where she was.


7. 构成的其它动词短语有:

keep a record (保持记录),keep apart (把……分开),keep back one's tears (忍住眼泪),keep in touch (with) (保持与……的联系),keep out (of) (把……关在外面),keep up (保持;使……不能入睡),keep one's / an eye on (照管,密切注视),keep away (from) (离开;不接近;戒除),keep in mind (牢记),keep one's word (遵守诺言),keep pace/step with (跟上……的步伐),keep up with (与……同步;跟上)等。

7. Don’t throw litter around. 不要到处扔垃圾。

throw around 到处扔,如:throw litter around= throw around litter (litter是名词,即可以放后也可以放中间,但代词只能放中间,如:throw it around )

8.Washing hands before meals. 饭前洗手。

(1)meal 餐、一顿饭。如:

Lunch is his main meal of the day. 午餐是他的正餐。

(2)before meals 饭前。Before 意为“在....之前”,为介词,其后接名词、代词、或名词短语,也可接时间。

9. going to school without breakfast 不吃早饭去上学。

without “没有/缺乏 ” 反义词是with 后面跟名词、代词、动名词,一起构成介词短语,常用语句末作状语。如:

I went shopping without taking my son. 我去购物没带我女儿。

e.g. I like coffee _______ _______.我喜欢不加糖(sugar)的咖啡。

China is a country ________a long history. 中国是个有悠久历史的国家。

【链接】without 反义词为with , 意为“有”。如:

The girl with long hair is my sister. 留长发的那个女孩是我的姐姐。

Section B

1. You’d better not read in the sun. 你最好不要再阳光下读书。

in the sun 在阳光下(此处不能用under the sun )

you’d better do sth 最好做某事you’d better not do sth最好不要做某事

2. Yes, he thinks smoking can help him relax. 是的,他认为吸烟帮助他放松。情态动词can表示能力,意为“能、会”的意思。可与be able to互换。两者表示能力时用法相同,但can只有原形“can”和过去式“could”两种形式,在其他时态中要用be able to来表示。另外be able to常常指经过努力,花费了时间和劳力之后才能做到某事。如:Jim can’t speak English.吉姆不会说英语。He could speak English at 5.他五岁时就会说英语。We’ll be able to see him next week.下星期我们将会见到他。He has been able to drive.他已经会开车了。I’m sure you’ll be able to finish it quickly.我相信你能迅速地完成。We were able to reach the top of the mountain at noon.我们能在中午到达山顶。

【链接】(1)can和may均可用来征求意见或许可,意为“可以”,在口语中can 代替may。如:Can/ May I help you ? 我能帮助你吗?


Can it be true? 那会是真的吗?

3. Look, the article says smoking is bad for our lungs and it can even cause cancer. 看,文章上说抽烟对我们的肺有害,它甚至能导致癌症。

(1)say 在此处指书面材料,文字记载上的“说”,表示文字材料或可见的东西提供信息、指示等均可用say 。如:the guidebook say we should turn left. 旅游指南上说我们应向左拐。

(2)cause 这个词有两种词性,在此处是动词。


1)接名词:cause an accident/trouble/death/a fire/a serious illness/damage引起事


2)接双宾语:cause sb.pain/trouble/damage给某人带来痛苦/麻烦/损害

3)接复合宾语:cuase sb. to do sth使某人做某事

The sound caused me to jump back. 那声音吓得我向后退。


You have no cause to cry. 你没理由哭。

4. I must ask him to give up smoking. 我必须让他放弃吸烟。

give up (doing) sth. 意为"放弃(做某)事"。如:

Jim is not good at Chinese and he wants to give it up. 吉姆语文学不好,他想放弃了。

5. May I borrow your newspaper and show it to my father? 我能借借你的报纸给我父亲看吗?

(1).表示请求、许可,比can正式,如:May I borrow your bike?我可以借你

的自行车吗?You may go home now.现在你可以回家了。

(2) .表示推测,谈论可能性,意为“可能,或许”,一般用于肯定句中。如:It may rain tomorrow .明天可能会下雨。She may be at home.她可能在家呢.

(3)can和may均可用来征求意见或许可,意为“可以”,在口语中can代替may,而may 更正式一些。


①. 首先,看看这个词:borrow, 向他人借东西,一般这样来用:borrow something from somebody:

May I borrow your magazine for a while? 我能借你的杂志一会儿吗?

②. lend: vt. & vi.把…借给(借出去)

Can you lend me 10 dollars? 能借给我10块钱吗?

6. Drink enough water every day. 每天喝足够的水。



He has enough money to buy a car.


We have time enough to get to the airport.



